• Published 15th Feb 2020
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Sailor Guardians of Equestria - Hotspot the 626th

To recover her power, Princess Luna must seek help from those pretty soldiers in sailor uniforms.

  • ...

Act 8


Within the city, at one of its many shopping areas, the ponies, once enjoying themselves, suddenly found themselves weak. Many began to faint as even the electrical power to fade as well. No one knew what was happening to everyone, and before long, no pony was conscious to discover it.

Of course, the ones causing this was Queen Beryl. She stood atop a low building gazing upon her handy work with a cruel smile. The orb in her staff was glowing as it sucked in the energy from the bystanders. She appeared alone for the moment, which did not bother her. It was precisely how she wanted herself to look.

"Up there!"

A shout brought Beryl's attention elsewhere. She looked over to see four mares enter the area. They all wore similar uniforms with different colors. It was evident to the evil unicorn who these ponies were, which made her smirk sinisterly.

"Who is that?" asked Sailor Mars cautiously.

Beryl introduced herself flashily, "Greetings, Sailor Guardians. I am Queen Beryl, leader of the Dark Kingdom. Prepare to finally meet your end!"

"The leader?" repeated Sailor Mercury alarmedly.

"Queen Beryl?" repeated Sailor Moon.

Wasting no time, Beryl began her attack. She raised her hoof and formed an orb of dark magical energy. "Face my power!" she shouted, commencing to rain down several smaller spheres upon the area.

"Everyone!" spoke Sailor Moon quickly. "Protect the citizens!"

Without a moment's hesitation, the mares leaped into action. They each used their attacks to counter the incoming balls. Fire, water, and lightning flashed out taking several out at a time. In using her wand, the Moon Stick, Sailor Moon's own attack, Moon Healing Escalation, purified the energies, and it all returned to the bystanders. A few managed to damage some of the property around, but no one was hurt. The effort made them winded, but they could still stand against the evil mare.

Yet, Beryl began to laugh. "Do you think you foolish mares can keep defending these innocent bystanders forever?" she said mockingly.

Sailor Moon replied definitely, "We'll do so for as long as we can!"

Beryl then smirked. "Or until your ally gets into position," she said knowingly.

On the other side of the building, Princess Luna stood with her scythe in waiting. Having her presence noticed did nothing to deter her from her next move. She began galloping forward with her weapon prepared to strike. It took only a moment for her to be within the range of her target, and she started her attack.

"Death Scythe Baku," Luna said as she swung. "Devour—!"

Just when Luna's blade nearly upon her opponent, a pair of black short swords blocked her attack. The Alicorn was surprised and immediately backed away. Now between her and Beryl, Luna saw another pony was protecting her enemy. The pony, a mare, appeared like a ninja wearing mostly black with some dark green garments around the waist and covering the mouth. Her glowing horn covered in toxic green magical aura showed revealed her black coloring, and also damaged despite working correctly. It made Luna suspicious.

"Greetings, Princess Luna," spoke Beryl as she turned to the Alicorn. "What an honor it is to meet one of the royal family members."

Remaining on guard, Luna replied, "Shame the same cannot be said for you, villain."

"I'm surprised you aren't more majestic as your sister," Beryl stated mockingly. "But, I guess that's to be expected when one hides in another's shadow."

Luna growled at the comment, and her anger got the better of her hits. She recklessly charged at the two ponies, not caring she was outmatched. The first swing she made was dodged by the ninja pony and, thus, left her true target open for attack. Luna was going for her next slash, paying no mind to the calmness of her opponent. Just before she could reap the evil pony's magic, the Alicorn felt something collide with her side and hitting her away from Beryl. The princess landed with a skid but recovered quickly enough, but her weapon was lost in the process. It was not deter her as she could use her magic. The only thing stopping her was the twisted smile on Beryl's face, making her worry.

"Now, arise…!" Beryl shouted.

In a split second, Luna realized that there was something on her. She looked to her side and found a black ball attached to her. It was no ordinary sphere as she could sense malicious magic emanating from it.

"Nightmare Moon!" finished Beryl zealously.

All Luna could do, in a single moment, was widened her eyes in shock.

