• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 138: Redgar Forbidden Lands Part 3 - The Servant vs the Primal King

Bandana Dee wasn't stupid. He knew that a direct clash with King Dedede would be an assured lost for him. He just didn't hold a candle to the king's strength who could lift stone pillars and swing them around as if they were nothing. But he had advantages elsewhere: his small size, his speed, and his agility. Swiftly, as Dedede swung his right hammer down on him, he did a handstand bounce to the side, dodging the weapon. In the middle of his bounce, before and after he landed on his hands, Bandana attacked with his spear as much as he could. Then, upon landing on his feet, he immediately jumped above a horizontal swing with the left hammer and used it as a springboard to jump above Dedede while landing several more hits. Not remaining standing in place, he then did another jump, backward this time, to avoid another swing as Dedede turned to face him, this time with the hammer covered in fire.

Bandana gulped. "Fire power. Considering where we are, I had guessed."

Dedede then lifted his mask and tried to inhale Bandana Dee who quickly ran away as fast as he could to escape the powerful vortex. As Bandana was getting a bit too close to Dedede despite his best effort, Dedede got out of breathe and stopped. Signing in relief, Bandana threw his spear upward, and the spear divided into three spears that dropped spike down on Dedede before they disappeared and Bandana had his spear again. Before he could throw the spear again, Dedede suddenly began spinning with his hammers extended and lifted off the ground, creating a tornado around himself, before he moved toward Bandana who was taken by surprise. He was caught by the tornado and hit by one of the hammers, sending him above the lava that surrounded the arena. He stopped himself from falling into it by air-jumping, and he continued to jump like that while he waited for Dedede to stop spinning. However, when the king did stop, he immediately opened his mouth to inhale Bandana Dee again, and while he was jumping, he couldn't resist the vortex.

So, instead, he began twirling his spear very rapidly so it propelled him like the palms of a helicopter. It still wasn't enough to resist the vortex, but it slowed him down and sent spear-like projectiles of energy that Dedede inhaled instead. After inhaling enough of them, Dedede stopped and spat the projectiles back at Bandana who air-jumped repeatedly to dodge them. He jumped until he was just above Dedede, and then thrust his spear below himself as he dropped. Dedede blocked him with one of his hammers, only for him to bounce off the hammer and to drop beside it right on the king. He then bounced off Dedede and landed beside him before he immediately jumped away to avoid being pounded. Dedede then slammed the ground hard with his hammers, sending small pillars of flame toward Bandana who bounced and twisted to avoid them as best as he could.

While Bandana was busy avoiding the flames, Dedede did his famous jump, and Bandana barely leapt out of the way only to be hit by the following shockwave. Dedede jumped again, and this time, Bandana not only got away but also jumped to avoid the shockwave. Dedede then did a third jump, this time going above the center of the arena before he did a powerful spinning slam that shook the arena, sending a bigger and faster shockwave that covered all of it, but Bandana still easily jumped above it while throwing his spear. He then ran toward Dedede and resumed attacking him with thrusts while doing all he could to dodge his hammers. However, as Bandana Dee did another handstand bounce, Dedede predicted him and was able to send him flying with a powerful hit. Again, Bandana stopped himself from falling into the lava by air-jumping.

As Bandana returned fighting, Sweetie Void could barely believe it. Bandana Dee was holding his own against Dedede. Dedede who defeated Meta Knight and, most of all, Marx. Bandana who had always been at the bottom of the podium among their group of warriors comprised of himself, Sweetie, Kirby, Dedede, and Meta Knight. When did he get this strong? What kind of training did he go through? Meta Knight was as much in disbelief, but he was also looking at Bandana Dee with interest, certainly wanting to fight him now.

Wait a minute. If Bandana Dee managed to defeat Dedede, who defeated Meta Knight, then it would mean...

Marx seemed to think the same thing because he said to Meta Knight, "Looks like you will be the one at the bottom in your group, now," with the biggest trollface he could give.

It was hard to see what face Meta Knight gave at this because of the mask, but no doubt that it was priceless.

But really, to think that Meta Knight, who was once Popstar's number one, would plummet to... sixth (Sweetie didn't really count anymore because she wasn't remaining anymore on Popstar, but with her, it would be seventh. And then, there was still debate about if Meta Knight could defeat Marx, and the jester refused to fight him). Being behind a God and a couple of half-gods/child gods was okay, but being behind Dedede and especially Bandana? It was... sad. Now there was an aura of depression around Meta Knight, which then turned into determination. No doubt he will double, or even triple his training now.

Sweetie was so proud of Bandana. He started as a simple Waddle Dee among all the others, but now, here he was, fighting Dedede at his most powerful equal to equal. Once they will hear about this, all the other Waddle Dees in the universe will look up to him as if he was a superhero.

At this moment, Galacta Knight finally joined them. "It seems there aren't Clockers transporting Waddle Dees anymore in the sky of the region. I haven't seen one for at least one hour."

Sweetie nodded.

Bandana Dee air-jumped to avoid Dedede as he did his spinning tornado move, then twirled his spear to fly while raining his spear-like projectiles on Dedede as he continued spinning. Then, when Dedede stopped spinning, he jumped to reach Bandana Dee with his hammers. The Waddle Dee quickly air-jumped away to avoid the hammers, then jumped back at Dedede before he could land to violently smack him on the head with the spear, cracking the mask a bit. Dedede was sent crashing, and he dropped his two hammers.

