• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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What's That Noise?!

"Do you really think they're ready, honey-bun?" Mrs. Cake asked her husband, as they stood outside the door to their foals' nursery. They were currently contemplating a very big decision. "I mean, they're only foals once. I don't want to rush into this too soon and rob them of the chance to enjoy their foalhood."

Mr. Cake nuzzled his wife. "I know it's hard, but they're at the right age for it. They have to learn sooner or later. Besides, it's not like they're going to just start doing it overnight. We both know it's going to be a long process of ups and downs."

"I know, it's just... they look so cute in their little diapers," Mrs. Cake commented. "Do we really have to make them give them up now? We can wait for a few more weeks."

But Mr. Cake shook his head. "Even Pinkie Pie knows they can't stay in diapers forever, and she's agreed to help us out. We've held off for long enough, I think the time has come. Worse comes to worse, we can back off for a while."

With a sigh, Mrs. Cake replied. "You're right, Carrot. We have to do this, whether we like it or not. But I just know they're not going to be happy to hear they have to leave their diapers behind. I hope they don't hate us too much for it."

"Well, there's no point in beating around the bush," Mr. Cake declared. "It's time to start potty training them!" And with that, he pushed open the door to the nursery, and he and his wife trotted into it.

Pound and Pumpkin Cake were sound asleep in their crib, and had no idea that their lives were about to change forever. They were just dreaming away, without a care in the world.

Suddenly, the twins were roused from their sleep by a pair of familiar hooves lightly stroking their backs. "Wake up my little angels," a familiar sweet voice called out. "Today's a very big day."

Pound Cake was the first of the two to wake up, and he let out a yawn as he rubbed his eyes. The rays of Celestia's sun were just starting to seep their way into the nursery through a nearby window, far too early to be up for his tastes.

Pumpkin Cake awoke soon afterward, and after her eyes had fully opened, she saw the smiling faces of her parents staring back at her. "Was going on, Pound?" she asked her brother.

"I dun know, Pumpkin. Mommy and Daddy nevew wake us up dis earwy," Pound grumbled. And to his parents he said. "Whaever it is, I didn' do it, my sistew did."

"Nu-uh, my bwother did it." Pumpkin protested, pointing a hoof accusingly at her brother.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake giggled, for all they could hear was foalish gibberish. Pinkie Pie seemed to better understand whatever it was they would try to say. "Hope you two had a good night's sleep, because your mother and I have a surprise for the two of you." Mr. Cake said eagerly, after he checked their diapers and saw that they were dry and clean.

The mentioning of a surprise caught the twins attention! "A suwpwise?! Wha is it?!" they asked.

Mrs. Cake smiled, but also seemed to be suppressing the urge to tear up. "That's right, it's a very big surprise," she told the twins, as she scooped them up. "After today, your lives will never be the same again."

"Wha do you tink the suwpwise is?" Pound whispered to his sister, as they were carried out of their nursery.

"I dun know, but I'ww bet is someting good!" Pumpkin whispered in reply.

Just then, Pinkie came bouncing past. "Oh, is today the big day?" she asked The Cakes.

"Yup," Mr. Cake nodded. "They're finally ready for it."

"You mean they're going to-" Pinkie began.

"-Yes they are," Mrs. Cake interrupted, putting a hoof to Pinkie's mouth. "And you don't want to spoil the surprise for them, do you?"

"Oh no indeedy!" Pinkie eagerly replied, leaping into the air. When she came back down she asked. "But, I can still help, right?"

Mr. and Mrs. Cake both nodded. "Absolutely, Pinkie. Your help is going to be needed quite often for the forseeable future."

"Well, just give me a shout if you need my services," Pinkie replied, then to the twins she cooed. "I hope you guys like your surprise, I've got such big plans for when you've finally seen it! In fact, I'm already planning a party for it!" And with that, she bounced away down the stairs.

The twins got more and more excited, eagerly babbling back and forth to each other about what the surprise might be. If Pinkie was planning a party related to it, it had to be good!

It seemed to take forever for Mr. and Mrs. Cake to come to a stop. When they did, Pound and Pumpkin immediately took notice of where it was that their parents had brought them. What exactly could there be in a bathroom that warranted all this fanfare?

"Ready?" Mr. Cake asked his wife.

