• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,638 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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Chapters Next
Let's Get Digital

Author's Note:

Welcome, my beautiful readers, to Digimon Codex. Some of you might remember this chapter from the One-Shots I did, even if you did I'd suggest reading it again to refresh yourself on it. I've even added a little something to make it more interesting. Hope you enjoy this and tell me what you think.

"Hi. My name's Flash and I'm about to tell you a pretty amazing tale.

What I'm about to say may seem insane, but it's all true. Heck, even I have a hard time believing it. But it happened and I changed my life forever. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me backup to the beginning and explain how I got into this situation. Buckle up, because you're gonna be in for a major ride."

Volcanoes exploded everywhere and spilled out rivers of lava, which filled the air with ash and smoke.

From out of those clouds, a large figure could be seen stepping out of it as it moved along one of the lava streams. That figure was a large orange T-rex creature, standing at around two stories tall with blue stripes littered around its body and a large brown helmet on its head that had three large horns.

It moved along the rocky terrain, keeping an eye out for anything that might endanger it.

And as it moved around a large boulder, said danger came charging towards it. A mighty roar filled the air as it looked ahead and saw a large white rhino-dinosaur hybrid covered in black armour along its top. Its head had a triceratops thrill but it only had on large horn on its snout.

It stomped towards the dinosaur at top speed, slamming into it and digging its horn into its stomach.

The T-rex flinched at the pain, but managed to grab the rhino and push it back. As it did, flames filled its mouth before exploding out of it and smashing into the rhino. It staggered back, but quickly recovered as flames filled its own mouth. From it, several fireballs exploded out and hit the T-rex several times, causing it to stagger back towards one of the lava pits.

The rhino then charged forward and smashed its head into its opponent's stomach and threw it backwards, the T-rex roaring as it toppled over the edge of fell into the lava. A mighty splash could be heard as the dinosaur sunk below it.

The rhino stared at the lava for a second, then let out a snort of air from its nose and turned to leave.

But in that moment, the lava exploded and something rose from it. That something was the skeleton of a much larger T-rex, with a large beating heart in its rib-cage and a strange looking fish torpedo attached to the back of its spine.

The beast let out a mighty roar before swinging its arm around and slapping the rhino away. The dinosaur roared as it hit the ground and slid along until it stopped just short of another lava stream. And as it picked itself up, the skeleton lowered itself so the fish torpedo was pointed at it. And then, the missile exploded off its back and shot towards the rhino.

The monster tried to escape, but couldn't pick itself up fast enough and the torpedo struck it and exploded.

"YEAH!" The voice of a teen boy filled the cafeteria of Canterlot High, said teen being a blue hair boy with orange skin that was sitting at a laptop. He looked at another boy, who was sitting opposite him on another laptop. "SkullGreymon one, Monochromon nil."

"Ahh man!" His opponent cried as he shut the laptop, "I thought I had you."

"Maybe next time," the teen smirked as he shut his own laptop.

"Hey Flash." He then turned to see a friend of his moving over to him, this friend being a purple skinned boy with black hair that wore glasses and a yellow and green turtleneck. "Another win?"

"You bet," Flash replied as the two bumped fist. "Thanks for those Greymon tips Micro. You were right about sometimes using a Virus evolution every now and then."

"Don't mention it," Micro pushed his glasses up. "But you know, it takes skill to pull off tips like that. You're really good at Digimon battles." Flash smiled back, happy for the complement. He then saw Micro looking around suspiciously. "I bet you could even play in the big leagues."

"You mean like...championships?"

"Bigger," Micro smirked as they left the cafeteria, "I'm talking Codex."


"It's a really exclusive league," Micro reached into his pocket and pulled something out. At first glance, it appeared to be some kind of scanner you would find in a supermarket. It was yellow in colour and had a screen in the middle, with a button above and below the screen. The handle even had a trigger on it. "If you get in, they give you one of these special Digivices."

"Cool," Flash whispered as he stared at it, "how'd you get in?"

"It's invite only," Micro explained. "Only the best of the best get chosen to play. The first few players were all sent Digivices and entered, then some of those players recommended other players they knew and it kept going like that. If you're sent a Digivice, it means either someone recommended you and they agreed you were worth inviting, or your online skills caught the attention of the people who run the league?"

