• Published 26th Jan 2022
  • 11,184 Views, 2,580 Comments

New Endings, Old Starts - David Silver

A well-led life runs into an end. If that was it, it would have been fine, but the forces of the universe were not content, finding another purpose, or perhaps reward, for this being in another world entirely. May she shine gently.

  • ...

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171 - Springing Traps

"Starswirl, um... Things are better now." Sandbar tapped his hooves nervously. "Am I talking to a recording?"

"I'm not a recording."

Sandbar inclined his head, ears going flat to either side. "Okay... So is this the living Starswirl?"

"I hope I still am, but maybe I'm not." The voice issued from all around them, Starswirl's voice. "This will remain whether I am or not. Pony, why are you still here? This will cause chaos and ruin to ponykind. Have you taken leave of your senses?"

Sandbar smiled hopefully. "Starswirl, a pleasure to speak to you, or a represenative?"

"Close enough," grumbled the voice. "Why aren't you leaving? Do I need to put a lightning bolt on that rump of yours?"

"Please don't," squeaked out Sandbar, shuffling in place. "We need that." He pointed to the ring. "We'll be super extra careful with it, promise."

"This wolfhorse is dangerous." Starswirl's voice thundered with meaning and dire warning. "They will gobble you up the moment they are able."

"I won't eat them," came Cracked's voice, trailing from above.

"Is that a wolfhorse?" One of the statues' eyes glowed a menacing red shade. "You're already in danger."

Sandbar waves wildly at the statue. "Woah woah woah! She's a friend. A friend. Promise."

The other students nodded quickly in agreement. Yona pointed upstairs. "She good friend. Trust."

"Fools." There was quiet.

Sandbar scratched at the side of his head with a hoof. "Are they... thinking?" He waited nervously in the silence following Starswirl's dire warning. Finally, the voice returned.

"Hmph. Perhaps you are not a fool, but merely naive. You claim this wolfhorse is a friend? Preposterous."

Cracked's voice rang out gently from above. "It's true, we're friends. I don't want to hurt anypony."

The statue's eyes narrowed. "Lies. Deceit. Your kind lives for chaos and destruction. Only filling your belly carries any meaning for you."

Silverstream flew up to join Cracked. "That's not true! Cracked is the nicest wolfpony ever."

Ocellus added her voice too. "She uses her abilities to help creatures, not harm them."

The others chimed in with affirmations of Cracked's good character. Finally, Sandbar stepped forward.

"Starswirl, times have changed. Ponies and non-ponies live in harmony now. This wolfhorse is our dear friend." He gestured to the ring. "That's why we want to free her - so she can see the new world too."

There was another long pause. The group held their breath.

"Harmony, you say?" The voice took on a thoughtful tone. "And you would endanger that harmony with such a dangerous enemy? Foals, the lot of you."

Gallus dared a step forward. "We might be idiots--"

"--You are."

Gallus rolled his eyes at the insult. "But it's our world. You're old. Shoo." He made a dismissive brushing with his hands in the air. "Go on. It's our world to mess up."

"On your heads then! I hope I'm not around." Starswirl's voice grumbled with clear dissatisfaction. "It's broken anyway. No idea why you want it so badly."

They all cheered, except one. Ocellus stepped forward on little hooves. "Sir?"

"You're not even a pony."

"No..." Ocellus rubbed one leg with the other hoof. "I'm not, but I know what it's like, when everything feels like it changed overnight. It's... Not... It's hard, really hard."

Starswirl was silent for a long moment after Ocellus' empathetic words. Finally he spoke, his voice softer.

"A hard truth, that change comes whether we wish it or no. Perhaps in my efforts to protect ponykind, I failed to protect ponykind from myself. A pity my words mean little. I'm just a spell."

Ocellus smiled gently. "It's never too late to start."

The glow faded fully from the statue's eyes. "You have wisdom beyond your years, young one. Very well, I relinquish my vigil." A drawn out sigh echoed through the chamber. "May you build a better future than I envisioned."

The ring detached itself from where it had hovered and floated down towards them. Sandbar caught it gingerly in his hooves.

"We won't forget what you tried to do for ponies, even if you made mistakes," he said solemnly.

There was no response. Starswirl's spirit had departed, leaving the room still and quiet with no guardian spell on it.

