• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 124: Natural Plains Part 2

Magolor was very interested to learn about this mysterious civilization that seemed to have entered in contact with the Ancients and wanted to discover more about them. However, he couldn't come because he was super busy with some big project that he thought of after the tournament. So he instead asked Sweetie to do it for him as much as she could during her adventure.

And for this, she knew that she could count of Elfilin who was a direct witness of this civilization despite them having moved from this world an aeon ago. Darn, the little flying chinchilla was much older than he looked!

And Sweetie went to work right away by asking, "What did they look like?"

And in answer, Elfilin pointed at Link. "Like him."

"They were humans?!"

Elfilin nodded.


Sweetie Void:
They were humans.

What? Really?!?

Sweetie Void:

Could they be the same humans that now live in the Dream Universe?

Wait, maybe those humans were created from the dreams of these humans when the Dream Universe was created!

But maybe they weren't and really are the descendants of these humans!

Oh my gosh! What if the humans worked with the Ancients? Maybe they were even part of the Ancient civilization! And if the humans of the Dream Universe really are their descendants, then maybe they know something!

I must go talk to the humans living on Popstar!

Sweetie Void:
Hold your horse. These ones don't know much of their past beside that they arrived on Popstar a few centuries ago. They won't be of any help. You will have to search for other humans, or directly explore Shiver Star. Maybe you will find some info there. We barely explored the planet back then, so there is a chance. You can also ask the robots living there to help.

You are right! I will send a team to Shiver Star right away!

Sweetie Void giggled, put away her phone, and finally focused back on the adventure. While she had been texting Magolor, the heroes had continued and passed several rolling boulders. They also saved a Waddle Dee that they found behind a wall of iron blocks that they destroyed by firing at a flying target defended by a couple of Bernards. And right now, they were climbing a slope with more boulders rolling down it from the building at the top of the small mountain for some reason. The boulders weren't a problem thanks to Apple Death who used her telekinesis to levitate them and throw them away, opening the way. While climbing, Kirby found a small path at the right that led to a ladder to climb a section of the building where there was a dome. He easily opened it, revealing another captured Waddle Dee.

Sweetie Void approached the Mage-Sisters. "So, Magolor thinks that these humans may have helped the Ancients or may even have been part of their civilization, and he is going to investigate this in hope of confirming that. Did Hyness say anything about humans?"

"Never. I don't think he knows," Zan Partizanne answered. "Even him doesn't know everything about the Ancients. A lot of information was lost following the wars."

And questioning Void and Galacta Knight didn't hold anything. They were both traumatised by the events of that era and didn't want to think about it for the moment. Maybe after a few years.

Having finally reached the building at the top of the small mountain, the group now had to circle it by the left. However, the building was built on top of cliffs, leaving very small space for the group. At a moment, they had to move against the wall one by one while being careful of more boulders rolling out of the building to continue (for the ones who couldn't fly or jump far enough), and after that, they had to pass a very narrow and dangerous bridge made of a simple metallic catwalk guarded by another Bernard.

Destroying a flying target destroyed a wall of iron blocks, revealing an entrance to the inside of the building and even creating a bridge of blocks leading from the catwalk to the door (which was just at the edge of the cliff, opening to the pit). Kirby entered the building with Elfilin, Fox, Krystal, and Jeff while the rest continued, having to jump on a very small ledge against the wall of the building before jumping again to finally reach the opposite side of the building from where they started.

They were at the top of another slope full of cracked rocks.

"I can see the rolling boulder coming from miles away," Link said.

"And I can see the boulder too. Look at the roof of the building," Anubis said.

At his words, everyone looked at the roof of the building and saw a giant boulder ready to roll down. Obviously a trap of the Beast Pack. There were probably animals behind the boulder waiting for them to start to go down the slope.


Sweetie Void grabbed the boulder with her magic and threw it into orbit. The Mage-Sisters then flew to the roof to deal with any members of the Beast Pack present. While this happened, Kirby returned with the others and a Waddle Dee that they saved inside the building. They apparently had to destroy several flying targets to reveal the cage that had been hidden.