"So everyone playing would be the ultimate best of the best," Flash realised.

"Exactly. And the game is awesome. It's more than just watching pixels on a screen. You actually feel like you're there, in the the body of the Digimon you're battling as."

"How?" Flash asked, Micro giving him a look that said he wasn't just how to respond.

"It's...complicated. If I told you, you'd think I was some kind of nut-job. Only someone who actually plays in Codex can understand."

"Then I gotta play in Codex," Flash said in a serious tone. "I gotta find a way to get an invitation." As he said that, Micro gave him a smirk that made Flash feel like his friend knew something he didn't.

"I already recommended you to the Codex Commanders." Flash raised an eyebrow, "the guys who run it. They should have already checked your online scores and determined whether or not you're Codex material. If you are, then they'll send you a Digivice to start playing with."

"So it's just a matter of waiting?" Flash asked, Micro nodding his head.

"It usually take a week or so to get an answer. Either you'll get a Digivice in the mail, or I'll get a message explaining my recommendation has been denied. But even if they decide not to let you in, you'll still be in their system so they might decide to invite you later."

Flash nodded, "I guess I'll just have to wait and see whether I'm good enough or not." Micro nodded in agreement as the two left the school.

"And that was it. For the next two days, I didn't hear anything from those Codex Commanders or Micro. Each day, I felt less and less sure that they were gonna let me into the Codex League. But then, on Saturday..."

With the school week over, Flash was in his room at his house.

He did what he always did on Saturday mornings. Playing his guitar and seeing if he could come up with any new songs. But so far, nothing was coming to mind. "Come on people," he said as he strummed his guitar. "Come on people now..." He let out a sigh and stopped strumming, laying back on his bed.

He stayed like that for a few minutes, trying to get a song to appear in his head. But just when it seemed to be a day of no event-

"Flash!" He heard his sister call out, the teen sitting up. "There's a package for you!" Flash raised an eyebrow and got up to leave his room, heading downstairs and finding his sister at the door.

Scootaloo looked up at him as she stepped aside to reveal a delivery man holding a medium sized box. "Flash Sentry?" Flash nodded as the man handed him and electronic pad to sign, then handed him the box once he did so. When he was gone, Flash took the box into the living room and put it on the table in front of the couch.

"What is it?" Scootaloo asked, Flash unsure.

But then, he remembered what Micro had told him the other day. "Could it be..." He quickly ripped open the box and when he did, he found a familiar looking device Micro had shown him the other day. "A Digivice," he stated before taking it out of the box. He looked it over and found that unlike Micro's, it was grey in colour.

"What's a Digivice?" Scootaloo asked, Flash not answering as he took out his phone and called Micro.

"Hello?" His friend asked once he picked up.

"Micro, it's Flash. I got a Digivice!"



"AWESOME! Alright, don't do anything with it yet. I'll be there as soon as possible. In the mean time, find something cool you wanna wear when I scan you."

"Scan me?"

"Yeah. The Digivice works by scanning you and creating an avatar that looks exactly like you. You can buy some new clothes once your in Codex, but for now find something cool to where. Don't make the same mistake I made and scan yourself when you're wearing checked pyjamas."

Flash laughed at this but did as Micro told him, taking the device upstairs and flinging his closet open. For the next half hour, he looked through everything he owned and eventually found a look he liked for his avatar. He wore a white shirt under a black jacket with his signature lightning shield emblem on the shoulder, along with blue pants and black and white sneakers with lightning on the side. He thought this would be enough, but then he noticed something hanging from a hook in his closet. A pair of blue strapped aviator goggles he had once bought at a steampunk fair.

He grabbed the goggles and looked them over, then smirked before putting them on so they hung from his neck.

As he did that, he heard a knocking at the door and a moment later, footsteps on the stairs. Then the door opened and Micro stepped in, looking around and spotting the Digivice on his bed. "It really is here." He reached over and grabbed it, then hit the button under the screen.

The device came to life, Flash moving over to see words appear on the screen.

Welcome, Digidestined.