At the same time, Sailor Moon and her group arrived at the top of the building. "Luna!" shouted the leader of the Sailor Guardians worriedly.

It was too late. The sphere on Princess Luna expanded and engulfed the small Alicorn. The orb then began to glow a fiery red as a gale swept around it. From the ball, Luna's screams started echoing out filled with pain and resistance. Sailor Moon tried to approach, but upon touching, a burst of magical energy repelled her. The other Sailor Guardians immediately launched out attacks, attempting to break it. Nothing they did accomplish the task, leaving the group confounded on what to do next. The globe soon fell silent as it changed to black. It was only a moment later that the blackness became like a purple and ethereal. The sphere soon unwrapped itself as it revealed a new pony within its center whose mane and tail were made up of the outer shell. A pony of pure black coat like a clouded night, razor-sharp teeth like a vicious creature, and a piercing gaze with nothing but ill-intentions behind them. The newly formed pony, an Alicorn, soon began laughing maliciously as they stepped forth into the light.

"We are born again!" shouted the Alicorn triumphantly. "Long live Nightmare Moon!"



"Moon!" said Sailors Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter, each in utter shock.

Sailor Moon, however, was baffled by the appearance. "Luna?"

Upon hearing the name, Nightmare Moon's mood turned sour. She immediately glared at the mare, frightening her a little, before snarling with displeasure. "Fool! You dare think We are that pathetic princess? We are the true ruler of the moon, the night, Equestria, and the world!"

Beryl seemed surprised by the statement. "No! You're supposed to be working with the Dark Kingdom!" she shouted demandingly.

Nightmare Moon growled as she turned her attention to the unicorn. "You dare think We would side with a pathetic group like yours? Ha! You truly are naïve for all will be ruled by We, Nightmare Moon!"

The evil Alicorn then took flight. Nightmare Moon hovered over the area as her horn began to glow. She launched out a beam of magic aimed at Beryl, but the equally evil unicorn protected herself with a barrier. The flying pony ceased her assault on Beryl but now directed another blast at the Sailor Guardians. The girls quickly dodged the strike and continued so as Nightmare Moon attempted to move the stream of destructive energy to hit them. Beryl soon went on the attack herself as she tried to take down the Alicorn. In response, Nightmare Moon again attacked the unicorn, which gave the Sailor Guardians time to regroup and take cover behind the entrance into the building.

"What is going on here?" asked Sailor Mars as she peered around the corner cautiously. "What happened to the princess?"

"Is she really Nightmare Moon?" Sailor Jupiter said worriedly. "I thought the Elements of Harmony destroyed her?"

Sailor Moon looked at her friends, confused. "What do you mean?" she asked.

Sailor Mercury replied, "Don't you remember when it was night for nearly a day?"

The leader of the Sailor Guardians attempted to recall the day in question. In her memories, thinking back to months ago, she remembered her alarm sounding off. The mare then used her hoof to turn it off before drowsily slipping off her bed. As she began to move about, she noticed that her room, usually lit up with the morning sun's rays, was still dark. She thus looked outside, only to see that it was night.

"Stupid alarm," mumbled the sleepy and annoyed Usagi. "It's still nighttime…"

Blissfully unaware of the events transpiring in Equestria, Usagi immediately returned to her bed to continue sleeping peacefully.

And now, returning to her present… "Nope." Sailor Moon stated unashamedly. All her friends, of course, could not believe how air-headed their friend was at times.

"But," continued Sailor Mars looking troubled, "I can't believe that Princess Luna is Nightmare Moon."

Sailor Jupiter then had a thought that she shared aloud, "Do you think that's why she wants the Silver Crystal; to become Nightmare Moon again and take over the world?"

"No/No!" Sailor Moon's shout was mixed with another coming from the group's communication devices. Everyone noticed this and began speaking into it.

"Luna?" questioned Sailor Mercury.

"Actually, that was Princess Cadance," replied the feline. "She, along with Shining Armor and Flash Sentry, are here at Moon Command once I told them about your situation."