"Ready." Mrs. Cake nodded in reply. Pound and Pumpkin were most confused, but then again grown-ups could be so weird sometimes.

Mr. Cake pushed open the bathroom door, and lead Mrs. Cake and the twins inside. Then he closed the door behind him, while his wife set the twins down on the tiled floor.

"The bathwoom? Was so speciaw about the bathwoom?" The twins asked at the same time, the most confused looks on their faces. The only stuff they knew was in here, was the tub, the sink, and that mysterious white bowl thing.

Mr. Cake giggled, and looked at his wife. He gave her a knowing wink, then said to the twins. "Okay, you two. Turn around and close your eyes, and when you open them, you'll see what your surprise is."

Despite both their vivid curiosity and confusion, the twins obeyed. But not before they saw their mother trot over to one of the cabinets beneath the sink. Apparently, their surprise was stored there. As they covered their eyes, they could hear the sound of their mother moving things around, no doubt looking for something. The seconds seemed to tick by slowly, and many times the twins just barely resisted the urge to peek.

At last, just as they heard the sound of something (or somethings) being placed onto the bathroom floor, Mr. Cake cooed. "Alright you two, you can open your eyes now. Are you ready for your big surprise?!"

"Yeah!" the twins cheered, and removed their hooves from their eyes with great fanfare! They were ready for anything! But when they finally got a chance to see their surprise, they were most confused. In front of them stood two small plastic bowls, one of them was a light blue in color, and the other a light pink in color. Neither Pound or Pumpkin had ever seen such objects before.

"These are your new potties!" Mrs. Cake proudly declared, pointing to the plastic bowls. "From now on, whenever you have to pee-pee or poo-poo, you will do it in these instead of your diapers!"

Pound and Pumpkin's mouth dropped open in shock! Their parents were going to make them give up their diapers, and have them do their business in those weirdly colored bowls?! Surely, this had to be a joke, or a bizarre dream of some kind. There was no way this was real!

"Bu, I wike my diapees!" Pound protested.

"Me too!" Pumpkin added. "Me no wanna give up diapees! Diapees are fun, potty is stupid!" And the twins folded their hooves across their chests, as they pouted in protest.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake just laughed at their twin toddlers double pout. "Oh come now, there's no need to be a bunch of pouty pants," Mr. Cake said with a smile, as he and his wife approached the twins and removed their diapers. "It's simple and easy. All you have to do, is take off your diapers, sit down on the potties, and do your business like you would in your diapers."

"Then when you're all done, you stand up so that we can wipe you," Mrs. Cake explained. "Then we take your potties, carry them to the toilet, empty them out, and flush it all away," she proceeded to trot over to the toilet. "Just like this, watch." she declared, as she put her hoof on the silver handle and pressed it down.

A tremendous roar reached the twins ears, as the water swirled around in the bowl and disappeared down the drain! Then, seconds later, it returned. The twins were immediately stricken with panic! "Monster!" they cried, hiding behind their parents legs for protection. How could anypony keep something in their house that made such an awful noise?!

"The toilet isn't a monster," Mrs. Cake told the twins. "It won't hurt you."

"Besides, you're using your potties. You're not big enough to use the toilet yet," Mr. Cake added. "Now, who wants to try first?"

But the twins didn't want to use their potties, they didn't want to stay in the bathroom any longer. Why stay in the same room as that monster that made such an awful noise?! What if it tried to eat them?!

Panicking, Pound and Pumpkin grabbed their diapers and made a mad dash out of the bathroom!

"Well, that could've gone better." Mr. Cake observed with a sigh.

Pound and Pumpkin didn't stop running until they were certain they'd escaped the bathroom, then they finally stopped to breath a sigh of relief. "Do ya tink we escaped fwom the monster?!" Pound anxiously asked his sister, as he tried to slip his diaper back on.

"Yes, I tink so," Pumpkin replied. "How can Daddy and Mommy keep such a ting in our house?! Don't they know it could eat them?!"

"Or Pinkie Pie, ouw big sistew," Pound added. "If that monster ate her, Equestwia would be in big twouble!"

"Yeah. Ouw diapees awe much safer than that monster that makes such an awfuw noise! At weast our diapees will nevew twy to eat us!" Pumpkin said firmly, as she used her magic to readjust her diaper, then helped her brother do the same.

