• Published 26th Jan 2022
  • 11,185 Views, 2,580 Comments

New Endings, Old Starts - David Silver

A well-led life runs into an end. If that was it, it would have been fine, but the forces of the universe were not content, finding another purpose, or perhaps reward, for this being in another world entirely. May she shine gently.

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174 - Paging Doctor Fauna

Lily winced as Doctor Fauna gently manipulated her injured hind leg. Even the lightest touch sent spikes of pain shooting through her body. She dug her claws into the wooden floor, fighting back a snarl.

The vet's brows were knit in focus as she carefully examined the extent of the damage. The leg was crooked, the joints stiff and swollen. Muscles that had atrophied from centuries of disuse now spasmed and twitched unreliably.

"Can you try standing for me?" Fauna asked.

Jaw clenched, Lily slowly shifted her weight to bring her front paws under her. She barely made it a few inches off the ground before collapsing with a yelp, leg giving out.

Fauna nodded to herself, features grim. She met Lily's gaze somberly. "I'm afraid this is beyond my abilities to heal. The damage is too severe and ingrained."

Despair flooded through Lily. For a brief, beautiful moment she had dared to hope. Now that fragile dream was snatched away.

"Isn't there anything you can do?" Cracked pleaded, eyes shining with tears.

Fauna turned to address them both. "There may be a way, though it won't be easy. With intensive physical therapy and care, perhaps some mobility could be restored over time. But full recovery is unlikely."

Cracked nuzzled Lily, who stared numbly at the floor. The wolfpony's voice was hollow. "Then I am doomed to remain a cripple."

"Don't say that!" Comforting protested. She flew over to squeeze Lily's paw reassuringly. "It's going to be okay."

But inside even the ever-optimistic spirit wrestled with doubt. Was this wound too deep for any power in Equestria to mend?

Fauna tucked her tools away. "But, before we get mired in thinking about complete recoveries, there are things we can do, right now."

Cracked and Lily perked up in unison, ears pricked forward intently. Hope flickered in their eyes for the first time since the dire diagnosis.

Fauna smiled gently at the two wolfponies. Though massive and dangerous by nature, their shared distress made them seem like frightened puppies seeking comfort.

"There are mobility aids available," Fauna explained. "Ponies have to use them too, and though larger sizes will be needed for you, the principles are the same. With the proper braces and support, you could get around again, Lily."

Cracked leaned in eagerly, warm breath ruffling Fauna's mane. "With these aids, will Sister be able to walk properly again? Hunt?" The word escaped before she could stop it. Cracked amended "I mean...get exercise and fresh air?"

Fauna smoothed her windswept mane and opened a pamphlet to show them. "Your front legs are still quite strong and functional. The mobility aids would stabilize and support your back end. You may not regain your former speed and stamina, but you could have independence again."

Lily studied the illustrations, hardly daring to hope. "You really think these contraptions could allow me to move freely, even run?" She stretched her front legs, envisioning herself dashing over open fields beside Cracked once more.

Fauna hesitated. "With intensive exercise and therapy, I believe you could build up to moderate activity. But you may need assistance your whole life."

Lily's ears drooped, but her eyes remained bright with fragile hope. Some mobility was better than none. She turned to Fauna with sincerity. "Your expertise has proven wise, pony. I will follow your guidance, wherever it may lead."

Comforting clapped with a smile. "Wow."

Fauna inclined her head at the little outburst. "Is something wrong? Are you my next patient?"

"No! No." Comforting waved that away with a light-hearted giggle. "It's just I had a backup plan in my head, and you just reached in there and yanked it out. What I get for thinking I was outsmarting a professional in their field."

Fauna tipped her hat, or made the motion a bit dramatically. "I'll take that as a compliment. Now, I suggest these." She pointed at what looked like wheels with metal juts that ran up a creature's legs and connected together. "You can then pull yourself on your front hooves, and keep the pressure off your back paws. With practice, I've seen both ponies and critters get quite good at moving around with one of these."

Lily sat up slowly, using her front legs for most of it. "How do I gain such wonderful devices?" An idea lit in her eyes and she turned her head at Comforting.

"Will you perform magic?"

Comforting held up her hands. "Chaotic answers aren't enduring answers." She turned back to Doctor Fauna. "So how do we get one of those, large enough to fit Lily?"

Fauna tapped her chin thoughtfully. "I have connections with specialty craftsponies who make these mobility aids. With some advanced notice, I'm sure they could fashion a custom set for Lily's size."

She turned to Lily with an encouraging smile. "It may take some time to get properly fitted, but once we do, you'll be on the move again in no time."

Cracked wagged her tail eagerly. "You hear that, sister? Soon you will run free once more!"

Lily allowed herself a small smile. "For the first time in centuries...I feel hope." She bowed her head humbly to Fauna. "You have my deepest gratitude. I will repay this kindness one day."

Comforting beamed, bouncing on her toes. "This is so great! Don't worry Lily, we'll all pitch in to get you mobile again."

Forgotten, but still there, Smolder nodded along with the back and forth. "Alright, cool... So, uh, the hunting pack gets bigger?"

Cracked thumped the ground with a sharply wagging tail. "Yes! The pack grows larger."

Gallus nearly tumbled from his perch, feathers ruffled. "Hey, give a griffon some warning next time!"

Cracked looked abashed. "Apologies, little hunter. I am simply overjoyed at the thought of Lily joining our hunts once more."

She turned back to Fauna. "But yes, an important question. Will these wheeled contraptions be noisy? Subtlety aids the hunt."

