• Published 8th Nov 2019
  • 907 Views, 27 Comments

Diamond Tiara saves Scootaloo's Life - lytlethelemur

Disaster at a class field trip links Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara into a tentative friendship.

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Chapter 8_Hunger on the Friendship Express

Things went wrong from almost the start the next morning. Not that Scootaloo arrived late to the train station, in fact she was rather early. She was there on the platform surrounded by the beauty of the otherworldly stillness of the predawn hours. She was ready with the sandwich packed in her day bag all while wearing the ensemble made yesterday by Rarity. Makeup and mane prepared just the way Diamond Tiara had instructed. When Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon came on the train platform she would greet them and unzip her bag. Raise up the sandwich and proclaim she was too weak to resist trans fats and calories. She’d go in for an early breakfast and grave in a long drawn out bite. This would give Diamond Tiara that chance to swat the sandwich and save Scootaloo’s life. Then surely she would see that the two fillies were even, no longer obligated to social reciprocity without an awkward severance in relations.

At least that was the plan she thought of as she scootered on her way over to the train station, neither she nor the other crusaders had put much thought into the details of their plan. The fillies usually found a brilliant idea and proceeded to execute it with a laissez faire approach, that was the crusader way after all.

Celestia’s sun was now brilliantly shining on the train platform finally cresting the purple clouds that clustered in the horizon. Diamond Tiara felt great in her new outfit, flanked by her best friend Silver Spoon and trusty butler Randolph right behind her. Their baggage carried upon Randolph’s back as he was trained to do, everything was ready for the concert. It was hard for Diamond Tiara to remember a time she was this happy, and it was unbelievable to see Scootaloo on the train platform with a big smile on her face waving to her.

‘This day was going to be spectacular,' thought Diamond Tiara her resolve to be a better pony was paying off.

Scootaloo was becoming the pony she deserved to be and was already as excited as she was to see Feather Bangs. Seeing how glamorous and charming these fillies were, Feather Bangs was a sure thing for Ponyville's next big event.

‘No need to thank me citizens of Ponyville, this is my thanks to you.’ Diamond Tiara daydreamed.

“Scootaloo, you are looking fabulous”, exclaimed Diamond Tiara on the platform the fillies exchanged hugs.

“You too, you look really rich in calories…. I mean… you look nice….”, awkwardly addressed Scootaloo.

‘Was she sweating again?’, Diamond Tiara thought.

“You know what would be perfect right about now?”, said Scootaloo, unexpectedly. “ I have an addiction to… and um I can’t help myself ...gotta have breakfast you know…”.

Diamond Tiara looked to Silver Spoon who only gave a little shrug, a bit relieved to know that she wasn’t the only one hearing nonsense come out of Scootaloo’s muzzle. Scootaloo clumsy turned around a bit too suddenly, and just at that moment a rail attendant had come to collect the baggage for the departing train. Scootaloo faced the spot that the attendant had just been, perfectly missing the unicorn stallion telekinetically lifting her day bag onto his cart. Scootaloo mildly panicked, it took her a frantic couple of seconds to locate her bag being checked into the train.

‘Why did Scootaloo look so in shock by this?’ , puzzle Diamond Tiara

“Its alright Scootaloo, you’re with me” she comforted, closing Scootaloo’s agape muzzle, “I had all of our bags express checked so you wouldn’t have to worry about doing it yourself.”

Sure enough another stallion appeared to collect Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon’s luggage.

“ Ha… Ha.. Ha you shouldn’t have...” Scootaloo tried, poorly, to hide a pouty face with a forced smile.

“Perhaps we should get some breakfast”, whispered Silver Spoon into Diamond Tiara’s ear.

Diamond Tiara nodded in agreement , Scootaloo must not be much of a morning pony, she had Randolph secure the poached quail eggs wrapped in wet seaweed. Ponyville depot would not have such faire, lucky for her friends, Diamond Tiara came prepared. The Fillies made their way to the first class car.­

Scootaloo looked out the window of the passing countryside, a few trees, farm fields, and distant hamlets racing by on a brilliant day as the Seven A.M. Friendship Express chugged its way to Canterlot.

‘It’s like she knew I had that sandwich’ thought a mildly anxious Scootaloo, ‘it couldn’t be…how would she have known?’

Pondering on the question however failed to stymie the boredom of the train ride.

’Awhh when will this train ride end?’ she sighed in thought.

