• Published 6th May 2016
  • 6,632 Views, 30 Comments

Lone wolf in Equestria - Xinrick

A depressed man is forced to have friends...sadly that depressed man is me.

  • ...

Learning new things

I woke up the next morning feeling… very, very relaxed. The small weight and warmth of Derpy was next to me, against my side and wrapped and clinging my arm like a full body pillow.

I couldn’t help but smile, wrapping my other arm around her and just…enjoying the moment of peace. “This is nice…” I thought to myself happily.

I had fallen asleep again, waking up when I felt Derpy begin to pull herself out of my arms. "Morning sleepy head~" She cooed.

“Morning Derpy.” I said, yawning lightly. “Got some good sleep?”

"Yeah. Felt nice. I'm gonna make breakfast, you want some before heading off?"

“Always happy for some breakfast.” I said with a smile.

She smiled back and headed downstairs as I got up and stretched. I then headed downstairs where I helped Derpy make some eggs and pancakes.

A little while later Dinky woke up, heading downstairs and joining us for a meal before I left.

"So, same time next week?" Derpy asked.

“Same time next week.” I nodded with a smile. “Cause this was amazing Derpy.”


With that I left, finding Grover thankfully at the training spot. Three empty bottles already at his side as I stood in place and… breathed… again.

“And now for this useless bullshit again.” I thought to myself, but I remembered Derpy’s talk about her ‘traditionalist’ Teacher, how they were teaching something needless unless for specific circumstances.

And so, some more hours passed of me breathing. I hated it. I breathed in, and huffed-



I was blasted back, something, Fuck something exploded or something in my face?!

"Now you're getting it." Grover called from his makeshift bed or leaves.

“Not really?” I asked. “The fuck happened? I just huffed and suddenly something exploded.”

"That was your breath." He said. "Tell me, when you breath air into yourself, what happens? Well, when alive anyway?"

“Air goes into your lungs, fills blood with oxygen, while also expelling waste gas like Carbon Dioxide for example.” I answered.

"Yes. Now, as an Undead, the energy we produce can be harnessed in a variety of ways, but like air and blood will pass through our bodies regardless. It's completely passive, until you learn to funnel and focus it where it's naturally passing."

“I…suppose that makes sense.” I said, still believing I would have understood this whole thing a lot better and a lot faster with something to visualize.

"Essentially by mixing your energy with your breath on the exhale you can create or controle various styles of attack."

“Bitch I could have figured that out infinitely faster if you weren’t being a traditionalist.” I frowned.

"This isn't the hard way. This is the normal way. You're just stupid."

I raised a finger gun and shot an air bullet into his leg. “And you’re a crotchety old jackass, I didn’t say this was ‘the hard way’, I said that I could have learned it faster, but you went ‘handicap’ and nothing else.”

"You're doing it wrong already." He huffed.

“Oh? You mean mixing my energy with the air around me to turn it into something?” I asked. “Cause it looks like I just did that, but tell me how I’m doing it wrong?”

"Manipulation of the air around you can easily be done by forcing energy out of your body and mix Into it, but from breathing it comes directly from the source, being far more potent and easier to control."

I rolled my eyes at that. "Fine, whatever. So, back to figuring out how to do this properly…"

"Hey, you bitched to learn from me. I didn't want to teach you."

“Because as far as I know, you’re the only one that can at least teach me something’s about our powers that won’t immediately try to murder me.” I said honestly. “Any of the other’s are somewhere and one of them could be extremely deadly and violent.”

"Good for them." Grover rolled his eyes.

I sighed, taking a deep breath and letting out a breath. “Cause this is what I need right now…” I said, trying to get that same feeling that I accidentally created. “So…mind if I ask a few questions about your previous life?”

"Not like you won't be asking anyway."

“Might as well make some small talk.” I said honestly. “So, what was your life like before…all this?” I inquired, getting the hang of the new wind powers.

"I was a King. Respected. Admired. Feared, and idolized."

