• Published 15th Feb 2020
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Sailor Guardians of Equestria - Hotspot the 626th

To recover her power, Princess Luna must seek help from those pretty soldiers in sailor uniforms.

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Act 3

A moonless night allowed the shroud of darkness to cover the land, making it the perfect cover for creatures to make their move. Many began to rush or fly out of their hiding places with only a faint and sickly green glow showing their location. These beings started to gather in the ruins of an old castle in a near-barren wasteland far from the shining city in the distance. This once lifeless place became a hive of snarls and hisses as the creatures as they filled the space. They all looked to be waiting as one by one, these creatures approached a platform. Each time one did, a black bug-like pony, it regurgitated a glowing green orb.

Magical aura then engulfed the ball and floated up to a pony at the top. Unlike the creatures below her, she appeared genuinely equine with a dark purple coat and dark auburn hair. She was adorned with silver crystal earrings and a necklace. The unicorn also wore a black, upside-down boomerang-shaped crest over her unicorn horn. The mare was not alone on this platform as the glowing orb illuminated four ponies to her right and one tall ponylike creature on her left. The four were stallions – two unicorns, an Earth pony, and a Pegasus – kneeling towards the pony dutifully. It was not the same for the other creature who as bug-like as the other creatures but was more elegant in appearance, almost similar to an Alicorn. She appeared displeased with the pony now holding the glowing orb and soon expressed it.

“How much more of our food do you need, Queen Beryl,” spoke the bug-pony rudely. “My subjects and I have been at this for some time now with little energy to spare.”

The unicorn mare, Beryl, turned to look at the creature unamused. “Patience, Queen Chrysalis. Soon, we will have everything we need.”

“And what of these rising warriors defeating my subjects?” asked Chrysalis.

Annoyed, Beryl responded, “I shall send one of my Elite Four to aide them then. Jadeite.”

One of the four stallions immediately stood up. It was the short mane blonde unicorn with the emerald coat and a black hexagon gem as his cutie mark. He devotedly replied, “Yes, my Queen. I shall see to it that the Dark Kingdom will succeed in acquiring the energy of the ponies in La Luna for our grand goal.”

Fate - Usagi

In a dojo setting, Princess Luna sat in the middle of the room in a meditative state. To her front laid a weapon, a scythe with a white blade extending slightly further off its back. She was alone at the moment; however, disguised ponies soon began to quietly enter the room. Many were armed with a weapon while a few of the unicorns looked to be readying a spell. The princess, though, was completely aware of their presence but waiting for her moment.

Then, one of the Pegasus sprang into action with tiger claw weapons. Luna finally opened her eyes. Her horn began to glow with her cobalt blue magic aura and used it to take ahold of her scythe weapon. She defended and countered the Pegasus, sending him hurdling away with little harm done to him. The rest of the ponies started attacking soon after, but Luna was more than ready. Wielding her sickle with excellent coordination, the Alicorn deflected, repelled, and defeated her opponents skillfully. It was only a moment before all her challengers were at her hooves, unable to move. She smiled at her handiwork and skill, but she had little time to revel in it all for long.

Luna felt her sixth sense kick in, and she brought up her scythe's blade to cover her body. Something hit the edge, which managed to push her back. The attack did not disorient Luna, and she quickly readied again to defend herself from a different angle. This was the exchange between Luna and an unknown assailant for a short time. For eventually, the attacker appeared after another strike; it was Flash Sentry.

"You've gotten pretty good," Flash Sentry said proudly.

"Thank you," replied Luna. "These months of training were an excellent idea."

The two ponies then separated but ceased any further attack. Around them, the other ponies began to recover, with some even removing their masks. Among the group was a unicorn mare with a light green coat and a brown mane. This pony is one of the Li Quadruplets, Shiefa.

"You've done well, Princess Luna," spoke Shiefa proudly. "I think you're definitely ready for any situation should it require some 'aggressive negotiations.'"

