> Diamond Tiara saves Scootaloo's Life > by lytlethelemur > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1_ Not the bees! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On a pleasant, sunny day in the farm fields that lined the outskirts of Ponyville, Miss Cheerilee and her class were gathered at Honeycomb Grove for a field trip on beekeeping.  The class of foals formed a half-circle around a collection of beehives as the beekeeper, Mr. Bumble Skep taught the basics of beekeeping. Among the colts and fillies were the Cutie Mark Crusaders: Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and a very antsy Scootaloo, whose tiny, orange hooves were fiddling with her helmet strap.   “Maybe I can get Applejack to invest in a beehive. Honey would go great with apple cobbler!”  whispered Apple Bloom to her friends “Mhhh, just thinking about it sounds good,” whispered Sweetie Belle in reply; her eyes closed to savor the thought. “Ugggh we just had lunch you guys!” retorted Scootaloo in an audible voice just loud enough for their teacher Miss Cheerilee to hear. Scootaloo put her small wings over her mouth in submission to Cheerilee’s glare, it was all that was needed. No talking during class demonstrations. “Scootaloo?” whispered Apple Bloom with a studious glower “Why’a you so loud and fidgety?” Scootaloo blushed a little before speaking in her best whisper, “Sorry guys, but its already past noon and I needed my adrenaline fix. The only honey for me right now is some sick air, and it doesn’t help that Mr. Skep has so much particle board just lying around begging to be made into ramps… ” Scootaloo was never far from her trusty scooter which Cheerilee had her park in Mr. Skeps barn for the duration of the field trip. “What a bummer.” muttered Scootaloo under her breath.  Applebloom and Sweetie Belle did their best to calm the nerves of their energetic friend. Meanwhile close by, but at a comfortable distance from the rest of the class, perched on a gentle knoll was the infamous, over-privileged filly of the class, Diamond Tiara.  By her side stood her butler Randolph and trusty friend Silver Spoon. While a much nicer pony now than in the past, Diamond Tiara remained fixed in her position as the daughter of Ponyville’s wealthiest family. Instead of private school she attended Ponyville’s modest schoolhouse, a poor attempt by her father to ground her with ponies of modest means.  Needless to say, Diamond Tiara was prepared for Mr. Skeps dingy bee farm, Randolph had expertly prepared covered seating. Miss Tiara was sheltered from the elements and the useful pests known as Bees. “Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon” called Miss Cheerilee “Last chance for hooves-on learning! Mr. Skep is demonstrating a Bee Smoker”.  Mr. Skep blew a generous cloud of smoke into Button Mash’s face, his eyes teared up as he went into a hacking fit. “See? If you were a bee young colt this would be calming and pleasant” explained Mr. Skep in a raspy voice. Randolph held up a speakerphone for Diamond Tiara; “ Miss Cheerilee, we appreciate the offer, but the Bee Smoker is clearly an instrument for Bees and not foals…” Miss Cheerilee looked back to see a growing number of coughing students and an expanding cloud of smoke puffed from Mr. Skep’s Smoker. “ Bees love this stuff,'' he reiterated. “Hmmm… good observation Miss Tiara…”, Cheerilee turned back to her class “Thank you, but that’s enough of a demonstration, Mr. Skep.” Meanwhile, along the downslope of the hill that led into the hollows of Honeycomb Grove, Scootaloo was busy constructing a ramp for her Scooter. Mr. Skep’s bee smoker offered the perfect cover to sneak off, collect her scooter, and do what she did best. The little pegasus worked pieces of particle board and old cinder blocks to get the needed lift and altitude to finally land an Aerial 720. The orange filly was chomping at the bit to finally land one; a look of concentration and a tiny tongue stuck out the side of her muzzle as she completed her ramp. Scootaloo only took a moment to admire her hoof-work before rubbing her hooves together with a gleeful little grin she donned her blue, safety helmet and ascended the hill on her Scooter. A haphazard construction, but it would do the job.              Miss Cheerilee had her hooves-full with Mr. Skep’s overzealous Bee Smoker demonstration; organizing a water break for cough stricken students and having students fetch fabric to waft the smoke away. Unfortunately, Ponyville’s beloved and resourceful school teacher was only one mare. In the bustle she missed not only Scootaloo’s departure, but two additional students had gotten themselves into a rather sticky situation. Miss Cheerilee only noticed when a high pitched colt voice whined, “Awwh  …now your neck is stuck in my mane genius!” “Well how else was I supposed to get honey out of your ears?” replied very a slow baritone voice. The slowest students in the class, Snips and Snails, had managed to ensnare themselves and on a leaky beehive, honey gluing them together. The short, plump colt named Snips had undoubtedly tried to sample a steady trickle of honey, and in the process, had gotten himself stuck.  His tall, lanky friend Snails; attracted to honey and a thoughtless desire to help, got his own neck and chin stuck in Snip’s mane. Stray bees buzzed as the two urchins bickered, tugged, grunted, and “ouched” in a pitiful struggle. Mr. Skep, old but on point, came to assist with a chuckle pulling up his green tweed shirt over his knees. “It’s always the pretty ones that can’t resist the honey”, he chided, reaching around Snail’s slim back legs only to find honey lying in wait to trap his hooves. In spite of his years of beekeeping, poor judgement and overconfidence had gotten the better of Mr. Skep as he stubbornly tried to yank the colts free. Cheerilee could only roll her bright green eyes at the spectacle, with Snails reduced to an awkward accordion motion at each fruitless yank from an increasingly frustrated Mr. Skep.  “Awh! Now I got an old man yanking my legs again!” bemoaned Snails between the groans and ouches. Through her binoculars, Diamond Tiara had an excellent view of the situation at hoof, and she knew what she had to do; the serfs needed her divine guidance. With a quick “come hither” motion with her dainty but commanding pink hoof, Randolph deftly switched Diamond Tiara’s binoculars with her megaphone, fulfilling her wishes as he was born to do. “Miss Cheerilee,” Diamond Tiara commanded through her megaphone, “collect all the students and be ready to follow our instruction!”  With the presence of a military field commander, Diamond Tiara motioned a hoof forward. On que, her bestie Silver Spoon came running across the field, flag in mouth. The spectacled, silver-colored filly had recently gotten into flag twirling with the school Glee Club, and she was overjoyed at the opportunity to put her talents to practical use. Silver Spoon positioned herself between Diamond Tiara and the presently disorganized class. “Form a line behind Miss Cheerilee, we are going to need every foal to help free these special-needs students! The glamorous Silver Spoon will help keep you all in step!” directed Diamond Tiara in a voice that would make father proud. Mrs. Cheerilee reared in delight. “Excellent show of initiative Diamond Tiara… Class, line up by PE score, grab a limb and be ready to pull!” The foals formed a line behind Cheerilee as she took it upon herself to grab Mr. Skee around his waist. Order seemed to be returning to Honeycomb Grove as the Students began to heave-ho at the direction of Silver Spoon and the rhythm of her graceful performance. Silver Spoon twirled back and forth with style, making an adorable hop, skip, and wave combo to set the timing of each pull of the class. Sometimes flipping the flag around her torso while at other times going into a split and then a wave, Silver Spoon did her utmost to keep the routine fresh. All the while, Silver Spoon never failed to keep the tempo she had set for the class. Diamond Tiara made herself even more comfortable in her chair, satisfied with the order she had gifted her subordinates. “Excellent, work Miss Tiara,” bowed Randolph. However, the situation on the ground was becoming increasingly untenable despite the best efforts of the ruling class. Honey was a determined adversary, as Mr. Skep had been bested by the sweet sticky nectar, so too was Cheerilee. She put too much effort into her first pull and in the ensuing moment of rebound, planted her face into Mr. Skep's honey soaked, tweed shirt, her muzzle trapped in the delicious disaster. Cheerilee could barely make any audible sounds as she watched in horror as her class heave-hoed their way into a quagmire. The honey seemed to creep its way from student to student as they joined in the fray, only to become just as stuck as Snips and Snails. They soon had little choice but to continue rocking to the rhythmic pushing and pulling of Silver Spoon’s guidance. The classes efforts were fast deteriorating. Pip Squeak, a notably short colt, found himself stuck between two taller classmates, his stubby legs lifted above the ground wiggling aimlessly. Pegasus foals had the nasty misfortune of having their wings stick to fellow students as they tried to use their air power to wrest their classmates free. Unicorn foals, not as strong as adult unicorns in implementing their telekinesis, had a bad habit of getting their horns too close to struggling students in a vain effort for a more powerful telekinetic pull. It only succeeded in getting those horns caught on bellies, legs, faces, and the occasional wing of a classmate. More bees emerged from the hive as  ponies seemed to sprout out of their home, their buzzing gradually becoming more intense. With the wind rushing through her face, Scootaloo careened down the hill. Her hooves holding the scooter steady, she savored the flood of adrenaline teeming through her tiny body. Her underdeveloped wings beat feverishly to give her an additional  boost and hasten her to the oncoming ramp. Scootaloo was one with the moment as her wheels connected with particle board, muscle memory guiding her as she was propelled airborne. She performed her revolutions perfectly, dancing with physics and speed, her wings and lite weight keeping her in the air longer than most. Awh yeah, she thought, bathing in the ecstasy of the rushing, fleeting moment. As the world spun around her, Scootaloo could just make out Honeycomb Grove in her periphery making sure she’d be clear of trees and structures. Below her, misfortune and chaos were poised to strike. Miss Cheerilee’s mass of honey-entangled, primary school students were putting a strain on the leaky beehive as the crude and messy spectacle grinded on. Crack! Split! Crack! The efforts of the Class, while amateur, succeeded in freeing Snips and Snails from the beehive. However, they had not freed themselves from each other. Snips, patient zero, separated from the beehive along with a sizable chunk of two by four and bee hive plastered to the side of his muzzle. There was no time for cheers or congratulations on a job passably-done as the students were descended upon by a vengeful swarm of bees. Herd instinct was initiated by just the first few painful bee stings, and the amalgamated class of students (those with legs still in contact with the ground) galloped away from the angry swarm of bees.  Silver Spoon followed closely behind as her flag twirling routine was abruptly interrupted by a bee stinging her nose. True to his training and breeding, Randolph swiftly packed up Diamond Tiara’s covered seating into its cart arrangement. Unfortunately, Diamond Tiara had made herself too comfortable, and Randolph, had succumb to the fight or flight instinct. She tumbled out of her seat. Diamond Tiara could hear the cacophony of ouches, buzzing, and stampeding hooves of the peasant ponies. Leaving in their dash for safety too forgetful and foolish to realize they’d had left their best ponies to fend for their own lives. Diamond Tiara could only just collect her to come face-to-face with a hideous sight, a bee was coming right for her. With its tiny stinger brandished ready to inflict unspeakable harm or whatever it was that ghastly bees did outside their useful purpose of making delicious, natural sweetener.  Diamond Tiara, unaccustomed to this type of life-threatening situation, was at a loss. 'Where are my friends, my classmates, and my servant ?'she thought for those who would be lost if not for Diamond Tiara’s kindness and leadership? Not that they could be blamed, she knew that her privilege allowed her an awareness that the lower class could never hope to achieve. There was a time when this aspect had made her a cruel bully, but she had since vowed to use her influence and status for good. She had recently fought for new playground equipment for the school, and organized the rescue of students stuck to a beehive just this afternoon.  Sadly, it appeared these would be her last acts, cut down in her prime by this beastly creature. The vile, fuzzy insect raised itself in the air menacingly over Diamond Tiara who, with all her courage and dignity, coiled her extremities underneath her torso and definitely wrapped a foreleg over her head. Her pearly teeth chattered, her pink body shook, and her white and lavender tail wrapped around her body as she heroically shut her eyes. Now she understood how Princess Twilight felt when she battled the monster Tirek. “Stay strong,”  thought Diamond Tiara, “as you tremble with greatness,  this creepy crawly may end your life. What a loss!” What a dark day for Ponyville! Diamond Tiara could only hope her father and Ponyville leaders would have the wisdom to erect a fitting mausoleum to honor her and all she had done for the foals of her community. The bee droned on, buzzing just a feet away, no doubt relishing its trophy of cutting down such a high value target. Diamond Tiara was sure the evil Queen bee would surely knight this bee for it's wicked deed, probably at a ceremony involving a lot of buzzing mixed with evil cackling, no doubt. Those jumps were always too brief, but so, so worth it. Scootaloo ascended into the sky, her minuscule wings and a good wind gust allowed her to catch some excellent air. She thought she glanced Miss Cheerilee’s class running away down the road. It was odd to her, but she paid them little mind. She could not be distracted, she needed her mind clear, to allow for her muscle memory to guide her scooter’s landing. As she began her decent, Scootaloo could see would overshoot her landing. It would be an awkward touchdown on the knoll close to where Diamond Tiara had set up her little wagon. Using her wings to guide her in, Scootaloo made the split second decision to bank into the knoll from the side for a smoother descent. It was a bit frightening, even with her safety gear she was still vulnerable to hard landings and serious injury. But that risk came with the territory. Scootaloo lived for that dose of fear, letting go of control and allowing gravity, momentum, and adrenaline embrace her, reminding her that she was alive.  The little Pegasus filly couldn’t help herself as  she yelled out, “Whooooo Hoo… Gulp”, she choked as something round tumbled in the back of her throat.    She botched her landing, instinctively letting go of her scooter, she somersaulted head first along  the grass landing hard on her back. The impact knocked the wind out of her and the odd foreign object in her throat that had a peculiar, vaguely sweet, pollen taste to it.  Scootaloo could just barely make out the startled bee she coughed out.  “Stupid bug” she groaned, “thanks for the wipeout.” However, she was more preoccupied by the ringing pain that ran from her head down to her back and wings.  Fortunately, there were no broken bones or serious sprains. However, she was in no rush to get back up on her hooves, she needed to collect herself.  Without warning a tiara wearing pink pony had rushed over and with unnatural strength pulled Scootaloo’s grass stained body into an embrace, a grateful tear trailed down her cheek.   “ Oh Scootaloo!” mmmmoah!, Diamond Tiara planted a grateful kiss on a bewildered Scootaloo’s cheek.  “ You saved my life!”   “Oh wa oh whaaaa?” replied a dizzy Scootaloo, her best attempt to repeat Diamond Tiara’s words back to herself.  She was still trying to make sense of the world after her hard landing.  she fumbled a bit on her hooves, flapping her underdeveloped Pegasus wings to catch her balance. She could just make out Miss. Cheerilee’s class  in the distance at Honeycomb Grove’s fresh water pond, unusually bunched together and swimming to the other side of the shore.  “Miss Cheerilee never mentioned swimming as part of the field trip,'' Scootaloo murmured.  She barely notice Diamond Tiara place a lightly scented calling card into one of her helmet’s air vents.  "I owe you my life Scootaloo, I have to make this up to you. Please come to my home, Rich Estate this Saturday for tea and snacks."   “Snacks?… ehh Sure?”,  a dizzy Scootaloo struggled to reach for the business card in her helmet with clumsy effort.  “I would love to chat Scootaloo, however I must find Randolph and give him a piece of my mind for abandoning me!” Diamond Tiara stomped a tiny commanding hoof on the ground, “ But thank you again for rescuing me.” She beamed and hugged Scootaloo again before galloping off in a furious flash in hot pursuit of her poor butler.   Scootaloo finally got ahold of the business card in her helmet and studied it in her hoof. In clear cursive script Diamond Tiara had written: “ Noon, casual attire at the Rich Estate, thank you Scootaloo”. Not pondering too much where Diamond Tiara carried business cards and writing implements on her person, Scootaloo gazed on the rest of her class emerging on the far shore of the Honeycomb Grove pond. They were clumped together, dripping wet in the high afternoon sun while a buzzing chorus of victorious bees returned in a busy cloud to their injured bee hive, threat of Mr. Cheerilee’s class bested and the honey secured. It was now time to for all ponies and creatures to heal. > Chapter 2_ Scootaloo the Elite Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday morning arrived with a beautiful sunshine, only a few wispy clouds dotted the sky. The local weather patrol could be seen clearing some stray clouds toward the northeast side of Ponyville. Scootaloo arrived after breakfast to the Cutie Mark Crusaders Tree House just off the town road into Sweet Apple Acres. After rescuing Diamond Tiara, Scootaloo took her time getting back to the School house and finding no-pony there she decided to go home to rest from her rough landing.  She walked up and pushed the club house door open. “Hi guys… um what happen’?” Scootaloo awkwardly initiated, trying to contain her surprise at what she saw.  “Glad ta see ya escaped in one piece!” beamed Applebloom, she looked as though she had a case of the pony pox. Her cream yellow body was peppered with bees stings and her complexion greased with alleviating medical balm.  “You certainly missed out on the excitement Scootaloo,” an equally peppered and coated Sweetie Belle chimed.  The two fillies immediately retold the events in great detail starting with Snips and Snails’s entanglement. She learned that after escaping the bees, the class hobbled its way back to town. The collaborative efforts of nurse Red Heart, the spa ponies Lotus Blossom and Aloe, along with Zecora were required to aid the students. A solution of separating the class and Mr. Skep was finally arrived at when a bath was concocted that would separate the students safely while not irritating their bee stings. As Scootaloo observed, it was not a perfect process as those affected would still have wounds into the next school week. Fortunately, no one in Miss Cheerilee’s class had allergic reactions to bee stings.   “Of course Miss Cheerilee had us fetch some fabric for the bee smoke…so we didn’t see it first hoof” recounted Apple Bloom.  “ Yeah, Mr. Skep doesn’t seem to keep a very neat farm, a lot of dirty sheets, burlap sacks,and particle board all over the place” added Sweetie Belle with a tiny tongue sticking out in disgust.  “Oh Yeah!” remarked  Scootaloo, “Too bad you two didn’t see the ramp I made from all that spare particle board, I could’ve built three.”   The fillies giggled, Apple Bloom cocked a sly glance. “How’d I know you done snuck off on us for your Scooter tricks?”.   “Bet you don’t have to worry about your ramp being taken down, Scootaloo.” Sweetie Belle grinned, “I’m sure it may stay up for good with the way Mr. Skep keeps his farm.” The Fillies burst into laughter. Moments like this really touched on Scootaloo, she loved her two best friends, and the chortling  helped stave off the shock of seeing them in such a state. Not only were they ravaged by bee stings, their manes had also fallen casualty to the ordeal. On top of Applebloom’s injuries, a foal named Pipsqueak had gotten entangled in her mane in the ensuing struggle, and it had to be cut to free him. Consequently Applebloom’s older sister, AppleJack, had proudly come up with a cost saving solution for her mangled mane. Apple Bloom was sporting a fresh bowl cut in place of her bouncy, soft red mane held aloft by her signature over-sized pink bow. Surprisingly enough, the bow had miraculously surviving the ordeal.  “ Yeah, I skipped breakfast this morning, cause I was surer than mud on a pig that she’d serve me oatmeal in that very same bowl”, Applebloom elaborated, laughter ensued.   Sweetie Belle had it even worse when she tried to use her telekinesis to assist her class. A stray and sticky back hoof from her flailing classmate, Featherweight, planted right into her forehead.   “So I was basically moving like an accordion with Featherweight’s leg ” demonstrated Sweetie Bell zig-zagging back and forth.  “That colt sure does like to fidget,'' chuckled Applebloom.  More laughter ensued. Sweetie Belle shined, her white head tilted up for emphasis, eyes contently closed with Featherweight’s tiny hoof print still vaguely visible on her forehead. Sweetie Belle’s mane did not escape the ordeal either. Her glamorous, avant garde sister, Rarity, had used the terrible circumstances to give her little sister’s mane a makeover. Having had her own mane debacle herself, it inspired her to try more adventurous hairstyles. Sweetie Belle’s adorably, curly-qued pink and blue mane was salvaged in tight but expertly woven corn rows. While her sister made the mane-do work in an aesthetic sense with her sister’s features, it didn’t seem to nail down her dry but clever personality. Then Scootaloo shared her own adventure from yesterday. Presenting Diamond Tiara’s calling card to her friends. “She thinks you saved her life?” Said a genuinely surprised Applebloom.   “She does,” nodded Scootaloo “ we’re supposed to meet in about an hour”. The fillies had a sorted relationship with the over privileged filly. For a time she had been an unrelenting bully. From simple teasing to even threatening the school’s acquisition of new playground equipment with her father, Filthy Rich, being the school’s primary financial backer.  Though her meanness was owed much to her mother, Spoiled Rich. While her father won the argument on sending their only daughter to public school, her mother would have the say on how she would carry the family name. Diamond Tiara would be the top of her class both academically and socially. Being the richest family in town, nothing else would do in her mother's eyes. Diamond Tiara was only an average pupil at best, so she doubled down on the social aspect.  