Princess Cadance spoke now, sounding desperate. "Please! Luna deeply regrets what she has done in the past. Her goal was only to have the Silver Crystal return her back to the Alicorn she once was before her change."

"But then," spoke Sailor Jupiter, confused. "How is she Nightmare Moon now?"

"I don't know, but please, don't think Luna was always planning this. She hates herself so much for her actions. She's been tortured for many nights by it in her dreams, the one thing she normally has control over. She is trying her best to atone, but she believes that only the Silver Crystal can truly help her accomplish it."

Though the other Sailor Guardians were unsure, Sailor Moon looked determined. "Don't worry, Princess Cadance. Luna's our friend, we're not going to let the Enemy take away all her hard work."

The other Sailor Guardians were surprised by their leader's declaration. Before any of them could even speak, Cadance was already responding joyfully. "Thank you, Sailor Moon. You have been such a good friend to Luna."

Sailor Moon smiled and let out a tee-hee and smile, slightly embarrassed by the compliment. Her friends, despite their own misgivings, realized there was no sense in debating over what to do. They would just have to have faith in their leader.

"The boys here and I will be heading to your position soon. Try to keep Nightmare Moon there until we arrive to help capture her."

"Right!" said Sailor Moon. She then spoke to her team, "All right, girls. Let's save Luna!"

"How do you plan on doing that?" asked Sailor Mars.

It took her a moment, but the Earth pony mare had an idea finally. "I'll use Moon Healing Escalation, its helped heal ponies before."

Sailor Mars nodded. "Then, we'll distract Queen Beryl," she said determinedly.

The Sailor Guardians were in agreement, and immediately they went into action. Sailors Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter went straight for Beryl while Sailor Moon moved towards Nightmare Moon. The ninja pony reappeared as the mares approached the evil queen cutting them off from a direct attack. Sailor Mars took charge of keeping the pony occupied, using her fire attacks to keep her opponent at bay. The remaining two went for Beryl, who was defending against an attack from Nightmare Moon. Their opponent noticed them and dispelled her own opponent's attack. She then immediately turned to face the incoming mares. Both Sailors Mercury and Jupiter stopped and fired their attacks off. Beryl threw up her shield again, and the two Guardians' attacks were stopped. Watching this, Nightmare Moon felt pleased to be able to take out all her enemies in one shot. She was about to prepare her deadly strike when someone called out.


Annoyed, Nightmare Moon looked over to see Sailor Moon. She glared at the unafraid filly feeling disrespected by the name the pony used. "You dare call us by that name again? Your insolence shall be punished!"

Building up her magic to the tip of her horn, the evil Alicorn launched a blast of energy down at Sailor Moon. The leader of the Sailor Guardians was unprepared for the attack. She was helpless to think of a way out before the attack. Then, before the power could hit her, a rose shot forth between Sailor Moon and the beam. The flower took on the full force of the blast and immediately deflected it away into the sky and dying out along with the plant. Sailor Moon and Nightmare Moon witnessed the action and were stunned by it. A voice then spoke out.

"Now, Sailor Moon!" a male voice shouted from behind.

Sailor Moon looked back to see a grey, Earth pony stallion wearing a black tuxedo with a cape, a top hat, and a white mask. She instantly recognized the pony. "Tuxedo Mask?"

"Hurry," shouted Tuxedo Mask quickly. "Use your power to help your friend!"

Understanding, Sailor Moon regained her composure. She held out the Moon Stick before her and aimed it at Nightmare Moon. "Moon Healing…"

Enraged, Nightmare Moon shouted, "Die, fool!" She then fired another blast of magic towards the mare.


At the same time, Sailor Moon launched her attack. A white beam of energy met the dark energy, and the two attacks struggled to overcome the other. It was a shock to Nightmare Moon, who believed herself absolutely superior. She forced more magic into her technique, which helped push back the white energy. Sailor Moon was now struggling to keep her power going, and she was beginning to falter. She was already on her first knee.

During their fights, the other Sailor Guardians witnessed this and were upset. "Sailor Moon!" they shouted together.

