• Published 6th May 2016
  • 6,631 Views, 30 Comments

Lone wolf in Equestria - Xinrick

A depressed man is forced to have friends...sadly that depressed man is me.

  • ...

Memories and Training

When I woke up today, I was hoping for a good start after a nice date…what I didn't want was to be screaming in pain like my head was being split open by a hammer…

Then things went dark…

"So what are you playing?" Clare asked.

"Pokemon Conquest." I answered, the two of us at the park just hanging out as per usual. "No idea why people aren't talking about this good tactics game."

"Probably because when people think of Pokemon they think of cute little monsters and turn-based battles."

"Fair." I shrugged. "So how've you been?"

"Eh." She shrugged. "Bored being home alone all the time." She stated.

I nodded. Her parents were always busy, her mom being a surgeon often sleeping overnight multiple days of the week and her dad being an airplane pilot ment she was home alone a lot.

"Well that sucks." I said. "While I'm not technically all by myself at home…certainly feels like it…" I sighed, dad always been off trucking and my older brother working third shift while…mom was long dead, it was lonely. "So I can understand your pain."

"Hence why we always hang out." She smirked. "So, any weekend plans aside from sleep, eat and I assume masterbate?"

I blushed furiously at the fact she just openly stated that. “W-well…I mean, part of my plans was hanging out with you-”

“And masterbating.” Claire teased.

“Hush you.” I said quickly, blushing even brighter at that.

"I was mostly just going to head to the mall, maybe check out the arcade then try that new ramen shop that opened."

“Well, it looks like I’m heading to the ramen shop.” I said honestly.

"I hope it's authentic. Midwestern restaurants usually end up being either all the same or bland."

“Well, we can at least try.” I shrugged. “Who knows? Maybe it will be authentic.”

"I hope." She sighed. "So, Glen still giving you shit?"

“Better question is, is Glen still being a creep to you?” I asked, knowing that blonde prick has been a creep to Claire since we first met him.

"Regrettably…" She frowned. "But I'm talking about you."

“Sooner or later, I’m gonna put a bullet in that prick’s leg.” I growled. “But…sadly he is, acting like he’s hot shit and saying ‘stop talking to Claire, cause I need to act tough to compensate a lot’.” I did a mock voice of Glen.

"Easy there Mike. No need to make threats that will land you in jail." Clare stated. "That's a fate I'd much rather have befall Glen."

“Still want to.” I shrugged. “But yeah, hopefully we can spend time without Glen bothering us.”

"He should be at the lake with his dad this weekend so here's hoping." She nodded.

With that we began our weekend plans. Well, Clare's weekend plans that I tagged along for. The Ramen place was fairly packed and when we did eat the food really was amazing. Puts every instant cup of noodles I ever ate to shame.

Next stop was the arcade. It's been here since the seventies and while most of the titles are old they're still fun and the owners made this place a hotspot for gamers by adding a game store to it and a Pokestop when Pokemon Go released. They try and keep people coming by hosting tournaments with cash prizes or free tokens for the cabinets or discounts on games or consoles.

It's been a real fun place to try out game demos and hang out.

We mostly played Mrs. Pacman and Pong. Yes, it has Arcade Cabinet Pong.

When the tokens ran out it was off to the mall. Being a fairly small to medium town it had the only Sears in the county and a Target, Dairy Queen and GameStop that don't have a physical shop elsewhere. Among other small businesses it was a decent place.

It also had the biggest Gun store in town. Now you'd think a gun store in a mall would be bad but I'll remind you this is a small to medium Midwestern town in America. So this is a bit normal.

"You and your dad going hunting this year?" Clare asked as we walked through the many isles of rifles, each with a key based lock on/over the trigger.

”Probably.” I shrugged. “Haven’t decided yet, but I’m hoping…it’s one of the few things we actually do together…” I sighed, slightly surprised the voices in my head were oddly silent.

"Is he still making you use that ancient .32 rifle?"

“Just because it’s ancient, doesn’t mean it’s not reliable.” I pointed out. “It’s why the M1 Garande is still used even after the mid 30’s, one of the most reliable guns ever made.”

"Yeah but most people replace an over thirty year old gun. Especially when the barrel and stock look like they lost a fight with a buzz saw."

I had to give her that. That rifle belonged to my dad when he was my age. Was a gift from grandpa who was a gunsmith back in the day. Used it all the time and each scratch, dent or knick in the stock or barrel was a story of his many hunts. He gave it to me when I was fourteen. Despite being polished to a shine it still looked like crap. My first time using it I thought it was gonna blow up on me, but all these years later and it's still shooting.

“It has character.” I tried to defend.

"It has to retire." Clare chuckled.

“One final hunt, then I’ll put it down.” I relented.

"Good. Cause if you really want to hunt with your dad you're gonna want something with more kick." Clare added as she eyed the big rifles.

Clare has always been a bit of a gun nut. And swords nut. Axe nut. Weapons in general really. Most games that have collectable weapons she has and plays and she owns a few guns of her own. She's responsible with them. Empty magazines, slid back and open chamber, safety always on when not in use. Basically the only times ammo ever enters her guns is when she's on a shooting range or out hunting with my dad and I.

