• Published 8th Nov 2019
  • 906 Views, 27 Comments

Diamond Tiara saves Scootaloo's Life - lytlethelemur

Disaster at a class field trip links Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara into a tentative friendship.

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Chapter 4_ Can this thing go any faster??

The fillies made their way back downstairs to the Rich Estate’s foyer. Diamond Tiara had arranged for Randolph to prepare transportation for the day’s schedule. The filles paused to touch up their makeup in the foyer’s large mirror while they waited for him.

‘Scootaloo sure sweats an awful lot for a pony, maybe it’s a pegasus thing?’ Diamond Tiara thought to herself as she tried to instruct her new friend on reapplying her masquera in a nearby mirror. Which, as she was discovering, was not an easy feat.

“You’re already beautiful, you just need a little to accentuate your features.” Diamond Tiara encouraged watching Scootaloo tepidly touch up her makeup.

She readied herself to step in as Scootaloo was dangerously close to painting her face into the vistage of a clown. It was a stressful endeavor for both fillies, Diamond Tiara could feel it. Scootaloo was a diamond in the rough and unaccustomed to this kind of lifestyle, but Diamond Tiara was confident that the pegasus would catch on. Still, she was beginning to realize just how much effort would be needed to teach somepony about being a blossoming elite. A working class pony like Scootaloo was certain to find all this a bit overwhelming.

She also decided that the music may have been a bit too much, too soon, ‘Poor Scootaloo, she was completely floored by Feather Bang’s song. Back against the wall, trembling, wide eyed, unsure of how to express herself. I’m certain the first meeting was emotional torture.’ Diamond Tiara pondered to herself as she made corrections on Scootaloo’s face with a makeup brush bringing out the brilliant finish in her cheeks, ’Still, we’ll have to make sure she is ready for her concert and the backstage meeting, I’ll make this worth it to you Scootaloo”, Diamond Tiara promised to herself.

“You’ll get the hang of it, Scootaloo.” reassured Silver Spoon, “It’ll become second nature in no time.”

“She’s right.” Diamond Tiara said once her muzzle was free from speaking and not applying makeup, “Practice makes perfect as you’ll be doing this quite often. Also, you’re in for a treat as I’ve scheduled us a fitting at the Carousel Boutique.”

“Awesome!” said Scootaloo, eager to go, “I’ll meet you on my scooter.”

Diamond Tiara’s made a puzzled expression at Scootaloo’s lack of decorum in transportation but promptly composed herself, “Scootaloo, your incredible on that Scooter, there is no question about that. But shredding your way to a dress fitting is a bit out of place, no?”

Scootaloo cocked her adorable head, “ Oh...alrighty then, D.T.”,she said bit dryly

The fact that Scootaloo felt comfortable to address Diamond Tiara so informally made her very happy, Scootaloo was slowly beginning to understand. Miss Tiara did her best to keep her composure as she let out the tiniest of coughs excited in the head way she was making, “Right, follow me then.”

The three fillies made their way outside.

“So where is our ride?” Scootaloo asked.

Diamond Tiara closed her eyes and clapped her hooves three times. As was his duty, Randolph arrived harnessed with Diamond Tiara’s personal carriage in tow. Scootaloo let out just the smallest sigh at the sight.

“Oh I know you like your scooter.” Diamond Tiara said as she got onboard with Silver Spoon, “But like anything else, presentation is everything.”

Scootaloo silently went along with the other two fillies

The carriage made its way on the route Diamond Tiara had planned the evening before; the smoothest ride into town without the unnecessary bumps and potholes. She recalled how her father had forcefully argued against paved roads in Ponyville. He reasoned the citizens had no appetite for increased levies, himself included. Diamond Tiara promised herself that one day she would rectify that, other ponies would see the obvious benefits of modern transportation just as Manehatten and Fillydelphia possessed.

Arranging a private fitting at the Carousel Boutique was not an easy task given its famous resident, a renowned fashion designer named Rarity. It took some strong negotiating to get the highly sought after fashionista to make time in her schedule for even Ponyville’s most important fillies. Diamond Tiara knew that coupled with the unicorn’s generous nature, the fact that her father was among the visionary’s largest private financiers, and that she rented her property from Silver Spoon’s parents, Rarity was amenable to a last-minute arrangement. When Diamond Tiara played, she had plenty of aces up her sleeve.

Of course it wasn’t all take and no give. Given her plans with the concert, she had promised to show the unicorn diva’s designs to Feather Bangs’ manager. The chance for such publicity with an up and coming star would only help Rarity’s reputation, in addition the filles would have the confidence of looking their absolute best. Getting outfits for Feather Bangs’ concert was not only fun, but a necessity for these emerging elites.

However, Scootaloo still seemed a bit distant looking forlorn staring out the window, disengaged from the conversation at hoof about the fast approaching meeting with Feather Bangs. Diamond Tiara was all but sure that she was worried about her scooter, and knew just how to set her new friend at ease.

