• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 115: Tournament Part 8: Child's Play

"Your Pokémon fought well but, uh, why didn't you use your Z-move? You probably would have won," Blue asked to Calem.

The Champion from Kalos looked depressed as he answered, "I don't have one. I haven't gone to Alola yet."


"I'm not sure this would have worked anyway," Samus put in. "Remember that Link resisted Krystal's ultimate attack easily. That kid just has a crazy endurance. He would have probably gotten up and put his last mask, and Greninja wouldn't have stood a chance."

"So, next is Fox against Apple Death, right?" Falco then remembered. "Ok, I'm betting on Apple Death."

"Shouldn't you root for your boss?" Fox questioned.

"I would root for you if I knew that you would even have an ounce of a chance against her."

"Sorry Fox, but I must agree with Falco," Slippy said.

"You could at least do it just by principle and consideration for your teammate..." Fox almost whined, looking miserable.

Taking pity for Fox, Krystal said, "Don't worry. I will cheer for you."

"Me too," Peppy said. "Even if we have no illusion of what the outcome of this fight will be."

Fox let out a deep sigh.

The selected arena ended up being one happening on Yoshi's Island. It was essentially one big, round, curved platform on top of a grassy hill with a smaller platform (about half the bigger's size and rectangular) floating above the center.

Fox and Apple Death were standing at opposite sides, ready and waiting for Master Hand's signal.

Fox was already visibly sweating. In his mind, he was trying to come up with a plan to deal with the filly based on what he knew of her, but nothing he thought of worked.


Fox immediately grabbed his blaster and fired at Apple Death. The filly turned herself into her ghost form and materialised a bone before she used it to deflect the beams with well-timed swings. While she did this, she raised her other foreleg and sent out from it several balls of purplish fire that went up before they homed in toward Fox from above. Fox tried to avoid them with a roll, but it only allowed him to avoid being hit directly by the first one only to be caught in the following explosion as it hit the floor. Then the second ball crashed on him, followed by the others.

However, Fox ran out of the smoke caused by the explosion, much to Apple Death's surprise who didn't expect Fox to still be conscious after that. He clearly was badly injured and burned, and yet the fox closed the distance in the blink of an eye and, before Apple Death could react, punched her on the skull. He then followed it with a spinning double kick, and then by a storm of very fast kicks all over Apple Death's body, not letting her time to even breathe (even if she didn't breathe in this form).

But eventually, Apple Death sunk into the ground, morphing into a shadow, and immediately came out of it to headbutt Fox in the gut. She then blasted Fox away with powerful eye beams, making him crash into a passing Fly Guy (a Shy Guy flying thanks to a propelled sticking out of their head) which dropped a watermelon they had been transporting. Fox bounced off the Fly Guy, allowing him to land back on the arena on a knee.

He quickly looked back toward Apple Death's position only to discover that she was gone.

Then Apple Death brained him with the watermelon, half of the fruit breaking open so Fox's head ended up inside the remaining half with watermelon flesh, seeds, and juice dripping all over him. As Fox dropped on the ground with a concussion, Apple Death then began to hum while she searched him until she found a grenade that she activated. She then gently placed the grenade in the collar of the grunting and slowly recovering Fox's jacket before she floated away.


"KO! The Victor is: Apple Death!"

"Told you so," a smug Falco said to a groaning Fox.

"I didn't take you for the kind who walks away from explosions like a badass. It would be more my thing," Scootabot said to Apple Death.

Her friend laughed. "Ah wanted ta try ta see how it felt, for once."

"Your turn, Lulla," Sweetie Void said to her Pokémon who seemed to be on the brink of hyperventilating. "You can give up the fight, you know?"

Lulla stared at Kirby and steeled herself. "No. I will do it. Maybe, with some luck..."

It was another arena with a platform moving from place to place, this time on one of the tracks of Mute City. One the fillies didn't get to see previously.

The platform, however, was smaller than usual and had a more hexagonal-oval shape, and when the fighters arrived, it was already moving toward the starting/finish line of the track.


Immediately as Master Hand signaled the start of the fight and the platform arrived before the line and slowly lowered itself to let them on the track, Lulla closed her eyes and opened her mouth to start to Sing. She wasn't sure if Kirby could cover his ears, or if he even had ears to cover, so she had hopes (small hopes...) to get him this way even if he already knew about her Singing.


Before she could even let out a syllable, Lulla's own ears were attacked by a deafening yell amplified by a mike right in front of her. The sound knocked her right on her back, her poor ears were now totally useless, and her body was locked in a state of total shock so she wasn't moving even one inch.

