• Published 6th May 2016
  • 6,632 Views, 30 Comments

Lone wolf in Equestria - Xinrick

A depressed man is forced to have friends...sadly that depressed man is me.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Once Derpy, Dinky and Daisy were moved into Polkadot's place within her hive, I was off to the dragon lands. I expected this Arrancar to be one of fire, it only makes sense really.

While on the airship I was training some abilities with Crescent watching from her spot on a nearby box.

"How am I doing?" I asked Crescent as I was practicing my Sonido, or my 'Reverberating Turn' since the ability is just Sound in Spanish, as I used the open air to train how fast I can really move.

'Needs better footing.' Her sign read.

I sighed, really hating how some 'hyper sonic movement' cared so much about footwork. "Wish I knew how bad my footing was…"

I practiced a few more times, still not getting the footing righ-


… Now I know why footing is important…

I groaned as I pushed myself up, a dent in the metal floor in the shape of my head now in the ground…

"Well…my 'iron body' still works fine…" I muttered.

'And that is why footing is important at super human speeds.' Crescent's sign now said.

"I know…" I grumbled, having done this for quite a while but still messing up.

I spent the whole time on the ship training. I needed to get better, be better and win. I can't risk something happening to Derpy, Ditsy, Daisy or Polkadot.

I felt a tug as Crescent pulled on my pants leg.

“Yes Crescent?” I inquired, looking down to the adorable equine snek.

'You've been training for nine days straight. Take a break.'

“Bullshit, it has not been nine days.” I frowned, not believing such a thing happened already.

'It has. Break time.'

I sighed. “Fine…whatever…” I grumbled.

'No sass. Go eat, nap, drink water and eat again after the nap.'

“I will sass.” I huffed. “But fine, I’ll get something to eat…” I said, heading off to find some food.

'Sassy children will be punished.'

I looked at Crescent and walked away, sighing as I just needed food at the moment. "Ugh…my sense of time can't be this garbage…"

I walked over to the cafeteria getting some food and eating. It was here I did learn it has been nine days. I guess since I'm an undead I don't actually have to eat…

With that meal done I went to my room and laid on the couch.

"Ugh…this bites…" I yawned and scratched my stomach. "Maybe I should get some sleep…"

I let my eyes close, wanting to pass the time quickly.

As I fell asleep, I found myself in… well, A void, with nothing above me but darkness, and the world above me…

“I spent a thousand years looking at this scene.” I turned, seeing Nightmare sitting there, looking up at the planet too. “It was my only comfort in all those long years. Sometimes, if I looked hard enough, I could see the expansion, the progress and changes of the world over the years. When new cities, towns and kingdoms rose and fell.”

“Well…I can imagine how lonely it is up here…” I said honestly. “So…what do you want Nightmare?”

“To talk.” She said simply. “What those two did to you… goes against our very nature. We do torment, we tease and whisper… but we are not ment to drive a host to suicide. That is an anomaly I wish to understand.”

“Well, maybe the ‘how to torture a depressed person 101’ was lost in the mail, maybe you should get that sorted out.” I said sarcastically. “But what do you mean that’s an anomaly? Wasn’t your whole thing about an eternal night that would cause ecological problems for everyone?”

“You clearly know little about Equestrian Magics.” She said, a small smile as she looked down at what I now realized was the moon’s surface. “Luna is the Goddess of Dreams and the Moon. Even if the Moon was to never set and let the sun rise, the natural harmony magics in the land and the celestial bodies would not allow such an event to end in catastrophe. It would start slowly, but rapidly the magic within the land and moon would adapt, allowing for changes in the creatures and plants to quickly survive and adapt to the new environment. While some will indeed suffer, lesser magical beings and some plant species all in all, not much would perish in the new world lit only by the moon.”

“So thing’s like weather, ocean patterns, and other such things that specifically need the sun just don’t care in the grand scheme of things?” I inquired. “Cause even if ponies could magically change the weather, I doubt Nature as a whole would really care about their efforts.”

