• Published 8th Nov 2019
  • 906 Views, 27 Comments

Diamond Tiara saves Scootaloo's Life - lytlethelemur

Disaster at a class field trip links Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara into a tentative friendship.

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Chapter 2_ Scootaloo the Elite Pony

Saturday morning arrived with a beautiful sunshine, only a few wispy clouds dotted the sky. The local weather patrol could be seen clearing some stray clouds toward the northeast side of Ponyville. Scootaloo arrived after breakfast to the Cutie Mark Crusaders Tree House just off the town road into Sweet Apple Acres. After rescuing Diamond Tiara, Scootaloo took her time getting back to the School house and finding no-pony there she decided to go home to rest from her rough landing. She walked up and pushed the club house door open.

“Hi guys… um what happen’?” Scootaloo awkwardly initiated, trying to contain her surprise at what she saw.

“Glad ta see ya escaped in one piece!” beamed Applebloom, she looked as though she had a case of the pony pox. Her cream yellow body was peppered with bees stings and her complexion greased with alleviating medical balm.

“You certainly missed out on the excitement Scootaloo,” an equally peppered and coated Sweetie Belle chimed.

The two fillies immediately retold the events in great detail starting with Snips and Snails’s entanglement. She learned that after escaping the bees, the class hobbled its way back to town. The collaborative efforts of nurse Red Heart, the spa ponies Lotus Blossom and Aloe, along with Zecora were required to aid the students. A solution of separating the class and Mr. Skep was finally arrived at when a bath was concocted that would separate the students safely while not irritating their bee stings. As Scootaloo observed, it was not a perfect process as those affected would still have wounds into the next school week. Fortunately, no one in Miss Cheerilee’s class had allergic reactions to bee stings.

“Of course Miss Cheerilee had us fetch some fabric for the bee smoke…so we didn’t see it first hoof” recounted Apple Bloom.

“ Yeah, Mr. Skep doesn’t seem to keep a very neat farm, a lot of dirty sheets, burlap sacks,and particle board all over the place” added Sweetie Belle with a tiny tongue sticking out in disgust.

“Oh Yeah!” remarked Scootaloo, “Too bad you two didn’t see the ramp I made from all that spare particle board, I could’ve built three.”

The fillies giggled, Apple Bloom cocked a sly glance.

“How’d I know you done snuck off on us for your Scooter tricks?”.

“Bet you don’t have to worry about your ramp being taken down, Scootaloo.” Sweetie Belle grinned, “I’m sure it may stay up for good with the way Mr. Skep keeps his farm.”

The Fillies burst into laughter. Moments like this really touched on Scootaloo, she loved her two best friends, and the chortling helped stave off the shock of seeing them in such a state. Not only were they ravaged by bee stings, their manes had also fallen casualty to the ordeal. On top of Applebloom’s injuries, a foal named Pipsqueak had gotten entangled in her mane in the ensuing struggle, and it had to be cut to free him. Consequently Applebloom’s older sister, AppleJack, had proudly come up with a cost saving solution for her mangled mane. Apple Bloom was sporting a fresh bowl cut in place of her bouncy, soft red mane held aloft by her signature over-sized pink bow. Surprisingly enough, the bow had miraculously surviving the ordeal.

“ Yeah, I skipped breakfast this morning, cause I was surer than mud on a pig that she’d serve me oatmeal in that very same bowl”, Applebloom elaborated, laughter ensued.

Sweetie Belle had it even worse when she tried to use her telekinesis to assist her class. A stray and sticky back hoof from her flailing classmate, Featherweight, planted right into her forehead.

“So I was basically moving like an accordion with Featherweight’s leg ” demonstrated Sweetie Bell zig-zagging back and forth.

“That colt sure does like to fidget,'' chuckled Applebloom.

More laughter ensued. Sweetie Belle shined, her white head tilted up for emphasis, eyes contently closed with Featherweight’s tiny hoof print still vaguely visible on her forehead. Sweetie Belle’s mane did not escape the ordeal either. Her glamorous, avant garde sister, Rarity, had used the terrible circumstances to give her little sister’s mane a makeover. Having had her own mane debacle herself, it inspired her to try more adventurous hairstyles. Sweetie Belle’s adorably, curly-qued pink and blue mane was salvaged in tight but expertly woven corn rows. While her sister made the mane-do work in an aesthetic sense with her sister’s features, it didn’t seem to nail down her dry but clever personality.

Then Scootaloo shared her own adventure from yesterday. Presenting Diamond Tiara’s calling card to her friends.

“She thinks you saved her life?” Said a genuinely surprised Applebloom.

“She does,” nodded Scootaloo “ we’re supposed to meet in about an hour”.

