• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 136: Redgar Forbidden Lands Part 1

While it was the night, nobody decided that it was time to rest. They were close to the end, they could feel it.

"We enter the Redgar Forbidden Lands," Elfilin informed. "Since the volcano erupted countless years ago, these lands have totally fallen under its wrath. Lava flows and lava ball rains destroy what remains of civilization. The sky is hidden by clouds of ash so it's always night. The chances of surviving here are very low. Why would the Beast Pack come here?"

"Mmh... And there are giant rock spikes everywhere, and what little space there is is taken by palisades the Beast Pack put up. No way for the Lor to get close to the ground. We will have to jump," Sweetie observed.

"Wow. It's as if they are at war. There are even spotlights following us," DK said.

"They may as well be. They are at war against us. They must have turned the whole region into a fortress," Galacta said.

"ALERTE!" the Lor warned before she showed images of Gigatzos firing at her.

"They even readied the artillery," Phantom said.

"Quick, Lorry! Get us to the nearest point that is good for landing!" Sweetie instructed.

The Lor flew toward a place beside a suspended roadway, in the middle of what remained of a city, surrounded by a palisade with spotlight towers and only one Gigatzo. Apple Death went ahead and took out the Gigatzo, and the others jumped from the Lor (excepted Galacta who still patrolled the sky). As they jumped, Primal Awoofies on the lookout of watchtowers were howling from all around, announcing the heroes' arrival.

From where they landed, there was only one exit, between two statues of a lion. It looked like the Beast Pack had planned that the heroes would land here, because there was a whole path ready, and many, many, MANY Beast Pack members were present and already coming to attack. Watchtowers with Gigatzos maned by Awoofies were at both sides, ready to fire once the heroes entered the path.

"Ready?" Sweetie said. "ACTION!" she then shouted before she flew to destroy the nearest tower while Phantom went to destroy another, allowing the others to enter the path and start to fight without worrying about the Gigatzos. As Sweetie and Phantom continue to destroy the towers, the Sonics were the ones starting the battle, like always, followed by Pikachu using a Thunderbolt, and then Ness using PK Freeze to freeze many enemies. It didn't take long for Sweetie and Phantom to join the brawl that began.

Once they passed under the suspended roadway, in addition of fighting, they now had to watch out for falling lava balls. Sweetie quickly blew them right out of the sky. There were less enemies present here, probably fearing the lava balls, but still a few.

Before long, they reached a watchtower with a Primal Awoofy that howled, calling a large group of its brethrens, including a Jabhog.

But before the heroes could deal with them, a figure suddenly dropped from the sky and did a dramatic hero landing right on the tower, destroying it and blowing out all the animals around.

A familiar eight-armed figure in armor who then took a dramatic pose.

"Oh come on! Him again? Already?!" Sweetie shouted.

The figure, none other than Gilgamesh, pointed his naginata at Sweetie Void. "I wasn't prepared the first time! But now, I'm ready! You, little horse girl, I challenge you! Just you end me!"

"We're busy with hero stuff here!" Sweetie said.

"Your comrades can continue without your help. They aren't babies. Well, some of them are still kids, but they are strong kids. I saw that. They can deal with what's ahead."

Sweetie groaned. "Fine! But once I win, you will leave me alone! I have innocents to save!"

"I give you my word that, for the remaining of your current adventure, I will not be a nuisance anymore! Once it's over, however, I make no promise."

Sweetie groaned again. "Go ahead guys. I will catch up once I'm done with him."

Despite some reluctance, everyone eventually agreed, and they advanced.

Then, Gilgamesh sat down, to Sweetie's surprise. "Let's wait five minute to make sure that they are far enough."

"Uh? Uh. Ok." She sat down too, the two of them not minding the heat and the dangerousness of the environment.

"By the way, little horse girl, can you give me your name?" Gilgamesh asked.

Sweetie nodded. "I'm Sweetie Belle. But I call myself Sweetie Void to differentiate me from other Sweetie Belles."

Gilgamesh nodded.


"You want a good duel, right?" Sweetie asked.

"Yes! The greatest duel ever!"

