• Published 15th Feb 2020
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Sailor Guardians of Equestria - Hotspot the 626th

To recover her power, Princess Luna must seek help from those pretty soldiers in sailor uniforms.

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Act 12

Princess – Serenity


Beryl reacted suddenly when she saw Nightmare Moon attack Tuxedo Mask. She swiftly fired her own blast at her partner. It struck the Alicorn though did minimal damage. The evil pony soon recovered and glared at her attacker as her horn began to glow again.

"How dare you?!" roared the infuriated Nightmare Moon.

"How dare you?!" retorted Beryl. "You attacked what's mine!"

While the two evil mares began to argue and fight, Sailor Moon was already by Tuxedo Mask's side. She was trying desperately to keep the stallion alive, but he was quickly fading. Her cries fell on deaf ears as the male Earth pony began seeing fleeting visions.

The trauma of the attack reawakened those lost memories that Tuxedo Mask wanted to recover. Those memories were that of his own past life as a prince of the Kingdom of Equestria, Endymion. Tuxedo Mask soon saw an image of a mare within the memories of his former life. She had a silver mane tied in two pigtails and buns, and she looked so similar to Sailor Moon and Usagi. The mare was even crying above him and desperately calling out to him. It was this vision overlapping with the present that made something click within the stallion's final thoughts.

"S…Serenity…" spoke Tuxedo Mask before finally succumbing to injury.

Sailor Moon could not bear it. "NO!" she cried out in emotional distraught. No sooner did she scream out, she and Tuxedo Mask encased in a transparent sphere of bright light.

"U-Usagi!" called out Princess Luna in fear.

Watching on, the other Sailor Guardians were also worried. "Sailor Moon!" they all shouted.

Within the sphere, Sailor Moon and the now-dead Tuxedo Mask were unharmed. Sailor Moon did not even notice that they had been surrounded. Her tiara broke suddenly, like the night before, but was immediately replaced. Upon her forehead shined the crescent moon that Luna (cat), Artemis, and Sailor V bore; however, something was changing to the third. Sailor Moon's outfit then transformed from its usual sailor school uniform to a silver dress, and her mane lengthened to reach the floor and then some.

"Is she…!"

"How can…?"


"Princess Serenity!"

All those connected to Sailor Moon, except Sailor V and Artemis, were shocked by the reveal. At the same time, Sailor V's crescent emblem soon disappeared and was replaced with the symbol of Venus before forming a tiara with an orange jewel. Sailor V soon realized her change and was now concerned for the revealed true Princess Serenity.

Meanwhile, Beryl and Nightmare Moon soon ceased their conflict upon seeing the light from the sphere. Both were now as shocked as the others. Neither one could act, however, as the shine blinded them from attempting anything further.

As for Princess Luna, she stared at the sphere and through into the inside. She thought back to that short time ago when she first met Usagi and how uncanny her appearance was to her old friend. How foolish she was to not realize something so obvious. She watched as the mare began to mumble to herself.

"I remember now…" spoke Usagi sadly to the cold body of Tuxedo Mask, nearly crying. "We were lovers…and you protected me like you did now. Oh, my prince…"

Princess Luna then witnessed a single tear fall from Usagi. Amid its descent, it began to shine brightly, and yet, Luna could still see clearly its form. All around her, however, were being blinded by its luminescence. The Alicorn had no clue, but her attention was entirely on that single teardrop. Good thing too, for it soon began to shift from its liquid state to a solid one. Not like ice but like a gem. It also changed into a hue to become silver. It began to float then as Usagi brought both her hooves up to catch it, wholly surprised by the display. Luna was equally astounded by its appearance.

"The Silver Crystal!"

The light once produced by the silver sphere was immediately replaced by the illumination coming off the newly-formed crystal. It blinded all in the area, even forcing the two evil mares back. From all over the area, everyone could see the light, wondering how and why. Seeping through every easy and transparent opening in the city. The energy was being expelled from the gem, spreading over the immediate area. It was doing wondrous miracles like healing the injured and sick that were in the neighborhood or at the hospital on the other side. Dying plants were being revived and flourishing like new. It was as if everything was being rejuvenated.

In relation, Princess Luna began to feel a surge of energy within herself. A silvery aura started glowing around her body, and her eyes shined similarly.

Beryl and Nightmare, too, were being affected. The jewel on Beryl's staff began to crack, reacting negatively. Nightmare Moon had an adverse reaction physically. She was being burned by the rays produced and was causing her to retreat back.

"So, this is the power of the Silver Crystal," Beryl said in frustration. She then descended down at the mare, aiming for the crystal.

"It shall be mine!"

As the evil unicorn drew near, something was happening with the Silver Crystal. Reacting to the thoughts and feelings of Usagi, the gem's light left its physical body and floated into Tuxedo Mask. The crystal then dropped into Usagi's hooves, and its glow ceased. She was unaware of Beryl approaching her and about to attack. Her body suddenly glowed with a blue magic aura, and she was jerked away immediately, Silver Crystal in tow.

Beryl landed in the same spot in front of Tuxedo Mask and looked further ahead of herself, angry, disappointed, but cautious. What she saw was the Princess Serenity behind the glowing Princess Luna, appearing slightly bigger thanks to the aura. She floated before the evil mare and protecting the moon princess instinctively. Her weapon then moved next to her, brought forth by her magic, ensuring her stance. Beryl did not dare attempt an attack, but she did seize another opportunity. She used her magic to take ahold of Tuxedo Mask and moved back.

"We're retreating!" she called out.

