• Published 6th May 2016
  • 6,632 Views, 30 Comments

Lone wolf in Equestria - Xinrick

A depressed man is forced to have friends...sadly that depressed man is me.

  • ...

The Storm

“So we’re finally going to take the fight to Nightmare?” Lillinette asked, lightly swinging her sword as she seemed ready for a fight. “It’s about time, I was getting bored with all this peace and quiet.”

“Yes, we have to deal with some monster’s first roaming the country before we finally head to the Frozen Heart, just so we get a bit more experience with the things.” I explained.

“It’ll at least give me some actual combat experience.” Claire admitted.

"Should we go at them as a group or split up?" Lillinette asked.

"To start we should go as a group, cause Claire hasn't done much fighting on her own and we might need to fuze for our real power Lilinette." I stated.

"You just want to fuse to have a power trip fantasy." Lillinette said.

"We've only fuzed once and we haven't seen what'll happen now." I pointed out.

"Yeah, sure." She chuckled. "So, where are we heading first?"

"The closest group is out in Appleloosa, so we'll fly there and take them out and hopefully nobody got hurt." I said readily.

"Alright, let's bolt." Claire said as we immediately made way towards Appaloosa.

It was a short trip thanks to Sonido power, and we arrived to see what looked to be some kind of mass of skeletons in an almost tumbleweed look held together by that dark energy and they were breaking down buildings.

"Well…accurate for the setting." I said carefully. "Who wants to take the first crack at it?”

"I got this." Lillinette said, drawing her sword out and began hacking at the ones that were destroying buildings first to help the people inside. Claire and I quickly provided back up and kept others at bay and destroyed them. They were huge but thankfully not that tough.

Still, there was more here than I was expecting and destroying the lot of them took us an hour.

"Well, at least these things aren't too tough." I said carefully. "How you doing Claire?"

"Better than I was expecting." She admitted. "So, where next?"

"Next up would be this rogue town down south, but I just want to make sure the townspeople are doing okay first." I said.

“Alright, let’s rush over to the south.” Lillinette said as we made haste to the south, after thankfully seeing all the townsfolk unharmed.

We arrived at the Badlands far south of Equestria. Here we found a huge town of scrap metal, junk and such. The citizens of which were various unfamiliar creatures that all were trying to fight back against the monsters. Most were losing badly.

The ones here were a mix of bone, that black ooze and metal, giving them natural armor and weapons. Some of which were still usable mechanically. Drills, saw blades, welding torches.

"Damn it, these things are working fast." I growled, leaping forward and cutting down a monster that was about to attack a bipedal cat man.

“Did they assimilate the tools into them or did they have them?” Lillinette asked as she was hacking through their metal armored bodies. “Though not gonna lie, I love these designs.”

"They do look neat," Claire admitted, breaking off one of the creatures buzzsaw arms and flipping it around and tearing into it. "Just a bitch to fight these things and keep the locals safe."

These monsters were their own challenge but at least we got them all. Took longer cause this city’s layout is fucking stupid.

“Alright, now where Next?” Claire asked.

I looked over, seeing many of the people gathering the wounded and hopefully things will go alright as I know the Crown will send aid. "Next up is northwest, a Thestral village named Shadow's Haven."

With a nod, we all quickly made way to the northwest. The town was built partly into a mountain, a huge cave entrance and was rather large. It was more like a city than a village.

The ones here were a mix of stone golems and flying beasts with wings made from broken rib cages.

"Well, at least they're having some weird theme with bones." I said carefully.

"Yeah…never thought we'd be a part of a war on bones." Claire chuckled.

"We're not Yakuza but the reference fits." I admitted, rushing forward with the others to deal with the golems.

We began taking out the airborne ones as fast as possible. The rock golem ones were slower, but also tanky.

The lot of these fuckers were the biggest hassle to deal with. Even if we could take them out easy enough, they had numbers.

“Ugh, this is taking a long time.” Claire huffed.

“They’re just gonna keep coming unless we can take out the source.” Lillinette said.

“Yeah, we’re going to need to take this fight to Nightmare.” I stated. “So wherever the hell the Frozen Heart is.”

“... Leaf said that the heart of the world, where all life came from was at the northmost point of Equis.”

“All that’s north is the Frozen North, where the Crystal Empire and Yak Kingdom are.” Lillinette said.

