• Published 8th Nov 2019
  • 907 Views, 27 Comments

Diamond Tiara saves Scootaloo's Life - lytlethelemur

Disaster at a class field trip links Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara into a tentative friendship.

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Chapter 3_ Baby! I lost my number...

Scootaloo soon found herself in awe at the view on top of the marble stairs within the Rich Estate.

“This place is huge!” Scootaloo exclaimed, “You could fit a whole skate park in here!”

Diamond Tiara chuckled, “But of course. The result of my mother’s taste for grandeur, and daddy’s desire to leave a good impression with potential business partners. I know it is a bit much.” Diamond Tiara shrugged, She waved for Scootaloo and Silver Spoon to follow.

She stopped in front of an elaborately decorated double door that depicted intricate cloud designs that ended with the busts of the Princesses, Celestia and Luna, on each handle.

“You’re going to love this!” Silverspoon said with barely contained excitement.

Diamond Tiara had better control of her emotions, but even she couldn’t help but smile with confidence.

“Welcome to my room.” She said as she opened the doors.

Scootaloo's jaw dropped at the site, making her almost forget the horrific snack, but not the cabbage leaf still stuck to her teeth. For the better part of her visit, she had quietly declared war on the offending vegetable, her tongue in constant assaults when her new friends weren’t looking.

The massive room had an impressive bookshelf with neatly aligned books that stood parallel to an equally impressive collection of toys and board games, each well organized for ease of access. A full sized vanity stood next to a fluffy king sized bed that looked so inviting and comfortable that Scootaloo had to fight the urge to just climb in and take a nap.

However, the most impressive feature of Diamond Tiara’s room was her walk in closet. It was the size of Scootaloo’s own room, complete with a stylist chair on its far wall facing a wide, lighted mirror. Flanking the room was a collection of fancy dresses, with matching horse shoes on the bottom, and tiaras displayed above. True to her name, Diamond Tiara had an incredible amount of tiaras, in different sizes and colors that guaranteed she’d have one to match any outfit.

“First thing’s first, Scootaloo” motioned Diamond Tiara, cocking a sly look to Silver Spoon, who reciprocated the look with equally mischievous eyes.

Scootaloo fought back a yawn, still drowsy from the idea of a nap, “So are we playing dress up?” she said a bit clueless.

“A complete make-over!” Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon exclaimed in unison.

In no time at all, as if by their sheer joy and excitement, the fillies guided the unsuspecting Scootaloo into the stylist’s chair. Scootaloo was now face to face with a rugged and windswept pegasus staring back at her in the mirror. She could see a history of scratches all over her face, neck, and shoulders. Each one a story of a fall or a grazing of branches she had gotten too close to on her scooter. She could also see that she had more than a couple of stray nose hairs and dozens of split ends. Taking it all in she couldn’t resist a quick tongue jab at the cabbage leaf in her molar.

“ Wow... my face has enough scratches to make an itch go away, this mirror is like a microscope,” nervously chuckled Scootaloo just a tad embarrassed.

She licked her hoof and was about to run it through her mane before Diamond Tiara caught her by the pastern.

“Scootaloo… don’t get drastic!”, Diamond Tiara exclaimed with an air of serious concern. “Your mane has been through a lot already,'' she explained as she plucked a stray leaf out.

Diamond Tiara studied Scootaloo’s likeness via the mirror, with her flawless, camera ready face in deep concentration, a hoof rubbing underneath her chin.

“Your poor mane has just been under a helmet for so long …”

Before Scootaloo could respond to the visual dissection, Diamond decided on a course of action and her resolve would not be deterred. Meanwhile, Silver Spoon kept busy preparing a curler, combs, hair dryer, and all the other beauty products that would be needed.

“A styled, messy look is really taking off in the Baltimare underground scene”, mentioned Diamond Tiara as she combed, curled, and styled Scootaloo’s mane. Silver Spoon provided her hair styling implements akin to a doctor’s assistant at an operating table.

“ Ah yes! This is coming together nicely, Scootaloo…”, remarked Diamond Tiara.

She instructed Scootaloo to tilt her head back and closed her eyes, while Scootaloo did her best not to flinch. This was her reconnection to Diamond Tiara and friendship involved going outside one’s comfort zone, beauty experiments and all. Eventually Scootaloo could feel Diamond Tiara working her eyelashes and scrubbing her face with what she was pretty sure were coffee grounds.

“Did Silver Spoon crack an egg?” she thought as she felt a cool, foreign liquid brush over her hooves.

