• Published 15th Feb 2020
  • 1,185 Views, 49 Comments

Sailor Guardians of Equestria - Hotspot the 626th

To recover her power, Princess Luna must seek help from those pretty soldiers in sailor uniforms.

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Act 1

A thousand years ago, a terrible catastrophe nearly befell the kingdom of Equestria. The once benevolent Princess Luna, Princess of the Moon, became corrupted and twisted. She became a new creature calling herself Nightmare Moon. Passion and love for the night became an obsession that would keep the world forever dark and under her rule.

But the now evil Alicorn was thwarted. For Princess Celestia, her sister, with the aid of the Elements of Harmony came to save her kingdom. Together, they had no choice but to banish Nightmare Moon to the very object of she controlled: the moon. A consequence that saddens many.

And there, Nightmare Moon waited until her inevitable return. For she believed that her next appearance would be different than the last.

And she was right, but for the wrong reasons.

Now, it's Princess Luna's turn to shine.

The sun began setting. Slowly yet swiftly heading down towards the horizon. As it moved, the once blue sky gradually changed to a vibrant orange with dull yellow closer to the sun. The lower the sun got, the deeper the colors became. Orange turned to pink to purple to dark blue, each moving closer to the sun the farther it went down. The colors flowing together fluidly in the sky. In the dark colors, the first of the stars began to shine through the oncoming darkness. Like a vanguard for an army of stars, soon more and more began to appear as the sun started to hide behind the horizon. Until finally, it had left the sky entirely. Allowing the beautiful night to set over this half of the world.

Yet, the moon was still missing from the night sky.

From her balcony in Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia had lowered the sun like any day. Once done, she released a sigh in relief. Moving the moon was a far easier task since it was significantly smaller. She could do so in a minute; however, she wanted to try something else. Something she had not seen in a long time.

Celestia turned to look back towards the room, began to smile softly at what, or who, she saw there. She then spoke encouragingly, "It's your turn now, Sister."

Then, from the shadows, a small pony stepped out into the night's dim light. The light revealed that the pony was an alicorn like Celestia. She had a grayish-blue coat and a light azure mane. Her cutie mark was crescent moon surrounded in dark purple splotch. One her head was a crown, a necklace around her neck with her cutie mark on it, and royal hoof covers upon her hooves.

This is Princess Luna, the Princess of the Night, and the younger sister of Celestia.

The young-looking princess had walked forward to her sister, unsurely and meekly. Once standing before her, she looked up shyly to her sister. "It… It's been a while…" Luna said, sadly.

Celestia nodded. "It has," she agreed plainly. No sense bringing up the past at this point.

Luna immediately became worried. "I…," she spoke out apologetically.

Quickly, Celestia intervened. "Shh," she hushed her sister gently. Having her sister become so dispirited was the last thing she wanted. And she told her sister, "No more apologizing, I've already forgiven you."

Sniffling, Luna felt some comfort. She still felt awful for her past deeds, though, but feeling the comforting presence of her sister again was lovely.

Easily, Celestia could sense her sister's sadness. She tried to encourage her gently but confidently, "You can do this."

Hearing this, Luna indeed felt better with her sister's encouragement. It was even able to give her a moment of courage. She raised her head and activated her magic. It took a few moments, but the moon soon began to rise slowly. Luna noticed this and became excited. It may have been slow, but the moon was rising. Feeling confident, Luna poured in more magic to raise it faster. The moon responded by moving slightly faster. Luna thought that she could succeed, but suddenly she felt a wave of fatigue hit her. She then immediately collapsed, and with her, the moon followed. Falling slowly back down towards the horizon.

"Luna!" Celestia shouted fearfully. She immediately rushed over to Luna's side, not caring that the moon was falling.

Between breaths, Luna tried to speak. Almost unable to due to her extreme exhaustion. She eventually caught her second wind and asked out, "Did we do it? Did we raise the moon?"

Celestia frowned. "Luna…" she said dolefully.

