• Published 8th Nov 2019
  • 906 Views, 27 Comments

Diamond Tiara saves Scootaloo's Life - lytlethelemur

Disaster at a class field trip links Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara into a tentative friendship.

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Chapter 10_ Do you have an older sister?

The dressing room had a florist’s shop worth of bouquets lined upon a table each set with an adoring letter from fans from across Equestria. The lights from the room mirrors caught every crevice, not a shadow could be spotted , giving an unnatural blanched brightness about it. A service cart with light refreshments had been wheeled into the sprawling lounge that was inset into the floor. There, along with the familiar security guard close by, was Feather Bangs himself. Dressed in a comfy white bathrobe and sprawled out across the couch in a state of blissful comfort, his eyelids closed in a zen like state of complete relaxation, his back hooves crossed his resting leg bobbing idly across his gaskin. He had a shiny complexion to his cream coat that seemed to almost sparkle. Diamond Tiara approached in awe as a pilgrim would in the presence of a holy site, she had no idea her heart could beat so quickly.

“…When speaking to Feather Bangs no discussions of politics, large numbers, or marriage proposals,” Sven Gallop reciting his oft repeated monologue to VIPs and fans on the stipulations of meeting his client, the fillies barley paid any mind to it.

“Autographs are 40 bits per item no larger than an standard headshot, no discount for spelling errors…” he dryly enumerated on, “and please refrain from using college level vocabulary, do I make myself clear?”

He turned his head to shoot Diamond Tiara a pouty glare, knowing she wasn’t paying full attention. Diamond Tiara caught off guard by the minor rudeness could only manage a cute little nod. Lucky for Sven,the enthralling presence of Feather Bangs was enough for Diamond Tiara to forgo backhanding his muzzle.

Feather Bangs, gradually opened a single eye as Sven Gallop and the fillies approached.

“Feather Bangs, this is Miss Diamond Tiara and her plus twos, her father is Filthy Rich of Rich Enterprises.” Sven stressed her father’s title.

Feather Bangs shuffled himself upright and flick his frosted tipped mane. For a rare instance in Diamond Tiara’s life she wasn’t as confident as she normally was. She almost forgot to take her seat, poor Silver Spoon was visibly shaking in a mixture of nervousness and excitement. Scootaloo managed to calmly take her seat with a deadpan look, not saying a word. Feather Bangs chuckled.

“Hey, Hey girls what’s shaking? I’m sure you all like my music, I write It myself” another mane flick “ And I only need one draft, too many good ideas in this head” he finished with another mane flick.

Diamond Tiara swallowed and let out a breath to compose herself “ Mr. Feather Bangs, it’s an honor to meet you, my friends and I are huge fans and…”

“ Naturally!,” abruptly interrupted Feather Bangs with a chuckle “ It be pretty weird if you weren’t fans, am I right”.

Still chuckling at his own observation he playfully elbowed Sven, who was standing by the couch. He only returned a forced smile, behind eyes that said,”Don’t touch me you overgrown teenager.”

Diamond Tiara was taken aback a little but continued, “ My friends and I would like to inquire if you’d consider making Ponyville a stop on your Hearth’s Warming tour...”

“Hearth's Warming? “ interjected Feather Bangs “Oh baby, that’s coming fast…” he put a hoof around his chin genuinely caught off guard.

“Hey Solar Shields” he motioned over to the security guard, “talk about the holidays always makes me hungry, what do we got?”

Feather Bangs pointed to the lidded tray on the service cart. Every pony could tell that Solar Shields was rolling his eyes beneath his sunglasses as he removed the lid. In arranging the meeting with Feather Bangs, Diamond Tiara’s father had the option to request a snack, so he wrote down the most recent snack of her’s that he could remember. On the exposed tray were neatly arranged assortments of tiny vegetables and fruits frozen in blocks of ice. The low calorie, cryogenic culinary treats, Diamond Tiara raved about, a kumquat drizzled in a yogurt sauce wrapped in a purple cabbage leaf.

“Ehhh… can we get a hayburger or something in here?” moped Feather Bangs.

“There’s no time for that, Mr. Feather Bangs.” coldly retorted Sven Gallop, “Continue young lady”, he finished sharply.