"Then to make it right, I promise you this: I will not regenerate my stamina. Once I start getting tired, I will remain tired. I will still heal, however."

"You can regenerate your stamina?"

"Yep. Meaning that, if I want to, I can fight indefinitely as long as you don't manage to kill me. Since this won't be a fight to the death, this wouldn't be fair to you."

"I thank you, Sweetie Void."

Leaving Sweetie Void behind with Gilgamesh, the heroes continued on the path which was being broken down by the lava balls, so they had to hurry up before the pieces fully sunk into the lava, all the while still fighting Beast Pack members.

On the way, they arrived at a second watchtower where a Primal Awoofy howled to call reinforcement in the form of a large pack of Rabiroos with an Orabiroo. They also had to find pieces of key inside crates on sinking pieces of ground to open a chest with a captured Waddle Dee. Without Sweetie present, Apple Death was the one sending the Waddle Dee back to the town with one of her portals.

Careful of the lava covering some of the floor, they climbed some steps and passed a door to enter a building. They traversed it and exited it at the other side where they needed to climb up a series of steppes. Many Rabiroos were hopping on them, ready to jump on the heroes. Some of the steps were also moving in and out, and many of them were very narrow. Halfway to the top was a grid with a Waddle Dee trapped behind.

"Yeah. No problem," Phantom said.

Sweetie Void and Gilgamesh were still sitting.



Gilgamesh got up right away, used Haste, Protect, and Shell on himself, and charged at Sweetie Void who teleported out of the way. She appeared above him and attacked with her ten swords in double sword mode. To her surprise, however, this time, Gilgamesh was able to parry all of them with his eight arms. Then, he spun rapidly, creating a huge tornado that sent the ten weapons away.

"I told you! I wasn't prepared to face someone such as you before! I thought that I was facing easy preys! But now, I know better!"


Sweetie quickly flew out of the blast radius of the explosion, only for Gilgamesh to jump toward her. She brought back her weapons to parry his eight arms, but he still managed to push her, and the two flew in the air away from where they started. Sweetie eventually pushed him back, forcing him to land on a spike of rock, and she went on the offensive with her ten weapons plus some others that she created by levitating and solidifying the lava. These weapon easily broke, but they still could do some damage if they landed a hit, and they otherwise made good diversions. However, Gilgamesh pushed her away by doing his tornado move again.

Gilgamesh continued by using Flash, followed by 1000 Needles from which Sweetie quickly protected herself with a shield. She then fired beams from her horn and her ten cannons, but Gilgamesh managed to deflect all of them with his weapons. Frowning, the filly gathered a lot of energy into a giant ball and sent it towatd Gilgamesh who immediately jumped on another spike of stone to escape it, then jumped on yet another spikes further away to get out of the blast radius.

Then, Gilgamesh readied his eight weapons.

Zantetsuken time eight!

He swung his eight weapons at once, sending eight powerful waves that cut everything in their way. Sweetie immediately teleported away. She felt that she HAD to avoid these. But she could also send waves, which she did, and Gilgamesh parried some before he jumped away to avoid the rest.


A powerful lightning bolt blasted Sweetie Void from the sky. Despite being shocked, she had the idea of using a hoof to send some of that electricity toward Gilgamesh, electrifying him with his own attack. Sweetie then healed herself and, to her surprise, Gilgamesh cast Cura on himself, also healing himself.

Sweetie grinned. "This will last a while, uh?"

Gilgamesh grinned back. "Yes, it will. And that's good!"

"Well then... Time to do this."

At this, Sweetie Void cast on herself Haste, Protect, and Shell.

"Hey! That's my thing! And I didn't know you could cast them!"

"My specialty is to copy what I see! The instant I saw your spells, I identified what energy to use to cast them! Now, I can use them too! Also... Rocket Horn!"

Sweetie fired from her horn a horn-shaped projectile that Gilgamesh parried not without some difficulty.

"Totally based on your Rocket Punch!" Sweetie added with a cute smile. "Thank you!"

