• Published 26th Jan 2022
  • 11,183 Views, 2,580 Comments

New Endings, Old Starts - David Silver

A well-led life runs into an end. If that was it, it would have been fine, but the forces of the universe were not content, finding another purpose, or perhaps reward, for this being in another world entirely. May she shine gently.

  • ...

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1 - Welcome

It was a field of stars, stretching out towards infinity. It was a place Celestia had visited, though rarely. She walked calmly down the lit path of nothing among those stars, searching for what had drawn her there. No student of hers. Her last had ascended the throne and replaced her, head held high and ready to take on the mantle of pony leadership.

Celestia smiled in remembrance of it. That student had done well, dear Twilight. But what could have called her? There, an indistinct impression, a spirit trapped in that between place. It had no body, like Twilight, the body already destroyed.

Unlike Twilight, it had faded somewhat. Age, or acceptance of the end? Either way, she could turn right around and leave it, and it would fade in short time. But if that was what was intended, she couldn't have been called. "Hello," she bade gently instead, sitting before the flicker of life. "You look tired."

There were no words, at least not from the presence. Celestia simply began to know. A life, a full life, with struggles and victories and defeats, but one led well and fully. Laid down so others may find happiness. Celestia gently gathered up the weary bit of energy. "You have led a long and good life. I can feel you know this. I can allow it to end, and there would be no shame in that. But I was called for a reason, even if only to offer. Do you want another chance, in a gentler world? Yours seemed... so loud. So angry... You lived it well." She would have less pity to offer to a being that had simply surrendered to pitiable circumstances. "It is your choice."

"Yes, they are like me." Celestia inclined her head at the unspoken question. "Far smaller. My little ponies, they have love to share, and would extend it to you. You will join them as a young one, to grow and learn of their ways. Do you--" She didn't get to finish the question again. She could feel excitement, and a swirl of color. The thing she held may have faded, but life remained in it, and the offer was clearly accepted. "Then I will bring you."

She left that place behind. The sun shone brightly above her, the wind gently ruffling her fur, but she wasn't there to enjoy a quality day, as nice as that was. She knocked on a door lightly.

"Who is it?" A female voice, one she knew well. The door opened, a yellow snout poking out. "Yes? Oh!" She saw who it was, Celestia! No longer princess. She wore no fineries, but was just as large and intimidating. "Um... how can I help you?" Fluttershy was doing her best to not quake before the large alicorn.

"Be at ease." She reached with a wing to pat Fluttershy gently. "I'm retired. Just another pony, like you. In fact, I was hoping you could help me."

Fluttershy perked an ear curiously. "Really? Is Philomena feeling under the weather?"

"I am glad to report they are just fine." Celestia stepped aside, revealing a unicorn filly that smiled, though there was some nervousness there. "This is Comforting Shade."

"Hello," squeaked out the filly before she sat and cleared her throat, regathering herself. "Hello, Fluttershy. Celestia brought me here."

Fluttershy inclined her head at the little filly. "You know my name? Did Celestia tell you?"

Celestia extended a wing between them. "This is a special filly, just a little special. She knows Ponyville, and many of the ponies in it. What she does not have is a caretaker, a ward is what a filly needs to be, not alone."

"I'll be good," promised little Comforting. "I promise."

Fluttershy's eyes widened in surprise, gazing anew at the filly when the wing withdrew. "And you... think I could be that?"

"Please." Comforting brought her hooves together silently.

"My house is very quiet, other than the animals, but even they know I like it quiet... It may not be fun for a little foal like you."

That only made Comforting look all the more enthusiastic. "Lovely." She bounced forward a step, tail lashing fitfully. "How can I help? I won't just ask for things."

Fluttershy began to smile. The little filly was hard to argue with, and... "You like it quiet then?"

"Quiet company with good pe--ponies? That sounds good to me. Is Discord quiet when he visits?"

Fluttershy's eyes widened anew. "You... know him too, I see... He is quiet usually, but sometimes we can get a little rowdy... He gives me an excuse to let my hair down." Not that her hair was generally in any position but down. "Does that bother you?"