“Voila!” Diamond Tiara proudly announced.

Scootaloo opened her eyes to find a stranger staring back. An older looking pegasus with an orange sherbet complexion with sparkling magenta eyes, with long, movie star eyelashes fluttered delicately with each blink. Her mane was organized chaos, bold and beautiful while flattened tightly so a helmet could fit perfectly on top of it without ruffling it up. A purple nest of locks strayed in wisps and curls that mimicked the rushing wind. Her face had a plastered feel to it, her pegasus dow feathers forcibly tamed against her cheeks and muzzle. A tongue flick on her cabbage leaf reminded her that she was still seeing a reflection.

“So stunning!” fawned Silver Spoon, her purple eyes shimmering behind her glasses.

“You look so much more mature now,” said Diamond Tiara her face level to Scootaloo with a proud look of confidence.

“Welcome, Scootaloo. You’re now part of a special breed of ponies. This isn’t some club, or hobby, this is a lifestyle! We are the best of what ponies can be, an example to what ponies strive for.”

She lightly tapped the mirror for emphasis, “This is just the looks, but visuals are key. How you look determines how ponies perceive you. Welcome to step one of being an elite like us.”

She hugged Scootaloo with excitement, Silver Spoon joined in too.

“Are you ready to take on the world with us, Scootaloo?!”

Scootaloo held the thought for just a moment, the cabbage leaf itched against her gum line, taking it all in was overwhelming. She had never looked so pretty, but she couldn’t shake the uncomfortable feeling. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the way she looked, it just wasn’t her. Scootaloo felt like she was wearing a costume, with a new sense of weight and restriction over the freedom of her body. She couldn’t feel the air around her in quite the same way she had before.

The fillies made their way out of the walk-in closet. Scootaloo hurried a few steps ahead of Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon who were busy congratulating each on her makeover. Scootaloo wished they would stop talking about it, she looked for a distraction that wasn’t food lodged in her teeth. Fortunately, Diamond Tiara’s grandiose room offered many sights to keep herself from dwelling on events and the word “maturity” echoing in her mind .

Scootaloo studied the decor her mind finally coming to ease as she paused on the soft Yak-yakistan floor rug that grounded the bedroom. There were a few small paintings, some photos of Diamond Tiara and her father, with several posters hung up as well. Scootaloo noted that she had more images of cute animals and unsurprisingly, more WonderBolts posters than Diamond Tiara. Miss Tiara did however, have more images of fashion models and handsome, musically inclined Stallions. Scootaloo approached closer for a closer inspection. Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon still trailed behind, rambling on how just the right amount eyeliner made all the difference on face.

“Hmmm... I guess this is what you’d call a mature taste, makes sense with being an elite pony an’ all ...” , Scootaloo thought and then something caught her eye “... it can’t be… no…no…no … no!”

Scootaloo went numb.

“Scootaloo?” inquired Diamond Tiara,

Scootaloo had suddenly stopped in her tracks. Scootaloo’s pupils contracted her jaw agape in horror, her body twitched. Diamond Tiara, fancying herself a keen observer, mistook her spasm for unbridled enthusiasm.

“I know right?! I had the same reaction at the record store, when I bought his latest album. Feather Bangs has that effect”, she ended with a dreamy exhale.

“Feather Bangs?”, Scootaloo never wanted to hear that name again.

In a commune in the wastes north of Manehattan, Applebloom’s brother, Big Mac, had interests in mare named Sugar Belle. The Cutie Mark Crusaders snuck into his wagon to snoop on the love struck sibling, only to come face to face with the most irritating challenger for Sugar Belle’s affection, Feather Bangs. He was a young stallion with frosted bangs, which he constantly flicking out of his eyes with an over dramatic shake of his mane. His sultry, smarmy demeanor, along with his schmaltzy musical displays made him the resident Casanova. He was in impeccable shape, in the prime of his youth, with an airy, aloof chuckle that he used way, way too often. He was broody, with an almost single minded obsession of courting every mare that had the misfortune of being within his periphery. Scootaloo wanted to vomit, but she had so little to eat that it wouldn’t be worth the run to the bathroom. All she could manage, being mindful not to be disagreeable in front of her new friends, was to blurt out.

“Feather Bangs… yeah he’s something else…” she chuckled giving her cabbage leaf another quick, fruitless jab.

“Oh that he is,” Silver Spoon replied under his spell, she played with her braided hair with an idol hoof, “He just got signed by ‘In Briar Records’ and his voice makes my heart flutter!”

