• Published 8th Nov 2019
  • 907 Views, 27 Comments

Diamond Tiara saves Scootaloo's Life - lytlethelemur

Disaster at a class field trip links Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara into a tentative friendship.

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Chapter 1_ Not the bees!

On a pleasant, sunny day in the farm fields that lined the outskirts of Ponyville, Miss Cheerilee and her class were gathered at Honeycomb Grove for a field trip on beekeeping. The class of foals formed a half-circle around a collection of beehives as the beekeeper, Mr. Bumble Skep taught the basics of beekeeping. Among the colts and fillies were the Cutie Mark Crusaders: Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and a very antsy Scootaloo, whose tiny, orange hooves were fiddling with her helmet strap.

“Maybe I can get Applejack to invest in a beehive. Honey would go great with apple cobbler!” whispered Apple Bloom to her friends

“Mhhh, just thinking about it sounds good,” whispered Sweetie Belle in reply; her eyes closed to savor the thought.

“Ugggh we just had lunch you guys!” retorted Scootaloo in an audible voice just loud enough for their teacher Miss Cheerilee to hear. Scootaloo put her small wings over her mouth in submission to Cheerilee’s glare, it was all that was needed. No talking during class demonstrations.

“Scootaloo?” whispered Apple Bloom with a studious glower “Why’a you so loud and fidgety?”

Scootaloo blushed a little before speaking in her best whisper, “Sorry guys, but its already past noon and I needed my adrenaline fix. The only honey for me right now is some sick air, and it doesn’t help that Mr. Skep has so much particle board just lying around begging to be made into ramps… ”

Scootaloo was never far from her trusty scooter which Cheerilee had her park in Mr. Skeps barn for the duration of the field trip.

“What a bummer.” muttered Scootaloo under her breath.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle did their best to calm the nerves of their energetic friend. Meanwhile close by, but at a comfortable distance from the rest of the class, perched on a gentle knoll was the infamous, over-privileged filly of the class, Diamond Tiara. By her side stood her butler Randolph and trusty friend Silver Spoon. While a much nicer pony now than in the past, Diamond Tiara remained fixed in her position as the daughter of Ponyville’s wealthiest family. Instead of private school she attended Ponyville’s modest schoolhouse, a poor attempt by her father to ground her with ponies of modest means. Needless to say, Diamond Tiara was prepared for Mr. Skeps dingy bee farm, Randolph had expertly prepared covered seating. Miss Tiara was sheltered from the elements and the useful pests known as Bees.

“Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon” called Miss Cheerilee “Last chance for hooves-on learning! Mr. Skep is demonstrating a Bee Smoker”. Mr. Skep blew a generous cloud of smoke into Button Mash’s face, his eyes teared up as he went into a hacking fit. “See? If you were a bee young colt this would be calming and pleasant” explained Mr. Skep in a raspy voice.

Randolph held up a speakerphone for Diamond Tiara; “ Miss Cheerilee, we appreciate the offer, but the Bee Smoker is clearly an instrument for Bees and not foals…” Miss Cheerilee looked back to see a growing number of coughing students and an expanding cloud of smoke puffed from Mr. Skep’s Smoker. “ Bees love this stuff,'' he reiterated.

“Hmmm… good observation Miss Tiara…”, Cheerilee turned back to her class “Thank you, but that’s enough of a demonstration, Mr. Skep.”

Meanwhile, along the downslope of the hill that led into the hollows of Honeycomb Grove, Scootaloo was busy constructing a ramp for her Scooter. Mr. Skep’s bee smoker offered the perfect cover to sneak off, collect her scooter, and do what she did best. The little pegasus worked pieces of particle board and old cinder blocks to get the needed lift and altitude to finally land an Aerial 720. The orange filly was chomping at the bit to finally land one; a look of concentration and a tiny tongue stuck out the side of her muzzle as she completed her ramp. Scootaloo only took a moment to admire her hoof-work before rubbing her hooves together with a gleeful little grin she donned her blue, safety helmet and ascended the hill on her Scooter. A haphazard construction, but it would do the job.