“They would change, but again the magic in the world would quickly adapt. I understand the concern, but Equestria’s magic is naturally attuned to the preservation and prosperity of the world’s inhabitants. Unlike your home world which lacked such kind and caring mana.”

“More like lacked such kind and caring…anything really.” I commented. “Sure you find it here and there cause kindness is still thankfully a thing…but this planet is…so much different…”

“It’s strange isn’t it. How did something like myself ever find this place? I guess even in a place like this, darkness festers in even the smallest shadows.” Nightmare said. “I remember before taking my host… the ever expanding multiverse of possibilities was mine to explore. I’ve seen ancient gods clash and realities die and be born. I even remember your world, I passed by once. I believe the year you all had then was… 1493?”

“Huh…strange time, cause all I know about that year was that Christopher Columbus sailed across the Atlantic…” I said.

“Yes. Such a wretched, violent man. If I’m honest… your world actually scared me.”

“My world scared you? Aren’t you like…one of the strongest Shadow’s out there?”

“Yes. As silly as that sounds, but I never knew physical sentient beings could be that naturally cruel and sadistic. I learned a lot from your world.”

“I’m sorry, but depending on when you decided to stop looking…you probably found humanity’s extreme penchant for porn.” I commented. “And cat’s.” I added.

She chuckled. “And they call Discord the spirit of chaos… when your world embodied it. When did those two first make an appearance within your mind?” Nightmare asked, her smile falling to a flat frown as she looked back up at the planet.

“When I was ten…” I sighed. “When I learned that my mom’s side of the family wanted to kidnap me and basically abandon me with the first schmuck they could find…” I shook my head. “I don’t know if that was when they both arrived or one…cause if it was one then the other, then the second one was when my mom died due to an illness she had since the day I was born…watched her deteriorate right in front of me till she was taken to a medical home…then mom’s side kidnapped her corpse cause that’s what you do in that kind of situation…”

“Chaotic and vile… and what did they tell you to do?”

“Oh you know, the usual things like ‘you shouldn’t have been born’, ‘you’re worthless’, ‘just a detriment to your family’, ‘mom would still be alive if I wasn’t born’, shit like that.” I shrugged. “But that was when it first started…then it just became those two just being asshole contrarians just to spite me, constantly forcing me to feel worthless, reminding me of all the bad things in my life and how I’m either partially or just whole sale at fault for it…ya know, normal depression stuff.” I said honestly. “Telling me that sharp objects should get very acquainted with my insides…or a bullet through the head…”

“Hmm…” Nightmare hummed. “Anything else?”

“Why do you want to know this if I may ask?” I inquired. “I know you said that your race shouldn’t kill but still…”

“Because, these two are different from others. I need to know if this is an anomaly relating to the people of your world or an offshoot subspecies… we are not meant to kill our hosts… we break them, then possess them. This nature of theirs runs counterintuitive to our kind's nature of desiring a physical means of existence.”

“Well…they tended to either quiet down or get especially uppity whenever I did something actually positive with my life, either through hunting with my dad, or…spending time with Claire.” I sighed. “When they quieted down, it was almost tranquil with how I actually got to think for once…when they were uppity, they always snapped with ‘your not good enough’ talk, trying to put me down with what I enjoy or…being with the girl I love…” I sighed. “Always kept trying to be pessimistic assholes about it, trying to drag me down and kept taunting me with death, how it would be so much easier…no pain…nobody to hurt just by being around me…no one to fail, just that half a second before everything goes…dark…” I said, wincing a little as a bang sound reverberated around us as I rubbed my right temple. “Ugh…Genie said that he saved me before I shot myself…but the explosion to the temple still hurts like a bitch…”

“Hmm… This is a far more… twisted take on our typical playbook… I will need to study this phenomenon further… Worst case scenario, I revisit that world and run some tests.”

