• Published 6th May 2016
  • 6,622 Views, 30 Comments

Lone wolf in Equestria - Xinrick

A depressed man is forced to have friends...sadly that depressed man is me.

  • ...

Chapter 7

The next few months were going by fairly simply. Derpy went to the doctors regularly to make sure the baby was developing fine and so far it seems to be taking the shape of an anthropomorphic Pegasus.

It's also a girl.

Her cravings have been on and off and each time they're on it's crazy. Fish and peanut butter, Apples dipped in ranch, Root Beer and Lemonade mixed together.

Pineapple on pizza.

When I'm not tending to her needs and shopping for groceries, and stockpiling diapers I'm training with my teacher or helping Dinky.

So my life has been very busy the last few months. I'm tired as all hell but I'm not miserable. I find myself happy at the end of the day and thankful.

That being said I have not had the time to meet with or find my changeling friend.

“I do have to wonder where my changeling friend is…” I hummed. “Though I also have to hunt down the other Arrancar on this planet…ugh, so many people to find and not a lot of time…”

I sighed but shook it off, heading back home and-

"Hey Starrk." Polka Dot waved as she was having Tea with Derpy.

“And where the hell have you been?” I asked. “I was actually looking for you.”

"Oh I've been here." She said simply. I raised a brow then in a flash of purple flames she was Derpy, pregnancy belly and all. "We've been swapping turns for the past two months." She said in Derpy's voice.

"It was all her idea but I promise there is a good reason for it." Derpy, actual Derpy, said.

“Would have liked to know that sooner…” I sighed. “So…did I get you pregnant as well Polka?”

A small flash of purple and Polka had her Derpy disguise change the eyes back to her normal ones. When she spoke it was also her voice. "Oh no, this is an illusion." She poked the fake pregnant belly. "And don't worry, each time you were with Derpy it really was her. I'd never trick you Into that. But we did kiss a few times."

"Polkadot offered to help me by taking my shifts at work until paternity leave kicks in as well as helping around the house and manage the renovations when that was happening. In exchange I got examined by doctors at her hive since the Assistant is a high value item of interest, my body's new special cells that are like yours, and to keep tabs on my pregnancy since a hybrid of this kind hasn't been seen in Eques ever." Derpy finished

“Alright, that’s good to know.” I nodded. “So Polkadot, have you heard of any locations involving creatures like me and Grover?”

"Three defiants." Polkadot said with a nod. "We've also found where Nightmare and her two goons are located."

"Great, great and…wait, three?" I asked, thinking there should be more but not sure.

"That's just what we've found so far. It would seem they are very good at hiding and are keeping their energies and influences low."

“Alright.” I nodded. “Where are all these being’s and where’s Nightmare.”

"Two are in the Zebra lands, one in the Dragon Lands, and Nightmare and her goons are all in The Frozen Heart."

"How?" Derpy asked. "That place is supposed to be at absolute zero. Nothing can live there."

"They aren't exactly alive." Polkadot added.

Okay, two in the Zebra Lands, one in the Dragon Lands, and wherever this apparently frozen hell place called the Frozen Heart is…

“Alright…so I think the Zebra Lands are the closest, and given there’s two there, I can hopefully get some extra training in.” I said readily.

"Unless you want to sail across the East Seas, traveling across the West Oceans take us to the Dragon Lands then by air or land we can travel to the Zebra Lands." Polkadot said.

"Plus, I am pregnant so I can't really go and if you do go you might miss our daughter's birth." Derpy added.

“Yeah, and I really don’t want to miss our daughter's birth.” I said honestly. “That is a very special moment I don’t want to miss.”

"So, stay until she's born then after a while you can head off. And if need be I can have Derpy and her foals move to the hive. It's much safer and more secure if attacked than Ponyville." Polkadot added… "Are you staring at my fake pregnant Derpy belly?"

“No.” I said quickly, blushing at the accusation and being discovered. “Why would I?”

"Hehe, because you're a pervert for milfs." Derpy said. "And I, and this foal, are proof."

“I thought I could trust you Derpy, and you just…call me out like that?” I whined playfully.