Since her sister had failed to answer, Luna decided to look up at the night sky. She was shocked to see the moon not up on high above the land. Instead, it was nearly beyond the horizon. "No…" Luna whispered in despair. She then began to cry into her legs, wholly dispirited.

Quickly, Celestia attempted to comfort her sister. "It's alright, Sister." She said softly. Gently, she caressed Luna's coat with her muzzle to soothe her sister. Again, she tried to encourage her, "It's only been a few days since your return. You can't expect to be back at full power so soon."

Yet, Luna still cried. She soon began to blurt out softly but sorrowful, "I'm sorry." Over and over, she repeated this phrase like a broken record. She was so ashamed of herself for everything she had done and failed to do.

Celestia simply allowed her sister to vent these frustrations. All the while, not saying a single word. She just continued to comfort and support her sister. For a while, she allowed them to stay like this for some time. Unfortunately, she did recall that the moon was lowering back down.

"Would you like to try again?" Celestia asked encouragingly.

Luna said nothing, but she shook her head in response.

Though saddened by the little Alicorn's response, Celestia nevertheless understood. Quickly, she turned to activate her magic to allow her to raise the moon; yet, when she looked out, she was surprised to find the moon was already rising. Confused, the Alicorn looked down to see if it was Luna accomplishing this. If she had somehow tried again, but she soon realized it was not her. Her sister's horn not glowing.


"So…" spoke a calm yet firm voice, "it is true."

Shocked, Celestia turned her head towards the castle. "Uncle…" Celestia spoke out in surprise.

Floating just above the balcony, Gold Roger, the king of Equestria, had his horn aglow with his gold magic aura. With it, he was raising the moon until it reached the highest point in the sky. Once set, he canceled out his magic and gave his full attention to the two princesses below. More specifically, the littlest one. He descended down onto the balcony, his neutral expression never faltering once. Once on the landing, he began to walk towards the two mares. When he stopped, only a foot away, he finally spoke; softly and gently.


Immediately, the young Alicorn raised her ears when she heard her name. As she recognized the voice, her head soon followed suit. Her face wet with her tears; she stared up at the big stallion fearful. "Uncle…" she said, surprised and a little scared.

A bit hurt, Roger sadly said again, "Luna…"

"Uncle… I…"

Luna's apology was cut off instantly. Without hesitating, Roger had teleported the Alicorn out of Celestia's embrace and into his own. In the presence of only his family, the often "silly but tough" stallion Alicorn allowed himself this vulnerability. He shed openly only a few tears - just enough - and he smiled fully like his life was complete. In a way, it was with the return of his fallen and youngest niece.

And he told her without restraint and joyously, "Welcome back, Moonlight."

Hearing her uncle, Luna began to cry more. "How?" she asked suddenly. When she looked up at the stallion with tearful eyes, she asked, "How can you forgive us so easily?"

"It's been a long time since I could see both my sister's daughters together and happy again," Roger said tenderly. He then spoke again, confidently, "The past is in the past, Luna. You are here, and no longer 'Her.' That's what matters."

A new wave of emotions hit Luna, making her begin to cry again. Only this time, she was doing so in relief and joy. "Uncle…" Luna said before she placed her face on her uncle's chest. She then released another wave of tears heard barely through the stallion's chest.

Gold Roger just smiled and held the little Alicorn comfortingly. He did not mind the wet fur as long as he could hold his youngest niece again. Of course, watching them, Celestia smiled happily as well in seeing her family together for the first time in a thousand years. She even cried a little herself.

Then, a golden magic aura engulfed Celestia. For a moment, she was surprised only to quickly be more so as she was pulled forward. Just before reaching them, Roger used his other front leg to embrace her into a family hug. Instantly after, Roger laughed boisterously.

"Ha-ha! I finally have both my nieces here, we need to celebrate this!" Roger then turned to Celestia with a big grin. "Let's make another holiday, Tia!"

Chuckling, Celestia then gave a playfully dismissive smile at the stallion. "I think we have plenty of those, Uncle," she told him.

Celestia then added under her breath, "Ponies still remember the 'Alicorn* Day' fiasco…"

*Replace "Alicorn" with "Avatar"

Roger pouted. "They made those effigies far too flammable…" he grumbled disappointingly.

