• Published 26th Jan 2022
  • 11,186 Views, 2,580 Comments

New Endings, Old Starts - David Silver

A well-led life runs into an end. If that was it, it would have been fine, but the forces of the universe were not content, finding another purpose, or perhaps reward, for this being in another world entirely. May she shine gently.

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87 - Mall Visit

With coins in hand, Comforting was ready to game! "What do you like playing?" she asked of her larger, and paying, companion. "I'll play a game with you."

"Oh, thanks." Sunset gently patted Comforting on her head. "You don't have to. You look ready to run off."

"I am." But she wasn't doing that. "You've been really nice, as Rarity reminded me. The least I can do is play with you a little. Unless you'd prefer I didn't?" She didn't look hurt at that idea. "Either way, I'm up for it."

"That's a mature take on it." Sunset rose up to full height, turning to gaze at the many games on offer. "How are you at platformers?" She hiked a thumb at one. "That one has two player, cooperative. Let's see how far we can get." She made a few pew pew noises, finger guns blaring. "And blast a few baddies on the way."

Comforting clapped firmly. "Sounds fun!" And off they went to rescue a third, imaginary, world from an alien invasion. The layers of abstraction didn't bother her, and they cried out with victory and defeat as they fed the machine quarters to keep going.

A hand came down on their outer shoulders. "Darlings, you two look adorable and all, but we did come to shop, hm?"

Sunset performed a last minute jump to avoid a brightly colored pellet of doom. "Alright, no more quarters then. We're on our last set of lives."

"Sounds fair!" echoed Comforting, just as her little digital avatar exploded. Oops... "Last life..." But she soldiered on.

But, alas, all good things have an ending, and their attempt to save the world ended in a game over screen. Sunset laughed as she turned away from the console. "Phew, that was fun. Alright, let's stop teasing Rarity and get you something nice to wear."

Rarity pointed the way with a ruthless smile. "Onwards!" She valiantly led her war-band of three out of the arcade. "You two were really rather engrossed. I would think... knowing where you're both from, you'd be less... I'm being rude. Sunset, you've been here far long enough."

Sunset rolled her eyes. "I know how video games work, Rares."

"Me too." Comforting put her hands behind her head as she walked. "That was fun."

"Yes, but how?" Rarity peeked over her shoulder. "Ponies don't have video games, do they?"

"Not really..." She saw a few things that could pretend the job if one squinted at them just so. "But I've been to more than Equestria."

"Hm? Odd, but here we are." Rarity gestured at the boutique they had arrived at. "Let's get you looking your best." Rarity was more than pleased to show Comforting the local styles, both in admiring them in hand and eventually trying out no few sets. "Such a cute thing, it's like having a living doll." Which meant Rarity was all the more pleased to keep the fashion tour going.

Sunset hovered, keeping an eye on Comforting, but not really shopping herself. This fact was noticed by Rarity. "Darling, why not get a little something for yourself?"

"I'm fine," she assured, hands up wardingly. "I promised I'd keep an eye--"

"Dear, really." Rarity inclined her head at the changing room Comforting occupied. "She's a little angel. I'm taking care of her for the moment. Have some fun. I won't let anything happen to her, I assure."

Sunset hummed. "Are you sure?" But the nod was firm. "Alright... Just a little while."

Rarity seemed pleased, watching Sunset actually browse a little instead of just hovering there. "I'm mature enough to keep a single polite child in mind. Speaking of that." She knocked just next to the fitting room door. "How's it going in there?"

"Almost!" Comforting popped out a moment later in a bright blue number. "Ta da!"

"Darling." Rarity clapped with approval. "I must say, it's nice to shop with someone who seems just as eager as I am." She crouched in place. "If we're being honest, I thought I'd get more resistance."

"Why?" Comforting admired the person she saw in the mirror, clearly finding them worthy of approval. "I love it!"

"Well... You are new to... this. I figured..." She shrugged. "Nevermind that. You're having fun. Now, which of the little numbers most appeals to you, dear?"

Comforting did a little twirl, enjoying how the frilly ends swirled in the air behind her. "I love them all, but... gonna say this one."

"Why is that?" No judging could be heard in her voice.

"Because I'm wearing it." She patted herself straight. "So it's my favorite, right now."

"Hm, I can't really argue that logic." Rarity stood back up. "Well, since it wins your approval, let's get it."

Comforting froze. "Um..."

"My treat, dear." She gently patted the girl towards the register. "I didn't come in here expecting a little child to pay for it. Though, you are a mature thing, even worrying about that. You can pay me back by looking your best."

She guided Comforting to the front. They pulled over the tags on it long enough to scan them. "Want me to cut it off?" With her nod, the salesperson snipped each free, so she could keep right on wearing it as she seemed eager to do. "Enjoy!"

Rarity lifted her bag. "I have your old clothes right here. Let's see how Sunset's doing."

They found her not trying on a new outfit, but she did find a new hat she seemed to be favoring. She turned it left and right. She skewed it one way and the other. She was so engrossed in it, she jumped when Rarity touched her. "Oh! Hey." She looked from Rarity to Comforting and back. "All done?"

Comforting pointed up at the new hat. "Nice."

