• Published 15th Feb 2020
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Sailor Guardians of Equestria - Hotspot the 626th

To recover her power, Princess Luna must seek help from those pretty soldiers in sailor uniforms.

  • ...

Act 4

The Marvelous Mustering Masquerade

Today, the city of La Luna was in an uproar. Its citizens in a frenzy of sorts as many prepared for what would surely be the greatest night ever. The news was spreading all over through the morning newspaper and then through oral communication. By the afternoon, not a single soul did not know of the event to be held within one week.

The Marvelous Mustering Masquerade: an event hosted by the prestigious Li Family at their compound, with support from the city, similar to Grand Galloping Gala hosted in Canterlot. It was also being sponsored by the Royal Family, who would be sending a representative along with a priceless heirloom from a long-lost kingdom. It would be an open affair allowing anyone to come and go as they pleased. The one keynote of the occasion, however, was that all must wear costumes or masks. To do so was to open the possibilities for new encounters and experiences for all.

Of course, all of it was merely a ploy. For a while, preparations were made for the event, the conspirators were plotting in kind. Cadance was the one in-charge as she directed Flash Sentry, Tau, and Princess Luna to their jobs and duties. Everyone was nearly in agreement with her plan except Luna.

"We do not see why young Princess Cadenza is the guest of honor for this ball," said Luna irately. "After all, We are the true kin to the king."

Cadance immediately rolled her eyes. She then explained, "Because you're relatively unknown to the public. Even after the Nightmare Moon incident, no one is quite sure who you are."

Luna scoffed at the remark.

"I've already built up a lot of good faith with the ponies here, and that me and Shining Armor are quite the power couple. Adored by everyone for breaking tradition and dating outside the nobility. Practically a fairytale romance."

Now, it was Luna's turn to roll her eyes. "How frivolous," she stated.

Flash then whispered to the princess, "You should see how they are as a couple. Gross."

Surprisingly, Tau began nodding his head, wholly agreeing with the sentiment.

"If we're done nitpicking," Cadance said annoyedly. She then added to her reasoning, "We also need you, Luna, to be able to mix with the crowd so we can find Sailor Moon and her group."

"Very well," Luna conceded begrudgingly.

The planning was soon done, and Cadance left to fulfill her role. Luna and Flash were next to leave and heading for Juban Middle School. Classes came and went before it was lunchtime once again. The disguised Alicorn soon found herself in the company of Usagi and Ami once again. A recurrence that she had become accustomed to by now. Their conversations were the highlight of her day as she got to know these two youths. Today they were talking about the masquerade event as well as the attending princess. The latter part happened to irritate the secret royal further, though she never let on.

Then, a black cat entered their area with an odd moon-shaped birthmark on her forehead. Not only this, but the cat looked bigger than an average cat that Luna witnessed. It also appeared to have strong magic, which is unusual. Regardless, Luna watched as the feline ran up to the two young ponies.

"Hi, Luna," responded Ami cheerfully.

Luna, breaking her concentration, looked at the Pegasus, confused. "Yes? Have We not greeted you today?" she asked.

Ami gasped. "I'm sorry, Luna, I meant Usagi's pet, Luna," she restated before holding up the cat.

Confused now, Luna looked at the Earth pony, "You named your pet after me?"

"No," Usagi said. "She just came with the name."

"I see," Luna said, but still looked at the cat suspiciously.

The cat then left as quickly as it came. Luna further believed this to be unusual but looked over to the mares to see their own reaction. Neither seemed to notice the behavior, so Luna allowed her skepticism to remain unvoiced.

The rest of Luna's day remained uneventful. The next day, however, she found her usual walk far more crowded than usual. She found that the city had given the Princess Cadance a possession as she and her partner traveled to the Li Family home. Luna was amused by this ostentatious display the princess was performing. Her partner, Shining Armor, however, looked to be nervous in keeping appearances. She soon proceeded on her way before she noticed some familiar faces in the crowd.

"Young Usagi, young Ami," Luna spoke loudly, gaining the mare's attention. "We did not expect to find you here."

"And miss out on seeing a princess? Fat chance!" Usagi stated brusquely.

Ami agreed. "It's not often you get to see one of the royal family here," she said with timid excitedness.

Luna would have taken great pleasure to tell them; however, she did have appearances to keep. She was impressed by the performance being put on here by Cadance. Such a grand presentation would attract all who sought after the Silver Crystal, and she would be sure to gain the upper hoof.

