• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 146: Bowser's Return

Inside Peach's castle, around a table, the three sets of CMCs (which included Little Ghost) were sitting around a table with Peach and the Mario Brothers, drinking tea and eating cake.

“So Elfilin was able to make peace with his other half, and now, he is whole again and living with Kirby, Void, and Galacta Knight,” Sweetie Void finished recounting.

Phantom rubbed her muzzle. “Please, tell me not all your adventures with Kirby are like that. If they are all like that, then I may refuse the next time you propose to me to join you.”

“Oh, thanks the stars, no! This one was one of the most extremes. Well, most of it was pretty much normal adventuring. You will agree with me, everything before we reached the lab was good fun. It’s just Elfilis who was too powerful. And I do hope that the next time, the final antagonist will be less difficult to deal with.”

Thankfully there wasn’t a difficulty curve. She remembered Dark Nebula, Yin Yarn, and Dark Crafter who had been much less difficult to fight than the other enemies of the time. Dark Crafter especially paled between Sectonia and Star Dream. And let’s not talk about Yin Yarn. And then, Elfilis themself had been less powerful than Void. Speaking of, encountering something even more powerful than Void was very unlikely. Void was peak difficulty as far as they knew. Of course, that was ONLY counting the Kirby adventures. Outside of them, nothing topped Arceus. Well, besides DD, but they won’t matter before a few centuries.

“I’m glad we weren’t present,” Luigi said.

“I regret that we weren’t present,” Mario said.

“That’s okay, you were absent for a good cause. To recover some lost power you had, right?” Sweetie Void questioned.

“Uh? What power?” Scootabot asked.

At this, Mario and Luigi glanced at each other before they both got up and moved away from the table. They then raised an arm, palm open up.



At their shout, a fireball and a ball of electricity appeared respectively in Mario’s hand and Luigi’s hand.

“You can now materialize fire without a Fire Flower?!” Sweetie Ghoul exclaimed in shock at Mario.

“And Luigi can now use electricity. Neat,” Phantom said. “It’s always a cool power to have.”

“When we had our adventure in the Beanbeam Kingdom, Luigi and I gained these powers. However, it revealed to be temporary, only lasting a couple of days,” Mario recounted. “It turned out that if we wanted the power definitively, we had to sit through a ritual lasting many hours. I won’t bore you with the details. But now, we should have them for good, and we will be able to use them against our enemies.”

“That’s right! Bowser will be less scary now that I can electrocute him!” Luigi said. “Speaking of, we haven’t seen him in a long time.”

Peach nodded. “Not since the end of the Cankens’ invasion.”

“And Ah have a bad feeling about it. He never waited that long to attempt to capture Princess Peach,” Apple Death said.

“Well, I’m not complaining,” Luigi said.

“Should I pay him a visit to see what he is doing?” Sweetie Void asked.

Many laughed around the table, imagining how this would go.

“Go ahead if you want,” Mario said.

“If you go, I’m going with you,” Phantom said.

“Me too,” Apple Death said.

Me three,” Little Ghost said with a sadistic smile. She loved messing with Bowser.

However, Sweetie Void received at this moment a message, which revealed to be from Samus.

Last she heard from Samus, she received a mission from the Galactic Federation to exterminate all the Metroids in their homeworld to end their threat once and for all. She must have finished.

Greetings, Sweetie Void.
I will make it short, I may need help to save a life. As you know, I had for mission to exterminate all Metroids on SR388. I succeeded, or almost. After I killed their queen, one last egg hatched, and the hatchling latched on me as if I was its mother. I couldn't bring myself to kill it. So I left it in a laboratory in a space colony and went on my way. Not long after, the colony was attacked by Ridley who kidnapped the baby. I chased Ridley to Zebes, where it seems that the Pirates rebuilt their base. I don't know where they put the baby now, nor how much time I have before they do whatever they plan to do to it, so I call for you. With you at my side, I have hope that we will find the baby in time.

Here are the coordinates of Zebes. You should be able to find it with your ship.

The message ended with the coordinates of the planet.

Well, that was unexpected.

“Samus needs my help. I must go,” Sweetie Void said. “Baby alien rescue. Sorry, Princess Peach.”

“That’s alright, I understand. It’s just too bad that your break was so short.”

“Maybe I could have another tea party once I’m done.”

Peach nodded.

“Well, see you quickly, everyone!” Sweetie Void waved goodbye before she opened a rift to the Lor and walked through it, the rift closing behind her.

The next instant, a huge roar sounded from outside the castle, followed by a sound like something very big landing. Everyone ran to the windows and saw, right in the middle of Toad Town, a giant armored mecha Bowser with wings, mounted cannons on its shell, a mouth at the end of the left arm, and holding a giant wand in its right claw.

Airships were also starting to arrive all over Toad Town, dropping Goombas, Koopas, and other minions of Bowser while firing Bullet Bills everywhere.

“You just had to jinx it, Princess,” Phantom said.


“And right after Sweetie Void left. How convenient,” Shadow Speedster said.

“Mamma mia…” Luigi said.