Luna turned and then bowed to the mare. "Thank you for the training."

Done with sparring, the three ponies took their leave to join the rest of the Li family for breakfast. They joined them in the dining hall where all but Cadance and Tau were seated; however, there was a new addition sitting among the family. A filly with a black mane styled in two hair buns and long hair. Her coat was berry pink with a cutie make of a Chinese bronze bell. She was sitting happily next to Syaoran, expressing some annoyance, as they ate together. The child greeted Shiefa familiarly and then Princess Luna and Flash Sentry respectfully as they joined the group. The ponies greeted her back before taking up seats around the table. Shiefa sat with her sisters, and Luna and Flash took places by Yelan. As the newcomers were served their breakfast, Luna was concerned for the lack of Cadance's (and her pet's) presence.

"Where is Princess Cadance?"

Yelan answered, "She is still sleeping, your highness. It seems last night's escapade had worn them both out."

Shiefa reacted in a frustrated way. "I knew I should've gone with her. This is a police matter, after all," she said."

One of the sisters, who had a gold-yellow coat and whose cutie mark was a large red jewel with a yellow tassel, responded with some disdain. "You're on leave, Shiefa. You can't be pushing yourself so much with this case."

"But this is a serious problem, Fanren," retorted the green mare. "Ponies are found nearly drained and weak with our only clues being these strange mares in colorful sailor uniforms."

"I understand the severity, but as your doctor, your health comes first." Fanren then turned to her mother, "I'll be sure to check Cadance after breakfast, mother."

Yelan nodded in understanding.

Having heard everything, Luna commented, "Strange happenings seem to be occurring around La Luna, it appears."

Another of the Li sisters, Fuutie, who has a light red coat and whose cutie mark is a red jewel with white wings, answered the princess while holding a newspaper. "You should read yourself, your highness," she then tosses the papers across the table.

Luna accepted the newspaper and began to read one of the cover stories. Mention of a "Demon Bus" had brought much fear to one of the neighborhoods of La Luna. It was stopped, however, by the intervention of a group of vigilantes in colorful sailor uniforms, their leader being named "Sailor Moon." Another article mentioned the alarming rate of ponies arriving at the hospitals near death due to lack of energy. For the princess, it was all extremely concerning.

"Young Feimei," spoke Luna to the last sister, a mare with a light blue coat and whose cutie mark is a red jewel in a blue, six-petal flower. "You've been the one to report on this 'Sailor Moon' character; tell us, who is she?"

"She's pretty much a hero. That's how everyone I've interviewed has treated her. I've not seen much of her myself. She is, quoted, 'the pretty guardian who fights for love and for justice' and that 'in the name of the moon' she will punish the bad guys."

Syaoran nearly snorted his drink upon hearing the mare. "I'm sorry," he said incredulously, "but, 'in the name of the moon?'"

"I don't make this stuff up, little brother," stated Feimei thoughtfully. "I only report it."

Then, Meiling chimed in, "I think it sounds romantic. A brave warrior fighting off evil by moonlight. I would love to meet her."

Luna, too, held the intention to meet the mare called "Sailor Moon" though silent. She was intrigued that a citizen of her kingdom would use the moon in such a heroic motif. It felt as if there was hope that her time as Nightmare Moon had not eroded the ponies' views of the moon.

Soon, Yelan had to discontinue the conversation. "It is time for school," she announced.

The children were quick to gather their things, and Luna took her time to even acknowledge the statement. Flash Sentry had to prod the princess into action, threatening also to get Cadance involved if must. That got Luna moving, and she was soon out the door with Flash and the two yearlings. She was now disguised appearing very much like a unicorn. The Royal Guard soon went on ahead of the group before Syaoran and Meiling went their own way to their elementary school. This left Luna by herself, but she was already familiar with the path and confident in protecting herself. She walked through the neighborhood and into town, slowly joining many other students taking the same route. They all eventually made it into the city before finally reaching their shared destination: Juban Middle School.