“Yes, yes, I know that’s your favorite shirt.” I chuckled, remembering I got her a ‘Bitches Love Cannons’ T-shirt and she was super happy with it and the Team Four Star joke.

"Damn straight." She laughed. "Any luck getting a part time job?"

“No cause you suck.” I finally heard one of the voices.

“Ah, there you are.” I mentally sighed. “Not yet, still trying though.” I shrugged. “While Fast Food is…sadly an option, it’s at least something to get me some money.”

"That would suck. I forget that not a lot of places hire. Maybe try something online?"

“That could work.” I nodded. “Hopefully it’s something within walking distance…” I grumbled. “Everything is within walking distance, I’d rather not be forced to drive…”

"I meant an online job." Clare chuckled.

“I mean…that’s also true.” I sighed. “Hopefully that will be better than this nonsense.”

"Hopefully." She shrugged.

After some window browsing Clare and I went back to my place. I know, a girl at my house. it's not like that. We've just been friends forever and neither her nor my parents are concerned at all and all we really do is hang out til sundown then she goes home.

"So, still stuck on that boss?" She asked as I booted up World of Warcraft on my PC.

"We're gonna be beating the bastard this time." I said, wanting to check up on the Guild for prep on the next raid boss.

"That's what you said the last six times."

"Not my fault Blizzard is bad and overtuned it …" I grumbled, hating the second to last boss to the last raid of Legion.

"Well I am going to take a nap." She said as she jumped on my bed and threw my blankets over herself.

"Alright, get your sleep." I nodded, knowing she likes to nap when I'm raiding. "Just one stupid boss…" I muttered, hoping this will work this tim.e.

The next four hours I spent having lost again, going back to grind and gather items, only to go back and lose again.

My head hit my desktop with a thud as I groaned, eyes burning from lack of blinking and the flashing light.

With a yawn I stood up, feeling a little weak in the legs from sitting for so long. I looked over to see Clare out cold on my bed. She usually crashed here when both her parents would be out for a night or multiple. I don't blame her. An empty house is very sad thing to go back to.

As I stretched and let my blood flow return to normal, I walked over. The sheets were all over and- gah!

I immediately covered them back over her… I looked and saw Clare's bra tossed on my dresser. I sighed. She always did wear thin laced and loose fitting tank tops so… guess I shouldn't be surprised they… slipped out in her sleep.

Once I made sure she was properly covered I went to the kitchen to eat something.

Let's see… leftover Pizza, Leftovers Toco Bell, Leftover Smoothie… or leftover Hamburger Helper…

“Eh…” I muttered, grabbing some of the leftover pizza and getting it heated up, flicking some water on the slices as that apparently stopped it from being a rock in the microwave. “Still glad this works…”

As I let my food heat up…I sighed and pulled out my phone, trying to call my grandmother in hopes she's still okay.

The ringing went on for a bit before the call was picked up just shy of hitting the voicemail box.


"Hey granny, it's me." I said. "How are you doing?"

"Oh I'm fine. Just looking through some old photo albums. How about you? Is that cute little Clare over there again?"

"Yeah, she's just asleep." I answered. "What photo album are you looking at?"

"Oh, just some old photos of your grandfather and I. I was feeling nostalgic and figured I'd open them up again."

"I understand." I answered softly. "Just…wish I got to spend more time with him." I said, remembering he sadly passed when I was only seven.

"Oh, me too. He wanted to go hunting with you and your father, help teach you to fish and skin a deer. Had he had his way when he passed he'd have just asked to have his body tossed into the woods, said he'd return to nature as nature intended." Grandma said with a slight chuckle.

"I'm sure he would." I chuckled. "Considering how long I've used his hunting rifle…I'm sure he would have wanted to be with Nature again."

"Yes. I imagine he would have, but cremation and spreading his ashes in the forest was as close as I could do for him. How are you feeling, dear?"

"Oh, you know…just hanging in there." I said vaguely, trying to hide my own pain and problems as I kept hoping this string of mental silence would continue.

"Now honey you know you can always tell me anything."

I sighed. "I know granny…just don't want to worry you is all." I said softly. "But…the voices have been…thankfully quiet…"

"Oh sweetie. You know, they do make medicine for that you know. I know you don't like talking about this kind of stuff but I don't want to see you end up like your uncle."

“I know…” I sighed, still feeling sad for Uncle and all that. “I know granny…” I said. “I’ll…I’ll try…”

"Are you eating well at least?"

“Nothing like some good ol’ leftover pizza.” I joked.

"Oh sweetie, that's not really food. If you want I can come over, cool. There are groceries I can cook there right?" My silence at her question earned her a sigh. "I swear you're just like you're father. Can't shop for real groceries what the damn. Heh, then again neither could his. I'll be by in two hours."

“Thanks Granny.” I said softly. “Please stay safe…” I said, knowing she was getting along in years and me just being worried for her.

