• Published 26th Jan 2022
  • 11,186 Views, 2,580 Comments

New Endings, Old Starts - David Silver

A well-led life runs into an end. If that was it, it would have been fine, but the forces of the universe were not content, finding another purpose, or perhaps reward, for this being in another world entirely. May she shine gently.

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173 - Distractions

She didn't mean it, but she also couldn't help it. "Distractions?" She could see the chapter header, especially being so close to it. Was that what had distracted Amity just a chapter ago? "Distractions from what?"

"We are having a delightful day." Amity hummed a nameless song to herself. "Thank you for sharing it with me."

"Yes, we are." Comforting reached to ruffle Amity's head gently. "But you're avoiding something. What are you distracting me from? No lying. Lying isn't nice."

"Lying can be quite unharminous," agreed Amity, not lying, but also not answering the question entirely. She had a very good poker face, which was, itself, a hint. She wasn't looking at Comforting, but some point far beyond her.

Comforting poked her co-spirit between the eyes. "Stop that. I should... get home. I have a new wolfpony to check in w--" She cut off, Amity suddenly dashing in front of her as she turned. "Amity?"

"You cannot leave."

"That's a lie." She vanished to appear a few feet away. "I can leave."

"But you must not leave." Amity sighed gently. "Your friends... They are undergoing a trial."

"In my house?!" Comforting threw her hands wide in either direction. "That involves me."

"Only if you return." Amity sat slowly on her haunches. "Which you won't, please... Let them learn. Let them grow. You have the answers, so do I. Simply shouting them won't make them grow."

Comforting clenched her teeth firmly, hands balled in fists, but she sagged in the end, hands going limp. "If they get hurt..."

"Growing can be hard. Friend Comforting, I wish well of your friends. Many are my own agents. I have their best interests in mind, this I promise." Amity circled around Comforting. "You may not feel up for it, but I was enjoying myself."

Comforting let out a strained laugh. "I trust you. You were, but it's hard to just... forget my friends might be in trouble, right now, and I can't help them. Can we watch at least?"

"We can watch." She raised a hoof to the air to find Comforting's hand met it. Together, they summoned the window that would let them see and watch what was going on back at Comforting's house.

At the house, Gallus raced between the two glaring parties. "Hold up! Starswirl, um, sir? She's our friend."

Starswirl raised a shaggy brow. "Is she? More the fool you are then. At her hooves, the blood of countless ponies have flowed. A ruthless hunter, a hungry predator, she didn't care who her eyes found first, only that her hunger was sated, for a time."

"And mine as well." With her lips peeled back over dangerous teeth, Cracked approached with one step, tail back and straight. "But Alpha has taught me to live in this time. Ponies are my friends, to be treasured, not devoured."

Lily trembled, her body steadfastedly reminding her that she was in no state to stand. "Are you... better? Hunting a crippled creature." She suddenly fell to her belly, the ground shuddering under the massive weight. "Maybe I should let you. I would have hunted such an obviously incapable target. An easy meal..."

Starswirl scowled, unmoved by their words. "Do not try to deceive me with claims of 'friendship.' I know the savagery that lurks in your hearts."

He aimed his horn threateningly. "I will end this threat to Equestria before you bare your fangs again!"

"No!" Smolder darted between them, wings spread. "We won't let you hurt our friends."

Gallus joined her shielding Cracked and Lily. "Yeah, back off! The only threat here is you."

Starswirl hesitated, startled by their defiance. Cracked took the opportunity to speak.

"Your caution is wise. Our past is bloody, I cannot deny this," she conceded solemnly. "But we follow a new path now in this era of harmony."

Lily raised her head. "If I am fated to fall, so be it. But I ask you give me a chance to prove we can change." Her ears drooped. "Please...I wish to see the sun again."

Starswirl wavered, moved by their sincerity. But fear gripped him. "Pretty words, yet how can I trust them?"

Gallus stepped forward insistently. "We trust them. Isn't that enough?" He stomped a paw. "They're under our protection now. Hurt them, you answer to us."

Smolder cracked her knuckles. "And we've got a chaos spirit on our side. Wanna meet Comforting?"

Starswirl bristled, but their united stand gave him pause. "A chaos spirit?" His brows came down together. "Do you have any idea how incredibly dangerous this all sounds? I'm not being a very thoughtful guardian of ponykind if I leave any of this alone."

Smolder leaned in with a smirk. "No offense to you, Star m'man, but you aren't a guardian of ponies anymore."

Starswirl blinked, caught entirely off guard. "What?"

"Duh." Smolder rolled a hand in the air. "They got new guardians. Twilight, her friends? They're doing a good job. They trust Comforting. They trust Cracked." She hiked a thumb at the great ponywolf. "Maybe they're wrong, but it's their job, not yours. You were fired for... Why were you fired again?" She shrugged, not entirely sure on that one. "I forget."

Starswirl huffed with clear annoyance, though the angry swirling of his magic was ebbing. "I wasn't 'fired'. I was simply misplaced in a... You wouldn't understand... He twirled in place, robe swirling around him. "I will bring this up to Twilight then. Some guardian she is, tolerating this."

They all watched Starswirl storm off. Cracked turned back to her sister, tail slapping the shut behind Starswirl. "You are safe. Even the little hunters would fight for you."

Lily laughed, a strained noise. "That I need such little predators to take my side is not as comforting as you make it sound... I hate being this weak." She kicked out weakly, even that motion proving uncomfortable. "I hope your alpha has a solution... I have survived, but I do not know if I can call this living."