Kirby, who had just used the Mike Ability - so he was now holding a mike and was wearing a headphone - saw that Lulla won't move anytime soon and dragged her away from where the platform would reappear. A few seconds later, the platform returned, rising out of the floor with Kirby on it, and moved away along the track, leaving behind Lulla.

"Ring Out! The Victor is: Kirby!"

Master Hand sighed. "Here I am, putting a lot of thought into these arenas, and you guys don't even give time for them to show everything they have... In this one, machines were racing on the track and would regularly appear in the middle of the fight so they could ram into the fighters. You could have even destroyed them with powerful enough attacks and items. And in the previous one, seasons were supposed to change and Blarggwich would have randomly appeared around the arena to serve as extra platforms. And I guess that I should tell you that Zekrom could have also appeared in the Unova League arena instead of Reshiram, or even a Whimsicott, a Milotic, or a Shaymin. These last three ones wouldn't have been hostile however."

"Well, how about this: once a fight in a new arena ends, give us something that shows or explains all the details of said arena that we couldn't see," Magolor proposed.

Master Hand thought about this for a few seconds before he snapped his fingers and materialized a table with paper on it. With a simple look, everyone could see that they entirely described the arenas, one by paper (or group of paper for the ones which took more to be described). Many began to read them.

"Oh! So the Egg Tower would have eventually fired at Donkey Kong and Pikachu?"

"Man. Now I wish we could have seen Area 6. It would have been epic."

"Wait. Vehicles could have crashed into us in the Onett arena?"

"The seasons would have just been for show? Well, I guess that not everything needs to have an impact on the fight. At least, it would have been pretty."

Meanwhile, Sweetie Void remained beside Lulla (whose ears were thankfully healed). "It was very brave of you to do the fight even if you knew that you didn't stand a chance."

"T-thanks..." Lulla actually really thought that she stood at least one small chance but she decided to not say it.

Sweetie Void mentally chuckled. You can be so mean, Writer. Still not forgiving you for what you pulled off and will certainly pull off.

"Alright! Alright everyone! Time for the next battle! Decidueye versus Sweetie Void! Arena!"

After a press of the red button, the selected arena revealed to be a large circular platform that seemed to be part of a temple. And judging by the statues all over the roof and the wall of the temple in the background, it was a Chozo temple.

The platform had twelve large totems arranged concentrically six by six. All of them had a socle on their side, facing the center of the two circles. A different-looking totem, looking more like a carved pillar separating into four feet at the base, taller than the others, was also at the center.

And it was also raining.

"The Artifact Temple," Samus recognized. "The temple that sealed the crater where the Leviathan impacted Tallon IV. And if this goes like I think it will, then prepare to face an old acquaintance."

Sweetie Void got a glint in her eyes that scared a few. "An old draconic acquaintance?"

Samus nodded.

"Yay! I missed playing with him! Well, it won't be the real him, but close enough!"

"There seems to be a difference between this arena and the temple as I remember it."

"Which is?"

"The platform had a small wall at the edge so nobody would accidentally fall below. It is visibly absent there."

When they appeared on the arena, Sweetie Void and Hau could barely see each other because of the totems between them, and the rain didn't help much. It didn't bother Sweetie Void, and Hau didn't mind it because it rained often in Alola.

"Alright, Decidueye! Do your best and have fun!" Hau shouted as he opened his Poké Ball.

Not long after Hau let out Decidueye, Master Hand announced the start of the fight with a "GO!"

"Let's start by taking cover behind one if these totems! Then fire toward the sky with Spirit Shackle!" Hau instructed.

Decidueye moved behind the nearest totem, plucked a feather, and fired it upward. The feather went very high, almost disappearing into the clouds, before it dropped back right toward Sweetie's position only for the filly to destroy it with a magic beam.

Sweetie Void then flew and landed on top of the central totem, getting a full view of the whole platform. From here, she copied Decidueye's strategy and fired beams toward the sky which homing in at the Pokemon, forcing it to be on the move. However, instead of jumping from totem to totem to remain behind cover, Decidueye used Phantom Force, using portals to move from place to place without being seen. Too bad for it that Sweetie could sense it, so she wasn't fooled. Feathers were destroyed and leaves were blocked with a shield while beam were avoided through portals, and this continued like that for a moment, Decidueye not daring to approach the filly. The Pokémon occasionally got its wings on an item that it threw at her, like a Green Shell, or a capsule (which revealed to be a bomb), but none of them reached her.