“What was it like before becoming King?” I inquired.

"Like it is now but worse."

“Really? It was worse?”


“How bad was it?” I inquired, wanting a bit more instead of him just doing one word answers.

"Well, food was scarce so cannibalism was commonplace. Especially if you were small or still a chick or hatchling. Got eaten whole once by a bigger Griffin when I was small. Only survived by clawing and pecking my way from the inside out. Bright side that was my first meal in a week."

I looked at him. “Uh…wow…” I blinked. “So…how did you find the ‘artifact’?”

"Eh, some traveling pony trader traded it to me for sex."

“So…you literally got a ‘here’s my savior item’ by plowing a pony?” I asked.

"Well, he did most of the plowing and it was solid gold so it was worth a fair amount."

“Holy shit…” I muttered. “So, with your new solid gold statue…how did people think it was magic?”

"Some strong wine and semi hypnotic mushrooms. Another cheap trick paid via a blowjob and I got a unicorn to make it shiny and give off a small aura to make it look magical."

“Ah…” I said. “So…why did you really stop if it was that piss easy to trick your people?” I asked honestly, now wondering why he didn’t just go ‘got the idol, time to prosper again’ instead of just giving up when he went looking for the damn thing.

"Because if they're so easily ready to revert back to the old ways, then what was the point in building them up? What was the point in going through all that just for the first disaster to send them back to only slightly above square one?"

“Why did you want to do it to begin with?” I asked. “What caused you to sooner get your ass pounded to get a shiny piece of gold to unify the griffon’s and just just murder him and steal his shit?”

"... I met someone worth the pain for. Someone I wanted to make a better word for."

“Who were they?” I asked carefully, knowing the feeling of wanting to do something important for the one I love.

"Her name was Gravel. She had… heh. She had an attitude meaner than a Manticore, more terrifying than a hydra, and had a mouth so foul the meanest cut throat pirate would blush in shock. But, she somehow grew a soft spot for me. And she was the only Griffin I ever met who cared enough to shelter orphans, the cripple and mental. What others consider dead weight or food, she saw as people."

I…weirdly had a sense of deja vu with what he was talking about. “Wow…Gravel kinda…reminds me a bit about my girlfriend…quick as a whip, sooner bitch smack someone that would dare cross her or me…but was the kindest woman you could ever meet…put up with me and all my nonsense when I was…worse mentally technically, and she was always helpful when she could, doing community service when we weren’t at school or just hanging out…” I chuckled. “But…I might not ever see her again…” I then shook my head as I suddenly had a realization hit me like a brick. “Wait, how did you die again?”

"Falling down that gorge. Winds too strong to fly, got slammed and beaten against the rocks, landed on the ground and was crushed by a boulder."

“Well, I went a quick way with a bullet to the head.” I said, lightly tapping my temple where the bullet supposedly went through. “And…well, I got teleported to this world as…this…everything just became too much for me…and now, because of that, I won’t ever get to see the one I love…” I shook my head. “The point I’m trying to make, is that losing our loved one’s shouldn’t make us quit…” I said. “Grover, tell me again, what made Gravel wonderful to you?”

"She cared for others… in a way I never saw another ever do before."

“You have a second chance to do what’s right.” I said. “I know you not having Gravel is rough…but tell me, what would she be doing if she saw you like this? A miserable drunk that gave up doing the one thing you loved about her?”

"She'd beat me with a cast iron frying pan, spew a very colorful and creative string of profanities for ten to twelve minutes then tell me to pick my drunk sorry ass up and do what needs to be done and then come home to shag her before bed." Grover said, a small smirk as he chuckled.

“Sounds like a woman that know’s what they want.” I chuckled. “Grover, you have a second chance to help those in need, to do the right thing you did once before…and hey, I’m sure there’s someone out there that has the same amount of love and affection that Gravel had.”

"Heh. Nice of you to say but frankly, the only reason I agreed to this training was because that pup said she'd put me to rest. Gravel has been gone for centuries. I just… want to be with her."