Gilgamesh laughed and fired his own Rocket Punch time eight for his eight fists, and Sweetie flew out of the way very rapidly thanks to her enhanced speed. Gilgamesh then jumped, lifted his arms, and gathered a lot of electricity where the tip of his weapons crossed before he unleashed it. With an "Eep!" Sweetie teleported away before the ball of electricity exploded.

The explosion could be heard all the way from where the others were. By now, they had reached the door at the top of the steps, and Apple Death had rescued the Waddle Dee behind the grid. They briefly stopped to look in the direction the explosion came from, then decided to not mind it before they passed through the door.

Only to discover that they now had to move along a VERY narrow path straddling a set of buildings. No choice, they will have to go in a file, one at a time while Phantom and Apple Death dealt with the falling lava balls.

Gilgamesh jumped several times in quick succession to avoid fireballs and lightning bolts while cutting ice balls. As he passed beside a river of lava, he used Aqua Breath on it, causing steam to rise and to turn into a fog in which he hid.

Sweetie stopped attacking and tried to use her ears to determinate Gilgamesh's position, but it didn't work well because of the sound stuff exploding and crumbling and of the rumbling caused by the volcanic activity. Thankfully, Gilgamesh was blinded too.


Suddenly, meteors began to fall all over the area! Sweetie had to slice them in two so the pieces fell around her. But then, one of the pieces was punched by Gilgamesh and it hit her. While she recovered from this, Gilgamesh picked a spike of stone off the ground and threw it at her. Sweetie caught the spike, spun with it, and threw it back where it came from, but Gilgamesh was already gone. By now, the fog was disappearing.

Spotting Gilgamesh, Sweetie levitated lava and threw a whole wave of it at Gilgamesh, but the made used Zantetsuken to slice the wave apart, creating an opening so the wave passed around him.

They both recast Haste, Protect, and Shell, and Gilgamesh sent an Electrocute that Sweetie avoided this time, only for Gilgamesh to cast a second Electrocute right away, followed by a Stone to stop Sweetie from sending electricity at him. Instead, Sweetie deflected the stone back at him and charged at him right after while still covered in electricity. While he destroyed the stone, Sweetie rammed him, violently pushing him back while electrifying him, and they both crashed into a building that toppled, blocking a river of lava as a result.

The others saw the building toppling, and some actually winced at this. That was too close.

They were in the process of traversing a larger part of the path where lots of lava balls rained, some of which destroyed sections of the path. Before that, as they had been on the narrow section, there were moment they had had to hurry up before parts were sinking into the lava because of the lava balls. At a moment, one such part sinking revealed a secret door that Kirby, Pikachu, and Flamberge passed, making them reach an area where they had had to dig to find pieces of key to open a gate to save a Waddle Dee. The problem had been that the structure on which the pieces were buried had been sinking into the lava, so they had had to hurry up, and Flamberge couldn't dig.

Now, continuing despite witnessing the result of Sweetie's battle on the environment, Kirby and Francisca had to use water to clean away some lava covering the path. Apple Death then rescued another Waddle Dee behind a grid, and just after him, they reached a golden cage with three Waddle Dee, finishing exploring the area.

So Phantom materialized a flying platform to transport everyone to their next destination.

Gilgamesh did a powerful swing with his black sword that sent Sweetie flying into another building despite her parrying the hit. Gilgamesh then sent an Aqua Breath at the building, water bubbles entering through the windows and exploding everywhere inside it, making the building collapse. But then, Sweetie appeared behind Gilgamesh pounded him with a giant energy hammer. Gilgamesh blocked it with his eight weapons, but a crater still formed under him, rapidly growing. And while he was busy holding back the hammer, Sweetie used her weapons to repeatedly slash him. Eventually, Gilgamesh was able to push the hammer back.

Revenge Blast!

Gilgamesh gathered energy into a red ball and sent it toward Sweetie Void who teleported away. Seeing where Sweetie reappeared, he sent a Zantetsuken time eight which Sweetie countered with her own waves, the two attacks destroying each others (and yet, Sweetie's waves could cut mountains!) before Gilgamesh caught a lava ball by planting his naginata into it. He then threw the lava ball at Sweetie Void who sliced it in half, the two pieces passing at her left and her right. An Aqua Breath came just after the ball, catching Sweetie in it, but the filly quickly sent a powerful gust of wind that sent the explosive bubbles back at Gilgamesh, and she added her own Aqua Breath to his.