“Don’t worry,'' said Diamond Tiara “Your scooter is stored safely, Scootaloo”.

“When Colt-chella rolls around you can show off your scooter tricks there.” added Silver Spoon.

“Ahh… I wasn’t thinking about my Scooter,” fumbled Scootaloo as her attention abruptly refocused with a dismissive wave of her hoof.

“I was... just admiring the backs of houses on this route, all that plaster siding gives these houses character…really….” she paused just a bit too long searching for the right word as her attention waned, “ …really aardvark guard…”

‘You mean ‘avant garde’ you blank flank dodo bird.’ Diamond Tiara could hear the remnants of the former bully echoing in the back of her mind.

She promptly extinguished that cruel thought. She was a new mare and Scootaloo had rescued her twice already. Diamond Tiara was determined to give Scootaloo her time to grow as an elite, after all, she had done the same for her own transformation.

Diamond Tiara gracefully changed the subject, “Oh Ponyville is in desperate need of an update in housing, if you ask me. Some variety is in order, as it feels like everypony that set up shop downtown copied their neighbor’s style.”

She got a little chuckle out of Scootaloo but it failed to simulate the conversation quite the way Diamond Tiara had hoped. A moment of silence occurred, almost long enough to be awkward. To salvage it, Diamond Tiara was about to tell her anecdote for the inspiration of her dress when…

‘…what was Scootaloo doing?’ She pondered.

Scootaloo had open the window and proceeded to lean her head and waist out. Her tiny wings flapping as if she were trying to pick up speed for the carriage. Through the window, Diamond Tiara could make out Scootaloo’s little cheek bulging picking at her teeth with her tongue. Diamond Tiara had noticed she’d been doing that quite frequently today. She turned to her friend Silver Spoon, and the two fillies reciprocated each other’s looks.

The two fillies just smiled to one another not needing words. They had been the best of friends since they were barely out of diapers. Alone, growing together, fillies of proud lineage and culture in the wilderness of rudimentary pastoralism. At least it had acquired a princess and her palace, though it had the same feel as erecting a fountain in a trailer park. In their exclusive, silent language, they reasoned that Scootaloo needed some getting used to her elite status and needed time to figure it out. As long as they kept an eye out for her, she’d be in good hooves.

‘Could he stand to go a little bit faster?’ hoped Scootaloo beyond hope.

The outside air felt good on Scootaloo’s face, but Randolph was towing the carriage at a slow and even gate as to avoid a bumpy ride that would dishevel it's ‘important’ passengers.. She was missing the rushing wind and freedom her scooter provided while continuing the futile labor of removing the cabbage leaf from her molars, her cheek in the most adorable protuberance. The slow pace would be more agreeable if Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara could talk about anything interesting. Unfortunately, the carriage was a buzz with the details of an impending meeting with an obnoxious idiot of a singer, and it was making her sick.

“Scootaloo, I know these parts of ponyville have the most scenic views, but they also have the worst bugs,” warned Diamond Tiara.

The pegasus chuckled and ignoring her, “Oh no worries D.T., I’ll be fine just getting some fresh air from this slow an….”


As if by command a bulbous fly in an erratic, hurried flight impacted right across Scootaloo’s forehead. She could feel the insect’s wet innards smear across her brow. This was nothing shocking to Scootaloo; she and her idol, Rainbow Dash, bonded over stories of their unpleasant collisions with insects in their thrill seeking. While pulling off her usual amazing and daring aerial acrobatics, Rainbow had a particularly revolting story of her and a plague of locusts that she told with an entertaining air of bravado. As Rainbow Dash would say, ‘When you fly fast and low you, be ready to wear some bugs!’

What bothered her was that Diamond Tiara was somehow annoyingly correct. Hiding a frown with an expressionless face, she sat back into the carriage and closed the window. Scootaloo really wanted to be Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon’s friend, but this was starting to turn into a real drag. As the other two fillies blotted the remains of the insect off her forehead with a handkerchief, they began discussing the need for proper pest control in Ponyville.

Diamond Tiara’s ‘expertly’ planned route to the Carousel Boutique had taken fifteen minutes. Honestly it had felt like hours as the two rich fillies droned on about the most boring of topics. Scootaloo knew a direct route from the Rich Estate would’ve taken five; two with a good wind at her back and clear streets. But she felt at ease to be in the company of an old friend; Rarity was her friend Sweetie Belle’s fashion forward older sister, and one of the nicest ponies she knew, a rising star in Equestria’s fashion scene. Silver Spoon’s parents, Silver Lining and Sterling Silver, would often brag about how their most famous tenant who founded her fashion empire from what was once an abandoned windmill they once considered demolishing.

“Scootaloo, Darling!” exclaimed Rarity.

The brilliantly, white unicorn greeted the fillies,with just an extra bit of noted enthusiasm for her younger sister’s close friend, Scootaloo. Rarity had a fragrant, orchid smell to her and her fur felt like velvet as she embraced Scootaloo.

