• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 176: The King And The Princess

Author's Note:

Chapter written by Justalad.

Back at Hyrule, Phantom had teleported everyone. Tetra and Link laid on the King of Red Lions in the water and everyone else on the floor nearby. Valoo was sitting on the roof of the castle. As they got up, Sonic regained consciousness.

“Ugh… What happened?” he asked.

"Ok, this is bad. Mewtwo managed to take the Triforce of Power and is now incredibly strong," Phantom said, not answering Sonic’s question. Apple Death was the one who briefly summarized what happened since he was knocked out.

“I can’t believe something so powerful that isn’t a god exists,” Komali said.

“We will have to find a way to defeat that thing,” Quill said.

"The Master Sword… It barely did anything. How?" Link asked, still hardly believing the sword of legend he grew up hearing about was unable to do anything.

"Cough… Didn't I tell you already, kid?" Ganondorf said as he lay still injured, "The blade has lost its power, it’s but a shadow of its former self now. It will not stop someone wielding the power of the Triforce."

"Well shucks, so much for getting it," Apple Death said.

At this moment, Tetra started waking up.

"Hugh…oww…Link? Link!" she said upon seeing him. "Are you ok? Where are we?" she asked as she looked around, then her eyes laid on Ganondorf. "Ekk! And why is Ganondorf here too!?"

"I also would like to know why," Phantom said, eyeing Apple Death.

"Look, all Ah can really say is that there's a distinctively dark shadow creeping behind his soul. It feels hella ancient, and very evil. That kind of stuff messes up someone. Other than that Ah don't really know much," Apple Death let out.

"So what? He's cursed or something like that?" Sonic asked.

"Mmm… Pretty much." Apple Death looked at Ganondorf. "Do ya know anything about your predicament?"

Ganondorf groaned as he tried to recall any time he could have fallen to such darkness. “Not offhand. Though, remembering further would go *Cough**Cough* more smoothly without the broken ribs and such.”

Link wordlessly pulled out a bottle with a pink fairy.

"Hol'up," Phantom said, looking at Ganondorf. "How do we know you aren't trying anything the moment you’re healed?"

Ganondorf grunted a little before answering. "Honestly, I only got my word to reassure you. But I will say so long that… thing has the Triforce of Power, betraying you doesn't serve my goals at all."

Phantom looked at Ganondorf a bit more before letting out a sigh."Alright, yeah, I can tell he's serious. We are safe… for now."

Link threw the bottle to Ganondorf who easily caught it with one hand, and took out the cork with his thumb.

The fairy flew around him for a moment before disappearing. Not long after, Ganondorf rose to his full height, rolling his shoulders.

"Ahh, much better… As for your earlier question…" he said as he brought a hand to his chin thinking. "I can't say I know anything about this so-called curse you talk about. Although since young, I tended to have…peculiar dreams, and sometimes even when I'm alone I could swear I hear a voice. It always sounds so… angry. It deeply irritates me sometimes…"

"Ok yeah, that not only sounds like a curse but low-level possession," Apple Death asserted.

"Regardless, it’s clear to me that as I am now I stand little chance against that thing who usurped my Triforce, nor you all together if your performance against it while it was powered by it is anything to go by, so I propose a truce."

The heroes looked a bit surprised, not expecting Ganondorf to be this…reasonable.

“Having Ganondorf as an ally is not something that I had expected to happen ever,” Quill said.

“With a greater evil appearing, there is no other choice,” Valoo said, speaking Hylian, which Link and the others on the surface weren’t speaking.

Before the heroes could question Ganondorf further, Link jumped surprised and then pulled out the blue glowing gemstone from where a voice came out.

"Link! What are you doing? You must come to the room from where you got the Master Sword!" the voice said.

"Who is using that stone…?" Tetra asked, confused. "Who are you? Link and I are the only ones who can speak through this stone! How dare you use what’s not yours?!"

"... Your name is Tetra, right? You must come with Link to see me at once! And the others can come too."

The blue gemstone then stopped glowing and Link put it back where he had it.

"Hmph! Well, don't you sound important!... Fine, we're on our way. Just hold your horses, whoever you are," Tetra said.