"Huh. I figured you'd be a pervert, part of why I liked you." Polkadot said. "If you want I'd be open to keeping the disguise up while you rutt me senseless." My crimson red deepened. "Best part is despite how real this form looks it's completely fake so be as rough as you like~"

"Oh he's plenty rough with the real deal, and I for one sleep much better after the fact." Derpy said.


"Oh yes. I won't lie it was a bit awkward given the difference in anatomy at first but he more than makes up for that with his hands. And tongue."

"Oh, well now I'm very interested."

What is happening?

"Can we not talk about our sex life please?" I asked nervously, so confused and concerned as to why this entire conversation is happening.

"So would you say in that human form your Assistant let's you take it better?" Polkadot asked Derpy, the two completely ignoring the fact I'm here.

"I wanna say yes but for different reasons. For one, the anatomy does make things fit and feel more like they should but also the areas he grabs and squeezes are so much more sensitive, especially the teats." Derpy replied.

"Makes sense. So, does this mean I get to become a member in this relationship?"

"I don't mind, you've already been a big help, have an interest in Starrk and we all already seem to share the same or similar kinks."

What in the actual Fuck is happening?!

"Awesome! So, when do I get my roll with the stud?"

"I'd say at least after a few dates first. Starrk and I went on about four before eventually his tutor caught me eyeing him from a cloud while they trained and our sex life started." Derpy said with a shrug.

"Four dates then regular hot and sweaty action? Sounds like a plan. Don't suppose you'd also be into a Shapeshifting kinky bug too?"

"Oh definitely. One it would drive Starrk wild, plus it's only right to try it out being in a herd."

“The fuck is happening!?” I asked, taking a cursory glance around and the place looked more like a steam room with how much I was apparently producing from how embarrassing and lewd this conversation was.

"So when should my first date with Starrk be?" Polkadot asked.

"How about tonight?" Derpy replied.

"Sounds good. I'll go get ready." With that, Polkadot dropped her whole Derpy disguise and headed off.

"I guess you should get ready for your date with Polkadot too Starrk." Derpy said.

“Oh, so now I exist.” I groaned.

"So you don't want to go on a date with her?"

“I never said that, but you two were busy ignoring anything I had to say.” I frowned. “Which was mostly, where the hell did this conversation come from.”

"We're both mares Starrk, we like to talk about the males we are into, or mares, and especially like to talk about the bedroom stuff. And since Polkadot is going to be part of this herd I gave her a little info on how it will be once you and her get to that physical point."

I'm never gonna get girls…

I rubbed my temples. “But why in front of me?” I asked nervously. “Ech, whatever…so tonight we’re having a date…”

"That's right. Now come on, You need a shower and I need to get my nightly fill so I can sleep while you're out."

Wait what- Oh!

After a… shower with Derpy, I dried her off and tucked her in for bed and I got ready. I got some casual clothes and such on and around nine thirty Polkadot knocked on the door.

I opened it and…

Standing at the doorway was a woman with purple eyes, hair, almost pale skin tone and wore a whort skirt, a polkadot tank top, and polkadot sneakers. "Hey Starrk." Polkadot said… holy-

Her chest and butt look amazing….

I shook my head. “Uh, hey there Polkadot…I see you have…outdone yourself.” I said carefully.

"Well I do have experience Shapeshifting as a human and I figured something like this would be a good way to catch your eye right off the bat." She said, shaking her… woah… "I see I was right."

“Lady please…” I groaned. “We’re supposed to have a date…not immediately going to bed here…”

"I know, but that doesn't mean I can't tease and flaunt~" She purred, taking my hand and practicing dragging me outside.

Once I made sure the door was locked we left and began walking down the street. Ponyville had a very different feel at night. It was still a quaint little town but there was a distinct sense of a hidden other side as bars, night clubs and such opened up. Even the open late restaurants seemed to adopt the more 'For Adults' theme in their tone.

"So, where shall we go first?" Polkadot asked, clinging to my arm like a second skin…

Hers is… incredibly soft…

“God give me strength…” I thought to myself as I took a deep breath. “Well…want to see a movie?”

"Sure. Anything good playing here?" We walked to the theater and there was three movies playing. Ka-Boom the Movie, Mighty Mare, and Infect. Huh… "Not much selection…" Polkadot said.

