• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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Scootaloo The Potty Mouth

Scootaloo was currently cursing under her breath, and wondering just how it was that she'd gotten stuck with the task of having to foalsit Pound and Pumpkin Cake, while their parents went out for the evening.

Of course, it was a redundant and rather silly question, Scootaloo knew how she'd ended up in such a situation. Amazing how all it took was one slip of the tongue to get you in trouble.

"Oh well, at least they're in potty training now," Scootaloo thought to herself, watching the twins play with their toys in their playpen. "Plus, The Cakes did say Pinkie would check up on me on occasion. Not that I need any help, two foals shouldn't be too much trouble. At least, now that they've largely stopped flying and using their magic," However, another part of her mind couldn't help but feel frustrated. "It just isn't fair that a baby can be a better flyer than me. I mean, Mom and Dad say I did a lot of flying as a baby, but still. What wouldn't I give to be able to do more than just flap and buzz my wings for a few seconds?"

And as Scootaloo continued to watch the twins carefully, she began to think back to how she'd gotten in trouble in the first place, and thus gotten stuck with the foalsitting assignment.

"First Diamond Tiara, then Bulk Biceps, then Tender Taps, and now even Gabby? Forget what I said about cutie mark problems bein' hard to find." Apple Bloom commented to her fellow crusaders, as they trotted into Sugarcube Corner after another productive day of helping others either get their cutie mark or understand the meaning of it.

"Well, Diamond was a group effort and so was Bulk Biceps," Sweetie Belle commented in reply. "Though I find it odd he was having such a problem, since Rarity tells me he's been working part-time at the spa recently."

"Eh, grown-ups can be weird sometimes," Scootaloo shrugged. "Trust me, I speak from experience. It feels like not a day goes by where I don't wonder if I have the wackiest parents in all of Equestria."

"Your mother seems pretty nice, all things considered," Apple Bloom replied. "What did you say her name was again?"

"Dizzy Twister," Scootaloo answered. "And yeah, she's nice and all. But that doesn't stop her from practically doting over me and embarrassing me. It's like she thinks I'm a baby or something. And Dad, I don't know if he finds the whole thing amusing or what, but he just loves to play along with the act, no matter how many times I tell him and my mom to knock it off."

Sweetie Belle chuckled. "Hey, at least your mom's a good cook, I don't know why Rarity hasn't made my mom taking cooking lessons yet, she burns everything. Even water, which I didn't think was possible."

"Yeah," Apple Bloom laughed. "And don't get me started on her snacks. That's an experience I could live without, thank you very much."

The three fillies trotted up to the counter, surprised for a moment to see the twins Pound and Pumpkin Cake sitting on the counter top with Pumpkin wearing only a pull-up. Then they remembered the twins had been going through potty training for a while now.

Mrs. Cake came trotting out from the kitchen, and smiled when she saw the crusaders. "Hello, girls. Busy day?" she asked them.

"You know it!" Scootaloo eagerly boasted. "At this rate, we're gonna have to recruit more members for the Ponyville branch, just to keep up with the workload."

Mrs. Cake smiled. "Well, once Pound and Pumpkin are old enough to worry about cutie marks, I know who to call for help," Then she asked the fillies. "So, the usual then?"

"Yup, here's the bits to pay for 'em!" Apple Bloom replied, depositing enough bits to fill a small bag.

Mrs. Cake accepted the bits, and went to prepare three milkshakes for some of her most frequent customers, though not before putting the twins in a playpen near the kitchen.

"You have to admit, it's nice to not have to worry about cutie marks or Diamond Tiara anymore." Apple Bloom commented with a smile, as the three fillies took their place at their favorite table.

"True, and it's great to have so many friends now," Sweetie Belle added. "Not to mention the fact that we can just do things for the sake of having fun, instead of having to worry about whether or not we'll get a cutie mark from it."

Scootaloo nodded. "Too bad my mom continues to be such a worrywart. She keeps talking to me about proper bungie-jumping and scooter safety. It's not like I'm doing anything really dangerous, and I always make sure to wear the proper safety gear. I'm not stupid or anything."

"I'm sure she's just tryin' to look out for you, Scootaloo. Kind of like my big sister," Apple Bloom replied. "Be thankful she ain't babyproofin' everythin' in site and not lettin' you do anythin'."

"Or putting on an elaborate performance for some overly complicated routine that makes no sense," Sweetie Belle added, chuckling a bit before she changed the topic. "Rarity's usually pretty good about letting me doing things on my own, she just seems to get fussy if I end up dirty at all."