You have been chosen to enter the amazing world of Digimon. In Codex, you can play using any Digimon you scan. Explore the Digital World. Befriend Digimon and add them to your collection. And battle using their power and might. With each victory, you grow stronger. With each loss, you grow wiser.

Enter, if you dare.

"I have goosebumps," Flash whispered.

"I got them when I read it the first time," Micro stated as the screen changed to show squares with every letter of he alphabet. "Alright, first we type your name into it." He wrote the words Flash Sentry into the screen before pressing enter, the screen then changing to show a formless humanoid figure. "Alright, now we scan you into the device." Flash stepped away as Micro looked him over. "Gotta say, you're looking awesome."

"Thanks," Flash smirked as Micro held the device out and pulled the trigger. The Digivice then unleashed a light that washed over Flash's body, scanning him from head to toe. After a few seconds, the process completed and Flash moved over to Micro. He looked at the screen and it showed the image of him staring back, wearing the same clothes he was. "Awesome. Now what?"

"Now you send your avatar to Codex. Everything will become clear once it's processed." He pointed at the button above the screen, "it's this one."

"Alright," Flash nodded before gripping his Digivice in hand, "then let's play!" With that, he pressed the button and when he did...something happened. The next thing Flash knew, he was suddenly being pulled forward. "WOW!" He cried as the world around him suddenly morphed into a tunnel made of blue and white streaks of light. "What...what's going one?" He asked, looking around but seeing no sign of Micro or anything familiar.

He looked ahead and saw his Digivice was still in hand, being the thing pulling him through the tunnel. He tried to let go, but he couldn't. And finally, he found himself reaching the end of the tunnel and a bright white light was waiting for him.

"YAAAAAH!" He cried as he was blinded by the light as he flew through it, then felt something appear below his feet. "Wow!" he cried, losing balance and staggering over.

He felt himself land on something metal and moaned, rolling onto his back and sitting up whilst clutching his head. "Hey," he then heard, "are you okay?"

"Yeah," Flash nodded as he opened his eyes, "I'm all-" He stopped when he saw who he was talking to. Or should that be...what he was talking too.

Standing in front of him was a yellow T-rex standing at about two and a half feet tall. It had long arms with sharp claws and big teeth in its oversized mouth. The dinosaur stared at him, then tilted its head. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"AHHH!" Flash cried, shuffling backwards in terror. The dinosaur looked shocked by this, whilst Flash's brain finally caught up to him and made him recognise what he was looking at. "Ag...ag...Agumon?"

"That's me," the dinosaur smiled.

"Agumon!" Another voice called out, Flash turning to see a boy standing a ways off. "Come on. We've got a match."

"Okay," the dinosaur ran over to him. Flash watched as it and the boy walked off, the teen glancing at him and smirking at the shocked look on his face.

"Newbies," he said before they disappeared. Flash then looked around and found her was surrounded by people and Digimon, ones he recognised.

A girl was carrying a Salamon in her arms as she walked and a boy had a Patamon on his head. A group of three were walking alongside a Dondokomon and another group were walking beside a Gazimon and Palmon. Some groups and people weren't with any Digimon, but even so the fact that there were any Digimon walking around was complete insanity.

"No way," he whispered as he stood up. He then noticed he was standing under a large metal gazebo, which had a circle of large round lights under it. One of those lights lit up and began to expel a bunch of ones and zeros, which somehow materialised until it took human form and vanished to reveal a girl holding a pink Digivice. She didn't seem at all phased by her sudden appearance and walked off before she noticed he was staring at her. "No way." He looked out of the gazebo and found he was in a large domed building with several more gazebos along with benches, tables and chairs scattered around. "No way!"

"Can't you first timers come up with anything more original than no way?" Flash turned towards the voice and found he was looking at a floating robot, which was a body and astronaut helmet connect by a metal pole. And helmet's visor lit up, showing a digital face made of pixels. "It gets so boring. Originality separates the Mega levels from the chumps."

"Errrrr," was all Flash could say back.

"Why do I even bother," the robot replied. "Anyway, welcome to Codex!" The robot waited for a response, Flash simply looking around until his brain finally caught up and made him do the only thing he could think to do.