In those days, she was willing to stoop to any low if it meant standing above all others, with the Cutie Mark Crusaders being prime targets. Ironically, it was Scootaloo and her friends, that helped Diamond Tiara see the error in her ways and confront her mother. The event even triggered them to achieve their coveted Cutie Marks. Life had changed for all of them that day; The Cutie Mark Crusaders now focused on helping other foals find purpose in life, while Diamond Tiara focused on using her status at school for good. While Diamond Tiara meant well now, there was unmended feeling about their relationship, or lack thereof. Apple Bloom studied the calling card.  “We sure did bury the hatchet with Diamond Tiara, but nothing sprouted from it either,” She mussed. “Maybe a right time to grow someth’n new.”  “You have an appointment to catch, go for it Scootaloo,” interjected Sweetie Belle “What are you waiting for?”   Scootaloo brushed the floor with her hoof and made a nervous little sigh ,“I don’t know how to handle myself, it's gonna be a little weird meeting Diamond Tiara so formally.”    “As AJ always says, ‘don’t think too hard about it, just get a hard hide and go to it!’ this here's a great opportunity,” said Applebloom, putting a reassuring hoof around Scootaloo’s shoulder. “Its a chance to rebuild our relationship with Diamond Tiara.”   Scootaloo smiled, the warmth and support of her friends help alleviate her anxiousness. Even if saving somepony’s life was purely in the realm of opinion, it brought a sense of responsibility that Scootaloo was quite wary of.  Especially when the relationship was towards an estranged and formerly hostile pony. With her new found confidence Scootaloo donned her helmet, ready to meet Diamond Tiara. With a wave goodbye to her friends, Scootaloo disappeared in a flash of dust and was off. Her friends return to the clubhouse after their goodbyes to apply more ointment, and perhaps a game of horseshoe checkers; their injuries subduing their sense of adventure.              The Rich Manor was Ponyville’s most lavish private home. It was only out done by the Castle of Friendship, a magically induced crystal structure, though something of a crystalline eyesore if you ask the longtime residents. Rich Manor on the other hoof was a marvel of architecture; the finest hoof work of Earth Ponies with no magic required. It wouldn’t be out of place in majestic cities like Canterlot or Manehatten, though surprisingly it was not gaudy. As many elites in those places sought to display their wealth and status through opulent and eccentric constructions,  Filthy Rich had designed his home to fit in Ponyville, it said ‘I am wealthy, I earned this, and I belong here’.  The Rich family had roots in the town’s founding, so it had some familiarity to the middle Ger-mane style thatched cottages that dominated Ponyville proper.  It had tile roof in place of the straw thatched roofs, small marble columns held up a welcoming veranda, brick work with warm purple and velvet hues; a decorative wrought iron fence and manicured hedges enclosed the property. Scootaloo couldn’t help but feel very out of place here. Unlike her friends whose sisters had the largest farm in Ponyville and high class boutique respectively, she had no such family connections. Even compared to visiting her friends, this just felt different. She couldn’t shake a strange hesitation about going through with meeting, but she had accepted this challenge. Swallowing her reservations and unclasping her helmet, she trotted up to the door and knocked on it. Randolph answered the door and Scootaloo instantly noted that Randolph had a few bee stings himself from the incident. Nonetheless, he had done his best to cover his injuries and carry on his duties. Upon seeing Scootaloo, he gave the pegasi a polite nod and ushered her in. Before she could react the old butler had taken her helmet and hung it on a coat holder, as was his duty, before guiding the young filly in.   “Scootaloo!” waved a very cheerful Diamond Tiara who was lounging with Silver Spoon in open area akin to a living room but with a mosaic floor with reclining couches.  A live tree sprouted in the center of the room growing  through an opening in the roof, thoroughly encapsulated in a glass tube. The floor to ceiling window blinds were opened to a view of the outdoor swimming pool.  “Please sit,'' she beckoned, tapped her free hoof on a seat in-between her and Silver Spoon, the other holding a saucer steeped with honied tea, a vague hint of marmalade wafted from it.  Scootaloo greeted Diamond Tiara and joined them, struggling not to be mesmerized by the exotic home. She had been on the property once before, but only in the swimming pool. Diamond Tiara had then tried to use the Cutie Mark Crusaders as a means of seeing Princess Twilight, and at the time she never dreamt of letting those blank flanks inside.   ‘I hope my friends will get to see the inside of this place soon,’' thought Scootaloo.  True to his training, Randolph immediately offered her tea the very moment she sat down.  “Oh, ah… thank you,” Scootaloo clumsily remarked as her tea cup filled with lusciously delicate and fragrant tea.  “Randolph” commanded Diamond Tiara the very moment the last drop of tea was poured, “Please retrieve the light snacks I’ve selected for our guest.”  Scootaloo was a bit nervous of the new experience, coming from modest means she was not used to such displays of formality.  However, a sip of her tea set her more than at ease. Hot with a sweet and fragrant flavor, neither overpowering the other, it was surprisingly robust.  “Wow…” she blurted, her bright fuchsia eyes took a moment to admire the exquisite nectar in her hoof.   “Scootaloo”, initiated Diamond Tiara “ I am thrilled you could make it. I know that we’ve drifted apart lately, and I’ve never really fostered the chance to really get to know you.” Scootaloo gulped down her tea in a single swallow, This caused Diamond Tiara to refill her cup promptly, pausing her conversation just for a moment.  “ Oh, sorry... It’s really good, thanks.” Scootaloo chuckled nervously.  “Oh tsk tsk,” Diamond Tiara made a small brushing motion with her hoof , “You saved my life Scootaloo from that wicked flying monster yesterday. This is the least I can do for such heroics.”   “Uhh… you mean the bumble bee?” Inquired Scootaloo, doing her best to resist downing her beverage too quickly.  “Behhha” ,shook Diamond Tiara her tiny pink body quivered in disgust “ Winged killing machine if you asked me. To be frank, I'm not fond of any insect, no matter how many times Miss Cheerilee demonstrates their usefulness. Call me delicate if you must, but I dare not go near them. That is why your noble act yesterday left an impression on me.” Diamond Tiara hopped off her seat and made her way to the window looking to the pool and the distant Foal Mountains, continuing her monologue.  “ It made me aware of how fragile life is, and that one pony has only so much time on this realm to really leave your mark. You and your friends helped bring out the best in me, now I use my influence for good. You’ve given me so much already Scootaloo, and I want to show my appreciation.”   “We want you to be part of our crew!” Chimed in an enthusiastic Silver Spoon.  Scootaloo could see a small bandage across her nose where a bee had stung her above her pleased little grin.   “ Indeed.” beamed Diamond Tiara as she returned from the window.   “Wow… seriously? Sure thing I’d be honored!” Scootaloo was gobsmacked, it was exciting to be part of Ponyville’s most elite fillies she couldn’t wait for what the day had in store for her.  At that moment Randolph returned with the Diamond Tiara’s light snacks she had arranged for this occasion.   “ Excellent,” said Diamond Tiara “Eat up girls, we have a full afternoon ahead of us.”  She put her hooves over the shoulders of her expanded group of friends for a brief hug. Scootaloo was a bit hungry, and was looking forward to the kind of rich, expensive sweet and crumbly snack that Diamond Tiara could offer. Scootaloo looked down on the snack cart to find only a single selection. Something that resembled a pickled, purple cabbage leaf, with what she believed was a peeled kumquat wrapped within. A drizzle of chunky looking yogurt was wisped across the culinary curiosity, and for reasons that escaped Scootaloo, each of the hors d'oeuvres was served frozen in a block of ice.  “Oh, these look… unique.” Scootaloo strained, half hoping that this was some sort of joke.   “I’m glad you like it, Scootaloo”, assumed Diamond Tiara in between delicate licks of her peculiar snack. “I designed it myself, to compliment your color scheme.”    Scootaloo just stared at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon who both looked like they were enjoying the curious treat.  Scootaloo chuckled nervously, “ Yeah Tiara, they totally compliment my color scheme. Totally…”. She clumsily fumbled the food in her hooves doing her best not to let it slip out as she tired to have a little fun with the situation,  “ Mmmh, nice and cold… who needs ovens? ”, she forced a chuckle “Cryogenic cooking,” informed Silver Spoon as she took another lick.   “All the rage in Manehatten, hopefully my father can get restaurants here to implement the practice,'' added Diamond Tiara somehow savoring the oddity with another delicate lick.   Her joke a miss. Scootaloo went in for a bite, much like she’d do for a candy bar, she desperately wished for one that moment. With a loud crunch, a cold and sour tang assaulted her tongue. Her teeth hurt from the bite and worst still a sizable cabbage leaf was stuck to the bottom of her left molar. It flailed around with each jaw movement taunting her with its soggy, irritating presence. Pupils contracted, Scootaloo struggled to hold back a gag.  Randolph was ready with a cotton napkin in hoof, delicately wiping away ice fragments from her pursed lips.  “Oh Scootaloo, these snacks are meant to be licked”, comforted Diamond Tiara with a gentle patting of her hoof on Sootaloo’s rigid frame.  “ No worries, you just stick with me, you’ll be an elite leader of ponies in no time.” > Chapter 3_ Baby! I lost my number... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo soon found herself in awe at the view on top of the marble stairs within the Rich Estate. “This place is huge!” Scootaloo exclaimed, “You could fit a whole skate park in here!” Diamond Tiara chuckled, “But of course. The result of my mother’s taste for grandeur, and daddy’s desire to leave a good impression with potential business partners. I know it is a bit much.” Diamond Tiara shrugged,  She waved for Scootaloo and Silver Spoon to follow. She stopped in front of an elaborately decorated double door that depicted intricate cloud designs that ended with the busts of the Princesses, Celestia and Luna, on each handle.  “You’re going to love this!” Silverspoon said with barely contained excitement. Diamond Tiara had better control of her emotions, but even she couldn’t help but smile with confidence. “Welcome to my room.” She said as she opened the doors. Scootaloo's jaw dropped at the site, making her almost forget the horrific snack, but not the cabbage leaf still stuck to her teeth.  For the better part of her visit, she had quietly declared war on the offending vegetable, her tongue in constant assaults when her new friends weren’t looking. The massive room had an impressive bookshelf with neatly aligned books that stood parallel to an equally impressive collection of toys and board games, each well organized for ease of access. A full sized vanity stood next to a fluffy king sized bed that looked so inviting and comfortable that Scootaloo had to fight the urge to just climb in and take a nap.   However, the most impressive feature of Diamond Tiara’s room was her walk in closet. It was the size of Scootaloo’s own room, complete with a stylist chair on its far wall facing a wide, lighted mirror.  Flanking the room was a collection of fancy dresses, with matching horse shoes on the bottom, and tiaras displayed above. True to her name, Diamond Tiara had an incredible amount of tiaras, in different sizes and colors that guaranteed she’d have one to match any outfit.   “First thing’s first, Scootaloo” motioned Diamond Tiara, cocking a sly look to Silver Spoon, who reciprocated the look with equally mischievous eyes.   Scootaloo fought back a yawn, still drowsy from the idea of a nap, “So are we playing dress up?” she said a bit clueless.  “A complete make-over!” Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon exclaimed in unison.   In no time at all, as if by their sheer joy and excitement, the fillies guided the unsuspecting Scootaloo into the stylist’s chair.  Scootaloo was now face to face with a rugged and windswept pegasus staring back at her in the mirror. She could see a history of scratches all over her face, neck, and shoulders. Each one a story of a fall or a grazing of branches she had gotten too close to on her scooter. She could also see that she had more than a couple of stray nose hairs and dozens of split ends. Taking it all in she couldn’t resist a quick tongue jab at the cabbage leaf in her molar. “ Wow... my face has enough scratches to make an itch go away, this mirror is like a microscope,” nervously chuckled Scootaloo just a tad embarrassed.   She licked her hoof and was about to run it through her mane before Diamond Tiara caught her by the pastern. “Scootaloo… don’t get drastic!”, Diamond Tiara exclaimed with an air of serious concern. “Your mane has been through a lot already,'' she explained as she plucked a stray leaf out.  Diamond Tiara studied Scootaloo’s likeness via the mirror, with her flawless, camera ready face in deep concentration, a hoof rubbing underneath her chin.  “Your poor mane has just been under a helmet for so long …”  Before Scootaloo could respond to the visual dissection, Diamond decided on a course of action and her resolve would not be deterred. Meanwhile, Silver Spoon kept busy preparing a curler, combs, hair dryer, and all the other beauty products that would be needed.  “A styled, messy look is really taking off in the Baltimare underground scene”, mentioned Diamond Tiara as she combed, curled, and styled Scootaloo’s mane. Silver Spoon provided her hair styling implements akin to a doctor’s assistant at an operating table.   “ Ah yes! This is coming together nicely, Scootaloo…”, remarked Diamond Tiara. She instructed Scootaloo to tilt her head back and closed her eyes, while Scootaloo did her best not to flinch. This was her reconnection to Diamond Tiara and friendship involved going outside one’s comfort zone, beauty experiments and all.  Eventually Scootaloo could feel Diamond Tiara working her eyelashes and scrubbing her face with what she was pretty sure were coffee grounds.   “Did Silver Spoon crack an egg?” she thought as she felt a cool, foreign liquid brush over her hooves.   “Voila!” Diamond Tiara proudly announced. Scootaloo opened her eyes to find a stranger staring back. An older looking pegasus with an orange sherbet complexion with sparkling magenta eyes, with long, movie star eyelashes fluttered delicately with each blink. Her mane was organized chaos, bold and beautiful while flattened tightly so a helmet could fit perfectly on top of it without ruffling it up. A purple nest of locks strayed in wisps and curls that mimicked the rushing wind. Her face had a plastered feel to it, her pegasus dow feathers forcibly tamed against her cheeks and muzzle.  A tongue flick on her cabbage leaf reminded her that she was still seeing a reflection.   “So stunning!” fawned Silver Spoon, her purple eyes shimmering behind her glasses.   “You look so much more mature now,” said Diamond Tiara her face level to Scootaloo with a proud look of confidence.  “Welcome, Scootaloo. You’re now part of a special breed of ponies. This isn’t some club, or hobby, this is a lifestyle! We are the best of what ponies can be, an example to what ponies strive for.”  She lightly tapped the mirror for emphasis, “This is just the looks, but visuals are key.  How you look determines how ponies perceive you. Welcome to step one of being an elite like us.”   She hugged Scootaloo with excitement, Silver Spoon joined in too.  “Are you ready to take on the world with us, Scootaloo?!”     Scootaloo held the thought for just a moment, the cabbage leaf itched against her gum line, taking it all in was overwhelming. She had never looked so pretty, but she couldn’t shake the  uncomfortable feeling. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the way she looked, it just wasn’t her. Scootaloo felt like she was wearing a costume, with a new sense of weight and restriction over the freedom of her body. She couldn’t feel the air around her in quite the same way she had before. The fillies made their way out of the walk-in closet. Scootaloo hurried a few steps ahead of Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon who were busy congratulating each on her makeover.   Scootaloo wished they would stop talking about it, she looked for a distraction that wasn’t food lodged in her teeth. Fortunately, Diamond Tiara’s grandiose room offered many sights to keep herself from dwelling on events and the word “maturity” echoing in her mind .  Scootaloo studied the decor her mind finally coming to ease as she paused on the soft Yak-yakistan floor rug that grounded the bedroom. There were a few small paintings, some photos of Diamond Tiara and her father, with several posters hung up as well. Scootaloo noted that she had more images of cute animals and unsurprisingly, more WonderBolts posters than Diamond Tiara. Miss Tiara did however, have more images of fashion models and handsome, musically inclined Stallions. Scootaloo approached closer for a closer inspection. Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon still trailed behind, rambling on how just the right amount eyeliner made all the difference on face.   “Hmmm... I guess this is what you’d call a mature taste, makes sense with being an elite pony an’ all ...” , Scootaloo thought and then something caught her eye “... it can’t be… no…no…no … no!”   Scootaloo went numb.  “Scootaloo?” inquired Diamond Tiara,  Scootaloo had suddenly stopped in her tracks. Scootaloo’s pupils contracted her jaw agape in horror, her body twitched. Diamond Tiara, fancying herself a keen observer, mistook her spasm for unbridled enthusiasm.    “I know right?! I had the same reaction at the record store, when I bought his latest album. Feather Bangs has that effect”,  she ended with a dreamy exhale.  “Feather Bangs?”, Scootaloo never wanted to hear that name again.   In a commune in the wastes north of Manehattan, Applebloom’s brother, Big Mac, had interests in mare named Sugar Belle. The Cutie Mark Crusaders snuck into his wagon to snoop on the love struck sibling, only to come face to face with the most irritating challenger for Sugar Belle’s affection, Feather Bangs.  He was a young stallion with frosted bangs, which he constantly flicking out of his eyes with an over dramatic shake of his mane. His sultry, smarmy demeanor, along with his schmaltzy musical displays made him the resident Casanova. He was in impeccable shape, in the prime of his youth, with an airy, aloof chuckle that he used way, way too often. He was broody, with an almost single minded obsession of courting every mare that had the misfortune of being within his periphery. Scootaloo wanted to vomit, but she had so little to eat that it wouldn’t be worth the run to the bathroom. All she could manage, being mindful not to be disagreeable in front of her new friends, was to blurt out.  “Feather Bangs… yeah he’s something else…” she chuckled giving her cabbage leaf another quick, fruitless jab. “Oh that he is,” Silver Spoon replied under his spell, she played with her braided hair with an idol hoof,  “He just got signed by ‘In Briar Records’ and his voice makes my heart flutter!”   “Ewww” though Scootaloo doing her best not to shutter, out of the corner of her eye she spied Diamond Tiara, “… oh Celestia…. no…no…no…no!”  Diamond Tiara was putting on a record on her ivory turntable, Scootaloo suppress a whine of despair as she dropped the needle. Sure enough it was his voice, Feather Bangs in all his grating glory.  “Oh hey beautiful… I notice you from across the dance floor.”  Scootaloo’s eye twitched to the rhythm of electronic drum beats, as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon began dancing. Scootaloo didn’t care that a little cold sweat was ruining her freshly applied mascara .  “I’m feeling lost… I’m lonely… If only I had what I needed most”  Feather Bangs tried to rhyme lost with most, the verbal assault stabbing Scootaloo’s poor ears with a droning, pulsing melody. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon twirled about, hopping and flinging their tiny legs as the tempo increased.  “BAAABBY! I LOST MY NUM-BBBEEER, IF ITS KWUUUUEEELLLLLL, CAN I HAVE YOURS ?”  Scootaloo backed up to a wall, to take her mind off the sanguine lyrics her tongue stabbed at the all too familiar cabbage leaf deep within her muzzle. ”Celestia please let this song be short! Merciful Luna, keep the ensuing nightmares at bay tonight”, her mind pleaded. She spied Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in a gyrating frenzy, so lost in the music that they were dancing on their back hooves.  Scootaloo focused all her muster into blocking out the song by watching the performance of her new friends. “ If only they knew the real Feather Bangs and saw just the type of parasite he really was.” Celestia must of heard her silent plea because Diamond Tiara paused the record, ending three and a half minutes of torture.   “Sorry” said Diamond Tiara blushing just a bit, removing the record. “I don’t want to break a sweat, because we’ve got a full schedule today, but Feather Bangs really does make a mare lose herself.”   Scootaloo could almost make out the hearts in Diamond Tiara’s eyes. It disgusted her, and Diamond Tiara’s fawning over such a bottom feeder made her blood boil. Tired of the spectacle, Scootaloo spoke her mind.  “You know Applebloom’s brother, Big Mac had a run in with Feather Bangs” said Scootaloo walking back over from the wall.  “ He did ?!”, said Silver Spoon who approach Scootaloo so quickly it caught her off guard.  “Well, yeah I was there with her…” .  “Wha… You met Feather Bangs ?!” exclaimed Diamond Tiara rushing up to Scootaloo.  Poor Scootaloo was now thoroughly derailed “ I would call it more of an exposure…”,  “Scootaloo! Scootaloo! Don’t leave out any details,” said Diamond Tiara with an adorable little trot of anticipation.  “All I wanna say is, he was kinda awkward and he kept asking me if I had an older sister”, Scootaloo vented. “Oh smooth!, I probably offended Diamond Tiara.” She thought   However the two fillies just beamed and giggled with delight,  “Oh Scootaloo,” said Diamond Tiara with a flick of her mane giggling,  “that’s a typical stallion for you”.   “Ah Ha” nodded Silver Spoon, “They’re not good with expressing how they feel around mares, so they tend to say ridiculous things.”   Diamond Tiara nodded with dainty hoof raised in the air for explanation. “You see he was probably just too shy, to be honest with you,” she gave a fawning little sigh in adoration.  “You need to be prepared for a few verbal faux pas, especially on first encounters, you have to learn to coax out their true emotions.”   Scootaloo was taken aback by this revelation, as she was just beginning to have a very modest interest in stallions herself, but was this really the future? Scootaloo felt her heart sink, just a bit. Diamond Tiara continued with a broad smile.  “We wanted to surprise you, but I can’t stand it any longer, tomorrow night we have box seats to see Feather Bangs in concert at the Canterlot Amphitheater!”     Scootaloo’s heart tumbled into her gut at the revelation.   “This whole day is to prepare for this concert,'' added Silver Spoon. “Its both for business and pleasure. You see we have backstage passes. We are meeting Feather Bangs himself to convince him and his manager to tour in Ponyville. We are finally going to get this town some cutting-edge entertainers.”  Scootaloo’s heart continued to tumble. It felt as if it was now somewhere between her kidneys and liver trying to ride out the barrage of horrible news. She fought with every fiber of her being to not pick at her cabbage leaf. Diamond Tiara took a handkerchief to dab the beads of sweat accumulating on her forehead.  “Scootaloo dear, I know you're excited but if you keep sweating like this we’ll have to reapply your makeup. Oh, and if Feather Bangs asks if you have an older sister tomorrow night, tell him her name is Diamond Tiara,” she exclaimed as she chuckled at her own joke. ____________________________________________________________________________ > Chapter 4_ Can this thing go any faster?? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fillies made their way back downstairs to the Rich Estate’s foyer. Diamond Tiara had arranged for Randolph to prepare transportation for the day’s schedule. The filles paused to touch up their makeup in the foyer’s large mirror while they waited for him. ‘Scootaloo sure sweats an awful lot for a pony, maybe it’s a pegasus thing?’ Diamond Tiara thought to herself as she tried to instruct her new friend on reapplying her masquera in a nearby mirror. Which, as she was discovering, was not an easy feat.  “You’re already beautiful, you just need a little to accentuate your features.” Diamond Tiara encouraged watching Scootaloo tepidly touch up her makeup.  She readied herself to step in as Scootaloo was dangerously close to painting her face into the vistage of a clown. It was a stressful endeavor for both fillies, Diamond Tiara could feel it. Scootaloo was a diamond in the rough and unaccustomed to this kind of lifestyle, but Diamond Tiara was confident that the pegasus would catch on. Still, she was beginning to realize just how much effort would be needed to teach somepony about being a blossoming elite. A working class pony like Scootaloo was certain to find all this a bit overwhelming.  She also decided that the music may have been a bit too much, too soon, ‘Poor Scootaloo, she was completely floored by Feather Bang’s song. Back against the wall, trembling, wide eyed, unsure of how to express herself. I’m certain the first meeting was emotional torture.’  Diamond Tiara pondered to herself as she made corrections on Scootaloo’s face with a makeup brush bringing out the brilliant finish in her cheeks, ’Still, we’ll have to make sure she is ready for her concert and the backstage meeting, I’ll make this worth it to you Scootaloo”, Diamond Tiara promised to herself.   “You’ll get the hang of it, Scootaloo.” reassured Silver Spoon, “It’ll become second nature in no time.”  “She’s right.” Diamond Tiara said once her muzzle was free from speaking and not applying makeup, “Practice makes perfect as you’ll be doing this quite often. Also, you’re in for a treat as I’ve scheduled us a fitting at the Carousel Boutique.”  “Awesome!” said Scootaloo, eager to go, “I’ll meet you on my scooter.”  Diamond Tiara’s made a puzzled expression at Scootaloo’s lack of decorum in transportation but promptly composed herself, “Scootaloo, your incredible on that Scooter, there is no question about that. But shredding your way to a dress fitting is a bit out of place, no?”  Scootaloo cocked her adorable head, “ Oh...alrighty then, D.T.”,she said bit dryly The fact that Scootaloo felt comfortable to address Diamond Tiara so informally made her very happy, Scootaloo was slowly beginning to understand. Miss Tiara did her best to keep her composure as she let out the tiniest of coughs excited in the head way she was making, “Right, follow me then.” The three fillies made their way outside.  “So where is our ride?” Scootaloo asked. Diamond Tiara closed her eyes and clapped her hooves three times. As was his duty, Randolph arrived harnessed with Diamond Tiara’s personal carriage in tow. Scootaloo let out just the smallest sigh at the sight. “Oh I know you like your scooter.” Diamond Tiara said as she got onboard with Silver Spoon, “But like anything else, presentation is everything.”  Scootaloo silently went along with the other two fillies The carriage made its way on the route Diamond Tiara had planned the evening before; the smoothest ride into town without the unnecessary bumps and potholes. She recalled how her father had forcefully argued against paved roads in Ponyville. He reasoned the citizens had no appetite for increased levies, himself included. Diamond Tiara promised herself that one day she would rectify that, other ponies would see the obvious benefits of modern transportation just as Manehatten and Fillydelphia possessed.  Arranging a private fitting at the Carousel Boutique was not an easy task given its famous resident, a renowned fashion designer named Rarity. It took some strong negotiating to get the highly sought after fashionista to make time in her schedule for even Ponyville’s most important fillies. Diamond Tiara knew that coupled with the unicorn’s generous nature, the fact that her father was among the visionary’s largest private financiers, and that she rented her property from Silver Spoon’s parents, Rarity was amenable to a last-minute arrangement. When Diamond Tiara played, she had plenty of aces up her sleeve.  Of course it wasn’t all take and no give. Given her plans with the concert, she had promised to show the unicorn diva’s designs to Feather Bangs’ manager. The chance for such publicity with an up and coming star would only help Rarity’s reputation, in addition the filles would have the confidence of looking their absolute best. Getting outfits for Feather Bangs’ concert was not only fun, but a necessity for these emerging elites.  However, Scootaloo still seemed a bit distant looking forlorn staring out the window, disengaged from the conversation at hoof about the fast approaching meeting with Feather Bangs. Diamond Tiara was all but sure that she was worried about her scooter, and knew just how to set her new friend at ease. “Don’t worry,'' said Diamond Tiara “Your scooter is stored safely, Scootaloo”.  “When Colt-chella rolls around you can show off your scooter tricks there.” added Silver Spoon.   “Ahh… I wasn’t thinking about my Scooter,” fumbled Scootaloo as her attention abruptly refocused with a dismissive wave of her hoof.   “I was... just admiring the backs of houses on this route, all that plaster siding gives these houses character…really….”  she paused just a bit too long searching for the right word as her attention waned, “ …really aardvark guard…” ‘You mean ‘avant garde’ you blank flank dodo bird.’ Diamond Tiara could hear the remnants of the former bully echoing in the back of her mind.  She promptly extinguished that cruel thought. She was a new mare and Scootaloo had rescued her twice already. Diamond Tiara was determined to give Scootaloo her time to grow as an elite, after all, she had done the same for her own transformation. Diamond Tiara gracefully changed the subject, “Oh Ponyville is in desperate need of an update in housing, if you ask me. Some variety is in order, as it feels like everypony that set up shop downtown copied their neighbor’s style.”  She got a little chuckle out of Scootaloo but it failed to simulate the conversation quite the way Diamond Tiara had hoped.  A moment of silence occurred, almost long enough to be awkward. To salvage it, Diamond Tiara was about to tell her anecdote for the inspiration of her dress when…  ‘…what was Scootaloo doing?’ She pondered. Scootaloo had open the window and proceeded to lean her head and waist out. Her tiny wings flapping as if she were trying to pick up speed for the carriage. Through the window, Diamond Tiara could make out Scootaloo’s little cheek bulging picking at her teeth with her tongue. Diamond Tiara had noticed she’d been doing that quite frequently today. She turned to her friend Silver Spoon, and the two fillies reciprocated each other’s looks. The two fillies just smiled to one another not needing words. They had been the best of friends since they were barely out of diapers. Alone, growing together, fillies of proud lineage and culture in the wilderness of rudimentary pastoralism. At least it had acquired a princess and her palace, though it had the same feel as erecting a fountain in a trailer park. In their exclusive, silent language, they reasoned that Scootaloo needed some getting used to her elite status and needed time to figure it out. As long as they kept an eye out for her, she’d be in good hooves.  ‘Could he stand to go a little bit faster?’ hoped Scootaloo beyond hope. The outside air felt good on Scootaloo’s face, but Randolph was towing the carriage at a slow and even gate as to avoid a bumpy ride that would dishevel it's ‘important’ passengers.. She was missing the rushing wind and freedom her scooter provided while continuing the futile labor of removing the cabbage leaf from her molars, her cheek in the most adorable protuberance. The slow pace would be more agreeable if Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara could talk about anything interesting. Unfortunately, the carriage was a buzz with the details of an impending meeting with an obnoxious idiot of a singer, and it was making her sick. “Scootaloo, I know these parts of ponyville have the most scenic views, but they also have the worst bugs,” warned Diamond Tiara. The pegasus chuckled and ignoring her, “Oh no worries D.T., I’ll be fine just getting some fresh air from this slow an….” Splat As if by command a bulbous fly in an erratic, hurried flight impacted right across Scootaloo’s forehead. She could feel the insect’s wet innards smear across her brow. This was nothing shocking to Scootaloo; she and her idol, Rainbow Dash, bonded over stories of their unpleasant collisions with insects in their thrill seeking. While pulling off her usual amazing and daring aerial acrobatics, Rainbow had a particularly revolting story of her and a plague of locusts that she told with an entertaining air of bravado. As Rainbow Dash would say, ‘When you fly fast and low you, be ready to wear some bugs!’  What bothered her was that Diamond Tiara was somehow annoyingly correct. Hiding a  frown with an expressionless face, she sat back into the carriage and closed the window. Scootaloo really wanted to be Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon’s friend, but this was starting to turn into a real drag. As the other two fillies blotted the remains of the insect off her forehead with a handkerchief, they began discussing the need for proper pest control in Ponyville. Diamond Tiara’s ‘expertly’ planned route to the Carousel Boutique had taken fifteen minutes. Honestly it had felt like hours as the two rich fillies droned on about the most boring of topics. Scootaloo knew a direct route from the Rich Estate would’ve taken five; two with a good wind at her back and clear streets. But she felt at ease to be in the company of an old friend; Rarity was her friend Sweetie Belle’s fashion forward older sister, and one of the nicest ponies she knew, a rising star in Equestria’s fashion scene. Silver Spoon’s parents, Silver Lining and Sterling Silver, would often brag about how their most famous tenant who founded her fashion empire from what was once an abandoned windmill they once considered demolishing. “Scootaloo, Darling!” exclaimed Rarity. The brilliantly, white unicorn greeted the fillies,with just an extra bit of noted enthusiasm for her younger sister’s close friend, Scootaloo. Rarity had a fragrant, orchid smell to her and her fur felt like velvet as she embraced Scootaloo.   “My, your hair is just stunning darling,” said Rarity admiring her mane with her bright, artistically discerning eyes. Even her eyelashes fluttered with each blink.   “Your influence, it really does bring out her face,” replied Diamond Tiara in the most smug compliment only she could pull off. “Oh no need to thank me Miss Tiara”, beamed Rarity.  She paused to flick her gorgeously styled blue mane, to Scootaloo’s amazement, it seemed to float back into place, without a split end to be found.  “To see you fillies help each other look your best, always brightens my day,” Rarity replied.   She then sat up on her haunches and rapidly clap her front hooves together, “Come, come now!” she announced in a tone that was commanding yet elegant. “We are on a very tight schedule.''   The Carousel Boutique was normally very busy on Saturday afternoon, especially with the Grand Galloping Gala on the horizon. This was peak business for Rarity, but Diamond Tiara had secured, at a sizable expense Scootaloo learned, a coveted two hours with the Equestrian seamstress. A mare whose vision and prowess with thread and needle was unmatched. The fittings went smoothly enough for Scootaloo's new friends. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon already had an ensemble of stunning club vibe outfits already arranged.  Diamond Tiara sported a bold and savy blue club dress. It was speckled with white, glittery flecks that mimicked a galaxy in motion with even the slightest rustle of the garments. A silver tiara embedded with tiny blue, star- shaped gems crowned her mane, pearl white front and back heels completed the outfit. Silver Spoon wore a stunning purple dress with sparkling gem fragments imbedded in the fabric in jagged, swirling patterns to suggest a wild night of music and dancing.  Her usual blue spectacles and pearls were replaced with bedazzled , black glasses with a frame resembling a cello, three black irregular gem shards, lined her delicate neck.   Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon eagerly watched as Rarity worked her magic for Scootaloo, extenuating an expertly chosen dress. Scootaloo had done this before: She had been a plus one for Rainbow Dash at the Grand Galloping Gala and was a flower girl for Shining Armor and Princess Cadence’s wedding. She was no stranger to the Carousel Boutique or fancy dress.  But this felt different. Gone were the frilly dresses of a little filly who was excited to try something fancy and new. Now, the clothing felt like it belonged to an older pony who was not doing this out of fun or excitement. The dress felt now like an expectation, how an elite pony must present themselves to lyrically gifted bottom feeder. It was a surreal experience, and one she did not feel comfortable with. She could feel the fabric wrap around her body tightly with an alien feel to it, much like the cabbage leaf afixed to her molar.  “Oh my,” said Rarity as she deftly worked the fabric, “You’ve grown so much Scootaloo. I’ll have to add a few more centimeters to this hemline.” She remarked fawningly with just a touch of sadness in her voice.   The tone of the comment dampened Scotaloo’s spirits just a bit, but they were somehow sunk lower by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Both of the rich ponies were giddily spectating her metamorphosis. Scootaloo recalled back to a day when her and the crusaders got up early one morning to watch some baby chicks hatch from under a heat lamp at Sweet Apple Acres. How they gawked and cooed at those vulnerable chicks. Three stupid fillies staring right through them, witnessed their every awkward, naked, and fragile moments until their dow feathers fluffed out.  ‘I’m sorry little chicks…’ thought Scootaloo as she felt the fabric engulf her body leaving the life she knew as foal on the outside.   In the mirror the dress came into view. It was a cream yellow and white ensemble with white fabric wisped out, corkscrewing out the back. It mimicked Scootaloo's hairstyle as if she was being propelled through the air at top speed, hurried yet elegant. Four white leggings embossed with geometric patterns, that suggested an exhilarating rush completed the outfit. “Incredible!” remarked Diamond Tiara as Rarity finished.   Scootaloo again looked back at the stranger in the full-length mirror ahead of her. A stranger who desperately wanted a semblance of familiarity in the Carousel Boutique, a stranger who wanted to shred her way through the town, to pluck the cabbage from her teeth in a matter the three ponies around would consider unclouth. The stranger trying her best to be Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon’s friend who was hours away from meeting the obnoxious, lyrical monster called Feather Bangs.. Forcing her eyes away from her own reflection, she noticed Rarity behind her and she felt her heart sink. Rarity had removed her bifocals with her telekinesis and was wiping away tears of joy. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were soon around her in full embrace. “We are going to rock this concert!” Diamond Tiara proclaimed, “Now this is how an elite pony goes to a show! Now on to get our photos taken girls!”.  Scootaloo saw the stranger in the mirror give an insincere chuckle in reply. While the stranger looked gorgeous, mature, and a dress the exuded status, Scootaloo felt anything but. However, she had decided to go down this path, she was a Cutie Mark Crusader afterall. They embraced all that sought their friendship, especially with the history she and Diamond Tiara shared, there was just too much at stake. She had to embrace this stranger that stared back at her, the stranger who was bringing smiles to her new friends. She truly hoped that she could do it.   > Chapter 5_ Pardon me, Mad'am > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the Carousel Boutique fitting, the fillies made their way into Ponyville proper. While it was late afternoon, there was still a bustle of activity in the town center. Farmers and merchants were still selling goods from tents and carts that dominated the main square.  “ ...It would be wiser for these merchants to expand their businesses and increase efficiency to save costs, rather than sell their wares at the highest price by the cheapest means possible,“ she remarked to her friends.   “Agreed.” Silver Spoon started, “If some of these merchants would invest in capital beyond the stagnating agricultural based markets of Ponyville, much like the illustrious Rarity, they would find themselves in a much better position...  ‘They keep mentioning capital, but what capital are they talking about?’, thought Scootaloo with another tongue jab at the all too stubborn cabbage leaf. Geography, followed by economics, were among Scootaloo’s weaker academic subjects. Honestly she wasn’t keeping up at all with their conversations, though this was hardly a new development.  It was not so long ago that Scootaloo would frequent Ponyville town square, towing her friends in a red rider wagon with her scooter at full speed in search of their cutie marks. They’d save their bits to buy a filly sized bouncy ball and try to pass it to one another through the busy crowds until a fed up shop keep, often Applejack, would confiscate it. On hot days the fillies would get ice cream and try to swim in the fountain until the mayor herself came out to ‘shoo’ them away. They’d hang out beneath the Ponyville bridges to wade in the cool mud pretending to be pirates.  ‘Sure, we haven't done much of any of that since we got our cutie marks, but still! We know how to have fun! Seriously, these two need to crack a joke, tell a funny story, something!’ Scootaloo daydreamed that at any moment Diamond Tiara would swat her nose with her tail exclaiming, ‘Tag! Your it, Scoots! Catch me if you can!’   But none of that happened. They just walked around, tails bobbing with the forward motion of their bodies, no sign of an impending game of tag or excitement. Further compounding the lack of fun and the aimless perusing about the shops was the horrifically dull conversation. At the berry cart, Scootaloo could care less about what species of cranberry the vendor specialized in, unlike Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara.  The two rich ponies were going on about cranberries and the different variants that could be used for snacks that sounded just as disgusting as the cabbage treat from before. Grumbling at the reminder, she took another jab at the obstinate leaf with her tongue. At the same time, she decided to sneak away for a moment's respite before she became as numb as Diamond Tiara  and Silver Spoon’s conversations. Consequently the thoughts were commanding much of her focus causing her to bump into a hairless pink creature just outside.  “ Oh Pardon, me ma’am,” it said in an eerily familiar, low and drawn out voice.  Scootaloo did a double take and recoiled not used to the unusual sight in the market place and sudden title.    “Ma’am?” She said a little too loud, the color flushed from her perfect, camera ready face.  The creature before her was none other than her fellow classmate, Snails. They awkwardly locked eyes at one another, and Scootaloo could see the colt had not fared well from yesterday’s field trip. Covered in bee stings along with a balding coat  and an unsalvageable mane, he was a stark contrast to Scootaloo with her clean new look.  “Something wrong Ma’am?…Wait, Scootaloo Is that you?” said Snails with a deadpan stare, mouth agape, which was his signature expression when the clot came across any puzzlement Which was frequent.   “Ma’am?” Scootaloo repeated, unable to even think of another word. As if Snails horrifying appearance wasn’t enough, she’d never been called ‘Ma’am’ by anypony before. It felt wrong, in an incredibly weird way that she did not like.  “Snails.” piped up a familiar high pitched voice.  An equally disheveled Snips coming just in time to make the situation all the more awkward and uncomfortable.Just slightly worse for wear, his tail had lost all but a few long strands of hair that wisped in the wind as he walked. “What’s the hold up?!” he gruffly inquired, apparently on a tight schedule.  Strangely, Snip’s bushy eyebrows were the only follicles to survive yesterday’s disaster. Scootaloo struggled to keep focus on the colts who, in contrast to her, had no qualms on their compromised appearance. She remained frozen, and she discovered that it was a surprising struggle for her to not repeat ‘Ma’am’ a third time. Jabbing with her tongue at the cabbage leaf was the only act that felt natural.  “Oh hey Snips, just talk’n to Scootaloo here, beginning to realize just how grown up she is. Really makes ya think about how many birthdays have gone by, and I lost count after about four.’ Scootaloo saw a change in Snip’s demeanor, from mild annoyance to admiration.   “Oh wow Scootaloo,” replied Snips, “I must say you look rather sharp today.  Miss Cheerilee better watch out! You look old enough to teach our class.”   Snips couldn’t help but chukle at his own mild teasing, he nudged Snails with his knee. It still took a moment for Snails to get the hint.  “ Oh yeah!” Snails piped up upon partial realization  “but between you and me,” with genuine emphasis he leaned forward to Scootaloo, “... we could do with a lot less homework.”  “Nice to see you guys, but I gotta go,” was all the blushing Scootaloo could manage as she hurriedly walked away from her classmates.   Scootaloo felt a weird sensation all over her, as if she was suddenly aware of everypony's wandering eyes, and she was the focal point.  As if colts couldn’t get any weirder, much like her cabbage leaf she struggled to dislodge the feeling, and she could hear...giggling? Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were right behind her, and they had apparently witnessed the whole encounter. The two were giggling playfully without malice, however Scootaloo knew it had something to do with what she was feeling.   “Wha… what’s so funny? Didn’t you see how Snips and Snails compared me to our teacher? Isn’t that, you know, weird?!”  exclaimed Scootaloo raising her hoof in the air for emphasis.    “Well it’s obvious,” said Diamond Tiara “We’re elites, we’re mature, and ponies look up to us.“  She flicked her mane beaming with pride.  “We can be overwhelming to some.” Silver Spoon piped in, “They say the first silly things that come to their mind. It’s harmless, and sometimes charming really,'' she finished with a giggle.  The pegasus just shivered at the thought as they walked on. It began occurring to Scootaloo that Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon were not walking around aimlessly. Instead, they were taking every opportunity to show off their dresses talking to any stranger who would listen about how they would bring Feather Bangs to Ponyville. Scootaloo could only roll her eyes and this revelation.  Her spirit was dampened even further as she spotted another classmate. Button Mash was playing with a cheap toy airplane by himself, his appearance compromised much like his other classmates. It hurt Scootaloo in a strange way when he stopped focusing on his plane as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walked by. Button Mash promptly waved hello with a stupefied look of wonder on his face as the filly’s past. What was worse, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon cocked their heads higher as they strode by, revealing the attention as they waved ‘hello’ back. It was one thing to greet one another, but Scootaloo hated the spectacle of it. The thought that she was an adult, an elite, an example of what is assumed to be the best of ponies without magical aid, was making her sick to her stomach. While they were no elements of harmony, no peaceful knights of Celestia and Luna’s monarchy, the elites were the pillars of equestrian society’s day to day. Ponies used their products, worked the shops they owned, carried out their directives, and executed their grand plans. She tongued her cabbage in frustration. The idea of the class gentry trotting around, ‘gracing’ their presence to the lower, assumingly more childish classes that served and looked up to them was revolting to her. All she could think about was playing tag in the street or even spending a bit or two for the cheap amusement of a paper plane rather than be the object of artificial importance.  Nonetheless, Scootaloo only sighed and waved back to the star struck Button Mash. The colt recoiled his head a bit, unaccustomed to seeing Scootaloo in such distinction, he quickly shot up his hoof to greet her as well. However, his limb had the misfortune of being in the flight path of the toy airplane which collided unspectacularly into his waving hoof. The fillies, ponyville’s junior elite, passed by as Button Mash looked a bit crestfallen at his broken toy. Scootaloo could only give a sad glance his way, sharing in the moment of their unsalvageable Saturday. > Chapter 6_ The Gastric Menace > --------------------------------------------------------------------------   The fillies exited town square, and Diamond Tiara had decided that they would go to the restaurant ‘Iguana Del Rey’, she was sure Scootaloo would love the place. ‘How could she resist?’ Thought Diamond Tiara as she led her two friends to the direction of the restaurant in Ponyville’s modest downtown. After months of pleading, she’d finally convinced her father to become a franchise owner of the chic eatery. Opening its very first non-Applewood, Coltifornia location in Ponyville just weeks ago, becoming a popular hit with the locals. Diamond Tiara was hungry after a long afternoon making her rounds in the market, and her friends deserved the best. They were burgeoning adults and leaders who needed their own rewards after all. It felt good to Diamond Tiara to see that they all were bringing joy and culture to ponyville, letting the town folk know that their hard work was being reciprocated, their leadership had noticed.  However, Diamond Tiara was bothered by the inkling that Scootaloo wasn’t enjoying herself as much as she should and it worried the earth pony filly. The pegasus still looked distant and uninterested in anything they had done today; even the fact that so many ponies were in awe of her graceful presence didn’t seem to improve her mood. With proper makeup, brushed mane, and outfit to boot she was like a stunning sunrise over the cultural desert that was Ponyville. Diamond Tiara found herself deep in thought about how to politely confront Scootaloo on her feelings. Perhaps if she-  “ AHHH, OOO! OOOO! OOO! GIRLS! OVER HERE!” an all too familiar voice boomed at the fillies from across the street.  ‘Oh no…’  Diamond Tiara froze in her tracks as her train of thought was thoroughly derailed.   The filly wanted to kick herself. She should’ve paid attention to the route she had chosen, and her concern over Scootaloo should not have distracted her so as to make such a monumental error. She went the short way to the Iguana Del Ray and right by the baked goods shop, Sugar Cube Corner, along with its most infamous and obnoxious employee.   “GIRLS! YOO HOO! GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME! YOU GOTTA TRY THESE!”   A gluttonous, sugar rushed lunatic with little self-awareness, named Pinkamena Diane Pie called to them in such an obvious way that there was no way to ignore it. Diamond Tiara cringed at her shrieking.  ‘How could this pony be such a crucial part of society? How did ponies like her so much?’ thought Diamond Tiara. Sure, the pink monstrosity  was a top tier party planner but her personality was just too much for Diamond Tiara.  “I JUST MADE THESE DOUBLE CHOCOLATE CUPCAKES, WITH MARSHMALLOW FROSTING, AND WHOLE COOKIE CHUNKS BAKED INSIDE!”, Pinkie Pie exclaimed, her own description sending her into a fantastic food daydream, her unusually long, salivating tongue whipped around her muzzle.    In her hooves she held a pan of sugary gut bombs, their scent wafting in the air, the sickening sweetness could be detected from across the street. Diamond Tiara’s nasal passages were thoroughly assaulted with hot, nauseatingly sweet milk chocolate.  ‘Yuck’ she thought as her muzzle curled at the heaping masses.   “No thank you Pinkie Pie”, managed Diamond Tiara, doing her best not to gag in the process.  She immediately caught a well dressed orange blur dash from the corner of her eye. “Oh yeah Pinkie Pie, those look delicious!”,  squealed a galloping Scootaloo, her tongue wagging like a wild animal, her immaculate face about to be soiled by the culinary monstrosities, she had to be stopped.   Silver Spoon was ghost white at the spectacle, her senses overwhelmed by the chocolate, barely able to keep from fainting. Diamond Tiara, her own legs wavering, knew she had to put a stop to this madness and save Scootaloo from herself.   “Randolph!” she cried out, in a command that would make father proud, “Scootaloo is in danger!”    Randolph, was never too far behind the fillies, ready to spring into action for such emergencies as fanning on a hot day, a glass of water for unexpected parched throats, and occasionally dangerous encounters with empty calories. True to his breeding and in spite of his advanced years, Randolph galloped like a thoroughbred to stop the ravenous pegasus.  Scootaloo was quick but he was not to be dissuaded. In a flash he somersaulted in the air to land perfectly between her and the mad sugarer of Mane street. Scootaloo broke to a screeching halt, a gentle but firm hoof held out just inches from her face.  “I am sorry, Madam.” said Randolph politely “It is for your health.”  Diamond Tiara rushed over to Scootaloo, braving the baked good smell infesting the air, trying not to look at Pinkie Pie who was busy consuming a cupcake in a manner akin to a serpent. The contents spilling over the rim of her mouth revealing every ingredient in a grotesque advertisement.  “Mmm… “ smacked the Pink glutton, “This is the best batch yet!” Diamond Tiara, wrapped her hooves around a confused Scootaloo,  “ Oh, Scootaloo, I was so scared for you!” an almost teary eyed Diamond Tiara proclaimed.   “Wha… Um, D.T., didn’t you mention earlier that we were getting something to eat?” She gestured at Pinkie’s tray of glucose mounds masquerading as food before them, “Plus those cupcakes smelled so good!”, explained a puzzled Scootaloo.   “Scootaloo.” Diamond Tiara pulled back from her embrace, she narrowed her gaze and stared right into Scootaloo‘s big, bright, gluten hungry eyes.  “But… But...” Scootaloo tepidly reasoned like a puppy whose toy was taken away. Diamond Tiara was not to be dissuaded, her disapproving countenance was unwavering. Scootaloo stopped talking, she only picked at her molars again, her cheek bulging.   “Sugar Cube Corner is the least healthy food option in town, even now we're breathing in calories standing this close.” She shook her head in disgust, “Not to mention all the sugar, gluten, and cholesterol. This place is practically the point of departure for diabetes.” Said Diamond Tiara.   With a firm hoof she guided Scootaloo back to the otherside of the street, keeping an eye on obesity ground zero.  “But Sugarcube Corner is the best spot for snacks!” protested Scootaloo “It’s a  part of this town and the food is delicious!”   She could handle makeovers, slow carriage rides, boring conversation, soul suffocating dresses, weird colts, and could almost stand cabbage between her teeth; but Sugar Cube Corner? She would never part with that.  Diamond Tiara stood firm in her conviction, as she knew that she was often right.  “Their food only fosters artery clogging fat for your ventricals, it is akin to a slow suicide, Scootaloo! Silver Spoon and I stopped eating there months ago,” she added,  “Just look at how big Pinkie is getting!”   The pink earth pony was already like a swollen balloon, only to let out an unceremonious burp which brought her back down to how she had started.  “Hey young Filly!” replied Pinkie after drinking a half gallon of milk that appeared seemingly out of nowhere. “ If I wasn’t stuck in this doorway I would come over and give you a piece of mind!”  she said defensively,  sensitive pony that she was. Diamond Tiara may have been exaggerating a bit on Pinkie’s weight but Pinkie had contorted herself into the doorway, as only she could. Fortunately, Mr. Cake, the co-owner of Sugar Cube Corner was on the scene ready to help free her.   Diamond Tiara wasn’t holding back her disgust, as she could feel Scootaloo applying just enough pressure against her guiding hoof to dart back to gobble up one of those freshly baked, fat pills. “I’m sorry Scootaloo but it’s for your own good, the sooner you kick the high calorie food habit, the better. As elite ponies if we are not healthy, how can we do our best to help pony kind? You of all ponies know that right?” said Diamond Tiara as they made their way even farther from Sugar Cube Corner. Only pausing briefly to fan a wheezing Silverspoon before continuing on to the Iguana del Ray restaurant. Scootaloo was ready to snap back at the filly as memories of her bullying started to resurface. But she steadied herself, Diamond Tiara was making amends to her and she deserved a chance. No matter how irritating that process may be.  “I suppose you're right.” said Scootalloo, her head lowered as she walked kicking a small stone with barely contained disappointment, not wanting to jeopardize their new friendship over her stomach.  Diamond Tiara in turn breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that Scootaloo would come around.It was difficult, but if anypony could change another’s mind, it was Diamond Tiara herself. She did give a sympathetic look to her new disappointed friend, she realized it was painful to see the error of one’s own ways, she had been there before.  “Dinner will be on me.” She comforted Scootaloo who returned a meek smile.  Remembering the cabbage in her teeth, she knew from the snack earlier today just what type of food was in store for her at the Iguana Del Rey. Scootaloo looked over her shoulder one last time at Sugar Cube Corner, where Mr. Cake was struggling to free his long time employee.  He was brushing Pinkie Pie down with butter in an effort to free her.  “ I can’t keep getting you out of messes this way Pinkie.'' remarked Mr. Cake, a bit annoyed.  It didn’t help that Pinkie was licking the spots of butter she could reach with that oddly elastic neck of hers.  “I’m sorry Mr. Cake, but would it hurt to add some chocolate while you’re buttering me up!”, she chuckled in-between licks.  Mr. Cake only rolled his eyes.  > Chapter 7_Pasta and potato sandwich on sourdough > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The evening gave way to a thunderstorm scheduled at 6:35 pm by the Ponyville Weather Patrol. Rain dripped against the window pane of Applebloom’s room. Applebloom rubbed her chin pondering her next move. A flash of lighting did not faze neither her nor her opponent Sweetie Belle, her hooves crossed over her chest, content, waiting. The glow of another lightning flash illuminated Applebloom’s face of a mind deep in concentration. The fillies had recently been evicted from the CMC headquarters by Apple Jack, the tree house being a dangerous spot during a storm. However their gaming competition would only continue in Applebloom’s room. After Scootaloo left to rekindle their friendship with Diamond Tiara; Applebloom and Sweetie Belle set about nursing their bee stings and playing a marathon of board games the entire afternoon. It turned into an intense competition, the fillies even kept score of every win in their duel of games. Go fish, chess, pickup sticks, marbles, scrabble, an extensive catalog of games was sampled that afternoon. For every game Apple Bloom won, Sweetie Belle would win the very next match. That was until they played ‘Operation’, where Sweetie Belle won six games in a row despite Applebloom’s best efforts.  It seemed that Sweetie Belle would walk away as ‘Princess of Board Games’ and Applebloom, the loser, would have to capture a frog to designate as next week’s Cutie Mark Crusaders’ official mascot.  But a breakaway game of checkers was chipping away at Sweetie Belle’s lead.  “Ah ha!”,exclaimed Applebloom.  Click, click, click her tiny hoof moved her piece across the board.  “King Me! ” , a victorious Applebloom made a little hoof bump in the air.  “How could I’ve missed that?!”, bemoaned an irritated Sweetie Belle, her hooves pulling at her cheeks, there was no possible way she could win now.  “Ha Ha! Tell Rarity you need a net stitched and have fun hunt’n frogs!”, grinned Applebloom as she rolled on the floor laughing.   “We’re tied, late bloomer.”,smugly grimaced Sweetie Belle, she playfully hurled a pillow at Applebloom with her telekinesis.  A raucous laughter engulfed the fillies. It was loud enough to be interrupted by a sudden rapping of the floor boards from downstairs.  “Apple Bloom!”, called out her no-nonsense sister Apple Jack inbetween knocks of a broom handle from the bottom floor.  “ Ya’ll shush your gavallant’n and chuckl’n up there, you know Granny needs her forty winks.”    “Sorry AppleJack”,  Apple Bloom responded, rolling her darling, bright orange eyes, making a zipping motion with her hoof over her mouth, locking it with an imaginary key, and finishing with a tossing motion.  Swette Belle struggled to suppress a chuckle.   “You two might wanna come on downstairs,” continued Apple Jack in a warm, earthy tone“ Scootaloo’s come to see ya, right time to be hosting our friends, but mindful of your noise.”             “Scootaloo!” the two fillies perked up nearly in unison, they trotted in place for just a moment before hurrying downstairs while trying to be quiet. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom exchanged looks of glee, without words the two best friends wondered how the day went between Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara,during their board games the girls daydreamed about the details of the rendezvous. They imagined a hallway ball pit leading up to Diamond Tiara’s room and a secret underground luge track beneath the mansion. Once their bee stings were healed, they’d be sure to speculate potential sleepovers at Diamond Tiara’s mansion. The fillies arrived down stairs elated to find Scootaloo in the Apple family kitchen, looking glamorous but tired. Thunder crashed outside.  “Boy howdy they sure are cooking up something fierce out there, that weather patrol better be mindful of my Apple Trees. They send all their greenhorns out this way and they throw lighting everywhere like it's last week’s bath water.” remarked Applejack, she poured Scootaloo a tall glass of apple juice.   There were additional glasses set aside on the table for the other fillies.  “Scootaloo, Scootaloo!”exclaimed her friends in tempered excitement, eager to hear of her adventures.   Scootaloo just turned to give a tired grin to her friends, it was clear she was happy to see them, but something weighed heavily on her mind. The fillies took their seats. Apple juice and Apple Jack continued to pour.  “Anypony want Apple Cobbler? Made some this morn’n, but I’d need to heat it up if you want it warm”.  Normally the fillies would pipe up enthusiastically for some of Apple Jack’s apple cobbler, which was among her best desserts, especially fresh from the oven. But Apple Jack was just greeted with synchronized head shakes of ‘no’ from three little heads. Something wasn’t right, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle knew it. Apple Jack per usual, was clueless. Scootaloo usually gets milk when adults offered beverages and Apple Jack serves apple juice ,of course, unless her guests speak up. The fillies knew that something had gone wrong with Diamond Tiara, though Scootaloo’s face and mane looked incredible.             “ Well I’ll leave you three to catch up”, shrugged Apple Jack making her way out of the kitchen.  “Help yourselves, but keep the chatter down, I’m gonna prep the store room for this storm, come get me if you need anything.”    ‘Apple Jack, we love you’ ,thought Apple Bloom ‘You’ve traveled the world, rescued Equestria with your honesty, we all owe you one, but you got no wherewithal with Crusader business.’    A thunder clap , Apple Jack dawning her poncho and galoshes, and closing the front door enroute to the store room, were the only sounds.  Apple Bloom finally broke the moment of silence. “You okay Scootaloo?” , her voice just above a whisper.  Sweetie Belle, getting better with her Telekinesis, hovered the apple cobbler to the table.  “What happened today, Scoots?” she inquired, her gaze in concentration on landing the cobbler on the table.   As soon the cobbler made a successful touchdown there came a sudden,cataclysmic explosion of a ravenous, orange filly. Shoveling the confectionery into her tiny maul, her immaculately polished hooves dug into the moist, pillowy, cinnamon infuse desert that had the misfortune of coming within reach.  Heaps of choice cut apples, caramelized sugar crumbles, disappeared into a minuscule muzzle.  Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were gobsmacked, jaws hanging agape.   ‘Did Diamond Tiara hypnotize their best friend into a cobbler eating wild animal, reverting back to the bully she’d always been in an odd scheme for revenge?’   ‘Was Scootaloo struck by a magical lighting bolt that made her always hungry and forgetful of her manners?’   These thoughts ran through the two fillies' fertile imagination.  But they knew this was not the case, because with saint-like restraint Scootaloo held her cobbler stuffed, quivering maul shut.  Tears trailed, smearing mascara and crumbs down her cheek. Scootaloo fought the urge to consume the last two filly sized servings of cobbler. She finished with a swallow that echoed through the quiet kitchen, and a deep sigh. Before any of her friends could say a word… “They had a frozen grape…, mixed in with chickpeas… served on a cucumber slice…”, a gruff Scootaloo managed to mutter.  Apple Bloom leaned in further with a cocked eyebrow, “Pardon, Scoots?”    “ Ninety minutes of my life and that was the only course at Iguana Del Ray!” blurted a pained Scootaloo her limbs outstretched across the table her luminous eyes dulled and drained from the day's misadventure.   “It took me nine years of my life to rid this orchard of iguanas… I’ll buck em to last week!” snored the half woken apple family matriarch, Granny Smith from upstairs.    “ Its just a dream Granny, get your shut eye!”, called back Apple Bloom.   “Trouble with Diamond Tiara?”, noted Sweetie Belle as a restless Scootloo promptly left her seat to pace about the kitchen.   “Okay Scootaloo settle down.” Applebloom made a downward pressing motion with her hooves, “please explain what in tarnation has got you so fed up with eat’n frozen grapes and chicken peas? Come clean with that Iguana too, I’m trying to rectify all this in my mind.”   Scootaloo was a bit too preoccupied rummaging through a kitchen drawer to respond just yet.  “A-Ha!” she remarked, removing a corkscrew and began prying her back molar.  “ No Scootaloo!, the Tooth Breezy won’t leave bits for your teeth!” managed a frantic Sweetie Belle.  “ Putoo!” Scootaloo spit the infernal cabbage leaf into the sink, she felt so much better.  “Sorry”, signed a relieved Scootaloo, running the sink to clean up. Her concerned friends came closer.  “You wouldn’t believe the day I had… Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are much nicer than they were before and she has an awesome mansion….”  ,Scootaloo paused and took another sigh.  “Go on Scootaloo… that’s good to hear…” ,comforted Apple Bloom.   Scootaloo cut her off, pacing back and forth in the kitchen that could not contain her despair and disappointment. “ But those fillies are so rich, so privileged that they have no clue how other ponies operate! It's just not normal what they do! I mean they eat tiny frozen foods, they hate Sugar Cube Corner !  They don’t ride on scooters or play tag. All they do is talk about imaginary money capitals that no pony gives a road apple about, they like to feel important, and they take super slow carriage rides for no reason!”    “I’m guessing it's safe to say there’s no ball pit hallway, huh?”, mentioned Sweetie Belle out of the corner of her mouth to a captivated Apple Bloom.   “ And the worst part about it all…” she said with a slow turn of her head toward her friends, “ ...they love Feather Bangs…”             Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, hugged each other tight and let out a shriek. It briefly woke Granny Smith upstairs who screamed as well ,but then immediately returned to sleep as evident in her now amplified snoring. The fillies paused, color in their coats had dulled at the mention of the name. They waited a moment for Apple Jack to storm up from the store room with an all too familiar lecturing for waking Granny, but she never came. More than likely the eldest apple sibling, Big Mac, had arranged things down there and Apple Jack was busy rearranging it to her liking as usual.               “ No, no, no ...” , said Sweetie Belle burying her head in Apple Bloom’s chest at the thought of Feather Bangs.  “It's true” sighed Scootaloo she looked up at the thunderstorm outside, a lightning flash illuminating her perfect, adorable face, “ Worst part is she’s taking me to see him in concert on the first train to Canterlot tomorrow.” Sweetie Belle’s white fur turned green at the thought, she put a hoof to her mouth and eyed the sink, but she managed to keep down her lunch.  “Okay, let’s not lose our heads here Crusaders”, said an unusually pale Applebloom.   “ So maybe Diamond Tiara isn't the filly that we were expecting.”    “Expecting? She’s bonkers!”, protested Sweetie Belle, a tinge of sickness still echoed in her voice. “I can overlook her eccentricities and out of touch opinions but Feather Bangs…”  Sweetie Belle paused to prevent herself from fainting “... Is just rotten! He asked if I could pose as his niece so could help show the mares his nurturing side!”  Applebloom held up a hoof to calm her friend, “ We all met him at the same time in Starlight’s village. He tried to pay me a bit to go up and ask a stranger if she’d go on a date with him, no sense in digging up old ghosts.”  “Yah and our friend Scootaloo is about to meet the ghost of ‘pickup lines past’ himself.” said Sweetie Belle she stomped her hoof on the floor to make a point.  “ You guys don’t fight over me, I know what I have to face,” said a weary Scootaloo ,”but Diamond Tiara is a different pony than she was before, she’s honestly trying to be better.”  “Scootaloo, tell her how you feel about Feather Bangs and that you don’t wanna go.”, reassured Applebloom. “ I told her how I felt Applebloom and it didn’t change her mind at all! And besides, this is important to her, I know she’s doing her best but there’s absolutely nothing binding us together!” Scootaloo continued sulking, climbing back into her seat at the kitchen table.  “ We crusaders are there for all fillies who need our help and reach out to us for friendship. When I swallowed that bee for Diamond Tiara, She thought I saved her life.  There’s just so much history between us that I don't know how to get out of this without casting her aside.” “Ohhh I should never have run off at that field trip,'' moaned Scootaloo “ I would’ve never swallowed that bee and be in this mess.”   Her heavy head came down with a thud on the kitchen table.  Applebloom put a reassuring hoof on her friend, Sweetie Belle curled her lip in thought, an idea was about to present itself.             “Diamond Tiara thinks you saved her life right.” Said Sweetie Belle with a sly look in her eyes leaning in among her friends.   “ What are you getting at? “ inquired Apple Bloom for Scootaloo.  “Just a thought. What if you get Diamond Tiara to think she saved your life? Then you’d be even, no pony would be obligated to be friends, no more awkward clothes, no more creepy musicians.” said Sweetie Belle with a smug little smile “You’re  suggesting Scootaloo put herself in danger! What’s gotten into you Sweetie Belle?”, shot back Apple Bloom sounding a bit too much like Apple Jack.   “Scootaloo Isn’t going to be in actual danger,” replied Sweetie Belle rolling her eyes, she did have a bit of a devious streak, good thing she used it mostly for good.  “We just have to get Diamond Tiara to think she’s rescued Scootaloo. Yesterday, we all got stung dozens of times, she was scared of just one little bee and she isn’t even allergic. She’s sure to fall for something trivial like that”, She continued with a coy grin. “ I follow ya”, nodded a shrewd Apple Bloom, coming into Sweetie Belle’s logically shaking scheme.  “ We just gotta figure out how to be natural about it and Diamond Tiara would have to be in some capacity to do something about it.”  “Have Scootaloo carry a bee in a jar and she’ll have her butler shoo it away?,” said Sweetie Belle her cleverness diminishing as the plan became more involved.  “ Uh uh” Applebloom shook her head,  “We need something simpler, and more importantly something Diamond Tiara can do herself.”   The fillies paused  deep in thought, a deafening silence filled the kitchen, nothing was coming to mind.  Out of nowhere…  “Pasta and potato sandwich on sourdough…” , broke the silence.  Followed by the crack of a close lightning strike.  The filles looked over to Scootaloo no longer in the doldrums on the kitchen table, but up in her seat a furrowed brow and with an intense concentrated glare, the type of face Scootaloo often made while attempting an especially difficult scooter trick.   “ Pasta and potato sandwich on sourdough….”, repeated Scootaloo “I tasted it myself, that sandwich has everything that Diamond Tiara despises , two thousand six hundred thirty-six calories, a three days serving of carbohydrates, the size of a filly’s head,  she’d be terrified if I took a bite of it. All she’d have to do is swat it out my hooves and ‘save my life’”.  Thinking back to how Diamond Tiara responded at Sugar Cube Corner to Pinkie’s Pie’s delicious, now long consumed cupcakes, this was an excellent plan to get Scootaloo out of an undesirable friendship while saving face.             The Fillies just looked at each other with mischievous grins on their tiny muzzles. Sweetie Belle nonchalantly hovered a box of dry macaroni noodles in view and gave it a sassy  little shake. Apple bloom went to open a cabinet and out rolled bag of red potatoes.  “Let’s pack you a lunch tomorrow, Scoots ” said Applebloom with a confident gaze.  “Cutie Mark Crusader’s sandwich makers! Friendship savers!”, the Fillies clamored.   The gloom and doom of the last fifteen minutes gave way to flurry of activity in the kitchen, even the weather improved outside as the clouds cleared. It took the fillies back to the days,not so long ago, where they’d spend hours trying to achieve their cutie marks. Culinary themed marks were early failed experiments, with Sweetie Belle being the worst cook. The fillies boil pasta, sliced potatoes, shredded cheese, and toasted sourdough. They were only disturbed momentarily by Apple Jack, back from reorganizing the storehouse who recommended that apples would make a perfect addition to any sandwich as was always her opinion. Soon the fillies had their sandwich, a gooey, edible calorie bomb and Scootaloo’s ticket to freedom.  Scootaloo had learned the recipe from Rainbow Dash’s mother, Windy Whistle, on a visit for a school assignment. Her heroine’s go-to source for carbo-loading to complement her intense training regimen, the sandwich was also heavenly. Buttery potatoes, mixed in with the tangy crunch of the sourdough was somehow perfect together with the creamy, gooey noodles. At least remembering Windy Whistle’s incredible meal helped Scootaloo choke down the Crusader’s sorry attempt.  The noodles were overcooked and mushy, their gastly texture combining with the cheese in an odd way. The potatoes were undercooked and had a hard, waxy taste to them. The sourdough bread slices were burnt and almost hurt to bite through. On top of all that, in order to fit the barely edible sandwich in the available wax paper, the girls had to eat a few bites. Well Scootalloo did, the other fillies could barely stomach a nibble before later discreetly feeding their portions to the Apple family dog, Winona.    “Well I won’t blame Diamond Tiara for thinking this here sandwich will be the end of ya.” muttered Apple Bloom.   Scootaloo swallowed and finished tying the twine on the remaining portion of the sandwich, “Maybe some mayonnaise will help.”  Its was getting late and Scootaloo needed to catch a train to Canterlot in the morning. The girls parted ways, Scootaloo gave Sweetie Belle a ride on her scooter back into Ponyville. There was a fresh smell of rain on the trees and grass as they made their way home through the darkness of the early evening. Luna’s moon peering down on them through clouds above them.  The pasta and potato sandwich stained the wax paper with blotches of grease in Scootaloo’s saddlebag awaiting its moment. > Chapter 8_Hunger on the Friendship Express > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Things went wrong from almost the start the next morning. Not that Scootaloo arrived late to the train station, in fact she was rather early. She was there on the platform surrounded by the beauty of the otherworldly stillness of the predawn hours. She was ready with the sandwich packed in her day bag all while wearing the ensemble made yesterday by Rarity. Makeup and mane prepared just the way Diamond Tiara had instructed. When Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon came on the train platform she would greet them and unzip her bag. Raise up the sandwich and proclaim she was too weak to resist trans fats and calories. She’d go in for an early breakfast and grave in a long drawn out bite. This would give Diamond Tiara that chance to swat the sandwich and save Scootaloo’s life. Then surely she would see that the two fillies were even, no longer obligated to social reciprocity without an awkward severance in relations.  At least that was the plan she thought of as she scootered on her way over to the train station, neither she nor the other crusaders had put much thought into the details of their plan. The fillies usually found a brilliant idea and proceeded to execute it with a laissez faire approach, that was the crusader way after all. Celestia’s sun was now brilliantly shining on the train platform finally cresting the purple clouds that clustered in the horizon. Diamond Tiara felt great in her new outfit, flanked by her best friend Silver Spoon and trusty butler Randolph right behind her. Their baggage carried upon Randolph’s back as he was trained to do, everything was ready for the concert. It was hard for Diamond Tiara to remember a time she was this happy, and it was unbelievable to see Scootaloo on the train platform with a big smile on her face waving to her.  ‘This day was going to be spectacular,' thought Diamond Tiara her resolve to be a better pony was paying off.  Scootaloo was becoming the pony she deserved to be and was already as excited as she was to see Feather Bangs. Seeing how glamorous and charming these fillies were, Feather Bangs was a sure thing for Ponyville's next big event.  ‘No need to thank me citizens of Ponyville, this is my thanks to you.’ Diamond Tiara daydreamed.             “Scootaloo, you are looking fabulous”, exclaimed Diamond Tiara on the platform the fillies exchanged hugs.  “You too, you look really rich in calories…. I mean… you look nice….”, awkwardly addressed Scootaloo. ‘Was she sweating again?’, Diamond Tiara thought.  “You know what would be perfect right about now?”, said Scootaloo, unexpectedly. “ I have an addiction to… and um I can’t help myself ...gotta have breakfast you know…”.   Diamond Tiara looked to Silver Spoon who only gave a little shrug, a bit relieved to know that she wasn’t the only one hearing nonsense come out of Scootaloo’s muzzle. Scootaloo clumsy turned around a bit too suddenly, and just at that moment a rail attendant had come to collect the baggage for the departing train.  Scootaloo faced the spot that the attendant  had just been, perfectly missing the unicorn stallion telekinetically lifting her day bag onto his cart. Scootaloo mildly panicked, it took her a frantic couple of seconds to locate her bag being checked into the train.    ‘Why did Scootaloo look so in shock by this?’ , puzzle Diamond Tiara “Its alright Scootaloo, you’re with me” she comforted, closing Scootaloo’s agape muzzle, “I had all of our bags express checked so you wouldn’t have to worry about doing it yourself.”  Sure enough another stallion appeared to collect Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon’s luggage.    “ Ha… Ha.. Ha you shouldn’t have...” Scootaloo tried, poorly, to hide a pouty face with a forced smile.  “Perhaps we should get some breakfast”, whispered Silver Spoon into Diamond Tiara’s ear.   Diamond Tiara nodded in agreement , Scootaloo must not be much of a morning pony, she had Randolph secure the poached quail eggs wrapped in wet seaweed. Ponyville depot would not have such faire, lucky for her friends, Diamond Tiara came prepared. The Fillies made their way to the first class car.­              Scootaloo looked out the window of the passing countryside, a few trees, farm fields, and distant hamlets racing by on a brilliant day as the Seven A.M. Friendship Express chugged its way to Canterlot.  ‘It’s like she knew I had that sandwich’ thought a mildly anxious Scootaloo, ‘it couldn’t be…how would she have known?’ Pondering on the question however failed to stymie the boredom of the train ride.  ’Awhh when will this train ride end?’ she sighed in thought. The fillies and Randolph were the only ponies in the first class carriage, the fillies in a forward most booth,  Randolph situated himself in the middle of the car away from the fillies banter to catch up on some reading.  Scootaloo really wished she remembered to bring something to read herself, or that there were other ponies sharing the compartment with them, or at the very least something different to look at. She could’ve sworn the train passed the same barn three times already.  Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were having a passionate discussion about Fillydelphia’s new anti-collective bargaining initiative. Scootaloo kept looking out the window. ‘Just a few more hours,' she thought ‘First thing when we get to Canterlot I’m getting that sandwich out of my bag.’ Her stomach growled, that quail egg was disgusting, how she longed to eat that sandwich.              “Scootaloo, what are your thoughts on public sector unions?”, inquired Diamond Tiara.   Scootaloo jumped a little in her seat and tried to regain her composure.  “Oh um,” she put a hoof to her chin in thought “Well it depends I guess on how the public sectors are shaped… if they were pie shaped and you had about eight slices they would make a good union.”  Diamond Tiara saw that there was still something wrong with Scootaloo's smile, it didn’t feel genuine. To make the awkward silence more pronounced, the distinct sound of Scootaloo’s rumbling belly echoed through the nearly empty train car.  “Randolph”,called Diamond Tiara.  True to his heritage Randolph perked up from his book, pose to act on Miss Tiara’s every whim.  “Call the snack trolley, my friends could use something to eat.”              Scootaloo couldn’t believe her eyes, before her was the snack trolley, and she was ordering a bag of roasted nuts and a chocolate bar. Not more than once she believed she was dreaming but sure enough, it was real. The roasted nuts smelled devine, she felt the warm bag in her hooves. She offered some to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara did pay for it after all, well at least her father did.  Unsurprisingly, the two politely declined, Silver Spoon did turn slightly green at the roasted nuts, excusing herself to the lavatory. It only occurred to Scootaloo as she was noshing away at the peanuts that she could’ve initiated her master scheme. Caloric sucide would have easily been achieved by ordering a sandwich off the snack cart but this time it didn’t feel right.  Diamond Tiara had been accommodating,   ‘Is this working?’ she thought as the smooth chocolate of the candy bar melted on her tongue with every bite.  Doubts were swirling in her head, ‘Am I making too big a deal of one bad afternoon with Diamond Tiara?’.  She noted that Silver Spoon was waiting on another bench for her to finish her snacks, which wasn’t very long but noticeable. The plan was still a go. Eventually the train started coming into the Canterlot mountain ranges passing through more tunnels. The majestic gleaming towers of Canterlot Castle could be seen from Ponyville on a clear day high in the distant mountains.  However, It was best appreciated through the winding train tracks of Canterlot Range. The ride offered breathtaking panoramic views of the fairytale castle and its numerous buttresses. Only to be irritatingly obscured on occasion, by pesky trees, tunnels, and rock cuts along the way.  The fillies, including Randolph, adjusted themselves to make use of the picturesque views out the windows, it made the long train ride to Equestria’s capital and the throne of Luna and Celestia, worth it.  However the train would not pull into Canterlot proper, it would take a switch back to the Canterlot Amphitheater, a recently built venue within the shadow of the castle on a plateau just below the majestic waterfalls that fell from the highest peaks. The amphitheater was built among a sprawling expanse, a nameless subdivision of Canterlot whose ancient walls could not keep up with the growing population of ponies and creatures.             The views gave fillies something to talk about together, it was enough to keep Scootaloo from ordering a sandwich from the snack cart when it came by a second time, she was full, and was enjoying her conversation with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon for once. Scootaloo was starting to get comfortable on the trip until the Seven A.M. Friendship Express came to a screeching halt, their compartment in the midst of a dark tunnel.  The train car lights came on, this was not a good sign.   Diamond Tiara called for Randolph, “ Randolph, ask the conductor what the delay is.”  As was his duty to his mistress, Randolph went the short distance to the engine and returned promptly with the news, just beating the train attendant on their way to inform the plebeians of the same news in the coach cars.  “Congestion into Canterlot due to the concert, Miss Tiara”, explained Randolph upon his return with a courteous bow “It is long enough to impact our schedule, I fear.”   Diamond Tiara’s face lit up, her superior problem solving skills engaged. All the while Scootaloo had a sudden sinking feeling. Before the pegasus filly knew it there were no more camera perfect views of Canterlot. No more sweeping vistas of the ancient mountains where old unicorn kings battled griffons and built elaborate mines, many lost to time. No more pine trees, no more awe-inspiring peaks, no more brilliant blue skies. Just the dull and empty first-class train car, indistinguishable from any other train car, save for the loneliness of the exclusivity. Tucked just inside a dark tunnel, bathed in the ugly mustard yellow lights that  filled the compartment, revealing the soulless magic and machine carved railway tunnels outside, bracketing the train in a suffocating crypt. The precious air being absorbed by the unfailing, ever knowledgeable, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, an excruciating detailed plan was being drafted in that railcar. The plan to see the Feather Bangs concert on schedule. All while making the necessary arrangements, inspection on proper beds for sleeping accounting for Silver Spoon’s allergies and Diamond Tiara requirement of a thread count for the bed linens. Followed by strategies to maintain appearances while avoiding dirty areas, the possibility of abbreviated eating arrangements, the need to exercise caution on the rumor of a griffon pickpocket, a contingency for reapplying makeup in private, followed by the need for a possible tailor for unforeseen wardrobe emergencies, and finally an impromptu rehearsal of a meeting with Feather Bangs. The two fillies were in their element bantering back and forth on every possible detail of this horrifying endeavor. Made only worse as Randolph added to his own points.   ‘Where is that snack cart when you need it?’ screamed Scootaloo inside her own head.   ‘Stay strong’ she thought, ‘You just gotta get that sandwich out of your bag.’    “Scootaloo, you're grating your teeth”,said a voice, Scootaloo noticed all eyes were on her.  “Is something wrong?”repeated Diamond Tiara with concern in her voice.   “Ah ha ha ha”, Scootaloo forced a chuckle “Just practicing my smile for Feather Bangs”.   No sooner had she uttered the words, the train finally began to chug along.   “Ohhh… let me show you how to make the ‘Canterlot Gala Smile’” piped up Silver Spoon putting a hoof around an anxious Scootaloo.  “You may like it, there is a slight grinding of your teeth involved to achieve that perfect beem.”   Scootaloo just nodded as every pony returned to their seats, thinking of the pasta and potato sandwich, regretting that she should have had it ready to go, in hoof, on the platform.             The train finally arrived at the station among a throng of concert goers from all across Equestria. There was very little room for maneuver with so many ponies jostling to get to the concert venue, it sickened Scootaloo a bit to know that Feather Bangs had this much adoration.  She had to act fast among the masses of ponies, time was of the essence. Because of the delay the plan of action was as follows, that fillies would have to forgo check in at the bed and breakfast in order to catch Feather Bang’s opening act. Randolph would have to take their luggage and secure the lodging, he would not be able to accompany the fillies for the rest of the evening. It was just simpler for Diamond Tiara to arrange transportation back once the concert was over. This gave Scootaloo one narrow opportunity to secure her sandwich and her one shot at jettisoning Diamond Tiara’s orbit.  “Randolph!”, managed Scootaloo, her side bumping into an oncoming Mare as she galloped through the train depot. “Oh Sorry…”, she managed to say, fighting her way through the crowd, narrowly avoiding a large stallion, scrambling beneath his stocky legs.  “Randolph!” she yelled, this time she got his attention. “Randolph, I need to get something out of my bag.”  She panted in front of him. She did feel bad for doing this, Randolph was carrying the bags of three fillies and his own belongings, not to mention Scootaloo’s bag was on the very bottom of the sizable stack.  However true to his nature and training, without a word or complaint, Randolph gently removed the bags from his back. Not an easy feat, as he had to precisely balance one bag at a time on the hectic train platform while ensuring no passers by step or tripped on the luggage. “Scootaloo! We’ll be late!” yelled Diamond Tiara from a cab carriage, in a commanding voice of genuine concern.  With laser focus, Sooctaloo unzipped her bag and retrieved the greasy sandwich. She barely had time to thank Randolph before hopping on the carriage with Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon. The cab was tight fit for the fillies and their party dresses, but Scootaloo was as deft with hiding sandwiches in her garments as she was on scooter. Diamond Tiara and Sliverspoon were oblivious, too worried about missing Feather Bangs’ concert. Diamond Tiara made a sharp whistle, it was all the cab driver needed to hear, as nearly every taxi was making its way to the concert.              > Chapter 9_Show Time! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The concert venue was a glorious open air amphitheater, perched in a natural bowl in the plateau. The spires of Canterlot Castle made for a spectacular backdrop towering above the stage, the cream orange hue of dusk’s light bathing the massive turrets that hung over the cliff face. The natural stone made for the perfect audible experience with the comforts and amenities of a modern venue. Even with will call ticketing, the sheer number of attendees forced the fillies to lose precious time on the way to their box seats. Their arrangements were comfortable but unlike the train car they were surrounded by ponies and other creatures, standing room only for late comers. Ponies were still packing the amphitheater to capacity even as the last of the opening acts performed on stage.  Screaming through a microphone a mint green pegasus blurted out a barely discernible, anti- establishment ballad.  Thankfully the massive crowd only had to endure a few more minutes of the punkish assortment of a rock band called ‘Lock, Stalk, and Barrel’, at least that’s what Scootaloo could discern before a cacophony of boos descended upon the unfortunate band.  The foul mouthed pegasus and her motley crew were soon off the stage with not a few bits of produce being hurled their direction. The singer making a clumsy exit with a single feather extended on each wing toward the crowd, a gesture that Rainbow Dash cautioned Scootaloo never to repeat.             Time passed as stage hooves swept up the debris and Feather Bangs was announced to a thunderous applause from the audience.  Sweat beaded from Scootaloo’s forehead and her well-traveled sandwich was dripping grease underneath her dress. She hesitated, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were giddy with excitement, Scootaloo found it hard to ruin that moment. Even though she couldn’t stand the adventure from the start, wanting so badly for it to end, her heart kept holding her back.  Diamond Tiara was trying so hard to be her friend and Scootaloo was struggling to bring herself to end the whole ordeal.  ‘Come on…’ Scootaloo’s mind raced ‘hold out that sandwich in front of her face, all she has to do is ‘save you’ and boom! You’re free! Even steven, she no longer owes you anything Scootaloo! Don’t miss another chance, do it now! Do it now!’  Scootaloo’s shaking hoof reached down her dress to retrieve the sandwich… this was her chance. ‘ Nerves don’t fail me now.’ thought Scootaloo.    “ Yo Girl….” Bright lights came on, Scootaloo froze in place,  a steady  rumble of enthusiastic screams started gushing from the crowd… “Oh no…”, Scootaloo began to sweat… “ Yo Girl, you must be a parking ticket…”  the unseen, all too familiar ,sanguine voice reverberated through the amphitheater.  The sun had just set, a blue fog rolled across the stage… “Why’d you wait so long?…” ,moaned Scootaloo under her breath. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon held their breath, their pupils dilating to the size of dinner plates, sparkling in anticipation. “…CAUSE YOU GOT FINE WRITTEN ALL OVER YOU!” A roar from the crowd, Scootaloo felt a rush of wind from behind, just a few feet above her… WOOSH!  She just made out a glittery pony glide above her, she was lost amongst a sea of failing limbs, pink and silver cannons clasped around her tightly. Her hoof squished into her sandwich, she felt a noodle slide into her navel.  “ FEATHERBANGS!” screamed Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Scootaloo felt sick to her stomach. The devil himself had gilded on a cable so close overhead and now the glittering spectacle was dancing on the stage in front of her, complete with perfectly synchronized back up dancers.  As the blonde and frosted tip teenage monstrosity retched out a song about getting a parking ticket and wooing the issuing policemare, gross. Only Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon’s excited embrace kept Scootaloo from losing the contents of her stomach. It was too late, she missed at least three opportunities to execute her plan, and was now in the belly of the beast. Scootaloo gulped, she knew that she would have to literally face the music and see Featherbangs face to face once intermission rolled around. She closed her purple eyes trying to purge the drum machine, the sappy lyrics, the bellows of the masses. Here brow furrowed in frustration  ‘I gotta eat that sandwich… if it’s the last thing I do.’              It was a terrible and agonizing ordeal, even the gum and popcorn kernels Scootaloo found the floor made for poor ear plugs, but could one blame a desperate filly?  The songs just kept coming, straight from Tartarus, those wailing songs just kept coming.  Special gems like;  ‘ Baby are you hurting? Cause you fell from heaven’ and the familiar ‘I lost your number can I have your’s ?’ song.  Scootaloo was biting her lip and squeezing her sandwich tightly by then.  Diamond Tiara and SilverSpoon were dancing and having the time of their lives, not noticing that Scootloo had a hoof down the front of her dress , contracted pupils, and a twitching eyelid.  “Stay strong”, whispered Scootaloo to herself.   At the end of the Song ‘Girl can you be the tape to fix my broken heart?’ Scootaloo could hear a familiar voice from up above.   “ Whoo Hooo, Encore! Encore!” , A bicycle powered gyrocopter with candy cane railings hovered overhead, the pilot’s pink hoof was tossing about a mixture of confetti and cheese puffs in approval.   ‘Pinkie Pie’? though Scootaloo. She caught a stray cheese puff and judging by its fragrance Pinkie had a little too much cider this evening. Scootaloo remember the cupcakes she was denied yesterday and debated eating the cheese puff or using it as a better ear plug.  The night wore on, at one time Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon did manage to get Scootaloo to do a half-hearted bopping dance with them.  “Oh Celestia this is awkward”, said Scootaloo aloud.  But no one could hear her as she reluctantly bobbed back and forth over the grating, carnival- like music of ‘Girl you’re so cute, are you related to a baby?.’ On stage the background dancers were in sparkling diapers and Feather Bangs was being wheeled around in an oversized, baby crib to a five minute chorus of ‘Goo-Goo,  Wha-ha, Goo-goo, Gaa-Gaa, Waa- Ha’.  It would be a funny spectacle save for the insipid anguish of the ordeal. ‘how could so many ponies and creatures love this filth?,’ thought an irritated Scootaloo Scootaloo’s ears hurt, she closed her eyes, she began to sob, ‘… when will this stop?’   “Whoo hoo, Canterlot!…”, a sultry,youthful, microphone amplified voice proclaimed, to a throng of cheers and encore.    A pause in the music, Scootaloo caught her breath, the makeup carefully applied by Diamond Tiara for last minute touch ups enroute ran down her cheeks. She watched droplets of sweat, tears, and masquera drop in inky blots on the pavement before her hooves. Pinkies pie’s cheese puff fell to the floor from her left ear and she could hear the devil himself speak in between blown kisses.  “ Oh oh Canterlotians… canterloters…whatever! Mooah! Mooah!  Mooah ! I love you all!”  More Cheering.  “ We are gonna take a little break …”  There was a brief silence followed by not a few boos and cries of disappointment peppering forth from the masses.   “ No worries... no worries, my fair feathered friends…” chucked Feather bangs with flick of his sweaty mane.  Fair Feathered Friends,  or triple-Fs, was a coined term for his fans. Scootaloo noted with a suppressed gag, Diamond Tiara had dutifully informed her of that cursed phrase.   “ Cause when the big hand is half-way or something on the clock, you’ll be hear’n a sampling of my latest songs for my upcoming album… ‘Girl, do you have a special some pony? Cause if you do, that’s cool, cause that don’t bother me.’”  Before he could finish the idiotically, long album name the crowd erupted once again in excitement.  Scootaloo was barely coherent, just happy her ears and sanity had survived the lyrical onslaught, but just barely, she couldn’t do it again. “Scootaloo, let’s go! Let’s go!”, an exuberant Diamond Tiara beckoned.  Scootaloo shifted two bloodshot eyes in Diamond Tiara’s direction. A large, well dressed stallion, Feather Bang’s security detail, was waiting patiently.  “Please follow me, miss.” his deep voice called to her.  Scootaloo could only nod but was quickly whisked forward in the giddy embrace of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon who cajoled and cheered in delight.  The Stallion spoke into his ear piece as he parted the crowd with his imposing presence.  “V.I.P’s accounted for, enroute”.  “We're gonna see Feather Bangs!” hollered Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in almost synchronized jubilation. They almost lifted Scootaloo off the ground as they followed security through the masses.  Scootaloo felt more like a wrongly convicted prisoner emerging from her cell to be led to the gallows. Using her wing, her feathers stroke the greasy wax paper that held the key to her escape.  “It is time,” she said to herself, no pony could hear her promise over the commotion.  She missed her moment too many times, there would be no more hesitations. This was the best day in Diamond Tiara’s life, in retrospect it made getting her Cutie Mark seem so childish, this felt like the pinnacle of her life.  She was just moments away from meeting the boldest, most talented, and most handsome stallion of the Equestrian pop music scene. They made their way to the dressing rooms, the light blue, heavy built stallion from security escorting them briskly through the frenzied corridors. Stage hoofs, gaffers, makeup artists, and a few dancers were hurrying about trying to get everything ready for the second part of the show. Diamond Tiara was in awe of the whole operation, rivaling the ceremonies of the alicorn princesses themselves.  She was brimming with happiness, her steps were light as a feather. They were the only special guests admitted for this concert and best of all she was among friends. Diamond Tiara was on top of the world. But in lieu of all the bounty of privilege and master planning, Diamond Tiara could feel something was off, particularly in her friend Scootaloo.   ‘Poor Scootaloo, she is having a rough night’ , she thought in between excited chatter with Silver Spoon over meeting Feather Bangs.   She remembered her apprehension for meeting Feather Bangs from the day before.  Diamond Tiara was sure his live performance, which was amazing, would convince Scootaloo she had gotten a bad first impression. But Diamond Tiara’s heart ached a bit to see ponyville’s new junior elite, her new best friend, looking so stressed and frazzled. Her orange face was perfect, her mane immaculately styled into wisps complementing her daring demeanor, her party dress and her leggings stunning and brilliant. ‘Oh, Scootaloo’, thought Diamond Tiara ‘If only you realize how special you are, how few ponies are as kind, brave, and passionate as you.’  Diamond Tiara just couldn’t understand, she gave Scootaloo a social standing that very few ponies would acquire or have the capacity to execute.  She was rewarding Scootaloo for her heroism, not just from that monstrous bumble bee but from helping her move on from being a bratty, school yard bully.  Scootaloo saved her and here was her gratitude… but why was Scootaloo so… uncomfortable? Diamond Tiara bit her lip in thought. ‘Was she shy around crowds?’ she wondered.  Diamond Tiara was beginning to think that Scootaloo didn’t know how to dance. She was like a statue throughout all those amazing songs. Diamond Tiara didn’t have long to dwell on thoughts of having to schedule a future dance lesson when the security guard's deep commanding voice interrupted her train of thought. “Please wait here.”   They paused just outside a dressing room door with an enormous monogrammed star reading ‘Feather Bangs’ , the guard entered leaving the fillies for a moment.  Diamond Tiara could hear her own heart pounding against her rib cage in anticipation. She made a cute little jump in sync with Silver Spoon, reciprocating grins. She glanced back at her friend Scootaloo who was barely keeping up, it was such a conflicting moment. On one hoof euphoria, the stallion whose beautiful music graced her ears would soon grace her presence one on one. Then there was Scootaloo dragging behind, her face in a thousand yard stare like she had been peering into the very depths of Tartarus.  ‘Oh…no is that… is that  junkfood?… in her ear?’ though Diamond Tiara, the frantic pace of current events and the trip had ebbed and her acute observation was returning.  Diamond Tiara turned quickly to Scootaloo.  “ Are you okay Scootaloo?”, she approached, tenderly plucking out the gum from her ear.   “Awhh….yah, just a little tired from all the excitement”, said Scootaloo with a forced smile. “Did someone drop food on you?” ,pressed Diamond Tiara, “… hmm… what is this?”  She didn’t remember Scootaloo having such a pronounced and boxy chest, it was stretching the fabric. Diamond Tiara remarked at the curious protrusion. “ Scootaloo what is under your dress?…” Scootaloo broke out in minor panic and made an abrupt step back. “Ah…”, her mouth search for the words “Miss Diamond Tiara and guests?”, came a haughty voice and a fortunate distraction for Scootaloo.   Another stallion had appeared in the doorway of the dressing room.  He was in business attire covering a pale coat, his main styled in a messy pompadour, and a pair of spectacles focused his rather unsympathetic face.   “Yes?”, Diamond Tiara turned her attention to him. “Sven Gallop, Feather Bang’s official manager, a pleasure to meet you all” he replied more out of protocol than politeness, “He is ready.”   Diamond Tiara’s fluttering heart jumped into her throat, her breath nearly taken away. Silver Spoon could not help herself but give the most adorable little squee, shaking with excitement.  Scootaloo remained steely eye and just clutched at the odd protrusion at her chest. The moment had arrived. > Chapter 10_ Do you have an older sister? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The dressing room had a florist’s shop worth of bouquets lined upon a table each set with an adoring letter from fans from across Equestria. The lights from the room mirrors caught every crevice, not a shadow could be spotted , giving an unnatural blanched brightness about it. A service cart with light refreshments had been wheeled into the sprawling lounge that was inset into the floor. There, along with the familiar security guard close by, was Feather Bangs himself.  Dressed in a comfy white bathrobe and sprawled out across the couch in a state of blissful comfort, his eyelids closed in a zen like state of complete relaxation, his back hooves crossed his resting leg bobbing idly across his gaskin. He had a shiny complexion to his cream coat that seemed to almost sparkle. Diamond Tiara approached in awe as a pilgrim would in the presence of a holy site, she had no idea her heart could beat so quickly.   “…When speaking to Feather Bangs no discussions of politics, large numbers, or marriage proposals,” Sven Gallop reciting his oft repeated monologue to VIPs and fans on the stipulations of meeting his client, the fillies barley paid any mind to it.  “Autographs are 40 bits per item no larger than an standard headshot, no discount for spelling errors…” he dryly enumerated on, “and please refrain from using college level vocabulary, do I make myself clear?”   He turned his head to shoot Diamond Tiara a pouty glare, knowing she wasn’t paying full attention. Diamond Tiara caught off guard by the minor rudeness could only manage a cute little nod. Lucky for Sven,the enthralling presence of Feather Bangs was enough for Diamond Tiara to forgo backhanding his muzzle.             Feather Bangs, gradually opened a single eye as Sven Gallop and the fillies approached.   “Feather Bangs, this is Miss Diamond Tiara and her plus twos, her father is Filthy Rich of Rich Enterprises.” Sven stressed her father’s title.   Feather Bangs shuffled himself upright and flick his frosted tipped mane. For a rare instance in Diamond Tiara’s life she wasn’t as confident as she normally was. She almost forgot to take her seat, poor Silver Spoon was visibly shaking in a mixture of nervousness and excitement. Scootaloo managed to calmly take her seat with a deadpan look, not saying a word.  Feather Bangs chuckled.  “Hey, Hey girls what’s shaking? I’m sure you all like my music, I write It myself” another mane flick “ And I only need one draft, too many good ideas in this head” he finished with another mane flick.   Diamond Tiara swallowed and let out a breath to compose herself “ Mr. Feather Bangs, it’s an honor to meet you, my friends and I are huge fans and…”   “ Naturally!,” abruptly interrupted Feather Bangs with a chuckle “ It be pretty weird if you weren’t fans, am I right”.  Still chuckling at his own observation he playfully elbowed Sven, who was standing by the couch. He only returned a forced smile, behind eyes that said,”Don’t touch me you overgrown teenager.”  Diamond Tiara was taken aback a little but continued, “ My friends and I would like to inquire if you’d consider making Ponyville a stop on your Hearth’s Warming tour...”  “Hearth's Warming? “ interjected Feather Bangs “Oh baby, that’s coming fast…”  he put a hoof around his chin genuinely caught off guard.   “Hey Solar Shields” he motioned over to the security guard, “talk about the holidays always makes me hungry, what do we got?”  Feather Bangs pointed to the lidded tray on the service cart. Every pony could tell that Solar Shields was rolling his eyes beneath his sunglasses as he removed the lid. In arranging the meeting with Feather Bangs, Diamond Tiara’s father had the option to request a snack, so he wrote down the most recent snack of her’s that he could remember. On the exposed tray were neatly arranged assortments of tiny vegetables and fruits frozen in blocks of ice. The low calorie, cryogenic culinary treats, Diamond Tiara raved about, a kumquat drizzled in a yogurt sauce wrapped in a purple cabbage leaf.   “Ehhh… can we get a hayburger or something in here?” moped Feather Bangs. “There’s no time for that, Mr. Feather Bangs.” coldly retorted Sven Gallop, “Continue young lady”, he finished sharply.   Diamond Tiara was surprised by Feather Bangs rudeness and disregard for chic healthy eating.  From the corner of her eye she thought she saw Scootaloo give something akin to death glare at the tray of snacks.  Thankfully Silver Spoon helped her recover. “Mr. Bangs”, Silver Spoon piped up, gushing badly, red cheeks and all “Your music really leaves an impression on so many young ponies in Ponyville, your sound is so unique and mature, it would mean so much to your fans in more rural areas If you’d consider performing in Ponyville.” ’What would I do without you?’ thought Diamond Tiara with a smile, no pony could ask for a more loyal friend.   “Ponyville…?” said a rather bored and unamused Feather Bangs “ I wouldn’t wanna play at a farm or county fair, girl. That ain’t quite my style any more, my small town gigs are over”  He dismissively waved his hoof with a chuckle.  “You understand right?” he replied with a smug look, honestly thinking he was informing the fillies.   Diamond Tiara was almost sure they were doing something wrong here, this was not the conversation she had envisioned. Nonetheless she pressed on.  “ Mr Featherbangs, I’m aware of your tour schedule, you bypass Ponyville and would be missing out on a lucrative opportunity. You have the highest record sales in Ponyville and the surrounding townships. The Silver and Rich families will be more than able to accommodate your venue needs and  we can easily get the assistance of Princess Twilight Sparkle.” “Mizzzz….” Diamond Tiara was completely cut off by Sven Gallop’s abruptness,  who with great pleasure held up his custom made ‘Bowlegs Watch’ on his front left pastern, the swarmest of grins crossed his muzzle. Diamond Tiara knew that time was short with Feather Bangs but she also knew she still had just over ten minutes. She had a mare-sized timepiece in a discreet pocket sewn into her dress, she knew that time meant everything to elite ponies, father taught her so much.  Still she hid her annoyance very well. “… Ponyville is more than willing to meet your needs Mr. Featherbangs, if you would like I can provide…”   “Hey you, little filly”, Feather Bangs cut her off yet again, but he was not addressing Diamond Tiara, his very limited attention was now on the silent Scootaloo.  Diamond Tiara could not believe she was holding back an exasperated sigh. 'Is this a dream… nightmare?',she though.   Scootaloo straighten up in her seat, her mouth visibly fighting the urge to frown.  “You look familiar”, mused Feather Bangs with a studious eye at Scootaloo, a sly little smile slowly spread across his muzzle.  “Ah! Don’t tell me… I know you from somewhere, you have an older sister don’t you?”              Scootaloo said nothing, she instead climbed on the couch as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon tried to get the conversation back on track. They couldn’t help but glance over at Scootaloo while they tried to recapture Feather Bangs’ ever diminishing attention.  But before anypony knew it Scootaloo had reached down her dress and with a loud tear removed a square object.  “I can’t help myself anymore!”, screamed the little pegasus  “I’m sorry Diamond Tiara but I just can’t resist calories, trans fats and gluten! It calls to me!”   She stood on her hind legs facing Diamond Tiara, a gigantic, stinking sandwich oozed, obscuring her head.  Like every pony else, Diamond Tiara was in shock, barely registering the wax paper that had wafted onto her tiara and immaculate mane.                Solar Shields had seen a lot in his relatively brief time as Feather Bangs’ bodyguard, a rather mundane career with rare bursts of exciting incidents. Ecstatic, inebriated, and sometimes desperate fans came with the job, but he found himself at a loss. He had training to neutralize armed threats, identify poison and harmful magic. But nothing in his career had prepared him for a filly threatening to consume a sandwich as big as her own head. On top of that the three fillies were so small and close together, the hulking stallion had to deal with them with added restraint. Really, the worst she was doing was getting crumbs and cheese on the couch. Solar Shields was frozen between an appropriate restraining move or getting the VIP a plate.   “What is going on here? , Gahhh that sandwich smells terrible!” whined Sven curling his nostrils, more annoyed at the spectacle than anything.   Silver Spoon hopped off the couch and mistaking a vase for a waste bin secured it in her muzzle . “MHMMHM SCMMFMMT MMFFMMM”, Silver Spoon attempted dialogue while bobbing a pot in her muzzle, feverishly trying her best to instruct Scootaloo to dispose of her gastric abomination. “Um Miss, put down the sandwich  you’ll …spoil your dinner…?” managed Solar Shields trying his best to deescalate the situation.    “ Back off! “ Scootaloo exclaimed ,“I have almost three thousand calories in this sandwich and I’m really hungry! If only some elite and mature pony was here to save me from this delicious sandwich.”   Scootaloo was shaking the adrenaline was coursing through her body, the funky smell of the sandwich was causing her head to spin. If somepony else got the nerve to subdue her this whole operation would be for not.  