She then jumped from the King of Red Lions and into the water, then turned around towards Link.

"Link, what are you waiting for? You heard the stone. You’re supposed to show me how to get where that voice is!" she said.

Link nodded and jumped too, then they went up the stairs nearby.

"So, you guys are coming too?" he asked everyone.

"I'd rather stay behind," Ganondorf said. "Whoever he was, I don't believe he would react too well upon seeing me. He aided you in getting the Master Sword in the hopes you would end me after all, didn't he?"

"Huh, right…" Link said.

"If he stays, then me too, no way I'm letting him out of our sight just yet," Phantom said, looking at Ganondorf.

Ganondorf simply huffed. "Suit yourself."

“I will remain here too, with Valoo,” Quill said.

“Me too,” Komali followed.

With that, everyone except them moved on back to the chamber where Link got the Master Sword. Apple Death transported Amy who started to wake up as they arrived at the stairs leading to the basement. Apple Death quickly told her everything that happened.

Upon arriving at the room, a figure in red with white at the top stood in the middle with his back turned to the heroes.

Tetra then stepped forward. "Are you him? Are you the one who was speaking through my stone without permission? Answer me!" she demanded.

The figure, still backward, answered. "That stone is an enhanced version of the Gossip Stones long spoken of in the legends of the Hyrulean Royal Family. I am the one who made it."

The heroes were surprised upon hearing his voice, and his words made some start to realize who the figure was. Tetra however just laughed.

"You made it? Royal family gossip stone? I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you’re talking about."

"Haven’t you heard the tales? Tales of the kingdom spoken of in the legend of the great hero… The place where the power of the gods lies hidden…" the figure kept talking. "This place, where you now stand, is that kingdom. This is Hyrule, and I'm its King: Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule."

Then, the figure finally turned around, revealing his appearance.

"Link, do you not recognize my voice?"

Link thought about it for a bit, but he quickly realized it. After all, it was a voice he had been hearing practically from the start of his journey. His face morphed into one of shocked surprise.

“You are…!”

"Indeed, I am the one who guided you here. I am the King of Red Lions."

"Wow, but you were a talking boat!" Link said surprised.

Daphnes chuckled a bit. "There was no need for me to reveal my true identity to you so long as that blade, the Master Sword, could defeat Ganon."

"But now he got the Triforce taken from him, and a new foe we call Mewtwo no doubt will use it in his place to stir up trouble," Apple Death said.

"Truly, the situation has somehow become even more dire than I could have ever expected. I can only ask all of you for your assistance in vanquishing this new threat from these lands," Daphnes said.

Sonic gave Daphnes a thumbs-up. "You can count on us, Your Majesty!"

"Yeah! We aren't letting Mewtwo get away with whatever he plans to do!" Amy said.

"Yeah!" added Apple Death.

"Thank you, valorous heroes. Link, Tetra, you must now listen to me."

Daphnes then started to explain. "Once, long ago, this land of Hyrule was turned into a world of shadows by Ganon, who sought to obtain the power of the gods for his own evil ends. My power alone could not stop the fiend, and our only choice was to leave the fate of the kingdom in the hands of the gods… When the gods heard our pleas, they chose to seal away not only Ganon but Hyrule itself… And so, with a torrential downpour of rains from the heavens, our fair kingdom was soon buried beneath the waves, forgotten at the bottom of the ocean.

Yet all was not lost, for the gods knew that to seal the people away with the kingdom would be to grant Ganon's wish for the destruction of the land. So, before the sealing of the kingdom, the gods chose those who would build a new country and commanded them to take refuge at the mountaintops. Those people were your ancestors. Hundreds of years have passed since then… So long as Ganondorf was not revived, Hyrule would remain below, never waking from its slumber."

Daphnes finished telling his story, letting everyone present think about his words.

"Huh, so that’s what would have happened to Future Hyrule once Link was sent back to his own time…" Apple Death said.

Daphnes then looked at Tetra. "Tetra, come to me."

Tetra, still a bit stunned by the whole tale, simply complied and approached him.

Daphnes extended his hand, and a shiny golden 'V' appeared floating on it. A similar golden light shone for a moment from Tetra's chest.