“Well, let’s head up there and hope that they weren’t taken over.” I said simply. “And we’ll probably also see the fuzed Wendigo and Andy and Ann again.”

“Alright, to the north then.” Claire said.

Nightmare looked up into the sky of the birthplace of Life. “They’re finally making their move.”

“It’s about time!”

“Bitch can barely handle our pestering, at least he could be on our time table for once.”

“...As long as I get my wish…”

“That wolf will die for killing our sister!”

“Good.” Nightmare nodded. “Then off with you to have your fun…I have preparations to make.”

As the three of us flew off, we made a quick pit stop back home as I gave my family a hug and a warning about what the hell we were about to do, and while Krost practically begged to join us, he offered his Flame, a special thing Dragon’s can do to ‘enchant’ our weapons, and we took it as this also would count as finishing Krost’s destiny as this would technically be him killing those Siren’s.

With one more goodbye hugs all around, the three of us flew off and after a while we finally made it to the Frozen Heart. “Fuck it’s cold!” I shivered.

“No shit…” Lillinette grumbled.

“You’d think this place would be snowing…” Claire said.

“Apparently it’s so cold that there’s literally no moisture in the air.” I said, as I looked around the place…only to see the fuzed Siren rushing towards us.

“I got this bitch.” Lily growled, drawing her sword that looked more like a giant reverse hook than a sword as it burst into flames and she launched herself at the Siren.

“You sure she’s got this?” Claire asked nervously.

“Yeah…while she was weak before, I know for a fact she’s strong now.” I said with a smile, seeing the clash that shook the very air itself, the flames of an ancient Arrancar Dragon heating up the land as the two fought.

I stood there, watching the two fight, Green Cero’s and Nightmare infused Ice attacks flying around, the sound of metal striking metal resounding in my ears, but it was only a matter of time as I saw the plumes of Dragon Fire bursting forth with each strike, making the Siren weaker and weaker.

When Lillinette was about to deliver the final blow, a dark haze wrapped around the Siren and they vanished. “You stole my kill you abstract fuck!” Lily shouted in anger, waving her sword in the air in a huff.

“You okay there Lily!?” I called out, as she flew back and she looked a bit bruised and covered in black ice.

“Eh, I’ll live.” My other half grumbled, brushing off the ice.

“You should have just left well enough alone.” We all looked over, and saw Leaf trotting him, his fur having a darker tint as his broken hollow mask was connected to more bone that tried to act like armor. “Just let life die out…it would have been better for everyone.”

“Not if I have anything to say about it you fucking liar.” Claire growled. “You said you loved the town that I helped take care of, I know you still care, you just need someone to pull you out of this stupid bargain.”

“...It’s too late for me Claire…” He sighed, as he put a hoof to the ground and shadowy vines and other such nightmarish plant life burst from the ground in writhed, ready to start this fight.

Claire sighed. “I’m sorry then…” She said, drawing her sword and bringing it up to chest height, and put her other hand on the back of the blade. “Praise…” She said as the ground cracked underneath her. “Capricorn Knight.” She said through her chant as she let out her now well trained Resurreccion form, brandishing her double sided lance. “You asked for this…” She said, pulling back her throwing arm and gripping it tight, rearing herself up. “Lanzador…Verde!” She shouted, slamming her hooves into the ground as she chucked her spear as hard as she could.

The Vines and Plants tried to intercept said spear, but either they were too slow from the sheer speed, or they were vaporized as the spear spun faster and faster as it collected more and more physical and spiritual power. Claire was already running hard and fast towards Leaf as she knew he was likely to dodge it.

“Claire please! Just give up!” Leaf tried to plead, even as he tried to get more plants to block the drill like attack.

“I will never give up, I gave up once and was proven wrong with the love of my life back by my side!” She snapped, as the lance drove into the ground and caused a massive explosion as Leaf dodged it, vines lashing out at the centaur while she fought against them, pulling out her spear from the ground and cutting away the vines. “Never again…”

“Gaea Cero!” Leaf shouted, slamming his hoof into the ground as the ground underneath Clare erupted with Spiritual Energy, managing to hit the Capricorn Knight…but Leaf’s face grew into that of horror as Claire was literally swallowing the Cero, before opening her mouth as a Cero twice as strong and twice the size was blasted at Leaf.

“Cero Dobie…never thought she’d be able to do it in this combat situation.” Lily admitted.

