• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 149: The Fruit of her Training

Author's Note:

Chapter written by Justalad 45. Thank you Justalad, and good job.

On the airship back to the Mushroom Kingdom.


"Uff, mamma mia…" Mario groaned as he arched his back.

The group was making their travel all the way back towards the Mushroom Kingdom after yet another defeat of Bowser, as usual.

This time however, the usual feelings of victory and peace were gone, replaced by soreness and tiredness.

"I must say, this time Bowser definitely upped his game big time," Sweetie Ghoul said.

"You tell me… I don't even know how we would have gotten out of that one if it weren't for you all! Just even imagining it…" Luigi shivered and squirmed a little.

"Eh, don't sweat it. We couldn’t just let you handle everything if we were here to help," Phantom said off-handedly. But then she frowned in deep thought.

"...Hey, so let me get this straight: this kidnapping business you have with this Bowser character has been going on for a looooong time, right?" Phantom asked the Mushroom Kingdom locals.

"Since as early as our childhoods, yes," confirmed Mario.

Phantom nodded. "...And all these years, you guys haven’t found any way at all to just have him cease? To ensure he stays quiet?"

"Well, no… He's just too stubborn with wanting to conquer and marry Peach, no matter how much he fails at both," Luigi answered Phantom.

"But it doesn't make sense! You, Princess, be honest: you really wouldn't love him back ever, am I wrong?" Phantom asked Peach.

In response, Peach cringed slightly but was quick to nod, "Even if he didn’t kidnap me on a daily basis, I couldn't really see us having a future. I just don't see him that way. I care for him, worry about him, and despite everything he puts me, my friends and my kingdom through… I don't hate him. That said, I certainly can’t say I love him, at least not in the way he wants me to."

"And he never ever had ever won a single time against you, Mario?" Phantom this time asked Mario.

"We got a quite equilibrated score on sports, I give him that. But on actual dangerous adventures? Not once has he bested us," Mario said with confidence. "...Although, there had been a few close calls. This last adventure for example, if it weren't for you all helping us out… I don't like the odds we would have had," he confessed, sounding more unsure.

"Figures. Hadn't you considered something like locking or sealing him away?"

"We sometimes have considered, and in fact in no small number of situations he had indeed ended up stranded in places he seemingly had no way out. Yet every time, he either manages to escape or his ever loyal minions free him themselves. Bowser just always comes back no matter what."

Phantom thought for a bit more. "...And I suppose, in typical hero fashion, you neither considered a more…'permanent' solution, if you get?"

At that, Mario actually turned to face Phantom.

"Never," he said, a steely conviction Phantom had never heard before in his voice. "Bowser only ever had wanted to end me and those who opposed him, but no once he had gone out of his way to harm innocents. He scares or imprison Toads, but in all these years he has not produced a single death, only costly destruction. So we never would go that far."

"And also, Bowser is loved by his kingdom and his family. None of us would ever do that to Jr, the Koopalings or the rest of his kingdom… and neither will we allow it," Peach said, surprising Phantom slightly with how similar the conviction in her voice was to Mario's.

"...So, a villain that never gives up, isn’t enough of a monster to kill off but also not enough of a joke to treat lightly, can't be imprisoned and gets the full support of his people… Good grief, you seriously are planning to keep this up until your graves or what…?"

At that, no one had a really good response to that. Yoshi shrugged and resumed looking in the distance. Everyone followed his example and remained quiet for a while.

"...Bowser mentioned that someone gave him the power of that transformation. 'Crazy Hand' he said…do you think it has anything to do with Master Hand?" Peach mentioned after a while.

Phantom decided to go along with the topic, archiving the former for later.

"It’s the only thing that would make sense. Who else would be so powerful to give him such a transformation if not someone with a power comparable to him? Plus the name just makes it too obvious," Phantom said, agreeing with Peach.

"In that case, we better let Sweetie Void and the rest of the alliance know about this. Now there's possibly two incredibly powerful foes we need to take care of in the near future," Apple Death added.

Everyone agreed.

Finally, the heroes arrived at Toad Town, and after the quick greetings and cheers of victory from the Toads upon seeing their heroes and Princess return safely again from yet another Bowser kidnapping, they made their way to the castle.

"Oh, right! There’s something I wanted to tell you about regarding the Alliance," Peach said, suddenly remembering upon reaching her castle. "I know of another universe we can get help from."

"Wow really? Awesome!" Little Ghost cheered.

"You got a way we can directly go there?" Phantom asked Peach.

"Indeed, follow me to the Royal Library," Peach said and they did so, all the while Peach told them more about the universe.

"There’s a book that connects this world with an alternate version of the Mushroom Kingdom where their residents are made of paper," Peach explained.

"Hol' up, paper?" Sweetie Ghoul questioned a bit confused.