Only for Gilgamesh to use Revenge Blast through the Aqua Breath, the red energy ball going through the bubbles and hitting Sweetie hard. Gilgamesh then healed himself, and Sweetie followed his example.

The two of them were starting to get a bit winded.

The others reached the foot of a tall tower. Already, they could see that they will have to climb it by following the path that spiraled around it. Many Gigatzos were placed in the tower, and many enemies were present. A lot of lava also covered the floor.

So they climbed. Apple Death dealt with the Gigatzos, and Kirby dealt with the lava. At a moment, they spotted a Waddle Dee behind a grid. A small path in the building led to him, but Apple Death passed through the grid; freeing the Waddle Dee easily. When they reached the top of the tower after crossing a bridge of crumbling blocks followed by a ladder, they had to fight a Frosty. Flamberge made short work of him with her powerful fire cannon along with Ness' PK Fire.

The Frosty had been guarding another Waddle Dee, and with this the heroes were done with the tower. So they climbed on another flying platform that Phantom materialized, and they moved toward their next destination, not minding the explosions they could hear in the distance.

The explosions were Sweetie Void using the Crash Ability repeatedly. The first one caught Gilgamesh, dealing heavy damage, but the explosions of the following ones were sliced apart by the Zantetsuken ability, allowing Gilgamesh to escape them. Seeing this, Sweetie Void went toward a nearby building and lifted it before throwing it at Gilgamesh who used Zantetsuken again to slice it in two.

Sweetie then came right out of the ground under Gilgamesh's feet and blasted him at blank point with her horn before she was hit by an Aera, a wind spell, followed by a Missile. Instead of avoiding or destroying the missile, Sweetie opened a rift, and the missile entered it. Another rift then opened behind Gilgamesh, and the missile came out of hit and hit him on the back. At the same time, Sweetie sliced open the fabric of space and fired a space beam that engulfed Gilgamesh who was barely recovering from the missile.

But again, Gilgamesh surprised Sweetie Void by jumping through the beam to reach her and slash her several times with all his weapons. Gilgamesh then used Disable to not allow Sweetie the possibility of counterattacking. Because of this, she could only fly away until the Disable disappeared, Gilgamesh closely following her while sending Missiles, Rocket Punches, Stones, Aqua Breaths, Aeras, Wind Slashes, and Electrocutes.

The heroes landed at the beginning of some partially crumbled suspended pedestrian road regularly cris-crossed by bridges and walkways, some of which were covered in lava and others were made of crumbling blocks. Lots of Gordo Bars were present both on the road and the secondary paths, and a captured Waddle Dee could be seen inside a building at the right. Apple Death went right away to rescue him.

Not minding the first walkway that led to th building's roof where there was an opening to enter the building, some of the heroes instead took the second walkway, with Kirby at the front so he would use water to clean away the lava on it. This walkway was much longer, and quickly turned into a bridge of crumbling blocks as it went from the road's right to the road's left. It led then to the roof of some building which had a cracked part, and there was another bridge, this time made of fire blocks, that led to the roof of a tower where there was a traffic cone for some reason. After crossing the bridge by cooling down the fire blocks, Kirby inhaled the cone and used it to destroy the cracked roof, entering a room with a door. Kirby entered it with Meta Knight and Diddy.

The three had to follow a long path to a new area where Kirby had to use his new powers on a dome, then lockers, then a scissor-lift to reach a captured Waddle Dee. Or he, Meta Knight, and Diddy (with his jet pack barrel) simply flew to him.

Meanwhile, the others reached the end of the road, climbed a ladder, and rescued another Waddle Dee that was down a chute before they passed a door, traversing a building, eventually joined by Kirby, Meta Knight, Diddy, and the Waddle Dee they saved.

Then, they reached an extremely narrow suspended path patrolled by Bernards and with lots of Shotzos and Gigatzos.

Many sighed.

"Okay guys," DK said. "Slowly. One by one."