"Bu wha we gonna do now?!" Pound nervously asked, looking all around for any sign of his parents. "Mommy and Daddy awe gonna twy to make us use smaller vewisions of tat monster, instead of wetting us stay in diapees!"

"Weww, who's the one pony who we can awways count on to watch out fow us if Mommy and Daddy awe busy?" Pumpkin suggested.

Pound smiled brightly, he knew the answer. "Big sistew Pinkie! She'll make suwe we stay in diapees forevew!"

"Bingo! Wets go find her and tell her ouw story!" Pumpkin declared. "She awwyas wistens to us!"

"Whewe is she, anyway?" Pound asked, now realizing he hadn't seen Pinkie since he and his sister were being escorted to the bathroom. Then he gasped. "You dun tink that monster finawwy ate her, do you?!"

"I hope not, otherwise we gonna wun away! Find some pwace whewe that monster doesn't exisit!" Pumpkin vowed.

And with their new end goal in mind, the twins raced away to hopefully find Pinkie. With any luck, the monster in the bathroom hadn't eaten her, yet.

As luck would have it, Pound and Pumpkin didn't have to search for very long to find Pinkie. She was waiting for the twins when they came downstairs.

"Surprise!" Pinkie shouted, jumping out from behind the counter, as confetti seemed to shoot from out of nowhere! She immediately scooped up the twins before they could say anything, and gave them both big hugs. "Oh, I'm so proud of the both of you, and I'm sure your parents are too!" she said, flashing one of her signature big smiles.

"Wha you talking about, Pinkie?" Pumpkin asked, her big sister could even weirder than the other grown-ups (not that Pumpkin or her brother minded, in a lot of ways Pinkie understood them better than any other grown-up).

"Yeah, we didn' do anyting, yet." Pound commented, shooting the most confused look at Pinkie that he could possibly give.

"You two are taking your first steps to being big ponies! You're growing up so fast, it seems like only yesterday you were saying your first words!" Pinkie said all at once. "Now get ready for a Pinkie Pie style party, thrown by yours truly!"

The twins looked up, they saw a banner hanging from the ceiling (how they had failed to notice before, they didn't know). And printed on it in big letters alternatively painted blue and pink was the phrase: "Potty Party".

"I knew you'd like it!" Pinkie happily exclaimed. "I just wish I could've seen the two of you use the potty for the first time, you must've looked so cute!"

Pound and Pumpkin looked at each other, unsure of how to tell Pinkie that they had no intention of being potty trained. And before they could say anything, their parents came trotting down the nearby stairs looking a bit unhappy.

"Hey? What's with the long faces? The twins used the potty for the first time today, and that calls for a party!" Pinkie eagerly exclaimed, as more confetti rained down from above.

Mrs. Cake sighed. "Well, Pinkie, things didn't go nearly as well as we thought they would. We introduced the twins to their potties, and told them how to use them. But it seems they're scared of the toilet, they think it's a monster."

"A monster?" Pinkie parroted, her smile fading.

"Yes, or at least that's what we heard," Mr. Cake replied. "Oh well, I suppose we'll just have to try again later. Potty training isn't an overnight thing after all."

But Pinkie immediately declared to The Cakes. "Not to worry! I'll give it a try! I think I can help them see the toilet for what it really is."

"You're welcome to try if you'd like, Pinkie," Mrs. Cake offered. "Maybe you'll have better luck than Carrot and I did."

"Just promise you'll be careful, I don't want any accidents." Mr. Cake said nervously.

"Relax, with me on the job you've got nothing to worry about," Pinkie replied. "I helped potty train my baby sister, Marble. And I still know a few tricks that worked wonders."

Pound and Pumpkin's hearts immediately sank. "Great, now Pinkie's going to make us go back into the bathwoom with dat monster!" Pound complained to his sister. "I shouldn't have wistened to you and just ran off on my own!"

"Hey, how was I supposed to know this wouwd happen?" Pumpkin protested. "Who knows? Maybe if we pwead hard enough, we can make Pinkie wisten to us?"

However, before the twins could think of doing or saying anything else, Pinkie immediately began carrying them back up the stairs. "I know you guys think the toilet is a monster, but I know just how to make you see it isn't. Trust me, pretty soon you'll see that the toilet is nothing to be scared of."

