• Published 6th May 2016
  • 6,632 Views, 30 Comments

Lone wolf in Equestria - Xinrick

A depressed man is forced to have friends...sadly that depressed man is me.

  • ...

Learning and Meetings

Queen Silk's cave, or subterranean empire, was quite amazing. Despite not needing to eat physical food, they did enjoy the taste and such of food, so finding something to eat was not too hard.

Entertainment wise there was, quite literally, everything.

And currently Lillinette was trying to pry me away from a manga store here that sells manga from every dimension where Manga exists.

"We gotta meet up with Armor damn it." She yelled while pulling me by my legs.

“Nuu~, I need to read!” I whined, not having had any good reading material in a while.

"I will yell at the top of my lungs your wet dreams." She growled.

“Oh don’t you fucking dare.” I growled.

"Then let the Fuck go of the book store. It's not like you can't come back here later."

“That’s what they all say…” I grumbled, letting go of the building bitterly and getting up. “Fine, let’s go find Shining…he’s probably doing the same thing to Twilight all things considered…”

"And you want to miss that?"

“Okay fine, you have a point.” I admitted. “Alright, let’s go see if Twilight’s passed out on the floor in a pleasure coma or if she’s being dragged away by Shining and three other people.”

We made our way back to the castle where Twilight was actually gagged, tied up and had a suppression ring on her horn.

"Oh wow it's way better than I thought." Lillinette said with a chuckle.

"Yeah. Thankfully their library security was actually easily able to overpower her." Shining said with a sigh.

Twilight huffed through her mouth gag.

“Alright, was she doing something illegal or did she accidentally put someone into a food coma?” I inquired.

"No, she just tried to cast spells too complex for her… nearly set the library on subatomic fire." Queen Silk sighed.

“That sounds highly illegal.” I nodded. “Not surprising she did this to be honest…”

"It's not illegal, she was just Ill prepared." Queen Silk sighed.

“Well, at least thing’s were settled before she set something on fire.” I nodded.

"Well, in any case our messenger bot will be arriving in Canterlot shortly. Once it's in we can use that to speak with Celestia. Well, Shining Armor can."

“Cool.” I nodded. “And then after that, we can start heading our way to Stripper’s Pass, finish my little quest line, and then search for the Arrancar that’s in the Griffon Kingdom.” I said honestly, remembering Voodoo’s words that there was an Arrancar here…but sadly I won’t know if they’ll be friend or the one solitary foe until after we meet.

In a few short Minutes Shining was talking to Celestia, carefully explaining about Queen Silk and how her hive isn't an enemy, and that she hates Chrysalis as much as he does or more even.

That talk lasted about thirty minutes or so, explaining the crash, the demons that attacked and all that mess. When it was finally done Celestia said she'd send diplomats and another zeppelin to pick everyone up.

With that settled I went back to the Manga shop. Damn, some of these are actually considered Abridged series back home.

“Ah, back to the wonder of manga…” I sighed happily, grabbing the Fire Force manga and sitting down on a comfy chair with a table next to it. “So glad this store is also a book cafe…”

"Well, we don't use currency within the kingdom. All bookstores are like this." I looked over from my book at another Changeling. This was a female based on her voice. She didn't look too different from the others, save the red and white polka dot cloth wrapped around her head, covering her ears.

“Didn’t know that, also hi.” I nodded.

"Hey. Starrk, right?" She asked.

“Yes, yes I am.” I nodded. “And who are you?”

"Most changelings call me Polka Dot, on account of this." She said placing that hoof like appendage to her cloth headwear. "So, the Actual Starrk or is this a Displaced in another world in a different body scenario?"

I stared at her. “Oh we’re going to be fast friends, I just know it.” I chuckled. “So I am indeed a Displaced, got the chance of a lifetime after…a certain event that I’m still hazy on…”

"Sounds about right. You in contact with the beings that sent you here or are you in the dark on how you entirely got here?"

“Kinda sorta.” I shrugged. “They pop up sometimes, but they’re just ‘enjoying the show’ as it were…”

"Ouch. So, powers the same, different or something?"

“Powers are the same as far as I know, and I’m going to be learning a lot more things.” I said honestly. “Just need to learn how to use any of my abilities, cause I’m in the ‘don’t know how powers work’ kind of situation.”

"Ah. That's fair, it doesn't really make sense to pop into a new reality with a new body and powers and know how to use them when no such abilities existed for you prior."

“Yeah, only thing that was here passively was my Heirro, and then Sonido and all my Cero nonsense I need to focus on to even have some decent attempt at it.” I explained. “Which I also learned that I can infuse my Cero into shotgun shells, which that’s just straight fun when you have a Super Shotgun to go with it.”

"Ah, so that was the explosion that crashed your Zeppelin on top of our hive entrance?" Polka Dot asked with a smirk.

“I didn’t mean to.” I said sheepishly. “But demon’s from Doom appeared and tried destroying our Zeppelin…which they sadly did anyways…but I still killed them all at least.”

"Ah. Which Doom? Classic? 2016? BFG? Or Eternal?"

“I think Eternal, cause there were a lot of Marauders.” I said honestly.

"Ah. You ever play the Ancient Gods DLC?"

“Nope.” I shook my head. “I think it was…4 months away.” I said honestly.

"Awh, it was good. Lots of neat puzzles and more demons to kill and a few new weapons I think."

“That sounds cool.” I nodded. “Suck’s I missed it.”

"You can probably get a console or PC at a different store."

“I can?” I asked in surprise.

"Well, yeah, we are a currencyless empire who focuses on cooperation for equal social and societal health and development, so the concept of currency has no value for us since all major things are automatic and require little to no maintenance. So things from personal entertainment to medical needs, education and ECT are all free for us."

“Wow…if only this worked everywhere else…” I said in surprise.