“I’m still concerned, she’s taking too many hits…” I grumbled.

“Oh don’t be a baby, she’s a strong girl and can take it.” Lily told me.

“Yeah I know…” I sighed, seeing her scratched and bruised from the few stray plant hits and the powerful Cero attack she took.

“You have a chance to enjoy life, you don’t have to do this…” Claire pleaded.

“Sorry Claire…I don’t have that choi-” Leaf was cut off as he…suddenly had Nightmare’s hand through his chest, being lifted up.

“Oh spare me.” Nightmare scoffed, as we all heard the screams of the Siren’s. “You get to die like I promised you Leaf, but you get to die how I see fit, and what better way to watch someone die is have their consciousness be stuck watching their body become a mindless abomination of death?” Nightmare laughed as both Siren’s spirits…were forcibly fuzed into Leaf, as the poor zebra stallion roared in pain and agony as they struggled against the unwanted fusion.

“Oh you’ve gotta be fucking with me…” I muttered in horror.

“What’s going on!?” Claire shouted, backing away quickly.

“She’s doing a Soul Fusion! I thought they would need some ritual runes or something…” I said in a panic.

“Oh my sweet summer child…you’re not the only one with ‘friends’ on the other side.” Nightmare said, them giving me a snarky bone chilling grin as they flashed razor sharp teeth. “Now be a good trio and die for me, I have more important thing’s to do.” They said, throwing the thrashing and twitching Leaf as they struggled to get cohesion back to their bodies.

“Nightmare!” I roared and lunged at them, but they teleported away with some dumbass evil laugh.

“Claire! Catch!” Lily shouted as she threw something at Claire, who caught it quickly.

“What is it?” Claire asked, looking at…is that what I think it is?

“It’s the Hogyoku, don’t fuck this up.” Lily said as Claire and I leaped back as we sensed an enormous amount of energy spring forth from Leaf’s body.

“K-kill…m-me!” Leaf pleaded as he coughed up that black goo from all the other creatures, it hitting the ground as ice and plant life lunged and pierced his body and wrapped around him, the trio of screams quickly becoming silenced as a growing mass of flesh, bone, ice and plant life grew in size as it roared in mindless rage, an ethereal mist surrounding it’s body as it slammed it’s ‘hoof’ into the ground, it’s spiritual pressure feeling like a fuck ton of bricks just slammed into all of us as the same pressure was cracking the ground around us.

“Well that’s not good…” I muttered.

“Just say the magic words that fancy orb is telling you.” Lily told Claire.

“R-right…” Claire said, taking a deep breath and clenching down on the crystal sphere and her jousting lance. “Descend!” She shouted, her entire body producing a new pink colored spirit energy. “Fallen Capricorn!” An explosion of Pink energy surrounded Claire as she obtained her second Resurreccion…

Her new form lost the hollow mask that was acting more like the top of a helmet and replaced by four black and white horns curling skyward, she lost her clothing as her human upper part was covered with fur around her breasts with pink markings across her upper body as her equine half had darker fur all over as her tail ended with pink reiatsu flames, I saw her open her eyes as they were blackened pupils with slit like iris’s, and the last thing was her double sided jousting lance was more akin to an Energy Spear that was made of her new pink Reiatsu.

“Damn…” I said in surprise.

“I know you're still in there Leaf…” Claire said, lightly pawing at the ground as she readied her spear. “But I’ll give you the peace you want.”

The beast roared and charged at Claire, ice and plants growing and lashing out at Claire as she vanished away from the attacks, pointing the tip of her spear and impaling the shadow creature, blasting it backwards but it remained on it’s hooves, the wound regenerating rather fast. “Fine…if you want to play it like that…” She said, as she lifted her spear…and ate it…all the way down to the hilt…

“Focus there, horn dog!” Lily snapped as I shook my head, only to see her body glow with energy.

“Danza de la Lanza Cero.” She said, before opening her mouth and an orb appeared in the middle of her four horns, before she fired two extremely powerful beams of energy that swirled together into the form of a Lance, as I watched it pierce through the Beast, and I watched…and smelled it’s death was here, it’s regeneration failing as it couldn’t handle the sheer might of the signature move of a Second Released Arrancar. After the energy blast vanished and what was left of the beast dissolved, Claire fell to her knees as her body forcefully changed back to her base form, the woman panting heavily from the power. “Holy hell…”

I rushed to her side and checked her. “You okay Claire?”

