• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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That's Not A Potty!: Part 1 (The Flower Pot)

Pumpkin decided that she'd rather stick to her potty and diapers, rather than try to use the toilet. Which was unfortunate, as that meant she had no way of refuting her brother's point about it being better than a potty. And with the stunt her brother had recently pulled with some of his stuffed animals, it seemed like nothing could convince Pound to give up his diapers.

Pinkie quickly took notice of Pumpkin's unhappy mood, as she slipped a new diaper under the unicorn toddler's rump and taped it up. "Aw, there's no need to be sad, Pumpkin," Pinkie sweetly told her. "Most ponies start out with a potty, then transition to the toilet when they're older. You'll be able to use it, someday, just not today."

Pumpkin felt only slightly better at that statement. "I really wish my brother would give up on trying to avoid using his potty," she thought to herself. "I'm running out of ways to tell him that he's wrong about it, and I just know he'd get to like it if he gave it a chance."

Pinkie set Pumpkin down on the floor, once the diapering process was complete. "Why don't I take you outside to play for a while?" Pinkie suggested, scooping Pumpkin up. "It's a beautiful day, far too beautiful to stay cooped up indoors."

But Pumpkin was a bit nervous, she had not once set hoof outside since starting potty training. She always felt more comfortable knowing that her potty was close by if she needed it, but being outside meant her potty would be farther away than ever before. What if she had to go while playing?

Pinkie could easily see that Pumpkin was anxious, but assumed the young unicorn was just worried about going outside in a diaper. "Don't worry, you'll just be playing in the backyard with your brother," Pinkie reassured her younger sister of sorts, patting her on the head. "Tell you what, since you're so good at using your potty, why don't I let you play outside without a diaper on? Think you can manage?"

Pumpkin quickly forgot all about being worried, she was certain her brother wouldn't have the same privilege and she was thrilled at the chance to rub something in his face for once. Plus, who knew? Maybe a bit of playful teasing and mocking would provide Pound with the motivation he needed to start using his potty? So Pumpkin eagerly nodded at Pinkie's offer.

"Alright then, no diaper it is," Pinkie declared, slipping Pumpkin's diaper off with minimal effort. "But that means no accidents, missy. Not even one. Otherwise, it's back to diapers whenever you're out and about."

Pound was waiting for his sister when she finally came out to the backyard, and he was quite surprised when he saw that his sister was allowed to trot around butt naked! His parents and big sister certainly wouldn't let him do it, so why were they making an exception for his other sister?!

Pinkie set Pumpkin down in the sandbox, sweetly telling her. "Remember, you have to come and see me if you have to go. Now that you're out of diapers, you have to use your potty every time you have to go. No ifs, ands, or buts, except for the one you're sitting on your potty of course." Pinkie chuckled at her little joke, then bounced back inside.

It didn't take long for Pound to trot up to Pumpkin and give his sister a piece of his mind. The slant to his eyebrows was a clear sign of how peeved he was. "Why you get to pway without a diapee on, and not me?!" he asked his sister. "Is not faiw at awl!"

Pumpkin smirked, her brother's jealousy was quite satisfying to her. "Because, unwike you, I use my potty fow pee pee and poo poo! Maybe if you stawted using youw potty, Mommy, Daddy, and Big Sis Pinkie would wet you go without a diapee as well."

"Dawn, I shouwd have known tat was the weason why!" Pound pouted, folding his hooves across his chest as he sat on his diapered rump. "I stiww say the potty is stupid!"

"But wook at what using it gets you," Pumpkin boasted. "Wots of pwaise fwom the gwown-ups, the fweedom to trot outside without a diapee on-"

"-And being fowced to sit on tat bowing ting with noting to do!" Pound interrupted. "Tat's why I wike the toiwet bettew."

"Of course you would like it," Pumpkin thought to herself, trying to hide her frustration. "I bet if you tried to use it and fell in, you'd change your tune pretty quick, especially if it meant you had to get flushed!"

Pound then sighed. "But it wooks wike I may have no choice but to use it anyhow, Mommy and Daddy stiww won give back my diapees and the onwy ones I can make faww apart if I do anyting in them. I wunning out of options!"