"Well, didn’t Sweetie Void mention once how in the Dream Universe they got a world of yarn? It’s likely something similar," Apple Death said.

"A world of yarn? Sounds fascinating, but indeed sounds similar to this. Some time ago, from the Paper Dimension, various of their habitants came to our world, and among them were paper counterparts of me, Mario, and also Bowser, the latter striking an alliance with our Bowser to kidnap both me and Paper Peach. Luckily, Mario and Luigi also allied with Paper Mario and together the three defeated the Bowsers and returned everyone from the Paper Dimension back home through the book. To ensure nothing like that happened again, we took the book on this dimension and safeguarded it here since then."

As Peach retold these events to the heroes, they all arrived at the Royal Library. She opened the two big doors and the heroes entered, seeing multiple rows of shelves packed to the brim with books and tomes both new and dusty-kind of old.

"Follow me, I know exactly where the book lies hidden," Peach said.

The group was then led by her through the library, until they stopped at a seemingly random shelf. Peach looked at it and then pulled a book from it but instead of taking the book, a Click was heard and Peach pushed the Book back.

Then the entire shelf started going underground, leaving a hole from where another shelf quickly emerged. From it, Peach took a book that this time did come out.

The book was considerably bigger than the average, colored in bright yellow and red with the Image of a mushroom in the front of the cover.

"Last time, because it was carelessly opened, paper versions of multiple habitants of the Mushroom Kingdom flooded our world, but I believe that with the help of the alliance it will be possible to properly use the book to travel to their world and ask for their help!"

"Neat! We must ask Magolor to look it up. If anyone could figure out how some magical artifact works, it would be him," Apple Death said.

Suddenly, Phantom noticed she was getting a call from her dimensional phone, and whistled upon seeing who it was.

"Speaking of the Devil…" she said and answered the call. "Sup, Magolor?"

"Ah, Phantom! Good thing you were available. Tell me, are you still in the Mushroom Kingdom?" Magolor asked.

"Yeah. Actually, there is something you have to know…"

Phantom then resumed to Magolor the kidnapping of Peach, Bowser's new form and the situation with the book to the Paper World.

"Wow, interesting! I am indeed curious about that book. I also will pass word about this mysterious Crazy Hand," Magolor said upon hearing Phantom resume her report. "Now, about why I contacted you in the first place, it’s because we could use an escort for a team from Mushroom Kingdom's portal to make a second one on Donkey Kong's Island so they have easier access to it. We contacted Sweetie Void first, but she is busy in Samus' universe so she told to ask Apple Death or you. With your help, not only the progress would be speeded up, but also the engineers will have complete protection against any unsavory individual that pops out."

Phantom thought for a moment before nodding. "Sure, I can spare the time."

"Excellent! Well then, I must go for now-recently there’s much to be done around New Halcandra! We will talk later." With that, Magolor cut the call and Phantom put her dimensional phone back to where it was.

"Well, it seems I have a job to do now. I'll take my leave, " Phantom said.

"Yeah, we probably should return back to our universe too," said Little Ghost.

"Of course! Thank you again for your help, friends." Mario said.

"Be safe!" Luigi said.

"You too!" said Black Apple.

With everyone saying their goodbyes, the fillies returned to their respective universes, with Phantom eventually flying towards Donkey Kong Island on the airship with the engineer team and their material.

"Ahhh, Home sweet home!" Black Apple exclaimed as she arrived just in front of the entrance of her Sweet Apple Acres. "Ready for your New Home, buddy?"

The Piranha Plant on her back nodded.

After the Defeat of Bowser, the plant seemed willing to follow her, and promptly snuck inside the airship. It then reunited with Black Apple just as she had been about to leave to her dimension. Seeing as it wasn't aggressive, Black Apple decided to keep it and Peach was even kind enough to give her a pot of dirt that the plant could use to rest in.

"Oh, and you absolutely must NOT attack ANYTHING unless I tell you so, 'kay?" she sternly told the Piranha Plant who was quick to nod, kinda worried.

The filly trotted content across the apple trees as she went home, Piranha Plant quiet in its pot on her back. On the way, she quickly encountered her sister Applejack, Jackie, bucking at trees and collecting apples.

"Apple Bloom! Yer back!" Jackie exclaimed upon noticing her. Black Apple quickly approached her but Jackie looked at the Piranha Plant on her back. "Apple Bloom! What in Celestia's name you got on yer back!?"

"Oh don't worry, it’s harmless!...Well, so long as I want it to," she confidently tells Jackie.

For her part, the apple farmer eyed the Piranha Plant, who attempted to please Apple Bloom by waving one of its leaves at Jackie.

It probably would have had a better effect if it didn’t also give her a wide, sharp smile showing its rows of sharp teeth on its attempt to appear friendly.

".…Uh-huh… And how was your… trip?" Jackie asked while still eyeing up the plant.