I sighed. “I understand…” I said honestly. “You miss the one you love…at least…try to do some good with the time you have left.”

"Heh. All things considered I don't think I'm the one to fix them. Not this time anyway. But still, you want me to teach you, you do what I say. Enough with the smart ass bit.”

“Yeah yeah.” I chuckled. “So, back to what we’re doing.”

"Breathe in, feel the natural flow of the energy fill your lungs with the air, the energy, and breath out and try to detect it as it leaves your mouth."

I nodded, taking a deep breath as I actually started to feel the flow here given he wasn't being pissy about it. After a moment I let it all out and I detected it rather quickly. "Okay…that's different."

"Now, once you breath it out, try and do as you did before with controlling it."

I nodded, exhaling and focusing it. I noticed it was… faster. More… readily available.

"Huh…that's pretty cool." I said honestly.

"Now, weaponize it."

“Alright…” I said, thinking about how I could weaponise it considering it’s kinda different than that air bullet I shot at him.

With nothing else to try I did the same thing, only using the energy filled air in my breath to make the bullet and I let it fire at a tree-


The wind bullet broke the sound barrier at my finger tip, knocking me on my ass and the "bullet" blasted through many trees and turning them to splinters and shrapnel.

"Finally. Got it right." Grover chuckled.

“Fucking hell.” I said in honest surprise. “Got quite a kick.”

"Told you this method was more potent."

“True, though it was difficult when you were just grumpy and drunk.” I said honestly, getting back up. “But yeah…this’ll help when I’m not using Cero.”

"Good. Now that you understand the basics, you can use it in useful ways."

“What useful ways if I may ask?”

Grover held up his talons, taking a slow breath and the air from his beak forming a crystalline shape, and that formed the shape of a makeshift knife.

“So…you’re literally making Air Gems?” I asked in surprise.

"I can force the energy in my breath to crystalize the carbon dioxide in my breath into gemstone like weapons. If I take a really deep breath I can make barriers and walls but that's a bit harder."

“Cool.” I nodded. “Just gotta do plenty of training…hmm, now I have to wonder how strong Derpy would be with this kind of stuff?” I wondered. “I know we’re special like this, but ya know, when a pegasus can hold her breath for apparently five hours, ya just get curious.”

"Dunno. Can a living being even learn or do what we can do?"

“Uh…I’m pretty sure that’s a no but I’m in a land of candy colored mythical creatures and I’m currently dating one…”

"And I'm a native to this world but an undead like you yet you're an alien so, clearly, some things are just either never meant to be known or all things can be possible. Either way, we can get you started on the real training now that you have the basics."

“Awesome.” I nodded. “Learning how to use my powers and even brand new one’s is going to be fun.”

"Alright. Now, form your own solid breath."

I nodded, taking a deep breath as I tried using the same logic I used when training my Cero a while ago to try and create the crystal.

I exhaled slowly, feeling my breath carry the energy out. I focused it towards my hand-

Ah crap…

"Yeah, figured that would happen a few times…" Grover said, my hand now covered in crystal carbon dioxide…

“Well…crap…” I frowned.

"Hold still. This is gonna hurt."

My training took off from there. Breath crystallization was some trial and error to not encase a limb but all in all, I got it down at least. After that I moved onto healing with breathing. That was actually pretty easy.

From there I just kept practicing until I was mastering each lesson.

“Honestly forget how often breathing was involved in popular media where I’m from.” I commented, having mastered the breathing stuff rather quickly and being really happy about it.

"Maybe you can get that filly of yours to teach you that crazy lung breath holding." Grover said with a shrug.

“I don’t think so, cause Derpy’s Cutie Mark is a Bubble.” I said honestly.

"Well, at least once you start rutting her that talent can have some fun uses~"

“Fucking excuse you!?” I snapped in embarrassment, feeling my entire face go beat red at that.

"You are too easy." Grover chuckled as he drank from a whole moonshine jug.

“Oh shut up ya old drunk.” I frowned.