In another part of the building, in what looked like a cafeteria, several teens and a few Digimon were sitting around talking. "I just got a new scan of MegaSeadramon," a boy told another one. "Wanna go try it out in the Battle Dome?"

"Maybe later," the boy stated. "I heard there's a bunch of newbies coming in. That's always fun to watch." The other nodded and as they continued to speak, the sound of a scream caught their attention and made them look around to see Flash running through the cafeteria being chased by a robot.

"Mr Sentry!" The robot cried, "this is really unnecessary?" It accelerated, but Flash quickly jumped behind a column and it zoomed passed him.

"What's happening to me?" He asked as he looked around and continued to see Digimon around him. "Am I going-"

"Crazy?" Flash looked around, expecting another robot, and saw Micro Chips standing besides another column. "You wish being crazy was this insane." Flash panted and slowly walked towards him, starting to calm down now that a familiar face was around. "It's a good thing you were screaming so loudly, or else I'd have never found you." It was in that moment the robot returned, Micro turning towards it. "Don't worry. He's a friend of mine. I'll handle this." The robot nodded and flew off, Micro turning back to Flash as he kept looking around.

Then, he turned to Micro before a smile appeared on his lips. "Dude."

"I know."


"I know."


"You don't even say dude."

"I KNOW!" Flash cried, looking like his head was about to explode. "What is happening?"

"I told you the Codex League was something you had to see to understand," Micro explained before gesturing to the area around them. "Here in Codex, humans and Digimon exist side by side. They can hang out, or fight in Digimon Battles."

"This is insane," Flash told him. "Digimon aren't real. They're just...characters in card and video games."

"Hey!" Flash leapt back as a voice called out from behind a pillar, "who you calling a video game character?" From behind the pillar, a large robotic ladybug stepped out. "Do I look like a video game character to you?"

"Errr," Flash whispered, "you're..."

"Tentomon," Micro replied, "my partner Digimon."


Micro nodded. "Every Codex player can partner with a Digimon they become friends with. They only get one, so it has to be a Digimon they get along with."

"And Micro and I get along great," Tentomon stated as he opened his shell and flew up. "It's nice to meet you," he held out a claw and Flash hesitantly reached out to shake it.

"Flash," the teen turned to Micro as he placed his hands on his shoulders, "listen to me. I know this is a lot to take in, but believe me. Digimon are real." Flash was about to argue, but Micro continued. "Everyone thinks what you're thinking their first time. That this is just some kind of simulation or VR scenario, but it's not. It's real and so are the Digimon. You might not believe it now, but eventually you'll realise this is all real."

Flash remained silent for a moment, then took a deep breath. "Alright. Say this is real and Digimon are living things. Why are they also a card game, video game, heck even an anime?"

"Everyone has that question," Micro explained before gesturing Flash to follow. He did so and they headed for the exit. "Long story short, Digimon was made into a game and everything else so people know what they are. Kind of a way to help people adjust to the fact that they're real. Then coming here is the next step. Getting people to know them and forming friendships. A lot of people think the Codex Commanders one day plan the reveal Digimon are real to the world, creating diplomatic relations between the two worlds."

"So we're in the Digital World?"

"Not exactly," Micro replied as they finally left the building. Flash looked around and noticed the sky didn't look at all...sky-ish.

It was just like the tunnel that had first brought him here, being a mixture of blue and white streaks that were spiralling around them. He then looked down at the ground and noticed a ways off that there was some kind of barrier, which seemed to encircle the building. Every now and then the barrier would break to reveal a long bridge which his eyes followed until it reached some kind of platform that was suspended in the air. That platform had a large stadium built atop it which people and Digimon were entering and leaving.

Micro lead him over to the barrier and allowed Flash to look over it, the teen's eyes going wide when he saw nothing below them. They were on a platform too, which appeared to be floating in a large void.

"Codex is a dimensional space," Tentomon explained. "One located between your world and the Digital World." Micro led him over to a board that had what looked like a map on it, showing a large circle surrounded by seven slightly smaller circles that was connected to the bigger circle by lines. On a section of the bigger circle was an arrow with the words 'you are here' written on it.

"So in Codex, we battle with Digimon?"