"And the Rough Rhinos?"

"They sounded like a fun circus group…"

For the first time, Luna let out a short giggle as she overheard her family's antics. No longer crying in self-pity. This conversation felt so familiar to her. Never mind that many centuries had passed, their interaction felt to her like nothing had changed. It made her feel a bit of hope.

Having both heard the giggle, both Roger and Celestia smiled down at the little mare. Both very happy that Luna was beginning to feel better.

Thus, Luna was allowed to separate from the hug. Doing so to wipe the last of her tears away before smiling at her family. She then spoke out regally, "We thank thee, Uncle, Sister."

"Oh, Luna," Celestia said happily. "You have so much to learn about the past thousand years."

"A lot has changed," Roger added proudly. "It's no longer a world that's just active in the daytime, but at night as well."

Luna immediately became excited. "That all sounds wonderful," she stated joyously. It didn't last long before a thought crossed her mind that saddened her instantly.

Seeing this, Celestia quickly became concerned. "Luna?" she asked out.

"Can we really be accepted?" Luna asked dishearteningly. She then looked up to the moon and spoke further, "We can no longer raise the moon like before. As if the moon itself is rejecting us. How can we take our rightful place as the 'Moon Princess' if we no longer can raise it…"

"Luna…" spoke Roger worriedly.

Celestia explained, "It's not your fault, Sister. Much of your former power was corrupted when you became Nightmare Moon. The Elements of Harmony had to purify nearly all of it. It'll take time…"

"We do not want to wait any longer," Luna stated with sudden assertiveness though still childishly.

Frowning immediately, Roger stated, "I'm sorry, Moonlight, but there's no quick way to bring your magic back to what they were before."

The young Alicorn furrowed her brow stubbornly. "What about the Empyrean Silver Crystal?" she stated knowingly. "It is blessed with our magic, surely it could…" Luna paused as she soon noticed the expression on her family's faces. They were both frowning sadly.

Luna thus asked, "What is it?"

"Luna…" spoke Celestia sadly.

"The Empyrean Silver Crystal is lost to us…" Roger said, bluntly. He then took a short breath to mentally prepare himself for the next part. He finally stated, "The Moon Kingdom fell nearly a thousand years ago."

Luna gasped. "What…?" She said in horror. She looked over to her sister, thinking that maybe her uncle was wrong.

"I'm sorry, Luna," Celestia said sadly, offering no such hope.

Luna was beside herself with grief. She stepped back, feeling disoriented by her emotional state. She leaned herself against an object - the stone railing - as she began to take deep breaths trying to calm her swirling emotions. None of it seemed real to her. She could recall the last time she had been to the thriving Moon Kingdom. Just days before everything went black.

"Oh, Luna!" A pure white-coated unicorn mare in a silver dress called out joyously towards the Princess of the Night. She was waving over the other Alicorn before speaking again, "It's wonderful to see you again in such a short time."

Despite looking a bit mad, Luna quickly became cheerful when she saw the pony. She immediately waved back at the mare. "Serenity," she said contentedly.

The two then met each other and embraced in a friendly hug. Having met in the garden, the two friends talked and walked throughout the kingdom. All around them, they passed by many wondrous sights. The beautiful buildings made of white stone like marble. Greenery lush and vibrant thrived around the city. Sparkling water flowed endlessly from an unknown source, untampered and clean. The sky above the beautiful pale white with the Earth above much like how the moon would be, only bigger. The happy and spirited ponies passed them by, greeting the two royals properly as they did before moving on to their task. It was a paradise on the moon, one that Princess Luna had been proud to have created a mere century beforehand. And currently, an escape that the young princess definitely needed.

"They just don't listen to us, Serenity," Luna vocalized with much frustration. She continued to vent out, "The ponies back home do not appreciate our beautiful night like the ponies here."

Listening patiently, Serenity looked concerned at her friend. "I understand that you're frustrated, Luna, but things are different here than on Earth," the unicorn stated sympathetically. She then continued in the same tone, "The days and nights work differently here, but we appreciate both the day as much as the night."