"So you're gonna look me in the eye and tell me that never crossed your mind?"

“First of all, shush.” I stated. “What possible sexcapades I have is between me and Derpy.”

"You mean you are rutting?"

“We didn’t do that yet!” I said quickly. “All we did was cuddle at most…honestly best sleep I’ve gotten since I’ve been here.”

"Not even spooning? What brand of extra virgin are you?"

“The kind that can kick your sorry ass if you don’t shush.” I growled. “I want to take thing’s at a decent pace, I’m not just going to fuck the pegasi milf on the first date.” I said…and then realized what I just said.

"Ah, you like them older and proven fertile I see." Grover said with a chuckle.

I groaned loudly. “Ugh…” I shook my head. “Why are we on this talk again?”

"You're girlfriend can hold her breath for hours and that would make her perfect to suck your soul, if you have one, through your crotch."

“Bruh.” I whined, my shoulders sagging as I know it might be mind blowing but still.

"Maybe she's part Lamia Harpy?" Grover said more to themselves as they took another swig of their moonshine.

“Lamia Harpy?” I asked.

"Back when I was alive, the Lamia were a cross species between giant snakes and all kinds of creatures. Ponies, griffins, minotaurs, all with one sets upper half from the waist up, the rest from that down was snake, tails reaching many many feet in length. Could uproot a tree and break boulders.

"The Harpy were a subspecies of Griffon, pony and an unknown third race. They were small but could fly higher, farther and faster than any of the species. I remember hearing a small village of Lamia and harpies cross breeding. The result was a very Pegasi like race with the high fly, extra lung capacity of the two plus some bonus abilities."

“Huh…that’s really interesting.” I said honestly. “Might have to ask her about it now.”

"Plus it means she can swallow it far back if she does."

“Will you please stop talking about whatever sex life I might have?” I asked.

"You mean don't have?"

“I’m going to slap you.”

"And yet you wish to do that to her flanks."

“That’s none of your business.” I blushed brightly, hating how he’s right but not going to answer him.

"It honestly amazes me how shy the new generations are about sex. Honestly, back in my time it was casual. Used as payment, out of Boredom or bragging rights. Nowadays you all make it seem so fragile."

“Sex has become more than just those things.” I said honestly. “Sure, it can still be casual, but it’s something two significant other’s share…it’s important.”

"You mean child making? That's also true but heck you make it sound like it's difficult."

“I don’t want her to feel like I might just use her and leave.” I frowned.

"I have a feeling she knows you aren't that kind of male. Plus I have a feeling she is looking forward to when you two finally have a roll in the hay."

“I mean…I’m sure it’ll be a special moment for the both of us.” I said nervously.

"I'm sure. That's why she's been eyeing you train from a cloud nearly two miles above us."

“So that’s why…” I muttered to myself, turning around and looking up at the oh so suspicious cloud that I always thought had some gray in it. “Derpy! I can see you!”

After saying that the gray Pegasus mare flew down from that impressive height. "Heh… hi…" She said shyly.

“I’m surprised you didn’t try to shout ‘no you don’t’ first.” I chuckled, gently patting her head happily.

"Heh, well I've been watching you train for some days now… I was curious at first… then enjoyed the… view." She said, blushing a bit. "I also heard… all that." Now I blushed. "Despite being so high up Pegasi have great hearing. Also yes I have a little bit Harpy in me." She added, looking at Grover.

"No lamia?" He asked.

"None I'm aware of." Derpy shrugged.

“Right…” I nodded. “So uh…about the part where you…heard me say something…” I trailed off, given that I said I did in fact call her a milf.

"Well, I'm flattered you find me so… sexy." She said. "Not many ponies are willing to date a mare with kids. Fool around with one sure, had a fair amount of creeps ask me for that stuff but I'm not interested in one night stands given… but, I know you're different and… I wouldn't mind if we experimented a little."

“I mean…I’m open for it.” I said slowly, not believing we’re having this conversation.