"Yeah. Given that several studies linked monetary gains and greed to societal set backs and progression halts we figured it best if we didn't bother with having a currency of our own and focused on mutual development and advancements to benefit us as a whole rather than an elite few who possess a fundamentally flawed wealth based on economic or material values."

“Fair enough.” I nodded. “Alright, where would these shops be?”

"I'd recommend Archivist Entertainment. They have a large selection of high quality video games and movies and such from our neighboring friendly dimensions. You can even select what you'd like to have available to play and watch from the customization station."

“What paradise have I stumbled upon?” I wondered.

"I suppose it would be as close to utopia as many believe. Not many realities with sentient life have something like what we have, but the few that do are quite pleasant."

“I can imagine.” I nodded. “Alright, time to play a whole lotta video games.” I said readily, getting up and walking over to where I got my book and put it back carefully.

"Want some company?" Polka Dot asked as she got up from her seat. "I imagine you might need some help finding it."

“That would be great, thank you.” I nodded.

Polka Dot walked me down the street. It was amazing how the sun lamps they used were almost like being out in daylight. It was a short walk to Archivist Entertainment, the ship itself wasn't what I was expecting. Rather than a store with display models and game boxes on shelves, it has holographic screens where the customers seemed to be building their ideal entertainment device.

“Uh…” I blinked. “What…miracle did I just walk into?”

"Not a miracle, just technology." Polka Dot said.

I walked up to one of those Holographic screens and after figuring out how it worked, sorted through the many, many, many, many, MANY options they had. Being a nerd and wanting to try everything I-

"Oh, you have an Assistant?" Polka Dot asked, noticing the weird mark on my arm that was actually some advanced magic/technology device.

“Uh…yes, and uh…how do you know what this is?” I inquired.

"We've come across a few dimensions where the people there had the same thing. Even made contact with one of the members of the All Makers, or The Family. A lot of our tech was made from learning and studying these things, and even so all we have is barely a quarter of what the Assistant is and does by itself."

I looked at my arm mark… most of all this came from studying this thing? Wait, barely a quarter?!

“Wait, hold up…” I started. “Barely a quarter?”

"Roughly our understanding of how it works and does what it does and all it's capabilities are an estimated 15% of it's total functions and mechanics."

“Jesus christ…” I said, looking at my Assistant. “I…really don't’ like who might have it right now because Crescent gave me this…”

"Don't worry. It seems only the All Makers such as Crescent and such can bestow one with an Assistant, so there aren't many who actually have them."

“It’s who they would give it to that’s a problem…” I said carefully. “Cause if I got it…then the bad guy’s I have to deal with probably also have one.”

"Hm, well you'd have to ask Crescent or any of them that. But for this, just put your Assistant up to holo screen."

“Alright…” I nodded, bringing my Assistant up to the Holo-screen and seeing what’ll happen.

Polka Dot then tapped on the screen for a bit before it suddenly shot out a thin beam of light from the holo screen to the Assistant.

External Download in Progress.

Download complete. 9.7 Octillion Yottabytes of data successfully downloaded. Run install and comparability patchwork software?



Text displayed in my vission- Hold the Fuck up Yottabytes?!?!

“Hold up…the fuck are Yottabytes?” I asked incredulously.

"The largest unit of digital storage measurements for data. Your world doesn't have that? It's an oddly common multiversal commonality."

“Damn…” I said in shock. “And…9.7 Octillion Yottabytes? That’s a lot…”

"Yes." She nodded. "From what I remember studies saying about the Assistant and it's User Interface you should be seeing a yes or no option in your field of views right?"

“Yes I do…” I said carefully. “Jeez…and here I thought I would be fighting Hollow’s here…or getting through my raging depression…”

When I said yes, the yes option glowed and it all went away, and was replaced by new text.

Running Programs…

Programs installed.

Running Patchworks Software…

Patches generated and Installed.

Media Library Reading… organizing…

Set up complete.

“That was…fast…” I said honestly.

"It is more advanced than anything we've ever made." Polka Dot informed.

“I…can imagine.” I agreed. “So…now I have everything this thing could offer?”

"The entire database of Archive Entertainment." She informed. "Getting a custom device from here would have had it be fairly large but with your Assistant there it won't be an issue."

“Sounds about right.” I nodded. “Alright, so now I can play…possibly every game ever…neat.”

"Heh, sounds right. So, you got somewhere to be or?"

"Well, not at the moment." I said honestly. "We need to prepare to head to Strippers Pass and Griffonstone."

"Really? What will you be doing at that death trap anomaly of nature?"

"Learning how to use air attacks." I shrugged. "Says so in this book." I said, bringing out the book that told me where I needed to go and to learn what to get stronger. "Got it from one of the All Makers."

"Hmm, well, I imagine when beings of higher power cosmically give you something you best accept it gracefully." Polka said. "Or do your best to deal with it."

“I’m trying to do both at this point.” I said honestly.

"So, how long till you head out?"

“Not sure.” I said honestly. “Cause we’re gonna have to wait for both the Ambassador from Equestria to get here, as well as a Zepplin, so we can all get to the Griffon Kingdom.” I said honestly. “Cause neither me nor Lillinette know how to fly, or use Sonido…hell, we barely know how to use our Hollow powers to begin with.”

"Hm, that is an issue. Well, maybe… hmmm…" Polka hummed in thought to herself.

“Thinking of hanging out or weirdly wanting to help me figure out my powers?” I inquired. “Cause I was told there was another Arrancar in the Griffon Kingdom, but not where specifically.”

"The latter." Polka admitted. "Have you practiced much with your currently usable abilities or weapons?"

"I've tried practicing my Cero a little bit, that's how I learned how to infuse shotgun shells with my Spirit Energy." I said honestly. "But after that…not much no."

"I was just wondering if there would be time to use the Dimensional transport to help test your powers on Dead Worlds."