Thus, Princess Luna's daily chore of attending a public education facility began for another day. She had spent months attending this school and had grown to dislike it as much as her fellow students did. Learning how her kingdom changed over the last thousand years had proven to be beneficial, but it had long since become mute due to the way it was taught. The teachers were so mundane unlike her previous teacher, Star Swirl the Bearded, who had such a passion for his knowledge of magic and spells. At least her goal of absorbing the residue magic coming off the young students proved to be worthwhile. The progress, though, failed to advance herself from her weakened state. It was starting to become frustrating.

Today was no different, and Luna soon found herself distracted as a consequence. She walked through the hallway, passed her fellow students while carrying a lunchbox. It was now lunchtime for the youth, and Luna was planning on eating somewhere secluded. Her head, though, was focused on how to convince her "babysitter" to unenroll her. The mare's thought, thus, hindered her perception, and she failed to notice the pony exiting a classroom. They both immediately bumped into each and knocked the other over.

Swiftly, Luna was about to berate the pony, but upon seeing them, she froze. On the floor in front of her was an Earth pony mare with a light yellow coat and a yellow mane styled with two hair buns to the side and hair extended out from them. The young pony made Luna subconsciously remember someone important to her and, thus, unwittingly spoke.


The other mare, having heard Luna, recovered and looked at her confusedly. "Um, no. My name is Usagi," she replied.

The pony responding back awoke Luna from her trance. "Yes, right," she said as she stood up. "My apologies."

The Alicorn in disguise was about to pass Usagi, but the mare grabbed her foreleg suddenly. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bump you," she said apologetically.

"Its nothing," replied Luna quickly.

"Have we met before?" asked Usagi abruptly.

Stopping immediately, Luna looked back at the mare. She unintentionally began to stare at the pony but broke free on her own by shaking her head. Her response came next, "No. This surely our first meeting at Juban Middle School."

"Who are you?" Usagi continued curiously.

Despite trying to leave, Luna gave an answer, "My name is Luna."

The young mare smiled before speaking, cheerfully, "Wow, you talk really nice. And you look so beautiful too! And your name! It's all lovely."

Luna was caught entirely off guard by the string of compliments and began to blush with embarrassment. She was not sure how to respond to the (much) younger pony. The pony was utterly flustered with the situation and attempted to leave. "Excuse me…"

The unicorn was about to leave, but Usagi stopped her, looking a bit nervous. "I know we just met, but would you like to join me and my friend for lunch?" she asked hopefully.

"Oh, um," Luna said, fumbling her words slightly.

"Great!" said Usagi impatiently.

Not giving her a second, Usagi began to pull Luna along with her. Luna did little to resist, having been swept up by a combination of shock and nostalgia. The two rushed down the hallway, with no one really paying much attention to them. There was, however, who did notice this interaction. A janitor with a familiar appearance to Flash Sentry was collecting trash nearby when he spied the two mares. He began to smirk at the sight.

"Cadance is gonna like this."

Meanwhile, Usagi had brought Luna outside into the courtyard. There were a few benches around with trees providing shade. On one of the seats was one light blue Pegasus mare with a short dark blue mane and a cutie mark that was a brown book with a raindrop on it. She was, coincidentally, reading a book while wearing reading glasses. It did not distract much as she soon noticed Usagi coming to her with another pony in tow.

"Hey, Ami," Usagi shouted cheerfully. "I've brought a new friend to eat with us."

The Pegasus immediately smiled nervously. "I see," she said.

After introducing Luna, the three mares took their seats and began eating. Luna was slightly nervous about hanging around these younger ponies, but she was interested in Usagi. Her appearance as her long-dead friend was uncanny, though, her personality was anything but. There was something else about her as well, and it included her friend as well. She could sense strong magic from these two that seem to hold an even stronger connection to the moon than the average pony living in La Luna.

"So, Luna," spoke Ami curiously, after swallowing her food. "Are you new? I haven't seen you around before."