The fillies and Randolph were the only ponies in the first class carriage, the fillies in a forward most booth, Randolph situated himself in the middle of the car away from the fillies banter to catch up on some reading. Scootaloo really wished she remembered to bring something to read herself, or that there were other ponies sharing the compartment with them, or at the very least something different to look at. She could’ve sworn the train passed the same barn three times already. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were having a passionate discussion about Fillydelphia’s new anti-collective bargaining initiative. Scootaloo kept looking out the window.

‘Just a few more hours,' she thought ‘First thing when we get to Canterlot I’m getting that sandwich out of my bag.’

Her stomach growled, that quail egg was disgusting, how she longed to eat that sandwich.

“Scootaloo, what are your thoughts on public sector unions?”, inquired Diamond Tiara.

Scootaloo jumped a little in her seat and tried to regain her composure.

“Oh um,” she put a hoof to her chin in thought “Well it depends I guess on how the public sectors are shaped… if they were pie shaped and you had about eight slices they would make a good union.”

Diamond Tiara saw that there was still something wrong with Scootaloo's smile, it didn’t feel genuine. To make the awkward silence more pronounced, the distinct sound of Scootaloo’s rumbling belly echoed through the nearly empty train car.

“Randolph”,called Diamond Tiara.

True to his heritage Randolph perked up from his book, pose to act on Miss Tiara’s every whim.

“Call the snack trolley, my friends could use something to eat.”

Scootaloo couldn’t believe her eyes, before her was the snack trolley, and she was ordering a bag of roasted nuts and a chocolate bar. Not more than once she believed she was dreaming but sure enough, it was real. The roasted nuts smelled devine, she felt the warm bag in her hooves. She offered some to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara did pay for it after all, well at least her father did. Unsurprisingly, the two politely declined, Silver Spoon did turn slightly green at the roasted nuts, excusing herself to the lavatory. It only occurred to Scootaloo as she was noshing away at the peanuts that she could’ve initiated her master scheme. Caloric sucide would have easily been achieved by ordering a sandwich off the snack cart but this time it didn’t feel right. Diamond Tiara had been accommodating,

‘Is this working?’ she thought as the smooth chocolate of the candy bar melted on her tongue with every bite.

Doubts were swirling in her head, ‘Am I making too big a deal of one bad afternoon with Diamond Tiara?’.

She noted that Silver Spoon was waiting on another bench for her to finish her snacks, which wasn’t very long but noticeable. The plan was still a go. Eventually the train started coming into the Canterlot mountain ranges passing through more tunnels. The majestic gleaming towers of Canterlot Castle could be seen from Ponyville on a clear day high in the distant mountains. However, It was best appreciated through the winding train tracks of Canterlot Range. The ride offered breathtaking panoramic views of the fairytale castle and its numerous buttresses. Only to be irritatingly obscured on occasion, by pesky trees, tunnels, and rock cuts along the way.

The fillies, including Randolph, adjusted themselves to make use of the picturesque views out the windows, it made the long train ride to Equestria’s capital and the throne of Luna and Celestia, worth it. However the train would not pull into Canterlot proper, it would take a switch back to the Canterlot Amphitheater, a recently built venue within the shadow of the castle on a plateau just below the majestic waterfalls that fell from the highest peaks. The amphitheater was built among a sprawling expanse, a nameless subdivision of Canterlot whose ancient walls could not keep up with the growing population of ponies and creatures.

The views gave fillies something to talk about together, it was enough to keep Scootaloo from ordering a sandwich from the snack cart when it came by a second time, she was full, and was enjoying her conversation with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon for once. Scootaloo was starting to get comfortable on the trip until the Seven A.M. Friendship Express came to a screeching halt, their compartment in the midst of a dark tunnel. The train car lights came on, this was not a good sign.

Diamond Tiara called for Randolph, “ Randolph, ask the conductor what the delay is.”

As was his duty to his mistress, Randolph went the short distance to the engine and returned promptly with the news, just beating the train attendant on their way to inform the plebeians of the same news in the coach cars.

“Congestion into Canterlot due to the concert, Miss Tiara”, explained Randolph upon his return with a courteous bow “It is long enough to impact our schedule, I fear.”

