• Published 15th Feb 2020
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Sailor Guardians of Equestria - Hotspot the 626th

To recover her power, Princess Luna must seek help from those pretty soldiers in sailor uniforms.

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Act 13

Moon – Revelation

It may have been a solid five minutes when Usagi and her friends finally woke from their shock and awe. As Flash Sentry descended with Princess Luna in hoof, the girls immediately rushed around the mare, concerned, and amazed at the same time. The princess was happy to help but could barely express it. She had exhausted all her magic in pulling the moon to an optimal position. Luna (cat) immediately prepped for the group's travel.

At a small mirror pool, with the moon near Luna (cat) told the group what to do. "Stand around the pool and transform. You'll be then transported to the ruins of the Moon Kingdom."


Princess Luna, using every bit of her remaining strength, stepped forward. "I would like to go with you."

Usagi immediately asked the cat, "Can she?"

"Of course."

The girls gathered in a circle, ready to go. Usagi then uttered out the transformation phrase and while the others held up their pens. All five girls changed to their Sailor Guardian alter-egos in an instant and without affecting the princess. They began to continue glowing as the pool's water started shining brightly. Quickly, both Lunas and Artemis touched the ponies and were enveloped in the magical light as well. The brilliant illumination formed a beam and launched the group into the sky, leaving behind Flash Sentry and Tau to wait and watch.

"Good luck," Flash said hopefully with Tau expressing the same.

Ascending through clouds and atmosphere, the group traveled far above the surface of their world and into space. They were immediately protected by a sphere of magic as it brought them further away from the planet and closer to its satellite. The girls marveled at this one-in-a-lifetime sight, never had they seen their home so beautiful. For Princess Luna, it was a nostalgic view that made her smile with fondness. In only a few moments, the group arrived at the moon's surface in the presence of crumbling ruins.

"Behold," spoke Luna (cat) grandiosely. "Here lies all that remains of the once-prosperous Moon Kingdom."

Despite only being remnants, the girls were astounded by the discovery of this place. It was clear a civilization did once exist on the moon. The girls were amazed to see it, but all, starting with Sailor Moon, saw Princess Luna hold a different expression entirely. Her shock and horror were evident as she gazed around the area. Everyone was becoming worried about the Alicorn, so Usagi went and approached the stunned princess.

"Princess Luna?"

Princess Luna mumbled, "It's all really gone…" The princess of the night then looked down at the path they were on.

"This used to be the main street…" Luna (pony) then looked further down the path. "It led all the way to the Moon Palace, where Serenity lived…"

"Princess…" Usagi said again, attempting to comfort her friend.

"There was a store that sold these delicious pastries, Moon Pies…" The Alicorn was lost in her doldrum as she approached the ruins of a building. "I think it was here…"

Usagi now shouted desperately, "Luna!"

Finally, the dazed equine awoke from her trance. She soon realized what had happened and attempted to dissuade any concern. "Apologies, young Usagi. For Us, it was only a short time ago when We…"

Without warning, the Earth pony interrupted Princess Luna and enwrapped her in a hug. "I'm so sorry,' she said sadly.

It was a short moment later that the two rejoined the group. Both Lunas led the group towards one of the more extensive ruins, which both identified it as the Moon Palace. There was still much of the original layout left intact only without a roof and a wall or two. Not surprisingly, the two Lunas continued to recognize each area of the remnants and having a good time. All the girls and Artemis were a little annoyed by it but also happy that Princess Luna was in better spirits. As the group traveled deeper through the compound, they soon came upon a single crystal structure surrounded by some remaining columns. At its base, there was a stone sword embedded in rock pedestal.

"What is that?" asked Sailor Moon.

Artemis answered, "A very important item. Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, each of you must try and pull it out."

Each mare gave it a try. In the order that the white cat gave, the girls failed to even budge the item one by one. After three attempts, it looked as if the endeavor was a loss, but Sailor Venus was still willing to try. She tried with all her might, but the sword came out swiftly. Everyone was astounded, including the mare herself. Now released from the stone, the rock exterior of the sword broke away to reveal the pristine and pure form of the weapon.

Upon the sword's release, the crystal tower began to glow. Everyone was surprised and went on guard. Light suddenly shined through the crevasse, and an image was projected forth. A small white-coated unicorn mare with silver hair appeared with fairylike wings on her back appeared. And much like how Luna (cat) and Artemis, the pony had a crescent moon located around her horn. She opened her silver eyes and gazed over the group happily. The mare was about to speak but stopped when she caught sight of one pony. Her smile changed to shock, and tears began to fall.


Princess Luna was very much in the same emotional state. "Serenity…" she said as she stepped towards the little pony.

"I can't believe…" Serenity nearly choked up before speaking further. She then began to smile while her tears continued falling.

"You're finally free."

Princess Luna responded, "I'm sorry it took so long…"

Sailor Moon stepped next to the princess. "Is that really Queen Serenity," she said in awe.

The queen turned to look at the mare and smiled happily. "You're here too, my daughter. Though, I guess that's not really the case anymore…"

"We are all here, your grace," spoke Luna (cat). She and the rest of their group began gathering around the tiny equine, to better see her and vice versa.