"Oh I will. I don't drive anywhere so I'll be using that Uber App. See you soon."

“See you soon granny.” I said. “Love you.”

"I love you too sweetie."

I couldn’t help but smile, even if it was a simple phrase from my own grandmother, it never stopped making me feel better. “Alright, I’ll see you later.”

“-rrk!” I vaguely heard someone shout. “Starrk!” I groaned at the loud yelling.

“Stop yelling…my head feels like it got shoved through a meat grinder…” I groaned in pain.

"You've been screaming for five minutes." Lillenette said.

“The fuck happened?” I groaned. “I…I just…memories…” I muttered, feeling like garbage and not wanting to move.

"It's chipping…" Lillenette said with a frown. "Fuck…"

“The hell’s chipping?” I groaned. “What happened? I just…remembered spending the weekend with Claire…I…I remembered granny…”

"It's a wall. Of sorts." Lillenette said. I was finally able to see clearly and saw her sitting on my bed. "A wall built of your happiest, most cherished memories. There wasn't much to work with so, it's thin… I was hoping you'd be making more soon so I could reinforce it…"

“I…I thought I was…just getting some memories back after…ya know…” I pointed to the lack of a hole in my temple.

"It… more complicated than that." She said.

"Cause why wouldn't it be simple?" I grumbled. "Alright…how bad is it?"

"When you died… gaining that hole in your head… not only did you, me, those two, change and alter when we came here, something new was born from that death… I don't know what it is or even how it was born but I do know it's dangerous."

"Cause…of course…" I groaned. "Do you know what it is or just said 'fuck that noise' and blocked it?" I asked Lillinette.

"I don't know. Whatever it is, it's still… growing. All I knew about it when it appeared was that it gets weak or… sleepy when surrounded by positive emotions within memories. So I built the wall around it before I ended up outside your body."

"Well…that's not good." I frowned. "Maybe Princess or one of them might know?"

"I dunno. But I'd not mess with it."

"Best not if it's needed to be caged." I nodded. "Ugh…so what time is it, and the hell am I supposed to do today?" I asked, feeling good enough to sit up.

"I don't know. You were probably gonna talk to that Griffin I think. Breakfast is still waiting for you."

"Yeah…breakfast would be a good start." I nodded, glad to know that the 'five minutes of screaming' wasn't just a possible joke and that it literally was five minutes.

I stood up and went to eat. Once that was done I headed out… now, where is that Griffin?

“Hmm…” I hummed, deciding to use my Assistant to help me find the old griffon king.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to understand how to try and find him so I walked around. Odds are he might be in a bar or something.

“Gonna need to ask Princess or one of them on how to work this stupid thing…” I muttered, heading towards one of the few bars around here.

Most were closed save one. The outside was nothing much to look at but Inside is where I found not only the old Griffin, but the Bar looked… nice. The man, and yes, man at the bar was shorter than me. Sporting a black and red vest, white dress shirt under that, blank pants and had a thin mustache and goatee and combed black hair.

“Wait…Barkeep?” I inquired, remembering this bar the first time I met Voodoo, Princess and their Chibi family.

"Hey." He nodded.

“Didn’t expect to see you or the bar again.” I said, taking a seat next to the old griffon king. “How goes it?”

"Same old same old." He shrugged with his ever present smirk. "What brings you back here?"

“One, looking for him,” I pointed a thumb at my fellow Arrancar. “And two…I need a drink cause apparently putting a bullet in my temple…awoke something that Lily needed to cage with good memories.”

"So an early morning drink then. I got something here if you want. Most of them are fairly sweet, but they won't get ya buzzed easily or hung over so early."

“That would be good, yes.” I nodded. “Thank you my good sir.”

Reaching under the desk, Barkeep pulled out several bottles, the labbles written in a language I didn't know and poured them into a mixer before closing them up and shaking them for a minute.

He then poured them in a cup that, seemed to be made of a waffle, or maybe a waffle just shaped like a cup and gave it to me on a small plate. "Breakfast Booze. Enjoy."

“Thank you.” I said, taking the cup and taking a swig of it, really needing something good to…try and process things.

It tasted like maple syrup. Freshly cooked bacon and pork sausage and eggs with the yolk still runny. As the liquid became less I bit and ate the fluffy, tasty waffle cup that seemed to also have a small taste of butter.

I finished it in four gulps and five bites.

“Okay…that is amazing.” I said with a warm smile. “So, how you doing Grover?” I asked the Griffon.

"Getting dr-huk-drunk…" He groaned, wasted off his feathery butt. Were we anywhere but at this Bar I'd wonder how he got drunk.

“How’s it feel getting drunk after six hundred years and…well, being dead?”

"Better than when I was alive." He said with a laugh.

“Well, at least you're feeling…a little better.” I said carefully. “But remember how you said you’d help teach me some stuff?”

"Meh." He waved his hand at me. "Don't be such a spoil sport."

“Not really a spoil sport when I want you to not be permanently drunk all the time to cope.” I frowned.