"Kinda," Micro explained. "It's a little different here than in the real world."

"The real world..." Flash whispered before he realised something. "Wait," he turned to Micro, "we were in the real world before. But now we're here. What's my sister or parents gonna say when they come up and find we're missing." It was then he noticed Micro smirking at him, the teen raising an eyebrow. "What?"

"We're not missing," Micro explained. "We're still there. Right now, the real me is probably explaining to the real you why your Digivice isn't working?" Flash held up said device and wondered what he was talking about.

Rewind to the point right before Flash entered Codex.

"Alright," Flash nodded before gripping his Digivice in hand, "then let's play!" With that, he pressed the button and when he did...nothing happened. "Huh?" He asked as the screen suddenly went blank, "what the heck."

"Relax," Micro told him. "That always happens the first time. Your avatar is just being processed. Until then, your Digivice is offline."

Flash looked upset that he couldn't start playing. "Well how long will it take to process it?"

"It's different every time," Micro explained. "Just be patient and keep your Digivice on hand." He pointed to the button Flash had just pressed. "When this button lights up, press it and your avatar will be fully processed. Then you can play whenever you want."

"Alright," Flash nodded before putting his Digivice in his pocket, "so what do you wanna do until then?"

Micro thought for a moment before smirking and grabbing Flash's guitar. "Wanna jam at my place?" Flash smirked and nodded before taking his guitar and packing it up.

"Wait," Flash held up his hands, "how can we be here and in the real world at the same time?"

"Well...we're not," Micro explained. "You're not actually Flash Sentry. You look like him and sound like him. But you're not actually him." Now Flash was really confused. "Remember the avatar we made?" Flash nodded, "that's what you are. A perfect digital copy of your real body. When you logged into Codex, your Digivice copied all of your mental data and implanted it into your avatar. Every memory and thing that makes you...you, was uploaded into a digital body. The minute Flash pressed the button, you came into existence. And when you log out of Codex, all the memories you made will be uploaded into your human body."

"Huh," Flash looked down at his hands. His head was starting to fry as he thought that they weren't really his hands. "So you're saying I could spend all day in this place and not be missed in the real world?"

"Yup," Micro nodded. "You'll find a lot of school aged players log into Codex before school, then log out after it. That way they get to spend an entire day adventuring with Digimon, but not miss any school. Heck, people have been known to go days in this place before heading back to the human world."

"Awesome," Flash was starting to get into it now that he had had time to process the information. He then looked back at the dome they were in and noticed a TV on the wall, showing what looked like a battle.

On the TV, a Leomon was fighting against an Ogremon. "So that's a Digimon Battle?" Micro and Tentomon turned to the TV and nodded.

"That's right. And here's the best part. Those aren't real Digimon." Flash turned to him in confusion. "Here in Codex, you don't just command Digimon from behind a computer. You become the Digimon."

"Become the Digimon?"

"You're made out of data," Tentomon explained. "So it's possible for your physical data to be overwritten by that of a Digimon you've scanned."

Micro nodded. "That's how it works in Codex. You scan Digimon, then use those scans to battle."

"Awesome!" Flash cheered as he held up his Digivice. "So who am I facing off against first?"

"Nobody," Micro told him. "You're not ready to battle yet." Flash looked confused...again. "Okay, let me explain the battling system in Codex. You can only battle if your rank is In-Training or higher. And you can only battle Codex players with the same rank as you."

"So what's my rank?" Micro replied by reaching out and pressing the button below the screen on his Digivice. It came to life and there were a bunch of different windows. Those windows were Stats, Decks, Scans, Locations, Items, BG, Friends and Records. Micro then pressed the Stats window and the screen changed to show a bunch of different stats.

Name: Flash Sentry
Partner: None
Rank: Fresh
Reg: 043568240
Money: D1000


Micro nodded. "The Ranks work the same as Digimon levels. The new players start at the Fresh Rank, then it goes up to In-Training Rank, then Rookie, Champion, Ultimate and Mega. Like I said before, you can only battle players that are the same Rank as you. Every time you win an Official Digimon Battle, you get Battle Points. And when you hit a certain number of Battle Points, you Rank up."

