• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,638 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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Flash V Shining: Rematch Time

Codex was in a frenzy.

It had been one week since the defeat of WarGrowlmon and the saving of the Digital World. One week since Shining Armor had challenged Flash Sentry to a battle. All over the foyer, the place was packed. Every player in Codex was waiting for the battle to begin.

Flash's friends had managed to nab the best seats in the house, all of them excited to see how this battle would turn out. "Come on," Sunset groaned. "How much longer are we gonna have to wait?"

"I'm sure they're almost ready," Twilight assured her. "This is one of the biggest battles they've ever had. Probably the biggest for Flash. They're both gonna wanna make sure they're completely ready."

"I hope so," Rainbow smirked. "I want this battle to be the best one ever. With how pumped everyone is, anything else is gonna be a let down." The others nodded, as they waited for the battle to begin.

As they did, Twilight remembered the entire week leading to this. Every day, Flash and Veemon had been working hard to get ready for this. They trained like crazing, with all of their Digivolutions. They even went into the Digital World, to train in a real environment. And that had revealed a slight problem.

Flash and Veemon couldn't Mega Digivolve. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get past Ultimate Level.

To say they were annoyed by this was an understatement, but everyone told them it made sense. Getting to Mega wasn't easy and with how intense the battle was when they Mega Digivolved, it was likely they had only managed it thanks to their survival instincts. They still held the distinction of being the first team to ever reach Mega. And that was something they would always be remembered for.

As they waited for the match to start, everyone wondered how Flash and Shining were feeling. Shining was no doubt ready to battle and see how strong Flash was. But Flash and Veemon were probably feeling nervous as heck.

Within the Beta-Stadium, Flash and Veemon were standing side by side.

Flash placed his Digivice on the podium and with a few swipes, multiple Digimon appeared around them. Flamedramon, Raidramon, Depthmon, Veedramon, ExVeemon and Strikedramon. Their Champion Level scans stood around them, with BurningGreymon, KendoGarurumon, AeroVeedramon, Paildramon, Wingdramon, Cyberdramon and the rest of their Ultimate Forms behind the Champions. And finally, Imperialdramon, UlforceVeedramon and all the other Megas they could become appeared.

Flash and Veemon looked at all the Digimon they had used in battle, both inside and outside the Codex Arenas. As they did, they remembered each and every battle they had fought to get to this point.

"This is it, Veemon." Flash turned to his partner. "I know the chances of us winning this fight are slim. But still..."

"Let's fight with everything we've got," Veemon cheered. "Last time you fought him, you went up against Shining Armor alone. That's not gonna happen this time."

Flash smiled. "You're right." He held his fist up. "Let's go show the Digital World why we're the Ultimate Team." Veemon cheered and bumped his fist, the pair grabbing their Digivice and heading out.

In another area of the Beta-Stadium, Shining and Monodramon watched a replay of one of Flash's battles.

UlforceVeedramon ducked under a SkullMammothmon's trunk and stabbed his sword into the Mega, destroying it and claiming victory as the battlefield dissolved. "Flash has really come a long way." It felt like only yesterday, when Shining was saving Flash and Veemon from the horde of Tyrannomon.

"Did you know?" Monodramon asked. "When you met him, did you know he would get this far?"

"Honestly, I just thought he was a kid with a lot of potential." Shining removed his Digivice. "But then he kept overcoming challenge after challenge. Even when he fell, he was able to get back up and fight harder than ever. He's got the strength to overcome any obstacle. Again and again, he does the impossible." He smirked, "I wanna see just how far he can push that talent of his." With that, he and Monodramon turned to leave.

It wasn't just Codex that was tuned in to watch the fun.

In their temple, Azulongmon, Magnadramon and Goldramon were watching a digital screen that the Codex Commanders had tuned up for them. Leomon and a few other Digimon were also watching, excited to see how well these two heroes of their war would do against each other.

"You can do this," Goldramon told Flash. "Just believe in yourself."

"Flash and Veemon stand on the prefaces of greatness," Leomon stated. "If they can win this battle, their strength might very well have no equal."

"That very well may be needed," Azulongmon stated. "I sense that the Digital World is far from safe. We may have defeated WarGrowlmon, but there are other threats out there. And we will need all the power we can get in order to protect the Digital World from it." They all frowned, wondering what kind of threat he could be sensing.

In another part of the Digital World, the Royal Knights sat in their throne room.

Said knights were also watching the screens, eager to see how strong Flash and Veemon had become. "Do you think they'll use it?" UlforceVeedramon asked. "The scan they acquired of the creator?"

"We've yet to determine if that really is the same Digimon," Craniamon pointed out. "I do hope they use it, just so we can see whether or not it is the real thing." The other knights nodded, also hoping to see the infamous scan that had saved Flash and his friends a week ago.

In his newly repaired lab, Datamon was also watching.

He glanced between the screen tuned into Codex, and another screen that showed an image of ExVeemon. Said image had several mechanical parts surrounding him, each one with a line pointing to an area of the Digimon's body.

As he looked over the data he had, he hummed at the thought of what he might learn from this battle. "Maybe it'll give me the key I need to figuring this out."

Flash and Veemon walked towards the room they had booked for this battle. And as they did, Flash was overwhelmed with memories.

Memories of his first day in Codex, meeting Veemon and battling as a Digimon for the first time. Memories of meeting all his friends, like Sandal, Trixie, Thorax and Twilight. Good memories, like when they explored the Digital World and had fun. Bad memories, like losing Veemon to Jet Set or being imprisoned by Hudiemon. And memories of all the difficult battles they had been through.

They had almost been deleted so many times, but each time they had come out the other side stronger and ready to fight again. And now, they faced their biggest test yet.

They arrived at the room and stepped inside, finding Shining and Monodramon waiting for them. The player's eyes locked, Flash showing a serious expression whilst shining smiled. "I hope you're ready."

"Oh," Flash smirked, "we're ready."