Fauna nodded thoughtfully. "It won't be completely silent. But with proper maintenance..." She glanced at Comforting. "Keeping the wheels clean and free of debris will help muffle any sounds."

Comforting brightened. "I can help with that! No problem keeping it running smooth." She bounced excitedly at the prospect of assisting without overstepping.

Gallus yawned loudly from his perch, feathers still ruffled from his rude awakening. "Great, it's settled. Now can we finally get some sleep?"

Cracked dipped her head apologetically. "Of course, we have kept you long enough. Rest, and tomorrow we will begin Lily's journey back to strength!"

The young griffon was already snoring, dead to the world. But Lily was wide awake, visions of running free beside her sister already dancing in her mind.

Fauna chuckled gently, grabbing her bag of supplies. "Don't get ahead of yourself. It will take some time for this to be built. In the meantime, take care of your sister. You seem to love her very much, and she will need that care. It's on the way, so don't be sad, but these things don't happen overnight."

Cracked nuzzled Lily, who managed a weak smile despite her obvious disappointment.

"It's coming," Lily murmured, trying to encourage herself. "I will be patient."

As Fauna headed out, Comforting waved goodbye then turned to the others. "Well, it is getting late. Maybe time to call it a night?"

Smolder rolled her eyes and flicked one of Comforting's ears as she strode past. "You're not my mom." She disappeared into the kitchen, calling back, "I'm getting a drink first."

Comforting just giggled, unbothered by the dragon's mild defiance. She hovered over to squeeze Lily's hoof supportively.

"Don't worry, we'll take good care of you until those wheels are ready. And I'll do my part to keep them running smooth."

Lily nuzzled the tiny spirit gratefully. After so long bereft of hope or kindness, these strange new allies are gifts beyond measure.

Cracked guided her sister to a pillow nest she had crafted, easing her down gently. There was much yet to overcome, but surrounded by caring souls, the future seemed brighter for Lily than she had dared to dream in centuries.

"Huh." Diamond slipped down from her chair. "And here I was, just getting school done. You got another wolfpony? And you aren't even going to share one? You don't need two." She rolled her eyes with a little snort. "Greedy."

Comforting giggled at that. "I didn't think I'd be lectured on the nature of greed, especially here."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Diamond clopped down a hoof. "You're awfully cheeky today. I demand a hug until I feel better."

Though an immature request, Comforting happily obliged, sweeping Diamond into a warm embrace. The irritation melted away as they held each other close.

"Feel better?" Comforting asked, nuzzling Diamond's cheeks affectionately.

"Mmm, maybe... You'll have to keep hugging to be sure," Diamond murmured, nestling into the contact.

They both laughed, simply enjoying the closeness. After a moment, Diamond spoke up again. "But seriously, another wolfpony? Where will you fit them?"

Comforting glanced away evasively. "Oh, the house is bigger on the inside now..."

"You used your chaos magic to expand it, didn't you?" Diamond concluded with a dramatic sigh. "That's kind of hot...Dating a spirit with such power..." A sly gleam entered her eyes. "Knowing you could do anything to me, and I'd be helpless to resist..."

Comforting pulled back, eyes wide with alarm. "Diamond! I would never abuse my abilities like that."

Diamond just smirked and booped Comforting's nose. "I know you wouldn't. You're far too sweet for that. But the fact remains, you hold all the power in this relationship."

Her expression softened. "Yet you choose to be so gentle and loving. That means everything to me." She pulled Comforting into another warm hug. "My caring, chaos girl."

With a firm clap, Diamond staggered, bipedal and strange. "W-what did you do?!" She curled her arms upwards and gaped. "Those are not hooves." She had hands. She was the human version of Diamond Tiara. "Comfs! Why'd you do that? I was just complimenting you on being a good spirit."

Comforting drifted closed with a giggle. "I'm still a caring chaos girl... But weren't you curious? I'm sure human-you told you stories about herself. Here's a chance to just feel it. This is her, but you."

"Funny way of phrasing that." She reached out an arm and used the other hand to feel over it slowly. "Wow... My, uh... These things?" She wriggled her new fingers, not having the word for them. "They're so sensitive. I can feel everything!"

A sudden sly look overtook her as she dropped her hands. "I can feel... everything."

With the last word, she jumped, pouncing Comforting to the ground with a loud thump and a pair of squeals as the two wrestled and played with juvenile bliss.

But Diamond also had other plans. She touched. She touched and felt and stroked over Comforting. She had fingers, and she planned to use them on every part of Comforting she could reach. "This is kinda great. You have so many textures that I never really thought about."

Comforting slowly pushed Diamond back, giggling at the ticklish explorations. "Cut that out! Am I that fun to touch?"

"Yes?" Diamond wiggled her fingers dangerously. "You gave me these. You have only yourself to blame. Seriously, you're scaley and fuzzy and feathery and it's like a dance as I brush you."

"Alright, I think that's enough human time for now," Comforting declared. With a snap, Diamond was back to her pink pony form.

"Aww..." Diamond looked at her hooves ruefully, but her eyes shone with mirth. "That was really fun! We'll have to do it again sometime."

She pulled Comforting into a tender nuzzle. "But for now, I suppose I'll just have to appreciate your unique textures as a pony."

Comforting hugged her close. "Sound perfect to me."

She bounced back a few steps. "But, for today... I vote we go out and paint the town."

Diamond hiked a brow. "Are you being literal? I know you could be being literal right now."

Author's Note:

Good news is on the way for you, Lily! Have you seen such devices on dogs or cats?

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