Then, Serenity added tentatively, "Though, I will admit we do tend to favor the night more often than not…"

Regardless, Serenity went back to her point. "Still, Luna, you are my dear friend. I understand you are feeling under-appreciated, but please remember that you are loved by both your uncle and sister as well as I. Please try to be patient with them, I'm sure they are trying to figure something out."

Though her friend's words were comforting, Luna could only muster a pleasant but clearly fake smile. Her frustrations still within her mind and festering like rotting fruit. She did not have time for patience, she wanted the appreciation she deserved.

And of course, the rest is history.

Recalling that memory of her dearest friend, it had brought more shame to Luna as she had completely disregarded them. Not only feeling shame but great horror as well. Realizing the coincidence in the events, the princess of the night looked over at her family in distress.

"Was…" Luna spoke with great difficulty. "Was it our fault?"

"No!" Celestia said immediately, startling her sister. Seeing this, she continued on speaking only now more calmly. "Of course, it wasn't. You are as much the victim here as the Moon Kingdom was."

Luna looked up at her sister. "What do you mean?" She asked, confused.

"In the years after your banishment, there was a revolt," Roger said grimly. "And I am disappointed to say that it was led by our citizens."

Luna gasped. "What! Why?!" She shouted, confused.

"We are not entirely sure," said Roger confounded. He then further explained, "But we do know that it was one of the royal unicorns that led the revolt. She was able to persuade the population that the Moon Kingdom was planning revenge against us for banishing you."

"What?!" Luna said, completely appalled. "Serenity would never…!"

Celestia quickly spoke, "Calm yourself, Luna." She then stated clearly, "We know she would never. She was completely devastated when she learned what happened to you, and she always felt it was her fault for not doing more for you."

"We all did," Roger stated abjectly.

Then, Celestia's expression grew grim. "It was horrible…" She stated grimly, recalling bad memories of long ago. She continued speaking, "When we arrived to aid the kingdom and calm the citizens, we were too late. The kingdom was in ruins. Many lost their lives in that senseless conflict. Many good ponies."

Luna asked, "Serenity?"

Celestia shook her head sadly. Unable to even speak, the emotions of that night still powerful.

Quickly, Luna understood and gasped with dismay. "No…," she said nearly in tears.

The whole Alicorn royal family then became quiet as old and new emotions arose in each of them. Poor Luna could only shed a fresh wave of tears as she mourned her dear and only friend. Regretting at that had happened because of her selfishness. Celestia and Roger could only abash themselves for their previous lack of foresight and inaction to stop this revolt. Another mistake in their long lifespan.

In time, the royal family recovered. Luna soon asked what happened to the ponies after the collapse. Celestia assured her sister that many survived and began anew by building a new city in Equestria. It was thanks to a young advisor that Luna herself gave to the fledgling kingdom for Queen Serenity. The younger Alicorn was intrigued and asked for the name.

"La Luna." Celestia then smiles as she added, "You may find the answers you seek there."

Beginning - Destiny

À Suivre

[“Moon Pride,” by Momoiro Clover Z. English lyrics by 18moptop]

All: Moon Pride! I will become the wind that is under your wings~

The Sailor Scouts, all five, and their two Exceed, Luna and Artemis, face off opposite two other ponies. One is Tuxedo Mask, and the other is Princess Luna (pre-Nightmare Night appearance) in disguise. Neither one, however, is on the same side as the other and thus stood apart from each other.

Sailor Guardians of Equestria
A MLP: NiM story

Ami (Sailor Mercury): Now as the tears wash away my sadness

Rei (Sailor Mars): And in my eyes passion burns with fire

Makoto (Sailor Jupiter): And with a force strong as the lightning

Minako (Sailor Venus): My heart is asking me, “What is true love?”

Both Luna and Usagi sit on a bench behind each other. Neither one appears to notice the other as both mares looked to be in deep thought.

