• Published 6th May 2016
  • 6,631 Views, 30 Comments

Lone wolf in Equestria - Xinrick

A depressed man is forced to have friends...sadly that depressed man is me.

  • ...

Final Battle

I stomped through the thick ice and snow. It was hard to see but that didn’t stop me. The cold was reaching temperatures so below zero you might as well be in the vacuum of space, but I hardly felt it.

Through the endless slow and clearing, it was once a grand field, full of fruit trees, various food bearing plants and in the center, a large frozen over lake that was now likely frozen from top to bottom, as were every plant here, frozen all the way to their cells and preserved in time through the ice.

Standing atop the ice of the lake, was Nightmare.

“Nightmare…” I growled, ready to face against this fucker.

Starrk.” She purred.

“Today is the day you finally die, as you will no longer torture lives for your sick enjoyment.” I growled, as me, Claire and Lilynette drew our swords and were at the ready to murder this asshole.

“Maybe, but if today is my final day, then I’ll make sure there’s more than enough fun to last me through the afterlife.” She cackled.

“You’ll pay for what you’ve done you arrogant bitch!” Claire snapped, as she rushed forward, shifting into her Capricorn Knight form and thrusting her double sided jousting spear at Nightmare.

“And just like that, the fun being.” Nightmare said with a grin, as the spear was blocked by a pure Wall of Shadow’s, energy crackling between the shield and the lance before both leaped away.

“Well, I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised since we’re fighting a god…” I said carefully, lunging past Claire with Lillinette and slamming into another barrier again, pushing Nightmare back as they had a shit eating grin.

“Do you know how long it’s been since I last had a good fight? How long it’s been since someone could give me a challenge!?” Nightmare asked like a deranged lunatic, drawing twin swords and letting out a flurry of strikes against the both of us without a care in the world for defense.

“Christ lady, ever thought about getting some dick instead of destroying worlds?” Lily asked, parrying and trying to shoot a Cero at Nightmare but they quickly deflected it with relative ease.

”None of you can understand my sexual preferences and if you even dared to understand you won’t be able to get it up no matter how hard you tried.” Nightmare answered.

“Tentacles and BDSM isn’t that nightmarish.” I rolled my eyes, deflecting their attack and bringing out my Super Shotgun filled with Cero Bullets and blasted the whore away from us. “And let me tell you, some of the shit I’ve seen would make that tame.”

Sadly Nightmare looked rather unscathed as they tried to take a swing at us again, but Claire was quicker and managed to stab them with her lance, knocking them back as I dive kicked them in the head and Lily ducking underneath and blasting them with a powerful point blank Cero, causing a massive explosion that threw them away from us…but a worrying feeling rolled down my spine…

Because that bitch was laughing.

“YES! This is exactly what I’ve been wanting!” Nightmare laughed, disbanding their blades and shoving their hands under the frozen lake, grabbing and ripping out…Andy and Ann…

They…they both looked like absolute shit, not even my ass whooping made them look that bad.

“Pl-please…help…us…” Andy pleaded weakly, his body twitching with bluish green energy as his body seemed to be trying to process…whatever the hell Nightmare did.

“W-we-we’re…sorry…” Ann said, trying to raise a hand up to get some help. “W-we had to…please…we don’t want to die…”

They…they were crying…actually, genuinely crying and begging for my help…

“Aww~, isn’t that adorable!” Nightmare laughed as the three of us heard…the bone chilling screams of those two as…Nightmare ate both of them…”Such sweet despair, suffering from the frozen Lake of Life, their bodies gifted by the All Makers that they could withstand even a fraction of the planet’s life energies, something so poisonous to our race…and now it’s mine!” Nightmare hissed as their body started to morph.

“KILL IT!” I snapped, absorbing Lily and activating my Resurreccion as I threw out a Double Cero Machine Gun and Claire ate one of my Cero’s and threw the Lance at Nightmare and fired a Double Cero at Nightmare in hopes of killing them before shit goes wrong.