Just another failed endeavor of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.   “Come on Diamond Tiara, smack the sandwich out of my hooves!”, she thought  But their came no salvation, no delicate but commanding pink hoof came to swat the sandwich to the floor. Just too big tear droplets running down Diamond Tiara’s checks, ruining her makeup.  “Why are you doing this Scootaloo?’ Sobbed Diamond Tiara, it was rare for her to cry.  Scootaloo remember the other time Diamond Tiara cried, the day she lost the race for class president, not a single classmate voted for her.  That day Diamond Tiara threaten to withhold funds to the school, because she didn’t get her way.  That day no pony would putting up with her bullying any longer. It was that same day that Diamond Tiara turned over a new leaf and with the help of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.             Scootaloo couldn’t shake how familiar how this night felt like that day, but like day and night, it felt like their roles had been reversed. In a very brief moment of silence save for Diamond Tiara’s sobbing, Scootaloo, her eyes misting, began lowering her sandwich. Making a barely audible apology before Sven Gallop unceremoniously clapped his hoofs.  “Okay, Okay lets wrap this meeting up fillies… if you can just throw away that disgusting sandwich that would…gulp” Sven Galloped said just before a hoof went into his mouth.  That hoof belonged to Feather Bangs, and for the first time in the tense three minutes his attention was focused.  “Wait…wait a minute, don’t cry little fillies”, he said with a little giggle “and don’t go just yet...is that a pasta and potato sandwich on sourdough? “  He licked his muzzle. Everything was happening so fast, Scootaloo instinctively hugged the Sandwich  ‘It can’t be... how can this monster, love the same things I do?’, she screamed inside  Feather bangs began to make his way forward, wheeling the service cart with the melting ore dourves just enough to let him pass.  “ No worries, I just wanna hold it for a minute, with my teeth”, his eyes flashing hungryly, a hunger of the culinary type.  A faint stomach rumble could be heard as he approached.  Scootaloo was desperate, her plan in shambles and the worst possible scenario was happening before her.  Giving Feather Bangs her favorite sandwich, however inedible, was just too much to bear.  “You can’t have it!”, yelled Scootaloo.  The adult ponies stopped in there tracks. Blame it on the concert, the face to face encounter with Feather Bangs, the frozen snacks, a lack of scootering, a crying Diamond Tiara, but in that instant Scootaloo hopped off the sofa and onto the service cart.   “Scootaloo!” yelled Diamond Tiara her face red, mascara streaming, angry “Where do you think you are going?”  Scootaloo’s hooves found purchase on the upper level. Years of scootering allowed her to find footing deftly, avoiding the melting ice cubes under-hoof.Generating a spray of ice water on the adult ponies, buying her a few precious seconds. With her body angled forward, her wings beating so fast they droned, the weight of the sandwich cradled in her arms gave her the needed momentum to hurl the serving cart into motion. Diamond Tiara leaped off the sofa in pursuit. Due to her flowing garments she was only able to make the service cart’s lower platform.  A very confused Silver Spoon dropped her vase, not wanting to be left behind, she flung herself toward Diamond Tiara as the loyal friend that she was. Managing to grab onto the nearest rear railing of the careening serving cart with both hooves, hanging on while it sped for the door.    “Come on girl… I know you need help eat’n that thing! I bet you don’t even like crusts!`` yelled Feather Bang as hurried behind and ran out the door. “AHH! Not again! ” whined Sven Gallop.   Solar Shades sprang into action, this was more his style. He shoved passed Sven Gallop, it felt good. He spoke through his ear piece at full gallop out the door.  “Security team! ‘The Peacock’s in flight’! I repeat ‘The Peacock’s in flight’, be on the lookout for runaway service cart with minors!” > Chapter 11_ Runaway Service Cart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Canterlot Amphitheater was a modern facility, being designed for the needs of the extensively choreographed acts and spectacles typical of current performers. An extensive network of makeup rooms, equipment storage, and even sound stages were incorporated into the facilities behind the main stage. Added bonus, the facility ran on a slope to the stage due to the terrain.  As long as Scootaloo could keep the service cart in motion she could exit to the stage with no problem.   “Gang way!” she yelled dodging a herd of startled backup dancers as she shifted the cart to turn the corner of a hallway.   Just narrowly missing one, whizzing by so close she could taste the glitter and hairspray. The typically agile dancers were a bit clumsy getting out of the way, encumbered by their sparkling bumble bees suits with matching beehive mane-dos.  Diamond Tiara noted that the next song would be ‘Honey, Honey, Honey…You’re so sweet, won’t you be my honey bee?. She acquired a leaked single of the song, not an easy feat, it was good aside from a seven minute chorus of Feather Bangs repeatedly singing ‘Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz,buzz, buzz,buzz... buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz just Beecuze.’ But this time Diamond Tiara found it easier not to fawn over his music as she had in the past, additionally she had more pressing concerns. Her friend Scootaloo had gone mad and Silver Spoon was waving like a flag off the corner railing of a careening service cart. Her gorgeous dress fluttering, causing an unnecessary drag on their commandeered vehicle.  Poor Silver Spoon was never one for thrill seeking, Diamond Tiara braced herself on the cart and helped pull her friend on to the lower level by the pasterns.   “Come back here girls, I promise I won’t eat it all!” shouted out Feather Bangs, as he vaulted over a very confused dancer.  “I just want a nibble or two, or three...!”   He was closing in fast. Still Diamond Tiara could spare a few seconds for Silver Spoon, fanning her with her monogrammed handkerchief. Diamond Tiara came prepared, but found her efforts fruitless. There was plenty of wind generated from their momentum blowing into her friend’s exacerbated face. She had to leave Silver Spoon to mind herself as she braved the head winds, fuming.   “SCOOTALOO!” she cried from beneath the cart, “What in Celestia’s caked filled gullet has gotten into you!”                 Her demanding voice startled Scootaloo just a bit, her head bowed down, her tinys wings still beating so furiously she was losing tiny, dow feathers.  “What has gotten into!?” repeated Diamond Tiara, her stern, hurting eyes locking with Scootaloo’s. “I’m sorry! I just wanna get out of here!” Scootaloo frantically yelled, too many things were happening at once, she could hear the galloping hooves of Feather Bangs and a half dozen security ponies closing the gap behind them. “This was our night Scootaloo, this was a night for YOU!” ,yelled a pained Diamond Tiara Bump! Bump! Bump! Bump! The service cart descending a brief flight of stairs, Scootaloo’s shifted her weight to keep the service cart from tipping over, as it violently rocked its way down. It caused her to bob her head up and down repeatedly as Diamond Tiara proceeded to speak to her. “ I gave you everything, I made snacks for you, I had a dress made for you, I brought you to this concert, and you go crazy on Silver Spoon and I!?” ,Diamond Tiara continued unfazed save for a few stray tears. Silver Spoon let out a little shriek at the sudden turbulence of the stairs. Scootaloo‘s exacerbated face and bobbing head did not help matters. It was a very unpleasant twenty seconds or so, an irritating, and painful eternity for Diamond Tiara. “I’m trying to repay you Scootaloo! Bring you in! We opened up to you!  Why are you so distant!? Why are you so uncomfortable?” “I don’t know!” Scootaloo’s head inadvertently swung dynamically beneath the service cart as she cleared the stairs.  Diamond Tiara didn’t flinch despite being nearly headbutted by her. Scootaloo panted, catching her breath in the strain of piloting the cart. Not designed for speed and maneuver, the service cart took all of Scootaloo’s strength to control it.  “I can’t do it Diamond Tiara! The dress, the calorie counting, the growing up, being an elite pony, talking about capital… I can’t stand it!” “Look out!” unexpectedly shouted Silver Spoon, Instinctively Scootaloo, lifted her head and not a moment too soon.  Bam! The cart hit a concrete column and fish tailed suddenly, reorienting backwards at full speed, all the fillies let out a shriek at the impact. Only Scootaloo’s balance and years of scootering, kept the service cart from capsizing. She cursed it under her breath, it was hard maneuvering this junk. The watery ice cube snacks splashed her underside. Stinging her and soaking the sandwich she still held onto, mostly out of habit now.  Diamond Tiara was apparently not phased at all by the collision. She stuck her head out again from the lower level, her accusing eyes braving her whipping, glorious mane, staring right through Scootaloo. Scootaloo had to jerk her head back and forth to focus on Diamond Tiara and try to navigate the now backward service cart. A random stage hand jump out of the way of the on coming cart.                “ Okay maybe you’re not used to those things and yes, perhaps you needed to be eased into this friendship with us;but that gives you no right to ruin our whole evening like this!”,said Diamond Tiara “Feather Bangs is a Jerk!” blurted Scootaloo, and almost on que he was right on top of the snack cart.  His torso shoving Diamond Tiara down beneath the service cart, she made an adorable little “oof,” as she was knocked back in. Her signature Tiara fell off her head and rolled on to the top of the service cart. Feather Bangs hung on and licked his muzzle with a chuckle. “Now hand over the sandwich and I’ll autograph your forehead. Fair trade?... “ “ I don’t have an older sister!” was all Scootaloo could manage to yell at this point, snot and tears flowing.   She clutched the sandwich ever tighter to her body its shape contorting to her being, noodles and cheese spilled out. Giving it up at this point felt like surrender but Scootaloo was effectively paralyzed. With Scootaloo’s difficulty of maneuvering the cart, Feather Bangs had the upper hoof. His weight was slowing the cart down, if they didn’t pick up speed soon, he’d have the sandwich, and Scootaloo was in for a very awkward train ride home. The cart popped a wheelie, with Feather Bangs shifting his bulk back, apparently in an effort to drop the sandwich into his wanting maul. “Remain calm Feather Bangs!” yelled Solar Shield with half a dozen security ponies in tow close behind. “Back up is right behind you, Be advise your on stage in 10 minutes, please avoid staining your face and remember to chew your food!”  “I didn’t want an autograph!” whined Silver Spoon who wrapped herself tightly around the right hand railing of the Service cart, now facing  the action head on.  “I’m so sorry, our friend isn’t feeling well!” she managed to warn a startled intern causing them to drop their coffee cups and flatten themselves against a wall on hind hooves to avoid the careening cart.  “Feather Bangs did you get my song Idea?!”, the intern yelled after the cart as it banked left around a corner straining on one wheel.   Scootaloo’s leg and wing muscles burned to keep the cart upright. She felt the sandwich slipping. Feather Bang’s muzzle opened wide revealing pearly white teeth ready to ravage a stale sandwich,this was it… Diamond Tiara griped the bottom of the service cart and cocked her hindlegs toward the upper level. WHAMM! A sizable dent emerged from underneath the service cart. It flung Scootaloo on to her back and withers, but at least the cart was rushing forward again. No longer riding high on its back wheels, sandwich still plastered to her chest.  Feather Bangs made an adorable little filly’s shriek in fright as he released the service cart, landing hard on his rump to the floor. Diamond Tiara’s head emerged from the lower level of the service cart, her mane flowing majestically along with a glaring, narrow gaze at Feather Bangs.  Diamond Tiara’s completed her ‘back off’ expression by nonchalantly retrieving her Tiara caught in the corner of cart. She delicately placed it back upon her head with a cute little shake. She turned her glower to Scootaloo, she meant business.      “Scootaloo, get us to safety”, was all she said before ducking back down. While Feather Bangs was neutralized for the time being, his security staff was still in hot pursuit.  Scootaloo was acting more on instinct than intuition, understating the tone of Diamond Tiara’s directive more than her words.  It was all the little filly needed to spring into action. Her feathers and back were splashed with water, soggy cabbage leaves, and kumquats squashed beneath. All that remained of the frozen snacks was a slurry of half melted ice cubes with the aforementioned fruits and vegetables, bobbing around in a large tray. Scootaloo wasted one second on a curt little smile, and another using her undersized wings to propel her body momentum to make a double corkscrew kick. She flawlessly kicked the tray off in one revolution, with the second revolution she righted herself forward helping pick up speed.  The tray frisbeed a spray of water at the security ponies, ice cubes, kumquats and cabbage leaves scattered along the floor as slippery land mines.  “I’m slipping, getting dizzy! May day! May day!” yelled Solar Shields through his ear piece.  In his hurry all four hooves contacted with ice cubes and kumquats, his legs splayed out wildly, and he spun helplessly in place much like a little colt learning how to ice skate.The rest of the security staff fared no better. On top of that two of them were needed to hold Feather Bangs still, a makeup artist braved the chaos to powder the scuffed fur on his rump. “I almost had it! I could taste it!” Feather Bangs yelled his frustration as he struggled to keep his balance in the slippery, edible quagmire beneath his hooves.  A disheveled Sven Gallop was reduced to holding Feather Bang’s tail in his muzzle in a desperate effort to help keep the strong and hungry pop star still.  “MPFPTH YWMML MRMMMPL YWMMLL MMMMKCKMPF!” He proclaimed through clamped teeth warning Feather Bangs not to ruin his makeup. It didn’t look good for the security detail. The hero of the hour was a forgotten janitor, who heroically braved the spill to emplace a wet floor sign and dutifully begin mopping up.  Backup security, unable to cross, huddled and began debating protocol on how best to requisition the runaway service cart.  ­  “This is a lot to unload Scootaloo” said Diamond Tiara, as they raced down the remaining hallways.  It was hard enough for Scootaloo to try and remember the way out of the facility and back to the stage, even more so with Diamond Tiara. Making her presence known, head still sticking out from the lower level of the cart. Her wisping mane still not fazing her in the slightest. “You don’t have to like the things I do, but can you at least respect them,'' she said with sadness still in her throat. Even thought Scootaloo was glad to have some distance between them and Feather Bangs she felt terrible and awkward, piloting a service cart didn’t help matters either. She strained to keep her focus between Diamond Tiara and the path ahead. “Look I wanted to give you an out!” said a flustered Scootaloo “An out?” “Yes D.T., you think I saved your life, even though the whole class was stung by bees except you and me. I planned on giving you an opportunity to save my life, so we wouldn’t have to go through this whole ordeal, this ceremony where you have to show your gratitude. Where we have to be friends due to circumstances, even though we have nothing in common. I wanted to give you an out too, so we can leave ‘even steven’ our lives intact! Free! No debts of gratitude owed.” “This is some sort of agreement to you?…” said a hurt Diamond Tiara Scootaloo was taken aback looking at the crestfallen Diamond Tiara, but before anything else could be said. “I know your all in the middle of a very heartfelt talk, but eyes up! Eyes up!” yelled Silver Spoon, content on keeping her self-wrapped around the railing. They were finally back on the stage, out in the open air,  the crispness of the night surrounding them, the bright lights nearly blinding the fillies. The stage crew were within the last preparations for the premier of Feather Bang’s new song ‘Honey, Honey, Honey…You’re so sweet, won’t you be my honey bee?’, and they had erected an enormous beehive platform. The ziggurat-like structure was raised and lowered through an enormous trap door through a mix of unicorn magic and earth pony engineering. A wonder of Equestrian entertainment, it was a brilliant yellow behemoth, with a glittery foam texture that shimmered like fire on the stage, the light casting hexagonal reflections as it rotated.  A ramp corkscrewed from its base to the very top of the beehive, intended for Feather Bangs and his dancers to conga line their way to top going, ‘buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz… buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, just becuzz.’ The stage was flurry of activity with stage hands and gaffers getting everything prepared for the show behind the enormous curtains. A speeding service cart was the last thing they expected for despite preparations for the better part of a year.  “Excuse us!”  “Out of the way!” “Coming through!” The fillies called to the dumbfounded stage hands not wanting to injure them. The problem that Scootaloo had not anticipated was where she would take her service cart once she escaped.  To avoid any collision she took the only feasible option, with all her weight,  wings flapping furiously, she banked the cart hard onto the beehive’s ramp the only place free of scattering ponies. Scootaloo broke a sweat from the effort, cracks formed in the sandwich from the gripping strain, her teeth ached from grinding, as she pushed the service cart to its limit.  Fortunately Diamond Tiara was on the same page, she could feel the back and forth motion of the cart and by this point knew that Scootaloo was shifting its weight to steer it. She whistled to Silver Spoon to hop the right side railing enabling Scootaloo to bank hard to make the ramp.  No pony else could have convinced Silver Spoon to shift rails, she suppressed a scream, to hurl herself over to the next railing.  Diamond Tiara could never ask for a more loyal friend.      “Have you ever considered that I may have wanted to connect with you all these years, Scootaloo?” Diamond Tiara continued as the cart sped up the ramp.   Scootaloo’s heart sank, the half congealed cheese of the sandwich squished against her body.  “I wanted to connect too…’, said Scootaloo “but it’s so hard!” she felt so ashamed in how she tried to recuse herself from Diamond Tiara, but instead created a disaster. The cart was slowing down on its way to the top, a good thing,  Scootaloo wouldn’t have to work so hard to control it. However, the unicorns and mechanics operating the beehive stage,were apparently unaware of events or it was too late to change anything. As the beehive continued to rotate at a speed that maintained some inertia, while the cart was slowing down due to the incline it was still moving and running out of ramp as it approached the top. “ It is hard,” agreed Diamond Tiara “It’s hard to be friends when you have nothing in common, yet have shared so much together.” Scootaloo’s eyes teared, realizations were coming at her from everywhere. She began to see her selfishness, how foolish and horrendously elaborate the plan to sever their relationships was. The truth was that Scootaloo did not respect Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon’s gestures even though they missed the mark more often than not.  Worst still, as the top of the beehive approached they were still going too fast to stop but not fast enough to land safely. “ I was so selfish… I didn’t see you two as peers… and you did so much for me… saying ‘no’ at the time seem so mean… ” Scootaloo said, she went numb.  It was a moment she was familiar with. It came with failed attempts in scootering, years of practice had honed her body to the feeling.  That feeling were she knew she was going to fall, the pain of experience informed her to let her body go limp, if she was relaxed she’d avoid injury.  That night under the scalding stage lights she felt like she was coming in for a painful landing, both figuratively and literally. Feeling began to dissipate from her body like a balloon losing air, she messed up and she knew it. The cart went into a full on nosedive after gaining a pitiful amount of air from clearing the beehive. Scootaloo was jettisoned out of the cart, she tumbled down helplessly, the world now a blur . She lifted up a hoof from her still clasped Sandwich now as messy as her situation, crumbs and noodles ran in cheesy streams up and down her legs. A desperate gesture, the only thing she could think of to add emphasis to her words.  Helpless to the mercy of gravity. “… I’m sorry Diamond Tiara, I’m sorry Silver Spoon. I didn’t give you the consideration you two deservered”.  Scootaloo said tears streaming droplets from her eyes, in free fall, everything was happening so quickly that she spoke to open air rushing quickly by her.  Scootaloo just wanted to voice how she felt, to ebb the emptiness and shame.  On her outward stretch hoof she felt a jarring jerk, below her she saw the dining cart break to pieces on the stage floor, still behind the curtain.  The sound was drowned out by the chanting and cheering of the crowd out of view behind the deep purple curtain, growing impatient for the second half of the concert. Scootaloo stared down in disbelief.                 “How I am I still alive?” she thought, she glanced back to her wings.  Had they granted her flight, disproving her doctors? Nope her two diminutive wings, remained in place burning from the exertion of the night’s events. She then looked up to see Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon floating above her.                 “ Am I dead?” asked Scootaloo. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon just giggled, though Silver Spoon giggled more nervously, her eyes darting every which way scanning the horizon.                 “No, silly blank flank”  said Diamond Tiara wiping a tear on her shoulder, both her hooves were clasped tightly holding Scootaloo’s outstretched leg as was Silver Spoon. Silver Spoon bracketed Diamond Tiara, their hind hooves bracing each other, while Scootaloo and her sandwich provided a counter weight, The fillies dresses had deployed into elegant, stylish parachutes. A testament to Rarity’s skill with a needle and thread, a lesser designer would’ve meant a trip to the hospital for all fillies involved.  Scootaloo just hung their in amazement, as the awfully cute filly parachute gradually descended, it offered a spectacular view.  