"There is a whole lotta time yes." I answered quickly, wanting to learn all I can about my powers with help. "I'll get Lillinette if we're going dimension hopping."

"Cool. Well, this way then." Polka said as she lead the way and I followed. "So, anything you wanna know about Dead Worlds?"

"Anything and everything." I said simply, deciding to use my Assistant to try and contact Lillinette since she was also given one. "Cause I'd rather not go in blind on something brand new."

"Well, Dead Worlds are classified into several sub categories. Worlds with a habitable atmosphere but the resident life forms of Intelligence underwent a mass extinction are known as Silent Worlds. Worlds with a deadly atmosphere after a mass extinction event are known as Decaying Worlds. Worlds that have completely been blasted, broken or ECT into pieces are known as Corpse Worlds. Lastly, the ones where one of the three happened but remnants of it's resident life forms survived are called Survivor Worlds."

“Oh, that’s what you meant…I thought you were talking about ‘Dead Worlds’ being more so like Hueco Mundo or the Soul Society, worlds where the dead reside as the undead in some intelligent way shape or form.”

"No, nothing like that. Most of the Dead Worlds we research the cultures left behind and take DNA samples for cloning and if we're lucky a successful clone comes out with most of their memories intact."

“Huh…” I said. “That’s…rather interesting.” I added, thinking literal cloning of long dead civilizations was kinda cool.

"Yes, well Changeling DNA is quite useful in filling in the blanks on DNA but that's where the holes in memories come from." Polka admitted.

“That’s really cool.”

"It is, I suppose." She nodded. "If recolonizing and repopulation of their home world isn't possible we mine what's useful and test out the more dangerous experiments there."

“I…suppose that makes sense.” I nodded. “If it’s a completely barren wasteland with no life on it…might as well see what happens with a lot of dangerous shit.”

"Yes. It's largely weapons testing. Nothing we'd use here though. Looking through dimensions and acknowledging the All Makers existence, there's worse things that exist out there than whatever is going on here at home."

“I’ve met the one that would make those ‘worse things’...” I said carefully. “Threatened a Cero Super Shotgun blast at her…then realized it would do literally nothing to her…”

"All Maker Pain?" She asked.

“Yes.” I nodded. “She also gave me dating advice through a warning…”

With a nod Polka lead me silently to another building. Once there we were given wristbands and she asked for a specific Dead World. A Silent World called Equis 8870987.

Walking through the portal I was in Ponyville… or what was left of it. Everything around us was broken, burned or stained in blood so old.

“What in god’s name happened here?” I asked.

"The All Makers, from what we can tell. Pain mostly, but this Equis seems to have failed at their… final battle."

“Who…was the hero here?” I asked nervously.

"From what we found their name was Megan. She was an Elf, actually. "

“Huh, that’s interesting.” I nodded. “Well…that must really suck for all these people.”

"What people? It's a Silent World Starrk. Nobody intelligent is left Alive."

“Fine, it really sucked for the people that were alive.” I corrected myself. “So…right now it’s just me and Lillinette training here?”

"You right now. I figured you can test out your Cero stuff here. Everything here in the Ponyville area has been cleared and cataloged and the… dead have been cremated and placed within a proper resting place."

“That’s good.” I nodded. “Alright…let’s start learning how to use Cero by myself…” I muttered, bringing out my hand and trying to focus on creating that sphere of Reishi.

I managed to manafest the energy but not shape it. As I was doing all this I noticed Polka was looking through various ruins.

“Whatcha looking for?” I asked, trying to shape the energy growing in my hands.

"I'm cataloging. Examining and organizing the objects. It's actually amazing that on a subatomic level it's all the same but from atomic and up it gets more and more different."

“That’s interesting.” I said, trying to figure out how to shape my growing Cero. “How is it different if I may ask?”

"Well, Subatomic wise they're all the same partials, but on the atomic scale those atoms are shaped differently, ever slightly. And their structure too. Even organic cells differ. Yet they all take the same shape at this… Scale of life."

“Understandable.” I nodded, still trying to shape this stupid thing. “Jeez, shaping pure energy is a bitch…”

"Normally you'd need a bonding agent to shape the raw energy into a tangible form and shape. Our studies show that gasses, liquids and all that can work."

“And sadly Reishi, or Spirit Energy, are neither of those things…” I frowned, feeling the growing power from this thing. “And sooner or later, I’m gonna be able to machine gun this crap…that’s gonna be fun…”

"All energy is that, energy."

“Fair.” I nodded, pointing the growing energy into a direction away from Polka and away from most of the debris and let it loose, a massive beam of energy firing off into the horizon and cracking the ground underneath me. “Right…” I muttered, not feeling at all tired from that massive blast.

"Well, is there an element of sorts you are linked to?"

“Not that I know of.” I answered. “Cause all I know is that I’m linked to Wolves due to my Resurrección but…after that not sure.” I shrugged.

"Hmm… well, you are an undead, and from what I remember from the Bleach Manga… hmm… bones…"

“I’m also a Gunslinger in my second form.” I brought up.

"That's not an element, that is a combat style. I'm thinking you might be able to utilize Carbon or Calcium mineral's to act as a structure or frame."

“Well, that’s just in case it might bring something up.” I shrugged. “So, Carbon or Calcium huh? I’m weirdly thinking you’re going to make me summon a Gaster Blaster or something.”

"If you do, that's amazing."

“I mean, it would be pretty fucking cool if I did.” I chuckled. “But I’m going to have to learn from some actual master’s to learn this stuff.”

"That's fair."

I nodded. “So, what hobbies are you into?” I decided to ask, trying to make some small talk as I tried to form another Cero.

"Well, like all my people I enjoy research and study. But I also enjoy entertainment. I've also found enjoyment in some visual arts and casual sex."

“Uh…” I started. “Why mention…casual sex as openly as you did?”