Diamond Tiara was surprised by Feather Bangs rudeness and disregard for chic healthy eating. From the corner of her eye she thought she saw Scootaloo give something akin to death glare at the tray of snacks. Thankfully Silver Spoon helped her recover.

“Mr. Bangs”, Silver Spoon piped up, gushing badly, red cheeks and all “Your music really leaves an impression on so many young ponies in Ponyville, your sound is so unique and mature, it would mean so much to your fans in more rural areas If you’d consider performing in Ponyville.”

’What would I do without you?’ thought Diamond Tiara with a smile, no pony could ask for a more loyal friend.

“Ponyville…?” said a rather bored and unamused Feather Bangs “ I wouldn’t wanna play at a farm or county fair, girl. That ain’t quite my style any more, my small town gigs are over”

He dismissively waved his hoof with a chuckle.

“You understand right?” he replied with a smug look, honestly thinking he was informing the fillies.

Diamond Tiara was almost sure they were doing something wrong here, this was not the conversation she had envisioned. Nonetheless she pressed on.

“ Mr Featherbangs, I’m aware of your tour schedule, you bypass Ponyville and would be missing out on a lucrative opportunity. You have the highest record sales in Ponyville and the surrounding townships. The Silver and Rich families will be more than able to accommodate your venue needs and we can easily get the assistance of Princess Twilight Sparkle.”


Diamond Tiara was completely cut off by Sven Gallop’s abruptness, who with great pleasure held up his custom made ‘Bowlegs Watch’ on his front left pastern, the swarmest of grins crossed his muzzle. Diamond Tiara knew that time was short with Feather Bangs but she also knew she still had just over ten minutes. She had a mare-sized timepiece in a discreet pocket sewn into her dress, she knew that time meant everything to elite ponies, father taught her so much. Still she hid her annoyance very well.

“… Ponyville is more than willing to meet your needs Mr. Featherbangs, if you would like I can provide…”

“Hey you, little filly”, Feather Bangs cut her off yet again, but he was not addressing Diamond Tiara, his very limited attention was now on the silent Scootaloo.

Diamond Tiara could not believe she was holding back an exasperated sigh.

'Is this a dream… nightmare?',she though.

Scootaloo straighten up in her seat, her mouth visibly fighting the urge to frown.

“You look familiar”, mused Feather Bangs with a studious eye at Scootaloo, a sly little smile slowly spread across his muzzle.

“Ah! Don’t tell me… I know you from somewhere, you have an older sister don’t you?”

Scootaloo said nothing, she instead climbed on the couch as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon tried to get the conversation back on track. They couldn’t help but glance over at Scootaloo while they tried to recapture Feather Bangs’ ever diminishing attention. But before anypony knew it Scootaloo had reached down her dress and with a loud tear removed a square object.

“I can’t help myself anymore!”, screamed the little pegasus “I’m sorry Diamond Tiara but I just can’t resist calories, trans fats and gluten! It calls to me!”

She stood on her hind legs facing Diamond Tiara, a gigantic, stinking sandwich oozed, obscuring her head. Like every pony else, Diamond Tiara was in shock, barely registering the wax paper that had wafted onto her tiara and immaculate mane.

Solar Shields had seen a lot in his relatively brief time as Feather Bangs’ bodyguard, a rather mundane career with rare bursts of exciting incidents. Ecstatic, inebriated, and sometimes desperate fans came with the job, but he found himself at a loss. He had training to neutralize armed threats, identify poison and harmful magic. But nothing in his career had prepared him for a filly threatening to consume a sandwich as big as her own head. On top of that the three fillies were so small and close together, the hulking stallion had to deal with them with added restraint. Really, the worst she was doing was getting crumbs and cheese on the couch. Solar Shields was frozen between an appropriate restraining move or getting the VIP a plate.

“What is going on here? , Gahhh that sandwich smells terrible!” whined Sven curling his nostrils, more annoyed at the spectacle than anything.

Silver Spoon hopped off the couch and mistaking a vase for a waste bin secured it in her muzzle . “MHMMHM SCMMFMMT MMFFMMM”, Silver Spoon attempted dialogue while bobbing a pot in her muzzle, feverishly trying her best to instruct Scootaloo to dispose of her gastric abomination.

