• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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Pound's Pain

Even though he now knew that there was no monster lurking in the bathroom, Pound Cake still wasn't in any hurry to start potty training, despite how much his sister seemed to like the idea.

As far as Pound saw it, what point was there learning how to use a potty, when you ultimately outgrew that too? If you were inevitably going to have to use the toilet, why not wait until you were big enough to do so and just train yourself to do that?

Of course, Pound knew better than to mention this to anypony. His parents clearly wouldn't agree, and neither would his sister. "But that's okay," Pound told himself. "They don't know my plan, and I'll make sure it stays that way."

His plan was quite simple. Just keep his diapers hidden away, and whenever he had to go potty, secretly slip them on and use them. Then dispose of them without anypony being any the wiser.

Perhaps it never occurred to Pound that his plan was more complicated and unnecessary compared to using the potty, for if he had he might have avoided the embarrassment (and close call) that would cause him to ultimately abandon to it. And this, is how it happened.

It had been about a week since the twins had officially started potty training, but so far they had not had any luck making it to the bathroom in time. For Pound, this was intentional. But he suspected his parents and his big sister might be catching on to that fact. For by now, they had taken away all the diaper packs, and thrown out all but one or two of them.

"Nice try, Mommy and Daddy, but I won't give up my diapers so easily." Pound thought to himself, and his toddler brain had schemed up a scheme to outsmart them, without having to actually use his potty.

The time was just after high noon, the rays of Celestia's sun were starting to shift ever so slightly, as it moved from its position straight up in the sky. Pound and his sister Pumpkin were in their nursery, sitting in their playpen without a care in the world. As Pound moved to stack an alphabet block on top of a small tower he was building, he felt it. The familiar pain building up inside his little hole. Try as he might to ignore it, Pound could feel it deep down inside him, and he knew what that meant. He had to poop!

Of course, Pound couldn't just ignore the pain and keep playing (like he would've preferred to). No, since starting potty training his parents and Pinkie Pie had made it perfectly clear, that he was to tell them whenever he felt like he had to go. That way, they could take him to the bathroom and sit him on his potty.

"Now fow my pwan." Pound whispered to himself, as he tried not to let the pain inside him grow, despite the building pressure. Calmly, he set down his block, and waddled over to the side of the playpen. Flapping his wings ever so delicately (so as not to make him poop himself in mid-flight), he rose out of the playpen, landing firmly on the nursery floor in his diaper. At that point, Pound stopped trying to hold it in. The impact was more than enough for his little body to handle. In a matter of seconds it was over, but Pound knew his plan wasn't finished yet.

After making sure nopony was looking (Pumpkin was too busy playing with her toys to notice anything), Pound trotted out of the nursery and down the hall to the bathroom. The door had been left open ever so slightly, and despite the weight of his used diaper, Pound had no trouble pushing it open enough for him to waddle inside. Then he immediately kicked the door with his back hooves, just hard enough for it to close.

"So far so good." Pound thought to himself, grinning eagerly. Immediately, his eyes fell upon on his potty, which sat lonely and neglected in a corner of the bathroom. "Sowwy Mr. Potty, but you not get used today." Pound taunted at the useless plastic bowl, sticking his tongue out to mock it. Then he turned his gaze to the cabinet beneath the kitchen sink, a short trot away. It was there that he had stored the entire reason for his visit to the bathroom.

Carefully opening the cabinet, and pushing aside the rolls of toilet paper and various bottles of bathing products, Pound found what he was looking for. An entire family sized package of diapers, and what luck they had already been opened before he'd gotten his hooves on them.

Pound took one of the diapers out of the package, delighting in the fresh scent it gave off (which contrasted quite sharply with the stench wafting from his used one), then pushed the package back into its hiding place and closed the cabinet. Just one thing left to do!

Anticipation running through his tiny body at a mile a minute, Pound raced to his sister's potty and sat down in it. He liked how the small space of the potty caused his diaper to press up against his rump, especially since it wasn't his own potty he was doing it in. But Pound felt his business wasn't quite finished just yet, so he pushed as hard as he could while sitting on the potty with his diaper. His bladder almost instantly released into the diaper, and after a great deal of pushing, Pound was rewarded for his efforts as he felt his bowels empty themselves completely.

Now that just left the problem of cleaning himself up, a task that the sneaky little pegasus was already prepared for. "I just need to find a grown-up and tell them I had an accident even though I tried to make it to the potty," he thought to himself, and giggled. "Who knew grown-ups were so easy to fool?"

But when Pound tried to get up from the potty, he found that he couldn't do so, no matter how hard he struggled. Looking around for who or what was responsible, Pound's eyes soon came to rest on his diaper, and they quickly took note of how much it had expanded. It didn't take long for him to put two and two together, and find out why he couldn't get off the potty. "I should've thought this through." he mentally cursed, now wishing he hadn't been so foolish.

As luck would have it, at that very moment the bathroom door was pushed open, and in trotted Mr. Cake. When he saw Pound Cake, despite the smell that was originating from him, he couldn't help but laugh. "Oh, Pound Cake. That's not what a potty is for, especially since it's not yours."

"Just great, of all the rotten luck!" Pound thought, as he was quickly approached by his father.

"I suppose there's no point in asking if you need a change," Mr. Cake said, continuing to laugh. "Well, first thing's first, let's get rid of that dirty diaper of yours."

"Good wuck, Daddy. This diapee is stuck on tight, you ain't evew gonna get it off!" Pound vowed, even though he knew his father couldn't understand him.

But much to Pound's surprise, it took Mr. Cake very little effort to remove the diaper from Pound's rump. All he had to do was undo the sticky tapes, and let it fall from Pound's waist, then he lifted Pound up with the greatest of ease as the diaper sank into the potty with an audible crinkle.

Pound was amazed, he'd thought for sure his diaper would be impossible to remove, and yet his father had done in less than ten seconds! Forget his sisters, Pound's dad had to be the REAL magical one of the family. After all, what else but magic could describe how effortlessly he'd been able to get Pound out of that extremely bulky undergarment?

Author's Note:

Part of this was originally a prompt in a group collab, in which it was submitted as "Pain". But I tweaked it and modified a bit, as well as added more detail, and this is the end result.

Now, next chapter will focus on Pumpkin Cake, since this one focused on her brother. Then the chapter after that will focus on the two of them together. After that, there will be no specific order for who is focused on in what chapter.

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