“My, your hair is just stunning darling,” said Rarity admiring her mane with her bright, artistically discerning eyes. Even her eyelashes fluttered with each blink.

“Your influence, it really does bring out her face,” replied Diamond Tiara in the most smug compliment only she could pull off.

“Oh no need to thank me Miss Tiara”, beamed Rarity.

She paused to flick her gorgeously styled blue mane, to Scootaloo’s amazement, it seemed to float back into place, without a split end to be found.

“To see you fillies help each other look your best, always brightens my day,” Rarity replied.

She then sat up on her haunches and rapidly clap her front hooves together, “Come, come now!” she announced in a tone that was commanding yet elegant. “We are on a very tight schedule.''

The Carousel Boutique was normally very busy on Saturday afternoon, especially with the Grand Galloping Gala on the horizon. This was peak business for Rarity, but Diamond Tiara had secured, at a sizable expense Scootaloo learned, a coveted two hours with the Equestrian seamstress. A mare whose vision and prowess with thread and needle was unmatched. The fittings went smoothly enough for Scootaloo's new friends. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon already had an ensemble of stunning club vibe outfits already arranged.

Diamond Tiara sported a bold and savy blue club dress. It was speckled with white, glittery flecks that mimicked a galaxy in motion with even the slightest rustle of the garments. A silver tiara embedded with tiny blue, star- shaped gems crowned her mane, pearl white front and back heels completed the outfit. Silver Spoon wore a stunning purple dress with sparkling gem fragments imbedded in the fabric in jagged, swirling patterns to suggest a wild night of music and dancing. Her usual blue spectacles and pearls were replaced with bedazzled , black glasses with a frame resembling a cello, three black irregular gem shards, lined her delicate neck.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon eagerly watched as Rarity worked her magic for Scootaloo, extenuating an expertly chosen dress. Scootaloo had done this before: She had been a plus one for Rainbow Dash at the Grand Galloping Gala and was a flower girl for Shining Armor and Princess Cadence’s wedding. She was no stranger to the Carousel Boutique or fancy dress.

But this felt different. Gone were the frilly dresses of a little filly who was excited to try something fancy and new. Now, the clothing felt like it belonged to an older pony who was not doing this out of fun or excitement. The dress felt now like an expectation, how an elite pony must present themselves to lyrically gifted bottom feeder. It was a surreal experience, and one she did not feel comfortable with. She could feel the fabric wrap around her body tightly with an alien feel to it, much like the cabbage leaf afixed to her molar.

“Oh my,” said Rarity as she deftly worked the fabric, “You’ve grown so much Scootaloo. I’ll have to add a few more centimeters to this hemline.” She remarked fawningly with just a touch of sadness in her voice.

The tone of the comment dampened Scotaloo’s spirits just a bit, but they were somehow sunk lower by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Both of the rich ponies were giddily spectating her metamorphosis. Scootaloo recalled back to a day when her and the crusaders got up early one morning to watch some baby chicks hatch from under a heat lamp at Sweet Apple Acres. How they gawked and cooed at those vulnerable chicks. Three stupid fillies staring right through them, witnessed their every awkward, naked, and fragile moments until their dow feathers fluffed out.

‘I’m sorry little chicks…’ thought Scootaloo as she felt the fabric engulf her body leaving the life she knew as foal on the outside.

In the mirror the dress came into view. It was a cream yellow and white ensemble with white fabric wisped out, corkscrewing out the back. It mimicked Scootaloo's hairstyle as if she was being propelled through the air at top speed, hurried yet elegant. Four white leggings embossed with geometric patterns, that suggested an exhilarating rush completed the outfit.

“Incredible!” remarked Diamond Tiara as Rarity finished.

Scootaloo again looked back at the stranger in the full-length mirror ahead of her. A stranger who desperately wanted a semblance of familiarity in the Carousel Boutique, a stranger who wanted to shred her way through the town, to pluck the cabbage from her teeth in a matter the three ponies around would consider unclouth. The stranger trying her best to be Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon’s friend who was hours away from meeting the obnoxious, lyrical monster called Feather Bangs..

Forcing her eyes away from her own reflection, she noticed Rarity behind her and she felt her heart sink. Rarity had removed her bifocals with her telekinesis and was wiping away tears of joy. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were soon around her in full embrace.

“We are going to rock this concert!” Diamond Tiara proclaimed, “Now this is how an elite pony goes to a show! Now on to get our photos taken girls!”.

Scootaloo saw the stranger in the mirror give an insincere chuckle in reply. While the stranger looked gorgeous, mature, and a dress the exuded status, Scootaloo felt anything but. However, she had decided to go down this path, she was a Cutie Mark Crusader afterall. They embraced all that sought their friendship, especially with the history she and Diamond Tiara shared, there was just too much at stake. She had to embrace this stranger that stared back at her, the stranger who was bringing smiles to her new friends.

She truly hoped that she could do it.