"Then it's a good thing Rarity's not my big sister," Scootaloo said with a chuckle. "If she was, she'd probably end up peeved with me within a week," Then Scootaloo gasped, as did Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle! "Wait, that totally came out wrong! I meant to say 'ticked', honest!" she insisted, worried about who might have heard her slip of the tongue.

"Scootaloo, where'd you learn that kind of language?" Apple Bloom asked with concern. "Last time I said a dirty word, Granny Smith washed my mouth out with soap and made me clean the pig pens for a week."

"Yeah, and Rarity would be absolutely furious if I said anything like that," Sweetie Belle nervously added. "I think she said saying such words makes you a 'Potty Mouth' or something."

"Bwother, was a potty mouth?" Pumpkin asked, having overheard the crusaders conversation.

"Dun know, I tink I ovewheawd Mommy and Daddy mention someting about it once though," Pound shrugged. "Not suwe what potties have to do with tawking though."

"What if thewe awe pottys out thewe that can tawk?" Pumpkin wondered outloud. "Maybe they existed aftew Discowd ow someting? Aftew aww, didn't Pwincess Twilight mention someting about whewe the word potty comes fwom?"

"Hay if I know, I wasn't weally listening to hew at the time," Pound replied. "I'm more intewested in that word Scootawoo said, that made hew and hew fwiends act funny."

"Ya mean peeved?" Pumpkin asked. "Sounds wike a fancy way of saying pee-pee. Aftew all, is got pee in it."

"Maybe, but why wouwd Scootawoo say it if that wewe the case?" Pound wondered. "Is gotta mean someting ewse."

"Weww, the onwy way to find out is to ask Mommy when she comes back. She'll know what it means." Pumpkin replied.

The twins didn't have to wait long for their mother to return, she came out of the kitchen just moments later and delivered the milkshakes to the three crusaders with a smile.

"Thanks Mrs. Cake." All three crusaders said at once.

"You're quite welcome dearies, just be careful not to get brain freeze," Mrs. Cake kindly advised them, then went back to the playpen to check on the twins. "And how are Mommy's sweet little angels doing?" she cooed at them.

"We fine, but we have a question." Pumpkin replied.

"And what's your question?" Mrs. Cake asked, suspecting nothing.

Pound and Pumpkin looked at each other for a moment, as if they weren't sure if they should ask what they wanted to ask. Then Pound spoke up. "Wha does 'Peeved' mean?"

Mrs. Cake's mouth dropped open in shock, to the point where she thought it would fall off her face! The twins had just learned their first dirty word, and they weren't even in preschool yet!

"Is 'Peeved' a bad wowd?" Pumpkin asked her mother, hoping to get some sort of response out of her.

Once the shock had faded, Mrs. Cake sternly replied. "Yes, it is a very bad word. It is so bad, that we do NOT use it! Where did you two learn such a vulgar and inappropriate word?!"

"We wearned it fwom Scootawoo, she made a funny face aftew it came out." Pound answered.

"I see," Mrs. Cake said, turning her attention towards the pegasus filly. She really didn't want to have to do this, but she couldn't have her children go around learning dirty words from Scootaloo. "You two wait here, and promise me that you'll never say that word you heard again! Do you understand?!" she asked them, almost raising her voice.

"Yes." Pound and Pumpkin gulped, intimidated into silence. They certainly wouldn't be repeating that naughty word again, not if it prompted this kind of reaction from the grown-ups.

With her children taken care of, Mrs. Cake went over to the table Scootaloo and her friends were at, and cleared her throat. "Scootaloo, could I speak to you alone for a moment?" she asked quite seriously.

"Yes?" Scootaloo half replied/half asked. She hoped Mrs. Cake's request wasn't for the reason she thought it was.

Mrs. Cake waited for Scootaloo to get up from the table, then led the filly into the kitchen so they could speak without being overhead. it was there that Mrs. Cake went into lecture mode. "I just learned from Pound and Pumpkin Cake that you said a bad word in front of them, and I'm pretty sure you know what word I'm talking about. It starts with a p."