“And don’t worry! Mine is probably minor compared to some people.” I said happily. “I mean, my older brother said that, when not on some stupid strong meds, his nightmares are compared to those of war veteran nightmares.”

“Interesting. Guess I will have to make a means to your old world and run some experiments to determine the source of this anomaly. Even in magic absent worlds no such changes have ever been reported.”

“Well glad to know even the ‘big bad’ here is questioning what the fuck is wrong.” I chuckled. “So yeah…that’s uh…that’s a lot of problems on my end, so why did Luna actually accept you? Cause the way the story went, it sounded more like a villain wanting power and to show people what they ‘shunned’ in a very…not positive way.”

“Simple. She wanted to show her subjects she was not just the second princess, that she was just as important as her sister and that her night was not just to allow her sister rest. She wanted to prove that the night was just as important as the day. She lacked the resolve to follow through with her wishes, so after I beat her down, I offered to fulfill her dreams for her. Nearly succeeded too. Those pesky Elements were an unexpected obstacle, but I can more than learn from past mistakes.”

“So you still want to give Luna her dream of showing the Night is important to everyone or just…rule the world now?”

“I can not maintain my host possession unless I fulfil the deal I forced her to make. I will bring her night to the world and make it last eternally. While I am no longer obligated to do so, I would be dishonoring my kind in not following through. Once it is done and impossible to alter, I can take my leave. Be to another world or reality I don’t care. I will just live my life in a physical existence then.”

“A woman of your word, gotta at least respect that even though you gaslit Luna into making the deal.”

“I never claimed to be a good person.”

“Fair.” I said honestly. “But the fact that you think humanity itself is scary means that you're better than some, that's for sure.”

“Not really.” She shrugged. “If this does turn out to be an offshoot subspecies of my kind, well, I can’t risk them seeping out past your planet. So, if that is the case then I guess I’ll just have to eradicate the world.” She said, making me freeze. “Won’t be hard, your world has no native magic or gods, so I can easily move the moon and, well, push it close enough and I can flood it, crash it into the surface, maybe even just push it into the sun itself. I’ll see what happens when I get there.”

“Alright, so good to know that murdering you is still all well and good and I don’t need to feel sympathetic if you were some misunderstood creature of darkness that just wanted a friend and took it a little too far.” I frowned.

“All I want is to live and to let my kin do the same. If a world has to die, or multiple, to have that happen, then so be it. In the end, I can always find another planet, another host, another reality to begin all over again.”

I sighed. “God damn it…” I grumbled. “Alright…but can’t you possess the dead or I don’t know…be more ‘symbiotic’ about it and not parasitic? I’m sure that would help out a lot more than your current MO.”

“You didn’t like sharing headspace. Neither do I.”

“Difference being, me sharing headspace with those two assholes tried to get me killed…and that didn’t answer my question on if you can or cannot possess the dead.”

“I could, but that’s less fun.”

I took a deep breath. “You’re not helping your case here…” I frowned. “But fine, whatever.”

“Tell me, would me bringing eternal night and moving on really cause you such misery?” Nightmare asked. “Everyone here would live, your new mates would be by your side, and the old world you knew would be gone. Is that really worth fighting for? That cold, heartless, violent place you once called home? Why bother when Equis has given you so much more?”

“Just because it was cold, heartless and violence doesn’t mean it didn’t have warmth, heart, and peace.” I mentioned. “But to answer that question, I need to ask a question…did you lie about anything we’ve talked about so far?”

“Lying implies I have something to hide. That in itself would imply I have reason to hide information from you. I have no reason to hide information from you, let alone my reasons or course of action.”

“Alright, so I must ask, were you stopped because people were ‘ignorant’ of the truth? Or was there some other bad shit that’s not being talked about?”

“I simply underestimated the Elements and their power. I was informed only their chosen wielders could use them all in an attack. Taking over Luna severed that link to them, but it would seem in an act of desperation they allowed Celestia to use Luna’s half of the elements to seal us away, and after that, in our weakened state and with fresh blood wielding them, pushed me out of her body. Something I was impressed about but in the end was a miscalculation on my end.”

“So…a magical mcguffin named after Harmony says ‘no, what your doing is wrong’...” I said carefully.

“A rather simple and blunt recap, but accurate if it helps you understand.”

“So, because I’ve only heard barebones talk about it, these elements are supposed to be what comprises of Harmony on this planet…and what are they?” I asked, mostly being told that their super magical and have helped save the day but not much else.

“I suppose, if you were to put it into the simplest terms, they are a form of magic that does not simply obey the will of the casters, it can also somewhat think on it’s own. Unlike similar magics of it’s nature however, this magic is more like a toddler, explaining much of the world and it’s inhabitants.”

“Alright, but what are the ‘elements’?” I asked. “Cause you said it’s the ‘Elements’ of Harmony, so it’s composed of something instead of just the rainbow-y taste of skittles.” I said.

“I suppose the easiest means of understanding it, it’s like… conduits. This harmony magic needs vessels to act more directly, much like my kin, but they simply use them as a means of acting before returning to a dormant state. They have names, relating to what this childish magic values as important Kindness, Generosity, Loyalty, Honesty, Laughter, and Friendship, often the last one is referred to as Magic, but either works.”

“So the power of friendship that is semi-sentient told you, specifically, in some weird rainbow of power, that your actions are wrong and you need to be stopped…” I frowned. “And you wonder why I still don’t believe you in that the planet will be okay if one side is freezing due to a lack of heat and the other is a blazing desert…”

“I believe I told you this planet can adapt.It’s natural magic won’t let it’s inhabitants die off so simply.”

I sighed. “So what are you doing to Ann and Andy?”

“Running some tests.”

“To see how strong they can be or to figure out why the hell they would want to get their host to commit sudoku?”

“A bit of both. Strength wise they are indeed impressive, but their actions are what conflict with their desires. From what I learned, they did indeed want to possess your body, but they can not seem to explain why they wanted you to die first. Whatever the case, I’ll have to examine their special kin on your world once I make a means of getting there.”

“Alright…” I nodded. “Good to know, cause all I was told is that you and those two are in the ‘Frozen Heart’, wherever the hell that is.”

“Simply put, it’s the origin of life on this planet. All life in their lore and myths can trace their species origin to the Frozen Heart, or as it was once known, The Valley of Beginnings.”

“Huh…cool, a place that’s supposedly absolute zero is the origin place of all life, that’s neat.”

“Wasn’t always that way, over time, other less friendly primal creatures moved in and forced the rest away.”

“Yeah that sounds about right.” I sighed.

“Is that all you wish to discuss?”

I hummed, thinking about what else there was to talk about. “Eh, not really, unless you have something else to talk about.”

“Then for now I guess this is Goodbye. Perhaps next time we speak will be physically.”

I woke up with a yawn. Crap… she can find me in my sleep… at least she’s not actively trying to invade them… still, her motives are odd.

“There’s no way her bullshit doesn’t have some drawback to it besides ‘oh only some people will die’...” I frowned, looking up and seeing Crescent was currently on my chest cuddling up to me. “Hi there you silly snek.”

Hi.’ She replied with her little talking sign.

“So…what would happen if this planet had the moon up for all eternity?” I inquired.

‘Some plant and animal species would die out but everything with over 40% magic will adapt to the changes within… two to six years. Immediate changes will be primarily the magic keeping them alive while it works to alter the biology to survive the new environment without the magic being hyperactive.’

“Really? Like…there’s basically no actual repercussions for fucking up the planet’s ecosystem like that?”

‘Well, I suppose the rapid change in biology and environment would lead to lots of civil unrest amongst the populations and probably lead to lots of riots, panic and deaths. Maybe some mutations in diseases will cause plague outbreaks but I’m not too sure.”