"You all are here," Serenity said happily,

"This is amazing," said Sailor Mercury looking over the hologram. "You're having a conversation with us as if you were actually here."

"That is thanks to Moon Castle's computer system, the Eternity Main, where the real Queen Serenity recorded her memories and personality. She wanted to be able to help her reincarnated daughter and her friends."

"How?" asked Sailor Venus.

The hologram gestured to the sword. "That is the Holy Sword of the Silver Crystal. It was used in your previous life to protect Princess Serenity. It has great power."

Sailor Venus held the sword up, amazed. "Oh wow…!"

"And I can tell you about your true enemy," Serenity stated with severity.

"Queen Beryl?" asked Sailor Mars.

Serenity shook her head. "Beryl is only a pawn for the true mastermind. The real culprit is something far more dangerous."

"What?" asked Princess Luna.

"The one behind the destruction of the Moon Kingdom was an abnormality born from the sun itself. It grew jealous of the beautiful gem known as Earth and the precious treasure that Princess Luna gave me, the Silver Crystal."

Princess Luna was shocked. "What? The sun?"

"I only learned that part too late," Serenity stated sorrowfully. "That being, so full of evil and jealousy, attempted to manipulate Princess Luna, who she sensed great dismay and weakness."

The group, especially Luna (pony), was shocked by this revelation. It never occurred to the princess how she became such an evil being who starkly contrasted her own personality. Her kin even believed that it was her Alicorn magic that was fulfilling her ambition turned-dark.

Serenity, meanwhile, continued her explanation. "But only half succeed. She could not control the Alicorn known as Nightmare Moon, and so, she sought an easier target. It was Beryl, a pony who had that same envy as she, that she chose to imbue her dark power. Under Metlia's influence completely, she led that terrible revolt and destroyed everything I cared about."

"My only solace is that I was able to seal that entity away from harming anyone else further. But from all the sorrow, confusion, and losing everything, I could not use the Silver Crystal to its fullest extent, which costed my life. Thus, it was only a temporary solution, and now that entity is about to try again in Equestria."

Sailor Jupiter stepped forward, looking determined. "Not if we can stop them!"

"How, though?" asked Sailor Moon worriedly. "The Silver Crystal doesn't glow anymore."

Serenity looked confused and asked, "What happened?"

Sailor Venus explained, "Sailor Moon used the Silver Crystal to heal the stallion who was Prince Endymion, your highness."

"I see." The hologram queen smiled and addressed her former daughter, "You must have been trying to save his life," the hologram queen said kindly.

Princess Luna then approached. "It doesn't seem to react to us as well. How can that be?"

Queen Serenity responded, "The Silver Crystal has become so much more since you've been gone, Luna. Its power relies on the emotions and mindset of its user. You both need only to realize your potential."

Suddenly, the image began to grow fuzzy much to everyone's shock. The hologram Serenity noticed this as well. "I'm sorry there isn't much time left."

"Queen Serenity…" said Luna (cat) sadly.

"What do you mean, Serenity?" asked Princess Luna desperately. "We know our potential. We are the princess of the moon, overseer of the night, and a ruler over Equestria."

The image sadly smiled at the Alicorn. "Luna, you have always been more than just those titles…"


"I only have so much energy left, so I have but one last thing to say. My final secret," Serenity said quickly as the image began to fade.

Sailor Moon, however, tried to help. "Wait, the Silver Crystal can…!" She tried to use the gemstone to give the computer energy, but it did nothing.

"Luna, I love you, please take care of our reincarnated daughter…"

Finally, the hologram of Queen Serenity disappeared, and the glowing ceased from the crystal tower. Sailor Moon gave up and collapsed to the floor, nearly in tears. Her friends and guardians, however, were left stunned as they looked to their princess and then Princess Luna. The Alicorn was frozen in place as the revelation sunk into her mind. Tears were falling as the realization came that she could never respond back to her friend. Then, there came other feelings. She began feeling joy, but it was mixed with confusion and sadness. She then turned to Sailor Moon as she wondered how she was dealing with the information. To her surprise, the mare was looking sheepish.

"Hehe, hiya, Mom."

Now, the group was surprised at Sailor Moon and stared at her. "You knew?!"

"Only since my old memories returned," Sailor Moon said bashfully.

"But… How?" asked Princess Luna.

Growing embarrassed, Sailor Moon explained, "When I was Princess Serenity, my mother would always show me this beautiful mural…"

Becoming suddenly inspired, Sailor Moon walked off in search of the mural she mentioned. The group followed her but remained behind as she explored the area. It was not long when Sailor Moon finally stopped. She and everyone looked upon a piece of crumbling wall where a painting was placed. Most of it was gone, but the center image was what mattered. It was of a mare like Queen Serenity holding a foal with the Silver Crystal on her. Around the mother and daughter, an old and stretched image of Princess Luna was above them and radiating upon the two lovingly.

"It's…" spoke Princess Luna astounded, but she could not complete her thought.

