• Published 15th Feb 2020
  • 1,191 Views, 49 Comments

Sailor Guardians of Equestria - Hotspot the 626th

To recover her power, Princess Luna must seek help from those pretty soldiers in sailor uniforms.

  • ...

Final Act

On the west coast of the Kingdom of Equestria lies the metropolis La Luna, "the City of the Ponies formerly of the Moon." It was not the most notable location in all the kingdom, but it was a lovely home for many of its citizens. Recently, however, it seemed to have gained some fame from the events that transpired here. Most notably, a particular group that protected the justice and peace.

The group – the Sailor Guardians – were at their usual hangout, Game Center Crown. The evening was approaching, but none of the girls realized this yet. As regular civilians, they were all inside and spectating while their friends were in heated competition against each other. It was Usagi and Princess Luna, the latter disguised in an outfit to hide her wings. They were playing a Sailor V fighting arcade game. Both mares were at a console using their avatars to fight. Usagi looked to be having an easy time, but Luna appeared to be growing frustrated by the passing second. Soon, a winner was declared, which sent the young Earth pony in a cheer.

"I win!"

Luna immediately banged on the plastic. "Sard!" she cursed out in defeat.

The Alicorn in disguise then spoke to her friend indignantly, "Be still thy cocky attitude, young Usagi! We have only just adapted to this game's mechanics! Our duel is not final until twice more times your avatar slays mine!"

Immediately, most of the girls laughed, entertained by Luna's frustration over a game. Rei was the only one not laughing but looking a bit peeved. "And you guys say my speech sounds old…"

Some pony then approached from behind Luna. "Mind your language, sister. Just because its old doesn't mean that it is no longer improper," spoke Celestia, also disguised.

The young mares gasped. "Princess Celestia!"

"Sister!" spoke Luna immediately. "We must acquire one of these 'arcades' for the castle in Canterlot. These 'video games' are entertaining."

Celestia chuckled before answering. "I'll see to it that we attract a business pony who may have that interest then."

Then, Celestia took notice of the time. She solemnly informed her sister, "We must be going now, sister. Our train leaves soon…"

Frowns replaced the joyful smiles the group was sharing upon hearing the sun princess. The fun was over, but Usagi asked if they could stay with Princess Luna until they left. Celestia agreed, having expected this notion. Together, the group left the game center. Outside, they were joined by Luna (cat) and Artemis. As they journeyed to the train station together, Celestia gave her sister and friends space to discuss everything they could in these last moments together. It was quiet at first, but eventually, the ice broke.

"I'm going to miss you, Luna," said Usagi sadly. "Its gonna feel a bit lonely with you gone."

"Yeah," agreed Makoto solemnly.

Luna (pony) smiled sadly. "Indeed. We might actually be starting to miss our gatherings at school."

Ami stated, "We've done so much together, both as students and as Sailor Guardians…"

"Speaking of," spoke Rei, who was looking around. "We've certainly become popular as of late."

"I know! Isn't it great?" said Minako happily.

On the street that the group was traveling on, what Rei was referring to was all the buildings' advertisements. Signs were on nearly every available space, and all it was showcasing none other than the Sailor Guardians. Each one was featured on several posters with many more of the group together.

"I, like, could totally get used to this," Minako said giddily.

"Well, you probably shouldn't," stated Luna (cat) promptly. "Seeing that our enemies are defeated, it's unlikely that Sailor Moon or any of you will need to show off again."

"Oh yeah," realized Makoto. "We've done our job as Sailor Guardians. What do we do now?"

Artemis answered positively, "I think living as young mares do sounds good to me."

Minako let out a whine in disapproval. "But, I liked fighting for justice."

"You've probably been doing this for too long," commented Artemis tiredly.

Luna (pony) then spoke, "While it will be your choice in the end, We do believe that the Sailor Guardians will always be needed in Equestria."

"What do you mean?" asked Ami.

"There are still many threats, both within and outside of Equestria. Someone will need to protect this city from either or both should the time arise. I trust no one better than Sailor Moon and the Sailor Guardians to do that."

"Aww!" said Usagi happily before pouncing on the princess and giving her a hug. "Thanks, Luna! We'll do our best."

The Alicorn princess smiled back. "Thank you, Usagi."

"It's good to know we have a princess of Equestria on our side," Rei stated securely. "But honestly, I hope we won't have to deal with anything for quite some…"

Having tempted fate, a monstrous roar echoed through the city. The group, and everyone around them, froze where they stood, frightened or confused by the unearthly sound. All the mares looked to each other with concern and worry. No sooner after, sirens called off as to alert the citizens of impending danger. Most could be heard in the distance; however, there was one growing louder as it got closer to them. A police carriage soon appeared from around the corner, its red and blue lights flashing brightly. It passed them before suddenly stopping only a few feet away. A head popped out of the side to reveal Shiefa Li in uniform.

"Hey!" the lady officer called out to the group. "A red lizard monster just entered town! I don't think we're gonna be enough to herd it out!"

"Do you think you can help out?"