"Heh, if I'm being forced to stay alive, or whatever this is the equivalent to, then at least let me do it drunk."

I sighed. “It’s not going to help you…” I shook my head.

"Like I care."

“As someone that’s suffered depression as well…certain things just do not help.” I said honestly.

"Your face ain't helping." He huffed, taking another swig from the bottle.

I rolled my eyes at the drunk. "Just arguing with a drunk…" I grumbled. "Alcohol does not solve problems, and it won't solve or help yours."

"What's your point?"

"This only makes things worse for you to the point that you'd literally be better back in that fucking ravine ya dumb bird." I growled. "I'm trying to get you to see that there's things to do still with your life, not drown in it booze like my uncle did before he…" I stopped myself and sighed.

"Please." He scoffed. "Not like we can die. Frankly I'd welcome blacking out and never waking up. Be a nice thing. Just fade away and never wake up. Whatever did this to us, must love misery."

I did have to ponder that given Genie and Demon called this all Entertainment.

"They call it 'Entertainment', and trust me…you don't want to know what one of them would call 'entertainment'. You think this is misery? She'd make your drunken sadness look like a nice stroll through the tulips." I said.

"If it means I could die I'd welcome them."

I rubbed my temples bitterly, knowing he’s been like this for six hundred years but holy crap. “Trying to be helpful here…”

"Well ya suck." He spat.

“At least in death I didn’t give up.” I frowned. “In death I’m trying to get my life back together after…a lot of bullshit.” I shook my head.

"Yes and all it took was actually killing yourself to give a damn about living. How ironic."

“Ironic yes, but that’s also what happens when you lose two voices in your head constantly pushing more depressive thoughts into my head.” I shrugged.

"You needed two voices for that? Yeesh, what couldn't remind yourself of your own screw ups?*

"Do you know Nightmare Moon?" I asked. "It's kind of like that but less 'taking over my body' kind of deal, and I know your drunk…but you better watch what you say." I said coldly, getting real sick and tired of this drunk and ready to drag his sorry ass out here and beat the shit out of him.

"Kid, someone who doesn't have anything to lose or care about doesn't have to watch anything he says around anyone."

“That’s what I thought to.” I frowned. “But no, I still tried to at least be a decent person even when life didn’t god damn matter, but what would I know? I didn’t sit in a ravine for some self pity for six hundred years.” I rolled my eyes. “I died and now try to get my life together, you died and you gave up, not even bothering to try to do anything for the better.”

"Because I believe the dead should stay dead."

I rubbed my temples, trying to think of a way to get this stupid bastard to stop chugging back alcohol and help me out here. “Death is weird…”

"Used to be so simple. You die, and rot. Not whatever this is." He shrugged, trying to drink but finding his bottle empty. He put it down and Barkeep rapidly swapped it with a fresh bottle.

“I mean, there are other types of undead roaming around.” I said honestly. “I mean, technically speaking, what we are now is just our Spirit’s taken a physical form and are astronomically stronger because of it…and then we have some of the being’s that Luna has which are…living undead.”

"Does it look like I care?"

“You’re drunk, so you’re not entirely thinking clearly to begin with.” I answered simply.

"I'm still sober enough to tell you to get bent."

“Oh, okay cool.” I said, grabbing the Griffon by the back of the head and dragging him outside. “Best not start a fight in the bar, that would be rude.”

As I was dragging him out, he looked unphased, still drinking from that bottle as I tossed him outside. "Fuck-shit, tell Celestia to turn down that damn fireball…" He groaned as he rubbed his eyes.

“I got you out of that stupid ravine to not only help you get out of your self inflicted exile, but to also give you something to do.” I frowned. “I need your help, and apparently you need my help more.”

"Didn't ask for it." He said, sitting up and taking another swig. "You're the one who broke apart the tornadoes."

“Then why did you come here of your own volition?” I countered simply.

"Cause Griffonstone looked even more like shit than when I went into isolation and there wasn't any good booze there."

I kicked the drunk in the stomach. “Cause of course, what else would Griffon’s be besides a giant group of greedy, prideless pissants that would sooner see themselves die out due to their own pettiness.” I shook my head. “Where I come from, Griffon’s are symbol for Strength, Wisdom, and Loyalty…all I see is Weakness, Ignorance and Unfaithful pricks that think they’re above having any basic kindness.”

"And to that I saw whoever said all that good stuff about Griffins, clearly never met one."

“And what about you?” I asked. “Was your entire reign of the Griffon Kingdom just a lie?” I asked, grabbing the Griffon’s head and lifting him up like he was weightless. “That the entire golden age of Griffonstone was nothing more than some trick?”

"Duh." He spat. "It took a magic relic that wasn't even actually magic to get those idiots to work together to actually build something. The whole history was built on a lie my family kept alive til that fucking cyclops came and stole the damned thing." He said, not even caring about the pressure I was putting on his head as he drank some more.