"Weww sistew, it was nice knowing ya." Pound said, glumly admitting defeat.

"Same to you, bwother. We had pwetty good lives, even if they wewe short." Pumpkin replied in an equally glum tone, as the twins were carried down the hall to the bathroom. In a matter of moments, they would be face to face with the monster that would surely eat them.

"And here we are!" Pinkie said proudly, pushing open the door to the bathroom and carrying the twins inside. The twins gulped, as they were brought closer and closer to the white bowl monster that had previously seemed so uninteresting.

"Pinkie, pwease, we dun wanna be eaten!" The twins pleaded, desperately trying to wiggle out of Pinkie's hooves, but to no avail.

"It's okay you two, I'm right here. Nothing's gonna hurt you on my watch." Pinkie said sweetly, as she attempted to calm the twins down.

"Guess this is it!" Pumpkin gulped, as the toilet drew ever so close.

"Yeah, the onwy question now is, which one of us wiww it go fow first?" Pound wondered, as the toilet became so close the twins could reach out and touch it (or it could reach out and touch them).

"There's nothing to be afraid of, the toilet just wants to be your friend," Pinkie told the twins. "See that little silver handle over there?" The twins reluctantly nodded. "Go on, touch it and push it down." Pinkie encouraged.

Pound and Pumpkin nervously looked at the toilet, then at Pinkie, then at each other, then back at the toilet. So far, all was quiet. "I tink you should twy your wuck first, Pumpkin," Pound encouraged. "It didn make tat noise untiw Mommy touched it, so maybe it onwy eats girws?"

"Nu-uh, you touch it first!" Pumpkin said with a shake of her head. "Then if twies to eat you, at weast I'ww be safe with Pinkie."

"Nu, you go first!" Pound insisted.

"Nu, you go first!" Pumpkin demanded.

But unknown to the twins, Pinkie had already decided who should be first to touch the handle. "Fillies first, Pound Cake," she declared, setting him safely on the nearby kitchen sink counter. "Go ahead, Pumpkin Cake, flush the toilet."

"Wucky you," Pound teased. "Be seeing you, sis."

"If it twies to eat me, I'm taking you with me!" Pumpkin snorted, before she reluctantly extended her tiny hooves as best as she could, while taking care not to wiggle out of Pinkie's grasp. Time seemed to slow to a crawl, as her hooves grabbed hold of the silver handle, and with a great deal of effort forced it down. The loud noise from before came back!

"Monster! Is gonna eat us!" The twins shouted, and tried to make another frantic run for it!

But Pinkie wouldn't let them. "Nothing's happening to you, see?" she told them, as the water swirled around and disappeared down the drain, then returned.

When the loud noise had faded, the twins were no longer scared. They were quite fascinated, and curious. It was so odd to see the water disappear down that little hole, and then return as if nothing had happened. But maybe that was a fluke?

There was only one way to find, and Pinkie knew it. She put Pumpkin on the counter, and took Pound Cake into her grasp. "Now it's your turn, Pound Cake. Go ahead and flush it!" she encouraged.

Pound reluctantly did so, fearful that the monster might have been sleeping and the noise from earlier may have now woken it up. When he pressed down the handle, the noise came back once again! But this time, for some reason, Pound wasn't as bothered by it. And neither was his sister. Perhaps it was because they knew it was coming, or perhaps it was because they were convinced any monster that may been lurking had gone away. Either way, the twins were most fascinated by the swirling motion of the water, as it once again went down the drain and then came back.

"Again! Again!" the twins cried eagerly.

"Alright, one more flush, but that's it." Pinkie replied, and after taking both twins into her hooves, pressed the handle down once again. Despite the noise, the twins giggled in excitement, as they watched the toilet flush. Where had this thing been all their lives?

"Guess there wasn a monstew aftew all." Pumpkin realized, as Pinkie carried them back out of the bathroom.

"Eh, I guess not. Bu I dun know if I wanna give up my diapees just yet. If I can't use tat thing they called a toilet, why get rid of my diapees at all?" Pound wondered, though he said the last part to himself.

Author's Note:

Well, this is what my followers wanted to see, so here it is!

For now, this humor may seem tame, and indeed it is. But there will be some chapters later on that may straddle into more "sensitive" areas for humor.

If you have any ideas for any sort of comedic potty training moments, be sure to suggest them.

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