Celestia nodded with a content smile. "You two appear to be getting along. May I leave her in your care?"

"Oh!" Fluttershy looked to Celestia, but it was little more than a glance, returning her vision to Comforting. "I've never been a mother before." She extended her right hoof. "Are you sure you want to be here, with me?"

Comforting advanced on the offered hoof, nuzzling it and the leg just past it. "I will do my best to not get in the way. Thank you so much! I know this must be a little scary for you."

Fluttershy blinked softly. "I expected to hear that for you. You're a foal, in a new place, with a new pony... Are you really not bothered at all?"

Comforting's horn glowed softly as she smiled brightly. "It would be a pleasure and delight to be here, if you'll have me."

"Oh, um. Hm...." She tapped at her chin. "You are very clever for a foal your age." At least, the age Fluttershy would guess for Comforting. "Sending you to school... No...." She looked around, circling in place. "I should--"

"That sounds like a yes." Celestia turned to go. "Do write me if complications arise, but I imagine you two will get along quite well. Comforting, Fluttershy has accepted you, so she is your mother. Treat her with respect and listen closely to the advice she has." Her smile deepened, her pace accelerating into a walk away. "And don't tease her."

Fluttershy watched Celestia go, words failing her a few long moments. "Well... Um... Come in?" She stepped in and to the side, making room that a filly soon occupied, but only briefly, rushing past her inside. "Welcome... home? I'm Fluttershy." That last part wasn't strictly required, but she looked comfortable for saying it. "And it seems I've gained a little filly. Are there things you like to eat, or really don't like to eat?"

"That's a good question." She curled a hoof to her small chin. "I feel bad for not saying more about me. You must be so confused. Who is this little kid in my house?"

Fluttershy smiled gently. "A little."

"Sorry." Comforting lowered her head. "I like fish and salads. Salads with fish? Perfect. I'll try anything once, but I'm not a fan of very spicy things, unless I get used to them, but I'll... probably complain on the way."

Fluttershy giggled softly at that. "You're the first foal I ever met that'd admit to that. Is that permission to get you used to things?"

Comforting went quiet and still a moment. "Yes," she stated suddenly but firmly. "Push me a little. I'll complain, but thank you in advance. I... want to... see everything." She spread her hooves. "This colorful world. Its colorful pe--ponies. Even the not-ponies."


"Right, those." Comforting waved a hoof at Fluttershy, grand smile on her face. "So I'll complain, but you have permission to shove me forward anyway."

"What an interesting filly... Tell me, how do you get along with other foals?" Fluttershy examined the small unicorn curiously. The little one had bright blonde fur and her mane and tail had a shimmering effect, as if they got brighter or darker depending on how the light hit them. Her eyes were a hazel shade, large as ponies tended to be, foals especially.

"I'll do my best to be good." That was not, technically, a direct answer to the question. "I should meet them."

"You should," agreed Fluttershy in an unsure tone, becoming all the more sure that the curious filly wouldn't be a good fit with Cheerilee and her foals. "Tell me, how does a school of friendship, where mature ponies go to learn about the world and how we can get along in it, and with it, and with each other sound?"

"That sounds delightful." The filly clapped her hooves together, Comforting smiling all the brighter. "And there'll be ponies to meet?"

"And other creatures." Fluttershy nodded softly at that. "I teach there, but I'm just one teacher. You'll learn from many of them. Does that sound good to you?"

"It sounds great." She rocked left and right, a little giggle escaping. "Thank you! You're so nice!" And she rushed forward into Fluttershy's surprised grip, hugging the larger pegasus and getting hugged in kind. A decision was made.

It was about an hour later, with Fluttershy tending her animals and Comforting cleaning the house. Comforting's busy work was accompanied by a song. Bidden by the song magic of the land or not, she offered no resistance.

I will sweep every floor,
and dust every thing.
Cleanings not such a chore
If as you do it you sing
I don't mind cleaning a bit
as into my new life I try to fit.

The dishes I shall clean,
And the laundry I will do.
It will all look awfully keen,
As if it was brand new.
I don't mind cleaning a bit
as into my new life I try to fit.