Rei was surprised, like all her friends. "You think we can help?" she asked.

"Of course! You guys are the city's heroes and protectors!"

Despite the advertisement, none of the girls had figured on them being real heroes for the city. They were unsure whether to accept or decline, but they soon remembered Princess Luna's encouraging words before. Though the Dark Kingdom and Metalia were gone, there was still more they could do. Monster attacks sound like the right place to start.

Of course, that also meant their time with Princess Luna would be cut short. Now, the Sailor Guardians were not sure to accept for that reason.

"We believe you should go," Princess Luna advised thoughtfully with a proud smile.

The Alicorn then brought out an orb she was hiding on her person. Her magic aura floated the object to Usagi, who took it. Luna (pony) then explained, "Once you all have succeeded in your task, contact us later and tell us how it all transpired."

Usagi, like the others, was astounded by the gift. "Thanks, Luna!" she told her friend happily.

"Now, go! Defend the city, Sailor Guardians!" announced Princess Luna proudly.

[Music cue: "Moonlight Densetsu" sung by Amalee]

The group agreed but did not take off just yet. All of them hugged Princess Luna as one big group with both Luna (cat) and Artemis joining in as well. It was a surprise for the princess, but it was welcomed as the last farewell. After an extended moment, the entire group broke away, and the Sailor Guardians and their companions took off towards the threat. Shiefa soon left as well to provide backup. All the while, Celestia had watched on with intrigue. She soon joined by her sister's side after the group left and glanced to see how she handled the situation. A bittersweet smile was displayed as the short dark blue Alicorn kept her eyes on the direction her friends went. It surprised Celestia, and it made her happy too.

"Don't worry, Luna. You will see your friends again."

Why can't I tell you all of these feelings
It's so much easier when I'm dreaming

Though melancholic, Luna's mood changed as she reminded herself of the many promises made with her friends. "You are right, sister," she said.

"Let us head to the train station."

I think my brain's about to short circuit
I really wish I could find the words

Sometime later, Princess Celestia and Luna arrived at the train station, still disguised. It was not a busy time as there were few ponies about or trains. Those that were here, however, were so not to board but to see off the princesses. Yelan and some of her family and a few retainers representing the Li Family were those present. Also, Flash Sentry is standing by the car like a guard despite not dressed at such.

And now I'm crying under the moonlight
I wanna call you up, but it's midnight

Princess Luna approached Yelan and her group. She gave a respectful bow towards as she stated gratefully, "Thank you for opening your home to us."

Yelan, the three Li sisters, and the retainers gave the princess the same courtesy in response. "We were honored to have this opportunity to aid you," said Yelan humbly.

What should I do with all of these feelings
Like a Kaleidoscopic heart

"Please give Princess Cadance our regard as well, and that she recovers soon. Also, please tell her she may expect us to attend her coming nuptials."

Luna replied pleasantly, "I will."

The light that shines down from the moon
Will guide the way
And once again, it leads me to you

Once finished, the princesses moved to board the train. Celestia was first in, but Luna stopped just before entering to turn to Flash Sentry. Despite having been acting casual with her for months, the young stallion's royal guard training was in top form as he stood still beside making a salute. It was almost too funny for Luna.

"Good work, Sir Flash Sentry. You are a credit to the Royal Guard."

Flash smiled while remaining poised. "Thank you, Princess Luna."

The constellations sparkle in my dreams
And so I wonder if it's a blessing

Just about to step in, Luna looked back at the platform. A sense of forlorn was already making her miss the city and all its citizens, especially her friends. Usagi, she would miss her most of all.

As if by fate we're born on the same planet
Just like a miracle romance

"Until next time, La Luna," Luna said quietly. She then fully entered the train car.

So let us have another great weekend
And I will pray it has a happy end

The train soon departed at its scheduled time. Flash Sentry had already joined inside. Slowly, the engine created steam to push the wheels forward on the track. A toot of the whistle signaled that this transport was leaving.

I'll still be here past, present, and future
Head over heels in love with you

Inside, Luna joined her sister in the car a section down. Celestia had already picked a spot, but there were plenty of open seats with no other passengers here. The younger Alicorn took a seat opposite from her sister, who did not mind. Flash Sentry took a spot in the back, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.

I can't forget the way you looked at me that day
When I met you the very first time

Princess Luna slid over to the window once in her seat. She immediately began staring out the window, though the view was only inside the station. It changed once they finally left the structure where now the city could be seen. It was not much to see, only the ponies, the streets, and the shops.

Within the sea of stars under the night sky
I could still find you if I closed my eyes

The track soon began ascending, and with it, Luna's view was changing. The streets and ponies fell beneath the edge of her window. It was replaced with the towering buildings with only bits and pieces of space revealing what was behind them.

I love the way the world gives us moments
That we make our own destiny

Moments later, the placement of buildings became more spacious. The princess of the night could soon see much more now. City parks, busy intersections, and the hundreds of ponies going about their day. And everywhere, reminders of her friends could be seen in the many posters scattered throughout the area.

