• Published 15th Feb 2020
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Sailor Guardians of Equestria - Hotspot the 626th

To recover her power, Princess Luna must seek help from those pretty soldiers in sailor uniforms.

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Act 9

Deep in the sanctuary of the dilapidated castle, Queen Beryl stood in the room of her master as she oversaw the work being done. Queen Metalia was focusing much of her energy into the orb that contained the creature that is Nightmare Moon. She appeared much better than last seen as her features began to return to normal. It was a slow process, but progress was happening.

While both Beryl and Metalia were distracted, much was happening in the rest of the castle. The Changelings were moving out in droves and leaving the castle as the morning sun rose. Chrysalis stood on a rock outcrop overseeing this mass exodus. She glanced back at the castle before scoffing with disdain. The changeling queen, with great reluctance, followed with her subjects towards their new destination: La Luna.

The morning’s light slipped through the curtains to brighten up the room delicately. Its illumination shined on the sleeping Usagi upon a large bed. Her transformation as Sailor Moon long since worn off due to her current state. She was having a romantic dream where a handsome prince was attending his hoof towards her: his princess. It was unfortunate then that the sunshine had to stir the mare from her sleep. She slowly awoke with little realization of her surroundings. As the Earth pony rubbed the sleep from her eyes, though, she immediately took notice of this fact. Her first thought was to try and remember what happened before she lost consciousness. Something was coming to her, but it was soon forgotten as the door to the room open. She gasped as she watched a pony enter the room.

“Ah, I see you’re awake,” spoke a grey stallion.

Usagi recognized the pony instantly. “You…?”

The Earth pony smiled. “Breakfast is ready should you want it,” he said courteously before leaving.

Usagi soon got out of the bed and followed after the stallion. She opened the door and discovered herself to be in an apartment, both spacious and cozy. Across from her, she saw the pony, Mamoru, preparing two plates with a meal of pancakes and fruit. The young mare was amazed by where she was standing. There was still some confusion, however. Usagi could not figure out how she came to be here. She had never come over to Mamoru’s house before now.

Mamoru, in noticing the mare’s entrance, soon greeted her. “Welcome to my home,” he carried over the plates to the table.

“How did I…?” asked Usagi, significantly confused.

Unwearyingly, the stallion responded, “You don’t remember?”

As she looked around the apartment, Usagi saw some clothes draped on the couch that she soon realized a new revelation. She then looked at Mamoru in realization, her heart beginning to beat hard with emotion.

“You used all your power last night, and you freed your friend.”

Usagi walked over to the couch. She picked up one of the items: a white mask. “Are you…Tuxedo Mask?” she asked.

Mamoru’s response was only a knowing smile.

So mesmerized by her discovery, Usagi approached the stallion with the mask in hoof. Once she was close to Mamoru, who held no qualm over her action, the mare held up the costume piece to his face. It was now so apparent to her as the features she recalled dearly matched precisely. The fact made her heart flutter and become light as air. It was all so shocking.

“Why are you Tuxedo Mask?” Usagi asked anxiously. “Why are you doing all this?”

The stallion now smirked and took the mask from the mare before stepping back. “I have to do it,” the Earth pony said confidently, holding the item up to his face playfully.

“If I ever want to recover my lost memories, I must use the power of the Silver Crystal to unlock them.”

“You’re…memories?” spoke Usagi amazedly.

A tale was told by Mamoru. He was once just like any other pony living in Equestria with his two loving parents. One day, the family went out on a carriage ride to the countryside. It was all enjoyable and fun until they were attacked by a Manticore. The carriage’s driver tried to lose the beast and, in doing so, threw them all off a cliffside. The wreck was discovered shortly after, with Mamoru being the only survivor. Worst of all, the young colt had lost important memories and left him amnesic. There was only one thing he could remember, though vague and confusing. A phrase, “Find… the Silver Crystal… waiting…” spoken by a mare so beautiful like a full moon on the clear starry night. His life would become challenging for many years until recent events made him to dawn the costume of “Tuxedo Mask” to search for any clues.