"Well… Dinky still has school for the next three hours…"

“We have three hours for…all the fun.” I said, not believing we’re about to do the do.

The next month with Derpy has been… amazing~

I'll never admit it to him but… Grover was right… about Derpy's breath holding being… good… for…

Anyway, I've basically moved in with her and Dinky. And when Dinky has a sleepover she spends it at my place.

I came over to Derpy's house, some groceries in tow. The bubble mare in question was sitting on her sofa looking…

“What’s wrong?” I asked worriedly, not liking the look of concern on her face.

"Uh… Correct me if I'm wrong Starrk, but you are by definition dead, right?"

“Uh…yes.” I nodded. “Semantics of me being a physical manifestation of a spiritual predator after many, many years of ‘survival of the fittest’ logic, but by definition I am technically dead.” I said, getting a sinking feeling as to what might be happening.

"Oh… so, uh…" She unfolded her wing, pulling out a… pregnancy test… a positive… pregnancy test. "How uh… how did that happen then?"

I stared at that for a moment…walking over to the table and putting down the groceries cause I’m not ruining thing’s I just bought…and bringing up my Assistant to try and call up Princess, Fluffy or Crescent to get some explanation as to why the hell this is happening cause I am freaking the fuck out! “Come on…please answer…”

Eventually, Fluffy appeared in the room, holding up a sign 'Sup?'

I pointed to Derpy and the positive pregnancy test. “How?” I asked, knowing I was giving a pleading look to get some explanation on how the hell I just got my girlfriend pregnant when I’m supposed to be dead and ‘shooting blanks’.

She looked over at Derpy's positive pregnancy test and then back to me, flipping her sign around. 'Congratulations.'

"Okay, first, thank you, but secondly, that didn't answer my question." I said. "I'm undead, a physical manifestation of spiritual energy forced through a 'survival of the fittest'...how did I get her pregnant?"

'The Assistant.'

"How the hell does this mess with my biology?" I asked as I raised the stupid thing up. "I thought it worked more like an RPG menu screen than…this."

'It does, in several ways. Mainly once it was placed upon you your entire biology was changed into something that doesn't exist in the realms.'

"And what did I turn into?" I asked worriedly.

'Well, you for one, but what mainly changed are the cells in your body. These cells were developed by my family long ago and work with the Assistant. Think of them as organic microbots. Each cell and cluster of cells function identical to normal cells but they also function with artificial, spiritual, magical, all that. Basically these cells exist and function as organic, inorganic, and all completely adaptable and programmable. As a result, despite being by definition, dead, you and Derpy, as well as any other female in existence, are compatible.'

I blinked, trying to process all that. "Well…I suppose that makes sense…" I said carefully. "So…okay, magic and technological mumbo jumbo…god of Claire was here she'd flip…and ask for the same treatment…"

"But, what about the baby?" Derpy asked.

'Well, in this case the way the cells would work the baby has a twenty five percent chance to be born a human. Twenty five percent chance to born a full pony, and fifty percent chance to be born a halfbreed. How they will appear physically in that case will be largely up to random chance. But they will inherit both parents' genetics. So unless they're born full human they'll likely inherit Derpy's wings and no matter how they're born they will inherit all of Starrks abilities and develop their own over time.'

"Oh boy…that's…going to be something…" I said in mild panic.

"Will it be as long as a normal pregnancy?" Derpy asked.

'A human pregnancy takes nine months. Your species pregnancies take a year. It again depends. Full human or pony will take the normal amount of time. Halfbreed will probably take more or less depending.'

"Oh…alright." I said. "Will it be rough for her due to…giving birth to a race not her own?"

'Without an Assistant and the special cells, it could be. I can give her one too, it won't affect the baby but the new cells will help keep any unwanted side effects or accidents from happening. Physically she won't change at all, not unless she wants changes.'

"I can get one of those weird things too?" Derpy asked, Fluffy just nodding.

"That would be fantastic, cause I don't want Derpy, or our baby to get hurt." I said. "But…would this effect the game Genie and co are playing?"