Cracked's ears drooped sadly at Lily's defeated words. She moved closer and laid down beside her sister, providing support and comfort.

"Do not lose hope," she implored. "Our alpha will find a way. She is wise beyond her years."

Cracked nuzzled Lily reassuringly. "And know this - no matter how long the journey, I will walk it by your side. We are pack once more."

Lily managed a small smile and rested her head against Cracked's sturdy frame. "Thank you, sister. With you near, the path seems less bleak. But why do you speak as if we were a pack before? We were not..."

Their moment was interrupted by Smolder stretching and yawning loudly.

"Welp, I'm beat. That crazy wizard took a lot out of me." She flashed a toothy grin. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm gonna crash here tonight. Cool?"

Cracked chuckled at the bold dragon. "You are welcome in our den this night." She turned her snout toward Gallus. "Will you stay as well, little hunter?"

Gallus shrugged amiably. "Sure, why not? It's still storming pretty hard out there."

Lily poked at Cracked. "You didn't answer."

Amity clapped her hooves together. "They handled that quite well."

"Yeah..." Comforting frowned. "But they still think I'll fix it... But I can't..." She huffed with growing ire, but it came to her. She snapped her fingers. "What if... we don't use magic?"

Amity's small ears went erect. "I like the idea. Friend Comforting, will you share the rest with me?"

"You'll see with everyone else!" Comforting grabbed the edge of the page and vanished onto the next one, out of sight.

Amity chuckled at where Comforting had been. "Like father, like daughter... I hope your idea works well." She rolled over backwards and casually ceased to be.

That wasn't entirely true. The tree that was also Amity still stood there, patient and serene. It would wait however long it needed until it was needed again. Unlike some chaos spirits.

"Doctor Fauna!" Comforting hit the ground and bounded up to the desk where the mare was seated. "We never met before, but I need your help."

Doctor Fauna, a light yellow earth mare, blinked at the new... creature. "Well, you're more vocal than most of my patients. Where does it hurt?" She couldn't see any obvious injuries, other than existing as the crazy mish-mash that Comforting was. "The more symptoms you can tell me, the easier my job gets."

"Sorry, I'm not the patient." Comforting laughed a little at the confusion. "Sorry. She's a wolfpony."

"Wolf... pony?" Fauna rose to her hooves. "One moment." She trotted briskly into the back. She returned a few moments later with a book she dropped from her mouth to the counter. "Here we are. Exotic Fauna of yesteryear!" She flipped it open with a hoof and nosed through it. "I know... Here we are." She turned the book around towards Comforting. "This?"

There was a picture of a fierce and deadly wolfpony. It was drawn as a monster, which they were, technically. A pony was drawn in there, for scale? They were clearly terrified of the great beast. "Technically, that is not a creature or a critter. That is a monster. Monsters can be quite difficult patients... I like not being eaten." Doctor Fauna sat where she started. "As for you."

She pointed at Comforting. "You're Fluttershy's adopted child. She told me all about you."

"You know mom?" It hit he a moment later. "Of course you know mom... You two are basically peers."

"Exactly." Fauna nodded with understanding. "She's more of an animal-care specialist, and I am an animal doctor. Related, but not the same. Close enough that we bump into each other often. Darling pegasus, that one."

Comforting clapped her hands with growing hope. "The wolfpony I'm talking about is nice, and hurt. She won't hurt you. Her leg is hurt, The back ones." She pointed down at her own legs. "Maybe both, but one definitely worse. Can you look at her?"

Fauna flipped an ear back. "I can't... ignore the plight of an animal in pain." She smiled gently. "Be they a critter or creature." She reached across the counter, pressing a hoof to Comforting's nose. "Smart, coming to a vet. A pony doctor would have no idea what to do." She slid to the ground and moved towards the window. "Let me close things up and we'll see how our patient's doing."

Comforting bounced with joy as Doctor Fauna agreed to help. She waited eagerly as the vet gathered her supplies and locked up the office.

Soon they were on their way, Comforting leading the doctor through town. Ponies gave them curious glances along the way.

At Comforting's home, Cracked sniffed the air and gave a startled "Woof!" as they entered.

"It's okay, she's here to help," Comforting reassured. Cracked relaxed as the vet approached Lily.

Lily was not as easily calmed. "You are not a hunter."

"Sure I am." Fauna set her modest field tools down. "I hunt pain, disease, and whatever else makes anycritter feel bad. I hear I can get a big helping of it right here. Now... Since you can talk, we should start with introductions." She pointed to herself. "Doctor Fauna. And you are?"

Lily dared a little smile. "I am Lily. You can make it stop hurting?" Her tail lashed but once, a hint of hope. "Please..."

"I will do my best." Fauna stepped up to the immense beast that was her patient. "First, a warning. My inspecting may hurt... I'm not doing it for any other reason than trying to help. I need your promise that you won't snap me in half."

Lily considered the small earth pony. She could snap Fauna in half, or just gobble her up... She'd probably be tasty... But... "My new alpha and my new sister would both be upset if I acted that way. I will be patient, this I promise. Even if it... hurts... If it means I can be cured, it will be worth it."

Fauna nodded. "Alright, let's begin. We'll start with the top leg." With Lily laying on her side, one leg was the top one, and she went to give it a looking at. "Let's see what we can figure out..."

Comforting cheered Fauna on, silently. She made all the gestures, but she said nothing, lest she get in the way. She had a backup idea, if this one failed... But it'd be nice if that one worked.

Author's Note:

Doctor Fauna to the rescue. She doesn't show up in many fics, does she?

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