“So best not let that happen.” I said immediately.

‘That would lead to less loss of life.’

“Yeah…a whole lot less.” I said readily, yawning lightly. “Alright, food and then back to training.”

‘More rest. You’ve only been asleep for two hours.’

“Are you fucking kidding me? I only talked to that bitch for two hours?” I groaned.


I groaned. “Whatever…”

‘I can help you sleep and rest up if you want.’

“How can you do that?” I inquired, wondering how they can make my sleep easier.

‘Easy. I can turn you into a baby and you’ll sleep as long as a newborn does in the early weeks to months.’

“Eh…” I said non-committedly at hearing that.

‘If it helps, I can also make it so you’ll go through some training and get stronger.’ She added, peaking my interest. ‘You didn’t have a good childhood or… life. I’d like to give you a second chance at one. Not only would you become my son and I your mom, you’d gain much more power through our newfound link via blood.’

A literal god of gods is offering to rebirth me as her son, giving me more strength and a second, better childhood?

"Uh…would the other All Makers have a problem with it and…would either Fluffy or Princess get jealous about this?" I asked, cause while gaining a god like amount of power possibly would be amazing, I'm not sure if it'll bite me in the ass…also how would that even work with Lillinette being my subconscious…ugh, my head hurts with all this sudden logistic nonsense.

‘They all have their own children they take in. Sometimes they get the motherly need to tend to someone who needs a second chance. I promise no time here will pass and as far as Princess and Fluffy are concerned they will be your doating aunts.’

“Well…I mean, I suppose this’ll help me out in the long run.” I said honestly. “Cause boy howdy…telling Nightmare what those two assholes did after my two…incidents…it hurt a lot…”

‘Then will you let me be your mother Mike?’

“I mean…sure.” I said, resigning myself to this new and weird thing but…hopefully this will help me in the ways that being with Derpy or Polkadot couldn’t.

My eyes were heavy. My body was bound in… something. It was hard and the air was stuffy. Everything was slimy and… tight. Agh… where am I? Gotta get out… come on… My body feels different? My legs feel… off…

With whatever force I could muster I kicked my surroundings, feeling my environment rattle and shake followed by… cracking?

I’m… in an egg? Why am… Right! I accepted Cresent’s offer… wasn’t expecting to have to hatch-

“Come on sweetie, you can do it.” A soothing, sweet and semi muffled voice called to me… is that… Crescent? Her voice is… beautiful.

“Huh…this is…rather new…” I thought to myself as I tried to break the egg. “Also I’m supposed to be wolf themed…not equine snek themed…” I also thought as I pushed against the egg hard and tried to break it.

Another crack and I felt a sudden rush of cold air. Shit! Is hatching or being born always this chilly?!

“That’s it baby, just a few more strong hits.” Crescent’s voice called to me again.

I tried to push against the egg again, trying to weakly grab at the crack to pull the thing apart.

The more I moved and pushed the shell the more I started feeling my new body. My legs were… canine like? I have hands… bipedal… I think I have a tail… agh, this smile is keeping my eyes shut!

With another push I felt the shell fall apart around me, the cold of the world made my new body react accordingly…

I cried…

Correction, I whimpered/howled?!

“There there.” Crescent said, I felt her larger hands pick me up and a warm towel began to wipe me down, the sticky slime I was covered in now mostly gone as now a new warm cloth, a blanket, wrapped around me. “Sorry, I can't resist taking care of you as an egg before you were reborn Mike.”

I managed to force my eyes to open. The first thing I noticed was the long thing on my face… nose? Snout? What the?

The second thing I saw was… Crescent…

She had all the features and looks of the chibi Crescent I knew… but, more matured, more… well, this was Crescent… in her true form.

She was beautiful…

“Wow…” I thought to myself in awe. “She is…very beautiful…”

Crescent gave me a kiss on my forehead. “Welcome to this world Mike, my sweet little baby boy.” She laughed lightly.