“And yet remember where those Griffon’s were based on that simple white lie?” I asked. “Griffon’s were Proud, Strong, better than they were now or before, and that’s what you keep forgetting you dumb old bird.” I explained. “The idol may have been a lie, but was all that hard work a lie? Was all the blood, sweat and tears put into the Golden Age of Griffon’s a lie? When they believed in you to help them get past their urges for Greed, was that all a lie?”

"Considering they basically looted and burned down the castle in under a month after it was stolen… probably."

I took a deep breath, took a step and chucked the stubborn Griffon hard towards the Forest, not wanting to fight him in town as I used Sonido to keep up with how fast the fucker was flying. After about three seconds I caught him in the Everfree Forest and slammed him into the ground hard enough to crack the very ground. “Alright, if words won’t help, then I’m going to have to kick your ass to try and get you to realize something.

He didn't even speak as he just raised the claw holding the still intact bottle and put it back into his beak.

I pointed my finger at the bottle and fired a Cero Bullet at it, hoping he’ll at least take this seriously if I get rid of his fucking pacifier.

The bottle shattered and once what liquid was left went down his throat he tossed the broken bit he was holding and flipped back down into the crater I put him in.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I frowned.

I started down at him in pure disbelief. He just… did not care…. Enraged, I began punching him. Putting all the energy I could pull into each punch.

By the time my energy was tapped and I was beyond exhausted, the crater was now a full on hole, it was almost sunset, and what made me even more pissed was that… he looked unhurt!

“How the hell are you not hurt at all!?!” I asked, knowing his Iron Skin wasn’t that strong cause my hands were still perfectly fine, but what the fuck.

"Absorption based healing factor. " He groaned. "The harder something or someone hits me the faster I heal."

“Oh what the fuck…” I groaned. “Cause of course…”

"Hence why I didn't bother." He shrugged.

I sat there just letting myself rest until a thump from something falling into the hole caught my eye. It was Fluffy.

'What's up?' She asked via her little Loony Toons sign.

“I’m mad at this drunk bitch.” I pointed at the Griffon. “Cause he does not care and I’m here trying to get him to care…but apparently not…oh, and also I have…a thing caged in my head? I don’t know what it is and I’m concerned cause Lily was very adamant on it not getting out.”

She scratched her chin for a bit before flipping her sign around. 'Let me talk to him then I'll see about your thing in your head.'

“Thank you.” I sighed. “It’s…it’s really rough…”

She put her talking sign away and slithered on top of the old Griffin. She then leaned into his ear. Or where his ears should be. I couldn't hear a thing, not even muffled whispers. After a while he sat up, Fluffy partly coiled and hanging around his neck.

"Eh. I guess you make a good point." He huffed. "I'll teach the brat but don't expect me to like it."

"Not expecting you to, but it's better than moping around and getting drunk." I said, not knowing what they said but hoping it was at least good.

"Oh I'll still be drunk and moping but at least now I have something to look forward to." He said, Fluffy slithering off of him as he opened his wings. "We'll start tomorrow." And with that he flew up and out of the hole and off, probably back to the bar.

I looked back down as Fluffy as she slithered back over to me.

"So…about the thing in my head?" I asked nervously. "Cause…I'd rather not have my head feel like someone's trying to split it open with a bunch of hammers."

She nodded, motioning for me to lay down. I did and she put her tiny hands to my head and I felt… something. Kinda like a pulse or something before she pet go.

She then pulled up her talking sign. 'Well I know what it is. And yes, it is bad.'

"How bad?" I asked nervously.

She flipped the sign around. 'Pretty bad. These are actually pretty rare these days but still pop up and cause trouble. It's called an Insanity. Basically a twisted, cursed version of their 'host' that is born from excessive pain, both physically and mentally. Should it break out and begins fighting for control you'll basically be like The Bat Who Laughs mixed with God Joker.'

"Oh…oh that's not good…" I muttered in horror. "I…really don't want that getting out…"

'The wall she built around it is smart but not really permanent. The only way to get rid of it is to fight it in your mindscape and win. Unfortunately it will be as strong, possibly slightly stronger than you.' She flipped the sign. 'I can give you something that will help suppress it keep it from getting out even if the wall is to fail but it's more or less a temporary fix cause if the walls do fall it won't gain control of you but it will be VERY vocal and mentally challenging.'

"Oh…." I muttered. "Any…any help will be appreciated and…might as well ask, the hell does it look like?"

'You. Or rather, old you.' She said, reaching behind herself with her other hand and handing me two cuffs. Well, old school shackles are more like it. Thin and new looking.

I put them on and felt like something in me… was restrained.

"Well…that feels better." I said carefully. "Thanks…now uh…can you show me how to use this thing?" I pointed to my Assistant. "Cause…there's a lot more to this thing than I thought."

She nodded, and the next few hours were spent showing me all this thing can do… which is just about everything.

"Man, I did not expect this thing to do…literally everything." I said honestly. "Thanks Fluffy." I smiled, gently petting the floof noodle happily.

With that I headed back home.

The next day I did have to drag the old Griffin out the bar again but at least this time he was training me. "So… what do you want to know?" He asked, rubbing his eyes cause the sunlight must be making his hangover painful.