"Good," Monodramon smiled. "You've fought a lot of powerful opponents in your time. But they're nothing compared to us. If you wanna win, you're gonna have to bring your A game."

"A, B and C Games are all with us!" Veemon cried, as they placed their Digivices into the Podiums.

As they did, the electronic voice spoke up. "Flash Sentry. Shining Armor. You are here to compete in a Beta Stadium Battle. And, by special request, this battle will have certain rule changes."

"Rule changes?" Flash hadn't heard anything about that.

"It's just one rule that's changed," Shining replied. "You're gonna have the same number of Securities as me."

"What?" Flash hadn't been expecting this. "Why? I don't need your charity."

"This isn't charity," Shining smirked. "I want to see everything you have. I don't want this win to happen just because I have more Securities than you. We're going into this on an even footing. Unless you're scared of facing me like an equal?"

Flash smirked, "bring it." The two set their Digivices and started building their decks, the two carefully deciding which Digimon they would use.

"What do you think they're gonna pick?" Applejack asked Twilight.

The girl hummed as she watched them work. "Honestly, I don't know. Flash's best Digimon is Imperialdramon. But that locks him into a pretty predictable Digivolution line. If he wants to surprise Shining, he might make it look like he's going for Imperialdramon but then switch to an entirely different Digimon."

"What about Shining?" Trixie asked, "you think he's gonna use Monodramon's normal line?"

"He said he wanted to see everything Flash had," Micro pointed out. "It would make sense he'd pick his strongest Digimon to do that with." The two finished building their decks, everyone turning their attention back to the battle.

"Shining Armor, you have been randomly selected to choose the battlefield you wish to compete on."

"Alright then," Shining opened the location scans. Flash expected him to go with the Rose Morning Star Castle, likely to see how much better Flash actually was. But instead, Shining chose something else. "Brave Forest!" Flash's eyes went wide, as that location was locked in. "The area where we first met. And the area you had your first battle in. Let's see how much you've improved since then."

Flash smirked, "lets."

"When both players are ready, hit the start button."

The pair glanced down at their partners, who nodded back up at them before the two slammed on the buttons. "LET'S GET DIGITAL!" As the battlefield began to form, Monodramon and Veemon leapt up and gave their partners a high-five. This caused them to merge into one Digimon, Veemon and Monodramon staring each other down as the battlefield formed.

In the blink of an eye, the pair were in the forest. Flash saw he was in the exact same spot he had arrived in during his first battle, with Monodramon standing right in front of him. "Let's do this," the purple rookie stated before charging forward.

Veemon: 7-100%
Monodramon: 7-100%

"Beat Knuckle!" He leapt forward and tried to slash at Veemon, but the Rookie leapt back and did several flips before landing.

"My turn!" Veemon spat a bunch of energy into his hand, "Vee-Shot!" Throwing it like a fast ball, the energy ball shot towards Monodramon and slammed into him before he could react. To everyone's amazement, Flash had drawn first blood.

Veemon: 7-100%
Monodramon: 7-80%

As Monodramon staggered back, Veemon launched himself forward and tried to throw a punch his way. But Monodramon wasn't gonna let him get two attacks in on him. So he quickly caught Veemon by the arm and threw him over his shoulder, Veemon crying out as he was sent flying and smashed into a tree.

"Augh!" He cried, hitting the bark with enough force to break it.

Veemon: 7-90%
Monodramon: 7-80%

Veemon groaned as he fell to the ground, hitting head as he landed. "Ouch." He quickly opened his eyes and saw Monodramon charging, the blue dragon yelping as he spun around and leapt away.

"Oh no you don't!" Monodramon leapt into the air and glided through it, catching up to Veemon as flames filled his mouth. "Fire Breath!" He launched the flamethrower at Veemon, who barely had any time to raise his arms to protect himself.

The flames slammed into him and he was knocked backwards, his life points burning away as he fell to the ground.

Veemon: 7-70%
Monodramon: 7-80%

Veemon groaned as he pushed himself up, whilst Monodramon landed and got ready to strike again. But Veemon managed to spin his body around and dodge his claws, eventually making it back to his feet. The pair stared one another down before both getting into a fighting stance, the two looking like they were about to brawl.

And they did, both charging forward before throwing punches, kicks and slashes towards one another. Both tried to block or dodge the attacks, but every now and then one managed to land on the target. "Ahhh!" Monodramon cried, getting punched in the face. But he quickly recovered and spun around to slam his foot into Veemon's chest.

"Gyah!" He cried, but then grabbed the foot and pulled it close, allowing him to deal a punch square into Monodramon's jaw.

The two kept fighting like this for a while, eventually hitting each other and staggering back panting.

Veemon: 7-35%
Monodramon: 7-50%

Veemon leaned against a tree, catching his breath whilst Monodramon breathed in. "Fire Breath!" The fire stream shot towards Veemon and he narrowly managed to duck under it, the flames slamming into the tree and making it catch fire.

But before it could completely burn up, Veemon pressed his feet against it and pushed himself off with all his strength. "Vee-Headbutt!" He rocketed across the battlefield and smashed into Monodramon, hitting him with every ounce of power he had in his tiny body.

"AUGH!" Monodramon was knocked flying backwards, crashing into another tree with enough force to break it apart.

Veemon: 7-35%
Monodramon: 7-20%

In Codex, everyone cheered. The fact that Flash was able to get such a powerful hit on Shining, was something to behold.

"Go Flash!" Rainbow cheered, as they watched Monodramon pick himself up. And as Veemon charged in to do more damage, Monodramon kicked a bunch of wood in his direction before leaping into the air.

"What's he doing?" Sandal asked, as Veemon was forced to stop and protect his eyes from the wood.

"Fire Breath!" They heard Monodramon cry out, unleashing a burst of flames that hit the ground and ignited the grass. This created a wall of fire, that prevented Veemon from following as Monodramon disappeared into the forest.

"Got him running scared," Grubmon laughed.