It was with its completion that a new knock came from the door. "Two in one day?" Fluttershy began to finish what she was doing.

"I got it." Comforting hurried over with the energy of youth. Her little glowing horn got a grip on the doorknob and pulled it wide open. "He--Discord!"

"Me!" Discord looked happy to have been named. "Do I know you?" He pulled out a magnifying glass to inspect the filly.

"Oops." Comforting had tried to not spout a pony's name before being given it, but had also failed it completely. "I'm Comforting Shade." She directed both hooves at herself. "I'm staying with Fluttershy, my mom."

His brows came down together. "Mom?" He leaned in right over Comforting, eyes meeting Fluttershy. "Did I miss something?"

"You did, but not what you're thinking." Fluttershy was glowing red. "Celestia brought her to me, to take care of. I hope you two will get along."

"That depends." Discord rubbed at his chin with two fingers. "Me and foals really only have two settings. They love me, or they hate me. Which is it, kiddo?"

"Nice to meet you, sir." Comforting dipped her entire front at the chaos noodle. "May I ask something?"

"You just did, and now you're out of questions." He crossed his arms. "You should be more careful with those things. They don't come very often."

Comforting burst into giggles. "Oh no. You got me."

Discord perked a brow. "What? That's when most ponies get grumpy with me..." But Comforting looked far more amused at his antics than upset. "Huh... Well, for that, I'll give one more question. Use it better this time."

"I will." She nodded firmly. "I would like to see some of your chaos magic, in person, so I'll ask you nicely for some. Please sir."

"Hm..." He glanced at Fluttershy and back to Comforting. "Am I allowed?"

Fluttershy inclined her head slowly. "Well, she did ask. So long as you put things back when you're done playing, I don't see the harm in that."

Discord began to clap, taking his turn to giggle. "You heard her. No getting mad at me. Now, I see something behind your ear." He reached for the filly and yanked out something vast indeed, a whole other person, a human, older, old even. "Huh, didn't expect that."

The old lady looked around in confusion before she locked eyes with the wide-eyed filly. "Oh."

"Oh," echoed Comforting, the two stuck. "It's me."

"It was you," countered the old lady. "Discord, please, put me back inside that little pony's head where I belong."

"You are taking this far too casually." Still, he did pluck up the older woman and casually stuffed her right back into Comforting's back, setting her right back in place, soul in body. "You're not at all startled? Amazed? Flabbergasted?"

"I'm all of those things." Comforting sat back, eyes still wide. "But more than that, thank you. I wasn't expecting that opportunity."

It would be far from the last of her new opportunities.

Discord went past Comforting to start his meeting with Fluttershy, both laughing and enjoying themselves. Comforting smiled at the two, but could see she was a third wheel in that, so she casually walked out of the house.

She emerged into the bright light of day and craned her head around in a slow circle, considering the lay of the land. "Wow." To one side, the Everfree forest. It didn't look nearly as scary as they had implied in the earlier seasons. Had it calmed down over time? It was just a dense forest. On the other, she could see Ponyville a short distance away, filled with colorful houses with equally colorful ponies wandering among them.

Her choice was easy, she began trotting towards town with a big smile. "Wonder if I'll see any...pony I know."

She would not be disappointed. There were so many ponies! Even background ponies she knew the name of and nothing more, living and breathing their lives. Her eyes sparkled as she looked from one little pony to the next, even if they were all larger than her.

Except one, which was coming towards her with a smirk on her lips. "Never saw you before." Diamond Tiara had found her. "You visiting, or moving in?"

Comforting squeaked, unsure a moment. Just... stay calm. She was, in the end, still just a young one. "Hello there." She had succeeded at not using her name. Score. "I'm new here and trying to learn where things are."

"Moving," concluded Diamond, tossing her mane even as she leaned to the side. "And a blank flank." Comforting cringed, worried she was about to be harassed. "But don't worry, it'll come in time. In fact, if that bothers you, I know a set of ponies who specialize in that."

Comforting blinked, but that turned into a renewed smile. Diamond was reformed, and offering her a chance to visit the CMC. That was tempting... "That can wait." She wasn't especially in a super hurry to figure that out. "I'd rather meet you. You seem nice."

