• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 106: Versus Omnipotence

For the first time in a long time, Sweetie Void doubted that she could win a fight, even if she used everything she had. All her powers, as immense as they were, were nothing to an Omnipotent being like Arceus. A true Omnipotent one. The kind that could erase the whole Pokémon Multiverse (the Ultra Space and all the universes linked by it) with just a thought. What could she do against that? With Arceus' power, Giovanni could erase her from existence before she could understand what was happening to her. No fancy lasers or galaxy-wide explosions. Just pop! and she would be gone.

Void had been powerful, but he had still been vulnerable to mortals. He could create universes, but it was a long process for him that asked for the creation of a huge amount of Matter Energies using his own body. But he couldn't really do much beyond that in the scale of the universe. He could create stuff like planets, but he could only do it in a local scale to him and it wasn't instantaneous, like he was doing now with repairing the second Portal World in the Dream Universe. Repairing it was asking him to be physically present and was taking time and a lot of focus. Arceus, however, could instantly create an universe, and from there forge it to its vision as easily as a child created a sandcastle and decorated it how he wanted. With Arceus' power, planets and stars popped everywhere, filling the universe, or multiverse, in what had probably been a matter of hours, if not mere minutes.

The only limit that Arceus seemed to have in forging the multiverse was that it didn't seem to be able to see everything at once, so he couldn't work on the whole multiverse instantaneously. Sweetie wasn't sure how much it could see at once, how much its 'eyes' could see, but it couldn't follow all the happenings in its multiverse. Probably it could see through its Avatars, which were probably the "arms" the Pokédex spoke about in its description. And so, what the Avatars couldn't see, Arceus couldn't see either. And so, the Avatar didn't see that Giovanni had made a Poké Ball that could capture Arceus itself, the God, not the Avatar. Probably the Avatar had been too busy observing what was happening on Sinnoh, but remained true to its policy of not intervening unless it was absolutely necessary. Considering that Arceus let Cyrus destroy/reshape a whole universe, Sweetie wondered what was the "absolutely necessary" situation that would push it to intervene.

But in the current situation where Arceus, or Giovanni, had his full focus on her, it didn't matter. She had his attention, and she doubted that she would lose it anytime soon, at least not until he killed her, whenever he wanted.

Running away wouldn't work. She knew. Giovanni would simply 'follow' her.

So, tell me, what do you intend to do, now? he asked in her mind.

Sweetie Void took some seconds to answer, thinking, before she looked down at the now unconscious Shadow Mewtwo. Quickly, she opened a rift and dropped the Pokémon through it. Destination: the Pokémon HQ Lab of the Orre Region where Shadow Pokémon were purified. They will know what to do with it.

Now, this poor Pokémon was out of danger of whatever will happen here, and will finally be free of its suffering.

It doesn't matter. I don't need it anymore. And I can always get it back later if I want. Actually, I should probably get rid of it and of Red's Mewtwo, and of all Mewtwo in existence, to make sure that their power couldn't be used to force me out of Arceus.

Sweetie Void perked up at this. If she could get Red and his Mewtwo...

I don't think so, little one. You would first need to leave this place, and I won't let you.

At this, the stairway to the Hall of Origin shattered, the path from the Spear Pillar thus disappearing.

She... wasn't stuck here. She could still open rifts to leave. But this meant that nobody will be able to come from Sinnoh unless they used Palkia to move through space to here. And maybe Giratina. And of course, as soon as she would try to leave, she would be dead.

You have been a thorn in our side. I actually feared you. The instant Maxie reported about you and how you were defeating his Primal Groudon so easily, I knew that you were dangerous. I wasn't surprised that you defeated Ghetsis' Masuryu, and my Shadow Mewtwo just a few minutes ago. If you had found out the location of our HQ right away, you would have eliminated us before I could have accomplished my goal.

"And your goal was to become Arceus?"

Yes. Mewtwo has the unique power of being able to transfer someone's mind into another's body. When I discovered that it could do that, I became much more ambitious. Mewtwo wasn't invincible. Despite having it in my possession, I was defeated by an alternate version of Elio, in another universe, and my plan from back then was thwarted. But now that I am Arceus, I have no equal. Nothing will be able to stand against me.