"This necklace you wear is part of a sacred treasure called the Triforce of Wisdom, which has been passed down for many years within the royal family of Hyrule. Your mother passed this down to you and instructed you to treasure it… and to guard it with your own life. Am I not correct?

The Triforce of Wisdom is none other than the sacred power of the gods that we kept from Ganon's clutches for many long years. The gods placed upon your ancestors the task of protecting it from evil's grasp. You too, must abide by the laws of the past… and so the time has come for me to teach you the fate into which you were born–the very reason you live."

Daphnes then held up his other hand, a tiny yellow triangle appearing on it.

The triangle and the V slowly floated to each other spinning, then flawlessly the triangle fit itself into the V forming a familiar, bigger golden triangle.

The now reformed Triforce of Wisdom spun between Daphnes's hands and shone greatly, rays of golden power bathing the room in their shine. Everyone had to cover their eyes to block the light.

After a moment the light disappeared and the heroes looked back at Daphnes and Tetra.

Except…Tetra's clothes and appearance had greatly changed. her pirate clothes were changed for a fine pink and purple dress, long white gloves adorned her arms, her hair once held in a kind of ponytail now laid down her back and even her tanned skin now was fair and clean.

She turned around slightly, looking at the back of her hand. Her head was now also adorned with a golden Tiara with a purple gem and her face had a bit of make-up.

Wow, I WISH changing up and getting pretty was that easy… Amy thought with a touch of subtle jealousy.

On Tetra's hand, the symbol of the Triforce shone, the right triangle shining the brightest.

It was at that moment she herself noticed her change of outfit and gave a tiny yelp, looking herself over.

"My…fate…" she let out.

"You are the true heir of the royal family of Hyrule… the last link in the bloodline. You’re Princess Zelda," Daphnes said.

'Zelda' simply looked back at Daphnes, not knowing what to say.

"...Zelda? I'm…a princess?"

"You are confused, aren't you? I suppose such is to be expected. Link! I'm terribly sorry that you got caught up in these events. And you travelers, even if now another evil is threatening our world it is best if you still are wary of Ganondorf. It is unlikely the fiend gives up that easily on his plans, so even if you aren't at odds at the moment do keep your guard up."

Apple Death, Sonic, Amy and Link pointedly looked at each other, then at Zelda.

"Yeah, don't worry," Apple Death said.

"Very good. Link! I have a suspicion about what has caused the Master Sword to lose its power. I need you to come with me back to the lands above the water and return the power to repel evil to the Master Sword!"

Link nodded.

Daphnes looked back at Zelda. "Zelda… It is far too dangerous for you to join us in this task. If that being from before was able to overpower and defeat Ganondorf while he had the Triforce of Power, then for no reason we must risk it getting to you and stealing the Triforce of Wisdom too! It may make it truly unbeatable! Fortunately, this sacred chamber is not yet known for that being. It is my wish that you wait here in hiding until we return."

Then, in front of everyone, Daphnes disappeared, catching everyone off-guard.

"Link! Travelers!," the voice of Daphnes was heard behind everyone. They looked just in time to see Daphnes disappear again and reappear again further up the stairs leading up outside the chamber. "We must go!" he said before disappearing again.

Without more, Link and the heroes started to make their way back up.

"Link…" Zelda said, making Link stop on his tracks to look at her.

"I don't know how to say this… Everything that's happened to you and your poor sister… It's all my fault. I'm so sorry…"

Link simply smiled and waved her off. "Hey, don’t worry Te-uhh… Princess Zelda? I don't blame you for anything. We are gonna beat that Mewtwo fella and save everyone! So you just stay safe ok? See ya," Link said, and with that he Ran off to catch up with the heroes.

Zelda just saw him run off, waving her hand in goodbye.

"Link… Be careful…" she said.

Link joined everyone just as they were going back outside the ruins of the castle. There they found Quill, Komali, and Valoo waiting for them. Daphnes too had re-possessed the boat and was the King of Red Lions again.

There was also Phantom, glaring at Ganondorf as he sat cross legged on the floor with his hands on each knee, his eyes closed.

The moment the heroes approached, Ganondorf opened an eye to look at them, and Phantom turned her head.