“Yeah…” I frowned. “Which one seems interesting for ya?”

"Infected looks neat and different."

The poster showed a pony's eye but it was slightly fogged and seemed completely filled with worms. Gross…

“Horror movie it is.” I said honestly.

We bought the tickets and after getting snacks all got seated.

The movie was… actually, really good. I'm assuming magic played heavily into the special effects and such but it was a really good movie about a near planetary Armageddon due to a new species of parasitic worms.

It kinda reminded me a bit of World War Z with the immune all having terminal illnesses that can also be treated.

In the end it was an okay horror movie. Didn't end up an action movie since there were no guns too so, nice.

"Well that was fun." Polkadot said as we exited the theater.

“Yeah, it was.” I said honestly. “Was a lot better than I thought it would be.”

"So, anything else you wanna do?"

“Get something to eat?” I suggested. “There should be a place open right now.”


We got a quick meal, nothing fancy was open but we enjoyed a Haybirgers, which are not made from hay but actually soy beans, and then began to walk home.

“Well, this date went well.” I said happily.

"Yeah. It was simple but enjoyable. I look forward to our next."

I nodded as I went inside, changed into some sleepwear and got in bed next to Derpy…

I then felt two arms wrap around me that were definitely not my bubble butt baby mamma's hooves. These had fingers!

“Uh…” I muttered, looking over to see who just decided to do some impromptu cuddles.

Behind me was Polkadot, still in a human form only this time in just her tank top and underwear as she cuddled up right against my back- Oh my god it's like a heated body pillow…~

"Night Starrk~" Polkadot said.

“Night…” I yawned, closing my eyes as I felt…really good about thing’s right now with both my girlfriends. “I hope I can find you Claire…cause I’m sure you’ll enjoy this just as much as me…” I thought to myself, really hoping to find the love of my life and bring her to meet my two horny lovers.

"Ouch!" Claire yelped as she was knocked back into the stone wall behind her. Her mentor, the Zebra Arrancar of Earth, had thrown her so often into the stone walls she had imprints of her face and craters in the shape of her body in some places.

"You're trying too hard to hit your mark." The Zebra, a stallion named Herb stated.

“Yeah yeah…” Claire grumbled, getting out of the newest indentation and rolling her shoulders. “Go with the flow and all that fancy shit…” She said, getting annoyed at how difficult this was and the fact she kept faililng.

"Even a Mighty boulder moves at the mercy of a fall when rolling down the mountain side. Brute force alone is not enough to win in a fight."

Claire wanted to argue, but considering how many times she’s tripped over a small rock the bastard created it annoyed her that he was right. “Then how the hell am I supposed to go about this? Cause I’ve tried it your way and currently I’ve made some weird face art in the dirt.”

"The strength of stone can give you the power to defeat all around you, but stone can break stone, water and the wind, the fires of the worlds heart all can render this strength futile. To keep it strong you must move with the flow of water, let winds carrying you and endure the fire, otherwise your strength is but sand." Herb said.

Claire sighed…but then remembered, she was Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck, the Capricorn Knight…maybe…”I…think I have an idea…” She said, gently kicking her foot into the ground like a horse would paw at the ground, trying to feel it out as she knew her released form was that of a Centaur. “Just…gotta feel it out…” She muttered, trying to feel it out with each rhythmic kick to the ground.

Suddenly she felt a bit taller. Looking down she was indeed now a Centaur. Claire jumped in excitement… only to crash on her side due to not yet understanding quadruped balancing.

"That looked like it hurt…" Herb said, wincing.

“This…is very weird.” Claire said carefully, trying to get up shakily as she looked over herself. “I didn’t say my release chant…I just…turned into Capricorn Knight…that’s really weird…” She stated, wearily standing on all four of her new hooven legs.

"It appears you will need a foal's lessons in walking with all four legs."

“Cause that’s what I need at the moment, to relearn how to walk…” Claire grumbled. “Ugh…great, now how am I going to turn back? I just tried to feel it out with my powers…and now I’m a fluffy horse.”

"Perhaps this is a power we should explore, before returning to our normal training."

“Yeah, this would take up a lot of our time…” Claire said carefully, noting her new double sided lance that replaced her katana. “Yeah…this is my release form…” Claire frowned, now super confused by this.