I suddenly felt really tired… agh… can’t… stay…

I fell asleep, cradled by my new mother.

Two months passed in my new babyhood and I could finally stay awake longer than a feeding, and yes she is nursing me… it’s the tastiest milk I have ever had… or some changing and a quick bath.

It’s a bit embarrassing still, being a grown man in a baby’s body with all the needs and dependencies of a baby… but Crescent has been quite the mother. She’s always there when I cry out for anything.

My little crib and her bedroom so far have been all I've seen of this new home I find myself in. The bed is huge, fitting given Crescent’s true body is probably over ten feet long with that snake tail and it was easily three feet wide.

Gave me a good idea as to why she is chibi back in Equis… her body is beyond huge… makes me wonder when I’ll see how Princess and Fluffy look in their real bodies.

"Well…while this is embarrassing…at least it's off to a better start than before…" I thought to myself.

While in my crib I had a few plushies. One was a me-sized smiling orange, the other was a googly eyed frog.

My body was… unique. I had legs, canine legs so they bent the other way but standing so far has been… not yet obtained. I have fur along my head, arms, legs and back with a scale-like patch along my torso and belly.

I also learned that my… male organs are internal now. That was a mild panic attack, for a moment I thought I was a girl but no, internal organs so… that’s something new to get used to.

I also had a tail, it was fluffy along the top and sides but scales along the under side. I definitely looked weird.

“Well, I suppose it’s better than being a full lamia cause I still have legs…ugh, if Claire see’s me like this she’s gonna flip…”

With nothing much to do I rolled to my belly, my purple onesie I was wearing twisting a bit but not hurting as I huffed. This is boring… Nice, but boring…

“Hey Mike.” Crescent said as she slithered in, gently picking me up and putting me in her arms. “I got a surprise for you.” She said, giving my nose a gentle boop and carrying me into a new room. Finally!

The hallway was long, several doors and rather than stairs, there was a slope of hardwood going down… makes sense, Crescent is a snake… woah…

The living room was huge, painted like a galaxy was all around us, the ground was like tiles but it was like we were standing on the sky…

There was a couch, long and large. A huge flatscreen hanging on the wall and various other wall hugging tables and decorations here and there.

On the ground in this huge amazing livingroom was one of those baby walker things. Gently she placed me inside it. “You’re gonna be able to walk soon so let’s get those legs moving. In a bit you’re gonna meet your first cousin too!”

I tilted my head at that. “Yeah…I think I’m also probably a part of the biggest family ever…” I thought to myself,.

“She’s gonna be here in a bit. Until then you can try and work your legs. I’m gonna be making snacks for when she arrives.” Crescent said, giving me another kiss on the head and slithered off to the next room… probably that’s the kitchen.

“Still embarrassing as hell…” I thought to myself, trying to get used to having my knees bend the other way. “Also how the hell am I supposed to kneel if my knees bend backwards?” I thought to myself, thinking how kneeling normally works but backwards just…feels wrong for some reason.

I didn't waste the opportunity and tested my new legs out properly. Okay… actually, this isn't that hard. Basically it's like having a knee and leg like normal only… backwards… still, my legs end in paws… balancing once walking starts is gonna be tricky…

I stretched my new legs to the ground. The tiles were thankfully not cold and the leather like paws my new feet had underneath thankfully had plenty of grip and I pushed myself in the baby walker along the floor. Okay, one step at a time… keep in rhythm…

“Never thought I’d be relearning how to walk…” I thought to myself, just keeping up a careful rhythm of steps.

Eventually I managed to walk myself to a wall where the baby walker bumped into it, making me bounce slightly in the support seat.

Alright. Progress. Now to try and turn…

It took a bit but eventually I managed to make myself turn and trying to walk the other way. Shit, I'm already feeling tired… damn baby stamina. Daisy cries all night long yet I get tired trying to walk, the hell?