"Isn't it?" Sunset pulled it off though, holding it in both hands. "Maybe later. You're looking good." She fired a thumbs up, other hand tossing the hat back on the hook it came from.

"Doesn't she?" Rarity tittered with satisfaction. "Wouldn't do for her to be stuck in just a school uniform for her visit, really. Now... our little excursion doesn't have to end." She looked between her two companions. "We've played and shopped, so there's clearly one little thing to do to make any proper mall visit complete."

It was but a moment later that Rarity was able to wave over the offerings. "We eat!" They were just in front of the food court. Various tasty smells reached them from both within the stalls and the tables of others enjoying their meals. "If you prefer vegetarian, Romaine About It is quite the treat." She pointed to the salad themed little booth.

Sunset elbowed Rarity. "Appreciate the thought, but..." She was pointing at Comforting's wondering eyes. She was clearly not fixated on the vegetarian option alone. "She has a human tongue and a human belly and it all smells good, I bet."

"Yes." Comforting rubbed her hands together. "And it's super nostalgic..." How long had it been since she was last in a mall food court? It felt like forever. "How about that?" She pointed at what looked like Chinese food of sorts. It wasn't exactly Chinese food. Did they even have a China? Whatever it was, she wanted a taste.

"Ooo, Asian. Certainly." Well, they had an Asia at least. "Let's get in line. Sunset?"

"I'm feeling a burrito." She left them to get her choice of food.

"Clever girl..." She gently ruffled Comforting. "Looks like this is on me too." Rarity saw Comforting flinch. "Oh no, dear, don't look like that. I'm quite happy to lend a helping hand. We'll both get something tasty and enjoy it like the cultured ladies we are." She waggled a finger. "I am showing some trust here. Don't get your new dress messy that quickly, hm?"

Comforting squeaked at the theoretical mistake. "I will be extra careful."

"Thank you." And that was the last complaint she had. She ordered them both something that sounded vaugely familiar and walked her over to a table where sunset was already parked, chewing her burrito. "Here we are." Rarity waved to a seat that soon had Comforting in it. "Let's enjoy ourselves." Rarity sank into her seat, placing Comforting's plate in front of her. "This has been a fun little outing, well worth the time."

With companionable energies, they devoured their foods, two of them being extra careful about it. Sure, one of them already had a habit of it, but both Rarity and Comforting finished with nary a mess to be found. Not that Sunset was messy, and just a touch of a napkin was enough to get her looking proper. "Now, hate to bring it up, but I do have homework." She slid to her feet. "Don't regret today though, it was fun."

"Eagerly agreed." Rarity joined her in standing. "Now, one thing was bothering me." She directed a finger at Comforting. "Where is she staying while she's here? We can't have a small child just..."

Comforting flinched at the imagined ways she'd have to get by as a small child. None of them were especially great...

Sunset plonked a hand down on Comforting's head. "Why are you looking nervous? I told Twilight I'd watch you, and I will. The only getting out of it is throwing you right back through the portal." She threw a thumbs up at Rarity. "So she's coming to my place."

Rarity clapped briefly with a smile. "Fantastic, dear. I'm sure she'll be well cared for in your hands." The problem, dismissed in her trust of Sunset. "But if you get overwhelmed, we're here for you. I'm speaking for them, pardon me, but I feel certain any of us would be quick to help if called upon."

"I appreciate it." She was already nudging Comforting towards one of many exits of the mall. "But she's been great so far. This shouldn't be a big deal."

They shared mutual waves, the group seperating for each to head home. "I'm not that far from here." Sunset waved comforting along and they arrived at a small one story house. She shoved a key in the door and soon had it opened to a dark interior. "Welcome."

Comforting dashed inside, just to stop and blink. "Sunset..."

"Yeah?" Sunset closed the door behind them and her hand flailed at the door until she hit the switch, lighting the area.

This also made the horror more clear. "Sunset... Do you need help cleaning?"

"It's not that bad." Sunset began to glow in embarassment, called out on her little place.

"You are great," started Comforting, waving at the small cluttered place. "This place isn't. I'm not blaming you, I'm offering to help."

"Am I being intervened by a little kid?" Sunset was smiling at how ridiculous the situation felt. "Room's over here." It wasn't very far to find her room with the bed being the primary spot that wasn't occupied with something or other. "We'll have to share, but I'm cootie-free, promise."

"I'm not worried about that..." Comforting picked up an abandoned sock. "This is your place, so it's your choice... But can I help, please?"

Sunset put her hands on her hips. "It's not that bad," she repeated firmly.

"Think of it like... I feel guilty just mooching off of you. Being able to help out like this would make me feel better, even if it's not all that bad." Comforting gave her best, brightest, smile. "So, humor me?"

Sunset applied a palm to her face. "If it makes you feel good... But no throwing things out!"

Comforting winced, imagining what she could get done without throwing anything out. "I'll make a pile of things I think could go out, but you can decide what stays or not. Is that alright?"

"Ugh! Fine. Deal." She thrust a hand at her small guest. "You can be awfully bossy for a kid your age... Whatever age that is."

Author's Note:

Sunset! Poor girl's a bit overwhelmed.

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