As tonight was the night of the Marvelous Mustering Masquerade, the school let out early much to all the student's joy. Both Luna and Flash were quick to return to the Li residence to begin the operation. The home was already decorated and furnished for the occasion. Anything to be secured was moved to a location that could provide it better. Time was approaching to begin the event, and thus, everyone had to prepare.

Flash Sentry and Tau adorn their armor to act as guards for the couple, but they would be joined by a third partner. Luna now wore her own armor designed with a night theme to it. Her weapon was also mounted on her back if a need would arise. They were then greeted by Shining Armor, who wanted to check in on both Flash and Tau.

"You're doing great, Flash," Shining Armor complimented proudly. "From what Cadance has told me, you may make a fine Captain of the Royal Guard yet."

Flash looked as his commander with surprise. "Does that mean you're about to…"

"Shh," said the unicorn, hushing his friend. He then whispered, "I'm waiting for the right moment, but I'm hoping tonight will be the night."

"Gotcha," Flash said quietly. "Good luck, Captain."

Tau barked with the same sentiment.

Soon, night had fallen, and the crescent moon was rising into the starry sky. The Marvelous Mustering Masquerade was now underway. Entire crowds of ponies entered onto the grounds dressed both in the fanciest of clothing or the most ridiculous of costumes. There was no limit to what any pony could wear. Many began to mingle after entering, and many more partook in the food provided. The Li family soon presented themselves later into the party before finally showing bringing out the main attraction.

"Presenting, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and her date, Captain Shining Armor," announced Wei, wearing a simple black mask.

The crowd marveled as the princess and stallion entered the courtyard from the building. Cadance wore a stunning dress that glistened against the lighting. In contrast, Shining Armor wore his formal captain's uniform with a sword by his hip. It was dashing but straightforward. Both were wearing simple masks as well. The ponies began stamping their hooves or clapping in awe of the couple. The couple was gracious and gave their gratitude for everyone attending the first Marvelous Mustering Masquerade. Cadance then had a special announcement.

"In one hour's time, we will be unveiling a great treasure from a kingdom long since lost to the ages. A beautiful crystal, unlike anything seen before."

She then added, "But please, enjoy the dance until then."

On cue, the music began playing. Couples began to take center stage while those not wanting to participate watched on. Cadance and Shining Armor joined in as well. Everyone watched the couple closely, taking in how beautiful and lovely they appeared.

A perfect distraction. Luna, Flash, and Tau used the cover to begin searching through the guests. Cadance, unfortunately, could not give a strong description due to some sort of magic blocking perception. Still, she could tell that the mare in question had a substantial amount of magic with affinity to the moon. For Luna, it would be an easy task to sense the pony out, but the crowds were too close together to make it easy. She was confident, though, that they would find who they were looking for.

Then, by accident, Luna bumped into one of the party guests. She was about to apologize when she notices who she hit. "Usagi?"

The pony, wearing a beautiful white dress now partially covered with liquid, looked to be Usagi. The mare herself, however, was shocked to hear the name. "Um, no," she said nervously.

"No," Luna stated assuredly. "You are indeed young Usagi from Juban Middle School."

"Nope!" the mare said quickly. She then promptly took off and disappeared from the crowd.

Luna found the mare's behavior strange. Not for Usagi not recognizing her, for it was the point despite forgetting momentarily, but that she was actively denying her own identity. Its not as if she was required to remain anonymous. There was something more, too; she could sense that Usagi's magic was slightly stronger than earlier. Luna decided to investigate further.

It took Luna a short time before finding Usagi again. She was on the dance floor and dancing with a mysterious stallion in a black tuxedo and white mask. Luna was about to intervene, but she stopped upon seeing Usagi's expression. The young mare looked to be in a dream as she blissfully moved along with the other Earth pony. That pony, in turn, appeared equally as happy as his partner. Luna herself felt entranced by the scene, and yet, she also began to sense her heart tightening. She was confounded by this feeling, not understanding why. At that moment, the Alicorn-in-disguised took her eyes off the couple, and when she looked back, they both were gone.

"Gadzooks," Luna said frustratedly.

"Luna." Before she could leave, Luna heard her name. She turned to see Cadance dancing her way over with Shining Armor. The Alicorn then spoke once they were near, "How goes the search?"