"So, what happened?" Phantom asked.

They then gave everyone a summary of what happened, and what Daphnes revealed about the story of the world.

Upon finishing, Ganondorf tsked, and looked at the King of Red Lions.

"Of course that's the way you see the fact. Your gods essentially damned you all."

The king growled. "Say what you want fiend, but one day the people will prosper and together they will build a new and prosper future!"

"Future?...What Future? Oceans… Oceans… Oceans as far as the eye can see. They're vast seas… None can swim in them… They yield no fish to catch."

Ganondorf rose, his face and voice increasingly angry.

"Hah! How ridiculous… So many pathetic creatures, scattered across a handful of islands drifting on this sea like fallen leaves on a forgotten pool… What can they possibly hope to achieve? Don't you see? All of you… Your gods destroyed you!"

"Enough! Cease your slander you vile beast! The Gods have done everything to ensure Hyrule Lives on. It was none but your own hunger and malice that brought this!"

"STOP!" Apple Death shouted, ceasing their back and forth."This literally isn’t helping anyone! Mewtwo is out there and if we don't stop it, who knows what will be of the people back at the surface!"

Ganondorf and the King of Red Lions glared at each other for a moment, then finally Ganondorf looked away and turned around.

"Good. Now first things first," she said, still looking at the king. "how do we return the power to the Master sword?"

The king sighed before answering. "Yes. The loss of its power suggests to me that something happened to the Sages who infused the blade with the gods’ power."

"Oh, yeah. I killed the Earth and Wind Sages," Ganondorf just said casually.

Everyone just looked at him.

"... What? The sword was a liability I didn’t want to risk dealing with, so I just got rid of the problem it represented."

"Of course you fucking did…" Phantom growled out.

"Ok, is there ANY way we could restore its power still?"

"Mmm… Something could be done if we could enter the Temples of the Sages, the Wind Temple to the North and the Earth Temple to the South, but a powerful barrier erected by Ganon prevents them from being accessed through Hyrule."

"Which normally wouldn't be a problem for me to deal with, but alas, without the Triforce of Power, it’s no use," Ganondorf said.

"And so, our only option is to access them through the surface."

"Well, guess it’s better than nothing. There's a thing though," Phantom said. "While we search for a way to the temples, Mewtwo will no doubt mess up the surface real good. It isn't… too fond of humans although for good reasons. The little people that live on the islands of this world are gonna suffer from its wrath."

The King of Red Lions looked pensive. "Then, in that case… the best would be to somehow bring them down here so they hide with Princess Zelda. But to manage such a feat-"

"We can do it," Phantom and Apple Death said at the same time.

“And we will help,” Sonic and Amy said.

"W-well then…" the king said.

"Also, Ah think it may be good to call for a bit of backup, and Ah know just the right hero to help us out," Apple Death smirked.

Phantom looked at her for a moment, then looked back at Link and smirked too.

"Yeah…I think I know who you’re talking about…"

Link had expected his day to be more of the same, simply enjoying his days with Hyrule at peace, helping repair the town after the Gerudos and Bowser’s army’s passage.

Then, a message arrived, saying that Phantom and Apple Death had encountered an alternate Hyrule and that they requested his help.

Now while he enjoyed helping in the repairs, he had to admit the prospect of a new adventure simply sounded more exciting. Plus, defeating evil was helping out too! Definitely it wasn't that he was bored out of his mind and itching for adventure.

So he told everyone where he was going, went to search for his gear and weapons, and went to reunite with Apple Death who was at the town’s exit to the castle, beside the portal that would take him to this new Hyrule.

Upon arriving, he looked around at the ruins of what he recognized as Hyrule's castle. Well, the castle looked different, but it was still a castle, so certainly Hyrule’s castle.

There, he saw Sonic, Amy, and Phantom, along with a dragon who sat on top of the castle, two birdmen, Ganondorf (good thing they told him about their truce beforehand, as he definitely would have jumped to attack him in an instant) and…

"Oh… OH, FOR THE GODS! Is he really…!?" the one he recognized as 'his other him' said, sounding very excited for some reason.

Phantom nodded. "Yup, the Hero of Time in the flesh kiddo," she said.