The eye then closed, and shadows gathered before Sweetie Void to form Arceus' Avatar, now with the usual color scheme of Shadow Pokémon (with the ring around its body being silver-colored instead of gold-colored).

However, before I deal with you, I would like to have one last battle, just for fun. Let's see how you will fare against Arceus...

Suddenly, the Plates reformed around the Avatar.

With its Plates.

Oh boy... You know, Writer, sometime, I think that you hate me...

A few minutes earlier, back on Sinnoh, the battle against Cyrus came to a close.

After Kirby's arrival, it was child's play to manage to knock out Shadow Dialga, Shadow Palkia, and Shadow Giratina all at once so they could deal with Cyrus without risking of letting one of the corrupted Legendaries go on a rampage and destroy the whole universe. It helped that the Arwings and the Great Fox joined in with most of the Rockets and their Pokémon in the sky being eliminated by now.

It felt good for Dawn to punch Cyrus on the face, and then knee him between the legs.

While she finished tying the man with a rope and took its Poké Balls and other items, one of the Arwings landed and Fox came out.

"Good news. All the enemy leaders seem to have been neutralized. One of them warped away however."

"Probably escaped back to their HQ. Red is still there, so whoever it was was probably taken care of by him, along with any grunt who got the same idea," Dawn said.

"So this leaves Giovanni," Phantom said.

Apple Death, at her side, nodded. "We should join Sweetie Void. She should be back by now."

Phantom agreed. "Yeah. Giovanni should have been no big deal for her. Something must have happened."

"Poyo!" Kirby thought the same.

But right at this moment, when they were about to fly up the stairway, it suddenly shattered into countless glowing pieces that disappeared into the air.

Everyone was left looking in shock and horror, wondering what happened, and what this meant. Apple Death turned into her ghost form and flew to see if she could still reach the Hall of Origin by following where the stairs had been, but only ended up flying into the sky of the dimension Sinnoh was still in.

She got a bad feeling, and she returned to the others.

"We must find another way to enter the Hall of Origin!"

"There is no other way," Dawn said. "Unless..." She let out her Palkia. "Palkia! Can you bring us to the Hall of Origin?"

The Pokémon nodded. "I can." It then moved to an area where nobody was present and tried to open a rift. However, it suddenly dropped, unconscious.

"What?!" Dawn exclaimed before she ran to join the Legendary and looked at it in worry. "What happened?"

"Seems like something stopped it from opening a rift to the Hall of Origin," Phantom deduced. "Damn... This probably means that Giovanni got his hands on Arceus and is using it to trap Sweetie Void in there, keeping her alone so he can deal with her."

"What about you two?" Dawn asked to the fillies.

"We don't know where the Hall of Origin is. We never went there, so we can't open rifts or portals to it," Apple Death explained.

"Beside, even if we could open a rift to the Hall of Origin, Arceus would probably stop us like it stopped Palkia," Phantom added. "It seems like Sweetie can now only count on herself. Unless DD decides to help?" She asked, looking up toward the sky.

Only to be met with silence, making her sigh.

"Well, at least, I'm sure They'll intervene if something goes wrong, so we don't have to worry... I think..." she continued, not sure of her words.

Sweetie Void wasn't worried about battling the Avatar. She was certain that she could deal with it. well, Maybe she will need to use her Soul Song. No doubt that it will be very irritating to fight because of its Plates allowing it to change type at will, but she can win against it.

But she knew that Giovanni was just playing with her. Whether she won or lost this fight, Giovanni would get rid of her in the end.

She had to use this fight to gain time and think of something.

She readied herself, and took on a defensive position. "All right! Come!"

The Shadow Arceus, however, didn't move, instead doing something else.

Calm Mind. Swords Dance.

Drat! Of course it boosts itself first. Alright then...

For the third time, Sweetie unleashed all her power, turning her mane, tail, and eyes into pure darkness, and this time, since she didn't have to worry about accidentally killing Arceus since it was just its Avatar, she added in Dynamax Energy, adding some purple to the darkness.