"We saw a giant boulder flying. Was that you, Sweetie Void?" Krystal asked with an amused expression.

"Yeah. Running away from a giant boulder is getting old. It was done, like, one million times."

"It says something that you immediately assumed that it was her," Bandana Dee said, making Sweetie Void giggle.

They moved down the slope, moving around or destroying the cracked rocks while fighting several members of the Beast Pack who tried to ambush them.

Once at the bottom, they arrived in the city, on a small park on the roof of a small building. Jumping down from it, they found themselves in a small parking with a single car.

"Oh! Great! Wait. There won't be enough place on it for everyone," Sweetie Void said.

"You can shrink everyone!" Marx proposed.

"No thanks," Fox, DK, Dark Meta Knight, and Link said at once, and many others agreed with nods, making Marx pout while Kirby sucked up the car and took his car form.

"Just have some climb on him, and the others will follow behind," Poo suggested, and everyone agreed.

Immediately, Marx climbed on Kirby, followed by Elfilin, Ness, Link, Little Ghost, and Diddy. Sweetie Void and placed Spiky in his smaller doll form.

"GO!" they all shouted, and Kirby rolled away as fast as he could under the laughter of his passengers, quickly followed by all the others.

The problem was that they were in a section of the city where the ground had partially collapsed, so Kirby only had one path to follow and it was just at the edge of a cliff circling a few houses, and he constantly had to hug the wall. This turned the fun ride into quite a scary one for a few of the passengers, and it didn't get better when Kirby reached a part with giant boulders rolling in the way and risking to crush them. But they quickly passed the dangerous section and Kirby then spotted a cracked building with a captured Waddle Dee visible through a window. Following a path allowed him to charge into the cracked wall of the building, destroying the wall and allowing them to enter the building. When they saw what Kirby intended to do, everyone on him braced themselves (excepted Little Ghost and Marx).

The Clocker with the cage attempted to escape through the hole created by Kirby, but Link caught him with his grapple.

With the Waddle Dee freed, Kirby jumped out of the building where some of the others already caught up, and Sweetie Void sent the Dee to the town.

Without waiting to see if the passengers wanted to come down, Kirby then rolled away again and reached an upward slope with three giant boulders like the one that Sweetie Void threw. Kirby wasn't sure how the animals managed to bring them here, but he had no problem avoiding them. He simply rolled at the left of the first one, and then between the other two before he reached the top of the slope where many members of the Beast Pack were present and defending a golden cage.

Kirby rammed all of them with the car, not even needing to fight, and his passengers got the Clockers.

Everyone then got down before Kirby spat the car so they could destroy the golden cage and free the three Waddle Dees inside it.

"It was fun, but it was scary," Ness said.

"I wasn't scared," Link said, but he fooled nobody as he was visibly shaking.

"Let's do it again!" Marx shouted.

"No!" Diddy yelled.

Little Ghost, Marx, and even Spiky looked down in sadness. "Aww..."

Before long, all the heroes gathered, the three Waddle Dees were sent to the town, and Krystal informed that they were done with this area.

"Did you save a lot of Waddle Dees?" Sweetie Void asked to Galacta Knight once they were inside the Lor.

"Yes. Five by now, without counting the three I freed at the other side of the tunnel."

"Uh. That's a lot less than I expected."

"These animals are smart. They quickly understood that it was no use to try to escape by the sky once I'm around, so they remain hidden."

Sweetie giggled. "And this becomes one big hide and seek game for us."

"WADDLE DEE SIGNATURES DETECTED," the Lor then announced.

Through the screen, they saw that they arrived at a huge mall somewhere inside the same city.

"What a huge mall!" Pikachu exclaimed.

"Alivel," Apple Death read at the entrance. "Well, let's enter it."

Like before, Galacta Knight flew to keep watch from the sky while the Lor dropped everyone else just before the entrance of the mall.