Gilgamesh was running for his life as Sweetie Void was sending space beam after space beam at him while also firing beams from her horn and cannons. After a minute of this, Gilgamesh punched a building so hard that it toppled on, and he made sure that it toppled on Sweetie Void who cut it into pieces. Gilgamesh then cast Quasar followed by Aqua Breath repeatedly so while Sweetie was busy dealing with the falling meteors, she also had to shield herself from the explosive bubbles. Like previously, she quickly used a gust of wind to send the bubbles back at Gilgamesh, but then, the man did Hurricane, spinning to create a tornado that caught the bubbles which were then sent randomly in all directions.

Gilgamesh then jumped into the lava and did Hurricane again, not minding his burning legs. The resulting tornado lifted the lava, turning it into a lava tornado that projected lava in all directions. Sweetie twirled her weapons very rapidly to protect herself from the lava, and she also used her magic to gather more and more of it into a bigger and bigger ball. By the time Gilgamesh stopped his tornado and jumped out of the lava, Sweetie made a ball at least one hundred time bigger than him. Gilgamesh quickly used Time Slip on the ball, advancing its time until the lava composing it cooled down so it turned into a solid ball of rock. When Sweetie went to smash it into him, he then cut it into little cubes.

Which didn't work because Sweetie still had the cubes in her magical grasp, and she sent them to crash on Gilgamesh. Hundreds of cubes of rock attacked Gilgamesh from all directions, and even him couldn't stop all of them. Then, while he recovered from this, Sweetie sent her double beam swords to attack him, only for him to charge at her in one jump. Sweetie quickly put up a shield, only for Gilgamesh to easily destroy it with one punch before he Goblin Punched her hard. She was sent flying far, passing through several rocks and buildings.

Gilgamesh waited for her to return, and she did after about a minute. Or rather, two of her did, with their mane and tail made of darkness, who began to attempt to punch him. Their punches were even stronger than the one that Gilgamesh just gave, so they often had for effect to push his weapons out of the way so he found himself at the receiving end of a hoof. The two Sweetie Voids then morphed themselves into weird snake-things that wrapped around Gilgamesh and his limbs, restraining him.

In the distance, he saw a light.

And that light was none other than an Ultimate Doom Laser being charged by a third Sweetie Void.

The laser was fired, and Gilgamesh could only look in panic as it approached.


The explosion made the whole region shake and was seen from very far away. Some of the heroes almost fell off the path as a result as they were still slowly crossing it. It didn't help that Kirby had had to blow a couple of fans that made pieces of the path spin to reach a third fan that he blew too with a ring that he found a bit earlier. This last fan made a structure lise out of the lava further below, after the end of the path, and there was a treasure chest on it.

To reach this structure, however, there was only one boat that somehow didn't burn on the lava. Instead of dropping on it, Kirby left behind the ring and flew to the structure, followed by the others on a flying platform made by Phantom. Inside the treasure chest on it was a poor Waddle Dee who was very dehydrated.

On another building a bit ahead was also a golden cage, ending the exploration of this area.

Recovering from the laser, Gilgamesh cast Curaga, healing himself just in time as Sweetie, now only one of her but still with her mane and tail made of darkness, returned. They both recast Haste, Protect, and Shell, and started a good all exchange where weapons clashed faster than the eye could follow, with regular Flares and Holys regularly cast by their respective weapons. In addition of her ten double swords, Sweetie armed herself of a huge sword of energy that looked a lot like Kirby's Ultra Sword.

Sweetie eventually saw an opening and slashed Gilgamesh's chest with this energy sword, from right shoulder to left side of the belly.

Gilgamesh knelt, but he still went to cast Curaga again.

So Sweetie morphed her body so it wrapped around Gilgamesh before he could cast, then she lifted him high into the sky. Gilgamesh cast Electrocute on her, hitting himself by the same occasion, in the hope to make her release him, but it failed. Then, she rapidly flew back at the ground and they both crashed hard like a meteor.

When Sweetie let go of Gilgamesh, breathing hard, she looked at him, waiting for his next action.

Only to see that he was unconscious.

Sweetie sighed in relief plopping herself on the ground beside him.

"I win."

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