Nightmare Moon, now recovering from her burns, growled but obeyed.

The two evil mares joined together in the sky. A portal soon formed behind them, and they entered through. Usagi could only watch helplessly from behind Princess Luna, whose silver aura soon vanished. The Alicorn's hold released the younger mare, who could only watch as the evil mare took her lover away.

"Tuxedo Mask!"

The damage done to the Li home was extensive, and, under the recommendation of Sailor V, the group relocated to the base under Game Center Crown. Once so, they gave Usagi her space to recover from her emotional distress. It was the next evening before everyone decided to check in on the mare. The first to enter was Minako, feeling some personal responsibility for the situation. She transformed midway in her walk before stopping beside the weeping pony.

"Sailor Moon… No, Princess Serenity," spoke Sailor V before kneeling before the mare. "Have you recovered your memories?"

Sitting on a bed, Usagi was surprised by the display but also found it familiar, thanks to her new memories. She wiped away the tears from her eyes, and she nodded understandingly.

"Then, you must remember that I am actually Sailor Venus, the leader of the Sailor Guardians, and you remember the Moon Kingdom, right?"

Usagi nodded again. "Yes, I remember everything. All of my friends, my life, my love; I remember all of it."

Ami approached with the others. She spoke, "We remember everything too."

"To think, our Usagi was the real princess all along," spoke Makoto.

Sailor Venus stood up and addressed the others. She apologized, "I'm sorry for deceiving you all, but it was important in protecting the princess and keeping the Silver Crystal within her safe."

"Did you know, Luna?" asked Sailor Mars to the feline.

Luna (cat) shook her head sadly. "I didn't know. My memories were sealed for the same reason."

"Sorry for that, too," Artemis said apologetically. "You did your best, though, under the circumstances."

The black cat did not seem too convinced. Turning to Usagi, who was looking back at her dazedly, Luna asked, "Are you alright, Usagi."

Usagi nodded and slipped out of bed. "Everyone-Whoa!" before the young mare could speak to the group, she accidentally tripped over her now long hair. Her friends were surprised, and the Earth pony grew immediately frustrated.

"Why is my hair so long?" Usagi complained aloud.

Immediately, the other young mares had a good-natured laugh. Sailor Venus then transformed back into Minako and pulled out a mirror and a pair of scissors. As she began cutting Usagi's hair, she responded, "When you were Princess Serenity, you kept your hair long all the time. Your body must be adapting to your recovered memories."

Rei then spoke lightheartedly, "I remember telling you back then that you would, one day, trip over your hair."

Recalling the memory, Usagi let out a giggle. She then looked around at her friends as they all shared the same sentiment. It was now that the Earth pony noticed that someone was missing from their group. "Where's Princess Luna?" she asked.

The Sailor Guardians told Usagi that Princess Luna, along with Flash Sentry and Tau, were currently in the main lobby. They were guarding in case the enemy attempted another attack. Every precaution was to be taken in defense of Usagi. The young mare wanted immediately to see her, now worried. She was quick to reach outside and found the trio standing by faithfully.

"Luna!" Usagi called out.

Princess Luna promptly turned around. "Young Usagi," she greeted gladly, "you have recovered."

"Glad to see you're feeling better, Ms. Usagi," said Flash Sentry. Tau shared the same sentiment.

Usagi smiled before she reached for something on her person. She soon pulled out the Silver Crystal, surprising all around her. As the Earth pony held it out towards Princess Luna, she told the mare cheerfully, "Here. This is what you've been waiting for, right?"

The Alicorn nodded but did not take the gem. "It is, but its power is currently dormant right now. It no longer reacts to our presence, as well."

"What do we do then?" asked Usagi, confused. "I don't know anything about it."

Luna (cat) scampered between the two mares. "I think I know what we need to do," she stated.

"What is it?" asked Usagi.

"We need to go to the moon," Luna (cat) announced. "To the ruins of the old Moon Kingdom."

Everyone was surprised by the declaration. The idea was utterly unheard of; no pony could reach the moon. Of course, realizing that the Moon Kingdom did exist on the moon and that ponies could reach it once though proved otherwise. Luna (cat) explained to the group that it was possible with their power. They only had to wait until the moon was in the right position in a few days.

Princess Luna, however, felt that time was too late. "We cannot wait that long to rescue young Mamoru," she declared.

Usagi stated at the princess, amazed. "Luna…"

The Alicorn looked at the Earth pony and smiled. "We know that you want to rescue the young stallion, and We will help you," she stated assuredly.

"How?" asked Usagi.

Not answering at first, Princess Luna only kept her smile and began to walk out. Everyone was confused at first but decided to follow after her. They climbed up to the game center and then outside. Luna (pony) was not immediately in sight until someone looked up. She was on top of the building, fully revealed, and looking up to the sky. No one knew why until they noticed Luna's horn began to glow.

"Luna!" Usagi called out.

Though hearing her, the Alicorn continued her action. The dim glow of magic around her horn shined even brighter instantly. She then looked to be struggling as if she were moving something substantial. Everyone watched on confused until they noticed how the night sky began to brighten. From where Princess Luna stood, the moon slowly came into view. No pony could believe the sight of a single pony moving a celestial body like the moon.

"She is an Alicorn, after all," commented Flash Sentry.

It took a few more minutes before Princess Luna finally placed the moon. She put it just above the city, looking more significant than usual. The princess was wholly exhausted from exerting so much magic, but she seemed content and proud.

"Finally…" Luna breathed out tiredly but victorious.

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