Once inside, they thankfully didn't have much to search. All the stores were locked behind shutter doors, so the heroes only had to take the escalators to the second floor, which were turned off. Anubis also confirmed that there was nobody hiding in the stores.

A large group of enemies was at the top of the stairs, including several Needlous. Again, they attempted to use the fact that the heroes could climb the stairs only two at a time (one by escalator), but this failed thanks to the flying heroes, and also thanks to DK and Link in his Goron form going first and ramming their way through the enemies. DK ended up stung by the Needlous' spikes, but he still forced his way through. Link didn't have this problem because he was rolling, and the skin of his back as a Goron was as solid as stone.

After a brief fight, the heroes left their enemies in a small pile of unconscious bodies and continued by following the only open path where many more enemies were present, from Awoofies to Gabons, passing by Poppy Bros. Jrs. and even more Needlous. Some were hidden inside cardboard boxes with the intent to ambush the heroes but were spotted by Anubis right away, others attacked from ledges above but were quickly eliminated by one of the many projectiles that the heroes could send. On the way, they had to choose between jumping on a scaffolding in the middle of a pit created by the floor that collapsed or using an escalator to a ledge to get around the pit continue. The less risking was the escalator, but Phantom still jumped on the scaffolding to destroy a small wall of blocks that were hiding a captured Waddle Dee.

"The architecture of the inside of that mall is very strange," Jeff remarked. "Why make these ledges?"

The others could only shrug.

"Maybe they thought it would add a special touch," Dixie said.

After the pit was an intersection, but they didn't need to choose because the door in front of them was blocked by debris. So they continued left. However, before the blocked door, Kirby spotted none other than an Invincibility Candy!

"Poyo!" Kirby ran toward the candy and ate it right away.

"Nice, Kirby! Now, go ahead! No need to share your invincibility with us! It would take too long!" Sweetie Void said.


"To share the invincibility, he needs to give it to us by mouth to mouth," she explained to the many ones who didn't know, getting strange looks in return. "I'm not kidding. This is also the case when sharing the healing properties of the food."

"This universe is weird," Ness said.

"The Dream Universe is weird. This one is just a victim of the Dream Universe's physic."

While Sweetie explained the mouth to mouth thing, Kirby already used his invincibility to clean the path, including the many enemies that had been present on the roof of the stores at the sides ready to attack the group, especially with Poppy Bros. Jrs. that would have rained bombs on them. The Beast Pack was starting to come up with smart tactics to try to stop them. Also, he saved another captured Waddle Dee hidden up there.

"Mmh... Maybe we should start to make stocks of Invincibility Candies, and also of Stars from Mario's universe," Sweetie Void thought aloud. "They will come in handy against the Subspace Army."

"The Subspace Army?" Elfilin asked.

"It's... I will explain to you once we are done with this adventure, or if we take a break."

"So... Where do we go?" Pikachu asked.

The group arrived at a L'shaped hallway with a conveyor belt, and they now had to choose between three paths at the right, each one apparently leading to a different restaurant.

All the enemies were already knocked out and gathered in a pile out of the way.

So, now, all they had to do was to decide which path to go.

"Krystal?" Fox asked.

"There is a Waddle Dee in the middle path," she revealed.

"Nothing in the two others?" Phantom asked.

"I don't think so."

"Well, that settles it," Marx said before he moved toward the path that Krystal indicated, followed by the others.

They quickly reached the restaurant, which was a fast food mainly selling burgers and sodas. The restaurant itself was closed, like all the rest in this mall, but there were a few outside tables with Awoofies and a Cockler sitting around them happily munching burgers and fries or slurping soda out of cups with straws, and they were surrounding a cage with a Waddle Dee who looked at them enviously.

Upon seeing the heroes, the Awoofies stopped eating right away and ran toward them.

"PK Fire!"







It was over in a few seconds.

The Clocker tried to escape with the cage, but where all the others failed, this one failed too.