“Y-yeah…yeah I’m good…” Claire said as I gently took the Hogyoku for later. “Just…need to catch my breath, that was a lot of power I used up…”

“Take your time my love…cause it’s my turn.” I said, smelling both my Nightmares, Andy and Ann.

“Well it’s about fucking time ya worthless sack of shit.” Andy stated.

“And look at you, ya finally came out of the closest ya fucking furry.” Ann added.

“I’m also openly bisexual with a loving angel femboy back home.” I stated, catching the both of them off guard.

“Oi! You’re not allowed to be happy, the fuck!” Andy snapped.

“Oh yeah, I’m also finally dating Claire here.” I stated.

“And I’m pregnant.” Claire added.

“...WHAT!?!” Both Vasto Lorde nightmares that were haunting me for so long shouted in confusion and anger.

“And while you two chucklefucks were too busy sucking Nightmare’s dick, I got my life in order and haven’t been happier.” I said with a smile, gently putting a hand on Lilinette’s head and absorbing her back into myself to start this. “So how’s about we do this right shall we?” I growled.

“Oh no you don’t!” They both shouted at the same time, the two suddenly shifting their bodies into something that fit their bullshit as Andy turned into a pitch black furred behemoth with bones jutting out of it’s body and around it to act like a natural armor, and Ann turning into what I can only assume is if Ursula fuzed with a Cyclops and probably had psychic powers. “YOU WILL DIE LIKE YOU SHOULD HAVE YEARS AGO”

“Kick about.” I growled as I saw the two try and attack me, Andy with his giant claw and Ann with a spear made up of that black goo and bone. “Los Lobos.” I said, knocking them both away from the powerful shockwave of using my Resurrection after so long, as I looked down at myself and saw that I was still wearing my usual clothing for this form. “Ready to kick their asses?” I asked Lillinette.

“Hell yeah!” I heard my other half cheer from my pistol’s, as I raised both pistol’s and fired powerful Cero bullet’s at the both of them and knocked them away.

“Oh you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me…” I heard Andy growl as he tried to bullrush me, but I side stepped the Behemoth’s attack’s and pelted him with more Cero Shots.

“Come on bitch! Not so high and mighty now that I can kick your ass!?” I laughed, tossing my right pistol up in the air and backhanding Andy away like the bitch he was. “Come on! I thought you were going to kill me!?”

“We are!” Ann shouted, raising several pieces of earth from the ground in the shape of spears and threw them at me.

I grabbed my right pistol and aimed it. “Cero Metralleta.” I said, as I let out my machine gun Cero that disintegrated the attack but she still managed to dodge it but just barely.

And so it went on for what was probably a good five minutes, each one of my inner demon’s struggling against my new powers as I kept up my battle, practically toying with them as I never thought I would have been this strong in my Resurreccion form. “I’m bored.”

“What!?” The two shouted, even if they’re regeneration helped they were still battered and bruised, panting from exhaustion.

“I said I’m bored. You two are boring me.” I said. “So just so you know…this wasn’t a two on two.” I said, tossing my pistols in the air as they disappeared, the bandoleers on my back glowing and shooting out from my back. “It’s two against twenty two.” I growled, as I let out a commanding howl as each of the bandoleers turned into wolves that were warming around the two of them, as I heard them struggle and thrash as each wolf tried to tear them to pieces without ever exploding.

“This…can’t be…” Andy groaned as he fell to the ground.

“It’s…impossible…” Ann said breathlessly, as she kept herself propped up by a staff as the two of them were bleeding messes.

“Good job.” I said, lightly petting one of my wolves as they all formed back into my pistols. I walked over and put the barrels against both of their heads. “Any last words?”

“You’re a worthless sack of shit.” Andy growled.

“You don’t deserve the happiness you’ve obtained.” Ann stated.

“Eh, I didn’t expect much else.” I said, as I pulled the trigger…

“Oh, what a poor sport we are.” Nightmare teased, as they were now holding both the beaten creatures by their heads, saving them from their death’s. “I still have some uses for them, so don’t want to ruin any more surprises.” Nightmare said with a smile as they teleported away.

“NIGHTMARE!” I shouted in rage.

“Meet me in the Center of Life, you can’t miss it.” We all heard Nightmare say. “I’ll be waiting~.”

To be continued...