• Published 8th Nov 2019
  • 908 Views, 27 Comments

Diamond Tiara saves Scootaloo's Life - lytlethelemur

Disaster at a class field trip links Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara into a tentative friendship.

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Chapter 6_ The Gastric Menace

The fillies exited town square, and Diamond Tiara had decided that they would go to the restaurant ‘Iguana Del Rey’, she was sure Scootaloo would love the place.

‘How could she resist?’ Thought Diamond Tiara as she led her two friends to the direction of the restaurant in Ponyville’s modest downtown.

After months of pleading, she’d finally convinced her father to become a franchise owner of the chic eatery. Opening its very first non-Applewood, Coltifornia location in Ponyville just weeks ago, becoming a popular hit with the locals. Diamond Tiara was hungry after a long afternoon making her rounds in the market, and her friends deserved the best. They were burgeoning adults and leaders who needed their own rewards after all. It felt good to Diamond Tiara to see that they all were bringing joy and culture to ponyville, letting the town folk know that their hard work was being reciprocated, their leadership had noticed.

However, Diamond Tiara was bothered by the inkling that Scootaloo wasn’t enjoying herself as much as she should and it worried the earth pony filly. The pegasus still looked distant and uninterested in anything they had done today; even the fact that so many ponies were in awe of her graceful presence didn’t seem to improve her mood. With proper makeup, brushed mane, and outfit to boot she was like a stunning sunrise over the cultural desert that was Ponyville. Diamond Tiara found herself deep in thought about how to politely confront Scootaloo on her feelings. Perhaps if she-

“ AHHH, OOO! OOOO! OOO! GIRLS! OVER HERE!” an all too familiar voice boomed at the fillies from across the street.

‘Oh no…’ Diamond Tiara froze in her tracks as her train of thought was thoroughly derailed.

The filly wanted to kick herself. She should’ve paid attention to the route she had chosen, and her concern over Scootaloo should not have distracted her so as to make such a monumental error. She went the short way to the Iguana Del Ray and right by the baked goods shop, Sugar Cube Corner, along with its most infamous and obnoxious employee.


A gluttonous, sugar rushed lunatic with little self-awareness, named Pinkamena Diane Pie called to them in such an obvious way that there was no way to ignore it. Diamond Tiara cringed at her shrieking.

‘How could this pony be such a crucial part of society? How did ponies like her so much?’ thought Diamond Tiara. Sure, the pink monstrosity was a top tier party planner but her personality was just too much for Diamond Tiara.

“I JUST MADE THESE DOUBLE CHOCOLATE CUPCAKES, WITH MARSHMALLOW FROSTING, AND WHOLE COOKIE CHUNKS BAKED INSIDE!”, Pinkie Pie exclaimed, her own description sending her into a fantastic food daydream, her unusually long, salivating tongue whipped around her muzzle.

In her hooves she held a pan of sugary gut bombs, their scent wafting in the air, the sickening sweetness could be detected from across the street. Diamond Tiara’s nasal passages were thoroughly assaulted with hot, nauseatingly sweet milk chocolate.

‘Yuck’ she thought as her muzzle curled at the heaping masses.

“No thank you Pinkie Pie”, managed Diamond Tiara, doing her best not to gag in the process.

She immediately caught a well dressed orange blur dash from the corner of her eye.

“Oh yeah Pinkie Pie, those look delicious!”, squealed a galloping Scootaloo, her tongue wagging like a wild animal, her immaculate face about to be soiled by the culinary monstrosities, she had to be stopped.

Silver Spoon was ghost white at the spectacle, her senses overwhelmed by the chocolate, barely able to keep from fainting. Diamond Tiara, her own legs wavering, knew she had to put a stop to this madness and save Scootaloo from herself.

“Randolph!” she cried out, in a command that would make father proud, “Scootaloo is in danger!”

Randolph, was never too far behind the fillies, ready to spring into action for such emergencies as fanning on a hot day, a glass of water for unexpected parched throats, and occasionally dangerous encounters with empty calories. True to his breeding and in spite of his advanced years, Randolph galloped like a thoroughbred to stop the ravenous pegasus. Scootaloo was quick but he was not to be dissuaded. In a flash he somersaulted in the air to land perfectly between her and the mad sugarer of Mane street. Scootaloo broke to a screeching halt, a gentle but firm hoof held out just inches from her face.

“I am sorry, Madam.” said Randolph politely “It is for your health.”

Diamond Tiara rushed over to Scootaloo, braving the baked good smell infesting the air, trying not to look at Pinkie Pie who was busy consuming a cupcake in a manner akin to a serpent. The contents spilling over the rim of her mouth revealing every ingredient in a grotesque advertisement.