Scootaloo looked down at the ground, she was too ashamed to bother looking Mrs. Cake in the eye. What was even worse was the fact that Mrs. Cake wasn't her own mother, or even a pony who frequently interacted with her in a motherly way (though Scootaloo could think of worse ponies to be given a lecture by, Diamonds Tiara's mother came to mind). "I'm really sorry about that, Mrs. Cake," she apologized as sincerely as she could. "I swear, I didn't mean to say such an inappropriate word, especially not in a way that your babies would overhear it and repeat it. Please don't tell my mom about this, she'll ground me for a whole week if she finds out. You can wash my mouth out with soap. or make me clean the bathrooms, or whatever kind of punishment you think is suitable, but for the love of Celestia please don't tell my mom!" she pleaded, practically dropping to her knees and putting her front hooves up in desperation.

Normally, Scootaloo wasn't one to beg. And Mrs. Cake knew this. She sighed, Scootaloo would have to be punished in some way, but was it really appropriate for her to wash her mouth out with soap or punish her in any sort of traditional way, without getting permission from Dizzy Twister first? But Scootaloo clearly didn't want her mother to find out, and she was incredibly desperate to avoid such a possibility. So, how was Mrs. Cake to ensure Scootaloo would learn her lesson, while also keeping what had happened at Sugarcube Corner between herself, the twins, Scootaloo, and her crusader friends?

At last, Mrs. Cake got an idea. "I'll tell you what, Scootaloo," she said, after clearing her throat. "I won't tell your mother what happened, just this once-"

Scootaloo immediately leaped up and gave Mrs. Cake a great big hug. "Oh thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!" she exclaimed.

"-But," Mrs. Cake went on. "As punishment, I want you to foalsit the twins for me tonight, while my husband and I go out to dinner."

Scootaloo's happy mood faded, replaced by a look of unhappiness. "Do I have to, especially if that means changing them if they do number two?" Scootaloo asked, faking a gag reaction.

Mrs. Cake nodded, while trying to keep a straight punishment face. "I'm afraid so."

"But, when they go number two it's so icky and so nasty!" Scootaloo complained. "I don't know how mommies manage to not be bothered by it!"

"Well, the twins are starting to use their potties instead of their diapers," Mrs. Cake added. "And there's more to foalsitting them than just changing their diapers. Hopefully, looking after them and taking care of them for an evening will teach you not to say such vulgar language in the future. If you do, you'll leave me with no choice but to tell your mother. And I can imagine she won't be happy to hear her daughter has a potty mouth."

Scootaloo sighed, but accepted her fate. "Alright, I'll foalsit them for you, just this once. And I promise I will NEVER say any dirty words around them ever again!"

"See that you don't," Mrs. Cake replied. "Now then, why don't you head back and join your friends? Hopefully, your milkshake hasn't melted yet."

And that was how it had all gone down. Now, Scootaloo was watching the twins, while also glancing at the clock from time to time. It was going to be a long night.

"Scootawoo?" the twins called, attracting Scootaloo's attention.

"What is it? Do you guys need something?" Scootaloo asked, standing over the playpen and looking down at the twin toddlers.

"Nah, we just wanted to say, we sowwy you got in twouble because we wepeated a bad word." Pumpkin apologized.

"Yeah, we didn mean fow any of tis to happen." Pound added, as both he and his sister looked at Scootaloo with their big eyes, trying to look as innocent and adorable as possible.

"It's alright, it wasn't really your fault. I shouldn't have said that word in the first place," Scootaloo replied. "What's important is that you two know not to say it or repeat it. Nopony likes a potty mouth."

"Wha is a potty mouth anyway?" Pumpkin asked. "Does it have to do with tawking potties?"

Scootaloo chuckled. "Potties don't talk, silly. A potty mouth is what some ponies call a pony who says bad words a lot like. Like the one I used earlier by accident."

"Oh." Pumpkin realized.

"But why do ponies caww othew ponies that?" Pound asked Scootaloo.

Scootaloo shrugged in response. "I don't know. I suppose it's because some of those bad words have to do with what you guys are supposed to do in your potties. So since some ponies talk about such subject matter, it's like their mouths are a potty."

"Ew, that's gwoss!" Pound gagged in reply.

"All the more reason why nopony likes those kind of ponies, and why saying such words is met with harsh punishments." Scootaloo replied, trying her hardest not to laugh at Pound's gagging motion.

Author's Note:

The idea for this chapter is from Matt11. I deicded to go with "Peeved" as that actually seems to be a swear word in universe.

If you want to see more of Scootaloo foalsitting the twins, check out chapter 16 of his fanfic "The Party Adoption". I'd highly recommend it if you're a Scootaloo or Pinkie Pie fan, and/or like Scootadopt stories.

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