Calming down, Luna soon answered, "We have yet to uncover Sailor Moon."

"Don't worry," Cadance said optimistically. "It's only a matter of time before something happens with our 'heirloom.'"

On cue, a commotion soon halted the music and dance. Both the couple and Luna ceased conversing and immediately moved towards the noise. They pushed through the dense crowd to see what was happening. Luna was the first to get through and was surprised to see Yelan drove through the ponies while carrying a small chest. Her attitude was strange as she yelled rudely at everyone and acting panicked. Just as Luna made it through fully, the Yelen-looking pony had already escaped her sight. She could still hear her, fortunately, and gave chase after the pony.

The princess-in-disguise yelled at the ponies to move out of the way, but she soon found something wrong with them. Many now had a dark aura emanating from their body and moving around listlessly like zombies. They appeared to have no volition of their own. Luna dared not draw her weapon upon the citizens knowing they were not of sound mind. She instead used her magic to safely repel the mind-controlled ponies. It was not long before Cadance, Flash, Tau, Shining Armor, and the Li Family with the real Yelan arrived. Together, they were able to hold back the zombie-like ponies from the other guests, but they had no plan of action in stopping them entirely.

"Moon Twilight Flash!"

Suddenly, a brilliant white light covered the area. It blinded the defenders for a moment before it died down ultimately. Now, the ponies once attack them were no longer doing so, and the black miasma on them was utterly gone. They were bewildered, but no harm had come to them. Luna and her group could breathe a sigh of relief that the attack had ceased, but then, they caught sight of a group approaching them.

It was none other than Sailor Moon herself. She and her cohorts, now including a familiar black cat, approached the group unabated with the treasure box in her foreleg. They were as described through the newspaper articles; mares in color-coded sailor uniforms with tiaras. Their cutie marks represented their names, Sailor Mercury having the symbol of her planet as did Sailor Mars. Finally, Sailor Moon had a crescent-shaped moon cutie mark. Altogether, though young, they were as beautiful as the princesses themselves.

With a soft smile, Sailor Moon spoke to Cadance. "We're sorry to ruin your night, Princess Cadance. But here is the treasure that almost got stolen," she then handed the chest to Alicorn. Doing so with magic coming from the jewel in her tiara.

Cadance graciously accepted the item. "Thank you, Sailor Moon. To you and your friends," she said.

From behind, Fanren was taking pictures with a camera. "What a scoop!" she proclaimed eagerly.

Also nearby, Shiefa was holding the police back. "Just give them a moment, guys," she advised protectively.

Luna, meanwhile, stared at the mare called Sailor Moon. She blinked as she fully recognized who it was standing in front of them.

"Excuse me, Princess," spoke Sailor Moon cautiously. "There's something we wanted to ask you?"


"Are you the princess we've been searching for? The Moon Princess?"

Cadance smiled. "I don't believe am," she admitted honestly.

The group of mares and the cat were confused. Sailor Moon then asked, "Then, the treasure…"

"Is not real," Cadance further admitted. She then offered the whole truth, "This whole thing was set up so we could meet you and your friends, Sailor Moon."

Now, the group gasped. The idea that this party was a ruse to see them had never crossed their minds, and now, they feared that they were trapped.

Before Cadance could fully explain, a rose struck between the two groups, and a smoke bomb went off. There came a shout from a stallion, "Run, Sailor Moon!" And the hurried hoof-steps singled the group leaving hurriedly.

Not wanting to miss this opportunity, Luna dashed through the smoke and give chase. She went after them as they hopped over the stone wall. The last to go was Sailor Moon, who looked back at the compound distraught. As she was about to leave, Luna knew that she had to gain the mare's attention. Luna threw off her helmet quickly and stopped midway to the wall.

She then shouted, "Usagi!"

Sailor Moon stopped and looked back. She then glanced down to see the now undisguised Luna and gasped with shock. Both mares locked eyes as one recognized the other now. Sailor Moon appeared confused, but she soon left all the same. Luna did nothing more to follow after; she had already gotten the answer she needed.

Usagi was, indeed, Sailor Moon.

À Suivre

Author's Note:

Probably should clarify what "mustering" is:

Mustering, or muster, is term similar to "roundup" used in America; the term itself appears to be one used in Australia and New Zealand.

Why "mustering," you ask. Alliteration, that's why! :derpytongue2:
