• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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Potty Training Pinkie Pie Style

Author's Note:

WARNING!: The content of this chapter may be disturbing to some viewers, reader discretion is advised! This is the very chapter that led to me giving this fic a Teen rating instead of an Everyone rating. If grown ponies in diapers is outside your comfort zone, know that you don't have to read this chapter.

Once Pound was changed into a fresh diaper, and Pumpkin had put on a new pull-up, the twins put the plunger back where Pound had found it. And then they both trotted out of the bathroom and back to their nursery.

"Tanks again fow wesucing me when I got fwushed." Pumpkin whispered to Pound, as they climbed (or rather flew and levitated respectively) back into their crib.

"Tink noting of it, sis. Aftew aww, wha awe bwothers fow?" Pound replied, before he and his sister went back to sleep. They hoped they would never have to speak of that bathroom incident ever again.

The twins woke up the next morning to find that neither their parents or their big sister seemed to have any idea of what had transpired in the bathroom the previous night. All they knew was that Pumpkin had used her potty without telling anypony, and for some reason the bathroom floor and the plunger were very wet.

Pound and Pumpkin both winked at each other, it felt great to have a secret they could keep to themselves.

While the bathroom was being cleaned, Mrs. Cake brought the twins downstairs for breakfast. Was it their imagination, or did she seem to have an even brighter smile than usual on her face? It seemed to convey the expression of "I know something that you don't". And soon, both toddlers found out what that something was.

"Pinkie Pie's going to try and train you two today," Mrs. Cake told the twins, in between rounds of spoon feeding. "She's got a very particular trick that she thinks is going to work. She claims it's what her parents tried with her."

The twins were most puzzled by that statement. What could their big sister be up to, especially when they were starting to use their potties frequently (to the point where one of them was already in pull-ups).

"Wha do you suppose ouw big sistew's gonna twy?" Pound asked Pumpkin.

"I dun know, with Pinkie Pie aww bets awe off." Pumpkin replied to Pound.

It didn't take long after breakfast for the twins to find out. Just moments after they were set down on the floor, Pinkie Pie came bouncing downstairs and asked. "So, can I try it now? The bathroom's all nice and clean again."

"You're welcome to try to your heart's content, they're all yours!" Mrs. Cake said to Pinkie with a bright smile. "Just be careful, you know how the twins like to play pranks sometimes."

Pinkie didn't seem to be concerned at all. "I'm sure they won't try anything with me, I'm a pranking expert," she replied, and turned to the twins. "Who's ready to attend the Pinkie Pie School of Potty Training?! Class is now in session!" She then scooped up the twins, and happily bounced back to the upstairs bathroom! She seemed to have an extra spring in her step today for some reason.

Pound and Pumpkin soon found out just why everypony around them seemed to be so happy and cheerful (even Mr. Cake had a smile on his face when he'd passed by Pinkie and the twins). Upon entering the bathroom, the twins saw that both their potties had been cleaned to the point where they looked spotless! In fact, the entire bathroom seemed to be have cleaned up quite nicely! But that couldn't be why the grown-ups were acting the way they did, could it?

"Alright you two, sit down on your potties and the lesson can begin!" Pinkie said proudly, escorting the twins to the plastic objects, pulling down Pound's diaper and Pumpkin's pull-up, and sitting them on the potties. Upon sitting down, the twins noticed that their potties had been moved so that they were facing the toilet. Something that the twins were extremely puzzled by.

"All settled in," Pinkie asked the twins, who nodded after a moment of hesitation. "Good, now we can start the lesson! So please give a warm round of applause to your teacher, Professor Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie zipped out of the bathroom, and returned a moment later dressed in a scholarly outfit complete with scholarly looking glasses. "Good morning everypony!" she greeted, adopting a tone of voice that made it sound like she was mimicking Twilight. "This is the Pinkie Pie School of Potty Training, and I'm your teacher Professor Pinkie Pie. I have a PHD in PPTL, which stands for: Perfect Potty Training Lessons."

Pound and Pumpkin scratched their little heads, they couldn't understand why Pinkie was going through all of this. It was just potty training, it wasn't rocket science.