"Dun even tink about twying to steaw my diapees!" Pumpkin protested. "Besides, it pwobably wun be wong befowe they get thrown out as weww!"

"So you stiww haven't twied using them wike I suggested?" Pound asked, to which Pumpkin nodded. "You gotta do it whiwe you stiww can, sis!"

"I do it when I decide I wanna do it, and wight now I dun wanna do it!" Pumpkin replied, and turned and trotted away from her brother. Hopefully, if their parents were indeed refusing to return his diapers, he'd start using his potty and finally realize how fun it was to use it.

Pumpkin alternated between playing in her backyard sandbox, swinging on her swing set, and searching for bugs in the grass. She became so engrossed in her playtime, that she completely ignored the signs she usually recognized that told her when she had to go. It wasn't until the signs grew particular strong (if the feeling in her tummy and lower regions was any indication) that Pumpkin finally stopped playing! The urge to go was strong, so strong that her face turned red just from trying to stop it!

Pound saw the troubled look on his sister's face, and immediately trotted over to her. So who cared if she didn't have a diaper on, and he did, she was still his sister. "Was wong, Pumpkin?" he asked, even though he was certain of the answer.

"I have to go potty, badwy!" Pumpkin replied, crossing her legs. "But I dun know if I can howd it in wong enough to make it!"

"You couwd borrow my diapee, is stiww fwesh." Pound offered, putting his hooves on the sticky tapes holding up said diaper.

Pumpkin shook her head. "No, I not gonna use diapee! I big fiwwy, big fiwwies dun do diapees!" The urge was growing stronger every minute!

"Then you just have to use someting in pwace of a potty, just this once!" Pound told his sister, it was the only solution he could think of.

"Wike what?" Pumpkin asked, feeling like she was going to burst!

Pound looked all around, searching for anything his sister could use to do his business in. He eyed many things, including his own bucket full of sand, but decided none of them would work (plus he didn't want his sister getting in trouble for doing her business in the sandbox). At last, his eyes fell upon a flower pot directly across from the swings, and a light bulb went off inside his little head! "How about tat flower pot ovew thewe?!" he suggested, pointing to the pot with a hoof. "You can 'fertiwize the soil' as I tink I once heawd Appwejack mention. Apparwenty she and hew famiwy wiww do it fwom time to time to hewp their cwops grow."

Pumpkin was too focused on holding it in to listen to even half of what her brother was saying, all she knew was that the flower pot was her best alternative to a potty, without having an accident. She trotted over to it as fast as she could, without losing control of her bodily functions, and quickly placed her rump on the pot! Then she stopped trying to hold it in, and let it all out, the "fertilization of the soil" took only a few seconds to be completed. Pumpkin wearily breathed a sigh of relief. "Tanks bwother, you a wife saver!" she told Pound.

"Hey, what awe bwothers for?" Pound replied, feeling quite proud of the advice he'd offered.

"But, how do I wipe mysewf up without Mommy, Daddy, or Pinkie Pie finding out what I did?" Pumpkin asked her brother. "I dun see any wipes."

Pound grinned, as he went back to the sandbox and his bucket full of sand. "Weave tat to me!" he boasted, as he pulled back his diaper and tipped the bucket of sand so that the end of it touched the back of his diaper. The little pegasus' diaper quickly filled up with sand, and then he waddled up to the back door and knocked on it.

"What is it, Pound?" Pinkie asked the toddler.

"I got sand in my diapee!" Pound cried, showing his sand filled diaper to Pinkie while trying to hold back tears.

Pinkie could easily see that the diaper was filled with sand, and she knew that was highly uncomfortable. "Oh dear, how did that happen?! We'd better get you into a new diaper right away!" she instructed, scooping Pound up and carrying him inside (after patting his diaper a couple of times to get the excess sand out).

Was it Pumpkin's imagination, or did Pound wink at her as he was carried inside to be changed?

Author's Note:

This chapter and the next two chapters are based on an idea suggested by Diokno44. Thanks for the suggestion.

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