The months blurred and went by quickly. Polkadot and I were not physically intimate with one another just as much as I was with Derpy, who has recently birthed our foal. She has Derpy's coat and mane colors, Pegasi wings, but a human-like body, hands, feet, bipedal, and also has my eyes.

We named her Daisy Doo.

And boy, she is a crier. Mornings. Evenings. Night…

She has some strong lungs… just like her mom…

There is legit only one thing that stops her from crying…

"I still don't know why she sleeps so easily when that horror movie is playing…" Derpy grumbled, Daisy now blissfully asleep as the blood curdling screams of dying ponies from the Infection movie Polkadot and I saw on our first date. She bought the movie to watch with Derpy and that ended up being what made Daisy sleep.

We've kept the movie on loop as often as possible.

“I…I don’t know why…and that kind of scares me…” I said nervously.

"Well, if she inherited Starrks abilities, maybe it's because she's half undead?" Polkadot offered, handing Derpy and I each a large mug/soup bowl of coffee each.

“I mean…that’s possible..” I said carefully. “Hmm…” I hummed, pulling up my Assistant and using it’s scan function on my daughter to see what is special about her.

Name: Daisy Doo
Species: Hybrid. Half Equis Equin Pegasus, Half Human-Arrancar.
Gender: Female.

“Well, she is half arrancar, yes.” I nodded. “So…maybe? This is still mildly concerning.”

"All it took Dinky to nod off was a lullaby and her favorite plushie…" Derpy sighed. "Guess it's true what they say, each foal is different. Those mares who say each of their foals was the same as a baby can shove it…" She hissed, drinking her soup bowl mug of coffee in four gulps.

“Yeah…” I said, yawning from all the times she just didn’t want to go to sleep. “Love her to death…but I miss sleep…”

"Why aren't you tired Polkadot?" Derpy asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Changeling Biology. One of the few unifying traits across our sister species and my own aside from Shapeshifting is that we also require either one hour of sleep a day or one day a week where we sleep eight hours." She stated.

“Lucky.” I grumbled.

"Yeah… wait, if you only need to sleep for an hour a day or eight hours one day a week then what are you doing those hours Starrk and I are asleep?" Derpy asked.

"Reading, playing some games, checking on Daisy and making sure the film is still on loop, watching documentaries, might do a live stream every now and then, and before you two and Dinky wake up I start on breakfast." Polkadot said.

“Huh…right then.” I nodded. “So…just gonna be a little longer before I have to head off to the Zebra Lands…even though I want to be here for Daisy…” I sighed, really wishing I could be here for my family, but knowing there’s important shit to do that helps keep my family safe from the looming threat.

"Guess that means Dinky, Daisy and I will all be moving into your hive when Starrk leaves huh?" Derpy asked.

"My place can easily house everyone. Plus odds are Dinky will gain the best education on the planet once enrolled, far surpassing the Equestrian Education System." Polkadot said.

"Well, that's good. Think I'll try and take a nap for a while…"

"You just drank like half a coffee pot?"

"That's how tired I am…" Derpy said sleepily.

“I don’t drink coffee, that’s a crutch for the pure spite that’s coursing through my veins…” I said sleepily.

“You’ve drunk three cases of energy drinks.” Polkadot pointed out.

“Pure spite…” I yawned.

I stood up, wobbled, then fell back on the couch… oh blissful sleep I missed you…

I woke up some time later in bed on/next to Derpy. I felt better and my Pegasus love was sleepily clinging to me like static electricity.

I hugged Derpy, glad to have gotten some blissful sleep as I was just…so happy that everything’s been going well right now.

I stayed there with her and fell back asleep again, and eventually we both woke up some time later.

"Ugh… I feel better, yet also worse…" Derpy groaned as she rubbed her eyes.

"I'd say." Polkadot said as she walked in, levitating food and drinks to us both. "You two have been asleep for thirty six hours."

“Oh my god…” I muttered. “Thirty six hours? Ech…”

Derpy and I ate our given meals in bed before getting up, feeling more refreshed than I have since Daisy was born… damn. Didn't know Arrancar could even get back pain…

I gave Derpy, Polkadot, Daisy and Ditsy a kiss goodbye then ran to find my mentor. I've missed a day sleeping through it.