"Meh, it started well but then Bowser came and kidnapped Princess Peach, so we had to go and rescue her. However Ah… got taken too, along with Scoot and some others. We had to fight him and everything but we got out just fine!"

At that, Jackie sighed heavily and shook her head.

"Alright, so long as there’re others to help ya out and ya’re fine… Just be real careful, ok? Ah wouldn't really want to, but If Ah or the rest of the family think going to other worlds is too dangerous we’re going to have to forbid ya from traveling to them at least on your own." Jackie spoke firmly and honestly to her sister.

In the past, Black Apple may have complained, but after everything she had witnessed and especially after the recent battle with Bowser, she simply nodded.

"Actually, Ah wanted to show ya guys about-"

Tiling Tiling Tiling~

A bell started to sound, making both Jackie and Black Apple perk up.

"Dinner Time!" both sisters said excitedly.

"C'mon Bloom, ya can tell me later!" Jackie said as she was already on her way to the Apple Family house. "...And Ah guess that’s so long as it behaves, ya can bring the plant too."

"Right behind ya!" Black Apple replied.

On the way, both sisters encountered Big Mac, and after Black Apple briefly greeted him and presented him the plant (who Big Mac didn’t seem particularly worried about, much to Applejack's dismay), the trio arrived at the house from where the aroma the three were familiar was coming.

Black Apple was the first to enter the house and promptly sat on her usual spot at the eating table, putting the Piranha Plant beside her.

"Apple pie!" The filly shouted excitedly, knowing exactly what the meal was.

And sure enough, from the kitchen emerged Granny Smith, the Apple matriarch holding a trail with the apple pie in her mouth and promptly put it on the table. At the same time, both Jackie and Big Mac took their seats too.

Granny Smith looked at her grandchildren around the table one by one. It took her a bit to notice a "fourth" one that as far as she remembered, she didn’t have.

"Huh…do we have a visit? Who are ya?" she asked as she quite carelessly got up close to the Piranha Plant that turned towards her.

"Uhh, Granny…" Jackie tried to say as Granny Smith looked with squinted eyes at the plant who in turn was facing her.

Then, before anyone could do anything about it the Piranha Plant gave out a long lick with its tongue at Granny Smith, drooling her face.

Everyone got a bit worried, until they heard her laugh.

"Hehehe! Ain’t ya quite the curious fellow?" she said good-humouredly as she just casually pet the Piranha Plant, who accepted it.

"Although ya certainly are one weird dog."

At that, Black Apple couldn't contain herself and started laughing.

"Granny, that’s not a dog, it’s a plant! A Piranha Plant. Ah brought it back from the Mushroom Kingdom! Can we keep it? Pleeeeease Ah promise- No, Ah Pinkie Promise Ah'll be responsible and take care of it so please let it stay!" Apple Bloom pleaded, going so far as to use puppy dog eyes to seal the deal.

Granny Smith thought about it before finally nodding. "Eh, aight. But remember Apple Bloom, Ya better keep it outa trouble ya hear? And also if it’s gonna stay, it would be better ta give it a proper name."

Black Apple nodded. "Will do, Granny."

Jackie, however, still wasn't all that convinced. "Ah don't know…It still looks dangerous ta me," she said, not taking her eyes away from the Piranha Plant.

"Oh don't be such a worrywart 'bout it Jackie, if it was dangerous it would hav' done something already," Granny Smith easily abated her older granddaughter's worries as she went and washed her face off the Piranha Plant's drool and returned to the table and even took an additional plate and put it in front of the plant.

She promptly cut the apple pie, giving everyone including the Piranha Plant a slice.

Soon, the Apple Family was eating and animatedly talking about their day.

At one point, the Piranha Plant looked at its slice of pie, seemingly curious about it. Finally, it decided to pick it up between its teeth, throw it up in the air and catch it in its mouth, munching on it before swallowing.

As the meal ended, Black Apple remembered something.

"Ah, that’s right! Ah actually wanted ta show y'all what Ah've been learning with Zecora! It’s how Ah managed to get Pepe to be friendly!" she said to her family.

"Pepe?" Jackie asked Black Apple in confusion..

"Yeah! Ah didn’t want to go with something generic like "Pira" or "Planty" so Ah just picked the first original one that came to my mind. Do you like yer name, Pepe?" she turned and asked.

In turn, Pepe just liked her like it did to Granny Smith, leaving part of Black Apple's mane sticking upwards.

Black Apple giggled. "Aight, Pepe it is then."

After washing her mane and face, Black Apple urged her family that now officially included Pepe outside, the Piranha Plant proving that somehow it was actually able to move around on its own even inside its Pot.

A few minutes later Black Apple guided her family to the outskirts of the Everfree Forest on the same spot she's been Growing her tree sprout which was now almost fully grown.

"Well, this is it! Ah have been working for a time now in growing this one all with mah magic, and last time ah almost got it to fully mature."