"Shining doesn't get scared," Thorax pointed out. "He's getting to a location he can turn the tables on Flash in." The flames finally died down, allowing Veemon to run through it after Monodramon.

"This isn't good," Veemon gulped.

"Yeah," Flash nodded. "If Shining finds someplace he can get the upper hand in, we're gonna be in serious trouble." He looked around, checking the ground from tracks or any sign Monodramon had come this way. "Where are you?"

"Beat Knuckle!" He spun around and heard the cracking sound of wood, which made him look up and see a tree falling towards him.

He gasped and leapt to the side, the tree crashing down next to him. He then tripped over a root and went rolling out of control. He cried out as he rolled and rolled, eventually slamming into a tree at the bottom of a hill. "Ow."

Veemon: 7-25%
Monodramon: 7-20%

Monodramon then appeared and glided towards him, as Veemon picked himself up. "Fire Breath!" He launched another burst of fire and it shot down towards Veemon, slamming into him and exploding to knock him back.

Veemon: 7-5%
Monodramon: 7-20%

As Veemon hit the ground, Monodramon jumped over at a tree and slammed his foot into it with all his strength. Doing so caused something to fall out of the branches, a blue coin that Monodramon crushed in his fingers.

Veemon cried, as he picked himself up. As he did, Monodramon turned to him and started cracking his knuckles. Veemon stood tall and looked around, a light then catching his eyes and making him carefully glance around to see a Digivolution Coin.

Monodramon hadn't noticed it yet, giving Veemon the chance he needed. He just had to get over to it without Monodramon noticing. "Vee-Shot!" He created the energy ball and fired it, Monodramon leaping up so the sphere shot under him. It then slammed into a tree and caused the bottom to blow up, making it tip over and fall towards the ground.

Monodramon was still in the air when this happened, so couldn't move in time to avoid the tree slamming down on him.

He cried out, as the tree pushed him down towards the ground. As he was buried under a bunch of branches, Veemon ran around him and rushed towards the Digivolution Coin. "Fire Breath!" He glanced back to see the tree burst into flames, Monodramon flying out of it.

He spotted the Digivolution Coin and used a tree to shoot off and glide towards it and Veemon, with the blue dragon leaping forward and grabbing the coin. Seconds later, Monodramon slammed into his and slashed at his back. "Augh!"

Veemon: 7-0%
Monodramon: 7-20%

Monodramon kicked away from Veemon, who started swinging his arms around wildly to try and hit him. As the purple dragon Digimon flew to a safe distance, Veemon started spitting out Vee-Shots and throwing them.

Monodramon leapt away, avoiding the explosions and the falling trees. And eventually, Veemon ran out of SP. "Alright!" He ran towards the area of knocked over trees, jumping onto a pile of logs as Monodramon watched. "Plenty of room to spread my wings." With that, his body exploded with light and started growing. "Veemon, Digivolve to..." He grew massive and spread the newly forming wings, as he leapt off the ground and the light exploded to reveal his Champion form. "EXVEEMON!"

Monodramon smirked, Shining and his partner watching as ExVeemon took to the air. "I knew he'd pick ExVeemon," Shining stated. "And I bet I know what the rest of his deck uses."

"We're going up against the creator of the Royal Knights," Monodramon stated. "This is gonna be fun." Shining nodded, as ExVeemon crossed his arms over his chest.

"Vee Laser!" The beam exploded off his chest and shot down towards Monodramon, who ran off to try and avoid the blast. It struck the ground and caused it to explode, sending dirt, rocks and trees flying everywhere.

Monodramon did his best to avoid the debris, but was struck by some of the smaller pieces and flinched.

ExVeemon: 6-100%
Monodramon: 7-5%

As smoke and dust filled the battlefield, ExVeemon watched from on high as he waited for Monodramon to appear.

Part of him wanted to unleash another blast and keep Monodramon on the defensive, but also knew he had to save as much SP as possible. "Where are you?" He got his answer when a fireball came shooting out of the trees and almost hit him, ExVeemon pulling to the side in order to avoid getting burned. "Nice try!" He flew down towards the tree and slammed his fist into the ground, sending out a shockwave that sent several trees flying.

But before the trees could be ripped out of the ground, Monodramon leapt out of another one and landed on the back of his head. "Gotcha!"

"Not for long!" ExVeemon leapt into the air, flying in a circle as he tried to dislodge Monodramon.

But the Rookie was able to hold on and unleashed a fire ball, hitting ExVeemon on the back of his head.

ExVeemon: 6-85%
Monodramon: 7-5%

ExVeemon finally reached back and grabbed Monodramon, pulling him off and throwing him towards the ground. But as he fell, Monodramon spotted something and smiled as he opened his wings. He glided down and ExVeemon saw a Digivolution Coin had been revealed, either by his laser or his punch.

"Vee Laser!" The beam shot from his chest and flew down towards Monodramon, who saw it coming and did a barrel roll before the laser shot past him. It hit the ground and exploded, Monodramon tucking his wings in and diving into the shockwave.

The explosion slammed into him and the force slowed him down, but didn't blow him away. And as it did, he was struck by a piece of rock. "Augh!"

ExVeemon: 6-85%
Monodramon: 7-0%

He flew out of the explosion and spread his wings, flying down and landed before running towards the Digivolution Coin.

He grabbed hold of it, as ExVeemon flew down and slammed his fist into the ground. And the resulting shockwave knocked Monodramon backwards, causing him to crash through a tree.

ExVeemon: 6-85%
Monodramon: 6-90%

As ExVeemon pulled his fist out of the ground, Monodramon picked himself up. "You really have gotten a lot stronger," he told the Champion. "All you've been through. All the trials you've faced. They've helped you grow into a battler worthy of respect."

ExVeemon smiled, "thanks."

"But you've still got a long way to go," Monodramon stated. "Now show you can keep pushing forward." He charged, "DEFEAT ME!" His body exploded with light, as he grew larger and body powerful. "Monodramon, Digivolve to..." The light exploded off of him, revealing his Champion form. "STRIKEDRAMON!"

