• Published 26th Jan 2022
  • 11,184 Views, 2,580 Comments

New Endings, Old Starts - David Silver

A well-led life runs into an end. If that was it, it would have been fine, but the forces of the universe were not content, finding another purpose, or perhaps reward, for this being in another world entirely. May she shine gently.

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185 - A Weak Swirl

Starswirl was seated at the crystal map table. With a glowing horn, he held several documents up in front of his face. "Hm... Hm." He tapped at one. "Not a single injury?"

Twilight crossed her arms and shook her head at once. "There was one time Cracked tripped over a pony in an eager rush. She apologized and hurried the pony to care. No longterm injuries resulted, and she stayed by their side until they were entirely recovered. I believe they are friends now."

Starswirl stroked over his beard. "These are different times..." He let out a slow breath. "In mine, they were pure monsters, hungers with teeth and a fondness for pony flesh..." He set the papers down miserably. "Now, tamed. The ponies of this new age, joyfully domesticating them."

Twilight hummed, bringing the papers in her own magic. "This is almost entirely Comforting's fault. She did this. She found the first banished to a whole other world, and nursed them to health, here. The kind act of chaos."

"Kind act indeed." Starswirl shook his head slowly. "But I am being stuck in my ways. I don't want to be... If you are certain they are safe, I will turn my attention elsewhere." He sighed deeply. "Maybe explore the wonders of this new age. You have so many."

Twilight brightened at that idea. "What a lovely notion. I can suggest a few places, if you like." She wagged a hoof. "Or, if you're up for it, we could go over magical theories. There are so many you left the most interesting notes on but I never had a chance to go over them with their primary source."

He stood up. "Tempting, but I should go." Rather than face the many questions of Twilight, he started his leave. "I will send letters."

Twilight huffed at where he had been. "Figures." She cleaned up the many notes that had been involved. "I'll have to do it myself."

At least the wolfpony thing was settled. Not that she had any idea that population was about to get larger.

The soft trembles that grew louder was the first hint that something was amiss. Comforting lifted into the air, twirling around, there! She saw them and began waving wildly as they came closer. That wasn't one wolfpony, or even two. An entire pack of four?!

She kept herself in the air, about eye level with the newcomers. "Wow, look at you."

Orion approached first, studying the strange creature that hovered there with no working wings. Well, she had wings, but they weren't flapping. "What is this?"

"This is Comforting." Comforting twirled. "Where are, oh, there you are." She waved to the group of brave adventurers napping on one of their backs. "If they're asleep, how'd you know where to go?"

Orion tapped at the side of his snout. "I could smell others. I followed it the last of the way."

"Are we, hey! We're here!" Smolder hopped up, wings flapping. "Awesome! Comfs, look, we did it!" She waved grandly at the collection of large wolfponies they'd gathered. "And they didn't eat even one pony."

Yona sat up, stirred by Smolder's motion. "Mmm? Oh. Hello." She slid off Donner to the ground.

Orion assessed the odd floating creature curiously. "We followed whispered rumors across the wastes to this place. I presume you to be the 'Comforting' referenced?"

At her nod, Willow stepped forward. "Is it true there are...others here? Like us?" Bated breath colored her words, scarcely daring to hope.

"There certainly are!" Comforting reassured with a bright laugh. "In fact..." She turned and bellowed, "Cracked, Lily, come meet the new pack!"

Moments later, the two emerged, shock and awe writ across their faces as they beheld hardy survivors where once barren sands reigned.

Orion went to inspect them, sniffing, looking, even pawing at them. "They are plump." That wasn't spoken in an insulting way. "And this one." He pawed at the great wheels that let Lily move. "She is injured, crippled. But she is well-fed... What luxuries do you know...?"

Lily colored at the intense inspection. "I was injured... But they have had only love for me, and they help. My new sister, Cracked, the little hunters, and Comforting, our alpha."

Orion curled, wheeling on Comforting. "Then it is true? You have taken this small thing as your alpha? Why?" He sniffed at Comforting with out huffs. "She is so... small, weak. What wisdoms does she hold?"

Comforting's eyes widened, sparkles dancing. "That was the perfect question. That makes me so happy." She clapped her hands. "I was worried a moment you were only worried about strength. I have the wisdom to help them fit in this new age. They are friends of ponies, and the ponies make good neighbors." She waved down at the students. "Even other creatures, friends all."

Orion inclined his head. "We tolerated them, but our bellies howled... Stop teasing us, local alpha. Prove it. Feed us."

Gallus rolled his eyes. "Seriously? Dude we just crossed a blazing desert to grab you guys!" But Smolder waved him down. Their friends' suffering ran deeper than mere miles traversed.

"C'mon," she beckoned, leading the towering crew towards Cracked's den. "We got a whole feast ready for this big reunion!"

Cracked cut Comforting off. "Not in there. There." She pointed a hoof at where the smoldering pit they often used was. "Little Hunters, show our new friends your cooking skills."

Gallus clapped his hands. "Now we're talking. Comfs, save us some time and get the good stuff out of storage. We'll get the fire going."

Smolder puffed some fire, taking care of that in an instant. "Some of us have the fire built in, yo." She clicked her tongue, firing a fingergun wtih it at Gallus. "We are going to cook up some tasty treats for all of you!"