Then, as predicted by Samus, a roar heralded the arrival of a certain space dragon. Ridley, fully covered in metal plating that made him look like a robot, including artificial wings with orange translucent fiber instead of skin, swooped in from behind the temple and flew around the platform.

"Woah! What the heck?!" Hau shouted upon seeing the huge and terrifying cyborg dragon.

Sweetie Void innocently waved at him. "Hey! Ridley! Nice to see you again! I missed you! Too bad you aren't really him..."

Meta Ridley flew above the central totem where Sweetie Void was still on before he suddenly slammed himself down. Sweetie Void quickly flew away before Meta Ridley destroyed the totem and unleashed a fiery shockwave that went all over the surface of the platform, almost getting Decidueye despite it still being hidden behind one of the totems. The Pokémon barely jumped on said totem in time while the flames passed around Hau not doing any harm to him, much to his relief.

Sweetie Void having seemingly disappeared, Meta Ridley glared at Decidueye, making it clear who was the dragon's target. He took a huge breath and fired a powerful plasma beam that Decidueye avoided by jumping away, the beam destroying the totem it had been standing on. Decidueye then countered with a Spirit Shackle that successfully pinned Meta Ridley down just in time to stop the dragon from charging at the owl to shred it with his claws.

Sweetie Void then dropped on Meta Ridley's back.

The dragon glared at her.

She returned the glare with a grin.

And the dragon began to trash around (limited by the Spirit Shackle, but still managing to destroy some of the closest totems) to try to get Sweetie Void off his back.

Despite the absence of harness to hold on, Sweetie Void remained on Meta Ridley's back without problem. After a few seconds, she materialized a stetson hat and waved it around while screaming "Yeehaw!" like a cowboy doing a rodeo, because that was pretty much what she was doing, excepted that it was on the back of a genocidal cyborg space dragon instead of something like a horse, a bull, a bison, or a buffalo.

"Ahah! I dare anyone to top that!" she shouted.

Apple Death glared at the screen showing the fight. "Challenge accepted."

"Ok... Uh... While she is busy, let's do our Z-move. Okay?" Hau proposed to his Pokémon who agreed with a nod. It may be their only occasion to win this fight.

Several seconds later, Decidueye flew toward Sweetie Void and Meta Ridley surrounded by feathers. The two disappeared in the following explosion, Ridley's screech indicating that it was effective. As Decidueye landed however, several homing missiles came out of the smoke left by the explosion. It quickly moved behind one of the surviving totems to use it as a shield against the missiles, but the totem was quickly destroyed, and the remaining missiles were freed to hit the bird.

Then the smoke cleared and showed Meta Ridley still up with his plating now damaged and even destroyed in the case of the chestplate and the wings, leaving his heart visible and now vulnerable. Sweetie Void was also still on his back, only looking slightly bruised.

"Being on the receiving end of a Z-move is not fun," she said before her attention returned to Meta Ridley. "Hey, Ridley, are you getting hungry?"

The recovering Decidueye gulped.

But it didn't have to worry. Sweetie Void didn't have the Pokémon in mind. Instead, as Ridley glared at her, she forcefully opened his mouth and made him gulp a Smart Bomb. The bomb caused HUGE damage inside him, visible thanks to the broken chestplate, and Meta Ridley collapsed on the ground, still breathing.

Sweetie Void then put a collar around his neck linked to her tail by a leash.

"And now, time to take the dragon out for a walk!" she exclaimed before she turned her hooves into wheels and began to roll all over the platform while dragging the screeching Ridley behind. She took special care to make him crash into the remaining totems, and even took sudden turns that made him crash into the wall of the temple.

Decidueye was also a prime target - they were still in the middle of a fight after all - but she made sure to try to avoid Hau who had quickly retreated at the extremity of the platform.

Eventually, Decidueye jumped high up and attacked with a Leaf Storm.

Against this, Sweetie Void stopped herself, caught Ridley before he could crash into her, and threw him at Decidueye headfirst. Most of the leaves ended up hitting the dragon instead of the filly, and Decidueye barely had time to panic before Ridley hit it like a plane. Pushed by Ridley, Decidueye quickly passed the Ring Out Barrier and continued far into the mountains in the distance.

"Ring Out! The victor is: Sweetie Void!"

Sweetie Void looked a bit disappointed. "It didn't feel as good as if it had been the real Ridley." She took a paper and a pen. "Note to self: ask Fluttershy to teach me what she does with the bear for next time I meet Ridley."

In another universe, Ridley felt a sudden chill.

Author's Note:

Sweetie loves Ridley. He's her BFF. She can't wait to have fun with him again.

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