Diamond Tiara’s face lit up, her superior problem solving skills engaged. All the while Scootaloo had a sudden sinking feeling. Before the pegasus filly knew it there were no more camera perfect views of Canterlot. No more sweeping vistas of the ancient mountains where old unicorn kings battled griffons and built elaborate mines, many lost to time. No more pine trees, no more awe-inspiring peaks, no more brilliant blue skies. Just the dull and empty first-class train car, indistinguishable from any other train car, save for the loneliness of the exclusivity. Tucked just inside a dark tunnel, bathed in the ugly mustard yellow lights that filled the compartment, revealing the soulless magic and machine carved railway tunnels outside, bracketing the train in a suffocating crypt. The precious air being absorbed by the unfailing, ever knowledgeable, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, an excruciating detailed plan was being drafted in that railcar.

The plan to see the Feather Bangs concert on schedule. All while making the necessary arrangements, inspection on proper beds for sleeping accounting for Silver Spoon’s allergies and Diamond Tiara requirement of a thread count for the bed linens. Followed by strategies to maintain appearances while avoiding dirty areas, the possibility of abbreviated eating arrangements, the need to exercise caution on the rumor of a griffon pickpocket, a contingency for reapplying makeup in private, followed by the need for a possible tailor for unforeseen wardrobe emergencies, and finally an impromptu rehearsal of a meeting with Feather Bangs. The two fillies were in their element bantering back and forth on every possible detail of this horrifying endeavor. Made only worse as Randolph added to his own points.

‘Where is that snack cart when you need it?’ screamed Scootaloo inside her own head.

‘Stay strong’ she thought, ‘You just gotta get that sandwich out of your bag.’

“Scootaloo, you're grating your teeth”,said a voice, Scootaloo noticed all eyes were on her.

“Is something wrong?”repeated Diamond Tiara with concern in her voice.

“Ah ha ha ha”, Scootaloo forced a chuckle “Just practicing my smile for Feather Bangs”.

No sooner had she uttered the words, the train finally began to chug along.

“Ohhh… let me show you how to make the ‘Canterlot Gala Smile’” piped up Silver Spoon putting a hoof around an anxious Scootaloo.

“You may like it, there is a slight grinding of your teeth involved to achieve that perfect beem.”

Scootaloo just nodded as every pony returned to their seats, thinking of the pasta and potato sandwich, regretting that she should have had it ready to go, in hoof, on the platform.

The train finally arrived at the station among a throng of concert goers from all across Equestria. There was very little room for maneuver with so many ponies jostling to get to the concert venue, it sickened Scootaloo a bit to know that Feather Bangs had this much adoration. She had to act fast among the masses of ponies, time was of the essence. Because of the delay the plan of action was as follows, that fillies would have to forgo check in at the bed and breakfast in order to catch Feather Bang’s opening act. Randolph would have to take their luggage and secure the lodging, he would not be able to accompany the fillies for the rest of the evening. It was just simpler for Diamond Tiara to arrange transportation back once the concert was over. This gave Scootaloo one narrow opportunity to secure her sandwich and her one shot at jettisoning Diamond Tiara’s orbit.

“Randolph!”, managed Scootaloo, her side bumping into an oncoming Mare as she galloped through the train depot.

“Oh Sorry…”, she managed to say, fighting her way through the crowd, narrowly avoiding a large stallion, scrambling beneath his stocky legs.

“Randolph!” she yelled, this time she got his attention.

“Randolph, I need to get something out of my bag.”

She panted in front of him. She did feel bad for doing this, Randolph was carrying the bags of three fillies and his own belongings, not to mention Scootaloo’s bag was on the very bottom of the sizable stack. However true to his nature and training, without a word or complaint, Randolph gently removed the bags from his back. Not an easy feat, as he had to precisely balance one bag at a time on the hectic train platform while ensuring no passers by step or tripped on the luggage.

“Scootaloo! We’ll be late!” yelled Diamond Tiara from a cab carriage, in a commanding voice of genuine concern.

With laser focus, Sooctaloo unzipped her bag and retrieved the greasy sandwich. She barely had time to thank Randolph before hopping on the carriage with Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon. The cab was tight fit for the fillies and their party dresses, but Scootaloo was as deft with hiding sandwiches in her garments as she was on scooter. Diamond Tiara and Sliverspoon were oblivious, too worried about missing Feather Bangs’ concert. Diamond Tiara made a sharp whistle, it was all the cab driver needed to hear, as nearly every taxi was making its way to the concert.