She punched the air, and cracks spreed in the very space toward Arceus.


Oh, come on! Not THIS move! Everything but THIS move!

A shield surrounded Arceus just before the cracks could reach it, and the shield was able to protect it from the damage that the cracks would have caused. This move protected its user from almost everything. At least, it wasn't a permanent shield, it only remained a few seconds, and it had the disadvantage of having less and less chance to work if used too much in a short period of time.

Future Sight.

Sweetie sighed. Of course it has it.

Light Screen. Reflect. Multitype: Ghost.

Arceus used the Spooky Plate to change its type to Ghost-type, rendering all attacks that would be considered as Normal and Fighting ineffective.

She rolled her eyes, teleported beside Arceus, and attempted to punch its head anyway. Arceus saw it coming thanks to Future Sight and got surprised before it lowered its head to avoid the punch, only for Sweetie to teleport and punch again faster than it could think, this time the punch landing as it didn't have time to move its head.

"If I want to punch a Ghost, I can bucking punch a ghost!"

Multitype: Electric. Thunder.

A thunderbolt suddenly rained from the sky and hit Sweetie Void. Clenching her teeth, she resisted the pain and punched Arceus again, this time sending it flying beyond the limits of the platform.

Shadow Force.

It suddenly disappeared, and what followed were a few seconds of intense silence.

There was then the sound of glass cracking, and Sweetie turned to face cracks in the fabric of space that appeared. Then, in a burst of shadows, Arceus broke through and charged at the filly who teleported right above the Avatar at the last moment and punched it on the back. But Arceus saw it coming and was already in the process of turning around to face her.

Mega Punch. Ice Beam.

And it countered the punch with its own punch before firing a Ice Beam from its mouth at the filly who used a mirror to deflect it. Arceus Teleported to avoid the beam, then Teleported again to avoid a beam sword from behind, then used Protect to block another beam sword while it began to rain meteors on Sweetie Void.

She easily punched the meteors into pieces with giant shield fists while she began to fire dark beams at Arceus, by dozens, from all directions.

Multitype: Dark.

It changed its type to Dark to better resist the beams and moved around, doing its best to avoid them with Future Sight's help. Many of them hit it however, and it was even pierced by several sword beams that were among them.


Arceus gathered energy above its head and unleashing it as several beams that rained everywhere.

Shadow Beam.

Just as Sweetie Void appeared before its head, ready to fire her own beam, Arceus fired a Hyper Beam of shadow that covered her entirely.

Smog. Payback

It followed it by a cloud of poisonous gas as Sweetie was still before its head, recovering from the beam, and the filly was poisoned as a result. She didn't mind the poison however and finally fired the beam she had been preparing earlier. Arceus had been storing power however and unleashed it, badly hurting Sweetie Void due to the nature of Payback.

But Sweetie healed all injuries she got, and the next thing Arceus knew, it was beheaded by one of the beam swords. Then its body was cut into smaller pieces in the blink of an eye by more swords.

However, the pieces turned into shadows and reattached themselves, reforming Arceus' body, and a Recover finished to heal it.

Not bad. You are a real monster. But how about this? Sweetie Void heard before Arceus' Plates approached its body. Then there was a flash, and Arceus was now a bit different.

Its body mostly remained the same, but looked like it was partially covered in armor. Its hooves had silver horseshoes covering them, it had a silver collar-like chestplate, and it had a crown-like silver helmet. Also, the ring now looked like a silver sun with the Plates being in its rays/branches. The front horseshoes and the helmet were linked to the chestplate by silvery lines along Arceus' body, and the chestplate itself as well as the back horseshoes were linked to the ring.


Consider it as Arceus' Origin Form. that's not the case at all, Arceus doesn't have an Origin Form, but you get the point. In this form, it is resistant to all attacks, no matter the type. And Judgment will be super effective no matter what. This is the real, full, incomparable power of the Avatar. No Pokémon can stand against it.