The fillies had a sorted relationship with the over privileged filly. For a time she had been an unrelenting bully. From simple teasing to even threatening the school’s acquisition of new playground equipment with her father, Filthy Rich, being the school’s primary financial backer. Though her meanness was owed much to her mother, Spoiled Rich. While her father won the argument on sending their only daughter to public school, her mother would have the say on how she would carry the family name. Diamond Tiara would be the top of her class both academically and socially. Being the richest family in town, nothing else would do in her mother's eyes. Diamond Tiara was only an average pupil at best, so she doubled down on the social aspect. In those days, she was willing to stoop to any low if it meant standing above all others, with the Cutie Mark Crusaders being prime targets. Ironically, it was Scootaloo and her friends, that helped Diamond Tiara see the error in her ways and confront her mother. The event even triggered them to achieve their coveted Cutie Marks. Life had changed for all of them that day; The Cutie Mark Crusaders now focused on helping other foals find purpose in life, while Diamond Tiara focused on using her status at school for good. While Diamond Tiara meant well now, there was unmended feeling about their relationship, or lack thereof. Apple Bloom studied the calling card.

“We sure did bury the hatchet with Diamond Tiara, but nothing sprouted from it either,” She mussed. “Maybe a right time to grow someth’n new.”

“You have an appointment to catch, go for it Scootaloo,” interjected Sweetie Belle “What are you waiting for?”

Scootaloo brushed the floor with her hoof and made a nervous little sigh ,“I don’t know how to handle myself, it's gonna be a little weird meeting Diamond Tiara so formally.”

“As AJ always says, ‘don’t think too hard about it, just get a hard hide and go to it!’ this here's a great opportunity,” said Applebloom, putting a reassuring hoof around Scootaloo’s shoulder.

“Its a chance to rebuild our relationship with Diamond Tiara.”

Scootaloo smiled, the warmth and support of her friends help alleviate her anxiousness. Even if saving somepony’s life was purely in the realm of opinion, it brought a sense of responsibility that Scootaloo was quite wary of. Especially when the relationship was towards an estranged and formerly hostile pony. With her new found confidence Scootaloo donned her helmet, ready to meet Diamond Tiara. With a wave goodbye to her friends, Scootaloo disappeared in a flash of dust and was off. Her friends return to the clubhouse after their goodbyes to apply more ointment, and perhaps a game of horseshoe checkers; their injuries subduing their sense of adventure.

The Rich Manor was Ponyville’s most lavish private home. It was only out done by the Castle of Friendship, a magically induced crystal structure, though something of a crystalline eyesore if you ask the longtime residents. Rich Manor on the other hoof was a marvel of architecture; the finest hoof work of Earth Ponies with no magic required. It wouldn’t be out of place in majestic cities like Canterlot or Manehatten, though surprisingly it was not gaudy. As many elites in those places sought to display their wealth and status through opulent and eccentric constructions, Filthy Rich had designed his home to fit in Ponyville, it said ‘I am wealthy, I earned this, and I belong here’.

The Rich family had roots in the town’s founding, so it had some familiarity to the middle Ger-mane style thatched cottages that dominated Ponyville proper. It had tile roof in place of the straw thatched roofs, small marble columns held up a welcoming veranda, brick work with warm purple and velvet hues; a decorative wrought iron fence and manicured hedges enclosed the property.

Scootaloo couldn’t help but feel very out of place here. Unlike her friends whose sisters had the largest farm in Ponyville and high class boutique respectively, she had no such family connections. Even compared to visiting her friends, this just felt different. She couldn’t shake a strange hesitation about going through with meeting, but she had accepted this challenge. Swallowing her reservations and unclasping her helmet, she trotted up to the door and knocked on it.

Randolph answered the door and Scootaloo instantly noted that Randolph had a few bee stings himself from the incident. Nonetheless, he had done his best to cover his injuries and carry on his duties. Upon seeing Scootaloo, he gave the pegasi a polite nod and ushered her in. Before she could react the old butler had taken her helmet and hung it on a coat holder, as was his duty, before guiding the young filly in.

“Scootaloo!” waved a very cheerful Diamond Tiara who was lounging with Silver Spoon in open area akin to a living room but with a mosaic floor with reclining couches.

A live tree sprouted in the center of the room growing through an opening in the roof, thoroughly encapsulated in a glass tube. The floor to ceiling window blinds were opened to a view of the outdoor swimming pool.

“Please sit,'' she beckoned, tapped her free hoof on a seat in-between her and Silver Spoon, the other holding a saucer steeped with honied tea, a vague hint of marmalade wafted from it.

Scootaloo greeted Diamond Tiara and joined them, struggling not to be mesmerized by the exotic home. She had been on the property once before, but only in the swimming pool. Diamond Tiara had then tried to use the Cutie Mark Crusaders as a means of seeing Princess Twilight, and at the time she never dreamt of letting those blank flanks inside.

‘I hope my friends will get to see the inside of this place soon,’' thought Scootaloo.

