• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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Toilet Trouble!, Part 1: Flushing Pumpkin

Despite having to use an outhouse due to her kangaroo body, Twilight had no trouble taking care of the twins for the day. A few ponies did come and go during the day, but even those who saw Princess Twilight didn't think much of her new appearance.

"Alright you two," Twilight cooed slightly, as she scooped the twins into her pouch that evening. "It's getting late, we need to get you two home before you parents start worrying," then she eyed the outhouse she'd been making frequent use of throughout the day. "Before we leave though, does anypony need to use the potty? The outhouse is just over there."

"Nuh, we good." Pound replied.

"Yeah, potty can wait til we back home." Pumpkin added, feeling especially proud of the fact that she hadn't used her pull-up at all.

"Very well then, let's go home," Twilight smiled. "Please keep your hooves and tails inside the pouch at all times." And with that, the young princess turned kangaroo hopped out of the park and back onto the path leading to Sugarcube Corner. All the while, in her mind she was hoping and mentally praying that a cure had been found. "I don't know if I can ever get used to being a kangaroo," she thought to herself. "Especially when I'm stuck doing my business in an outhouse."

"Thanks again for foalsitting them, Twilight," Mrs. Cake smiled, as she took the foals out of Twilight's pouch. "They weren't any trouble, were they?"

"Not at all, they were the most well-behaved little angels I've ever had the privilege of looking after," Twilight replied, then blushed. "And thanks for not laughing at my appearance."

Mrs. Cake tried her hardest to keep a straight face. "Oh, think nothing of it, dear. Kangaroo or not, you're still the same princess we all know and love. And of course, you're welcome to foalsit the twins again whenever you want, regardless of what you look like."

"Well, hopefully the next time you see me, I'll be back to my old pony self again," Twilight said to Mrs. Cake. "I'm all for learning about different animals, but being transformed into one is an experience I can do without."

"True, but look on the bright side, your pouch makes an excellent foal carrier." Mrs. Cake observed.

"I guess so," Twilight replied, and briefly pondered something. "Maybe if I can find a way to make the transformation temporary, and make it possible for me to switch back and forth at will, I can hire myself out as a foalsitter from time to time. But for now, I'm just interested in going back to the way I was, and hopefully Spike and Starlight have found the spell that can do the trick." And with that, Twilight hopped away.

"That's a sight I don't think I'll ever forget." Mrs. Cake said to herself, as she turned her attention back to her children.

It wasn't long after the twins came back from their trip to the park, that they had to go to bed. They both groaned, as they didn't feel particularly tired. But bed time was bed time, and there was little they could do to change that.

"Goodnight Pound, goodnight Pumpkin." Mr. and Mrs. Cake both said, kissing their foals on the forehead. They then turned off the light, and closed the nursery door.

Both Pound and Pumpkin slept soundly for a while, but at some point during the night Pound woke up with a most desperate urge to use the bathroom, or so he thought. Now, he could use his potty like his parents and big sister wanted him to. But the pegasus toddler was still convinced the toilet was far superior, and so he decided right then and there that he was going to try and use it. "So what if it's a bit big?" he thought to himself. "My wings should give me enough of a lift to get up to the seat."

His mind made up, Pound stood up in the crib and flapped his wings to escape it. As he landed firmly on his diapered bottom, he heard a voice faintly call out. "Whewe you going, Pound?"

Pound turned his head, and saw his sister looking at him with her brilliant blue eyes. Again she asked. "Whewe you going, Pound?"

"To the bathwoom of couwse, I gotta go potty." Pound replied, deciding to leave out his intent to use the toilet. He felt his sister didn't need to know.

"I have to go potty too," Pumpkin said, standing up in the crib. "Pwease, can I come with you?"

For a moment, Pound wasn't sure how to respond. What would his sister think when she saw him try to use the toilet? Then, an idea came to him, maybe he could use his sister's magic instead of his wings, to help him do what he wanted to do. So he said to Pumpkin. "Okay, you can come. I actuawwy need youw hewp with someting."

"What sowt of someting?" Pumpkin asked her brother, as she too escaped from the crib.

"Tat's my wittwe secwet." Pound said with a wink, as he and his sister pushed open the nursery door, and trotted down the hall to the bathroom.

"Is too dawk in hewe, I can't see a ting!" Pound complained upon reaching the bathroom.

"No wowwies, I got it!" Pumpkin replied, using her magic to flick on a light switch. The bathroom lit up, revealing the twins potties in their usual location. Sitting near the toilet in the center of the room.

Pumpkin immediately trotted over to her potty, she was glad that her pull-ups were so easy to remove and put back on, it was far less of a hassle. With her pull-up dropped down to her ankles, Pumpkin sat on her potty. But as she did her business, she was surprised to see that her brother wasn't sitting on his potty, even though he said he had to go. "Bwother, aren't you gonna use your potty?" she asked, looking all around the bathroom for any sign of Pound.