"Anything and everything I can." I said simply. "Cause I'm gonna be fighting a lot of monsters, demons…and well, the two voices in my head that escaped and got their own bodies."

"That doesn't narrow shit down." He huffed. "You need to start somewhere or with something cause Anything and Everything isn't an option all at once."

"Fine." I sighed. "So, let's start with Wind abilities, cause a quest I had said that by destroying the tornadoes I got access to wind based abilities."

"Fine. Do you have or know of any?"

"Um…" I started, pulling up my Assistant and looking through it. "I think it was Wind Scar?"

"Good, at least you know something. Now then, the first thing you need to know is that to properly control the wind around you, you need to control the wind within you."

“Vague but…workable considering I’m working with Spirit Energy.” I said, trying to feel the ‘Wind Within Me’, even though I realized I pulled off a Spirit Gun without even noticing. “God I’m such a nerd…” I mentally chuckled, finding that little Yu Yu Hakusho bit I did hilarious.

"Just take deep breaths. Feel the air and energy both fill your lungs until they'll burst, then exhale."

“Alright…” I said, taking a deep breath in, feeling the air fill my lungs

I tried to focus, tried to force my energy into my lungs and out with each breath. So far this is… a little boring. Still, I stood there for about half an hour doing this over and over again with no real results.

“Don’t…really feel anything.” I said honestly.

"It's called Training for a reason. You wouldn't expect to see anything on the first day, let alone in the first thirty minutes…" He groaned.

“I know, I’m just saying that I’m not…feeling anything.” I said carefully, continuing with my breathing exercise.

The day became night and I went home feeling admittedly duped.

The next day he was having me do the same thing. Princess was here this time but she was reading a book next to my drunk teacher.

“Hmm…” I frowned. “Hey Princess…do you have a M1 Garande I can borrow?” I asked, seeing the pupper bring down their book with a raised eyebrow. “This breathing doesn’t feel…correct for some reason…”

‘Got a reason?’ I saw them raise that cartoon sign.

"No tools." My teacher said, throwing a rock and hitting me on the head with it. "Or weapons or whatever you asked for is."

“I’m sorry that I’m trying to get a better feel to this…” I grumbled, going back to the breathing. “Would be better with a gun in my hands…it would help me at least understand a bit better…”

"You mean be a crutch." He huffed. "Fancy weapons can't compare to a well trained body. Or the energy within it."

“Better to have a good starting point than work on this but this is also fine.” I said simply.

"You just lack patience." The old Griffin huffed, taking a breath of his own. When he exhaled, a small twisted formed from his beak to the ground and ran by me before slamming into a tree and disbursing.

“Neat.” I said, surprised at how fast it ran and slammed into the tree. “And I’m not being impatient, I’m just trying to find a way to better understand this…”

"Heh. Ironic."

“Ironic how?” I inquired.

"You trying to better understand something as natural to anyone as breathing."

“There’s a difference between understanding breathing and understanding magic.” I huffed, trying to understand this even though there wasn’t really much to this breathing exercise.

"Not really. By itself Magic is no different than breathing. It flows in and out of everything like the wind, only when you try and make it do what you will does it's flow become less natural and more artificial. But, if you know how to work with its flow, you can guide it easier to your desired outcome."

“It’s why I asked for a Gun because that sounds exactly what my dad taught me when hunting.” I frowned. “But no…just need to do it without the gun.”

I kept on with the exercise, feeling more and more like nothing was actually happening.

Eventually… almost a week passed and I was on my next date with Derpy. "So, he just has you breathing?" She asked as we both are from a large bag of chocolate chip cookies.

“Pretty much.” I said. “And there isn’t anything happening, not even a feeling that there’s a difference.” I said honestly. “And when I suggested using an item to help me get a better feel, he got pissy at me.”

"Sounds like my old flight teacher. She was such a traditionalist. Taught us how to do concentration breathing exercises because it's a Pegasi staple for high altitude flying. No pony does that anymore unless they're in the Guard or a Wonderbolt." Derpy scoffed. "At least you're all grown up doing that. She made us do that when we were barely ten."

“Now imagine never having magic before, and have a semi-basic understanding on how Spirit Energy works.” I said honestly.

"Don't think I can." She chuckled as we each took some more.of the snacks. "But, anyway, aside from that, been doing anything else?"

“Not really…mostly just…concerned about a lot of things.” I said honestly. “Like a new…problem that’s stuck in my head.”

"I'm mostly worried about Dinky." Derpy sighed. "She keeps asking about her Cutie Mark and I keep telling her it will appear when it appears. I just don't want her to start hanging out with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. As adorable as that trio of fillies are they cause a lot of trouble for themselves and the town."

“It can’t…be that bad right?” I asked nervously. “Like…it’s not like they’re setting fire to water they’re trying to boil right?”

“Oh no, that’s just Sweetie Belle cooking.” Derpy answered.

“I was being facetious…” I groaned.

"Yeah… I swear I don't even know how they think of let alone get the supplies for all the things they do. Skydiving, mountain climbing, monster hunting, for ponies sake they built a fully functioning trebuchet that the town uses to catapult ourselves into the lake on hot summer days."