'That is up to Derpy and if she decides to help you. With the Assistant, she can gain abilities and powers no Pegasus or any pony/creature can have.'

"Uh… what about just for the pregnancy and… more fun bedroom stuff?" Derpy asked.

'Then I imagine it won't be an issue.'

"Then I accept." Derpy said.

With a nod, Fluffy pulled out that same paper with the Assistant symbol on it, on her left leg, just above her hoof.

Once it was on she blinked a bit. "Woah… this is weird… kinda cool though." She said with a smirk.

"Yes, it is really cool." I nodded. "Thanks Fluffy…anything else you want to tell us about all of this?"

'Try not to get carried away with bodily upgrades. A lot in the special Skill Trees can be fun but your next pregnancy could leave you with always able to have ten or more babies a time. Safely.'

"Holy crap!" Derpy said, her wings popping open in surprise.

"Uh…" I was floored at hearing that. "Sure…okay…best not delve too deep into that…"

With that, Fluffy left and Derpy and I just sat in the living room.

"So…" Derpy started.

"So…" I replied, trying to think of what we should do with this new forbidden and lewd knowledge.

"Should we think of baby names?"

“Uh…we should…” I said, sitting down next to Derpy. “We should think of baby names and…not think of the possibilities I’m thinking of.”

"We'll also have to expand the house. An extra room or two. Guess I'll stop by town hall and get the permits tomorrow…" Derpy said. "I guess we should have been using protection this whole time huh?" Derpy asked with a light laugh.

“Probably, but it was…honestly too mind blowing not to.” I chuckled.

"Heh. Yeah… been a long time since I had felt that good… guess I got a bit… addicted… still am…" She added, blushing but smiling happily. "I'm honestly surprised to be pregnant again. But I'm also… really excited."

“And I’m currently trying not to panic…but I’m alo excited to know I’m going to be a parent.”

"So… when should we tell Dinky?"

“Uh…” I frowned, trying to think of when it’s a good time to tell Dinky. “Maybe when she gets home or in a few days? If she wasn’t hiding already and listening in on our conversation.”

Derpy shook her head. "No, she's still in school and since I gave her her allowance the other day she'll probably browse Sugar Cube Corner or toys stores for treats of something fun to play with, so… four or five hours til she comes home… but maybe we should wait a few days. It will be a surprise."

“Alright.” I nodded. “So…we have four or five hours to ourselves…”

"And I can see a bunch of…. Options, I think Fluffy put them there for my convenience?"

“I’m sure it is when you asked for…fun bedroom things.” I said carefully. “But we will need to be careful…don’t want to suddenly get ten more kids out of nowhere and learn we both have a breeding fetish…”

"Heh… so, wanna test one out at least?"

“Yes please.” I said with a smile. “So, what did Fluffy give us to try?”

"Well, there's… a lot, some I don't know what they even do or mean but I see one I think you'll really like~"

Derpy's body then glowed with a near blinding light. When it died down my jaw was on the floor. Before me sat a gorgeous five-seven woman. Blond hair, one lazy eye, huge chest and hips, a cute chubby body type and two large gray wings.

She was also completely naked.

"Well, how do I look as a human Starrk?"

“Yeah…I was right to say ‘Milf’...” I said in awe. “You look…absolutely beautiful Derpy…”

"Well, mind making sure I feel like it~?"

Another month, and Derpy got used to her Assistant. Hers seems to be more simple in terms of the UI. She has a human form, an anthropomorphic form which is her pony body as a human, but fur, ears, all that. A Centaur form that was… definitely interesting… and some other neat abilities and such she can turn on and off at will.

Dinky was beyond ecstatic about the whole thing. She is bragging to anyone and everyone.

Lillinette is beyond confused but congratulated me on losing my virginity… as did Grover…

That aside my training has been going well. But… it's been two months of silence… I don't like this…

“Something is…very not right.” I said worriedly, looking around carefully and trying to either find or sense anything that could possibly be happening.