ExVeemon gasped as Strikedramon flew forward and slashed at him, the Digimon leaping back and avoiding his claws. "Vee Laser!" He fired the beam right at Strikedramon, but the Champion Digimon managed to avoid it with ease and leapt into the air before it hit the ground.

When it did hit the ground and exploded, the force slammed into Strikedramon and propelled him upwards at a higher speed. "Strike Claw!" He reached ExVeemon and slashed at him, ExVeemon roaring in pain.

ExVeemon: 6-65%
Strikedramon: 6-90%

ExVeemon was blown backwards, as Strikedramon fell towards the ground. The flightless Champion landed atop a tree, as ExVeemon flew up higher.

"He's gonna Digivolve to Cyberdramon eventually," Flash told his partner. "So we need to take advantage of our aerial advantage for as long as we can."

"But we can't keep using Vee Laser," Veemon pointed out. "You're already starting to run low on SP."

Flash smirked, "that's why I added this to our deck." ExVeemon raised his left arm, as it was suddenly enveloped with light. "Battle Gear...BOOST!" His arm extended and gained edged on the top and bottom, the light fading to reveal a round cannon arm similar to one belonging to a RizeGreymon. The only difference was this weapon was round and had a pair of single edged swords running up the top and bottom of the barrel. "Razor Cannon!"

Strikedramon smirked, as he watched ExVeemon point the weapon towards him. "Not bad."

"Fire!" The weapon launched a blue laser at Strikedramon, who leapt off the tree seconds before it was vaporised. Strikedramon leapt onto another tree before leaping off it, that tree getting blasted as well.

Everyone watched as ExVeemon continued to blast away, forcing Strikedramon on the defensive. "Flash is gonna toast him," Rainbow cried.

"I don't think so," Twilight shook her head. "I've seen him practise with that weapon. He can only fire it a certain number of times before it needs to cool down." And sure enough, the laser stopped with ExVeemon looking it over. "See."

"I doubt that's gonna stop him," Applejack pointed out. And sure enough, the blue dragon flew down towards Strikedramon.

ExVeemon swung the weapon around, slashing at Strikedramon and forcing him to leap up to avoid it.

"Vee Laser!" He then unleashed the beam from his chest, which slammed into Strikedramon and made him roar as he was blown back. He slammed into a tree and smashed through it, then slammed into another tree and fell to the ground.

ExVeemon: 6-65%
Strikedramon: 6-60%

As Strikedramon landed, ExVeemon flew down and prepared to attack again. But Strikedramon pushed himself to his feet and raised his claws, as they, his back fur and the rest of his armor burst into blue fire. "Strike Fang!" He caught the sword in his grip and held on tight, then pushed the blade back up before leaping forward and slashing at ExVeemon.

The Champion roared, as he was knocked backwards.

ExVeemon: 6-40%
Strikedramon: 6-60%

As ExVeemon staggered back, Strikedramon snarled and roared before charging again. From experience, Flash could tell Shining was having trouble keeping himself from losing control. He reached ExVeemon and slashed again, but the dragon blocked with his sword.

ExVeemon then pushed him back and slashed at him, Strikedramon growling as he was knocked back.

ExVeemon: 6-40%
Strikedramon: 6-45%

As he hit the ground, ExVeemon pointed the weapon at Strikedramon and fired a quintet of shots. Strikedramon charged, his claws still burning as he swung them around. The first four lasers were deflected by his slashes, but the fifth one slammed into him. And as he fought through it, he was burned. But he still managed to get close to ExVeemon and slashed at him.

ExVeemon: 6-25%
Strikedramon: 6-30%

ExVeemon once again took to the air, aiming his weapon at Strikedramon. But the flames from his attack finally died down and he was starting to get some of his sense back, at least enough to know to dodge the incoming attacks. ExVeemon kept trying to follow him, waiting until he stopped before firing.

But as Strikedramon moved, Monodramon suggested something and Shining nodded. "Let's go." He reached an open area, "Battle Gear...BOOST!" A light flew off of him and took shape, becoming almost as large as he was. And as Strikedramon leapt towards it, the light vanished and revealed a machine they had seen Fumamon ride during the battle. "Sky Cycle!"

"What the?" ExVeemon hadn't been expecting that, Strikedramon revving the engine as the floating bike hovered off the ground and shot forward. ExVeemon fired at it, but the bike was too fast and his attack missed.

"Now this is the type of heavy machinery I can get behind!" Strikedramon pulled on the bike and it took to the air, propelling him upwards towards ExVeemon. And as he flew forwards, part of the bike opened up and revealed a bunch of lasers.

"Uh oh," ExVeemon gulped. The next thing he knew, the lasers were flying towards him.

He roared as he tried to protect himself, but the beams slammed into him and he flinched. The attacks weren't too dangerous, but they were still doing a little bit of damage that built up.

ExVeemon: 6-0%
Strikedramon: 6-30%

As his Security shattered, ExVeemon had had enough and swung his Battle Gear around. The force of the swing sent a blade of air towards Strikedramon, causing his bike to go out of control for a moment. And as he worked to get it back under control, ExVeemon fired his Battle Gear.

Not wanting his bike to get damaged, Strikedramon swung it around and slammed his claw into the oncoming laser. As it exploded, he flinched as ExVeemon charged forward.

ExVeemon: 5-100%
Strikedramon: 6-15%

ExVeemon swung his sword at the bike, but Strikedramon swerved around and dodged it. He got behind ExVeemon and fired, his lasers hitting the Champion in the back before he spun around and blocked with his Battle Gear.

ExVeemon: 5-80%
Strikedramon: 6-15%

ExVeemon swung his sword around again, Strikedramon dodging, but this time he also swung his tail around and crashed it into the bike. This sent it spinning out of control, allowing ExVeemon to point his weapon at the bike and fire.

"Augh!" Strikedramon growled, as the beam slammed into his side and knocked him out of control again.