After freeing the Waddle Dee and sending him to the town with a burger and a soda, the group then climbed a pair of escalators to the third floor where the three previous paths apparently joined back into one before they reached a long pathway that passed above a very large area.

There were two conveyor belts on it moving in opposite directions, and right after them was a squared area where the pathway turned left. But before they could continue, they had to deal with another large group of enemies led by a Mr. Frosty who looked like a cavewalrus with an unkempt appearance, torn up overalls, war paints, and a blue beard, and that even had his upper lips partially frozen so hanging icicles made him look like he had fangs.

The Mr. Frosty charged right toward Kirby who welcomed him with a giant rock punch that sent him flying through the roof of the mall while the others dealt with the Awoofies, Rabiroos, Kabus, and the lone Blade Knight and Needlous.

Leaving behind the defeated enemies, the heroes continued and passed a circular area where the pathway turned right. After passing beside a conveyor belt that transported cardboard boxes to the floor below, they then reached a section of the pathway that had two conveyor belts that moved toward the edge, so anything remaining on them and not moving would end up falling down below.

"Now this is definitively not normal. This is against safety codes. There aren't even guardrails to stop people from going beyond the edge," Jeff said.

"Yeah. I have nothing to say to justify that," Dixie said.

"I don't know. With that conveyor belt with the cardboard boxes, maybe this area is not for public? Look there is even a storeroom," Present Sonic pointed out.

"Even if it was just for staff, these conveyor belts are still wrong. And look, that storeroom opens right on the second conveyor belt! It just asks for something to go wrong!"

"Ohh Kirby and I saw worse, trust me," Sweetie Void said.

Some Bronto Burts attacked them while they walked on the conveyor belts, but they were just a minor annoyance. Even if someone was to fall, they would be caught by the ones who could fly right away. After the second conveyor belt, they passed beside a second storeroom before they had to jump on a higher platform to continue.

Now this really was a out of bound area as all that this platform contained was a large conveyor belt transporting more cardboard boxes to the floor below. However, this was a problem because the heroes had to pass this conveyor belt to continue, meaning that they had to be careful of not going beyond the edge while also dealing with the cardboard boxes that were hindring obstacles and the Bronto Burts that still attacked. And in addition of that, Awoofies fell from wherever the cardboard boxes were coming from and joined the frail.

Still, they traversed the conveyor belt and jumped down on a different pathway just in front of another closed store, and this pathway led to four conveyor belts moving toward each others, forming a square with a carpet of spikes in the middles.

"Aaaand... yeah... Nothing can explain THAT," Dixie said. "The conveyor belts like that would be a fun addition, but the spikes, less so."

"Also, this conveyor belt is just beside the edge, and there are no guardrails," Jeff pointed out.

While they talked, Zan pressed a switch at the top of a ladder behind a wall of burning logs, destroying a wall of iron blocks that hid a captured Waddle Dee. The Clocker transporting it had the idea of moving above the spikes, thinking that nobody could get him there, but too bad for him, he wasn't the only one that could fly.

The heroes passed a door at the opposite side from where they arrived and entered a huge room with a roof made of glass panels. This room seemed to be the core area of the mall because there were two elevator leading to it (obviously not working anymore, and they were blocked anyway), was surrounded by quite the number of stores, and even had six paths leading to restaurants. There were also two conveyor belts for people to move around.

Seeing that two of these restaurants were apparently bakeries proposing strawberry shortcakes, Kirby drooled.

Sweetie Void put a hoof on his head to keep him in place. "First we explore this place, then we can go to one of these bakeries."

Kirby pouted.

Not minding the Sir Kibbles, Awoofies, and lone Blade Knight that were now out, the group moved around. Krystal confirmed that there was a Waddle Dee in the bakery at the back left of the room, but before that, Anubis went to a little corner with green lockers and placed a paw on them.