"And I can't battle anyone until I hit the In-Training Rank?" Micro and Tentomon nodded. "So then how am I supposed to Rank up if I can't battle?" Micro chuckled at this.

"You only Rank up in battle once you're at the In-Training Rank. And you automatically become In-Training by having a Rookie Level Digimon scan."

"Really?" Flash asked, Micro nodding.

"Really really. The minute your Digivice uploads a Rookie Digimon, it automatically Ranks you up."

"Alright!" Flash cheered before pointing his Digivice as Tentomon, "hope you don't mind."

"Wait!" Tentomon cried before Flash hit the trigger, causing a beam of light to shoot out and hit him. It morphed into a line that ran over Tentomon, only to then cut out when the Digivice made a bad sounding beep.

"What?" Flash asked as he looked down at his Digivice and saw words appear on the screen. "Unscannable?"

Micro sighed, "you can't scan Tentomon. You can't scan any Digimon here in Codex. They're all partner Digimon. And Digimon who are partnered up can only be scanned by their Partner."

"Ahhh," Flash groaned, "then where the heck am I supposed to get a Digimon scan?"

"In the Digital World," Micro told him. "Duh." Flash raised an eyebrow as Micro and Tentomon began to head towards the building they were just in, Flash rushing after them as Micro explained. "Check the locations page on your Digivice." Flash did so and when he opened it up, the screen changed to show the image of what looked like a kid's dream. At the top, there was what he assumed was a name.

"Primary Village?" Flash asked.

"It's the place where all Digimon are born," Tentomon explained. "And it's the only Fresh Ranked location."

Before Flash could ask, Micro explained. "The Digital World is divided into different locations and each location is Ranked. A player can only transport to a location if their Rank is equal or greater then the location's Rank."

"Seriously?" Flash asked, "why?"

"The locations are Ranked based on how dangerous they are. The environment, natural obstacles and the level of Digimon that live there. Imagine if someone at your Rank, that had no idea about the Digital World, travelled to a Mega Level location. They'd be surrounded by volcanoes and Mega Level Digimon that don't like intruders in their territories. You'd be completely screwed."

"Yeah," Flash gulped, "that makes sense. So Primary Village is safe?"

"The safest," Tentomon stated as they entered the building. "Digimon that are Champion Level or higher aren't allowed near it, so you won't have to worry about getting attacked by anything you're not ready to deal with."

"Fresh and In-Training Digimon live in the village," Micro explained. "And there are lots of Rookie Level Digimon that live in the forest around it. The perfect place for you to scan something. And even if you can't find anything, the Village's guardian's always happy to let a player scan him."

"Awesome," Flash nodded, "so how do we get there?" Flash got his answer when he found he was back in the area he first arrived in, Micro directing him to one of the gazebos.

"This is the Digi-Port, where you log in and out of Codex as well as head to the Digital World." He pointed at one of the lights, "stand on that." Flash did so. "Now bring up Primary Village on your Digivice and then swipe it upwards." Flash did so, swiping upwards causing the image to vanish off the screen. Then, a light started to emit from the scanner section. "Now you just point your Digivice straight up and pull the trigger."

"Alright," Flash pointed it up, "here goes." He pulled the trigger and when he did, the light below him lit up and unleashed a light that consumed him in a flurry of ones and zeroes. Once it completed enveloped him, it shot into the air and vanished into the top of the gazebo.

"And off he goes," Micro smirked before taking out his Digivice. "Better go after him before he wanders off somewhere he shouldn't."

"You worry too much," Tentomon stated. "Where could he go that could cause him trouble?"

Flash once again found himself flying through the tunnel, this time enjoy his journey as he felt himself getting pulled towards his destination.

"Yee...HAAAAW!" He cried, excitement filling him at the prospect of scanning a Digimon and getting to fight as it. But before he could reach his destination, something happened that put a new spin on his situation. As he flew through the tunnel of data, a part of the tunnel suddenly turned glitchy. "Huh?" Flash turned towards the area it happened and noticed it go staticy, the colours around it misshaping and unleashing bolts of lightning. "WOW!" He cried, as a lightning bolt shot passed him. "I don't think this is supposed to happen!"