“And then, you appeared, Sailor Moon,” Mamoru said curiously, moving closer to the young mare. He was gentle and respectful as he then asked her a question.

“Why do you want the Silver Crystal?”

“Well, uh,” Usagi was unprepared to answer as many emotions and thoughts swirled within her mind. She tried her best to explain from what she recalled, “Luna (cat) only told me to find it and protect it.”

Mamoru appeared disappointed in the answer. “…I see.”

“But Princess Luna,” spoke Usagi quickly. “She wants to use it to fix herself. Just like you.”

The stallion seemed intrigued now. “Is that so,” Mamoru answered thoughtfully.

“I know that…” Usagi paused for a moment as she realized the confusion in naming, “…our advisor said not to trust you, but I feel like I can trust you.”


“We should work together,” Usagi recommended powerfully. “That way, everyone can get what they want.”

“How do you know you can trust me?” asked Mamoru practically.

“Because I can feel that you’re a good pony.”

The male Earth pony chuckled. “Sometimes, I wonder if I really am,” he stated softly.

Usagi wanted to encourage the stallion more, but Mamoru suddenly handed her school saddle to her. “I think its time you returned to your friends, Usagi. I’m sure they’re worried for you,” he advised facetiously.

Though she wanted to speak some more, Usagi did realize that her friends probably did not know her location. She was also worried about Luna despite what Mamoru said earlier. The accepted the bag, and the stallion showed her out. Both, though departing, stared almost longingly at the other for a moment before Mamoru closed the door. Usagi continued looking at the door for a moment longer until she finally began to head for the elevator or stairs. She was hoping the stallion would have a change of mind before she left.

At the same time, Mamoru was leaning against the door, looking almost exhausted. He was conflicted with several thoughts and feelings. Everything the young mare told him was optimistically naïve, and yet, he could not help but feel moved by all she said.

“Is there another way…?”

From Mamoru’s apartment, Usagi traveled through the city on her own. She immediately gave Luna (cat) a call through her brooch once outside. The feline was absolutely relieved to finally hear from the Sailor Guardian and advised her to head to school to keep up appearances. Given guided directions, the airheaded mare eventually reached the building just a little after the first bell rang. Ami and Makoto soon meet with the Earth pony, expressing how relieved they were that she was okay. Usagi was happy that they were okay as well, but she soon noticed someone was missing.

“Where’s Princess Luna?”

Neither Ami nor Makoto could answer, so they all went to search for the one pony they could ask. They were lucky to find the pony doing his job as a sanitation worker as he cleaned the floors.

“Princess Luna?’ repeated Flash Sentry before frowning. “She’s been in serious depression since she woke up.”

“Oh no!” said Usagi worriedly.

“It’s pretty bad. Nothing Cadance has tried is really helping her…” Upon saying that, however, Flash Sentry soon made a realization. “But, Ms. Usagi, maybe you can help.”

Instantly, Usagi nodded with determination. “I want to try,” she stated.

After school, Flash Sentry guided the girls to the Li residence. Along the way, Rei and Luna (cat) joined them after being informed of the situation. They were greeted by Yelan, who, of course, allowed them into her home once Flash explained why he brought them. Not long after did the group meet with Cadance. She had nearly run out of options until she saw Usagi, which gave her new hope in dealing with the situation.

Cadance told Usagi as they approached Princess Luna’s room, “She always seems to be in a better mood when you’re around, Usagi. You may be our last hope.”

At the door, the princess had to force it open with her magic. She then calmly gestured for the mare to go inside the pitch-black room. “Try your best,” she said hopefully.

Usagi nodded and bravely went in. The only light came from the opened door allowing the mare just enough sight to look around. While she had never seen Luna’s room before, the Earth pony could tell that it was a mess. The vanity mirror was broken, pillows ripped apart with their feathers everywhere, and there was damage all over from holes in walls to burned furniture. It looked as if it was a warzone. As she scanned, Usagi could not find Luna. She begins to wonder if her friend was even in this room.