Luna (cat) soon warned that the group had little time left. The connection back to Earth would only stay open for a short time longer. They had acquired critical information as well as a scared weapon to help in their fight against the Dark Kingdom. Everyone returned home safely and were immediately shocked by the sudden change from a silent, deserted wasteland to a noisy, populated paradise. They all returned to the game center and were greeted by Flash Sentry and Tau.

"So, what's the plan?" asked Flash Sentry, ready for action.

Ami answered though unsurely, "Well, besides learning some interesting facts, all we can do is prepare for when Queen Beryl and Nightmare Moon attack again."

The tomboyish Makoto communicated, "Don't we have any leads on finding their headquarters or something?"

"None that I'm aware of."

Flash quickly spoke up, "Actually, we might have a couple of ponies that might be able to help with that."

"Who?" asked Minako curiously.

"I'll tell you later," Flash stated before showing some concern. "I think you guys need a break after everything that's happened."

Luna (cat) spoke immediately, "I agree with Sir Flash. You all need your rest if we want to finish this battle against our Enemy."

"Best you all stay here too," Artemis said assuredly. "Now that they know your identities, they may try to strike again."

Rei immediately asked, "What about our families?"

"I'll take care of it with the Li family," Flash said confidently. "You guys rest."

All the mares present, Princess Luna and Usagi not present currently, could not argue against that assessment. Flash Sentry then left, leaving Tau behind as another measure of security for the mares. While the girls prepared for bed, Usagi and Princess Luna were in another room having a meaningful conversation. Both were sitting atop the building, looking out to the moon and black sky surrounding it.

"Did you love Queen Serenity?"

Princess Luna was hesitant to respond at first, but she eventually forced it out. "Yes, but such a romance is frowned upon in society," she stated sadly.

Usagi looked at the Alicorn, confused. She then told the older mare, "Maybe back then, but I've never seen any-pony mind it now, and there's quite a few cute couples in town."

"I see," the Alicorn said as a small smile formed. But it did not last long before Luna became more stoic and reserved.

"But it does not matter anymore. Serenity has long since passed, and I can never share my moments with her like before."

"Luna…" said Usagi sadly as she looked at the pony.

As the princess turned to Usagi, she saw the Silver Crystal hanging around her friend's neck. She lifted it up as she gazed upon his dull luster and began to muse openly. "To think that my gift, a mere magical gem meant to keep my friend and love safe, would become something so powerful and mysterious."

Usagi stated frustratedly, "I wish she'd told us how to use it, though. I have no idea what to do."

Gently placing the gem back, Princess Luna agreed with the sentiment but also had some words of encouragement. "We think you will figure it, Usagi. You are…very spunky, that is the word We have been told suits you."

The young mare was a little surprised at first by the compliment, but Usagi was soon smiling for it. She then enwrapped the Alicorn in a hug to show her appreciation for her kind words. In doing so, she posed a question for the princess.

"So, are we still friends? I know you're my past life's mom, but…"

Princess Luna chuckled before answering, "Being your friend would be far more pleasant than trying to act like your mother now."

"Our daughter is gone as well, even if she's now reborn. You are your own pony, Usagi, and I would not have it any other way."

In the lair of Dark Kingdom, the two queens under Queen Metalia were in a heated argument. Beside them, the motionless Tuxedo Mask laid upon a cold stone block unaffected by the noise around him. The same could not be said for their amorphous leader on the other side, who was losing her patience.

"Enough!" roared the secret leader of the Dark Kingdom.

As the entire castle shook from the booming voice, both Beryl and Nightmare Moon instantly stopped their argument. They both cowered before the being as it grew large and threatening overhead.

"Your bickering is pointless to me!" announced Metalia enraged.

With her red eyes, the entity looked over to Beryl disapprovingly. "You failed to destroy the princess and retrieve the Silver Crystal, and all you have to show for it is a worthless husk!"

Beryl immediately bowed before the creature and began to plead. "Please, Queen Metalia, I meant not to fail you, but I took a chance to acquire my true love!"

"I don't care about your measly wants, Beryl! I want the Silver Crystal's power!"

Kneeling next, Nightmare Moon told the ethereal being, "We are outnumbered, my queen. Even if we were to go back, we might not be able to acquire the Silver Crystal for you."

At first, Queen Metalia was displeased by the excuse. She would have reprimanded the Alicorn if she did not soon after realizing an idea. Her red eyes soon gazed back onto the unconscious body of their hostage. Metalia calmly but sinisterly replied, "You are right, Queen Nightmare Moon."

Both minor-queens were surprised by her sudden acceptance.

"We need an ally that even Sailor Moon cannot defeat…"

From her gaseous body, Metalia began extending out her being out. It was like a snake made of smoke as it slithered its way around the queens and to Tuxedo Mask. Climbing up the stone, the smokey tendrils encircled the bed before spreading over the body. A black gassy layer covered the entirety of the spot. Both queens became curious and approached cautiously. Before the two mares could get much closer, the dark mist was parted as Tuxedo Mask suddenly sat up. Neither fiends were too guarded as they noticed a cold and dark look in the stallion's eyes. It was clear that he was no longer the pony they knew before.

"Arise," spoke Metalia. "my dark Prince Endymion!"

À Suivre