• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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Beware The Butt Ghost!

Rainbow Dash breathed a sigh of relief once the clog had been cleared up and the used clouds taken care of, she was certain that she would never be allowed to live the incident down for the rest of her life. "I just hope Applejack and Granny Smith are having better luck with Pumpkin Cake," She thought to herself, as she put the plunger aside.

Pound Cake, meanwhile, was giggling like no tomorrow. Sure, he'd ended up in timeout for his little stunt, but the look on Rainbow Dash's face made it all worth while. "I should get left in her care more often," The pegasus toddler thought with a grin. "Maybe next time I'll be able to flush that tortoise."

"Okay, the toilet is fixed again," Rainbow Dash said to herself, and turned to Pound. "We do NOT pee or poop on clouds, and neither do we flush them down the toilet! Clouds are not potties or toilet paper!"

"Sowwy." Pound apologized, trying his best to look guilty.

Rainbow just sighed again. "Just don't ever do it again, understand?!" She asked Pound.

"Uh-huh, no using cwouds instead of potty and no fwushing cwouds either." Pound nodded.

"And remember, not a word of this to anypony!" Rainbow warned. "You don't want to get in trouble with your parents, and I don't want to be humiliated. So, do we have a deal?"

"Uh-huh, cwoss my heawt and hope to fwy, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Pound vowed, making a Pinkie Promise to keep his little cloud using and flushing spree a secret to everypony but him and Rainbow.

"Alright, now let's get you back to Sweet Apple Acres," Dash replied. "Pinkie's going to be coming to pick you up soon."

"Thanks again for looking after the twins today," Pinkie said to Applejack and Granny Smith, as she helped the twins into their foal buggy and buckled them up tight. "They weren't any trouble, were they?"

"Nope, they were the most well behaved little ponies I ever had the honor of foalsittin'," Granny Smith replied. "And Pumpkin seemed to love playin' with Winona."

"Yup," Applejack added with a chuckle. "Really wish you could've seen it, it was so adorable."

Pinkie smiled. "Ah, reminds me of the time I acted like a puppy for Marble."

"Speakin' of which, you thinkin' about taking the twins to see their Uncle and Aunts in Ponypalooza?" Applejack asked. "If ya are, I think I know somepony who'd love the chance to tag along."

"For the last time, I don't have feelin's for Pinkie's sister," Big Macintosh called from afar. "We're just friends!"

Pinkie, pretending not to hear Big Macintosh's statement, said to Applejack. "Maybe in the near future, I know Marble at least will be glad to see them. But for now, I need to get the twins home," Then she looked down at Pound and told him. "The toilet's fixed and working again, just don't go fooling around with it, we don't need it to break again."

Pound was delighted and relieved to hear that statement, he'd been a little worried that perhaps everything he and his sister had been doing with the toilet back home had caused it to break.

But that night, Pound was treated to a rather spooky sight. Just like last night, he had to get up and go in the middle of the night, and he did NOT want to use his pull-up. This time, however, Pound decided to flick on a light in the bathroom so that he wouldn't mistake his sister's potty for his own again.

Pulling down his pull-up and placing his little rump on his blue plastic potty, Pound sighed and concentrated on pushing. As he did so, however, he heard a strange and unfamiliar voice call to him in a whisper. "Hey, what are you doing?" The voice asked.

Pound froze and looked all around, this had to be a prank of some kind. "Sis, is tat you?" He asked.

"I'm not your sister," The mysterious voice whispered in reply. "I live inside your toilet, I watch you while you poop."

"Ew, tat's so gwoss!" Pound gagged. "Dun you know about pwivacy? And wha you mean by you wive inside my toilet? Wha awe you and wha you want with me?"

The mysterious voice only replied. "I am the butt ghost, and I'm lonely. I can only travel through butts if a pony sits on the toilet, but then if the pony wipes I disappear. Please, let me live inside you. I can turn other butts into butt ghosts sometimes, but they can never talk to me like ponies can."

"Otay, whoever ya awe, stop twying to scawe me!" Pound protested, as he went back to trying to do his business. "Thewe's no such ting as ghosts!"

"Oh, but I am real, watch," The mysterious voice boasted. "I will make the toilet flush all by itself."

Pound turned his head, just in time to see the faint glowing white trace of a hoof reach up from the toilet bowl and grab the handle, forcing it down. Pound was shocked, the ghost was real!

"Dun eat my butt! I wike my butt!" Pound whined, as he relieved himself right into his potty. He only barely managed to compose himself long enough to wipe up, then he ran out of the bathroom as fast as his little legs could carry him!

The next morning, Pound was talking to Pumpkin about the so called "butt ghost" that was lurking in their toilet, and of his encounter with it. "And then, I saw a ghostwy hoof weach out of the toilet bowl and fwush it!" He said to his sister, barely able to keep himself from panicking.

"Thewe's no such ting as ghosts, ewewypony knows that!" Pumpkin replied. "You just making it up to scawe me!"

"Nu, I sewious! Thewe is a butt ghost, and it wives in ouw toiwet, no butt is safe!" Pound protested. "You gotta bewieve me!"

"And why shouwd I bewieve you aftew evewyting you've done?" Pumpkin asked.

But just then, both foals heard a familiar scream coming from the upstairs bathroom! The scream was from Pinkie Pie, and it sounded like she'd been frightened half to death!

"The butt ghost is real!" Pinkie exclaimed. "And all this time I thought it was just a story my parents made up to scare me into wiping thoroughly!" She immediately reached for Pound's potty, still full from last night, and hastily poured its contents in the toilet bowl.

"What?! Noooooo, stooooop!" The ghost cried, before its pleas were covered up by a series of plopping sounds and then the flushing of the toilet.

Pinkie sighed. "I'll have to tell Twilight about this, no doubt some unicorn accidentally brought that ghost here when they were fixing the toilet. On the bright side though, this gives me an excuse to take Pound and Pumpkin with me to see their Uncle Igneous, and their Aunts Cloudy, Limestone, Maud, and Marble."

Author's Note:

An idea partially inspired and suggested by Dan, and supposedly there is such a thing as the butt ghost, at least according to one website.

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