• Published 26th Jan 2022
  • 11,186 Views, 2,580 Comments

New Endings, Old Starts - David Silver

A well-led life runs into an end. If that was it, it would have been fine, but the forces of the universe were not content, finding another purpose, or perhaps reward, for this being in another world entirely. May she shine gently.

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12 - Generous Overview

"So glad you could make it, darling." Rarity fluttered her lashes at the small filly in her classroom. "I know this is extra. We already had class today." She leaned in a little, looking over Comforting. "And you are quite the studious little thing, especially for your age. And while I have no objection to an attentive student, really dear, it does make me wonder." She raised a hoof to her chin. "I know Fluttershy, precious thing, wouldn't press very hard, but before her?"

"Before her?" Comforting inclined her little head. Technically, there was no before her, at least in her little pony life. "Nobody was mean to me. I just want to learn." The first time she had gone to school was so different, and with very different motivations. "Did you want to ask about that?"

"Oh, no darling, sorry. I'm getting off topic and we've scarcely begun." She laughed at herself, but also was coming in closer. "Turn your head a little, kindly."

Comforting obediently did just that, even if she was a little unsure why.

"What I thought!" Rarity looked like she had been proven right about something.

"What did you think? Oh!" She perked up, bringing her hooves together. "Did you want to see the color changing?"

"I did, actually. What a perceptive little filly." She patted Comforting gently as a bit of chalk floated over to land on Comforting's desk. "You can use that."

Comforting tried to take the chalk from Rarity, but found that the ease that Twilight had done it was a ruse. Twilight was a very advanced unicorn. Comforting was not. Her magic tried to slip in as it felt like had been done to her, but Rarity's grip was sure.

It was only after Rarity noticed that she allowed Comforting to supplant her arcane grip, the color that only Comforting could see shifting from Rarity to Comforting colors. "Sorry, didn't know you needed to hold it, dear."

"It helps." She hadn't learned enough magic usage to really project herself outside of holding things. With that connection, she could... The chalk began to glow a soft blue, visible to all.

"Lovely, but not your usual color, I'm told?" Rarity examined the blue-glowing chalk, which became a brown-glowing chalk in short order. "Ah, there. It all makes perfect sense, dear, and nothing to be surprised at, I dare say."

She sat back, directing a hoof at Comforting's eyes as a mirror floated into view. "It's all in the eyes. Many unicorns have a color related to their eyes, though it isn't a guaranteed thing."

Comforting gazed into her own eyes, thanks to the power of that hand mirror, floating in its Rarity magical glow. Rarity was angling it around, and Comfort caught it, her hazel eye's colors shifting with those varied angles. "See?" Rarity leaned in close enough to be next to the mirror instead of behind it.

"Eee!" Comforting backed away from the suddenly close to her Rarity. Rarity did that, invading personal space at times. Comforting burst into laughter, just as quickly getting over it. "You surprised me."

"Sorry dear." She sat up properly, drawing herself and the mirror away. "Your magic is tied to your eyes, like most unicorns, and your eyes change colors. Why, I bet if you tried with a mirror in hoof, you could make your eyes change colors about as easily as you make your magic change color. It's all perfectly logical, the way I see it."

Comforting set down her chalk and reached instead for the mirror. When Rarity released it, Comforting brought it closer to study herself as she turned in place, examining the way the colors shifted. "Do you think?"

"Only one way to be certain, dear." Rarity beckoned gently. "Go ahead. I promise I won't tell if it goes wrong."

"Yes you will," corrected Comforting, but she tried anyway. With no glow at all, she just focused on her eyes, trying to twist things the--She gasped with amazement. Her eyes had gone blue, but that faded back to brownish the moment she was surprised and stopped concentrating on it.

"And proven." Rarity looked quite pleased with her deductive reasoning. "Both of your talents may be related, they often are."

"Both?" Comforting rubbed at the side of her head, close to her eye, but not pressing the hoof against the sensitive orb.

"I was told you can see magic. It's all eye related, dear." Rarity pointed at those hazel peepers. "Your eyes are the center part of your talents. You don't have two talents, not exactly. You have one, very special eyes, and it's a delightful talent to have, and far less rare than having two separate talents."

Comforting half-fell and half-slid to the floor. "Thank you, Miss Rarity." She offered a little hoof at the larger teacher. "That's actually a relief. I was worried I was... a bit odd."

"Only in good ways," assured Rarity. "Every pony is special in their own way." She met the small hoof with her own in a clop of solidarity. "Yours just happens to involve an enchanting set of eyes. I can respect that. My eyes are central to what I do, but they aren't, themselves, special." She leaned in, but to display her eyes instead of shoving into Comforting's field of view.

"They are a lovely blue." Not the same shade Comforting had given to herself, which had been more of a dark satin blue. She tried to focus on Rarity's blue, staring into them, getting lost in them.

Rarity recoiled with a squeak. "Oh my, dear! That is quite uncanny." Comforting had matched Rarity's blue fairly well. "Not to offend, dear. I'd be just as surprised if a changeling went and turned into me suddenly."

Which only got Comforting thinking. "I should talk to Ocellus. We have something in common!"