With a Force Palm, he easily destroyed them and revealed a secret staff room with a lone Awoofy who was surprised to see him. Before the canine could recover from his shock, Anubis knocked him out and opened a cardboard box that he had been guarding that contained a tied and gagged Waddle Dee.

"Good job, Anubis! This one was well hidden!" Sweetie Void congratulated when she joined him. "So, I guess that we are done here."

Hearing that, Kirby ran toward the bakery at the back left and yelled, "Caaaake!!!"

By the time the others joined him, he had already knocked out all the Awoofies present before the bakery which had been eating strawberry shortcakes and doughnuts, and he was now happily gobbling the desserts, not even minding the trapped Waddle Dee that was on a small stage beside the bakery.

To note, however, that he left untouched an Awoofy that was sleeping on one of the chairs and that didn't wake up despite the commotion.

Sweetie Void only let out a sigh that was half exasperated and half amused before she went to free the Waddle Dee.

Bandana Dee also sighed. "Typical Kirby."

"Hey! Can I have some?" Marx asked.

Kirby pulled his current cake away from him. "Mine!"

"I advise against taking the shortcake, Marx. The last time someone took one from him... Well... Just ask the Squeak Squad. I think that they still have nightmares of that day," Sweetie Void warned.

Marx smartly decided to not insist. Behind Kirby, Ness and Diddy stopped reaching out for slices left on another table.

Once Kirby was done eating, the heroes climbed another pair of escalators, which eventually led to more escalators so they ended up in the sixth floor of the mall, in what seemed to be a dead end with some publicity boards and green lockers like the ones that anubis destroyed. There were stores at the left and the right, but they were closed behind shutters.

But there lockers were suspicious.

Before anyone could destroy them, Kirby put himself between them and everyone and rose an arm with a confident expression, as if to say "Leave this to me!" before he sucked up the lockers. Actually, he ended up being the one that moved toward the lockers before his body stretched around them. He then began to move back and forth to try to make them topple.

"These lockers are screwed to the wall. This won't work," Diddy said.

But Kirby quickly proved to him the contrary as he made the whole wall crack. Understanding what was about to happen, everyone moved away before Kirby made the whole wall collapse, creating a huge opening to some eating terrace area with a golden cage, three Clockers, and a Bernard.

The Bernard, who was on en elevated balcony accessible by a ladder, was firing at the sky, targeting Galacta Knight. As for the three Clockers with the Golden Cage, they were covering under the balcony, against a wall, terrified and hoping that Galacta Knight won't spot them.

Well, instead, they were spotted by the heroes, and the Clockers panicked, sweating profusely as they understood that they were doomed.

The Bernard heard the wall collapsing and looked back, and he hesitated between keeping firing at Galacta Knight or firing at the group. Before he could choose, Galacta Knight dive bombed him, dealing with him. The Clocker decided to take their chance and to fly away, leaving behind the cage, but the three Mage-Sisters each dealt with one of them before they could escape, leaving the others to free the Waddle Dees.

And with this, all the Waddle Dees of this mall were saved.

"I think that I saw something observing the mall from afar," Galacta said.

"Really?" Sweetie asked.

"Yes, but I decided to not bother with whatever it was. As long as it doesn't attack, I don't care."

"Mmh... I wonder what it is."

It took some time to reach the next destination, which revealed to be another mall in another city.

On the way, the Lor confirmed that something seemed to be following them from far enough, and somehow always managed to remain hidden so she couldn't exactly see what it was.

The mall was a smaller mall, so this one shouldn't take as long to explore.


"HOSTILE SIGNATURE DETECTED ON THE ROOF," the Lor warned as the screen centered on a huge glaring figure standing menacingly on the roof of the mall.

Upon closer view, they could see that it was a HUGE ape with grey skin and black fur with a white mohawk. He had red war paint, a black ring piercing his left nostril, and a chain around the neck that held a golden cage.

Seeing that it was an ape, DK glared back at him through the screen, but also grinned. "Open the door!"