"Well, lucky me, I'm not a Pokémon," Sweetie Void replied as she readied her ten beam swords, now double beam swords.


Arceus quickly Protected itself as Sweetie Void followed her words by a storm of sharp and powerful energy waves using her swords.

Agility. Shadow Roar.

Arceus used its boosted speed to quickly fly upward, avoiding the storm of waves, before it sent a beam exactly like Shadow Dialga's. Sweetie put up her strongest mirror and successfully deflected the beam.

Mirror Coat.

The beam was deflected again by a special shield surrounding Arceus, the shield also having for effect to double the beam's power.

Shadow Force.

Sweetie Void avoiding the beam this time and quickly turned around to punch Arceus as it appeared out of shadows to attack her. The punch dug into the Pokémon's head.

Vine Whip.

And yet Arceus was still able to attack and vines appeared from its sides before they wrapped Sweetie Void and slammed her on the ground. The vines then whipped her on the back before she coated herself in fire, burning them, and she charged at Arceus like a comet, dividing herself into ten doubles on the way.

Arceus Teleported to avoid the first Sweetie-comet, then used its leg to knock the second one away, then used Hydro Pump to push the third one back. It barely avoided the fourth one by moving its head out of the way, but then got hit by the fifth one on the stomach, and the others quickly followed, hitting it all over its body repeatedly. The ones that had been avoided or pushed back also joined the assault.


Despite the assault, Arceus was able to rain lightning bolts right on the ten doubles, stopping them.


Then it sent powerful homing beams at them. Some hit, others were avoided, but Arceus continued to use the move only to be attacked by the ten double beam swords. Sweetie then used the diversion to have her doubles to assault Arceus again, but this time, each double attacked using something different. One sent simple beams, another went for punches and kicks, another used fire, another used water, another used ice, another used electricity, another used poison, another used shadows, another turned her body into steel to attack, and the last one used rocks.

Recover. Protect. Psychic. Iron Defense. Sand Attack. Prismatic Laser. Shadow Force. Eruption. Confuse Ray. Leech Seed. Gust. Hyper Beam. Meteor Mash. Lunge. Rock Throw. Hydro Pump. Roar of Time. Spacial Rend.

In return, it healed itself and began to use move after move while still maintaining Future Sight and using Protect every now and then.

Against the onslaught of moves, the ten doubles merged back into a single Sweetie Void who did her best to avoid them. Arceus really was the Creator of Pokémon. It was using moves of every types, and in very rapid succession. Sweetie stopped trying to cut the Avatar into pieces. They just reattached themselves. So, instead, she went with simple brute force allied to speed.

She wasn't sure how long the fight would last. Arceus just Recovered from any injury it received and it seemed to have infinite stamina, like Sweetie herself.

In other word, the two were pretty even, but Sweetie had the advantage of power. Her attacks generally packed more punch.

Sweetie Void could sing to add even more power, but she decided that it was no use. It would feel good to trash Arceus around like a punching bag, but she would gain nothing from this. Arceus would still Recover and they would still be in a stalemate. The fact that she was already overpowering it despite its new form was already good enough.

If it wasn't for its infinite stamina, she would have definitively defeated it. The Avatar's power was nothing compared to Void. It would have eventually tired from using Recover and other moves and this would have been it, like against Mewtwo.

Let's stop this fight, she eventually heard before Arceus evaporated into shadows that scattered all across the dimension. I have enough of it.

"Uh?" Already? I haven't been able to think of something to get out of this situation alive! Wait, how long have we been fighting?

We have fought for over an hour, Giovanni revealed.

"Uh... I guess that I have been having fun despite everything, because I didn't see time pass at all."

To tell you the truth, same for me. We probably could have continued for days, but enough losing time with you.

The shadows returned, this time forming Giovanni's body with his usual smirk.

"I have a whole multiverse to take control of."

Above, the purple eye returned, followed by countless others of various size all around, all staring at Sweetie Void. She was surrounded. She knew, she just had a few seconds left. She had to find something, or everyone will become slaves of Giovanni, or will be killed.


Including all her friends who came to help.