“Um Miss, put down the sandwich you’ll …spoil your dinner…?” managed Solar Shields trying his best to deescalate the situation.

“ Back off! “ Scootaloo exclaimed ,“I have almost three thousand calories in this sandwich and I’m really hungry! If only some elite and mature pony was here to save me from this delicious sandwich.”

Scootaloo was shaking the adrenaline was coursing through her body, the funky smell of the sandwich was causing her head to spin. If somepony else got the nerve to subdue her this whole operation would be for not. Just another failed endeavor of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

“Come on Diamond Tiara, smack the sandwich out of my hooves!”, she thought

But their came no salvation, no delicate but commanding pink hoof came to swat the sandwich to the floor. Just too big tear droplets running down Diamond Tiara’s checks, ruining her makeup.

“Why are you doing this Scootaloo?’ Sobbed Diamond Tiara, it was rare for her to cry.

Scootaloo remember the other time Diamond Tiara cried, the day she lost the race for class president, not a single classmate voted for her. That day Diamond Tiara threaten to withhold funds to the school, because she didn’t get her way. That day no pony would putting up with her bullying any longer. It was that same day that Diamond Tiara turned over a new leaf and with the help of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Scootaloo couldn’t shake how familiar how this night felt like that day, but like day and night, it felt like their roles had been reversed. In a very brief moment of silence save for Diamond Tiara’s sobbing, Scootaloo, her eyes misting, began lowering her sandwich. Making a barely audible apology before Sven Gallop unceremoniously clapped his hoofs.

“Okay, Okay lets wrap this meeting up fillies… if you can just throw away that disgusting sandwich that would…gulp” Sven Galloped said just before a hoof went into his mouth.

That hoof belonged to Feather Bangs, and for the first time in the tense three minutes his attention was focused.

“Wait…wait a minute, don’t cry little fillies”, he said with a little giggle “and don’t go just yet...is that a pasta and potato sandwich on sourdough? “

He licked his muzzle. Everything was happening so fast, Scootaloo instinctively hugged the Sandwich

‘It can’t be... how can this monster, love the same things I do?’, she screamed inside

Feather bangs began to make his way forward, wheeling the service cart with the melting ore dourves just enough to let him pass.

“ No worries, I just wanna hold it for a minute, with my teeth”, his eyes flashing hungryly, a hunger of the culinary type.

A faint stomach rumble could be heard as he approached. Scootaloo was desperate, her plan in shambles and the worst possible scenario was happening before her. Giving Feather Bangs her favorite sandwich, however inedible, was just too much to bear.

“You can’t have it!”, yelled Scootaloo.

The adult ponies stopped in there tracks. Blame it on the concert, the face to face encounter with Feather Bangs, the frozen snacks, a lack of scootering, a crying Diamond Tiara, but in that instant Scootaloo hopped off the sofa and onto the service cart.

“Scootaloo!” yelled Diamond Tiara her face red, mascara streaming, angry “Where do you think you are going?”

Scootaloo’s hooves found purchase on the upper level. Years of scootering allowed her to find footing deftly, avoiding the melting ice cubes under-hoof.Generating a spray of ice water on the adult ponies, buying her a few precious seconds. With her body angled forward, her wings beating so fast they droned, the weight of the sandwich cradled in her arms gave her the needed momentum to hurl the serving cart into motion. Diamond Tiara leaped off the sofa in pursuit. Due to her flowing garments she was only able to make the service cart’s lower platform. A very confused Silver Spoon dropped her vase, not wanting to be left behind, she flung herself toward Diamond Tiara as the loyal friend that she was. Managing to grab onto the nearest rear railing of the careening serving cart with both hooves, hanging on while it sped for the door.

“Come on girl… I know you need help eat’n that thing! I bet you don’t even like crusts!`` yelled Feather Bang as hurried behind and ran out the door.

“AHH! Not again! ” whined Sven Gallop.

Solar Shades sprang into action, this was more his style. He shoved passed Sven Gallop, it felt good. He spoke through his ear piece at full gallop out the door.

“Security team! ‘The Peacock’s in flight’! I repeat ‘The Peacock’s in flight’, be on the lookout for runaway service cart with minors!”