“Leave us, Princess Cadenza,” came Princess Luna’s voice, sounding blasé.

The sudden echo surprised Usagi, but it also helped her locate her doldrum friend. Usagi found the Alicorn just behind her in the furthest corner of the room away from the light. There was enough of a glow, however, that she could see the state of the mare. Her mane was tangled and misplaced with ends poking out in a few directions. The discourse extended to her tail as well, looking similarly like a bottle brush. She even looked slightly injured with some burns and a scrap or two. Her face was entirely in the corner, hiding her misery, which meant she most likely did not who came in. Usagi was heartbroken to see her friend like this; thus, she strengthened her resolve and approached her.

“I told you, foul caretaker, We do not—” Before Luna could finish, she was forcefully made to turn around much to her surprise. “…U…Usagi?!”

“Luna…” Usagi said sadly.

Luna stared at the mare as the light behind her illuminated her being. It was a bewitching sight that reminded the Alicorn of her friend centuries ago. A moment later, though, she returned to her senses and looked away from the young pony. She tried to compose herself as she tried to make her current situation less appalling.

“Y-You have returned,” Luna stated grateful though distant. “We feared the worst since you were taken by that miscreant, Tuxedo Mask.”

Usagi, despite her own desire, obliged the princess her act. “Yeah, he took me to his place, and I asked him if he could join together with us,” she said.

The Alicorn feigned interest. “That is…very good of you, Usagi. They say ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend.’ Perhaps now, we may be able to find…”

“Luna,” said Usagi, interrupting vehemently. “Why are you acting this way?”

Instantly, Princess Luna went silent. It remained so between the two mares for a moment before the Alicorn finally spoke. “Do you not hate me?” she asked as barely a whisper.

“Hmm?” the Earth pony responded, unable to hear.

To the mare’s surprise, Luna soon turned entirely around. She was then shocked to see her friend crying and appearing in distress. “How can you come and see us?” she asked much louder this time.

“We became Nightmare Moon! Again! And We attacked you and your friends just like We attacked our sister all those centuries ago! The Elements of Harmony didn’t get rid of her because she is me! We should have known better! Fate deems it that We are nothing more than a host for evil! How could any-pony—”

Luna was soon cut-off as Usagi enwrapped her in a tight hug. The Alicorn was confused at first and wanted to dissuade the pony from doing such for someone like herself. A gentle yet powerful sensation soon overcame her being, making her even more confused. It felt familiar and accepting, like when her kin hugged her months ago. Her mind could not fathom how the mare was able to recreate such a similar feeling. Before she could say anything, however, she soon heard sniffling and even felt some moisture on her body. Luna quickly realized that Usagi was crying now.

“You’re not bad, Luna,” Usagi said woefully. “You are my friend and someone I know who could never be truly evil.”


The younger mare continued, “I don’t care what you did in the past. The Luna I know is always willing to let me take a bite or two from her lunch. Who promised to come to school for me, even though she hates it. And who’s willing to help me and my friends when we’re in trouble. You’re so good that you feel so bad about what happened before. So I can tell you, Luna…”

Usagi moved her head to look directly at Luna. Tears were still falling, but she was smiling contently.

“That you are a good pony, and my dear friend.”

Now, Luna was beginning to shed tears. Not in a long time had any pony said such words to her. The last one, Serenity, had done so much often, and Usagi was very similar to her. It did not matter for she felt that, for the first time since returning, she had found someone outside her family who understood her. A smile began to form, though emotional and trembly. She a bit embarrassed but she was also happy.

“Thank you,” Luna said emotionally, “Usagi, my friend.”

The two mares spent a little more time together, allowing their emotions to calm down. They left together to find Princess Cadance waiting for them, slightly teary-eyed. Heading down to the others, relief was shared among the group that Princess Luna was now okay. Yelan wanted to prepare a feast in honor of the princess’ recovery; however, the sudden barging in of her daughter, Shiefa, so urgently grabbed everyone’s attention.

“Mom! Princesses!” the officer mare shouted, “Something is happening!”

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