Diamond blinked at that, as if surprised. "I do? I mean, yeah! What's your name? I'm Diamond Tiara."

"Comforting Shade." She dipped her head. "A friend of yours?" She had spotted Silver Spoon hurrying over to join them.

"That's Silver Spoon." Diamond put out an arm and soon had the other earth filly under it, hugging her. "We're besties. Silver, this is Comforting Shade. New in town; but she recognized a pony worth knowing."

"Wow." Silver leaned forward towards Comforting. "Heya. Like, I'm Silver Spoon." She pointed at herself. "And we were just gonna head to Sugarcube Corner and get a snack. Wanna come with?"

"That sounds great!" Except... She deflated a little. "I don't have any bits."

Diamond rolled her eyes. "My treat. My dad's super important. Bits are not a problem I have."

Silver giggled at the very notion. "Yeah, you found two ponies that aren't, like, worried about that. Let's get some lunch!"

They proceeded, three laughing fillies. "You're living with Fluttershy?" Diamond shook her head. "How can you stand it? Isn't she, basically, silent?"

"She's not like that." Comforting shook a hoof, almost toppling over in the process. Walking with three legs was something she had to practice doing more. "She just talks when she has something to say. She talks a lot." When she wanted to. "I like it. It's peaceful."

Silver shrugged softly at that. "If you're happy, like, guess that's what's important. Well, we're not quiet."

"And that's nice too." Comforting inclined her head. "In moderation." She could see Sugarcube coming up, all sweet looking. "Ooo. Um, what do you two like here?"

Diamond curled a hoof to her chin, walking along like it was just normal. "Depends on the mood. They specialize in baked stuff. I like things I can hold easy, so cookies and biscuits and things like that."

Silver bobbed her head in easy agreement. "Like, totally. Their cakes are real good too, but that's for special occasions. I'm not gonna eat a cake for lunch!"

"As if." Diamond rolled her eyes as she pressed into the sweet smells of Sugarcube. "Pinkie." There she was, smiling at them. "Hey--"

She didn't get to finish. Pinkie's eyes were locked on Comforting, shivering with excitement. "Hello, little filly! Your party will be..." Some mental math was going on. "In two days, just after school. How's that sound?"

Comforting blinked owlishly. A Pinkie party?! That sounded exciting, but also a little terrifying. "No loud music, if you can avoid that."

Pinkie saluted sharply. "No loud music, got it! Favorite cake flavor?" she asked as she leaned over the counter, fluttering her lashes. "The more I know, the better the party will be."

Comforting fidgeted from hoof to hoof. "Ger--" That was not a place that existed. And yet...

"You got it!" Pinkie was dancing. Both ponies were going from hoof to hoof, but the way they did it was quite different with Pinkie's energetic little dance. "I'll come pick you up. Now, what can I get you all today?"

Diamond was peering between the two. "Alright, so what was she saying? I don't know any ger flavors."

"I know one," sang Silver. "She's obviously a fan of Germane chocolate cake!"

Pinkie was looking to Comforting, who laughed awkwardly. "Caught me."

The party pony leaned all the more in. "You strike me as the kind of filly'd that like carrot cake too."

Comforting's eyes widened. "How did... Oh right, Pinkie."

Pinkie laughed at that, snorting midway through. "My reputation precedes me."

Diamond nudged Comforting to the side. "We'll take a cookie platter."

"Extra sugar," called Silver with a grin. "Can you toss in a few extra? We're sharing with the new filly." she angled her head at Comforting meaningfully.

With a thump of glass on the wood of the counter, Pinkie was already setting the platter, ready to go and steaming hot from an oven. "Here ya are! Enjoy." She began to clap excitedly. "Two days!"

The fillies led the way for Comforting. "This is our stall." Diamond hopped up, setting the tray down in front of her. "If there's another pony here, they usually vamoose when they see us."

Silver hopped up across from her, snapping up a cookie along the way and nibbling with a pleased expression.

"That seems a little rude." Comforting climbed up into her seat. "What if they're having a good time?"