“Ugh, this bites…” I thought bitterly at how tired I was already becoming.

I stopped my walking exercise and sat in the seat for a while.

"Hey Sweetie." Crescent said as she slithered into the room and lowered herself to near my eye level. "Having fun exploring?" She asked with a smile, picking me up out of the baby walker and keeping in her arm. "Such a good boy."

Damn it… every time she says that it makes my tail wag… I know I'm part dog… wolf, whatever now but come on…

I pouted at the betrayal of my own body. “Alright this is constant embarrassment…”

Crescent gave me a kiss on the head as she slithered with me in tow into the kitchen where a large, multi oven and stove top kitchen was, a huge island that seemed to solely be for cutting and washing ingredients, what appeared to be a walk in fridge and freezer. There was also a huge dinning table, no chairs save a high chair she placed me into. "Now Mike, you're two months old now, meaning you can start to try soft foods. I know you're still a baby but your biology isn't human anymore so some things will pace quicker, but don't you worry, even while your teeth come in I'll be nursing you for a while." Crescent said, patting my head as she slithered over to the walk in fridge, opened and slithered inside.

Ya know, you'd think me having my adult mind nursing off her would be… well, ya know… but no. While embarrassing, I don't feel… aroused. Which I'm actually thankful for cause I mean, hell she's my mom now.

“Glad that a few things aren’t as stupidly embarrassing like that…just wish I could talk cause it would make everything so much easier…” I thought, gently tapping on the tray cause I could.

That's something else that confuses me. Talking. I know I'm still young but, my new mouth is longer, while howls, barks and whimpers are more than easy enough for me to make, words are… tricky. My new long maw and longer tongue, jaw… goes to show how different speaking is for different species.

“A…” I just made a random noise in complaint at my lack of ability to talk.

Crescent soon came back over to me with a small jar of baby food. She scooped it out with one of those baby safe rubber covered spoons and fed it to me-

Immediately I tasted…. Chicken, peas, mashed potatoes and gravy and green bean casserole…

Okay I know normal baby food does not takes like a full thanksgiving meal.

I looked at Crescent and was really confused as to why this tasted so outlandishly good.

She smiled, scooping another spoonful and feeding it to me. "Remember, you aren't human anymore. Your senses are all much greater. You will smell, taste, see and hear things much more clear and focused than before. Plus, the baby food made here is just that good." She added at the end.

"That makes sense…I am a wolf and a snake…" I thought to myself as I nodded.

I ate several more spoons worth before she stopped, closed up the jar and put it away before quickly washing the spoon. She then picked me up and with a few pats made me burp.

This was also a bit embarrassing, but less so than the other stuff.

The doorbell rang.

"Ah, that must be your cousin." Quickly with my in her arms Crescent slithered over to the door.

The first thing I noticed was the outside. The yard was large, lots of grass and some trees I could see, bright sky, sunny.

My attention was then drawn to the anthropomorphic, semi humanoid Dragonite lady standing before Crescent and I.

"Hi auntie." The lady waved.

"Hi Dratini." Crescent said, moving aside and letting her walk in.

This just got… interesting.

I motioned to the Dragonite and looked at Crescent in confusion.

"I know she's a Dragonite Mike, but her name is Dratini." Crescent told me.

I proceeded to motion to them again, then to me as if to say 'what do you mean cousin?'.

"Well, I guess cousin or even sister works. It's a little hard to explain but you remember Princess and Fluffy right?" I nodded. "Well, they are my mates and loves, but they are not the only ones. We all have many, majority just living their lives together in pairs or groups at a time. Technically Dratini here isn't related to you by blood but her parents are also two other lives of mine… basically if we say your sister, brother or even cousin, it means they're an offspring of some of us, but otherwise assume they could be more mother's, father's or aunts and uncles if you wish to call them that."

"So big family, got it." I thought as I nodded at the explanation.

"And how is my new baby cousin?" Dratini asked as she scratched my chin… damn it tail stop wagging!