"If we at least knew where they were stationed this might be easier." Lillinette said. "Knowing where our enemy is would help a lot more in the long run."

“They could either be on the Moon, in some shadow dimension, or they could be anywhere on this planet while I’ve been busy fucking my extremely wonderful girlfriend for two months.” I frowned.

"Did you really have to throw that brag in there? Speaking of, she's the mother of your soon to be foal… or baby… or, halfbreed…. Infant… child. Are you gonna pop the question and make her an honest mare or what?"

“I’m trying to find a good ring for her.” I said honestly. “Considering she can now shapeshift, it’s a tad hard to find one when I also have to find someone that can enchant it to change size to fit her form. And no, I’m not asking our chibi companions…they do more than enough already.”

"So, think it will be a boy or a girl?"

“No idea, hell I don’t even know if it’s a hybrid or not…” I groaned, rubbing my temples bitterly. “But while I was trying to get my life in some sort of joy, what have you been doing?”

"Playing your old games. Aside from that I do a little freelance for the local guard."

“Oh, that’s good.” I nodded. “Find anything weird while helping the local guard?”

"No. I mostly just deal with nests that are too close to the town border and the Everfree. Pays nice." She shrugged. "But yeah, been a while and no signs of threat or anything. It's a little suspicious…"

“Yeah…and I really hate it.” I said carefully. “I’d say ‘let’s go out and search’...but Derpy’s pregnant and I don’t want to risk her getting attacked while we’re gone…” I said worriedly, having had an itch to go out exploring this world cause all we did was go to Griffonstone and I know there’s a lot more to this place but…when my two damned voices and Nightmare are out and about, shit can go sideways.

"Hmm… we know those two want you suffering. But Nightmare is keeping them on a tight leash, meaning she might be training them. Forcing them to be disciplined and loyal on top of stronger." Lillinette said.

“But they’re not the only one’s that have been getting stronger.” I said honestly. “I just hope I’m learning fast enough…and when Grover finishes with me and…get’s the rest he deserves, we’re going to have to hunt for the other Arrancars on this planet to get more help…”

"With your baby mamma carrying you best not do that for a while. Hmm… well, we found Grover more or less by accident and speculation… maybe we can do some research. This planet has a lot of recorded legends. Odds are the other Arrancars might have left a footprint or two in some form?"

“Hmm, true.” I nodded. “So, off to the library to learn some legends, and what’s also cool is that the changeling’s might have also shared some stuff with her…oh wait…I should talk to Polka Dot about a date with them…and I should ask Derpy if a herd is okay…ugh~...” I groaned, putting my face in both hands as I just realized a thing.

"Wow. Knocked one up and already looking for a second baby mamma? You sure grew some balls."

“Shush you.” I said, blushing brightly. “Ugh…if Claire was here…”

“Okay seriously, who the hell is talking about me?” Claire whined, having sneezed yet again in the middle of her desert training with the Zebra Arrancar. “And why do I want to ruin Mike’s hips so badly?”

“So anyways, enough about teasing me about my love life, what about you?”

"What about it?" She asked as we walked towards Twilight's library.

“Eh, just wondering if anyone caught your eye yet.” I shrugged.

"Not even in the slightest." She said with an eye roll. "I might have once been part of you but I'm not nor was I ever human. I don't actively seek out or want attention or companionship."

“Ironic considering that who we are was born due to the need for attention and companionship.” I chuckled. “Coyotte Starrk and Lillinette Gingerbuck, combined were the strongest Vasto Lorde anyone has ever seen, but their power was killing everything around them, so they split in half to form us for companionship…” I said, remembering the entire backstory of these humble pair of wolves.

"Except we are not them, just given their shape and voices."

“And also he didn’t have two other hitchhikers through bullet town.” I added.

"Exactly. In any case, we need information. Either Twilight or Polkadot the changeling."

“Yes, and hopefully we can see either of them in the library.” I said honestly.

To be continued...