I burst out laughing at that. "How?" I asked incredulously.

"No idea."

"Well, what are Dinky's hobbies?" I inquired. "Cause I've kinda seen a pattern where the things ponies like doing the most are their cutie marks."

"Reading, drawing, playing with toys, normal foal things really. Dinky hasn't really expressed a specific interest in any one thing."

“Hmm…” I hummed, thinking for a bit. “Well…maybe it’s not something she can normally does?”

"That's what she thinks. I mean, mine is in something I don't even do anymore so, it is possible."

“I thought your cutie mark was supposed to represent your adorable, bubbly attitude?” I asked, gently patting my girlfriend’s head.

"Cute, but nope." Derpy said simply. "Think about it for a second. What is a bubble in it's Simplest wording?"

“I mean, it’s normally a liquid enclosing air or another gas, or it’s a good or fortunate situation isolated from bad things, like right now on this wonderful date.” I chuckled.

"Uh, close enough. A bubble is just trapped air. And that is what I do best."

“Your cutie mark is trapping air?” I inquired.

"Heh. More or less." Derpy said. She then took a large breath and held it. At first, I was confused, then realized her special talent was literally holding her breath.

I was going to say something but she held up a hoof and gave me a smirk, still hiding it.

First a minute passed. Then two. Then five. Then ten. Then thirty. Then an hour… then two hours- How is she not blue or purple… and still conscious?!?!

“Derpy please, you’re doing me a concern.” I said worriedly.

She shrugged. "If you say so." She spoke, breathing like normal. "My record is five hours."

“Well…that’s really good to know.” I nodded. “Seriously, I got concerned there, it’s been two hours…”

"I know." She said. "Most ponies don't think much of it when I tell them what it is so I show them and that usually impresses them."

“And while I’m impressed, you’re also my girlfriend so I was concerned.” I said sheepishly.

"Sorry if it spooked you, but it's just what I do best. I got my cutie mark during those stupid breathing workouts though. Training to take in as much air as possible and make it last as we flew high up where the air was thin to near nonexistent. At some point I outlasted the class on a high flight… even the teacher. When I came down, bubbles were on my butt." She chuckled.

“That is a very interesting story.” I said honestly, stopping myself from complimenting the butt.

"I'll admit it's a bit odd but that's my story. Was entered in races and was even really good… till…" She placed a hoof over her lazy eye. "This silly guy just couldn't keep still."

“Want to talk about it?” I asked carefully, not sure if it’s a sensitive topic for her but knowing it was important.

"I was still a filly when It started happening. My coordination was off, would bump or trip over stuff. Doctor's said it was just a lazy eye. My muscles that are supposed to keep it still and, well, look where I want it to weren't developing right and one was actually missing entirely. Said it was a one in a million fluke genetic mishap. Racing became impossible and after a few years I could barely fly straight. Took forever to get used to it."

“Huh, that’s…rather interesting.” I said honestly. “But you’re still a good flier.”

"Heh. Only cause my parents helped a lot. Used to keep an eye patch over it but it was always getting dirt in there and would get really itchy. When I had Dinky I just moved ground side and it's been the best. Used to worry a lot she'd be born with an eye like mine, but the doctors said both her eyes are normal and healthy. My lazy eye isn't genetically passed down. Thankfully."

“Thankfully.” I nodded, gently scratching behind Derpy’s ear out of a small growing habit. “This is nice…” I said with a smile.

"Yeah." Derpy nodded. "So, any plans later today?"

“Hmm…” I hummed. “Well, besides more training…” I tried to think about what I was going to do for the rest of the day. “Well…I suppose something I could do is spend time with Dinky so she could…well, get to know me better.”

"I was thinking the same thing. She does need to actually meet you sooner or later and she has been asking questions about you."

“I hope they were good questions and not…weird ones.” I said sheepishly.

"Nothing much. But I guess she would want to know all about you, being an alien and all."

“She’s probably waiting for the ‘am I going to have a little sibling’ for me in the most awkward moment…” I grumbled. “But at least she’s not asking anything awkward…”

"Heh. Honestly if Dinky does end up being a big sister it will be interesting to see her reaction." Derpy laughed.

I chuckled at that. “Yeah, it would probably be funny.”

"Also, would be fun to have you over and… if you want, spend a night."

I blushed at that. “W-well…I would love to…spend the night Derpy.”

That night I arrived at Derpy's house, a two story building that was mostly clay brick with some concrete and rebar here and there. It stood out amongst the thatch roof houses made from basic wood and plaster.

The yard was fenced in by a small chicken wire fence and no gate.

Inside was rather homey, and thankfully I was able to stand in here without needing to crouch down at all. Save going through doorways or to avoid the ceiling fans or lights.

The floor was all a blue tile, each step Derpy made her hooves clocked against them in sequence of her steps.

It was in the living room I spotted Dinky. The filly was a pale purple with a bling mane like her mom with similar yellow eyes to Derpy. The filly was glued to a surprisingly thick book she was reading through.