"Then..." Her mouth worked, a frown on her face. "Then... I'd probably sit... over there." She pointed to another booth. "If both were taken, this place is too crowded."

"Like, for real." Silver nodded in agreement with that. "We'd come back later, or send Randy to get some and bring it back to us."

Diamond smiled at the idea. "He's good for that. A quality ponyservant. Now..." She fixed eyes on Comforting even as the new filly began to chew. "Are you joining us at school or not? You look the right age."

Comforting swallowed both cookie and her nervousness. "I should talk to my mother first." Not that Fluttershy was her literal mother, but her caretaker, and that was good enough! She'd decide that kind of thing. "I'll go where she tells me."

Diamond burst into giggles. "You are such a good little filly." Despite being the same size, she reached across to pat Comforting on the head. "Of course you'll do what she says."

"But what do you want to do?" Silver was grinning with import. "You have to, like, have some kinda opinion."

"Exactly." Diamond poked the new filly. "Go on, what do you want to do?"

Comforting chewed at her cookie as if it would hide the question, but the fillies were watching her, waiting for an answer. "Um... I want to learn more about the world." She curled a hoof to her chin. "I want to help and do my part, and make friends."

Diamond hiked a brow high. "Wow, yeah, you'd get along with the crusaders just fine."

"Total match." Silver nodded in complete agreement. "Not a bad thing, like, you know? It's a nice idea, being a good pony. You do that." She burst into giggles. "Diamond's better at it."

Diamond colored red swiftly. "Don't say that! Ugh, that sounds so corny!" She prodded at her friend, huffing in indignity. "I'm learning how to be in charge the right way. That's not the same thing."

"Yeah yeah." Silver was still laughing even as she got prodded at, not at all bothered. "You're doing great. Say, wasn't your dad coming home today?"

Diamond's eyes sprang wide. "Oh right! Good call. Hey, kid, the rest's yours." She hopped down, abandoning the tray. "We got places to be. See you around town." And off went the two upper crust fillies, dashing out of the bakery without further pause.

Comforting finished her cookie and looked to the rest; a whole tray of sugary brilliance. It was too much. "Do you--"

Pinkie sprang up beside her, wielding a box that she swept the cookies into and folded up closed. "Here you go!"

Comforting set down a hoof slowly. "Seeing it in person is something else... Thank you, Pinkie."

"Gotta respect our elders." She saluted and bounced away, leaving the filly blinking confusedly.

Comforting took up her folded box, the handle dangling from her little snout. Prepared, she hopped down and trotted up to the door, just to realize she had no idea how to work the knob and hold the box at the same time. If only she was... Oh, she was! She focused on the knob, willing it to turn. Her magic sparkled in fits. She had done it before without even thinking about it! Why was actually trying to do it harder?!

"Here ya go." A random stallion grabbed the knob in his mouth and opened the door for her. "Go home safely, little filly."

"Fank you," she cried around the obstruction in her mouth, hurrying past the door lest it close on her. Free of the bakery, she got to a walk back towards Fluttershy's cottage. Her first adventure in Ponyville, a success! She'd made two new friends, and experienced an Equestrian cookie. A win all around, she decided.

A pity the animal in front of her didn't seem to agree, glaring at her with dread import. "Angel Bunny, right?" The rabbit thumped a hind foot on the ground, arms folded as it stared at her. "Um... hi?"

Angel charged at her. She squeaked and practically fell over herself, trying to get away. He was on her, snatching the box away from her confused jaws and dashing away just as quickly, leaving her with no cookies.

Comforting sat up, dazed and confused. Tears began to sting at her eyes. It wasn't that big of a deal. She hadn't even paid for the cookies. And yet, the tears only grew in volume and she began to tremble. She couldn't control the young emotions bubbling up inside her. It wasn't fair! It hurt, and she lost her cookies!

Her cries brought out a confused Fluttershy. "Oh my." The pegasus hurried up to Comforting. "What happened? Everything's alright..." Her tone of voice was so gentle and soothing. Comforting didn't resist as she was led inside under the wing of her caretaker.

Author's Note:

Welcome, welcome. Walk with me on a new journey with a wizened soul given a new chance in a new place.

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