As Bandana Dee landed in front of him, Dedede got up, on all fours, and roared.

Then he began to run on all fours around Bandana Dee like a wild animal, to everyone's horror, especially Sweetie's and Bandana's. Nothing was left of Dedede.

Then, Dedede suddenly charged at Bandana, violently ramming him with all his weight, sending him flying. Not letting Bandana time to recover, Dedede followed him and repeatedly pounded him with his fist covered in fire until he was exhausted. Bandana immediately used this occasion to get away, breathing hard. Dedede then repeatedly slammed the ground with his fists, sending many pillars of flames toward Bandana Dee who air-jumped only to be caught in a vortex as Dedede tried to inhale him. This time, instead of trying to resist the vortex, Bandana readied his spear and bonked Dedede on the head with it, making him stop just before Bandana entered his mouth. Bandana Dee then did several thrusts before he jumped away to avoid a headbutt.

Dedede resumed running around Bandana Dee on all fours, then went to tackle him again. This time, Bandana bounced out of the way and attacked Dedede as he passed beside him.

In this animal state, Dedede was more simpleminded, making it easier to predict, even if he was more brutal.

Dedede suddenly jumped toward Bandana Dee who quickly jumped away, and Dedede body slammed the area where he had been, and lava appeared and covered the ground under him. Bandana quickly threw his spear at Dedede before the king jumped again to do another body slam, forcing Bandana to jump away again while he threw his spear a few more times. Dedede did a third jump, bigger, making the following body slam more powerful, but Bandana Dee avoided it too while continuing to throw his spear, only for Dedede to immediately do a tackle that sent Bandana Dee flying.

Feeling himself at his limit, Bandana air-jumped to avoid falling into the lava, then landed near the edge of the arena while he looked at Dedede who charged toward him. Breathing hard, he readied his spear, and once Dedede was close enough, he thrust as hard as he could, stopping the wild king in his charge. Very rapidly, he then repeatedly thrust his spear on Dedede's head, cracking his mask more and more and making him slide backward a bit. After several seconds of this, the force of Bandana Dee's thrust forced Dedede to stand on his legs, so now, Bandana was thrusting his spear all over Dedede's body, making him slide backward even more. Bandana stepped forward to continue his assault, not stopping despite his body hurting and wanting to drop down and fall asleep.

Dedede was even starting to bleed from the puncture wounds. This showed how strongly Bandana was hitting him with his spear. In the Dream Universe, unless you really went for it, sharp weapons never wounded to the point of bleeding, never less cutting a limb, puncturing a lung, or stuff like that.

Bandana Dee then jumped and did one last powerful thrust on Dedede's head, destroying his mask while sending him to crash on his back, losing consciousness.

Three Clockers that had been flying above then decided upon seeing Dedede's defeat to come down and drop the golden cage with three Waddle Dees they had been holding before they escaped. Sweetie Void destroyed the cage, freeing the Waddle Dees, while Bandana Dee dropped on his butt, relieved that it was over.

The heroes then gathered around Dedede as he started to wake up, some of them on guard just in case. However, when Dedede opened his eyes groaning while rubbing his head, they quickly saw that they weren't glowing red anymore.

"Ughhhh... Worst case of brainwashing so far," he mumbled before he was tackle hugged by Sweetie Void and Bandana Dee, and even Kirby gave him a hug.


"Your majesty!"


"Hey, you three!" Dedede exclaimed before he fondly patted the Sweetie and Bandana. "Yeah, I'm back. I'm alright. And I'm sorry. It's really a bad habit."

Sweetie Void snorted. "You should really work on your mental. Stuff like that would happen less. Meta Knight was able to stop himself from being brainwashed."

Dedede took a proud pose. "Yeah, but I kicked his butt!" He pointed at Marx. "And your butt too, clown!"

"You got lucky!" Marx shouted back, ticked off.

"Blah blah blah blah! Excuses! I won, accept my superiority!"

Marx now looked murderous. "You. Me. Rematch. Right now."

"I just come out of a fight. You will have to wait. Speaking of, you impressed me, Bandana. I can't believe you defeated me. You really did a good job."

Bandana Dee had stars in his eyes. "Thank you, your majesty! I worked hard!"

"Sweetie Belle has a couple of Maxim Tomatoes we found in our adventure stocked in case we needed one. She can give you one," Marx the subject back.

"There, Dedede." Sweetie Void gave him a Maxim Tomato, and another to Bandana Dee.

"Thank you."

"And sorry Marx, but this is not the time," Sweetie continued.

Marx let out a whine.

Meanwhile, as he ate, Dedede stared at all the other heroes, more exactly at the ones not from the Dream Universe.

"I see that you brought some new friends. You made them in your adventures?"


Sweetie was about to present everyone, but then, the heroes heard running, and they saw animals from the Beast Pack arrive from where they came, descending the rails of the elevator.

"They are still coming?!" Phantom exclaimed.

"Stupid enemies being stupid is nothing new," Marx said. "Let's deal with them."

The heroes left the animals in a pile of unconscious bodies, and Dedede pointed at an elevator at the other side of the arena, this one circular with doors.

"Let's go before more come."

"Wait. Before, let me send these three Waddle Dees to the town. This elevator leads to the laboratory, right? Something tells me that things will get real once we enter it," Sweetie Void said before she opened a rift to the town and the three Waddle Dees walked through it. "Now, we can go."

As they opened and entered the elevator, Sweetie finally presented everyone to Dedede.

The doors then closed.

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