"Now then, since you're all seated we can begin the lesson plan!" Pinkie went on, continuing to use her scholarly tone of voice. "And today's lesson is: Learning by example. It's elementary, my studies show that a pony learns how to properly go potty, by seeing a pony they look up demonstrate how to do so. And for that, we turn to my eager volunteer: Miss Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie once again zipped out of the bathroom, and returned without her scholarly outfit. "Thank you, Professor Pinkie Pie," she said in her normal tone, as if she were having a conversation with herself. "Yes, you heard right folks, I will be demonstrating how to properly potty like a big pony. But I don't have a potty of my own, so I'll be using the big pony potty, a.k.a the toilet," And with that, Pinkie bounced over to the toilet and sat down on it so that she was facing the twins. "Now, see how I'm sitting on the toilet? That's how you sit on your potties. And I can see you've already got that down pat."

"Wha is big sistew Pinkie up?" Pound whispered to Pumpkin.

"Dun know, she's making no sense at aww today." Pumpkin whispered in reply.

"Hey, no chit chatting! Pay attention, please!" Pinkie spoke up, attracting the twins attention. "Now then, once you're seated on the potty in the proper way, you just relax and let it go. This would be the part where I do my pee pees and poo poos, if I had to go, but I don't. However, I'm certain you two do, so just do as you've been instructed and make your attempts. Think of this as a potty training pop quiz."

Pound and Pumpkin looked across to each other, their looks of confusion replaced by grins, but not for the reasons Pinkie might have thought. They were going to try and play a trick on their big sister, a particularly funny one that they would remember for a long time.

Pinkie waited for a couple of minutes, but nothing happened. The twins seemed to be making no effort to use their potties, they just sat there with what appeared to be blank looks on their faces. "This isn't working, I need to try a different approach." Pinkie thought to herself, and an idea came into her head. It was an unusual idea, but hopefully it would emphasize the point she was trying to make. "Now, I may be getting down from the toilet, but that doesn't mean you two can get off your potties," Pinkie lectured, as she planted her hooves on the tiled floor of the bathroom. "I just need to get something really quick, so stay right there!"

Pinkie zipped out of the bathroom once again, and this time she was gone for a few minutes. When she returned, the twins could hardly believe their eyes. Pinkie was standing before them in a giant, white, diaper. "Sorry for the wait, it took me a while to find one in my size," Pinkie told the twins, as she seemed to waddle across the floor to the toilet. When she reached it, she pulled the diaper down to her ankles, before sitting down on the toilet and once again facing the twins. "Now, see how I'm doing it?" she asked, specifically pointing to the diaper she'd pulled down. "I've pulled down my diaper so I don't use it, and now I'm sitting on the toilet so I can do my business like a big pony."

The twins still didn't do anything, they just sat on their potties and continued to stare at Pinkie.

Pinkie sighed, as she again got down from the toilet. "No, you don't get it!" she then pulled her diaper all the way up before she sat on the toilet again. "See, I'm sitting on the toilet with my diaper on! And don't I look silly?! Now, I'm going to remove my diaper and do my pee-pees and poo-poos in the toilet like all big ponies do!" she said to the twins.

At that point, the twins finally rose from their potties, the most mischevious grins forming on their face. "One of us now, big sis!" Pumpkin chuckled, pointing to Pinkie's diaper.

"Yeah, one of us now. You a big baby!" Pound also chuckled. "We no have to wisten to a big baby wike you!"

"But, but I'm not a baby!" Pinkie protested, once again getting down from the toilet. She tried to undo the sticky tapes holding her diaper up, but the twins wouldn't let her.

"Un-uh! Baby needs to keep her diapee on so she dun make messes aww over the fwoor." Pumpkin teased, using her magic to remove Pinkie's hooves from the tape area.

"Pound, Pumpkin! You two stop this at once and listen to me!" Pinkie demanded, but the twins refused to listen.

"Ah, ouw big sissy is cwanky!" Pound cooed. "Maybe she needs her ba-ba, or her paci?"

"I am not a baby and I do not need a bottle or a pacifier!" Pinkie insisted, to no avail. The twins were clearly intent on treating her like a baby, no matter what she said or did. Pinkie realized now, that she'd been tricked!

"Pinkie's been in the bathroom with the twins for a long time," Mrs. Cake observed. "Oh, I hope everything's going okay in there."

"With Pinkie Pie I'm sure it is, sugar plum." Mr. Cake replied, putting a hoof around his wife.

"But I can't help but worry, honey bun," Mrs. Cake confessed. "What if something went wrong?"

"I'm sure Pinkie would've told us if she needed anything," Mr. Cake said to his wife. "Just watch, any minute they'll all come trotting out of the bathroom and everything will be a-okay."