The dark magic was gaining more ground and inching closer to hitting Sailor Moon. She was becoming too exhausted to resist much longer. Before the mare could give up, a hoof placed upon her shoulder startled her. She looked to see that it was Tuxedo Mask, unwaveringly behind her.

"You are stronger than you realize, bunhead," said Tuxedo Mask gently – and teasingly – yet confidently.

Filled with newfound energy, Sailor Moon stood back up and screamed with all her might. Not screaming but putting all her willpower into her attack. The magic power from wand surged and tripled in power that pushed Nightmare Moon's magic back. As Sailor Moon pushed herself, the forehead jewel in her tiara began to crack.

Astounded, Nightmare Moon doubled-down on her effort. "You cannot save her, little pony! She is me!" the evil Alicorn shouted in an attempt to weaken her opponent's resolve. She also poured more of her magic into her spell, which helped stop the opposing attack midway.

"You're wrong!" shouted Sailor Moon as more energy surged from her. "She's my friend, Luna!"

"No!" Beryl shouted desperately.

"Go, Sailor Moon!" shouted the Sailor Guardians together.

Tuxedo Mask shouted as well, "You can do this!"

Sailor Moon was not going to back down: not now. "Bring Her Back Now!"

The jewel broke utterly, and Sailor Moon's forehead began to glow. Hidden power boosted the Sailor Guardian's attack tenfold. Her magical blast overpowered her opponent's and continued hurdling straight for its intended target. Nightmare Moon could only shriek as she surrounded herself with a barrier for the incoming magic. The opposing magic hit and enwrapped the shield and evil mare. It all then descended onto the building and crashed between everyone.

Hopeful, Sailor Moon wanted to see her friend return, and evil vanquished. Her vision, though, began to blur, and the scene started going catawampus. She had used up nearly all her energy to fight for Luna's return, and now, she was slipping into unconsciousness.

Tuxedo Mask immediately caught Sailor Moon before she could hit the floor. He held the mare up and quickly inspected her condition. It revealed that the Earth pony was only exhausted, having exerted more energy than realized. She would be fine with some rest at a safe place. The stallion would do that, but first, he had to witness the fate of Nightmare Moon.

The white orb containing Nightmare Moon soon ceased its lustrous shine. It soon became black. A skeletal pony shape began to stretch the black mass like rubber. A ghastly moan echoed from the figure as it crept slowly across the roof. The other Sailor Guardians were frightened and stepped back every time the creature moved forward. Every step it took, the blackness around began to melt around it, revealing it as nearly a skeleton of an Alicorn. It was horrifying, but as it progressed, it started leaving something behind. Unlike itself, it was leaving behind something fully living. The creature soon moved far enough away to uncover whoever was underneath it: an unconscious blue Alicorn.

"It's Luna!" shouted Sailor Mercury in joy.

Immediately, the Sailor Guardians went to Luna's side. They avoided the creature continuing its way forward. Together, they positioned themselves around their unconscious friend and readied in case of another attack.

As for Beryl, she was gazing at the creature as it wobbled over to her. The sight was gruesome but also disappointing. She expected the revival of Nightmare Moon to be her ace, but the Alicorn ended up turning on her. Now, the evil unicorn could only watch as the old tyrant slowly died.

"M-…," the abomination spoke softly, surprising Beryl. It continued its attempt as it tried to give voice to its thoughts.

"M-… M-… Metelia."

Beryl's breath hitched upon recognizing the name. She immediately erected a barrier around the failing creature. The orb then floated over to her and she called out for someone. "We're leaving, Chrysalis."

The ninja pony appeared next to Beryl immediately. The look of indifference shown through eyes. "Whatever," she said back.

Using her staff, Beryl soon opened a portal behind them. Chrysalis was the first to enter through soon, followed by the sphere. Beryl took her time and made her way through, but stopped midway to glare back at the Sailor Guardians. Before closing the entranceway, she left the group with one final word.

"This isn't over."

Their enemies were now gone, the Sailor Guardians could relax a bit. Sailor Mercury quickly checked over Luna's condition, which was physically okay. It was a relief for the group, and they wanted to inform their leader immediately. There was only one problem with that.

"Where's Sailor Moon?" asked Sailor Jupiter.

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