"A girl's got needs. Mine are a bit more… exotic~" Polka said, giving me a wink before looking back through her scavenged items.

I stared at her, trying to process the fact that she was practically flirting with me all of a sudden. “Uh…huh…”

"Relax, I don't bite. Unless it's on the table~ but I am just flirting. Besides, based on that reaction I can already tell there's someone you're with."

“I mean…” I started. “I was told there are Harem’s in Equestria, but I haven’t heard someone be…open and flirty with me besides two people in my life…” I sighed out. “One that’s back in our worlds Ponyville…and one I don’t think I’ll ever see again sadly…” I explained bitterly. “Plus…honestly never heard someone practically ask me ‘if you want to fuck all you have to do is ask politely’...”

"Being flirty is fun, and frankly sex is a part of biology. The fact so many cultures and religions outlaw it because of some higher deity's. Mortal entities were built to sexually reproduce. Well, most. And besides, we evolve to enjoy the act in effort to want to. And in the end majority of God's we have met both back home and in other dimentions all could care less about one anothers sex lives."

“Right then.” I nodded. “I suppose I’m not used to sex being talked about this casually before… considering I also…” I shook my head, not wanting to mention that little lack of experience.

"Oh, oh you're inexperienced!" Polka said with a gasp. "Apologies. Had I known, well, odds are I'd still have put the offer on the table but I'd also have been gentler~"

“I’d also ask for a date first.” I said honestly. “I maybe a depressed dumpster fire of a person, but I still at least try to be a decent person.”

"And I have blown someone after meeting them in less than five minutes." Polka added, making me blush. "Wow, so an undead can blush~"

“Listen…” I started. “This is getting…way off topic…” I started, trying not to get too embarrassed by all of this. “Never thought I’d be having this conversation…” I sighed. “I mean, while you are beautiful…I’m saving myself for Derpy…and if Harem’s are a real thing in this world and people aren’t lying to me…”

"Ahhhhh. Well, they are and fair enough. I can wait. Hm, never tried being in a harem before. Orgies sure but a harem… if all goes well with the diplomats I might just move myself to Ponyville."

“Really?” I asked in surprise. “Well…that would be really cool and…I’m not sure if you're talking about me in this ‘joining a harem’ bit…” I said, knowing I was mentioning it but not sure if this Changeling would bother with me romantically as we’re more so friends at this point.

"Well, what do you think I mean?"

“You joining someone that isn’t a complete and total mess of a person?” I said nervously. “Cause I may not…entirely act like it, but I…have a lot of problems.” I admitted.

"I find most problems can be helped by a lot of effort and sweat~"

“Hardwork and determination…and considering how flirty you are…new bed sheets.” I chuckled.

"Makes me happy I have smooth chitten. Last time I was with a pony or fur covered creature it took them a while to clean up properly~"

“Oh my god…” I muttered, not entirely sure how I’ve been keeping this energy sphere intact this entire time but all the sudden lewd thoughts are not helping.

It took a while before Lillinette showed up, and we trained for several hours. All the while Polka Dot was either talking or flirting. Or both.

In the end I wasn't able to shape the energy into much else aside a sphere. I was rather red faced and Lillinette was laughing pretty hard.

“Yeah yeah, shush you.” I grumbled, lightly smacking Lilinette on the head to stop her from laughing.

"I'm sorry, but she's awesome." Lillinette said. "I really hope she moves to Ponyville after the diplomatic crap is over with."

“So you can see what flirty nonsense she does to me and Derpy?” I asked.

"Yes." She admitted with a nod.

“Hate you…” I grumbled. “So, did you meet anyone special while we were here? Or do you have your eyes only on Spike?”

"Why would I have eyes on Spike? He's like, ten."

“And technically, so are you.” I said honestly. “Also, you two look adorable together.”

"I'm the same age as you. Dating him would be very very wrong Starrk."

“Honestly? I really doubt that cause…” I started, wincing a little as I rubbed my head. “Ow…” I groaned in pain. “Come on…one time I try to remember a thing, and sudden pain is my answer…” I grumbled, still hating how weirdly spotty some of my memories are. “But fine, I’ll stop that…”

"Thanks. I mean, Fuck if I told you to date Dinky you'd call me sick. That's how it feels with you talking about me and Spike dating."

“Again, I seriously doubt your my age, even if you came from my head…” I said. “And I can’t…fucking remember…” I growled. “Whatever, another thing for another time, so what have you been doing back in town?”

"I was formed around the same time you were born and was old enough to properly recall your memories to learn things. At minimum I'm a year younger than you."

“Something still doesn’t feel right about that…''I shook my head. “If you did, then why couldn’t I hear you until…” I hissed, clutching at my head again as the pain spiked. “Damn it…”

"Because that's not how mental health works. I mean, you hear your own thoughts in your head yet you hear a voice other than yours and then you're thrown in a padded room drugged into medicated stupidity."

“Therapist was certainly fine to explain to me why I had two voices in my head besides my own.” I frowned. “Cause suicidal depression is a hell of a thing when you have to bottle it all up with only like…five people in your entire life genuinely caring about your mental and emotional health.” I growled.

"Yeah well it was two against one and I didn't have a voice then. Technically wasn't even self aware til I popped into this body."

“If you say so…” I sighed out. “This sucks…” I grumbled, rubbing my temples a bit.

"So those Diplomats and such should be here now. Wanna wait around until everyone is gone until we head off or wanna head off now?”

“Well…should we be a part of their conversations?” I inquired.

“Not really. The diplomat stuff is between Silk and Canterlot. Probably for trade and travel and such.”

“Fair.” I nodded. “So let’s try to figure out more of our powers before we finally meet one of the Arrancars…hopefully it’s a friendly and not that rival.”

“Hopefully. So, anything you wanna do right now aside from that Polka Dot Changeling?”