Phantom cracked her knuckles. “Give me five minutes.”

What? You think we will let you go have fun alone? We are specialists in kicking Bowser’s butt! We will go too!” Little Ghost spoke for her set of CMC.

“And of course, we are coming too!” Mario said.

Luigi sighed. “And by ‘we’, he includes me, of course.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll deal with the big scary mecha, ya won’t have ta approach it,” Apple Death reassured him.

“I guess that we will remain with Princess Peach,” Phantom Bloom said for herself, for Phantom Belle, for Black Apple, and for Shadow Speedster.

Everyone nodded, and Phantom opened the window so she could fly out, allowing the other to jump out, excepted Apple Death and Little Ghost who flew through the wall.

“So we just stomp around randomly, being all scary and destroying stuff, until Mario shows himself?” Iggy asked.

“Yep. That’s the plan. And then, we kick Mario’s butt with the Megakoopa,” Bowser Jr. answered. “No way he can win against us with it.”

“Uh… Guys. We have a problem. Mario is here, but he is not alone,” Larry warned everyone.

“Wha-? Oh come on! The ponies are here?!” Bowser Jr. yelled in frustration.

“I see the skeleton ghost one, the one with the cubes… Where is the white one?” Wendy counted and questioned.

“Isn’t it this one running there?” Roy asked, pointing at a Sweetie Belle who began to attack a Goomba. They saw by the same occasion that Kamek started a fight with the Mario Bothers.

“No, I think it’s the zombie one. The white one would be flying toward us like these two,” Wendy said.

“Speaking of…” Ludwig raised the wand and readied some magic to fire at Apple Death and Phantom.

The wand fired, but the two fillies easily avoided the giant magical projectile. The others fired Bullet Bills from the chest plate and Banzai Bills from the mounted cannons.

“It doesn’t look like the white one is here, so let’s deal with these two!” Bowser Jr. instructed.

“YEAH!” the Koopalings exclaimed.

Only to be hit by a wave of Phantom energy, and suddenly, they were facing a giant masked monster that began to attack the mecha. At the same time, Apple Death levitated some destroyed houses and gathered them to form a giant golem that she took possession of.

“We are screwed,” Lemmy said.

“Shut up, Lemmy!” Bowser Jr. shouted.

“Morton firing laser!” Morton suddenly yelled before he pressed a big button. The next instant, the Megakoopa revealed its cannon inside its mouth and began to charge energy. The others looked at what he did in horror.

Bowser Jr. panicked. “You idiot! NO!!!”

Ludwig quickly acted and raised the mecha’s head just before it fired a huge purple laser. The laser still ended up disintegrating the head of Phantom’s monster before it continued, passed just above Peach’s castle’s central tower, and eventually hit a hill far away behind. Then, there was a big explosion, and there was no hill anymore.

“You moron! You want to blow us up?!” Wendy yelled. “Remember what that Crazy guy said? This laser is not for close combat! It’s to blow stuff up from far away!”

“Laser would have destroyed enemies,” Morton said.

“And us with them!” Bowser Jr. shouted.

“At least, it got us rid of that giant monster,” Roy said.

“There’s still the golem,” Iggy reminded.

“Well then let’s attack it!” Bowser Jr. ordered.

Said golem punched the Megakoopa while firing purple fireballs from the windows of the houses composing it. The Megakoopa made the golem pay by bashing it with the wand while it fired more Bullet Bills. Then, Phantom came with her sword and sliced off the right arm in one slice.

“AAAAHHHHH!!! She cut our arm!” Bowser Jr. yelled in panic.

“Laser?” Morton questioned.

“NO!” everyone shouted at him.

They made the Megakoopa raise its left arm and fired from its mouth a stream of fire at Phantom who flew around to avoid it. All the while, it continued to fire Bullet Bills and Banzai Bills at Apple Death’s golem, destroying it piece by piece. Despite this, the golem caught the left arm and gave it a karate chop on the joint at the elbow, destroying it.

“Now we lost the left arm too!!!” Bowser Jr. shouted, even more panicked.

“As I said, we’re screwed,” Lemmy said.

“Shut up, Lemmy!” Bowser Jr. yelled.

At the same time, the fight between the Mario Brothers and Kamek was already nearing its end. Now that they could use fire and electricity at will, it really wasn't hard to deal with him despite his magic, and Yoshi distracted him.

Kamek levitated and threw debris at the brothers who constantly jumped out of the way while sending fireballs and bolts of electricity. Kamek tried to avoid them, flying on his broom, but the lightning bolts were particularly hard to avoid because of how fast they were.

Mario sending a debris back at Kamek with his hammer finally threw Kamek off his broom. Now stuck on the ground, he was easy picking for the brothers. The fight didn't last much longer after that despite Kamek creating doubles in the hope of tricking the brothers. They gained some time, but they didn't last long.

As he lost consciousness, Kamek wondered why Mario and Luigi had these new powers and how they got them, and cursed them. As if they weren't annoying enough without them.