Usagi (Sailor Moon): No matter where we
Luna: (Even if darkness falls)

Usagi: We’re never really alone

Luna: I’m only with you now in the moonlight
Usagi: Here in the moonlight

Ahh Ahh

Luna: Even when I’ve lost my way I will always hold my head up proudly.

Luna, alone, stands in a dark room looking downtrodden. A silhouette of Nightmare Moon hangs over the Alicorn like a shadow.

Usagi & Luna: I’ll never want the prince on his horse to come to rescue me. We will always fight and stand on our own…

Then, light bursts through the darkness, vanquishing the evil figure off Luna. The Alicorn looks out, blinded for a moment, but soon sees a group standing before her. Leading out a helping hoof, three nearly identical mares phase by one after the other. First was Sailor Moon, then Usagi, and finally Queen Serenity. Touched by the gesture, Luna extends out her hoof and grasp the mare’s own and then pulled forward.

Shiny Make up! [Sailor Mercury attacks with Mercury Aqua Mist.]

I’ll be the one who shines in the sky with all of the stars [Sailor Mars with Akuryo Taisan, Sailor Jupiter uses Jupiter Thunderbolt, and Sailor Venus uses her Venus Love-Me Chain to smash through enemies]

We are not those helpless girls anymore [Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask appear together before being separated]

That needed protection from all of our fears [Sailor Moon then turns around to see the Princess Luna facing towards the moon sadly.]

So now Shiny Make Up!
I’ll be the one to fight for us all, protecting the stars!

Queen Beryl, a purple coat unicorn, appear in the ruins of a kingdom holding a red jewel staff. She is joined by Queen Chrysalis from the other side. Soon after were four stallions, the Shitennou or “Elite Four.” The first the emerald-coat Jadeite, the dark green coat Nephrite, the red and green coat Zoisite, and finally the light pink coat Kunzite. An army of Changelings appears behind them immediately. As these villainous creatures stand together, a monstrous and evil dark specter hangs over them like a puppeteer.

Now’s the time a brand new legend begins
Foretold by the heavens from long ago

In Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia sits upon her throne with her uncle and the king, Gold Roger, standing next to her. Kneeling for them are two ponies and a seal wearing a yellow turtle shell. The first pony was another and shorter female Alicorn with a pink coat and a mane of moderate violet with streaks of moderate rose and pale gold. The other pony was a stallion Pegasus with a sapphire blue mane and light orange coat.

La la Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon

Appearing first are Luna and Artemis, an Alolan Meowth and regular Meowth, before joined by the Sailor Scouts. The group of mares and cats then look up into the night sky at the moon. Both Tuxedo Mask and Luna stand across from each other on top of buildings in the same scene. They too are looking at the moon.

Against the moon, there is a pony, looking much like Usagi except as an Alicorn, holding a silver, flower crystal in her hooves.

Sailor Guardians of Equestria
A MLP: NiM story

Author's Note:

Yo! Welcome back old and new!

I am your friendly internet Hotspot the 626th, continuing the trend of not publishing Season 2 of MLP: NiM for the second year after posting "The Friendship Chronicles."

Ain't I a stinker :rainbowwild:

I hope you all will enjoy this spin-off story regardless though, despite it not having the Straw Hats as a cast, but it all happens in the same world. I've had this idea ever since I started MLP: NiM and Sailor Moon Crystal aired a few years back. Since its Valentine's Day/Hearts-and-Hooves Day/[insert lonely holiday here], it like the best time to post this.

When it updates again depends on how fast I can write everything else out. Not just chapters for this story

Its taken a while to write as Sailor Moon is not a series I ever really got into; even the old 90s one, as I was never exposed to it. So this story will mostly stick to main (manga) story lines with original work as this mostly centers on Princess Luna.

This story is also an experiment of sorts but besides working on material I'm only shallowly into, there is also something else that I won't got into details with as its a part of the story itself. Perhaps some of you may notice it.

Anyhoo, please enjoy. Leave a comment. Hit the thumbs up (despite being a site about hooved animals) to show your like and appreciation.

Final note: Yes, this story does have importance going into Season 2