Rarity raised a hoof, only for it to lower again. "Huh. You may not be wrong, dear. You can only change one of your various parts, but it's still a change. Perhaps you and Ocellus do have notes to compare." A kind smile spread on her lips. "If it works the same way, she may even have some tips for you. That would be delightful."

With one mystery set behind them, Comforting scampered off with a parting wave, happier for the gained knowledge of herself. Rarity let out a hmm as she got to cleaning up with bits of her magic, grabbing things and setting them in order. She set the last ponyquin in place, the room clean and sorted. "Let's chat." And off she went to have a faculty meeting.

"Wow!" Ocellus was watching her friend change the colors of their eyes, only the ring of the iris, sure, but it was more than most ponies could manage at all. Her eyes began to change with them, Ocellus matching Comforting shift to shift and the two giggling cheerfully at one another. "I never met a pony that changed like a, well, me."

"It's a little change," admitted Comforting. "But I thought of you." She sat back, eyes back to the default brownish. "I'm still trying to get specific colors down right."

"That's so hard!" Ocellus threw up her hooves with a shared pain. "It took me forever to get that right!"

"It's not just me?" Comforting leaned in at that shared fact. "I thought a changeling would get it so easy."

"Nuh huh." Ocellus shook her head quickly. "We make it look easy, but it takes a lot of practice."

That dread word... It came up so often. "Any tips?"

"Well..." With a rush of flames, Ocellus became a second Comforting, smiling at the original. "Let me be you first and..." Being her, she could change the colors of her eyes without the little flames coming with them. "Cool! I like it." She burst into giggles, pleased at Comforting's body. "You have neat eyes! I didn't even think of trying this. Who would?"

"I didn't! It was Rarity's idea," gushed Comforting with a huge smile, clearly more happy with her doppelganger than offended or upset by it. "So... You're doing it, does that mean it's similar?"

"It is!" Ocellus leaned in, touching noses and gazing, hazel to hazel eyes. "Similar. Not exactly the same, but close enough. I will take you under a wing... which I don't have right now, and show you the ropes, which I also don't have."

Changelings, were, perhaps, not the best at that kind of language, and it drove Comforting to louder bits of giggles. "You're great!" She grabbed her twin, hugging her firmly and getting a hug in kind. "After school?"

"After school." Ocellus became her usual self with a rush of flames. Despite hugging, the flames didn't burn, or even feel very hot, a little warm? "Aren't you still learning how to use your horn? That's a lot of things to learn at once. You sure you can keep up?"

Comforting bobbed her head. "I can handle it." Only for a talon to close around her snout. "Mm?"

"Nuh uh." There was Gallus, casually pinching her snout closed. "You're about to pull a Twilight on us, and we already have one of those, so I'm returning the extra." He released Comforting. "Pick one thing to do, the others can wait their turns."

Comforting backed quickly from Gallus with a scowl, rubbing her formerly grabbed snoot. "Don't do that," she muttered perhaps a bit more darkly than her little frame would imply.

Ocellus nodded at Gallus quickly. "He's not wrong. You're doing a lot. We don't want you to get all stressed out." She flashed a fanged changeling smile. "I'll be here, promise, whenever you want to go over colors. But don't rush it."

"Only yaks can do so much." Yona nodded sagaciously. "You good pony, but not yak. Slow down."

So it was that Comforting was pinned down under the words of her friends and began to giggle. "Alright alright!" Her friends would not allow her to take on more than she should, and she only felt happier, knowing that. "You're all the best." She spread her small arms and soon was in the center of a great big group hug. "I wanna learn spells, so that first, at least my first one. Eyes after that."

"Alright." Ocellus turned away. "We should get to class then. Good luck with... Oh hey! I know spells." She tapped at her horn rapidly. "I could help with that."

Comforting's eyes widened. What an amazing friend Ocellus was turning out to be. "Thank you! Let's do some magic!" They met, hoof to hoof, and trotted off to do some learning at school.

Gallus hiked a thumb at where the two wandered off chatting animatedly. "Two bits on her burning out."

"Deal." Smolder took up that bet. "She's manic, but she's tough too! She'll make it."

Yak frowned at the two. "We should help, not bet on her needing help."

Smolder raised her hands. "Hey, I'll lend a hand, but I'm not turning down two easy bits on her not needing our help."

"And I'm not turning down two easy bits on her crying her little foal eyes out, sparkly or whatever." Gallus shrugged softly at the idea. "We'll be here either way, not throwing her out."

Sandbar rubbed at the side of his face. "Not fair."

Yona looked back to him quickly. "What not fair?"

"She gets two talents and I don't even have one." He pawed at the ground in clear agitation.

Silverstream set a hand on his withers. "Aw, don't be like that. You're super talented!"

Yona bounced in place, making the ground rumble in the motion. "Agree with Silverstream, Sandbar very talented! One of best ponies Yona knows." The two females nodded in unison, agreeing that Sandbar was a very good pony.

Silverstream stroked at her beak. "Besides, you're normal, a good kinda normal. You're the only normal pony in our whole group."

Gallus shrugged at that with a little laugh. "Somepony has to be the straight creature, right? Guess that's you, Sandy."

Sandy grunted softly at being named the straight creature, but they went off. There was class to get to.

Author's Note:

Rarity is awful pleased with herself, but so is Comforting.

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