I went to the spot and… where is he? Oh he better not be at the bar again…

I went off to the bar, trying to sense the old bird’s spiritual energy and hoping to find him before I hit the bar cause I really did not want to see him at the bar again.

Oddly, I didn't find them here. While I was glad of that I did find it strange.

I decided to check my place and nothing here either. I did see Fluffy sleeping on the couch though.

“Hey Fluffy.” I said carefully to the sleeping fluff ball, wondering what they were doing sleeping on my couch.

They woke up, looking up at me and pulled out a sign. 'What's up?'

“Have you seen Grover?” I asked. “I looked in our usual training spot and the bar but didn’t find him anywhere.

'He's gone.'

“Like…gone as in he left this country or gone as in he’s…dead?” I asked slowly.

'He was done training you, so, we let him move on. That was a week ago.'

“Oh…” I muttered. “I…didn’t know…” I said nervously. “Bastard could have at least said goodbye instead of worrying me…”

'You had a newborn daughter to tend to. As is you were on auto pilot on his last few lessons so he felt you needed to worry more about your family than, in his own words, old drunk turkey ass.'

“The fact that I was still there to train with him, even if I was running on literally no sleep and my blood type could be described as Diet Monster Energy…” I sighed. “Couldn’t have at least waited till I was fully cognizant…but hopefully he’s happy being with his significant other.”

'I can, with honesty tell you, he's happier now than he has ever been in life.'

I actually smiled at learning that… heh. Guess you deserve it you old bird…

“Alright…well, good to know.” I nodded. “He deserves his rest…and now, onto the Zebra Lands to meet two Arrancars and hopefully catch up to whatever Nightmare has been doing with Ann and Andy.”

“My bones!”

“Oh shut up ya big babies.”

“So, anything I should worry about before trying to fly off towards the Zebra lands?”

'Well the better route is to travel to the dragon lands first, and I believe one of your Arrancars is there too aren't they?'

“Yes, there’s two Arrancars in the Zebra Lands actually.” I said honestly. “That’s why I’m thinking of heading there, but why do you think I should go to the Dragon Lands first?”

'For one, it won't leave you sailing in an air ship for three months over an ocean.'

“Damn, three months?” I asked in surprise. “I’m pretty sure I could run faster than that…just endurance through using Sonido would probably be a bitch and a half…actually, I haven’t really tested how long I can keep that up…” I said, reminding myself on how little I’ve practiced with my other Arrancar abilities.

'That still leaves you a month and two weeks running on water…'

“Bitch…” I sighed, really needing to train my speed then. “And…how long will it take me to get to the Dragon Lands?” I inquired. “And…if memory serves, you said that you, Princess and Crescent will help train me with things I’ve already learned, right?” I asked, hoping I remembered that bit correctly cause I still need training for a few things.

'if you insist on learning how to run on water at those speeds, add training time, four months. Also don't "bitch" me, I might be small but I will unbirth you and raise you with manners.'

“I didn’t need to know that, but I was saying ‘Bitch’ cause it would still take me a month to get there, plus I can fly.” I pointed out. “At least…technically? It’s been a while since I’ve last walked around in the sky…god I have been lacking on my hollow powers…” I frowned.

'You're a parent now. Expect that to happen.'

“I know I know…” I sighed. “Seriously, I’m super happy to be a dad but…I’m worried about Nightmare and any other monsters that might attack them, I know I’m one of the strongest people on this planet but…still…”

'Fair, you should have seen Princess as a first time dad and mom. You'd be surprised how quickly her adorable fluffy butt turned terrifying.'

“Hell hath no fury like a mother scorned.” I quoted simply.

'In Any case either way it's gonna take you a while to get to either place.'

I rubbed my temple. “Damn travel time…” I grumbled, wishing there was a faster way to get there, cause my training would take too long, airship would take too long…ugh. “How long till the Dragon lands?”

'By airship, little over a month.'

“And if I use your math for running there…”

'Two and a half months cause that's how long the running training is.'

I frowned. “Alright, so flying to the dragon land it is…” I said, hating how the training for my Sonido would take an extra month and a half.

To be continued...