ExVeemon: 5-80%
Strikedramon: 6-0%

Strikedramon managed to pull his bike back under control, then put it into high gear and shot back towards ExVeemon. The blue dragon pointed his Battle Gear at the Digimon, only for Strikedramon to suddenly swerve and fly in an opposite direction.

ExVeemon tried to follow, but the bike flew in a bunch of different directions to keep him from locking onto his exact location. And as ExVeemon felt himself getting a little dizzy, Strikedramon appeared behind him and leapt off the bike.

"What's he doing?" Thorax cried, as Strikedramon flew towards ExVeemon.

"He's taking Flash by surprise," Twilight realised.

"Look out!" Pinkie screamed, as ExVeemon finally sensed his presence and spun around. He tried to shield himself with his sword, but Strikedramon's feet caught onto the side of the barrel and he leapt upwards.

"Strike Claw!" He snarled, as he spun around and slashed at ExVeemon's face.

ExVeemon: 5-60%
Strikedramon: 5-100%

Strikedramon then kicked off and flew backwards, landing right where his bike had flown. He was able to grab onto the handles and get it revving again, allowing him to fly up and unleash a barrage of lasers on ExVeemon before he could recover.

"Gaaaah!" ExVeemon flinched, the lasers bouncing off his body feeling like a bunch of bee stings.

ExVeemon: 5-45%
Strikedramon: 5-100%

"RAAAAH!" ExVeemon flew forward and swung his blade around with everything he had, unleashing another air wave that pushed the bike out of control. And whilst Strikedramon was prepared this time, ExVeemon flew up towards him and slashed at the bike's engine.

The machine had a large gash ripped through it, causing it to spark and explode. Strikedramon was unable to bring it back under control and as he leapt off it, ExVeemon's chest glowed.

"VEE LASER!" The beam exploded off of him and shot towards Strikedramon, who tried to summon his Strike Fang fire but couldn't react in time.

"WOW!" He was slammed by the beam and pushed towards the ground, crashing through several trees as he was severally burned.

ExVeemon: 5-45%
Strikedramon: 5-50%

Strikedramon lay on the ground, surrounded by destroyed pieces of wood, whilst ExVeemon panted and felt his SP gauge drop to nothing. "That might of been a mistake."

"At least you got rid of the Battle Gear," Veemon pointed out. ExVeemon looked down and saw the bike had fallen to the ground, exploding when it crashed and leaving Strikedramon grounded.

"Yeah," Flash nodded. "Now let's go get him!" He dived and pointed his weapon towards Strikedramon, who picked himself up just in time to see a rain of lasers falling towards him.

"Oh, great!" He started jumping around, avoiding the lasers as best he could.

But as he dodged, he spotted something that made him smirk. But he didn't head towards it, instead leaping in the opposite direction and grabbing a tree, which he threw towards ExVeemon.

This forced the dragon to stop shooting, instead using the weapon's blade to cut and deflect the tree. But Strikedramon quickly started throwing more and more logs at him, forcing him to keep cutting. And when the last log was slashed out of the way, he turned his attention back to the ground. But he saw Strikedramon was gone.

"Where'd he go?" He considered blasting some of the surrounding trees, but didn't want to waste ammo. Instead, he flew down and landed. But that was a mistake.

"Strike Fang!" He spun around and saw Strikedramon explode out of the trees, his claws and hair aflame as he shot towards him. ExVeemon barely managed to block the first slash, though his weapon got severally cracked by the impact, but the second one got him right in the chest.


ExVeemon: 5-20%
Strikedramon: 5-50%

Strikedramon then leapt into the air, curling himself up to transform into a burning wheel of death. This, ExVeemon was able to counter by firing a beam straight at the attack.

The laser slammed into the wheel and burned Strikedramon, whilst ExVeemon leapt up and dodged.

ExVeemon: 5-20%
Strikedramon: 5-35%

The fire wheel smashed into the ground and exploded, sending debris flying everywhere. ExVeemon was able to dodge it, panting as he looked down at Strikedramon. And as the dust began to fade, the Champion was standing there looking no worse for wear.

"Geez. What does it take to make him stay down?"

"Hit him again?" Veemon cried, but Flash found their Battle Gear needed a cool down period.

ExVeemon was about to dive down and attack, but Strikedramon did something he wasn't expecting. He started glowing. "Strikedramon, Digivolve to..." He grew more bulky and a quartet of wings exploded out of his back, the Digimon leaping into the air as the light shot off of him. "CYBERDRAMON!"

"What the?" ExVeemon couldn't believe it, as Cyberdramon flew towards him and slashed at the Champion with his claws. "Wow!" He blocked with his Battle Gear, but the claws did some serious damage to it. "How did you Digivolve before me?"

Cyberdramon smirked. "When I was throwing those trees at you, I wasn't just trying to damage you. It was a distraction, so you wouldn't see me run into the trees."

ExVeemon caught on. "There was a Digivolution Coin there."

"That's right. My sneak attack after getting it was to keep you from getting suspicious. Remember what I taught you. Don't just go for the coins. Make your opponent see something else." He flew around ExVeemon, who started slashing wildly at the Ultimate in a hopes of getting a clean slash on him.

But Cyberdramon was just too fast, his strong yet lightweight armor making him almost impossible to hit. "Hold still!"

"Gladly!" Cyberdramon appeared before waiting his arms around, the spheres of energy appearing within them before he brought them together. "Desolation Claw!" He thrust the sphere forward, the orb shooting towards ExVeemon.

The dragon roared as he spun his sword around to block the attack, trying to slash through the orb. But as soon as the blade collided with the sphere, it exploded and ExVeemon was knocked backwards. "Gyah!" He fell towards the ground and crashed, slamming through several trees as he did so.

ExVeemon: 5-0%
Cyberdramon: 5-35%

Cyberdramon dived down towards him, his claws ready to slash at ExVeemon and deal some serious damage. But as he got in close, ExVeemon suddenly spun around and pointed his badly damaged weapon towards him. "FIRE!" He unleashed a beam with all his power towards Cyberdramon, slamming into him and pushing him backwards into the air.