Other Link’s mouth opened, but no sound came out except a squeak. Then, he took a big breath, and… “OH MY GOD!!! THE HERO OF TIME!!!” Other Link ran to face Link, looking like he was about to bounce in place. Link started to feel awkward. “Ican’tbelieveIgettomeetyou! Iheardsomuchaboutyou! You’remyhero! Canyousignmytunic? You’resoco-”

“YOU!!!” Ganondorf yelled as he approached, only to be levitated by Apple Death who used her powers to keep his mouth shut.

Let them have their moment. Wait for yer turn.

Ganondorf’s outburst calmed Other Link down, but he still looked at Link like he was God incarnate.

Link slowly raised a hand and hesitantly said, “Uh… Hi.”

Other Link squealed. “He talked to me!!!”

Link took a step back, getting freaked out.

“Best day of my life!” Other Link shouted.

Phantom, finally deciding it was enough, put a hand on Other Link's shoulder.

"Hey kid, trust me when I say I KNOW how you feel, but don't you think you should focus? People are in danger still. You don't want to disappoint the Hero of Time by not knowing how to focus, do you?"

He looked at her, then at Link, then a blush made his way in his face.

"Y…yeah! You’re right. I'm sorry! Mr.-"

Ouch, Link thought. He wasn't anywhere near old enough to be called "Mr."

"-Hero of Time! I promise I will focus now!" he said with a serious face.

"... Just… call me Link," Link said.

"Yes! Whatever you say Mr. Li-"

"Drop the Mr. Just Link," Link said dryly.

"Right, Link… But wait! My name is also Link! Wouldn't that be confusing…?"

Apple Death hummed. "Mmm… Good point. We gotta come up with another nickname for him."

Apple Death looked at both Links for a moment.

Looking at them side by side, she couldn't help but notice how… cartoonish he looked when compared. Now that she thought about It, if she compared this universe's Zelda with the other one she came to the same conclusion.

"How about… Toon Link?" she said.

"Toon?" The newly named Toon Link asked.

"Mmm, yeah, I see what you mean," Phantom said.

"Huh, yeah… They kinda look like that," Sonic agreed.

"Well, fine by me I guess," Toon Link said.

"That means this universe's Zelda would be Toon Zelda, and Ganondorf would be Toon Ga-"

"I will NOT be called such a childish-sounding nickname," Toon Ganondorf growled out.

"Yeah well, we didn't ask your opinion. There's other versions of you out there and we need to tell you apart if they show up." Phantom said.

After that, silence settled for a bit, then Toon Link yawned.

"Man, all this talk made me sleepy…"

The King of Red Lions hummed. "It is quite late now indeed. Maybe it would be wise to rest before resuming our quest."

"Besides, Mewtwo too should need to rest after battling Ganondorf and then us right after and expending so much power."

"Well, since I just arrived I’ll stay guard while you all rest. Just in case," Link said.

With that, everyone searched for a place to sleep in for the night in the castle.

The next morning, everyone reunited again in the same place outside, ready to continue the adventure.

"Again, I must request that I stay behind. People will be less apprehensive and more trusting if you don't tag along with someone of my infamy," Ganondorf said.

"Hold on, you mean leaving you with Princess Zelda!? No way!" Toon Link said.

"I agree with the kid," Phantom said.

"I too have my concerns about that…" Link added.

Ganondorf rolled his eyes.

Valoo spoke. "If you worry for her safety, then rest assured, I will make sure Ganondorf does not try anything."

"And I will help too!" Quill said.

"Mmm, Ah have an idea. How about we use that gossip stone to communicate with Zelda? She has to call us through it once in a while to tell us she's fine. That way we got nothin' ta worry about." Apple Death suggested.

"Ah, a most excellent idea, I agree," The King of Red Lions said.

"All right then everyone, get ready. We're leaving," Phantom said as she used her powers to materialize a boat for the Heroes to hop in, while Toon Link hopped in the King of Red Lions.

"Be prepared ta receive any civilians we send here, ok?" Apple Death said and Valoo, Quill, and Komali nodded.

With that, the heroes made their way out of the ruined castle and back to the surface.

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