It was then the glitches began to spread, wrapping around the rest of the tunnel. And as it did, Flash suddenly felt the pull of his Digivice vanish. "What?" Was all he could say before gravity took hold and he began to fall towards one of the glitched areas. "WHAT'S HAPPENING!" He screamed before he splashed down into the surface of the glitched area and sank below it.

Primary Village, where all Digimon are born after they've been destroyed.

The floor of the place was one giant bouncy castle, with massive toy blocks stacked atop one another and giant balls that looked like they cold crush you but was so light they could be lifted by even Fresh Digimon. And littered along the ground were hundreds, maybe thousands, of eggs.

And it was here that, in a flash of light, Micro appeared. As soon as he finished transforming, his Digivice glowed and unleashed a light that took the shape of Tentomon before fading to reveal the robo-beetle. Micro smirked as he looked around, "Flash?" There was no reply, making him raise an eyebrow. "Flash?" Again, nothing. "Where is he?"

"He couldn't have gotten far," Tentomon told them before they began to run through the village whilst being careful of the eggs. They eventually reached an area of the village full of cradles, which held Fresh Digimon inside. "Hello little ones. Have any of you seen another human walking around here?"

"NO," they all replied in unison.

"Now I'm getting worried," Micro stated before taking out his Digivice. But just as he was about to hit the friends button, he realised something and smacked his head. "Aw, man!" Tentomon turned to him, "I forgot to add Flash to my friends list. Now I can't track him!"

"Can't track who?" They looked around and spotted a red skunk Digimon with multiple tails and blue stripes.

"Elecmon!" Micro rushed over to him, "please tell me you've seen another human around here."

"Orange skin and blue hair," Tentomon described.

"Sorry kid," Elecmon replied. "You're the first Codex player I've seen today."

"But..." Micro took one final look around, "if he's not here then where is he?"

The first thing Flash noticed when he woke up was that he was on some kind of prickly surface.

He let out a moan as he brought his hand up to his head, whilst his other hand waved over the ground and he realised it was grass he was feeling. "What happened?" He asked he saw up, looking around and finding he was in some kind of forest. But it was unlike any forest he had ever seen.

Every tree was different to the one next to it. One was an oak tree, one was a pine tree and one was even a palm tree. He looked up at the sky and saw it looked normal, making him realise he wasn't in Codex any more. "This must be the Digital World." He began to look around, one thing being very clear. "This isn't Primary Village." He then noticed his Digivice on the floor and reached down to pick it up, switching it on and finding it was perfectly fine. "That's good. So then maybe it can get me out of here."

He hit the location button and saw Primary Village was still loaded. He then noticed a return button and pressed it, but nothing happened. He then pointed it upwards and pressed the trigger, but nothing happened. "Come on," he pulled it back down and tried to think of something to do. "I wonder." He left the location section and pointed it in front of him, then pulled the trigger.

The Digivice unleashed a beam which washed over the area, scanning it for several seconds before stopping and letting out a beep. Flash saw the tiny red word 'new' now over the locations and pressed it, the image he had just scanned appearing on screen. "Brave Forest," he read the name. "Wonder why it's called that?" He then noticed the Rank this location had, "Champion!" Now he began to panic. Somehow, he had been thrown into a location a lot more dangerous than he was ready to handle.

"Just stay calm," he told himself as he moved through the woods. "I'm sure you'll run into another player eventually. And when you do, they can help you get back to Codex." As he said that, he noticed another path breaking off from his and looked down it to see a familiar looking machine standing at the end of it. "A vending machine?" He raised an eyebrow before shrugging, "I am kinda thirsty." He moved over to it but before he could figure out how to pay for it, something happened.

From out of the dispenser slot, something climbed out. It was a Digimon he recognised as a Numemon, the green slime monster roaring as it leapt at him.

"WOW!" He cried, jumping back before hearing more sounds and looking over to see more Numemon climb out of the machine. More then it even seemed possible to fit in said machine. He turned and ran as fast as he could, the Numemon chasing after him. "What do you want?" He asked, but the Numemon didn't answer and instead began throwing...something Flash didn't want to think about.