As the dust and ice settled, what appeared wasn't a beast, or some amalgamation of bone and darkness, but an Alicorn, tall, strong, with bone white eyes and razor sharp teeth, bone like protrusions taking shape of armor as she held the skulls of Andy and Ann as shield and sword…

"Okay, why do you need to look hot?" I asked incredulously.

"Life, my dear boy. It's power is unmatched, both in the physical," Nightmare said, letting her weapons float as she…sensually moved her hands around her rather voluptuous female form. "And the magical, and what better way to have some fun than murdering you as your hidden kink."

"...Wow, you still have that dommy mommy kink?" Lily asked me as I blushed brightly.

"Oi! Only woman being a dommy mommy to the cute ghost pupper is me!" Claire stated bluntly.

"Can we not talk about my sexual fantasies when the date of the world is on the line!?" I asked incredulously.

"Right, maybe I should get some canera's so this can be a live event, I'm sure my new pet would just love to be watched~." Nightmare tauntingly purred.

I sputtered. "You are speaking forbidden knowledge here lady!"

"And I don't take kindly to people I don't like flirting with my man!" Claire snapped. "Descend! Fallen Capricorn!" She shouted as she lunged forward, shifting into her second form and thrusting her spear towards Nightmare, who blocked it rather quickly with her new shield.

"...Oh can you not!? That's our enemy, not a fantasy of Nightmare being dommed by Claire with a co-" I immediately smacked both pistols together to cease her illegal talking. "Oi!"

"Your speaking privileges have been revoked!" I said quickly, going back to focusing on the fight and prepared to join in when I had the chance.

They clashed multiple times, each time they separated I tried to get some potshots in but they blocked or deflected them rather easily, as the three of us now were on the back foot, even with Claire’s new form she was hard pressed.

“...Starrk…I have an idea.” I heard Lily say.

“Oh no you don’t.” I said carefully. “You are not doing that.”

“If it’ll give us a chance then I’m willing to take it.” Lily said as my guns started to glow, my bandoliers turning into spirit wolves on their own. “I’m sorry Starrk…but…you’re finally happy, I’m not needed anymore.”

“Oh like hell you are!” I snapped, trying to stop this from happening as the wolves flew off.

“I’m glad…you saw me as a little sister…” Lillinette said as the twenty wolves bit down on Nightmare as she was more distracted with blocking desperate attacks from Claire. “Goodbye…and tell your kids all about me.”

“Lillinette!” I shouted, rushing towards her to stop this but…me and Claire were knocked back from the massive explosion. “SIS!” I screamed in panic.

“No…no it can’t be…” Claire said breathlessly, seeing Lily just…sacrifice herself like that.

I growled, clenching my fists…but…

I tried to lunge to Claire’s side, I tried to protect her…Nightmare, burned and scratched…had their sword through Claire’s chest.

“Oh~, what sweet suffering.” Nightmare purred, pulling the blade out and kicking Claire to the side.

“CLAIRE!” I shouted, lunging at Nightmare only to get back handed away.

“Oh shut up you pitiful mutt.” Nightmare hissed. “Your sympathy, your ‘love’, it makes me sick.” Nightmare growled, turning back to Clare who reverted back to her normal human form. “And when your sick, you should do things to help you feel better.” Nightmare said, raising their blade up.

NO!” I shouted, vanishing and slamming my fist into Nightmares face as I sent them flying in a fit of rage. “You will never hurt anyone again!” I roared in rage as the Hogyoku floated up near me as I grabbed it. “Howl!”

“No!” Nightmare shouted, lunging at me to stop my ascension.

“Lobo Solitario!” I shouted, feeling my entire body explode in power, as I wasn't sure the full look of my new form, but I felt power, flames of my own spirit power spiraling around me as I now held two one handed Henry lever action rifles. “I’m done…playing your games…fueling your bullshit…you are going to die here and now!” I shouted, raising my gun and firing a powerful Cero at the whore, them trying to block but I saw their Shield shatter and take their arm with it.

Nightmare screamed in pain as their arm regenerated. “You think you can defeat me with your petty bullshit!? I am Nightmare! I am a God!”

“And I don’t give a shit.” I growled, stepping closer to them. “Cause all I smell is your Fear and your End.” I growled, raising my gun’s again.