"He's doing great. I was wondering what brings you by though. Was surprised you were visiting me." Crescent said.

"Oh I finished up that whole Eldritch Armageddon thing and needed a break." Dratini said.


"Fair. Thinning those monsters out every so many eons is good, just hate the smell…" Crescent said with a nod.

"Yeah… I immediately took a shower for a whole day when I got home." Dratini sighed. "Since I live nearby, figured I'd say hi and greet the newest member of our… stupidly huge family."

"Considering you're among the first ten children born/adopted to it, I guess you remember when it was just the few of you." Crescent said with a chuckle. "Way before I even joined."

"A." I said in some baby babble of understanding.

"And when did you make this little fluffy butt?" Dratini asked.

"He's actually a rebirth I took in. From one of Genie and Demon's games." Crescent said.

"Oh, I thought he looked more aware than the normal infants."

"Yes. Time back there is halted until I give my baby boy a happy childhood his first life never gave him." Crescent said, kissing me on the cheek several times.

"I think he's gonna grow up and be a real handsome man~"

I was blushing now. Also, I'm not the only one in this circumstance? Huh… that's actually nice to know.

"Well…good to know…" I thought to myself.

"Will he be getting any siblings?" Dratini asked.

"Oh, maybe. We'll see if anyone shows up and, well~" Crescent giggled.

I felt a whole new feeling… disturbed… on the one hand, the idea of being a big brother sounds pretty cool… on the other the mental image of my new mom doing it with someone is… unsettling.

The two talked some more and eventually Dratini flew off and Crescent carried me back to the crib.

"Well…this is nice, but slightly annoying…" I thought to myself, cause while being an infant and being happy is cool, not being able to talk or working on my powers can be a bit annoying…plus it's just me and mom…I miss Derpy and everyone…though I do have to wonder what the hell Lillinette is doing…

I closed my eyes, falling asleep again. Damn baby body…

I ran across the floor for dear life. "Mike get back here!" Mom, not long after I was finally able to talk I started calling Crescent mom, and she was chasing me through the house. Finally, she cornered me, grabbing hold and shoving the spoon full of vial poison in my mouth and down my throat. "It's just vitamins Mike, don't be so dramatic." She huffed.

"Those are not vitamins!" I whined. "Also, grape flavor? That's the worst! It doesn't even taste like grapes!"

"They're to help your coat since you refuse to shampoo your fur properly." Mom countered.

"But it's hard!" I whined again. "Seriously, I've tried to wash my fur but it won't!"

"That's why I told you to use the wall mounted body scrubber. Rub the shampoo in that then rub your back and such against it." She said. "It's what it's there for, and if you don't I'll start bathing with you again. Naked." Mom added.

"Mo~m!" I whined in embarrassment.

"I only will if you don't keep your coat healthy. You don't want it all itchy, raggedy and full of knots do you? Cause then I'd have to clip the knots and brush your coat and it will hurt when I do."

"But I'm half Arrancar, it probably won't happen…" I brought up.

"Mike, we've been over this…" Mom sighed, rubbing her eyes. "You're still a toddler. Your powers are currently dormant. They won't be manifesting until age ten at the youngest. Right now, you're still very much alive."

"I know…but that body scrubber feels weird…." I grumbled. "Sorry mom…"

"I know, but anything softer and it won't reach your roots." She said. "Now that vitamins are done you know what comes next~"

My tail wagged. Brownies! Thank god my species is not deathly allergic to chocolate!

"Hooray for brownies!"

I quickly got into my chair. Mom got me one that has steps so I can get myself up on it, and she placed a plate before me on the dinner table. She waved her hand over it, and before I could blink, a square brownie was there on my plate. It was the size of both my hands.

I carefully grabbed onto the big brownie and started to chow down on it happily. "Mmm, so good."

I enjoyed this. These are the moments I'm happy to have back.

To be continued...