• Published 26th Jan 2022
  • 11,185 Views, 2,580 Comments

New Endings, Old Starts - David Silver

A well-led life runs into an end. If that was it, it would have been fine, but the forces of the universe were not content, finding another purpose, or perhaps reward, for this being in another world entirely. May she shine gently.

  • ...

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164 - Making Use of Agents

"I'm glad you came." Comforting landed in front of Prickle, both just in front of Comforting's two story house. "I didn't invite you to play or have fun, which I'd rather we be doing if we're being honest."

Prickle angled an ear at Comforting. "Alright... What did you call me for?"

"Great question!" Comforting pointed to herself. "I'm a spirit, locked in a spirit contest of sorts. My dad's up to something naughty, but I don't know what it is. I just know it'll be naughty, and I have to do what I can to do two things." She raised a finger. "Prepare ponykind to be ready for it as best they can be." She raised the other finger. "Trip him up so it's as least bad as possible."

Prickle gasped softly. "Wow... Discord.... He's very powerful."

"At least as powerful as me." Comforting nodded with the thought. "More than me, he's had way more practice. We're both chaos spirits, but I'm new, and nice, and he's old, tricky, and can be not-nice. I like him when he's nice, mind, but he knows and tolerates a bit of not-niceness, to his advantage here."

Prickle nodded slowly, taking in the gravity of the situation. "I want to help, but I'm just a little pony. What could I possibly do against a spirit like Discord?"

Comforting smiled and put a reassuring hand on Prickle's shoulder. "You may be a pony, but you're my friend. And your strength is special - I have a feeling it could come in handy."

She started pacing as she continued explaining. "I've already got Luna preparing extra security. But Discord knows how to get around stuff like that. What I need is a wild card that he won't expect."

Comforting stopped and met Prickle's eyes. "That's where you come in. I thought maybe you could help fortify important buildings and landmarks around town. Make them a little more...chaos-proof. Just in case things get crazy."

Prickle's eyes widened at the idea. "You really think I could do that? I've never tried using my strength like that before."

"I know you can do it," Comforting said confidently. "You're stronger than anypony I've met. Together, we can protect Ponyville and maybe throw a wrench in whatever Dad's scheming."

She extended her hand again. "So what do you say, partner? Want to out-chaos the master of chaos with me?"

Prickle looked unsure for a moment, then determination flashed in her eyes. She grasped Comforting's hand in her hoof. "Let's do it." She laughed nervously. "But... how? How do I push something to make it not-chaos?" She made a pushing motion against the air. "I can push and pull, but how does that help?"

Comforting grinned, happy to have Prickle on board. At her question, the chaos spirit tapped her chin thoughtfully.

"You're right, just being strong isn't enough here. We need to be clever too." She snapped her fingers. "I know - let's go scout out some areas and brainstorm. I bet between your strength and my chaos know-how, we can figure out some unconventional ways you can use your talent."

Comforting floated up and beckoned for Prickle to follow her. "For example, you could compress dirt and stone to make barricades. Or maybe compact the ground so tightly that it's harder for chaos magic to take hold. Ooh, if we find weak spots in structures, you could literally force the walls and supports to be stronger."

She was getting more excited as ideas flowed. "The point is, your gift isn't just pushing and pulling. It's controlling physical forces. And we can use that to fight chaos in all sorts of creative ways! What do you think?"

Comforting looked back eagerly at Prickle, curious if her on-the-fly plan made sense. She was willing to keep brainstorming and finding innovative ways for Prickle's strength to counter Discord's impending chaos. With their powers combined, they stood a chance of protecting Ponyville.

Prickle gave an emphatic 'eh' of a sound. "You are throwing things at the wall."

Comforting blinked, some of her joyful energy dimming. "What?"

"You're scared." Prickle sat. "You're scared and you want to help and you're ready to try anything... I can understand why." She rubbed at her cheek softly. "Discord... How do we go against him?! He could do anything... He will do anything."

Comforting frowned with the picture Prickle was painting. "Yeah... Yeah." She sank down, sitting on her bottom. "Maybe I am getting a little carried away. But you do have strength, strength I'll need." She dared a little smile. "I need you to be strong in a different way that only you can be."

Prickle's ears perked up. "What way is that?"

"Ponies around you will be scared." Comforting flopped forward on her belly. "They will be shaking and confused and terrified. I need an agent, you, that will stand strong no matter how scary it is. I need somepony who will never show fear, even if they're scared, on the inside. I know that's a lot to ask of a little filly... I know..."

Prickle listened intently, her expression growing serious as Comforting explained. When the chaos spirit finished, Prickle was quiet for a moment.

"You're right, that does sound scary," she finally said. "I don't know if I can pretend not to be afraid if things get really bad."

She met Comforting's eyes. "But...I don't want anypony else to be scared either. Somepony has to be brave for them."

Prickle stood a little taller. "I can try my best. When it really matters, I won't show any fear on the outside, no matter how I feel inside. And I'll help anypony who needs it, however I can."

Her voice grew more confident. "My strength isn't just for lifting things. I can also stand strong emotionally when everypony is shaken. You can count on me for that."