True to his training, Randolph immediately offered her tea the very moment she sat down.

“Oh, ah… thank you,” Scootaloo clumsily remarked as her tea cup filled with lusciously delicate and fragrant tea.

“Randolph” commanded Diamond Tiara the very moment the last drop of tea was poured, “Please retrieve the light snacks I’ve selected for our guest.”

Scootaloo was a bit nervous of the new experience, coming from modest means she was not used to such displays of formality. However, a sip of her tea set her more than at ease. Hot with a sweet and fragrant flavor, neither overpowering the other, it was surprisingly robust.

“Wow…” she blurted, her bright fuchsia eyes took a moment to admire the exquisite nectar in her hoof.

“Scootaloo”, initiated Diamond Tiara “ I am thrilled you could make it. I know that we’ve drifted apart lately, and I’ve never really fostered the chance to really get to know you.”

Scootaloo gulped down her tea in a single swallow, This caused Diamond Tiara to refill her cup promptly, pausing her conversation just for a moment.

“ Oh, sorry... It’s really good, thanks.” Scootaloo chuckled nervously.

“Oh tsk tsk,” Diamond Tiara made a small brushing motion with her hoof , “You saved my life Scootaloo from that wicked flying monster yesterday. This is the least I can do for such heroics.”

“Uhh… you mean the bumble bee?” Inquired Scootaloo, doing her best to resist downing her beverage too quickly.

“Behhha” ,shook Diamond Tiara her tiny pink body quivered in disgust “ Winged killing machine if you asked me. To be frank, I'm not fond of any insect, no matter how many times Miss Cheerilee demonstrates their usefulness. Call me delicate if you must, but I dare not go near them. That is why your noble act yesterday left an impression on me.”

Diamond Tiara hopped off her seat and made her way to the window looking to the pool and the distant Foal Mountains, continuing her monologue.

“ It made me aware of how fragile life is, and that one pony has only so much time on this realm to really leave your mark. You and your friends helped bring out the best in me, now I use my influence for good. You’ve given me so much already Scootaloo, and I want to show my appreciation.”

“We want you to be part of our crew!” Chimed in an enthusiastic Silver Spoon.

Scootaloo could see a small bandage across her nose where a bee had stung her above her pleased little grin.

“ Indeed.” beamed Diamond Tiara as she returned from the window.

“Wow… seriously? Sure thing I’d be honored!” Scootaloo was gobsmacked, it was exciting to be part of Ponyville’s most elite fillies she couldn’t wait for what the day had in store for her.

At that moment Randolph returned with the Diamond Tiara’s light snacks she had arranged for this occasion.

“ Excellent,” said Diamond Tiara “Eat up girls, we have a full afternoon ahead of us.”

She put her hooves over the shoulders of her expanded group of friends for a brief hug. Scootaloo was a bit hungry, and was looking forward to the kind of rich, expensive sweet and crumbly snack that Diamond Tiara could offer. Scootaloo looked down on the snack cart to find only a single selection. Something that resembled a pickled, purple cabbage leaf, with what she believed was a peeled kumquat wrapped within. A drizzle of chunky looking yogurt was wisped across the culinary curiosity, and for reasons that escaped Scootaloo, each of the hors d'oeuvres was served frozen in a block of ice.

“Oh, these look… unique.” Scootaloo strained, half hoping that this was some sort of joke.

“I’m glad you like it, Scootaloo”, assumed Diamond Tiara in between delicate licks of her peculiar snack. “I designed it myself, to compliment your color scheme.”

Scootaloo just stared at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon who both looked like they were enjoying the curious treat.

Scootaloo chuckled nervously, “ Yeah Tiara, they totally compliment my color scheme. Totally…”.

She clumsily fumbled the food in her hooves doing her best not to let it slip out as she tired to have a little fun with the situation,

“ Mmmh, nice and cold… who needs ovens? ”, she forced a chuckle

“Cryogenic cooking,” informed Silver Spoon as she took another lick.

“All the rage in Manehatten, hopefully my father can get restaurants here to implement the practice,'' added Diamond Tiara somehow savoring the oddity with another delicate lick.

Her joke a miss. Scootaloo went in for a bite, much like she’d do for a candy bar, she desperately wished for one that moment. With a loud crunch, a cold and sour tang assaulted her tongue. Her teeth hurt from the bite and worst still a sizable cabbage leaf was stuck to the bottom of her left molar. It flailed around with each jaw movement taunting her with its soggy, irritating presence. Pupils contracted, Scootaloo struggled to hold back a gag. Randolph was ready with a cotton napkin in hoof, delicately wiping away ice fragments from her pursed lips.

“Oh Scootaloo, these snacks are meant to be licked”, comforted Diamond Tiara with a gentle patting of her hoof on Sootaloo’s rigid frame.

“ No worries, you just stick with me, you’ll be an elite leader of ponies in no time.”