Miss Cheerilee had her hooves-full with Mr. Skep’s overzealous Bee Smoker demonstration; organizing a water break for cough stricken students and having students fetch fabric to waft the smoke away. Unfortunately, Ponyville’s beloved and resourceful school teacher was only one mare. In the bustle she missed not only Scootaloo’s departure, but two additional students had gotten themselves into a rather sticky situation. Miss Cheerilee only noticed when a high pitched colt voice whined, “Awwh …now your neck is stuck in my mane genius!”

“Well how else was I supposed to get honey out of your ears?” replied very a slow baritone voice.

The slowest students in the class, Snips and Snails, had managed to ensnare themselves and on a leaky beehive, honey gluing them together. The short, plump colt named Snips had undoubtedly tried to sample a steady trickle of honey, and in the process, had gotten himself stuck. His tall, lanky friend Snails; attracted to honey and a thoughtless desire to help, got his own neck and chin stuck in Snip’s mane. Stray bees buzzed as the two urchins bickered, tugged, grunted, and “ouched” in a pitiful struggle.

Mr. Skep, old but on point, came to assist with a chuckle pulling up his green tweed shirt over his knees. “It’s always the pretty ones that can’t resist the honey”, he chided, reaching around Snail’s slim back legs only to find honey lying in wait to trap his hooves.

In spite of his years of beekeeping, poor judgement and overconfidence had gotten the better of Mr. Skep as he stubbornly tried to yank the colts free. Cheerilee could only roll her bright green eyes at the spectacle, with Snails reduced to an awkward accordion motion at each fruitless yank from an increasingly frustrated Mr. Skep.

“Awh! Now I got an old man yanking my legs again!” bemoaned Snails between the groans and ouches.

Through her binoculars, Diamond Tiara had an excellent view of the situation at hoof, and she knew what she had to do; the serfs needed her divine guidance. With a quick “come hither” motion with her dainty but commanding pink hoof, Randolph deftly switched Diamond Tiara’s binoculars with her megaphone, fulfilling her wishes as he was born to do.

“Miss Cheerilee,” Diamond Tiara commanded through her megaphone, “collect all the students and be ready to follow our instruction!”

With the presence of a military field commander, Diamond Tiara motioned a hoof forward. On que, her bestie Silver Spoon came running across the field, flag in mouth. The spectacled, silver-colored filly had recently gotten into flag twirling with the school Glee Club, and she was overjoyed at the opportunity to put her talents to practical use. Silver Spoon positioned herself between Diamond Tiara and the presently disorganized class.

“Form a line behind Miss Cheerilee, we are going to need every foal to help free these special-needs students! The glamorous Silver Spoon will help keep you all in step!” directed Diamond Tiara in a voice that would make father proud.

Mrs. Cheerilee reared in delight. “Excellent show of initiative Diamond Tiara… Class, line up by PE score, grab a limb and be ready to pull!”

The foals formed a line behind Cheerilee as she took it upon herself to grab Mr. Skee around his waist. Order seemed to be returning to Honeycomb Grove as the Students began to heave-ho at the direction of Silver Spoon and the rhythm of her graceful performance. Silver Spoon twirled back and forth with style, making an adorable hop, skip, and wave combo to set the timing of each pull of the class. Sometimes flipping the flag around her torso while at other times going into a split and then a wave, Silver Spoon did her utmost to keep the routine fresh. All the while, Silver Spoon never failed to keep the tempo she had set for the class.

Diamond Tiara made herself even more comfortable in her chair, satisfied with the order she had gifted her subordinates.

“Excellent, work Miss Tiara,” bowed Randolph.

However, the situation on the ground was becoming increasingly untenable despite the best efforts of the ruling class. Honey was a determined adversary, as Mr. Skep had been bested by the sweet sticky nectar, so too was Cheerilee. She put too much effort into her first pull and in the ensuing moment of rebound, planted her face into Mr. Skep's honey soaked, tweed shirt, her muzzle trapped in the delicious disaster. Cheerilee could barely make any audible sounds as she watched in horror as her class heave-hoed their way into a quagmire. The honey seemed to creep its way from student to student as they joined in the fray, only to become just as stuck as Snips and Snails. They soon had little choice but to continue rocking to the rhythmic pushing and pulling of Silver Spoon’s guidance.