Comforting broke into a relieved smile. "Prickle, you're the best. I knew I could trust you with this." She bounced back up eagerly. "Okay, so here's the plan. I'm going to keep preparing Equestria behind the scenes. But in public, I need you to act like everything's normal. Reassure anypony who seems really worried. And be ready to step up once chaos strikes."

She held out her hand. "It's a scary mission. But together, we can face this fearlessly. Are you with me?"

Prickle slapped her hoof into Comforting's hand without hesitation. "I'm with you."

Comforting grabbed up the little filly and the two twirled in the air in a great whirling hug. "Thank you." She set Prickle down carefully. "Now, this has inspired me! You are my second agent." She beamed at Prickle brightly. "But I need more. You will stand tall and strong with the foals." She put out a finger. "And the earth ponies." She put out another. "But who do we have for grown ponies? Who do we have for griffons?! What about changelings? This threat could be bigger than any one of us, but..." She leaned forward over Prickle. "There's more than one of us, together."

Prickle smiled at Comforting's renewed enthusiasm. "You're right, we need all creatures to stand together." She tapped her chin thoughtfully.

"For grown ponies, maybe Twilight Sparkle? She's powerful and ponies look up to her." Prickle suggested.

"Ooh, and for griffons - Gallus!" Comforting interjected excitedly. "He's one of my good friends at school. I bet I could get him on board."

Prickle nodded approvingly. "Perfect. Now we just need somecreature to unite the changelings..."

Her face lit up. "Wait, I know! How about Ocellus from your class? She's so kind - other changelings would listen to her."

Comforting bounced on her toes. "Prickle, you're a genius! With Twilight and Gallus and Ocellus, we'll have all ponies, griffons and changelings ready. Their friendship and teamwork can overcome anything."

She did a little flip in the air. "This is really coming together. With Luna preparing security, and you leading the foals, and now agents for the adults too, I think we can do this!"

Comforting floated back down and pulled Prickle into another quick hug. "Thank you for inspiring me and pushing my ideas further. Now let's get out there and recruit our team!" She curled an arm, drawing her fingers to her chin. "Just one little thing... The creatures from school aren't technically adults. They're teens. Almost adults... They'll have to work extra hard to get the adults to even listen to them."

She laughed suddenly. "I'll have to work extra hard to get them to listen to me about shadowy threats in the future I don't have details on. I have a lot of work ahead of me..." She nodded at Prickle. "But you! You did your part for today. You did your part and so much more. Thank you for being such a great little pony."

Prickle smiled at the praise, tail swaying behind her. "Do you mean that?"

Comforting inclined her head. "Why wouldn't I mean that? You were great before you even got here, but you were even better after our chat. Okay! Okay..." She huffed, calming herself. "Okay... I have to think about this. But we have a plan to work with. Thank you so much, Prickle. Did I mention yet that you're the best?"

"At least once." Prickle smiled a little demurely, unsure if she should accept that returned praise. "You know where I live. Um, don't teleport inside. That'll scare my mom."

The two waved at each other as Prickle headed off for home, their plans set for the time.

Before approaching any of her classmates, Comforting called a meeting with a teacher instead. "Hello, Professor." Comforting sat in her magic-learning desk, rocking her dangling legs. "Thank you for seeing me."

"So formal." Twilight nodded at her student-come-chaos spirit. "If you called, I presume it's because you have a question, which I'd like to answer, or because it's something I need to hear, which I want to hear. Either way, please, tell me."

Comforting clapped with a smile. "Good! I know you're older than me."

Twilight perked her ears. "Am I? I admit, I'm uncertain. How many moons old are you, if I may ask?"

Comforting wriggled a bit. "To start, I still don't know exactly how long a moon is... But we're getting distracted! You're the teacher, I'm the student. Even as a chaos spirit, I accept that relationship, gladly. I love having you as a teacher."

Twilight smiled at the praise. "And I love teaching creatures, especially about things I'm passionate about, like magic... or astronomy, or, more recently, friendship. Does this involve any of those?"

Comforting nodded. "It does actually. Friendship most of all."

She leaned in a bit closer. "I don't want to worry anypony unnecessarily, but I have reason to believe Discord is planning something that could disrupt harmony."

Twilight's eyes widened in alarm. "What? Are you certain?"

Comforting raised her hands placatingly. "Nothing confirmed yet. But I want us to be ready, just in case."

She met Twilight's gaze. "As a chaos spirit myself, I may be able to predict Discord's actions better than most. And I believe the strongest defense will come from the Magic of Friendship that you and your friends wield."

Comforting smiled reassuringly. "I know it's a lot to ask. But I was hoping you could help rally Ponyville and prepare everycreature to respond with friendship and unity if things get chaotic."

Twilight considered for a moment, then set her shoulders determinedly. "Comforting, I've already told them to do that. Ponyville will stand ready, should something happen."

She smiled back at Comforting. "I'm glad you came to me with this. Please keep me updated on anything else you learn about Discord's plans. What you've told me doesn't give me much to work with, unfortunately."

Twilight extended her hoof. "We'll get through this the same way we always do - together."

Comforting grasped it eagerly. "Together." Even if she didn't know what would come against them, she knew she had Twilight at her side. Her thoughts went to her classmates. She hoped that conversation would go as well.

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