“Hey there Dinky.” I said to the rather inquisitive filly.

She looked over and up at me. "Woah. You're tall."

“Yes, yes I am.” I said with a smile. “I’m Coyotte Starrk, it’s nice to meet you.”

"I'm Dinky. So… what are you?"

“Well, that’s a bit complicated, but I’m an Arrancar, a very strong spirit being.” I said, lightly scratching what remained of my Hollow Mask around my neck.

"So, you're like a ghost?"

“Well, kinda?” I said. “I’m still a physical being, so I’d more say I’m a class of Undead.”

"Oh." She leaned in towards me and sniffed. "You don't smell dead."

“I doubt I would smell dead when I’m a physical manifestation of Spiritual Energy.” I shrugged. “To the point where I regained my human form through…a lot of work.” I said, cause technically this was true as me being Starrk but not…fully true due to my real self.

Dinky lit up her horn, a nearby drawer opening and she levitated out a lightbulb to me. Confused, I took it and then gawked when it lit up. "Cool." She said with a smile.

How did that work? Also… why did that work?

“Uh…excuse me what?” I asked in absolute confusion. “How and why?”

"Dinky…" Derpy's voice called from the kitchen.

Dinky chuckled, taking the bulb back in her magic. It went out and when she took it in her hooves it lit up again. "It's a gag bulb. Lights up whenever it's physically held."

I chuckled and shook my head. “Yeah, I’m not surprised.” I said, gently patting her head.

"My friend Button gave it to me. His big brother works in a joke store and he gets stuff like this all the time." She said, putting the prank bulb back into the drawer with her magic. "So, why are you in Equestria Starrk the Alien?"

“Because…a group of people were bored and wanted entertainment.” I said carefully.

"So, you're playing a game?"

"For very strong people yes, but this is my life now…"

"Sounds like this book Twist is always talking about. A stallion gets sent to an alien world with newfound powers and helps the natives against a big bad."

"Kinda like that." I nodded. "So, what other questions do you have?"

"Umm…. What's your home planet like?"

"Well…" I started, trying to think of I should talk about Earth or Hueco Mundo cause technically both would be right in my current situation. "Well, my world is a lot like this world, just without magic or any of the more…magical beings here." I said.

"There's no magic?"

"Sadly no." I shook my head. "And why I'm like this? Well…it's long and complicated."

"But, if there's no magic how does your sun and moon rotate around the planet?"

"That's the neat part, the sun doesn't rotate around Earth, Earth rotates around the sun due to Gravity." I answered. "Same as the Moon rotating around the Earth."


"How what? Does Gravity work or how does the planet follow such a rotation?"

"Yeah. Wouldn't the planet be too big for the sun to pull it?"

"No?" I raised an eyebrow. "The sun for earth is a hundred and nine times bigger than Earth."

"Oh… so your sun is bigger than Equestria's and your planet is smaller than ours." Dinky said.

"Yes…" I said carefully, finding that a bit strange. "And…how big is this planet?"

"Um, I think Miss Cheerly said Equestria was like, six or seven times bigger than our sun?"

I blinked. "Uh…right then…" I frowned. "And…does the planet rotate on its own or is it…stationary?" I asked carefully.

"I don't know. I uh, wasn't paying that much attention that lesson."

"Right…" I said carefully. "So, this world literally forces the sun and moon around, while Earth spins around the sun and rotates to give a day and night cycle."

"No, Princess Celestia and Luna move the sun and the moon."

"So instead of the planet, it's ponies that can do that…goodie…" I sighed. "Kinda got that from the names…"

"Heh. It does seem really obvious when you hear it huh?" Dinky chuckled.

"Yeah, it really does." I nodded. "What else do you want to ask?" I inquired, wanting to know Dinky has to ask.

"Uhhh… Did you come here in a space ship? If so, can I see it?"

"I did not come here from a space ship, as cool as it would be." I said, chuckling a little at her pout. "I was teleported here after…an incident…" I said carefully.

"Oh. Well what about-"

"That's enough Dinky." Derpy said as she flew in from the kitchen. "Come on, dinner is ready."

When we ate I was expecting veggies or fruits only. Dinner was a veggie soup with beans added in. It was good. The Dessert was a peach pie that was very good. With that Derpy sent Dinky to her room and walked me to hers. I gulped, looking at the mattress. It was just big enough to fit me. Save my feet that will dangle off.

I laid down on it and Derpy flew up and onto the bed next to me. She curled up against me under my arm. "You're good to sleep?"

"M-maybe…" I said, blushing a bit brighter as this was only the…second time I've ever been in the same bed with a girl I liked.

"Good. And… don't be shy if you wanna cuddle, alright?"

"I'll…I'll try." I said, gently wrapping an arm around Derpy as I tried to calm myself down from the fact I'm in the same bed as my girlfriend.

She wrapped her front two hooves around that arm and began to sleep.

It took a while, but eventually I did fall asleep too. No dreams or nightmares… just… calm.

To be continued...