“Mmm… “ smacked the Pink glutton, “This is the best batch yet!”

Diamond Tiara, wrapped her hooves around a confused Scootaloo,

“ Oh, Scootaloo, I was so scared for you!” an almost teary eyed Diamond Tiara proclaimed.

“Wha… Um, D.T., didn’t you mention earlier that we were getting something to eat?” She gestured at Pinkie’s tray of glucose mounds masquerading as food before them, “Plus those cupcakes smelled so good!”, explained a puzzled Scootaloo.

“Scootaloo.” Diamond Tiara pulled back from her embrace, she narrowed her gaze and stared right into Scootaloo‘s big, bright, gluten hungry eyes.

“But… But...” Scootaloo tepidly reasoned like a puppy whose toy was taken away.

Diamond Tiara was not to be dissuaded, her disapproving countenance was unwavering. Scootaloo stopped talking, she only picked at her molars again, her cheek bulging.

“Sugar Cube Corner is the least healthy food option in town, even now we're breathing in calories standing this close.” She shook her head in disgust, “Not to mention all the sugar, gluten, and cholesterol. This place is practically the point of departure for diabetes.” Said Diamond Tiara.

With a firm hoof she guided Scootaloo back to the otherside of the street, keeping an eye on obesity ground zero.

“But Sugarcube Corner is the best spot for snacks!” protested Scootaloo “It’s a part of this town and the food is delicious!”

She could handle makeovers, slow carriage rides, boring conversation, soul suffocating dresses, weird colts, and could almost stand cabbage between her teeth; but Sugar Cube Corner? She would never part with that.

Diamond Tiara stood firm in her conviction, as she knew that she was often right.

“Their food only fosters artery clogging fat for your ventricals, it is akin to a slow suicide, Scootaloo! Silver Spoon and I stopped eating there months ago,” she added, “Just look at how big Pinkie is getting!”

The pink earth pony was already like a swollen balloon, only to let out an unceremonious burp which brought her back down to how she had started.

“Hey young Filly!” replied Pinkie after drinking a half gallon of milk that appeared seemingly out of nowhere. “ If I wasn’t stuck in this doorway I would come over and give you a piece of mind!” she said defensively, sensitive pony that she was. Diamond Tiara may have been exaggerating a bit on Pinkie’s weight but Pinkie had contorted herself into the doorway, as only she could. Fortunately, Mr. Cake, the co-owner of Sugar Cube Corner was on the scene ready to help free her.

Diamond Tiara wasn’t holding back her disgust, as she could feel Scootaloo applying just enough pressure against her guiding hoof to dart back to gobble up one of those freshly baked, fat pills.

“I’m sorry Scootaloo but it’s for your own good, the sooner you kick the high calorie food habit, the better. As elite ponies if we are not healthy, how can we do our best to help pony kind? You of all ponies know that right?” said Diamond Tiara as they made their way even farther from Sugar Cube Corner. Only pausing briefly to fan a wheezing Silverspoon before continuing on to the Iguana del Ray restaurant.

Scootaloo was ready to snap back at the filly as memories of her bullying started to resurface. But she steadied herself, Diamond Tiara was making amends to her and she deserved a chance. No matter how irritating that process may be. “I suppose you're right.” said Scootalloo, her head lowered as she walked kicking a small stone with barely contained disappointment, not wanting to jeopardize their new friendship over her stomach.

Diamond Tiara in turn breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that Scootaloo would come around.It was difficult, but if anypony could change another’s mind, it was Diamond Tiara herself. She did give a sympathetic look to her new disappointed friend, she realized it was painful to see the error of one’s own ways, she had been there before.

“Dinner will be on me.” She comforted Scootaloo who returned a meek smile.

Remembering the cabbage in her teeth, she knew from the snack earlier today just what type of food was in store for her at the Iguana Del Rey. Scootaloo looked over her shoulder one last time at Sugar Cube Corner, where Mr. Cake was struggling to free his long time employee. He was brushing Pinkie Pie down with butter in an effort to free her.

“ I can’t keep getting you out of messes this way Pinkie.'' remarked Mr. Cake, a bit annoyed.

It didn’t help that Pinkie was licking the spots of butter she could reach with that oddly elastic neck of hers.

“I’m sorry Mr. Cake, but would it hurt to add some chocolate while you’re buttering me up!”, she chuckled in-between licks.

Mr. Cake only rolled his eyes.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the late update/ but here is my latest chapter. I'll be vending at Mid Air Pony Fair via discord on Saturday so come say hi!