• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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In The Eye Of The Beholder

Pinkie Pie returned from the boat trip the very next day, and it wasn't long before she was back to being the go to foalsitter for the twins. Per the promises they'd made to Diamond Tiara and Sweetie Belle, they mentioned nothing about what had transpired during Pinkie's absence.

Pinkie didn't seem to mind, she was just happy to know she hadn't been replaced. "You guys really missed me, huh?" she asked them, as she helped them use their potties one morning.

"Uh-huh, we missed you so much big sistew!" Pound cheered.

"We gawd you back to nowmal, bu we sowwy to heaw about what happened to Miss. Starwight," Pumpkin added, as she and her brother looked a bit sad. "We miss hew so much, it was kind of coow to be deer fow a while."

"Maybe for you guys, but poor Starlight got all worked up over it," Pinkie replied. "And we all agreed sending her away from Ponyville was the right thing to do. I didn't want her to go, but I could tell she wasn't really happy after what happened with that doozy of a spell combo she unleashed. Besides, she's not gone forever, she said it herself she'll come back when she thinks she's darn good and ready to give friendship another chance."

"I wish we couwd go up to Da Cwstyal Empiwe and visit hew." Pound commented.

"Fwurry Heawt too." Pumpkin added.

"I'd love for you guys to visit The Empire and meet all my friends there," Pinkie eagerly replied, before her tone became more serious. "But Mr. and Mrs. Cake certainly wouldn't be happy, The Empire's all the way up in The Frozen North. If anything happened to you while we were up there, I'd never forgive myself and your parents wouldn't either."

Pound and Pumpkin's happy moods faded completely. "Oh." they both said at once.

"Ah, cheer up, you know I don't like frowny faces," Pinkie cheerfully responded. "Maybe once you two are older you can go up there and see all there is to see."

Once the twins had used their potties and had been cleaned up, Pinkie brought them downstairs for breakfast. Breakfast was an uneventful affair, and then like always, they were placed into their playpen near the kitchen so their parents could keep an eye on them.

Naturally, it didn't take long for the twins to grow bored. And as foals are often warrant to do, they began to look for something to do to occupy them, and make their boredom go away.

"Wha you wanna do, sis?" Pound asked his sister.

Pumpkin shrugged in response. "I dun know, wha you wanna do?" She asked her brother.

"I dun know eithew," Pound replied. "I was hoping you wouwd have an idea."

"And I was hoping you wowud have an idea, bwother." Pumpkin told him, sighing in frustration.

"Weww, we gotta do someting," Pound replied, also sighing. "Bu it has to be someting we can do hewe. Mommy and Daddy, ow big sistew Pinkie Pie wouwd surewy heaw us if we twied to do anyting with the toilet again."

"Besides, thewe's noting new fow us to fwush," Pumpkin added. "And befow you ask, the answer is stiww no fow fwushing Smawty Pants!"

The Smarty Pants comment caused Pound to look around the playpen, he soon took notice of all the stuffed animals that lay scattered around inside of it. It was then that he got an idea, and unlike his previous ones this one was actually good and innocent. "I know wha we can do!" he told his sister. "We can fight each othew!"

"Pound, awe you nuts?!" Pumpkin exclaimed. "Mommy and Daddy said we get in big twouble fow fighting each othew! You wan tat to happen to us?!"

Pound shook his head. "We not gonna actuawwy fight each othew, we gonna pway fight!"

"How we gonna do tat?" Pumpkin asked, still a bit slow on the uptake.

"Duh, we gonna use the stuffed animaws in ouw pwaypen!" Pound explained, grabbing some of them and pulling them close to him. "Feew fwee to pick whatevew ones you want fwom the ones weft." He told his sister.

"Otay, pwepare to wose!" Pumpkin boasted, snatching up a few stuffed animals and selecting the rubber chicken as her first tool of play fighting. "You no match fow Bonewess Junior!" She said in a dramatic tone, holding the rubber chicken in her magical aura.

"Oh, I so scawed," Pound said with fake concern. "Not. So hewwow to my fwiend, Mistew Monkey!" He held the stuffed monkey tightly in his hooves. The arena was set!

"You going down, Pound!" Pumpkin shouted, thrusting the rubber chicken forward like a sword.

"No, you going down, Pumpkin!" Pound shouted in reply, moving the monkey so it would twirl its arms and slap the rubber chicken away.

The fighting soon escalated, as the twins were able to fight each other to a standstill with the rubber chicken and the monkey. That motivated them to switch things up a little and change their weapons of choice.

"Tis wiww do the twick!" Pound chuckled, as he selected a stuffed turtle as his next fighting tool.

"Otay Smawty Pants, time to pwove youw metaw!" Pumpkin replied, picking up the stuffed donkey that was still her favorite snuggle buddy.

If Pound was at all worried by his sister's choice of weapon, he didn't show it. He simply said "Wes fight!" And pushed the turtle forward with his hooves.

"Cwush 'em Smawty Pants!" Pumpkin boasted, moving the stuffed donkey forward.

The play fighting raged on for a while, with neither gaining a clear advantage over the other in this 'battle'. Then, suddenly, Pumpkin saw an opening! She shoved Smarty Pants forward, knocking the turtle aside! But in the process, she caused the turtle to hit Pound's right eye.

Pound winced and shouted. "My eye!" Then he started to cry, as the pain registered inside him.

Pumpkin gasped and dropped Smarty Pants, crawling over to her brother in concern. "I so so SO sowwy, Pound! I didn' mean to huwt you!"

But Pound continued to cry and complain about his eye, the pain wasn't going away! Both Mr. and Mrs. Cake came rushing to the scene of trouble!

"Pound, are you okay?!" Mrs. Cake asked with concern.

"What happened?!" Mr. Cake demanded.

"We pway fighting, and I accidentawwy caused Pound to get hit in the eye by the stuffed tuwtle!" Pumpkin confessed. "I didn' tink it hit him tat hawd though."

Mrs. Cake quickly scooped Pound into her hooves and set him on the nearby counter to inspect him. "Hm, it doesn't look like anything too troubling, but we should probably have it looked at." She commented to her husband.

"Pinkie!" Mr. Cake called.

Pinkie came bouncing downstairs immediately. "You called?" she asked Mr. Cake.

"Pumpkin accidentally hurt Pound's eye while play fighting, and we have to take him to the doctor to get checked out!" Mr. Cake explained. "Please, can you look after Pumpkin until we get back?!"

"Count on it, you two worry about Pound and I'll worry about Pumpkin!" Pinkie promised.

"Thanks ever so much, Pinkie, and try not to forget about the baked good or customers!" Mrs. Cake added, holding a still crying Pound. "We'll back as soon as possible!"

"Come on, sugar plum, we've got to get going!" Mr. Cake said seriously. "If it is something serious, it's important we get Pound to the doctor right away!" And with that, both he and Mrs. Cake took off at a break neck pace, with Pound in tow!

Author's Note:

Part 1 of an idea suggested by BubblePuff based on something that actually happened to him (or possibly her) as a kid.

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