ExVeemon: 4-100%
Cyberdramon: 5-10%

As Cyberdramon was blasted away, the Battle Gear began to crack and finally broke apart. ExVeemon could only watch, as his weapon fell to the ground and he was left unable to defend himself.

He picked himself up and started flying over the land, looking for the tell-tale signs of a Digivolution Coin. But as he did, he heard the rushing of water and flew over to the cliff where he had once defeated Golemon. Staring at it, he remembered how that battle had gone down. And as he played it backwards in his head, he and Veemon remembered something.

"This way!" He flew over the trees and eventually came to a stop where Gotsumon had found his Digivolution Coin. And sure enough, there it was. "Gotcha!" He flew down and as he reached for the coin, another sphere of energy flew down and crashed into him. "GYAH!"

ExVeemon: 4-75%
Cyberdramon: 5-10%

He fell forward, hitting the Digivolution Coin, and landed on the ground.

Above him, Cyberdramon flew down towards him. "Don't get distracted. That's the last thing you wanna do against an opponent." He got in close, as ExVeemon spun around.

"Vee LASER!" The beam exploded off his chest and slammed into Cyberdramon, blasting him back.

ExVeemon: 4-75%
Cyberdramon: 5-0%

As Cyberdramon fell to the ground, ExVeemon got up and leapt into the air. And as he did, the ghostly image of Stingmon appeared beside him. "Let's do this thing!" The image flew into him and he started glowing. "ExVeemon, DNA Digivolve to..." His body grew, as the armor formed around him along with a second set of wings. And when the light faded, the DNA Digimon stared down at Cyberdramon. "PAILDRAMON!"

Cyberdramon picked himself up and smiled. "Not bad." He leapt off the ground and flew up towards Paildramon, who quickly brought his weapons forward.

"Desperado Blaster!" The lasers flew off with incredible speed and slammed into Cyberdramon, exploding as each blast pushed him downwards.

Paildramon: 4-75%
Cyberdramon: 4-80%

As Cyberdramon was pushed down, Paildramon dived with his blades extending out of his gauntlets. "Sting Strike!" He thrust the blades forward, but Cyberdramon managed to avoid the attack and fly up.

"Raaaaah!" He threw a punch, right into Paildramon's chin.


Paildramon: 4-65%
Cyberdramon: 4-80%

Paildramon flew back and shook his head, as Cyberdramon charged and started slashing at him. But Paildramon managed to defend using his gauntlets, blocking each of his strikes and eventually slashing at Cyberdramon. "Augh!"

Paildramon: 4-65%
Cyberdramon: 4-65%

As Cyberdramon fell back, Paildramon thrust his claws forward. "Cable Catcher!" His claws shot forward and the metal chords quickly wrapped around Cyberdramon's body, locking his arms and wings to his side.

The Ultimate fought to try and free himself from the hold, but the cables refused to give way. And as Paildramon began to spin, he pulled Cyberdramon around and around.

"I'm getting dizzy just watching that," Fluttershy looked a little queasy.

"My brother won't let him hold onto him for that long," Twilight pointed out. Paildramon seemed to hear this and released Cyberdramon, causing the Ultimate to go flying off before crashing into the ground.

Paildramon: 4-65%
Cyberdramon: 4-55%

Despite being released, one cable remained wrapped around his leg. And as he was about to pick himself up, Paildramon retracted the cable and he was pulled towards him.

Cyberdramon tried to pull himself free, but the hold Paildramon had on him was too great.

By the time the cable unravelled from around his leg, the momentum was carrying him towards Paildramon at too great a speed. "Desperado Blaster!" He fired one of his hip blasters and Cyberdramon found himself flying into a barrage of laser blasters, making him cry out as he was knocked back toward the ground.

Paildramon: 4-65%
Cyberdramon: 4-30%

Cyberdramon spread his wings and came to a stop, hovering above the forest whilst Paildramon flew above him. The DNA Digimon's claws returned to their normal spots, allowing him to pull his second blaster around. "Think you can beat me so easily?"

Monodramon watched from within, remembering all the battles they had seen Paildramon fight in. "Despite how big he is, he's still really fast. Almost as fast as us."

"Almost," Shining agreed. "But almost, isn't enough." He shot forward and Paildramon fired his blasters, only for Cyberdramon to disappear in a blur.

"Where'd he go?" The dragon bug hybrid asked, only to feel a presence behind him. He spun around and sure enough, Cyberdramon was right there and threw a punch right into his face. "Augh!"

Paildramon: 4-55%
Cyberdramon: 4-30%

Cyberdramon pulled back and Paildramon shook his head before charging forward, slashing at Cyberdramon. But the Dragon Man Digimon was able to dodge his claw, then kicked his arm away before charging forward and punching him in the chest.

Paildramon: 4-45%
Cyberdramon: 4-30%

"Cable Catcher!" Paildramon fired his claws at Cyberdramon, but the smaller Ultimate was able to dodge and deflect each one. He charged at Paildramon, but the DNA Digimon flew straight up as the cables returned to him. Cyberdramon flew under him and he dived, trying to punch him from above.

Cyberdramon spun around and caught said punch before spinning through the air, using Paildramon's own momentum to send him flying towards the ground at high speed.

"WOW!" He cried, trying his best to spin around and land on his feet. But he only managed to get half way around and crashed into a bunch of trees on his back, crying out as he did so.

Paildramon: 4-35%
Cyberdramon: 4-30%

"Ow," Flash groaned as he tried to pick them up. "This isn't going too well."

"We're too big," Veemon pointed out. "This area was fine, back when we were small and could hide anywhere. But at this size, we can't do anything."

"And it's gonna get even worse when we get to Imperialdramon," Flash sighed. "That must be why Shining picked it. We're not gonna be able to use the terrain to our advantage this time." But then he thought about it and something clicked. "Or maybe we can."

"What do you mean?"