Speaking of, meanwhile, Usagi and her group had transformed and were already amid battle. The monster that they were warned about was a large red lizard the size of a small building with oversized front claws. It stomped around, causing destruction and chaos in its path. Along with the police, Sailor Mercury was aiding in the citizens in escaping the area. The others took to distracting the creature to keep them safe.

This miracle will always remain a mystery
Cause once again, it leads me to you

Both Sailor Jupiter and Mars attacked with their lightning and fire blasts, respectively. The strikes hit the monster and forced it back.

The constellations sparkle in my dreams
And so I wonder if it's a blessing

The monster smashed and crashed throughout the area chaotically. It was making the Sailor Guardians' job difficult. Every time, it let out a roar that sounded painful despite not appearing to have taken damage. Something that all the Sailor Guardians picked up on instantly.

As if by fate we're born on the same planet
Just like a miracle romance

Once the citizens were gone, Sailor Mercury immediately joined the battle. Using her hi-tech glasses, she began discerning both the creature and the cause of its rampage. She eventually pinpointed it and informed the others of her discovery. Sailor Moon then gave out her plan.

Concurrently, the creature continued to thrash. It was beginning to creep close to elevated rail tracks. It was, currently, when a train was oncoming. The locomotive was already at full power, making stopping difficult if they were to avoid the beast. But this was not any train; it was the same one carrying the princesses.

"Hey, look!" Flash shouted as he pointed towards the other side of the train.

Both princesses got up as they saw the creature and were shocked. They were about to move to defend the train when Princess Luna soon caught sight of the Sailor Guardians below. She stopped her sister from acting and focused her attention down. As the monster was about to crash into the bridge, it was swiftly protected by Sailor Moon, forming a shield. Luna watched her friend, both amazed and proud. The mare then pushed the creature back before using her signature technique.

"Moon Healing Escalation!"

With a rotation of her wand, Silver Crystal placed within its golden crescent moon, a powerful light shined upon the monster. Unlike with Metalia, the energy enveloped the beast and did not harm it. The mystical veil healed the creature, and its mood greatly improved. It calmed down and lowered its body to greet the mares who helped it. Sailor Moon breathed out in relief before looking over at the train. As she checked over it, she spotted Luna in one of the cars.

"Excellent," Celestia said happily. "They handled that wonderfully."

Proud, Luna nodded in silent agreement with her sister. She also felt a bit of inspiration. Without a word, the younger princess teleported to enact her idea.

Meanwhile, Sailor Moon informed her friends of her discovery. "Luna is on that train!" she said excitedly.

"We should-!"

Sailor Venus interrupted Sailor Moon suddenly. "Look!"

The group looked up to now see Princess Luna standing at the top of the caboose. She stood with her wings out and horn glowing with the moon acting as her spotlight. The display attracted many of the civilians and police force as well. As the trained continued on a straight and unobstructed path, Princess Luna's voice, thanks to her magic, echoed out for all to hear.

"Fighting evil by moonlight
Winning love by daylight
Never running from a real fight
She is the one named Sailor Moon"

Luna took a moment to look at her friend, whom she could see, was stunned. The Alicorn smiled and continued singing.

"She will never turn her back on a friend
She's always there to defend
She is the one on who we will depend
She is the one named Sailor~…"

Then, using her magic again, Luna fired a magical firework high into the sky. She would do these three more times, and each time, a symbol would appear before disappearing for the next one until the last. Each one represented the celestial bodies that each Sailor Guardian, minus Sailor Moon, drew their power from.

"Sailor Venus!
Sailor Mercury!
Sailor Mars!
Sailor Jupiter!

Her secret powers all so new to her
She is the one named Sailor Moon"

While the crowd below cheered on, enjoying the song, Sailor Moon and the others flew up in their magical sphere. They reached to where Luna stood, remaining only a few feet away. Immediately, they began to wave their friend off as she was about to leave. Many of them looked like they would cry, especially Sailor Moon, but they were happy to be able to see their dear friend off in the end.

"She is the one named Sailor Moon!"

Princess Luna returned to the gesture, nearly shedding tears despite being so happy. The Sailor Guardians then stopped as they reached the city limits but continued to wave their friend off into the distance.

Neither side noticed that, high on a building, Tuxedo Mask has also arrived. He, like the others, was seeing the princess off, though silently and coolly.

Finally, as Luna continued to wave as well, the Alicorn finished her song just before her transport slipped into the night.

"She is the one… Sailor Moon!"

La Fin

Author's Note:

And that's the end.

I will probably not return to this one. It was pretty difficult for me to really come up with a story; I even rewrote everything too! Sailor Moon, despite choosing it, is not an anime series that was especially apart of my childhood unlike Pokemon or Digimon. The idea just came because Crystal had premiered and I was working on Nakama is Magic at the same time.

Still, I'm proud to say I completed it! Now, onto a new story with way more intrigue for me.

Thanks for reading, and stay tuned! :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 5 )

Welp one story has end once more, looking forward for your next one:pinkiehappy:

That was a great story. can't wait if there be a crossover

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