“I’m saving that for Derpy.” I stated bluntly. “But…I kind of have an idea of what we can do…but I doubt it’ll work…and I really fear for what might happen…”

“Always worrying, always troubled. What’s up this time?”

“Seeing if we can actually perform our Resurrección or not.” I said honestly. “And part of that is me having to absorb you back into me since…well we’re supposed to be one person.”

“Huh. That does make me wonder if the complete form of us being one again will look different or not?”

“Nobody knows what Starrk and Lillinette truly looked like as a whole, even when they fused back together and released their full power, Starrk didn’t look too different.” I shrugged. “But the worrying bit is…if we do attempt that, will I be able to deactivate it, and if I can…will you come out afterwards?”

“I imagine. Whatever split us into these bodies wouldn’t leave us a means of not being individuals again.”

“Yeah…” I sighed. “I mean, we could probably ask Princess or one of them to split us back…but I doubt we’d have them all the time…”

“...Or we might?” Lillenette said, pointing towards Cherry Soda, who was walking with Fluffy on her back.

“So, this thing appeared on my back a day ago and has followed me through Griffonstone and back.” Cherry said, pointing towards Fluffy.

“Well, glad you found Fluffy.” I said, walking over and gently patting the floof noodle on the head. “So, how did thing’s go on your secret mission Cherry?”

“Good. Griffonstone is now an Equestrian Colony.” She said with a nod.

“Neat.” I nodded. “Now what ninja esc nonsense did you do to pull that off?”

"I appealed to their innermost desires. In short, Equestria bought Griffinstone. Griffins are about as greedy as dragons sometimes. Thankfully many are happy to take their bits and enjoy the work the new mines will bring in. Among other projects."

“Well…at least thing’s will hopefully look up for the Griffons.” I said honestly. “So hey Fluffy, mind helping me and Lillinette here?”

She held up a sign. 'Help with what?' it read.

“So me and Lillinette here are going to try out our Resurrección but we weren’t sure if we could…unfuse, so we’re gonna need your help to unfuse us if we can’t do that.”

'You should be able to defuse fine so long as the both of you keep your individual identities and personalities. While fusion does blend those as well, remembering they came from two different people is the key to unfusing.' Fluffy's sign read.

"But we were originally one person to begin with." Lillinette pointed out.

'While true, you've both developed more as individuals than before.'

“Still doesn’t help that…Lily here could lose said individuality while we’re fused…” I said carefully. “It’s not like normal fusion as far as I know…plus it’s not helped that there’s a difference between the anime and Manga, where in the Manga after they fuse Lillinette stops being a person, while in the anime she’s still around until…her final attack.”

'And this is neither.'

“Really?” I inquired. “How is it neither?”

'Are you two from an Anime or Manga?'

“Well…no technically?” I said carefully. “Since I used to be some depressed jack off and apparently she was apart of my mind when I was born…which again, feel’s weird cause I…coulda sworn it was different…”

'I know it's not that reassuring, but if Genie pulled her out of your head then I doubt he'd let her get stuck back in there so easily.'

“I mean…that’s fair.” I nodded. “But…better to be on the safe side with something we’ve never done before.” I said, gently putting my hand on Lillinette’s head. “Ready for this?”

"Nope, but that's never stopped you so fuck it, let's get it over with." Lillinette replied.

“Alright.” I nodded, as the first thing I tried to do was absorb Lillinette back into my being…somehow, and to even see if we can even use our ‘unleashed’ form. When I saw Lillinette vanish after a minute or so, I took a deep breath. ”You still here Lillinette?” I mentally asked her, hoping she was still here just in my head.

"Yeah. There's a lot more room in here." She responded.

”Not sure how mind scapes work so maybe.” I thought. “Alright…so let’s try this out…” I muttered, drawing my sword. “Kick about…” I chanted, both me and Lillinette suddenly feeling a weird shift in ourselves. “Los Lobos.” I said, only to feel a sudden rush of power erupt from my very core, and after maybe a couple of seconds it all stopped. “Okay…that felt weird…” I shook my head, looking down and seeing my new Twin Pistol’s in hand. “Well…at least we know we can actually do it.”

"Is it normal for you to also look like a bum?" Cherry asked.

“Bitch I look great in this.” I countered. “And if you think this outfit looks like a ‘bum’ then I don’t want to know what outfits your into.” I said, looking over my neat outfit lined with wolf fur.

"I'm a pony. We usually don't wear clothes so, can't judge your attire. Was talking about your hair though."

“It only grew maybe half an inch.” I huffed. “Yo, Lillinette, how you feeling?” I asked, looking to my guns to see if she was still there.

"A bit nostalgic, a bit bored- Hey so that's where that went!"

Before I could question what she was talking about I suddenly heard the familiar click and ding of a Gameboy turning on and starting up… how?

“Hold the fuck up what!?” I snapped. “When the shit is that allowed?”

"What? You have a lot of attachment to your old game stuff. Is it that surprising I have a mental construct of it made from your memories?" Lillinette asked, the familiar noise of Pokemon Gold's start menu playing.

“A little yes.” I stated. “So…now I just need to figure out how to turn back…”

'Just say Fusion Down.' Fluffy's sign read.

“Uh…alright.” I started. “Fusion Down."

In an unceremonious poof of air and fog I was back to normal and Lillinette was sitting down next to me… somehow still holding that Game Boy… "Cool." She said with a nod as she continued to play it.

“Oh my god…” I muttered. “Well…at least we don’t need to worry about that for…a good portion of the time.”

"So, are you two heading for Griffinstone now?" Cherry asked.

"Might as well." Lillinette shrugged.

“Really should.” I nodded. “Need to get to Stripper’s Pass, and at least try and find that Arrancar… hopefully he’s in Griffinstone and not in some random ass cave in the middle of bumfuck nowhere in the Griffon Empire.”