"Follow my lead." Paildramon lifted himself up and spread his wings, Cyberdramon preparing for a frontal assault. But then, the DNA Digimon shot forward along the ground and flew away from Cyberdramon.

"Where's he going?" Monodramon asked.

"He's up to something," Shining realised before chasing after them. With their higher speed, they were able to slowly close the gap as Paildramon headed over to the cliff area. The DNA Digimon stopped right next to the edge, looking over it at the raging water.

"This is your plan?" Veemon asked.

"Wait for it," Flash told him. He heard Cyberdramon coming at him and quickly spun around, "Cable Catcher!" His claws flew off and before Cyberdramon could react, they wrapped around him and tied him. "Time for a dip!" He leapt off the cliff and fell towards the water, retracting the cables back towards him as he did so.

The pair crashed into the water and Paildramon threw his opponent downwards, into the river.

Due to his size, the river came up to Paildramon's waist. He slammed his back against one side of the canyon and a foot against the other, so that the rushing water didn't push him away. But Cyberdramon didn't have that ability and found himself getting buffeted by the water.

The Dragon Man Digimon did his best to hold his breath, as he sank lower and lower. And eventually, Paildramon let him go and he was swept away. The DNA Digimon then leapt back up. "That should have been long enough."

"Long enough for what?" Veemon asked. "were you trying to drown him?"

"Nope." Paildramon shook his head, as the river exploded further down stream, as Cyberdramon shot towards him.

"Cyber Nails!" He slashed at Paildramon, the armored dragon raising his gauntlets to defend himself. "What was the point of that? If you were trying to drown me, you should have kept me under longer."

"I wasn't trying to drown you." Paildramon pushed Cyberdramon away before firing his Desperado Blasters, the lasers flying all around Cyberdramon. "A funny thing happens to leather when it gets wet and dries." Cyberdramon could feel the heat of the lasers, making his leather armor dry up.

Twilight gasped as she realised what Flash was doing. "Brilliant!"

"What?" Coronamon asked, "what did he do?" Paildramon's barrage ended and Cyberdramon charged forward, pulling his fist back. But as he did, they noticed his arms were moving slower than before. And when he threw his punch, the speed of it wasn't as fast.

Paildramon dodged the punch and flew up, thrusting his feet forward to slam into Cyberdramon.

Paildramon: 4-35%
Cyberdramon: 4-20%

"Leather becomes stiff and brittle when it dries out," Twilight explained. "Flash dunked Shining in the water and dried him out with his blasters, so the leather's bonds would constrict and make it harder to hit. Cyberdramon's leather armor is now slowing him down."

"Awesome," Rainbow cried.

"Write that down. Write that down!" They then heard a bunch of people crying out, as they hurriedly started taking notes about what they had just learned.

"I think Flash just gave away Shining's weakness," Tentomon pointed out.

"Someone was bound to figure that out eventually," Rarity argued. "Shining is the best player in Codex. It'll take more than a small weakness to make him become a target." They turned their attention back to the battle, as Cyberdramon picked himself up.

Shining frowned as he felt how stiff his leather armor was. In all his years in Codex, Shining had never had this issue before.

"Guess it's true. You're never too old to learn something new." He looked up and saw Paildramon, diving towards him with his Sting Strikers at the ready.

Cyberdramon used all his strength to leap back, but his stiffer legs meant he didn't go as far back as he'd hoped. He got far enough away from Paildramon, whose blade pierced the ground, whilst Cyberdramon began collecting energy. "Desolation Claw!" He merged the two spheres he made and fired them, slamming into Paildramon before the DNA Digimon could pull his blade out.


Paildramon: 4-10%
Cyberdramon: 4-20%

As Paildramon staggered back, Cyberdramon spread his wings and flew forward. His arms and legs might not be able to move as fast, but his wings were still working at one hundred percent. And as Paildramon regained his balance, Cyberdramon reached him and slashed at his chest. "Gyah!"

Paildramon: 4-0%
Cyberdramon: 4-20%

But as his Security broke, Paildramon quickly spun around and slammed his tail into Cyberdramon before the Ultimate could escape, knocking him flying backwards and crashing into a tree.

Paildramon: 3-100%
Cyberdramon: 4-5%

As Cyberdramon pushed himself up, a light caught his attention and made him glance over and see a Digivolution Coin. And Once again, Paildramon failed to notice it due to his height. "We've gotta be careful," Monodramon told Shining. "If we rush at it, Paildramon will see us and might use his Cable Catcher on us."

"You're right," Shining nodded. "Time for a diversion." He pushed himself up as Paildramon flew up, pulling out his Desperado Blasters.

Cyberdramon turned to the tree he had smashed into and used his claws to tear through its trunk, then swung the tree around and threw it right at Paildramon. The Ultimate destroyed it with his blasters, but noticed Cyberdramon had disappeared once again.

"Not this time." He started firing at the trees and destroyed them, revealing Cyberdramon hidden within it. Paildramon glanced around, trying to spot the coin he had obviously seen. But he couldn't. "It's somewhere there." He flew down and before Cyberdramon could get too far, he thrust his claws forward. "Cable Catcher!" The claws shot forward and wrapped around the Ultimate, Cyberdramon crying out as he was caught.

Paildramon then threw him away, Cyberdramon crying out as he was sent rolling through the air in the opposite direction. Paildramon let him go and turned his attention in the direction Cyberdramon was going, whilst Cyberdramon smashed into a tree.

Paildramon: 3-100%
Cyberdramon: 4-0%

But as Paildramon looked around, he saw no sign of the Digivolution Coin or any other coin. "Why would he come this way if there wasn't...he was tricking me." Paildramon turned, just in time to hear Cyberdramon cry out.

"Desolation Claw!" The sphere fired at him and exploded against his chest, blasting Paildramon back.

Paildramon: 3-80%
Cyberdramon: 3-100%

As Paildramon slammed into the ground, Cyberdramon turned to the coin Paildramon had unknowingly thrown him towards. "You've grown a lot since our last battle. But you've still got a ways to go." He grabbed the coin and crushed it, the energy flowing into him as he turned towards Paildramon. "Now, let's see how well you do against this opponent."