"Mmm…'' Granny Smith hummed as she approached the tree, looking over it. She then gave it a really good buck for a mare her age. The Tree shook a bit and she nodded in approval. "Well, it grew well indeed, but ah’m not sure of the quality of them apples if it was fully grown with that mumbo-jumbo Bloom," Granny Smith said, doubtful.

"Uhh, ya shouldn’t call it 'mumbo-jumbo' Granny, it’s a tad offensive…it’s "Geomancy", and don't worry! Ah fully believe Ah can make something good grow of it. Ah can feel it! But Ah wanted ta show somethin’ else first. Ah’ve been thinking a lot, ya see, and that’s why Ah trained ta use that power. Ya’ll see," Black Apple said as she took a few steps back from the seed and started focusing.

Feeling the energy both inside and around her, Black Apple channeled it all through her hooves into the ground and towards the tree.

Soon enough, The Apple Family looked with amazement as the tree fully matured in just a few seconds. Then, from one of the Branches, a single apple started to grow at an unnatural Speed, all the while Black Apple maintained a focused expression.

As the Apple Grew, the Apple Family noticed quickly that, obviously, something wasn't right: instead of the bright, red color a normal apple should have, the apple from the branch was a pitch, smooth black color.

Seeing this, Black Apple gave one last bit of energy so the branch extended and made it drop the apple on the ground before she made it return to normal.

Black Apple approached and picked the apple up, looking at it with a proud expression. "This… this is it, Ah did it. Ah really did it!"

The rest of the Apple Family approached but Black Apple was quick to stop them.

"Don’t. If it does what it’s supposed ta do…" she said.

She promptly threw the Apple far in the distance with all her strength.

As the apple hit the ground, a green cloud of smoke emanated from it around the zone of impact. It lingered for a moment before vanishing.

Black Apple and her family cautiously approached and stopped at a good distance to see the result.

Around the zone where the gas lingered, all the grass had shriveled up and died, and the earth was clearly discolored.

"My… that Apple…" Jackie said in shock.

"...it was poisoned," Big Mac finished for her sister.

"Mmm… Eeyup, that’s a chunk o' land that is currently unable ta grow anything on it," Granny Smith confirmed with her expert eye.

"As Ah planned. Ya see what it means?" Black Apple said quietly.

"That you just learned how ta grow a legit dangerous weapon while ya are still a filly?" Jackie said with no small amount of dread.

Black Apple snorts. "We both know this is REALLY tame compared to what Sweetie can pull off as easily as she breathes, but yer right. But also…this means Ah discovered mah way to fight!" Black Apple turned towards her family.

"It still needs work but with this power, Ah can do so much! Ah can control plants, grow mah own means of defense, pull my weight for real in adventures! Ah will grow more of those apples with various effects as well as ingredients for potions! Between this and Pepe's help, y'all will no longer have to worry about me when Ah go out to other universes! Ah will become a full-fledged Multiversal Explorer! This is the fruit of mah training!" Black Apple told them, excited by what she did.

And things would just keep getting better, as suddenly Black Apple's flank started to shine.

All the Apples were dead silent as this happened, so great was their shock.

On Black Apple’s flank, the characteristic Cutie Mark of an apple appeared but, very much like the apple of the tree she Grew, this apple was completely black.

As the glow subsided, Granny Smith found her voice again.

"... Well, that settles it, then,” she said with a chuckle. "Guess that as long as ya keep up with school and help around the farm once in a while, ya are free ta go to yer little adventures like yer friend Sweetie Belle."

"FOR REAL!?" both Black Apple and Jackie said at the same time, though clearly with different emotions.

"No! Granny ya can't be serious! One thing it’s to let her visit friendly worlds, but to let her explore new, dangerous ones!?"

"Applejack, there’s nothing to do about it," Granny Smith said seriously. "Her Cutie Mark says that much, it’s her destiny. It would only worsen things to go against it. We don’t want her sneaking around to do so anyway, do we? B'sides," she said, this time looking fondly at Black Apple. "ya got friends, right? As long as they're by her side, Ah trust she will always come back ta us."

At that, Black Apple had no words to say, so she just rushed to hug her. "Thanks, Granny."

Granny Smith just smiled and hugged her back. They were quickly joined by Big Mac, and then Jackie herself did.

Black Apple looked at Pepe gazing at them. With a roll of her eyes and a smile, she called it. "And just who are ya waiting for? C'mere Pepe! You’re family now too!"

Unable to really deny it, Pepe quickly hoped near. It extended its stem and warped around the whole Apple Family.

Jackie was a bit uneasy at first, but finally gave out a sigh and addressed Pepe.

"Just… promise ya are gonna look after mah little sister out there, 'kay? Then we're cool."

At that, Pepe just licked her.

"...heh, good plant."

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