"Griffon Empire?" Cherry asked.

“Sorry, Kingdom.” I said. “Or…well, now it’s part of Equestria at this point…” I sighed. “Just have a lot on my mind right now…”

"Well, I guess the old capital ruins are now part of Equestria." She said with a shrug.

“Either way.” I shrugged. “Still have a lot of shit to do.”

It was a long walk to Griffinstone. But it was Peaceful.

A Manticore appeared out of nowhere and tried to attack, but it looked at Fluffy then ran away making panicked cat noises.

Was honestly funny.

Finally arriving at Griffinstone, we were greeted by what I can only define as a third world country town, complete with dilapidated buildings, cracked and broken roads, and a population struggling to make it day to day.

"Yeesh. And you said this was once their capital?" Lillinette asked as Cherry nodded.

“This is…absolutely terrible…” I said bitterly. “But…hey, at least they’re under new management that’ll help them through everything.”

"Begrudgingly." Cherry added.

“Begrudgingly?” I frowned.

"Modern Griffons don't really do help or cooperation. They just care about the bits and that's it. There's a reason this place looks like shit and it's not because of the shortage of bits or the lack of government authority."

“Then what about those two?” I inquired, pointing to two griffoness’s, a white feathered griffon with purple flecks on their chest and brown fur, and the other one being a dark blueish grey feathered griffoness with matching fur color. “Those two look like decent enough people…especially the blue one, she looks like she had a little too much caffeine.”

"They're kids and orphans. Don't know about the older one but I doubt they're related."

“Probably.” I said honestly. “But…hopefully the children and teen’s can be better off with this…where they can learn to cooperate and be friend’s and not be greedy and self centered…”

"Maybe, but I'm not here to set up a school for friendship." Cherry huffed.

We walked through the town and eventually made our way to the place… Stripper Pass…

Sweet Jesus…

The noise from the wind was defining. The twisters were filled with dust and sharp rock fragments and shrapnel.

I could make out maybe nine twisters and that's from what I can see.

“Alright…so I need to find the strongest part, and strike where the powers clash…” I said, even though the wind’s were stupidly fast and there was a lot of shrapnel, what few somehow strayed towards me pinked off without any harm.

"And how will you do that?" Lillinette asked.

“Find the point where all the wind’s are slamming into each other,” I pulled out my sword. “And then smack it as hard as I can.”

"It looks like there's multiple given there's that many twisters blowing in such a small space." Cherry noted. "Which one are you supposed to hit?"

“Well…” I started, thinking for a moment before pulling out my Assistant. “Let’s ask the know’s everything computer on my arm…” I said, trying to find where it’ll tell me the specific’s about this place.

There are^6 Quintillion results for Strippers Pass.

And of course it's useless…

“For fucks sake…” I growled. “Alright, gonna do something stupid, be right back.” I said while jumping into the raging storms.

Right as I touched the winds I felt something. An unexpected force. It pushed me back onto the cliff edge. That… wasn't normal wind?

“Hold up.” I started. “This isn’t normal wind…” I hummed, before taking my sword and slashing down towards the unseen force, wanting to see if it was indeed either normal wind or some weird magical force.

It was indeed some magical force… rather identical to my own…

“Alright, so this isn’t normal wind.” I said honestly.

“Then what is it?” Lillinette asked.

“This is directed by Reishi…” I answered carefully. “So…might as well make an attempt with something new…” I said, letting slip more of my power as the ground lightly shook before I slashed down at the barrier keeping us out to try and force past it.

It hit the barrier but the energy was absorbed by the winds.

"Well, that failed." Lillinette said with a click of her tongue.

I felt a tug at my leg. Looking down I spotted Fluffy there. I think she's asking to be… picked up?

“Alright you.” I said, gently picking up Fluffy. “Is this for pet’s or to help us?”

She gave a nod and quickly slithered down my arm, wrapping herself gentle around my neck like a scarf… wow her fur along her snake half is extremely soft!

I then felt her hands grip my temples and then felt… something. It was like a pressure but not exactly that. I felt Reishi flow into my eyes and… woah…

The world around me turned into an almost Negative like perception, but I could see physical outlines of everything and everyone. I saw some glowing mass inside Cherry, Lillinette, though hers is way bigger and… off, different from Cherry.

Fluffy then forced by gaze back towards the Pass. In the center of all the twisters and winds I spotted it… a Griffin? They were sitting right in the middle of all of it, and the energy glow I saw from them was like Lillinette, but way more… pure, whole and stronger.

“Whoa-kay…now that’s kinda cool.” I said. “But there’s a Griffon down there…our Arrancar.” I said carefully, gently petting Fluffy for helping me. “Alright, so how the hell do we get to them?”

Fluffy then pointed my head around. I noticed something. Thin, concentrated lines of Reishi energy were along the barriers of each of the twisters… and they all met up at the central one right above the Griffin. That's it!

"So that's how it works…" I muttered. "Alright, I know what we're gonna have to do."

I pulled out my sword, charging it with a Cero as I leapt into the air. I poured as much as I could Into my blade, and once I was above the central twister, I swung.

The explosion was actually less spectacular than you'd think. Really it was just a clashing of the energies then all the twisters quickly faded away into light winds.

I landed right in front of the Griffin. They were rather old, it seemed. Dark greyish feathers along his face and neck, a red-brown color of his fur and his claws and beak were the color of gold. His eyes, a brilliant orange, and part of his mask covering the top of his beak.

I also noticed his holes. Two, one in his neck and another right in his chest, a lot like mine.

"So… there are more… like me…" He spoke, his voice sounded prideful, wise and seemed to demand attention and respect despite his tired, worn tone of voice. "How upsetting…" They sighed.

"There are at least five of you on this planet." I said. "My name is Coyotte Starrk…and I'm here for your help."