The classes efforts were fast deteriorating. Pip Squeak, a notably short colt, found himself stuck between two taller classmates, his stubby legs lifted above the ground wiggling aimlessly. Pegasus foals had the nasty misfortune of having their wings stick to fellow students as they tried to use their air power to wrest their classmates free. Unicorn foals, not as strong as adult unicorns in implementing their telekinesis, had a bad habit of getting their horns too close to struggling students in a vain effort for a more powerful telekinetic pull. It only succeeded in getting those horns caught on bellies, legs, faces, and the occasional wing of a classmate. More bees emerged from the hive as ponies seemed to sprout out of their home, their buzzing gradually becoming more intense.

With the wind rushing through her face, Scootaloo careened down the hill. Her hooves holding the scooter steady, she savored the flood of adrenaline teeming through her tiny body. Her underdeveloped wings beat feverishly to give her an additional boost and hasten her to the oncoming ramp. Scootaloo was one with the moment as her wheels connected with particle board, muscle memory guiding her as she was propelled airborne. She performed her revolutions perfectly, dancing with physics and speed, her wings and lite weight keeping her in the air longer than most. Awh yeah, she thought, bathing in the ecstasy of the rushing, fleeting moment.

As the world spun around her, Scootaloo could just make out Honeycomb Grove in her periphery making sure she’d be clear of trees and structures. Below her, misfortune and chaos were poised to strike.

Miss Cheerilee’s mass of honey-entangled, primary school students were putting a strain on the leaky beehive as the crude and messy spectacle grinded on.

Crack! Split! Crack!

The efforts of the Class, while amateur, succeeded in freeing Snips and Snails from the beehive. However, they had not freed themselves from each other. Snips, patient zero, separated from the beehive along with a sizable chunk of two by four and bee hive plastered to the side of his muzzle. There was no time for cheers or congratulations on a job passably-done as the students were descended upon by a vengeful swarm of bees.

Herd instinct was initiated by just the first few painful bee stings, and the amalgamated class of students (those with legs still in contact with the ground) galloped away from the angry swarm of bees. Silver Spoon followed closely behind as her flag twirling routine was abruptly interrupted by a bee stinging her nose. True to his training and breeding, Randolph swiftly packed up Diamond Tiara’s covered seating into its cart arrangement. Unfortunately, Diamond Tiara had made herself too comfortable, and Randolph, had succumb to the fight or flight instinct. She tumbled out of her seat.

Diamond Tiara could hear the cacophony of ouches, buzzing, and stampeding hooves of the peasant ponies. Leaving in their dash for safety too forgetful and foolish to realize they’d had left their best ponies to fend for their own lives. Diamond Tiara could only just collect her to come face-to-face with a hideous sight, a bee was coming right for her. With its tiny stinger brandished ready to inflict unspeakable harm or whatever it was that ghastly bees did outside their useful purpose of making delicious, natural sweetener. Diamond Tiara, unaccustomed to this type of life-threatening situation, was at a loss.

'Where are my friends, my classmates, and my servant ?'she thought for those who would be lost if not for Diamond Tiara’s kindness and leadership?

Not that they could be blamed, she knew that her privilege allowed her an awareness that the lower class could never hope to achieve. There was a time when this aspect had made her a cruel bully, but she had since vowed to use her influence and status for good. She had recently fought for new playground equipment for the school, and organized the rescue of students stuck to a beehive just this afternoon. Sadly, it appeared these would be her last acts, cut down in her prime by this beastly creature.

The vile, fuzzy insect raised itself in the air menacingly over Diamond Tiara who, with all her courage and dignity, coiled her extremities underneath her torso and definitely wrapped a foreleg over her head. Her pearly teeth chattered, her pink body shook, and her white and lavender tail wrapped around her body as she heroically shut her eyes. Now she understood how Princess Twilight felt when she battled the monster Tirek.

“Stay strong,” thought Diamond Tiara, “as you tremble with greatness, this creepy crawly may end your life. What a loss!”

What a dark day for Ponyville! Diamond Tiara could only hope her father and Ponyville leaders would have the wisdom to erect a fitting mausoleum to honor her and all she had done for the foals of her community.