"Are you sure, DK? That ape if HUMONGUS!" Diddy said.

"The bigger they are, the harder they fall!" Donkey Kong replied while the Lor opened her door to allow him to leave. The ape began to throw boulders at the Lor, but she avoided them and approached the mall while circling it. Once he judged that they were close enough, DK jumped out while saying, "Beside, the Ghastly King was even bigger!"

He landed in a parking area just outside of the mall.

And the giant ape jumped down from the roof to join him.

DK just about reached his torso, but he wasn't scared.

After a silent exchange of glares, the two apes then pounded their chests and roared in challenge.

Before the fight could start, Galacta Knight came, sliced the chain around Gorimondo's neck, and took it with the golden cage away. This made Gorimondo angry, but he remained focused on DK.

Gorimondo went to punch DK, but the smaller ape jumped above the fist that planted itself into the ground and pummeled Gorimondo's face as much as he could before gravity forced him to return on land. He still managed to give one last powerful punch that sent Gorimondo on his back, and DK quickly used the occasion to climb on his belly before he repeatedly and violently slapped it.

Despite this, Gorimondo rapidly managed to recover and to grab DK before he hurled him at a wall. Then, Gorimondo began to grab big chunks of ground and to throw them one after another at DK. After shaking his head to recover his senses, DK saw the first chunk of ground coming just in time and jumped out of the way, then ran around eratically to avoid the following ones. Seeing that throwing pieces of ground wasn't working, Gorimondo instead jumped toward DK to smash him with his trunk-sized arms. DK barely avoided them by rolling out of the way, but then was hit by the shock wave that followed.

Gorimondo jumped again toward DK, but the smaller ape then had the idea of jumping toward him, taking him off guard, and successfully rammed him in the belly mid-air, making him crash on his back. DK then climbed on Gorimondo's belly again and slapped it repeatedly like before. And this time, when Gorimondo attempted to grab him, he jumped out of the way, letting Gorimondo get up.

The bigger ape outstretched his arms and began to spin while moving toward DK. Thankfully for DK, Gorimondo was moving rather slowly, and the parking was big enough, so he easily remained out of the way. After a few seconds, Gorimondo stopped spinning and shook his head to get rid of the dizziness, opening himself to DK's counterattack.

DK swept Gorimondo's legs. Then, as Gorimondo fell forward, DK punched him hard on the snout, sending him back up, only for DK to jump and to pummel his face. But then, Gorimondo clapped his hands on DK, stopping him, and smashed his fists on him to make him crash at his feet. Finally, Gorimondo rose one of his stubby legs, intending to crush DK under his foot, but DK caught it, got up, and spun around with Gorimondo. After a few seconds, he threw Gorimondo toward the wall of the mall, and he passed right through it, making a part of the building crumble on him.

DK approached to see what was Gorimondo's state, and could see the big ape half-buried under pieces of the mall, unconscious.

"And I WIN! YEAH!" he shouted while pounding his chest in victory. "No ape can beat me!

The Lor landed in the middle of the parking and opened her door, letting DK return under the congratulations of the others.

"I must admit, he fought well" he said while he rubbed his head. "I'm still feeling that hit."

Apple Death offered him a banana. "Here. Take this."

"Oh! Thanks!" DK took the banana and ate it, healing himself a bit. "Uh. Wait. A banana?" That was when he saw a big pile of bananas against a wall. "WOAAAH!!!"

"I know, right?" Diddy said in joy. "While you were fighting, some of us explored the mall and found what must have been this guy's hoard along with a few more captured Waddle Dees! They brought all of it here!"

"And it's all for you," Sweetie Void said.

"Aww YEAH!" DK shouted.

"Now, let's continue," Sweetie Void said.

"We aren't far of Everbay Coast, a large tropical bay with lots of islands and a huge beach," Elfilin informed.

"Yay!" Sweetie Void put on sunglasses, which weren't the ones she got from Spinni. "Let's prepare then. Does anyone want some sunscreen?"

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