"My help? Don't make me laugh. I can't even help my people… what help could I offer you?" They asked.

"Huh. I thought you looked familiar." Cherry said as she and Lillinette finally walked down and arrived next to me. "You're the last King of Griffinstone, King Grover, aren't you?"

"Not anymore." He sighed. "Now, I'm just a corpse that refuses to rest. And not for lack of trying."

"You are an Arrancar, the highest form of Hollow there is.” I stated bluntly. “While I can only imagine how rough it is to be this long lived and still see your empire turn to shit, you still have the experience, knowledge, and power to help your people here and now.”

"I couldn't help them then. What makes you think now will be any different? I chased that beast for miles to retrieve the idol that united my people, only for it to bite into my flesh like I was prey." He said, moving his talons over his two holes. "Next thing I knew, I woke up like this. The creature was dead and long since decayed, and my empire… less than a shadow of it's glory…"

"You woke up and everything was already as it is now…" Cherry noted.

"It had been two hundred years, and to me, it was but a blink. Like waking up from sleep." Grover said. "I did try to rally them. They mocked me. Said I was clinging to failed ideals of glory and valor, that I'd end up dead like the last King… they weren't wrong. Everywhere I went, the same thing. I found myself here, practiced the abilities I discovered I had… and used them to stay here…"

"You isolated yourself… why?"

"They do not want a king anymore. They only want their gold."

"What about the idol?"

Grover chuckled. "A fake. Held no magic like many believed, was just a decoration I made to symbolize our unity. Now, it, like us, is broken and resting in the dark. Dead and not even buried in a grave deep enough to cover it."

“So the better part is, why not grab the idol and rally your people again?” I inquired. “Bring back the pride of the Griffon Kingdom, show that Gold doesn’t mean jackshit compared to actual hardwork, fellowship, and honest good feeling’s?” I asked. “Cause if the Idol wasn’t magic…then that just proves that Griffon’s are better than their Greed, they’re better than their baser urges…you basically proved that Griffon’s don’t need Gold or monetary gains through a fucking Placebo Effect.”

"How can I, after that failure, after becoming this… undead thing? A ruler should be amongst the living, not the dead."

“Explaining to you what you truly are will take forever and a half.” I shook my head. "But right now, you have experience, wisdom, and talent to prove to the people of the Griffon Kingdom that Gold doesn’t mean shit, you don’t even need to be a ruler to be honest.” I said honestly. “And all we need to do is find that Idol, and show what you can really do.”

"That idol can stay where I left it, next to the remains of that beast." He huffed, turning around and looking away from us.

“And you’re not going to stay here wallowing away in self pity because you failed once.” I growled. “You have another chance to prove Griffon’s are better.”

"I tried, or did you forget where they mocked and ridiculed me when I was telling you?"

“And was that before or after you went searching for the Idol?” I asked.


“So why didn’t you bring the idol back?” I asked. “Why did you just leave it there when Griffon’s were literally better people because of a Placebo Effect?”

"Maybe it has something to do with finding out I woke up with a hole in my neck and chest, no pulse, no heartbeat and suddenly having the ability to create tornadoes and gale force winds strong enough to deforest the land with a sneeze? It's not like waking up as this undead thing came with instructions. I was just making sure I was even, well, me for a while before wondering if I was in purgatory or something else."

“Trust me, you're not in purgatory or something else.” I said. “You’re now technically one of the strongest being’s on the planet.” I shrugged. “Here, if being a king again won’t help…did you have family?”

"I did, but waking up two hundred years later… no one even remembered their names. Their fates, lost to time. For all I knew, they died looking for me."

“Fluffy, can I use my Assistant to do some weird Ancestry nonsense on him?” I asked my fluffy scarf curiously.

She slithered off my head and neck, down my arm and began tapping my Assistant. After a short few seconds a bean shot out, Scanning Grover before then seeming to scan the general area of… either this area or the planet.

When all that flashy stuff ended she held up a sign. 'Five living descendants.'

“So, you have five living descendants.” I answered. “Five children that you can help make their lives a whole lot better.”

'According to this only one is a child. The rest are adults.' Fluffy's sign said.

“Right…” I said. “Comparatively, but you have five still living descendants…I’m pretty sure one of them is still searching for you or the idol.”

"Doubtful." He sighed. He remained silent for a while. Clearly thinking this information over. "What could I even teach you?"

“A lot of things.” I said honestly. “History, family, hell, you can even teach the five of them to start building a better Griffon Kingdom.” I explained. “Show them the ways a real Griffon would do things, not one clouded by greed or anger, but one that takes pride in themselves and their work, show them the future you were working so hard to create.”

"Yeah, save for the fact Griffinstone is now an Equestrian Colony." Cherry reminded.

"Is it now?" Grover asked.

"Yup. Not to long ago they sold the entire place for a few million bits."

"Ah. Sounds like them." He shrugged.

“I was hoping not to bring that up…” I sighed. “But here’s a thing you can do, talk to Celestia and Luna about this, try to figure out something…and help me fight against monsters and demon’s that are ready and willing to destroy everything.”

"I'd rather not rule again, all things considered. But what monsters do you speak of?"

Before I could reply, Fluffy snapped her fingers. Illusions of Andy, Anne, Nightmare Moon, Demon, Pain, and several of the monsters they spawned and that one weird freaky one I fought for information.

"Oh, well, that is unsettling." Grover said with a nod as Fluffy disbanded the illusions. "Hm, and I can fight those things?"

“Yes you can.” I nodded. “As well as help me learn how to use mine and Lillinette’s powers better, since you have a lot more experience than we do…plus whatever new Wind based abilities we just got from this little adventure.”

"Hm. I suppose I don't exactly have anything better to do with my cursed undead existence."

“Fair enough.” I nodded. “And maybe one day we’ll figure out how to get you your final rest.”