Burning rage was filling her at the thought, and she finally thought of a solution.

Well, she thought of it since the start of the fight but she refused to use it.

But desperate times...

"It has been nice knowing you," Giovanni said. "Goodbye."

However, before he could use Arceus' power to erase Sweetie Void of existence, he felt a sudden increase in the filly's power as he saw her black marks of her flank spread and cover all her body in the blink of an eye. The instant the last spot was covered in black, on her forehead below her horn, Giovanni felt that she was different.

That she was now an equal.

Her body was now entirely covered in darkness. No, it was darkness. Was a pony-shaped black hole. With no eye visible, and no mane and hair-tail.

Acting quickly, Giovanni used all of Arceus' power on Sweetie Void to eliminate her, making his Avatar disappear to spare every single bit of power he could, only for Sweetie Void to use all of her own power to counter it.

In that new form of hers, she was omnipotent, like Giovanni currently. The two had absolutely equal power.

And these two powers now clashed.

There were no flash, no bolts of electricity, no displaced air, nothing visually special. It was just two, all-powerful forces clashing.

In the instant the clash began, the whole dimension of the Hall of Origin collapsed.

Dawn used her Dialga and Palkia to put Sinnoh ( or its pieces) back where it belonged, then Ruby began to use Groudon to evaporate the water that flooded the West. Dawn joined by using Regigigas, the titan's prodigious strength allowing it to close the cracks that formed by pushing the pieces of Sinnoh.

Everyone else began to participate in their own way. Doing the point of the situation, rounding up the Rockets, taking their Poké Balls and items, welcoming people that were arriving now that Sinnoh was back in place, healing, and so on.

A portal to the Rockets' HQ was opened, allowing people to enter it and arrest all the Rockets still present in there and also to destroy or take the technologies they used for study later. Everything related to Shadow Pokémon was destroyed. The HQ itself could be reconverted into an Ultra Space ship to explore the Ultra Space without the help of Pokémon like Lunala. As for Red, he returned to Sinnoh to help the others, bringing Faba and Ghetsis with him.

Then the whole dimension began to shake.

And the sky above Mt. Coronet suddenly broke like glass, forming a giant rift. From it, cracks in the fabric of space spreed everywhere across the dimension and began to form smaller rifts through which other worlds from the Pokémon Multiverse or the Ultra Space, or simply other planets from the same universe, could be seen.

The thing was that the Hall of Origin was the heart of the Pokémon Multiverse. It was a nexus linking all the universes, from which Arceus watched over them. Thanks to Arceus' power, the dimension of the Hall of Origin was actually countless parallel planes, so people from various universes could enter it and yet never see each others.

And with its collapse, the whole multiverse began breaking apart.

And everyone could only watch as a giant purple eye now covered the sky. Said eye could actually be seen now from all universes in the Pokémon Multiverse, always above Mt. Coronet, and so was the little black form under it.

Of course, seeing the black form itself was pretty much impossible unless you were on top of Mt. Coronet. From afar, it looked like a black dot. And nobody was currently present on Mt. Coronet which was good because the top of Mt. Coronet was being disintegrated by what was happening above it, and the disintegration was spreading. But some had binoculars and used them to see what was going on. The Great Fox was also able to have a good view and, soon enough, everyone could see what was going on through their TV, computer, phone, or whatever.

And everyone who knew about Sweetie Void's Soul Form gasped in horror upon identifying it. It didn't take long for the gears to turn and identify the being the eye belonged to as Arceus, obviously still under Giovanni's orders.

Magolor, who was beside Dawn, said to her, "Instruct to everyone to attack that eye-thing! We must help Sweetie Belle and end this fight RIGHT NOW, or everything will be destroyed!"

Dawn gaped at him but nodded without asking anything before she took her phone and began to spread the instruction. Before long, streams of fire, lightning bolts, and all thousands upon thousands of other kinds of projectiles were sent toward the sky, toward the eye, from all over Sinnoh and even beyond. the Great Fox joined in firing at the eye, as well as all of Sweetie's friends if they could.