“Ewww” though Scootaloo doing her best not to shutter, out of the corner of her eye she spied Diamond Tiara, “… oh Celestia…. no…no…no…no!”

Diamond Tiara was putting on a record on her ivory turntable, Scootaloo suppress a whine of despair as she dropped the needle. Sure enough it was his voice, Feather Bangs in all his grating glory.

“Oh hey beautiful… I notice you from across the dance floor.

Scootaloo’s eye twitched to the rhythm of electronic drum beats, as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon began dancing. Scootaloo didn’t care that a little cold sweat was ruining her freshly applied mascara .

“I’m feeling lost… I’m lonely… If only I had what I needed most”

Feather Bangs tried to rhyme lost with most, the verbal assault stabbing Scootaloo’s poor ears with a droning, pulsing melody. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon twirled about, hopping and flinging their tiny legs as the tempo increased.


Scootaloo backed up to a wall, to take her mind off the sanguine lyrics her tongue stabbed at the all too familiar cabbage leaf deep within her muzzle.

”Celestia please let this song be short! Merciful Luna, keep the ensuing nightmares at bay tonight”, her mind pleaded.

She spied Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in a gyrating frenzy, so lost in the music that they were dancing on their back hooves. Scootaloo focused all her muster into blocking out the song by watching the performance of her new friends.

“ If only they knew the real Feather Bangs and saw just the type of parasite he really was.”

Celestia must of heard her silent plea because Diamond Tiara paused the record, ending three and a half minutes of torture.

“Sorry” said Diamond Tiara blushing just a bit, removing the record. “I don’t want to break a sweat, because we’ve got a full schedule today, but Feather Bangs really does make a mare lose herself.”

Scootaloo could almost make out the hearts in Diamond Tiara’s eyes. It disgusted her, and Diamond Tiara’s fawning over such a bottom feeder made her blood boil. Tired of the spectacle, Scootaloo spoke her mind.

“You know Applebloom’s brother, Big Mac had a run in with Feather Bangs” said Scootaloo walking back over from the wall.

“ He did ?!”, said Silver Spoon who approach Scootaloo so quickly it caught her off guard.

“Well, yeah I was there with her…” .

“Wha… You met Feather Bangs ?!” exclaimed Diamond Tiara rushing up to Scootaloo.

Poor Scootaloo was now thoroughly derailed “ I would call it more of an exposure…”,

“Scootaloo! Scootaloo! Don’t leave out any details,” said Diamond Tiara with an adorable little trot of anticipation.

“All I wanna say is, he was kinda awkward and he kept asking me if I had an older sister”, Scootaloo vented.

“Oh smooth!, I probably offended Diamond Tiara.” She thought

However the two fillies just beamed and giggled with delight,

“Oh Scootaloo,” said Diamond Tiara with a flick of her mane giggling, “that’s a typical stallion for you”.

“Ah Ha” nodded Silver Spoon, “They’re not good with expressing how they feel around mares, so they tend to say ridiculous things.”

Diamond Tiara nodded with dainty hoof raised in the air for explanation.

“You see he was probably just too shy, to be honest with you,” she gave a fawning little sigh in adoration.

“You need to be prepared for a few verbal faux pas, especially on first encounters, you have to learn to coax out their true emotions.”

Scootaloo was taken aback by this revelation, as she was just beginning to have a very modest interest in stallions herself, but was this really the future? Scootaloo felt her heart sink, just a bit. Diamond Tiara continued with a broad smile.

“We wanted to surprise you, but I can’t stand it any longer, tomorrow night we have box seats to see Feather Bangs in concert at the Canterlot Amphitheater!”

Scootaloo’s heart tumbled into her gut at the revelation.

“This whole day is to prepare for this concert,'' added Silver Spoon. “Its both for business and pleasure. You see we have backstage passes. We are meeting Feather Bangs himself to convince him and his manager to tour in Ponyville. We are finally going to get this town some cutting-edge entertainers.”

Scootaloo’s heart continued to tumble. It felt as if it was now somewhere between her kidneys and liver trying to ride out the barrage of horrible news. She fought with every fiber of her being to not pick at her cabbage leaf. Diamond Tiara took a handkerchief to dab the beads of sweat accumulating on her forehead.

“Scootaloo dear, I know you're excited but if you keep sweating like this we’ll have to reapply your makeup. Oh, and if Feather Bangs asks if you have an older sister tomorrow night, tell him her name is Diamond Tiara,” she exclaimed as she chuckled at her own joke.