"Not good," Paildramon picked himself up and Cyberdramon leapt into the air.

As he did, his body was surrounded by light and began to change. "Cyberdramon, Mega Digivolve to..." His body became more streamlined, as his wings disappeared and his right arm grew bulkier. And when the light faded, it revealed the Mega Level hero of justice. "JUSTIMON!"

Paildramon watched, as the Mega Digimon floated down and landed atop one of the trees.

"This is bad," Veemon cried. Flash had to agree, as Justimon leapt off the three and flew down.

"Justice Burst!" He thrust his arm forward and a sphere of electrical energy exploded out of his hand, flying straight towards Paildramon. The Ultimate leapt into the air, the lightning sphere exploding beneath him and creating a shockwave that pushed him upwards.

"Wow!" He cried, as Justimon leapt up after him. And before Paildramon could recover, he spun around and dealt a powerful kick right into his chest. "Augh!" He fell towards the ground, crashing into it and taking damage.

Paildramon: 3-65%
Justimon: 3-100%

Paildramon groaned as he tried to push himself back up, whilst Justimon landed and held his arm up. "Trinity Arm!" His mechanical limb glowed before it transformed, morphing until it was larger and more powerful. "Accel!" Paildramon saw him raise the arm and the DNA Digimon quickly spread his wings. "Thunderclap!" He smashed the arm down on the ground, causing a shockwave to explode out of it and fly towards Paildramon.

The Ultimate leapt up just in time to avoid getting blasted by the shockwave, which ripped through the battlefield and tore down a bunch of trees.

Paildramon looked around, spotting an SP Coin that had been revealed by the shockwave. He knew he couldn't reach it before Justimon, but had an idea and reached out. "Cable Catcher!" The claws flew out and shot towards the coin, as Justimon raised his arm again.

"Trinity Arm, Critical!" The arm transformed into a rectangular cylinder, a blade of lightning appearing on the end of it. "Voltage Blade!" He shot into the sky and flew towards Paildramon, reaching him the same time his claws caught the SP coin. And as the energy flowed into him, Justimon slashed at him.

Paildramon held up his gauntlets, the laser cutting into him and making the Ultimate cry out.

Paildramon: 3-45%
Justimon: 3-100%

As Paildramon was pushed back, Justimon flew upwards with his arm changing once again. "Trinity Arm, Blitz!" It returned to its normal form and the electric sphere appeared with it, "Justice Burst!" The sphere was thrown towards Paildramon, as his claws finally returned to him and he was able to grab his hip weapons.

"Desperado Blaster!" He unleashed the energy shots, which flew up and caused the orb to explode. And as the smoke filled the battlefield, Paildramon flew into the cloud. "Sting Strike!" His blades extended and stabbed into Justimon, making him flinch as he was knocked backwards.

Paildramon: 3-45%
Justimon: 3-85%

Justimon flew away from the cloud and switched his arm to the Critical form, expecting Paildramon to fly out and slash at him again. But as the smoke cleared, the DNA Digimon was nowhere in sight.

"Electric Bolt!" Justimon looked straight up and saw Paildramon, his hands together with lightning sparking between them. And with a mighty thrust of both hands, the lightning exploded towards him and Justimon barely managed to raise his weapon and block.

The lightning slammed into his Cyclonic Arm, travelling up the weapon and giving him a good zap. "Gyah!"

Paildramon: 3-45%
Justimon: 3-60%

Paildramon dived down, looking ready to slam his armored knee into the Mega. But despite being zapped, Justimon was able to fight through the pain and held his hand out. "Trinity Arm, Accel!" His mechanical limb morphed into the large form and actually caught Paildramon by the knee, the metal fingers holding on tightly as he swung around and threw Paildramon.

The DNA Digimon cried out, as he was thrown towards the ground. But at the last moment before crashing into it, he was able to spread his wings and came to a complete stop.

As he did, Justimon returned to his Blitz Arm and dived down. Picking up speed, Paildramon looking up and gasping when he saw the Digimon spin around. "Justice Kick!" He slammed into Paildramon's chest and sent him flying backwards, smashing into the ground and digging up several trees as he did so.

Paildramon: 3-20%
Justimon: 3-60%

Paildramon groaned as he lay there, whilst Justimon floated down with his arms crossed. "Is this as far as you can go?" He asked, as Paildramon sat him. "Despite all your victories. Despite everything you've been through. Is this really the limit to your strength?" Paildramon said nothing. "You've faced many powerful opponents and overcome incredible odds. You even saved my life before. Are you really gonna let yourself be defeated now?"

"Of course not," Paildramon stated. "Even if you knock me down, I won't stop. I'll keep fighting until I have nothing left to give!"

"Then show me!" Justimon cried, "SHOW ME YOUR POWER!" Paildramon raised his arms and unleashed bolts of lightning from them.

"Electric Bolt!" The lightning shot out in every direction, forcing Justimon to leap back and shield his eyes. And as he did, Paildramon took to the air and flew off. During his fall, he had spotted something and rushed over to get it.

"Here we go!" He grabbed the Digivolution Coin and absorbed his power, then shot straight up with Justimon in pursuit. As they did, Paildramon's body glowed. "Paildramon, Mega Digivolve to..." He grew even larger and reshaped into his dragonoid form, Justimon needing to pull back to avoid his massive tail. And when the light finally faded, Flash's most powerful Digimon hovered in the air ready to fight. "IMPERIALDRAMON!" His roar echoed throughout the battlefield, Justimon covering his ears.

The battle between Flash and Shining Armor had reached its final stage. Whoever would win was still a mystery. And everyone watching was excited as heck to see who it would be.

Author's Note:

The battle between Flash and Shining is only starting to heat up. Who will win? Only time will tell. Join us next week, when the battle, and this story, comes to a thrilling end.

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