But all these attacks didn't seem to affect Giovanni whose focus was still entirely on Sweetie Void. If his focus was diverted even a little, then the filly could overpower him and this would be over. All these attacks weren't even comparable to bug bites for him.

For the first time, Phantom and Apple Death, who were at the foot of Mt. Coronet, were feeling powerless as their most powerful attacks were doing absolutely nothing.

"No no no! This is not how you do this!" their attention was suddenly caught by a new voice that they never heard before and that seemed to echo and to be full of power. Turning to look in the direction it came from, behind them, they saw what seemed to be a giant floating white right-hand glove.

"What the-?!" they both exclaimed at the same time as anyone else spotting the hand who seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"Watch and learn," the hand said before it flew toward Sweetie Void and stopped alongside her. He grunted, feeling his body beginning to be teared apart by the clash of omnipotent powers that was happening, but he resisted.

He shouted, "Hey! Ravioli!" before giving Giovanni the middle finger. "This is what I did to your mom!"

THIS got Giovanni's attention, annoyed.

And the next instant, the purple eye disappeared, evaporating into nothingness.

And just like that, it was over.

Feeling that she won, Sweetie Void Soul knew that she was done and let go of her power, the black leaving her body until it was just the marks on her flanks again. She then lost consciousness, and the hand quickly materialised a glowing yellow platform between his fingers before he threw it like a card, the platform stopping right under the filly as she had been beginning to fall. The platform then gently lowered Sweetie toward the foot of Mt. Coronet while the hand gathered energy and closed into a fist, and the next instant, the giant rift closed along with all the cracks and smaller rifts, returning everything to normal.

It was only just a few minutes before Sweetie Void opened her eyes and saw that she was surrounded by everyone. The ponies, Kirby, Magolor, Susie, all her friends who came from other universes, and some of the Champions and other trainers like Red, Dawn, Blue, Gold, and Ruby.

She wasn't sure what to feel right now. She won. Giovanni was gone and the Pokémon Multiverse, and possibly many other universes, were saved. But...

She looked sadly at Dawn. "I'm sorry... I killed Arceus..."

Many gasped at this.

"Wait, what?" Blue exclaimed. "You mean that Arceus is really dead? I thought that it was just... gone. And what happened to Giovanni?"

"He's dead, along with Arceus," Sweetie Void revealed. "He used his Shadow Mewtwo's power to transfer himself into Arceus, taking direct control of it. By killing Arceus, I also killed Giovanni, because the two now shared the same 'body'. I'm so sorry..."

"Don't hold it against her," Magolor quickly said to the trainers. "Sweetie Belle was in her Soul Form. In this form, she is, to put it simply, omnipotent. But in this form, she is pure Will. If she wants to do something, then she will do everything to accomplish it no matter the collateral damage, even if it means destroying the universe with everyone in it. Her goal was obviously to defeat Giovanni, or to stop him, and this is what she did in the end without being able to control the fact that she took Arceus with him."

"I had no choice but to take this form," Sweetie Void continued motionlessly. "Arceus was omnipotent too. With Giovanni controlling it, he was about to kill me and would have enslaved this whole multiverse with all of you included. I knew this would end badly, but I had no choice..."

Why did it have to go this way, Writer? I hate you...


"So Arceus is dead... Really dead..." Dawn said in disbelief before she sighed. "We won't hold it against you. You did what you could to save everyone."

"Sometimes, sacrifice must be made for the greater good," Sweetie then heard.

She sat up and looked behind herself, seeing behind everyone the giant hand that helped her.

"Don't let the guilt destroy you. You can mourn Arceus and what you had to do to it, but remember that you were left with no choice. Hard decision must often be taken. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about."

Whoever this hand was, Sweetie Void could feel a lot of power from him and immediately knew that she had before her another God, albeit not as powerful as Arceus or Void.

Kirby seemed to recognize him.

"Who are you?" she eventually asked to the hand.

"I'm Master Hand."

Author's Note:

Master Hand's first appearance, and his first action is to cause a God's death by giving it the middle finger before insulting his mom. I'm sure that nobody expected such an entrence.

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