I nodded. “So, want to find your descendants?”

"No… frankly, I think it better if I don't. I'd rather not get attached and want to live."

Equestrian shipments and such were here now. Every griffin was getting bits, and supplies to rebuild the town first then work on reopening the mines.

They were mostly happy to get the bits.

I was walking around town and spotted a younger Griffin sitting in a broken slab of what was once Grover's castle. It was just ruins now.

“Hey.” I said to the young griffon. “How you doing today?”

"... I was gonna say to fly off but what in the name of The Egg are you?" They asked me, looking at me with wide eyes.

“My name's Coyote Starrk, and I’m…an Arrancar.” I said honestly. “Who are you if I may ask?”

The young blue and light khaki colored griffon raised a brow at my question. "Gallus? What's it to you?"

“Well, just curious as to why you’re here by yourself near the ruin’s of a castle.”

"Well, I squat here. Mostly." He said. "Lot of older griffon's recommended it from their youths. It's mostly dry so, better than nothing."

“Sounds about right.” I nodded, walking over and sitting down on another empty slab of masonry. “So, what do you think about Griffnstone being bought out by Equestria?”

"Means at some point some pony is gonna show up and probably take me to some foster care system where I'll be till I'm an adult cause ponies are notorious Xenophobics."

“That’s…weird.” I said. “Cause they weren’t xenophobic to me, only reason why I was put in jail was because they thought I was setting a historical site on fire when it was a harmless signal fire.” I shrugged.

"Really, well, lucky you." He huffed. "Is there a reason you're talking to me?"

“Well, just wanted to talk.” I said honestly. “Then you mentioned you might be thrown into a bad foster care system…so might as well cut out the depressing middle man.”

Gallus looked back at me, his brow raised again. "Oh, I know what this is. Sorry, but no. I'm not looking to become some rich perverts sex pet." I nearly fell off my slab. "I mean, I know it worked out for Grezelda, but I'm not into that. I try to leave selling myself as a last resort option."

“Okay so first off,” I lightly bonked the griffon’s head. “No, and I am legitimately insulted that that was your first thought.” I started. “Two, I’m not rich, even if I’m going to be paid a lot by the Crown, three, I already have a girlfriend and…soon to be second one, and three, I was trying to ask you to be my son, not some disgusting bullshit you’re thinking of.”

"... And I'm supposed to take your word because…? This happens all the time here. Some rich foren pervert shows up, picks up a street kid and they go on to become their perverted plaything either for life or til they're adults and get sent off with a fair amount of bits to stay quiet. So pardon my suspicion…"

“I understand.” I nodded. “But let’s point out some facts, firstly, you think I look rich?” I asked. “Two, Grover would be right pissed if I did that to one of his descendants, and three…what do you want me to say or do to prove I’m not lying?”

"First, I dunno, your species is new to me but your clothes do look well made. Two, who the hell is Grover, and three, I dunno. Can anyone vouch for you?"

“Fair, the King of Griffon’s two hundred years ago, and I have plenty that can vouch for me.” I said simply.

"Two Hundred years? The last Griffon King died like eight hundred years ago." Gallus stated.

Oh… shit, he was six hundred years in the self isolated death trap he made? Damn…

“Jesus christ that asshole isolated himself for six hundred years?” I muttered. “Wow…okay that’s…even more depressing than what he told me…”

But that does also explain why Stripper Pass is so well known…

"So… why are you trying to… adopt me exactly?" He asked, saying the word, Adopt, as if it was something new in his vocabulary.

“Because you need a new, better life than this.” I said simply, motioning to the still destroyed area. “You need a life where things actually are better, where you can have friends and family care about you, not just physically or what have you, but to make sure you grow up mentally and emotionally sound, make sure you’re happy and not either a greedy sociopath like some other griffons…or you going through what I had to when I was your age.”

He looked at me skeptically. "And… what do you get out of this…?"

I sighed. Then again this kid has lived his whole life in such a shit hole world where his only outs are through… physical depravity or worse. Their whole society has been that way for possibly the full eight hundred years… how can I get through to him that-

"You'll be his student." Gallus and I both looked over at Cherry Soda, who took this moment to walk in. "In exchange for being his 'son' you'll be training in various sword and combat styles from home, your 'aunt' Lillinette, or myself."

"Oh. Why didn't you say so?" Gallus asked me.

I rubbed my temples. “God damn it…” I grumbled. “Because so far I’ve only talked to Ponies, who are more ‘emotionally’ inclined with talking, and the only griffon I’ve talked to has been isolating himself for six hundred years.”

"Okay?" Gallus said.

"Relax, I'll explain some things to him. You just gather whatever things you do own and meet us by one of the Zeppelin's." Cherry said.

With a nod Gallus flew off.

Cherry sighed. "You really don't get Griffon culture."

“It’s almost like I wasn’t told jack shit about their culture, and I’ve only talked to one fucking griffon before Gallus.” I answered spitefully. “Gee, who woulda thunk it?”

"Fair enough." Cherry shrugged. "It's simple. Nothing here comes free. Ever since the empire fell it's been every griffin for themselves. If it costs you bits you can't afford, it's not worth it. It's why there are so many orphans here. Once an egg has hatched a mother Griffoness typically only cares for the young until the maternal instincts from hatching the egg wear off and then toss them to the streets. No one here expects anything for free, it's why he wasn't believing you when you just openly offered him a better life. If there's no strings attached then he's gonna be suspicious."

“Good lord…” I sighed out. “This is all sorts of terrible…”

"That's just what happens when there's no governing authority in power. Even when there is it's hard to keep everyone on their feet, but anything is better than this."

“Grover had six hundred years to fix this…” I started. “But…hopefully Celestia and Luna can help fix this…”

"That's Luna's plan."

"Good to know." I nodded, hoping for a better life for these people.

To be continued...