She could see the thousands of ponies and creatures who crammed the stadium to see Feather Bangs, along with flickering lights of the surrounding buildings and towers. Caterlot’s spires towered like giants from the rock face above them. Green, yellow and blue lights from the palace gardens illuminated the pearly white turrets. The sky was sprinkled with lustrous stars in the deep purple night sky, Luna’s crescent moon hung large in the Sky adding to the magical moment. In that brief amount of time that always too short, but so, so worth it.  The beauty of their surroundings made even the most anxious fillies at ease as they drifted, letting go. Some in the enormous crowd probably mistook a glimpse of this odd parachute as the start of the second part of the performance.  Shouts of “Feather Bangs, Feather Bangs!”, “We love you Feather Bangs!” , “Marry me Feather Bangs!” and “Play the music already !” began echoing from the crowd. Some unruly, teenage griffins were already throwing refuse at the curtains before security noticed, they already had their hooves full with a wet floor and run away fillies. There were even a few young dragons, perched along the cliff sides who in jest belched streams of fluorescent flame in anticipation of the show.                ‘Lottering hooligans, I wagered no pony had the muster to check if they bought tickets for this... freeloaders.’, though Diamond Tiara with a tiny huff, right after she stopped focusing on landing on the light girders and catwalk that ran above the curtain. The landing was on the rough side but the fillies were safe at last. Just as she finished her though Diamond Tiara found herself embraced by a sobbing Scootaloo. Scootaloo tried to emote words between her blubbering, but could only sob. The sandwich she’d had clung to so tightly was now plastered to her body and she smelled heavily of cheese.  Diamond Tiara just laid her hoofs around Scootaloo with her cheek on her quivering head. Silver Spoon, nearly in tears herself, wrapped her tiny frame around her friends as best she could.  It was just what Scootaloo need, still sorrowful she wiped her sniffly muzzle with her noodle covered cannon.  Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon smiled warmly the life long friends cocked a glance at each other. No words were needed, just a nod, they were on the same page as always.  > Chapter 12 _Code Pink > --------------------------------------------------------------------------     “I don’t like what happened back there.” calming explained Diamond Tiara as she relaxed her hug, “while you didn’t listen to me Scootaloo, I didn’t listen to you either.”   Scootaloo perked up. Diamond Tiara sighed, looked her friend in the eye,  “ You were right about Feather Bangs…” she gave her a small smile.  But just as Scootaloo was beginning to feel better, a boyish chuckle broke the stillness.  A luscious, frosty mane was flicked. A nightmare had returned.  “Girls, you don’t need to run and hide from me…” Feather Bangs snickered, his teeth gleaning. Apparently after falling off the service cart, he was rushed to costume and make up. There Feather Bangs was fitted with a black and yellow, criss-crossed striped tuxedo, complete with a top hat with two puffy, faux antenna that wiggled on spring coils.  Two flamboyant, fabric wings were attached to the tuxedo's shoulder pads that wisped back and waved in the wind, well past his tail which had been painstakingly plastered, woven, and molded by hair pomade into a stinger. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were duly horrified and impressed, mouths agape their eyes darting between them saying, ‘Blast that Feather Bangs, but you have to admire how quick his wardrobe department is!’ Scootaloo struggled to her hooves, baring teeth she could feel the heat of the lights against her coat, causing her to perspire, the sandwich on her chest was beginning to toast. She was sorry for a lot of things that night but she would do it all again to defy Feather Bangs. “Now I’m gonna make a beeline to the stage”, Feather Bangs chuckled at his own joke, “ and I need a little ‘pick me up’ before I go, you understand right?” The fillies began to back up as he approached. “Stop right there!” ,panted Sven Gallop,  who was clearly out breath and out of shape from climbing so many stairways to flank the fillies with security in tow. “Don’t , huff, think your getting, huff, away from me so easily.  That service cart,huff, was, huff, a rental!”, Sven Gallop struggled between breaths, he was mostly flustered that a trio of fillies had gotten the better of him. “Now come with us to be escorted off the premises and please provide the contact information of your parents or legal guardians,” said Solar Shields, this was more his style. Behind his sunglasses he glared at Sven, who was leaning on his shoulder, panting loudly. ‘We wouldn’t be in this mess, Sven if you’d approved those non-slip horseshoes for the budget like we asked you to do, repeatedly!’ , he thought. “Gahh…” moaned Diamond Tiara clearly through with tonight’s events.  With a flick of her bouncy, lavender and white mane that was almost too quick to register, a tiny writing pen and check wafted down to the catwalk at her hooves. How Diamond Tiara kept checks and writing implements in her mane was a question that was never considered, given the present situation. With an indignant but adorable little huff, she quickly began to write her check, pen in her mouth wiggling furiously on the paper. All the while Silver Spoon and Scootaloo moved closer together as the adults began to close in on them from both ends of the narrow gangway. Diamond Tiara remained cool and collected, taking in one matter at time, not letting the situation overwhelm her. Just as her father had taught her. She did however lose her cool just bit by spitting out her pen just to show everypony her disgust.  Scootaloo, at a loss for what to do next, reluctantly shifted her gaze to Diamond Tiara from a drooling Feather Bangs. Who only paused to shake his mane from his eyes.   Scootaloo never thought she was about to ask Diamond Tiara ‘What do we do now?’ but before she could utter those words she paused. ‘Is she doing origami?’,puzzled Scootaloo in her own head. Sure enough; cursing under her breath, Diamond Tiara’s little pink hooves were a flurry of activity folding the paper check into a shuriken. Diamond Tiara finished quickly, she stood on her hind legs and flung the shuriken with her mouth.  Finishing with defiant little rear she proclaimed, “You happy now?! That should cover the overpriced dining cart, cleaning, and the snacks! Now call off your dim-witted, avaricious, sandwich-crazed, pop star!”            The Shuriken check abruptly stuck itself into Sven gallops pink pompadour, startling Solar Shields so much his sunglasses jump from the bridge of his muzzle. Sven Gallop was aghast and cross-eyed staring at his giggling mane-do with the check bobbing up and down with the momentum of the impact. Miss Cheerilee’s foreign cultures class had paid off in every sense of the word.             ‘Awesome!’ thought Scootaloo, Silver Spoon gave a little approving grin as if to say ’Yep, that’s my best friend.’ However Solar Shields was not to be dissuaded in his security mission, he no doubt would be talking about this night over bottles of cider for years to come, he was a stallion that feared no art projects. He stepped forward, causing Sven Gallop to fall backward, that felt good.  “Now calm down young filly, and lay down your checkbook, and allow me to escort you all…”   “FEATHER BANGS!!!!!!”, a shrill, cider laced, high pitch voice slurred from up high.   Scootaloo’s eyes widened her spirits rode high once more and a pink angel appeared overhead. She piloted a bicycle powered gyrocopter, assembled from wicker baskets and painstakingly crafted, oversized candy canes. The candy canes constituted the rotor assembly and the landing skids, grayed with age, debris, and what looked to be bite marks. The flying machine trailed a banner with carnival styled serif font reading ’Visit Sugar Cube Corner: try our new Cheese Puffs!’       “Pinkie Pie?”, said Silver Spoon oblivious that this was not the weirdest escapade pulled off by the undisputed princess of parties, who was actually on the job for Mr. Cake. “OOHH OHH OHHH Feather Baaugghhrrrhngs!” belched Pinkie, “ Oh excuse me! Please, please,pretty, pretty, pretty please, sign my bag of cheese puffs!”   She exclaimed with a manic ear to ear grin, a burlap sack of cheese puffs held in her tail, and black marker emerging from the folds of her springy, cotton candy-like mane.  Peddling her way closer candy cane skids, nudged, bumped and shaved into the curtain railing rocking the gangway.  Small shards of peppermint tumbled down the quaking curtain. Some of the crowd cheered thinking that this was part of Feather Bangs opening act. Twilight Sparkle would not be happy, Pinkie Pie was worse with her beverage consumption than Rainbow Dash. Feather Bangs was thoroughly surprised by all this, his precious attention captured by an airborne fan, he did manage to flick his bangs one more time if only to refocus. Scootaloo saw her one and only chance… ,“Pinkie Pie! Get us out of here!”  “Scootaloo?!, You’re here too?  Sure thing, help yourself to some cheesy puffs” said Pinkie just before flinging her freakishly long tongue like a frog to one of the open baskets of cheese puffs helping herself to half a dozen fluorescent orange snacks. Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes,  “ Beggars can’t be choosers”, she dryly stated. Surprisingly Silver Spoon, having enough of this adventure, was in a blink of an eye already scaling onto Pinkie’s gyrocopter. Sure enough the other fillies were scrabbling right behind her while the adults were suddenly confronted with a Pinkie Pie encounter. “Code Pink! Code Pink! I need backup! I have a Code Pink and she’s airborne!”  frantically yelled Solar Shields into his earpiece. Security and Sven Gallop were completely blind sided by this turn of events, complicated by the fact that a few in the security detail tried to take flight at just the sight of Pinkie Pie, a well known harbinger of shenanigans. “Not her again! The show starts in less than five minutes!” moaned Sven Gallop as he pitifully tried to pine for the check caught in his mane, it was stubbornly just out of reach and he was afraid he would have to find his hair dresser to remove it. Those brutes in security would just yank it out, he was certain of that. The fillies were just about loaded on the gyrocopter, which required a small leap to reach it. Scootaloo was the last filly to egress, exhausted from escaping she was on her haunches the entire time she was on the gangway.  Her hind legs cursed her with aches and sore joints with even the slightest movement. She gathered all her strength and leaped over the railing and curtain assembly. The hot lights illuminating her from below for dramatic effect, she could feel the cheese of her sandwich bubbling.  Diamond Tiara’s dress and mane was wafting in her face, it would be a tight fit on Pinkie’s Gyrocopter,the only way out. In her escape Silver Spoon had already situated herself behind Pinkie as best she could. Pinkie Pie was genuinely caught off guard by this bespectacled, pig-tailed filly climbing over her to get away from Feather Bangs. “Golly, you guys are in a real hurry, scurry! Do you want cheese puffs that bad? OOhh! Cause if you do Mr. Cake is gonna be so thrilled…” , giggled Pinkie. “Pinkie, we need to get away from Feather Bangs, get closer if you can!” Diamond Tiara cut her off. She landed on the candy cane skid, its stickiness offering a disgusting but easy landing for filly hooves. Diamond Tiara had a visible face of disgust, she would be complaining about this feat for the remainder of the school year.    Diamond Tiara’s tail whipping in her face, aching legs, and a tight landing were not about to dissuade Scootaloo. Clunk! She just barely made the candy cane skid, hanging on by her front hooves only.  Worse still she felt a horrible jerk from below at her sandwich which caused one of her hooves to come unstuck, spaying tiny fragments of peppermint, bringing a pleasant smell to the harrowing endeavor.  Right below her was Feather Bangs who had made a great leap  and clenched the bottom crust of the sandwich pulling it only partially free from Scootaloo.  It was a precarious situation even for the most experienced pilots with a full payload of cheese puffs and scrabbling fillies on board. Pinkie Pie struggled to keep the craft steady, as a result she was forced to fly higher and bank over the curtains. Not good. “Sheesh, this autograph is getting to be more than I bargained for,” she said aloud and between strained breaths. She was over compensating the lift to account for the increased weight of the sudden influx of passengers.  Feather Bangs hung from the sagging sandwich finally secured in his maul, a viscosus and malleable bridge of cheese tethered the ponies together. He dangled and rotated in the air below Scootaloo. It didn’t help that he kept flicking his bangs despite the tenuous situation. “Ahhh just go away already!” yelled Scootallo with a look at Feather Bangs that could kill. Featherbangs only replied with an indiscernible mumble, but it sounded like he was completely content with his favorite, though hideously misshapen, sandwich. Possible remarking on how good it tasted, as he precariously corkscrewed with his brilliant costume wings propelling him around, making the flying craft dangerously unstable with every turn.  ‘Curse that Feather Bangs, he fouled up everything from music to stable flight’ , Scootaloo’s blood boiled at the sight.      Pinkie strained to keep the craft stable, her pedaling became labored, the gyrocopter was gradually going into a tailspin. Sweat poured down from her brow as she fought to keep from crashing. “Must ,huff… Stay, huff… steady,huff”  said Pinking gritting her teeth with a look of focus in her expression that bordered on mental instability.  The marker in her mane began work its way out by her one manic will. “Must get… autograph,huff... before we go down… huff!” “ NO! Focus Pinkie Pie!” Silver Spoon leaped to the pilot seat with her monogrammed handkerchief in hand blotting Pinkie’s forehead. She nonchalantly tucked the marker back into Pinkie Pie’s enigmatic mane.  “We’re in trouble, we need to leave this concert as soon as possible!” reasoned Silver Spoon, as she feed Pinkie a cheese puff.  “Mmmhh, oh baby that’s the spot,” Pinkie licked her lips her spirit returning “keep ‘em coming!”   Fortunately for Silver Spoon, a large lollipop tucked beneath the pilot’s seat made for a convenient shovel for cheese puffs.  Silver Spoon proceeded to feed pinkie much like a steam locomotive fireman shoveling coal into a boiler. She looked over her shoulder, at Diamond Tiara still on the skid reluctant to move due to the sudden jarring ride of the craft.  Her braided mane waved in the wind, her face smeared with cheese dust as she shoveled, Silver Spoon only nodded to her friend. The stadium lights gleaning brightly in glasses, saying ’ You know what to do Diamond Tiara…’ Diamond Tiara smiled back at her friend, reciprocating in the secret language that only those two had. The bond, strengthen her resolve, she was ready to act and to be done with this circus. Her commanding little hoof whacked at the skid freeing a candy cane shard. The sticky shard easily adhered to her hoof, she called down to Scootaloo. “Scootaloo!  From one elite to another, get us out of here!” ,she called down, her hair a bluster in the convection of the wind, her Tiara and face sparkled in the hot lights of the concert venue.  Scootaloo though tired, her hair a fizzled mess, covered in sweat and cheese, her heart soared. She was filled with a new found energy to keep up the fight. “I hate everything you like Diamond Tiara,”shouted back Scootaloo with a wide, hopeful smile  “But I love the way you do things!” Returning the smile Diamond Tiara let the shard drop.  Scootaloo’s free hoof was too far for Diamond Tiara to pass it to her and she would be better off anchoring her secured hoof, its grasp tenuous on the candy cane. Scootaloo went to catch the falling shard with her free hoof but missed. The shard began to fall at an accelerated rate. It wasn’t over yet, not if  Scootaloo’s years of scootering had anything to say about it. Fighting pain, gravity, cheese, and a levitating pop star. She swung her tiny body, her wings beat using the moment of the dead weight beneath, she bellowed a yell that betrayed her diminutive stature. She caught the shard in an outstretched back hoof. With the shard stuck to her hoof like a Manticore’s claw she kicked into the disgusting cable of runny cheese.  The impact shattered her shard into an explosion of fragrant sparks, but it was just enough. The cheese was no longer strong enough to connect her to Feather Bangs, and he was released. And not a moment too soon, the show was starting and Solar Shield’s backup security was having a headache dealing with the stage hoofs. Who weren’t about to let them pass after all the complicated and extensive work put into arranging this stage for the performance, especially so close to curtain call. The curtain drew back just as Feather Bangs twirled his way down to the stage his elaborate wings and costume glistened in the stage lights, the crowd went ecstatic.  Sure enough a conga a line of bee dancers began emerging from the rotating beehive as it raised up from the stage.  ‘Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz..’  they all went to the droning synth beat that accompanied the song.  Only slightly off cue, Feather Bangs managed an almost flawless landing at the head of the conga line of bees. Nopony really questioned how he was able to pull off such a feat. The crowd was too excited and they didn’t appear to mind Feather Bangs audibly chewing and smacking over his microphone in place of singing.                 Scootaloo breathed a sigh of relief, the fresh evening air wafted around her, a welcomed change from the stadium full of noise and heat of all the congregated creatures. She flailed back onto a crunchy heap of cheese puffs, exhausted but happy, cheddar cheese graced her nostrils.  Scootaloo rested her tired head on the pink belly of pony who was in no shape to pilot her gyrocopter. “Swiss… snark…. Gouda….snarrrrrrk… Havarati…snarrkkk”, snored Pinkie Pie, outstretched on her basket of cheese puffs, she had been inebriated for some time that evening.  Security at the concert venue was content to have their performer on stage and the problematic fillies vacated. Silver Spoon had taken control of the craft, not as adept as Pinkie Pie at piloting it but with Diamond Tiara’s guidance she would make for a slow but steady ride to safety. Luckily it was a short flight to the bed and breakfast that Randolph had secured. Still, Scootaloo could barely keep her eyes open by the time they landed. With the bed and breakfast lacking a helipad the fillies were forced to land on the roof. With Randolph’s assistance they managed to hoist Pinkie Pie to the sofa. With few words between the fillies they went to bed, grateful the day was over. > Epilogue_ The tenth hole > --------------------------------------------------------------------------    “Obtuse angle about 122 degrees”, Diamond Tiara observed aloud. Celestia’s sun sparkled brightly against her Tiara, her eyes shielded by a white visor. Her mane pulled back in a puffy, ponytail, its elegance resembling a french curve. She wore a stylish, ruffled, cream yellow tennis skirt. A tiny white sweater was knotted around her withers, retired from warding off the morning’s cold. “Toe-balanced putter for sure”,chimed Silver Spoon adjusting her glasses with a pert little smile beneath her oversized green visor.  Sporting her own white tennis skirt but wearing a robin’s egg blue sweater vest, embroidered with her families’ seal in a brilliant silver knitwork, she wore long white sleeves down her legs. “Excellent choice.” agreed Randolph, as he presented Diamond Tiara the putter from the caddie as was his calling.  He wore a plaid polo shirt with a white collar and upon his head was an oak colored gatsby cap from his casual wardrobe.Thanking Randolph, Diamond Tiara gripped the putter in her teeth, taking a gentle practice swing followed by a forceful yet precise tap with her putter. Chop! The blue golf ball, zipped across the artificial turf, banked off the wooden edges, and guided around the curvature of a giant, fiberglass, swiss cheese wheel. The ball fell into a hole within the cheese wheel fashioned to look as if a large wedge had been removed, with a tap it was out of view. The ball reemerged from an oversized mouse hole at the bottom of the tee elevated above on an embankment. The ball guided along the curved tail of a stylized, fiberglass mouse. It circled around the rim of the hole on the green, before dropping in with a satisfying dribble. A hole in one. The tenth hole at the ‘Putting on Airs’ Mini Golf course in Ponyville had five ponies on their haunches giving a golf clap in unison, among them the Cutie Mark Crusaders.  “Another hole in one!” exclaimed Sweet Belle “I know, right? I’m not even sure I can get a good whack at my ball.” said Apple Bloom leaning in and commenting out of the side of her muzzle. Instead of banking on the wooden edge like Diamond Tiara, Apple Bloom had swung too hard and the ball had landed on the lower level of the course in an awkward spot with the fiberglass mouse in the way of the hole.  Applebloom had been pondering if there were alternatives to standing on the mouse to get in her swing. It looked like it would take at least two more swings if she was to pull off a miracle par. “Yah, but it is nice of Diamond Tiara to treat us to Mini Golf '' mentioned Scootaloo, her own ball lying in a depression in the course, she would have to putt up a slight incline once Sweetie Belle could get her ball out from the corner. Sweetie Belle giggled “ Yeah, this is so much fun!” “Yes sir ri! Last time we did this we were so wrapped up on getting our cutie marks we plumb forgot to enjoy it.” agreed Apple Bloom.   “Yep, we should definitely do this more often so we can be competitive.” smiled Scootaloo.  She looked up a Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.They were coming down to meet them, the fillies reciprocated smiles. They were glad that they had a new understanding and respect for each other’s sensibilities. Applebloom had no choice but to balance herself on the mouse for her turn.“ Anchor me, Scootaloo,” she playfully commanded, giving her fluffy, brilliant red tail a cute swish for emphasis. “Right behind you” giggled Scootaloo To prevent herself from falling face first off the mouse, Scootaloo grasped Applebloom’s tail in her muzzle for leverage. Every pony gave a well-meaning chuckle at the spectacle, while awkward it provided Applebloom the best position to hit her ball.  However, Applebloom swung wide, nicking her golf ball with no hope of a par. She lost her balance. Instinctively, Scootaloo yanked her back. An overreaction on Scootaloo’s part, Applebloom was soon sitting on top of Scootaloo.  Unhurt, Scootaloo only replied with a fit of laughter.  Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, shared a glance, before they burst into giggles themselves in agreement that season passes to the mini golf course for the Cutie Mark Crusaders was a great idea. They trotted over to help Applebloom, even Randolph was having a hearty chuckle. Ponyville’s elite fillies had many wonderful days to come.   The End.