Meanwhile, inside the castle, Princess Peach and the fillies who remained watched the battle from the windows. Princess Peach looked worried.

"I don't see Bowser anywhere," she said.

"Maybe he isn't here?" Shadow Speedster proposed.

Peach nodded. "Maybe. Sometimes, he doesn't come."

"Maybe he decided to avoid the fight? His powerful mecha is being wrecked very easily," Phantom Belle said.

"Or maybe he ran away when he saw Apple Death and Phantom," Black Apple said.

"Or I'm just doing something else, like a kidnapping," a voice said from behind them.

They turned around to see Bowser in front of a portal, arms crossed and grinning. Minions were coming out of the portal, filling the room and surrounding Peach and the others.

"Bowser! Since when can you open a portal?" Peach shouted.

"A new trick I got from a new friend I made," Bowser answered. "I admit, I hoped that the Megakoopa would destroy that pesky plumber, I hadn't planned for these cursed ponies to be here. But it doesn't change the fact that you are coming with me. Take them!" Bowser ordered his minions.

With one bolt of purple electricity from Apple Death and a slice from Phantom's sword, the Megakoopa dropped to the ground, entirely destroyed, smoke coming out of it. In urgence, Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings flew out of it in their koopamobiles and toward the nearest airship.

Suddenly, the airships stopped firing Bullet Bills and cannonballs. Instead, they began to fire lasers that caused huge damage, and they particularly targeted the heroes. Mario and Luigi, who were joined by Yoshi, used clouds taken from Lakitus to avoid the explosions caused by the lasers and to fly toward the airships. Sweetie Ghoul was riding on Scootabot who rolled rapidly around. Little Ghost took possession of an airship and fired at the other airships, destroying some before her own airship was eventually destroyed. Phantom ended the destruction with a wave of Phantom energy followed by a rain of giant spears that destroyed all the airships excepted the one Mario and Luigi currently were on. This last airship was emptied of its crew, and Mario made it land safely.

With this, the invasion ended.

Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings were still conscious however and they escaped. Any Koopa Troop still conscious also ran away, many of them transporting at least one of their unconscious comrades. All that was left by the end were the remains of the Megakoopa and the airships.

Phantom dusted her hands. "And that wraps it up. One invasion stopped, and one mecha turned into scraps."

The heroes then grouped in front of Peach's castle.

"No Bowser?" Apple Death questioned.

Everyone else shook their heads.

"It's the first time he doesn't come," Sweetie Ghoul remarked.

"It happens. From time to time, he sends forces without him at their command, leaving it to his son, to Kamek, or to the Koopalings, either to kill me or to kidnap the Princess, or both, or to do something else like taking over the town," Mario said.

"But it's less fun when he is not present," Little Ghost said. "Beating him up is the highlight every times he causes problem. If he doesn't come, then let's go to his castle."

"I agree," Phantom said.

"First, let's ensure that everyone is alright. Toad Town took a bad hit," Mario said, and everyone agreed.

At this moment, Toadsworth ran out of the castle holding a paper. "THAT'S HORRIBLE! AWFUL! THE WORST THING EVER! THE PRINCESS HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED!"

Silence followed, everyone shocked by the news.

"What? How? When? I swear I saw nobody enter the castle," Little Ghost said.

Toadsworth showed the paper. "It's written right there! And the Princess is nowhere to be seen so this is certainly the truth! Read it!"

I kidnapped the Princess and your friends. Come to my castle if you dare. BWA HA HA HA!

The Mighty King Bowser

Everyone excepted Phantom groaned.

"How did he do it?" Luigi wondered. "Nobody entered the castle, right?"

Toadsworth shook his head. "The guards saw nobody."

"We can always ask him once we beat him up," Phantom said.

At this, Mario climbed on Yoshi. "Then let's go!"

"Wait, no need to go on foot. We have a faster way to reach the castle," Phantom said before she pointed at the intact airship that Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi landed.

Meanwhile, Bowser closed the door of the cell in which he trapped Peach, Black Apple, Shadow Speedster, Phantom Belle, and Phantom Bloom, and he made sure to lock it.

"You know how this will end, Bowser," Peach said.

"Yes, I know how this will end. With me victorious. The plumbers and the ponies will meet their doom once they come. I'm ready for them."

"Even for Phantom and Apple Death? Ah doubt it," Black Apple said.

"BWAHAHAHAHA! These two will be very surprised!" Bowser replied before he walked away. "Wait here patiently until I return with their carcasses!"

They waited until they couldn't hear his steps and his laugh anymore, then Peach, Phantom Belle, and Phantom Bloom sighed. However, Shadow Speedster and Black Apple didn't, instead looking at each other.

"I leave you the honor," Shadow Speedster said.

Black Apple nodded and walked toward the door. Once before it, she turned her back to it, gathered energy into her back legs, and bucked it. In one hit, the door was destroyed. Shadow Speedster immediately ran out and tackled the Koopa guard standing outside before she knocked him out with a punch on the face.

Black Apple faced the others who looked in awe. "Let's go."

They nodded, and they all left the cell.

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