Silverstream placed a comforting hand on Cracked's shoulder. "Ready to save your friend?"

Cracked stood tall, hope and determination shining in her eyes. "I am ready." She nodded to each of the little hunters that had helped her. "Thank you all..."

No more words were needed. Together, they all poured their magical power into the damaged relic. Rainbow energy filled them, coloring to each of their specific qualities. They were the new agents of Amity, even if they'd been recruited by a Comforting spirit. It was the concentrated potential and good will of their various species, gathered and combined onto that ring in a dazzling display.

Cracked had to turn her eyes away from the brightness. But the smell drew her right back. It was suddenly far more intense. There, in the fading light, was a large wolfpony, like herself, though a clean white in color. Lily had appeared.

"A dream?" Lily stood up, only to crash to her haunches, then her belly, wincing in pain. "Not a dream... Ow..." She looked up from where she had fallen, to Cracked. "Sister, we are not of the same pack. You owe me nothing, maybe less than nothing, if this is your territory."

Cracked rushed to Lily's side, heedless of her wary words. "Hush, sister. Any debts between us are erased."

She helped Lily sit up, examining her with concern. "You're still hurt. Stay still, let me see."

Lily watched Cracked tending to her with veiled astonishment. "You show...kindness? To me?" She looked past Cracked to the gathered creatures. "And not just wolfponies. Your pack is diverse."

Cracked smiled. "The world has changed much while you slept, sister. Ponies and non-ponies live in harmony. These friends helped free you."

Lily studied the patient, smiling faces surrounding her. "I see trust and care, not fear or hate." Her ears flicked thoughtfully. "Perhaps there is a place for us here, after all."

She met Cracked's earnest gaze. "Very well. Show me the ways of this new world, and I will walk them with you, sister. There remains one question." She lowered a hoof to her belly that rumbled with hunger. "If we don't eat them, who do we eat? I am ravenous."

The students backed away with, perhaps, well-reasoned caution. Yona did not, glaring at Lily. "Not eat Yak. Yak smash!" She turned up her head with a huff. "Go home, then eat. Hunters have lots food for hunters." She pointed to Cracked, Gallus, then Smolder.

Smolder fired a thumbs up at that. "She's not wrong. Let's get back and have a wicked barbeque. But first..." She rolled a hand, eyes wandering over Lily. "You look kinda messed up. Can you even walk?"

Cracked licked the snout of her new kin. "Can you? We will help you. Do not fear telling us the truth. Weakness is... allowed in these gentle times."

Lily sat up slowly. "Strange times."

"Very strange." Cracked touched nose to Lily's cheek. "But I like them. They are good times."

"They sound good... What's the catch?" Lily tried to be upright, but her right back rump twitched and she yelped in renewed pain, staggering.

"Sister." Cracked sniffed at the injury as if smelling it would fix it. "Can we help?"

"I was sleeping... For what felt like forever." She reached a hoof back to the injured rump. "In the dreams, I was dying, slowly. That broke. It stayed broken, even awake. I don't think it will heal. Sister, you are being kind to one who cannot hunt. You are being kind to one who cannot help the pack. Who never will."

Cracked flattened her ears back. "I. Do. Not. Care," she got out, one syllable at a forceful time. "You are my sister. You are the only sister I have in this entire world. Unless you have given up on life itself, I will carry you home if I must. I will care for you. I will hunt for you."

Lily inclined her head slowly. "These... are very soft times." But a canine smile spread over her mouth. "Perhaps I'll learn to like it. Where is this home of yours? Is it close?"

Gallus coughed into a fist. "Yeah, about that... No, it's pretty far away. We got help getting here. Um, so... How do we call Comforting?"

Lily sank to her belly. "You keep mentioning this Comforting. Are they a... Who and what are they?"

Cracked paced in place with an excited smile. "She is my alpha. Do not be deceived by her size. She is a cub that could win any battle, should she choose. It was by her power that we are here today."

Gallus nodded at the description. "Sounds right. She's really small, but she's also pretty nice."

"Huh." Lily forced herself back up, slowly inching herself. "Can we call her? A howl?"

Cracked slapped the ground with her tail. "I never tried that." She looked to the students. "Howl with me? The more of us, the more likely she will hear us."