He just kept running and avoiding the projectiles before seeing a turn in the path and sped up, rushing around the turn only to see the path blocked by something very familiar. "Wow!" He cried as he pulled himself to a stop, as he found himself staring at the behind of a Digimon he knew. "Monochromon?"

The rhino-dinosaur hybrid had yet to notice him. But it didn't seem to hear the Numemon's cries as they rushed around the turn and continued throwing their projectiles at Flash, who managed to duck down. "Wow!" They flew over him and hit the Monochromon's behind, making the beast roar as it began to turn around.

The Numemon seemed to figure out what they had done and all turned to run away, leaving Flash as Monochromon looked around and spotted him. Flash glanced behind him and saw he was now alone and quickly realised what the Digimon was thinking.

"Look," he got up, "I know this looks bad. But I assure you, there's a reasonable explanation."

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" The Digimon roared before charging towards Flash, who turned to run as fast as he could. He decided to ditch the path and head into the trees, hoping that would stop the beast. But all it seemed to do is slow it down, allowing him to get ahead.

Eventually, he came out onto another path with a small mountain to his left. But Monochromon was still charging, destroying any tree that got in its way. "Can't outrun it," he panted. "Have to hide." He looked around, trying to think of a place to disappear until Monochromon calmed down. He couldn't climb a tree since it might knock it down and he couldn't climb the mountain since there was no way to get up it before Monochromon shot a fireball at him. He could see anything that might-

In that moment, Flash heard a staticy sound and turned towards the wall of the mountain. At first, he didn't see anything. But then, the static sound returned as a part of the wall turned to static and disappeared. This revealed some kind of cave behind the wall, which suddenly re-materialised.

"What was that?" He asked, only to hear Monochromon getting closer. The static sound occurred again and Flash saw the cave appear, this time deciding it was better then a rampaging Digimon. So, as he began to static back into reality, he leapt into the cave seconds before the wall reappeared.

He quickly found himself in total darkness, the sound of Monochromon breaking through the last tree. He listened and could hear it continue to growl, appearing to be circling the area.

"Great," Flash sighed, "now I'm stuck in here." He looked into the cave and realised it was a short tunnel, with a light at the end of it.

Hoping it was another way out, Flash headed towards said light and soon found himself inside a dome-like chamber. The light was coming from a hole in the roof, Flash seeing it was impossible to reach and instead followed the light down to where it was shining down upon. And there, he spotted a rock with something sitting atop it.

That something was a metal egg-shaped object with yellow flame patterns, a curved spike coming out the top of it and was appeared to be an orange sun pattern on the front.

Flash moved closer to it and stared it down, trying to figure out what it was. From the way it was sitting there, it appeared to be lodged in some kind of hole in the rock. "What is this thing?" He stared at it some more and then had an idea, taking out his Digivice and pointing it at the object.

He pulled the trigger and the device scanned it, letting out a beep as the scan completed and the 'new' logo appeared over the item window. He pressed it and opened the folder, finding an image of the object with a title over it. "Digimental of Courage?" That told him nothing about whatever the heck this was. "Alright, let's see if I can't get a better idea of what this is."

With that, he moved over and stepped up onto the rock. He then reached down and grabbed the Digimental, gripping it hard as he could before he started pulling. He pulled and pulled and pulled but it didn't seem like the item was going to budge. But then, he felt it begin to give way and kept pulling. And before he could think it was pointless, the Digimental finally gave way.

"WOW!" He fell back and hit his head, moaning in pain as he did so. He then sat up and looked over the item he had just pulled free of the rock. Even upon closer inspection, it didn't appear at all strange. But something bout it gave him a weird feeling.

But before he could figure out what that was, something new caught his attention. A pillar of orange light.

That light was a coming from the hole the Digimental had been blocking, which shot into the air and out of the hole in the chamber's ceiling. The Monochromon noticed this light and growled, believing it had found its would-be attacker.

Back in the cave, Flash could only sit there and stare as something began to appear in the light. All the while he couldn't believe the insanity that the day had brought him. When he woke up that morning, he hadn't been expecting to find himself into a completely new world. Surrounded by monsters and running for his life. Now the only question was, would he make it out of this and actually get to play in Codex, or was his adventure over before it had even started.

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