Luna was quick to answer, for she was already given a cover. "Yes, I am from Canterlot originally," she stated.

Ami was instantly intrigued. "I've heard so many things about Canterlot. Like how it is the center of magic study in all of Equestria, and that the citizens even get to see Princess Celestia raise the run and lower the moon."

"Indeed," Luna spoke, "for I have seen the princess do such."

"It must have been so lovely living in Canterlot," Usagi says dreamily. "I wish I could go to Canterlot and find my prince in shining armor."

"Oh, Usagi," Ami said pertly.

Luna soon changed the subject. "So I must ask, are you indeed the young Ami said to be one of our school's brightest students?" she asked.

As the compliment made Ami too embarrassed to answer, Usagi decided to do happily. "Yep! Ami here is like a super genius," she stated.

"Usagi," whined Ami feeling more embarrassed.

"Then, well met, Ami," Luna said politely.

"We also have another friend," said Usagi. "Her name is Rei, and she goes to an all-girls' school somewhere nearby."

Calming down, Ami finally could speak. "Her family runs a shrine nearby as well," she added.

"Fascinating," Luna said before taking a bite of her lunch.

Eventually, the lunch period was over. The mares had to separate to attend their respective classes, though, Usagi was confident that they should meet up again. It was a boring rest of the day for Luna until she could finally leave the establishment and head back to the Li Compound. She did not ever see Usagi or Ami after school, which was slightly surprising given the Earth pony's attitude. The Alicorn-in-disguise did not mind, for she wanted to return to her host's home to receive an update. Thankfully, having been around those mares for a time, she was able to recover enough magic to use a teleportation spell herself.

Thus, in a flash, Luna was on the ground of the Li home. The mare was a bit winded, but it strengthened her confidence in magic. Upon her arrival, she was greeted by the servants as she moved inside. She traversed through the building until she reached the dining room. To her surprise, Luna found Cadance – and Tau – with Yelan inside.

"Young Princess Cadance," Luna greeted as she walked in. "We see that you have recovered from last night's excursion through the city."

Cadance nodded. "Yeah, and I've been able to uncover a few things," she stated thoughtfully.

Luna was intrigued and took a seat with the other mares. "Do tell," she said.

"Well, I found out that many of the incidences occurring over the city are in search of something. And our heroine, Sailor Moon, is also seeking the same item."

"What is it?' asked Luna.

"They're searching for the Silver Crystal."

"What?!" shouted Luna.

Yelan spoke immediately, "That can't be right. In Clow Reed's journal, the Imperium Silver Crystal disappeared after Queen Serenity used it to defeat the Enemy. How could it be here?"

"I don't know, but they are adamant that it is in the city," Cadance stated assuredly.

"This changes things," Luna said seriously. "If the Silver Crystal is here, then are ascension may become all the quicker."

"We need more information," stated Cadance quickly. "Maybe we can somehow get a message out to Sailor Moon, so we can meet."

"Or invite the enemy," Yelan added cautiously. "We must proceed carefully, or we may very well end up with a sword in our backs."

Luna asked, "How shall we do this, then?"

Cadance quickly came up with an idea. "Well, perhaps the Li family can host an event to coincide with the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala in Canterlot."

The pink princess then leaned towards the two mares with a wily smirk. "With a special guest appearance from a princess and an heirloom of a lost kingdom."

Both Luna and Yelan smiled, understanding the idea mostly.

À Suivre

Author's Note:

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone. Hope everyone is doing well in these times.

Fun Fact(s):

  1. The Li sisters are, more or less, actual characters in the Cardcaptor Sakura series. Their main appearance is in the movie before being seen again in the Clear Card anime and then, finally, a minor reference within the Clear Card manga itself.

    • I don't recall much of their personalities nor is there much information, so they've been given the Fanfic treatment of being given some personalities and identities. As well as some jobs. Fuutie - Business, Shiefa - Police, Fanren - Doctor, and Feimei - journalist.