“NO!” She snapped, as I felt something grab me. “I will not lose to a stupid mutt when I’m about to reign supreme!” She screamed, as I saw a portal open and I was pulled straight into it.

I opened my eyes and looked around, seeing a world of pure darkness, floating pieces of land lazily moving around the emptiness here, as I saw many, many pairs of pure white piercing eyes staring at me in the void. “Alright, where’s the whore?” I growled

“Right here.” I whipped around and looked…up…and up…

“I see you are overcompensating.” I said simply, vanishing backwards as a massive fist like shade came crashing down onto the spot of land I was on.


“Was I not being clear enough?” I asked. “Here, let me fix that, you an oversized waste of my time and energy throwing a hissy fit because you were so close to your ultimate goal, but you just went and pissed me off and all I smell is your Death!”

“YOU UNDERSTAND NOTHING!” Nightmare roared as they swung down at me, even with their new size they were still rather fast, but I was much, much faster as I jumped back and blasted a hole in their hand, causing them to shout in pain even as the wound quickly recovered.

“You’re no God, you’re just a pathetic parasite that kept piggybacking off of other people’s strengths.” I said, lunging forward and grabbing onto their arm and biting down on it hard, as the darkness that made up their form was siphoned off as I felt a soul in it as I yanked it out Ann, seeing her spirit fall to the ground, where she had a small bite mark on her as…I noticed that she smelled and tasted…Innocent…

“NO!” Nightmare screamed, reaching after Ann as I bit into their other hand, ripping out Andy as…he also had the same scent and taste of Pure Innocence…

“Neither of you deserve that innocence…” I growled, even though the two of them were unconscious I still needed to get that off my chest. “Now, back the fugliest of ducklings.” I growled, as I felt my power pouring out of me and forming into much larger guns.

“I AM GOD! I WILL BATHE THE REALM’S IN TRUE DARKNESS!” The frantic, enraged being roared, them being once calm and collected, but I could tell in their eyes how everything they planned going to absolute shit has enraged them beyond capacity.

“You threatened my old world, you threatened my home, you attacked my loved one’s and caused them to either die or suffer grievous injuries…” I growled, as I raised my guns and the other giant guns behind me. “You are no God, you will never be a God, and I WILL DEVOUR YOUR SOUL!” I roared. “Revólver De Los Lobos!” I shouted, raising all my rifles and firing.




I kept firing and shouted in rage, the injuries to Claire, Lily blowing herself up…everything that this whore and her entire race caused to inflict as much pain on me I was giving back and more.

I panted, stopping my onslaught of gunfire, the dust settling and I finally saw Nightmare for what they truly were, a thin, small, sad excuse of a nightmare as it struggled to stay alive, but I walked up and put the barrel of my gun against it’s head. “Any last words?”

“Whoa there kiddo.” I heard, feeling all my fur stand on end…as I couldn’t help but groan at seeing someone I really didn’t want to.

“Pain…why?” I asked carefully, looking over to my Aunt who walked over and grabbed the Nightmare.

“Can’t I see my dear sweet nephew?” Pain asked, which caused a strangled, pained and confused noise to rush out of Nightmare. “Though I’m also here to see my daughter.”

“I’mma fucking kill her if you don’t get to the point.” I growled.

“Firstly, your lady and your sister aren’t dead.” Pain stated, which shocked the shit out of me mostly with Lily not being dead.

“E-excuse me?” I asked in surprise.

“You win, nephew.” She said simply, grabbing Nightmare. “And you…I still have use of you.”

“Hold on, before you take them away.” I said, looking at the weakened ‘god’. ”I want them to know one last thing, to haunt them for as long as they’ll live.” I said, before whistling an eerie tune as the guns slowly shifted into twin sickles, as I felt rather giddy about seeing their ‘eyes’ widened in horror. “And to make sure you suffer an even bigger dignity.” I said, grabbing both Andy and Ann…the two fuckers that have haunted by life ever since I was a child, making me suffer so much…

I devoured them, I ate both of their Soul’s and felt the real power they held infuse into me, the two will forever cease to exist as I made sure they died and stayed dead.

It’s…it’s finally done…

To be continued...