The group exchanged eager glances, then as one turned their muzzles skyward to unleash a cacophony of howls, roars, and cries calling out for their absent pack member. Hands clasped hands and hooves, all of them forming a circle of howling unity.

The ruins echoed with the strange yet joyful noise. For a minute the ritual continued, until their voices gave out.

"Think that did it?" Smolder asked, massaging her throat with a frowning wince.

A popping sound answered her as Comforting blinked into existence before them. "You rang?" She darted towards Lily, but was intercepted.

Cracked bounded forward to affectionately nuzzle her petite alpha, nearly bowling her over. "You came!"

Comforting laughed and returned the nuzzling. "Of course! When my pack calls, I answer." Her gaze landed on Lily. "And you must be the new pack member."

She approached Lily with a welcoming smile. "I'm Comforting Shade, a chaos spirit. I see you've met Cracked already. Welcome to our family!"

Lily dipped her head respectfully. "Greetings, Alpha Comforting. I am called Lily. Your pack has shown me great kindness already." She winced slightly, injuries still causing her pain.

Comforting's eyes shone with sympathy. "Then let's get you home where you can rest and heal."

She turned to the students. "All aboard the chaos express!" With a snap, everyone found themselves transported back to Ponyville in an instant.

Lily looked around in wonder. "Magic..." she breathed, only to collapse to her belly with a muted yelp.

Comforting gently helped support Lily's injured side. "Don't worry, you're safe now. Let's get you settled in." She twirled in the air towards the students. "You did it! Without me. I'm so proud right now." She blew kisses at them all with a happy smile. "You're heroes."

Ocellus blushed at that. "We didn't do that much... Um... But is she gonna be okay?"

Smolder eblowed Ocellus. "As if you even have to ask. Lily's in Comfs' pack. She can fix her. Snap, just like that." She snapped her fingers, but lacked any magic to make that mean something.

Comforting laughed nervously. "Um, I have to check on that... For now, you all did so good. You have my thanks, all of it. I have to see what I can do." She went up to reach for a nice hug of congratulations.


The wolfpony perked at that, ears trained on Comforting. "Yes, Alpha?"

"Tuck Lily into the house." Comforting pointed the way. "It should be big enough inside."

"Hm?" Cracked loped over in a few easy steps and shoved her head inside. "Oh. Alpha, your power astounds." She came rushing back out to Lily's side. "There is room for you, sister. Let's go." She began nuzzling hard against her new kin, working her up until Cracked could walk slowly with Lily draped over her.

"Welcome home." She vanished without a sound.

Cracked shook her head at where Comforting had been. "Come." Not that Lily had a choice, being carried along by Cracked. "This will be your new home. If you need anything, ask. The little hunters." She paused. "I should not speak for you. Little hunters, will you--"

She didn't get to finish. Yona stomped mid-step. "'Course we help! If Lily nice like you, we help."

Gallus nodded, following along. "Welcome to the club, Lily." He chuckled softly. "Tell us what your favorite cuts are. We'll cook you up something good."

Lily smiled from atop Cracked. "I don't know what they're talking about... But I look forward to finding out. What a strange time you live in."

"We live in," corrected Cracked, carrying Lily inside.

"Where did your alpha go?" Lily slid heavily to her paws and hooves, just to sink almost immediately, her legs unable to keep her upright. "I saw her only briefly."

Cracked helped Lily back up as best she could, almost propping her new friend up. "I don't know. But she goes as she is needed..." She took a slow breath. "Maybe she can heal your injuries."

Lily's ears perked up in fragile hope, before drooping again. "Surely it cannot be so simple for one such as I..."

Cracked met her sister's defeated gaze. She yearned to promise Lily would walk again, but the words caught in her throat.

Outside, the sky darkened as clouds rolled in. Cracked glanced out the window, a feeling of foreboding growing.

Lily followed her gaze. "A storm comes..." She shivered, fur bristling as a crash of thunder echoed.

Cracked pulled Lily closer protectively. But in her heart, she wondered - could even Comforting heal such ancient damage? The day's victory suddenly felt tenuous.

Lily met Cracked's doubtful eyes, both fearing this new world's hospitality had limits. As the storm raged outside, uncertainty howled within.

Author's Note:

Welcome home, Lily! Yay! But there are questions here...

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