But Mrs. Cake wasn't convinced, it just seemed like too long a stretch of time for anypony to be in the bathroom, no matter what. Her concerns getting the best of her, Mrs. Cake decided she had to check on the bathroom's occupants, just to be sure there was nothing to worry about. So she trotted upstairs, and down the hall.

Upon opening the bathroom door, Mrs. Cake could hardly believe the sight that greeted her eyes!

Pinkie Pie was laying on the floor of the bathroom, in a giant, white, poofy diaper. A bottle of milk was in her mouth, being held in place by Pound, who was flapping his wings. Meanwhile, Pumpkin held a rather large pink pacifier in her magic. The twins were both chanting. "One of us now, big sistew." While Pinkie seemed rather discontent about everything that was happening to her.

Mrs. Cake gasped, and rubbed her eyes. No, she wasn't seeing things, this sight was indeed real. "Oh my!" she exclaimed.

That caught the attention of Pinkie, who quickly turned her head to see Mrs. Cake staring at her from the bathroom door. Pinkie spit out the bottle of milk and put her hooves over her diaper. "Mrs. Cake!" she exclaimed, her face immediately turning the brightest shade of red possible.

Mrs. Cake continued to stare at Pinkie for a good couple of minutes, then she started to laugh. Pinkie looked so silly.

"This isn't what it looks like, I swear!" Pinkie protested, even though she knew that arguement would hold no water.

"Pinkie, is there something you'd like to share with me?" Mrs. Cake asked, in between giggles. A part of her also couldn't help but think Pinkie looked oh so adorable at the moment.

"Pound and Pumpkin Cake tricked me into this!" Pinkie spoke up. "I swear it was never my intention to start wearing a diaper or drink milk from a baby bottle! Honest!"

"Are you sure? It's okay if you have another reason." Mrs. Cake assured Pinkie.

"This isn't funny, Mrs. Cake! I'm not a big baby, now please tell these two to stop treating like one so I can get out of this diaper!" Pinkie pleaded. "Please, before Mr. Cake sees me like this!"

"Sees what?" Mr. Cake asked, stumbling upon the scene. Pretty soon, he too was laughing. "Sugar plum, you didn't tell me you were getting another baby!" he joked.

"I didn't know we'd be getting one either!" Mrs. Cake replied, a fresh round of laughs escaping her mouth.

Even Pound and Pumpkin Cake were laughing, their prank had worked far better than they had anticipated.

But poor Pinkie really just wanted the laughing to end, she REALLY wanted to get out of that diaper so she could stop being treated like a big baby. At last, she got her wish.

"Okay Pound, Pumpkin. That's quite enough of that. Right, sugar plum?" Mr. Cake asked, trying his hardest to get his laughter under control.

"Right, honey bun. And I believe you two owe Pinkie Pie an apology." Mrs. Cake added, also trying to control her laughter.

Pound and Pumpkin reluctantly realized that the fun was over, and that they'd had maybe a little too much fun with Pinkie in the process. "We sowwy, big sistew." they apologized, putting on their best pair of puppy dog eyes.

"Aw, I can't stay mad at you two," Pinkie replied, embracing them in a big hug. "Besides, it was pretty funny."

"Alright then, come along Pound, Pumpkin," Mr. Cake called. "Why don't you help Daddy tend to the customers?" And after scooping the twins up in his hooves, Mr. Cake took them downstairs.

Now Pinkie and Mrs. Cake were alone in the bathroom, and Pinkie was still in her diaper. The bottle of milk and giant pacifier sat on the floor besides her, as she stood up. "Thanks for getting the twins under control," she said to Mrs. Cake. "I'm really, really, REALLY sorry about all of that."

"It's okay, Pinkie. It's far from the weirdest thing I've seen you do." Mrs. Cake replied.

"Yeah, but I'm still sorry you had to see me like that," Pinkie apologized. "But for now, I just want to get out of this diaper," But as she moved her hooves to touch the sticky tapes, she saw Mrs. Cake looking at her with the most unusual look on her face. "What is it?" Pinkie asked her.

"Um, would you like a change, dearie?" Mrs. Cake asked Pinkie.

"Huh, what do you mean?" Pinkie asked, completely confused. But when she looked down at her diaper, it all made sense. That milk had gone right through her. Pinkie blushed. "Uh, I guess a change would be nice. But please don't tell anypony about this." she said to Mrs. Cake.

Mrs. Cake smiled and nodded. "Your secret is safe with me, Pinkie," she replied, and took Pinkie by the hoof. "Now come on, let's get you changed."

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