"Nah, I wanna twy my wuck with the toilet," Pound boasted. "And you gonna hewp me!"

"And why would I hewp you? You supposed to be using your potty!" Pumpkin snorted, standing up once her business had concluded.

"Because if ya dun hewp me, I'ww fwush your wubber ticken down the toilet!" Pound vowed, pulling the very stuffed animal out of his diaper.

Pumpkin was horrified! "No, pwease dun fwush it! I stiww wove that ticken!" she pleaded with her brother.

Pound smirked, he had his sister right where he wanted her. "The onwy way to save your wubber ticken fwom going down the hole, is to hewp me use the toilet." He told his sister.

"And how am I gonna do that?" Pumpkin asked.

"You a unicown, use your hown!" Pound replied, feeling sorely tempted to facehoof himself at his sister's stupidity. "Now huwwy up!"

Reluctantly, Pumpkin obeyed. She had a bad feeling about all of this, considering what had happened when she had tried to use the toilet, but she didn't want to see her rubber chicken get flushed again. "Otay, bwother. Just hold stiww and I'ww twwy." she said, admitting defeating.

"Tat's aww I can ask fow." Pound replied, tossing the rubber chicken aside and letting himself be enveloped in his sister's magic. Compared to the last time she'd done this to him, he felt much less worried. "She wouldn't flush me, she has no reason to do so after I spared her rubber chicken," he thought to himself. "I wasn't going to flush it anyway, flushing the same thing twice is boring." But he hadn't been able to get his hooves on Smarty Pants, due to how tightly his sister held onto it every night.

"Weft a bit, now wight a bit, now weft a bit again." Pound called, giving orders to his sister on how to best position him on the toilet seat.

"I dun have aww night, my magic onwy wasts fow so wong!" Pumpkin complained, already the strain was getting to her.

"Otay, cwose enough. You can wet go of me." Pound instructed, and his sister did so.

Pumpkin breathed a small sigh of relief, and went to go fetch her rubber chicken. "At least my brother knew better than to try and flush Smarty Pants." she thought to herself, as she grabbed the rubber chicken with her mouth. Maybe there was room in the crib for two snuggle buddies.

However, before Pumpkin could even think about exiting the bathroom, the trouble began!

Pound found it difficult to maintain his balance on the toilet seat, and no matter how hard he flapped his wings, he couldn't keep himself from sliding further and further back! He was quite frantic, as he started to slide towards the bowl! "Hewp me sis!" he cried, hoping she wasn't so mad about the threat to her rubber chicken, that she wouldn't intervene.

Pumpkin immediately sprang into action, she dropped the rubber chicken and lit up her horn! "I'ww save you, bwother!" she said in reply, as she lifted herself into the air and flew to her brother's rescue. Reacting quickly, Pumpkin grabbed her brother and carried him back up through the bowl. Pound took that as his chance to fly to safety, and quickly flapped his wings to get back onto solid tiled ground.

Unfortunately for Pumpkin, her magic gave out at that very moment, and she plunged into the bowl with a faintly audiable splash! Desperately trying to keep her head above the water, she pleaded with her brother. "Get me out, I dun wanna be fwushed!"

Pound frantically looked around. He knew his hooves alone wouldn't be able to reach his sister, but he had no idea what would be long enough to do so! Then, his eyes lay upon the very rubber chicken he'd threatened to flush earlier! "That'll do the trick!" he thought to himself, dashing over to the stuffed animal and grabbing it! Then, he extended it out a bit in his hooves, as he flapped his wings and flew towards the toilet. Soon, he was just barely above the seat, looking down into the bowl below!

Pumpkin continued to splash about in desperation, panic having completely overtaken her! "Hewp me!" she pleaded.

Pound stretched the rubber chicken's neck as best he could, and extended it down towards the bowl!" Gwab the wubber ticken!" he pleaded with his sister.

Pumpkin just barely managed to get her soggy hooves to grab the tip of the rubber chicken, and she held on with all her might! "Huwwy!" she cried, already she could feel her grip weakening!

"I'm twying!" Pound groaned, as he tugged and tugged on the other end of the rubber chicken. But he just couldn't muster up the strength to lift his sister out of the bowl! Worse was to come!

With a loud snap, the rubber chicken's neck shrunk back to its original state, as Pumpkin's hooves let go of its head! The snap back caused the chicken to hit Pound, knocking him backwards, and causing one of his hooves to accidentally grab the toilet handle and force it down! Pound didn't realize until too late what he'd done!

"Why, Pound?! Why?!" Pumpkin cried, as she spun around with the water and disappeared down the drain.

"SIS!" Pound bellowed at the top of his lungs!

Author's Note:

This chapter and the next chapter are based on an idea suggested by BubblePuff, who was spitballing ideas just yesterday.

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