The bee droned on, buzzing just a feet away, no doubt relishing its trophy of cutting down such a high value target. Diamond Tiara was sure the evil Queen bee would surely knight this bee for it's wicked deed, probably at a ceremony involving a lot of buzzing mixed with evil cackling, no doubt.

Those jumps were always too brief, but so, so worth it.

Scootaloo ascended into the sky, her minuscule wings and a good wind gust allowed her to catch some excellent air. She thought she glanced Miss Cheerilee’s class running away down the road. It was odd to her, but she paid them little mind. She could not be distracted, she needed her mind clear, to allow for her muscle memory to guide her scooter’s landing. As she began her decent, Scootaloo could see would overshoot her landing. It would be an awkward touchdown on the knoll close to where Diamond Tiara had set up her little wagon. Using her wings to guide her in, Scootaloo made the split second decision to bank into the knoll from the side for a smoother descent. It was a bit frightening, even with her safety gear she was still vulnerable to hard landings and serious injury. But that risk came with the territory. Scootaloo lived for that dose of fear, letting go of control and allowing gravity, momentum, and adrenaline embrace her, reminding her that she was alive.

The little Pegasus filly couldn’t help herself as she yelled out, “Whooooo Hoo… Gulp”, she choked as something round tumbled in the back of her throat.

She botched her landing, instinctively letting go of her scooter, she somersaulted head first along the grass landing hard on her back. The impact knocked the wind out of her and the odd foreign object in her throat that had a peculiar, vaguely sweet, pollen taste to it. Scootaloo could just barely make out the startled bee she coughed out.

“Stupid bug” she groaned, “thanks for the wipeout.”

However, she was more preoccupied by the ringing pain that ran from her head down to her back and wings. Fortunately, there were no broken bones or serious sprains. However, she was in no rush to get back up on her hooves, she needed to collect herself. Without warning a tiara wearing pink pony had rushed over and with unnatural strength pulled Scootaloo’s grass stained body into an embrace, a grateful tear trailed down her cheek.

“ Oh Scootaloo!” mmmmoah!, Diamond Tiara planted a grateful kiss on a bewildered Scootaloo’s cheek.

“ You saved my life!”

“Oh wa oh whaaaa?” replied a dizzy Scootaloo, her best attempt to repeat Diamond Tiara’s words back to herself.

She was still trying to make sense of the world after her hard landing. she fumbled a bit on her hooves, flapping her underdeveloped Pegasus wings to catch her balance. She could just make out Miss. Cheerilee’s class in the distance at Honeycomb Grove’s fresh water pond, unusually bunched together and swimming to the other side of the shore.

“Miss Cheerilee never mentioned swimming as part of the field trip,'' Scootaloo murmured.

She barely notice Diamond Tiara place a lightly scented calling card into one of her helmet’s air vents.

"I owe you my life Scootaloo, I have to make this up to you. Please come to my home, Rich Estate this Saturday for tea and snacks."

“Snacks?… ehh Sure?”, a dizzy Scootaloo struggled to reach for the business card in her helmet with clumsy effort.

“I would love to chat Scootaloo, however I must find Randolph and give him a piece of my mind for abandoning me!” Diamond Tiara stomped a tiny commanding hoof on the ground, “ But thank you again for rescuing me.”

She beamed and hugged Scootaloo again before galloping off in a furious flash in hot pursuit of her poor butler.

Scootaloo finally got ahold of the business card in her helmet and studied it in her hoof. In clear cursive script Diamond Tiara had written: “ Noon, casual attire at the Rich Estate, thank you Scootaloo”. Not pondering too much where Diamond Tiara carried business cards and writing implements on her person, Scootaloo gazed on the rest of her class emerging on the far shore of the Honeycomb Grove pond. They were clumped together, dripping wet in the high afternoon sun while a buzzing chorus of victorious bees returned in a busy cloud to their injured bee hive, threat of Mr. Cheerilee’s class bested and the honey secured. It was now time to for all ponies and creatures to heal.

Author's Note:

My very first fan fiction. I did have a few friends proofread this story and I subjected my girlfriend to this story on a long car ride, she offered me a lot of good feedback. I'd like to apologize in advance for an errors missed. Thank you for reading