Yona nudged against Sandbar. "Not for us. We go."

"Yeah, probably a good idea." Sandbar shook his head slowly. "Not my kind of food. Have fun!" They both waved, but made their way home.

Lily guided nervous kin to makeshift log seats, soothingly answering the barrage of questions about their improbable sanctuary. Comforting retrieved slabs of well-marbled meats to the salivating delight of hollow bellies too long left yearning.

Soon sizzling strips filled the air with beckoning aroma. Smolder flipped portions masterfully between dexterous claws to uniform doneness. As Cracked and Lily praised choice morsels, flickers of brightening hope dawned in once-skeptical eyes at the rainbow students' pride in providing first friendship, now sustenance so freely to former outcasts.

Cracked broke the question nocreature else had been wondering. "While we wait, you can answer, why do I see no cubs?" The new wolfponies turned to her. "You have males." She nodded to Orion and Donner. "You have females." She nodded to Willow and River. "Why do I see no cubs?"

Orion grunted softly, lashing his tail fitfully through the grass. "You see no cubs because we had no food. Why have cubs when we can barely feed ourselves? That would not go well..."

Lily wheeled forward. "Then we can have cubs now. We have food." She inclined her head at the feast available for all hungry teeth. "We have a wonderful den." She paused at that. "Alpha, are they welcome here? Can we share our den? Is it... large enough?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Comforting flitted to land on Orion's surprised nose. "Just one thing. We only feed and house friendly wolfponies. You can't hurt any creature that could ask you not to. No ponies, no yaks, no changelings, no griffons, no dragons. Nothing else like that, just critters."

Cracked flashed deadly teeth. "I can show you where the larger critters roam. The hunting is good. We change hunting spots, so the prey renews itself." She angled her head at Orion's legs. "They are strong. They got here. We may have to roam, but if we follow the rules, we will always eat well."

Excited conversation wandered between them, perking up as things seemed to be turning in a better direction. Orion nodded, Comforting still straddling his nose. "This is a small price. We will hunt 'critters'. Cracked will show us which those are."

He pointed a hoof at the delicious meal. "If they taste like this, they are worth hunting."

"They don't." Cracked smirked faintly. "They only taste this good thanks to the little hunters. I never knew the wonders of cooked food until Comforting showed me, and the little hunters began doing it. I could never go back." She snapped up a slender slice, chomping it down with a satisfied hum. "Mmm, so good..."

Orion began to salivate a little, but none of the residents seemed to mind... so he snapped up a new chunk himself. "Spicy, but in just the right ways... This is... I feel... like you are trying to buy me, with food." He sank to his belly. "The worst part is that it's working..."

Willow leaned in from the side against her alpha. "This is so much nicer than the desert..."

Orion huffed at that. "That is an easy competition..." He rolled onto his side ponderously, tail gently slapping the ground. "Pack, what do you think? This is... I don't know, and I don't like that... I can't guide you."

The other three stared a moment. Such words were tantamount to an alpha stepping down.

River looked to Comforting. "You are their alpha."

"I am." Comforting lifted into the air. "I do my best to keep them safe and happy."

"She does a good job." Lily wagged her tail with boundless joy. "She brought us friends, when I thought there were none to bring."

River leaned in, snuffling at Comforting. "Will you be our alpha? May we join your pack?"

Donner yipped hopefully. "We will follow your directions. One thing. One." He pounced on the deflated Orion. "Take him too. He is a good friend, and has been a good alpha. He always led well and faithfully. Don't abandon him."

The humbled former alpha found voice again, wisdom forged from pain shining anew. "I shall not stand between my family and kindly fates. If thou would shield what blood remains of our lineage, I am thy servant, little alpha Comforting."

Comforting squeaked. "No! No no no. You are not my servant, none of you." She whirled about at each of them. "You are my friends and family. When I give instructions, it's only because that will keep you safe. Not because I think you owe me anything outside that."

River licked Comforting, making her wobble in the air with the great wet gesture. "I like this one. She is a wise alpha. Lead us, with that wisdom, and that kindness. You are well named, Comforting. I feel comfort already."

Willow was snuffing at Lily. "What hurt you? Should we get revenge on it?"

"It is dead." Lily pulled herself around in a wide circle. "We defeated it, and that is why I am free."

Cracked nodded. "There is nothing left to get revenge on. Friends, new brothers and sisters..."

Smolder raised a hand to remind that she was still there. "Little Hunters?"

"Ah, Little Hunters too." She leaned in, giving a warm nuzzle to Smolder and Gallus' sides. "Today we are a new pack, and I am overfull with joy. Tomorrow, we greet Ponyville." She pointed a nose at the sleepy town a short distance away. "We will say hello to them and let them see us. They will be surprised, but they will be happy."

Lilly bobbed her head. "Move slowly, and let them explore. They will sniff and touch as you did with us. Be patient, and we will have many new friends and allies."

Comforting brought her hands together with a happy squeal. "Oh. Cracked and Lily have been here longer. If I'm not here to give advice, listen to them. They want you to be happy too."

Just like that, a hierarchy was formed, and the wolfponies seemed to accept it without hesitation. It was one built out of wisdom and care.

What was there to complain about?

Author's Note:

Ponyville wolfpony population: 6

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