• Published 6th May 2016
  • 6,631 Views, 30 Comments

Lone wolf in Equestria - Xinrick

A depressed man is forced to have friends...sadly that depressed man is me.

  • ...

Calm before the Storm

Washing off in the ocean is cold. It doesn’t help that the waves try and wash the stuff back on me…

“I…will never be clean…” I whined as I shuddered in horror. “Never…”

“It’s just puke…” Azul said from the beach, her head partly buried in the sand because, in her words ‘the sun had turned into a death ray when her eyes opened’.

“You literally threw up bile and jizz onto me, so yes, it’s more than ‘just puke’...”

“What’s jizz?”

“Another word for semen.” I said.

“What’s semen?”

I facepalmed. “Holy hell…’Seed’?” I asked, hoping she at least knew what the fuck that meant.

“Like… plant seeds?”

I looked at her…”Have you ever learned what Sex or Mating is and what a male produces?” I asked her.

“I know what mating is, and the males produce a weird white sticky fluid that makes babies.”

Well… basics at least… I forget that she’s ancient

“Well, that fluid that helps makes babies is called Semen, in some ways it’s called ‘Seed’ cause people claim that a woman’s private area is a ‘Fertile Field’, Jizz is just a word I don’t remember where it came from.” I explained.

“Oh… why was that in my puke? That doesn’t belong there…”

“We were…probably doing a lot of things that could have caused that.” I said nervously. “Like you sucking my dick and swallowing it or…me shoving it up your butt but who knows, we were both stupidly drunk.”

“... why would you put it in either of those!?”

“Because as people in time have learned, both of those spots can be pleasurable for people.” I admitted.

“But they’re gross! Poop comes out one and the other is meant for food! Plus males urinate from that organ too!”

“That’s because you don’t do those disgusting things during mating in those spots.” I told her. “Listen, it’s a thing that people figured out way after your time…” I sighed. “Well…knowing my luck…” I sighed, deciding to check and see if she was pregnant.

And… she is… Great…

“God damn it…” I thought to myself. “Okay, so you’re pregnant…and that most likely means a very powerful being is going to be born, even more than what was originally supposed to happen.”

"Oh… so… we are mates then?"

“Well…I suppose so, yes.” I admitted

"Yay! I'm pregnant and have a mate!" She said happily, taking her head out from under the sand and shaking it off. "What's that?" She asked, looking out into the sea.

I looked, seeing what looked to be some kind of… I wanna say giant octopus?

“Uh…not sure.” I said, deciding to swim after it to get a closer look.

I got closer and… oh…

It was an octopus… made from some kind of darkness, patchwork corpses rotting and held together by the darkness under them withered and wreathed unnaturally to a symphony of tearing meat and cracking bones as it seemed to be doing something to the water around it.

“Well…that’s not good…” I thought to myself carefully, as I decided to use my new Water bending to try and crush it underneath all the pressure.

It worked, thankfully without much effort. The darkness rapidly vanished and the corpses left behind all rotted to ash in seconds.

“Okay…the fuck was that?” I thought to myself worriedly, going back to the shore. “Hey, do you know any weird creature that looks like some patchwork corpse held together by breaking bones and a strange darkness?” I inquired.

"Sounds kinda like stories my dad told me."

“What kind of stories?” I inquired.

"About lands where the dead rose again because of some creepy goo that would flow out of the ground or how burial lands became infested with monsters made of the bodies of the dead."

“That’s…incredibly concerning.” I said carefully.

"Yeah. It's why Mom and dad moved here to this beach before I was born. That and some stupid wendigos were freezing everything so, my siblings and I were born here."

“Yeah, that makes sense.” I nodded. “Gonna have to talk to Celestia and Luna about this…want to come with me to my home?” I inquired.

"To… inland?"

“Yes, Inland, to the place you wanted to head towards for a long time.”

"Yes please." She nodded with a smile.

The girls were all surprised to see Azul. She was like a wide eyed child looking at all the shiny and all the new creatures and people. Polkadot was keeping her from making a mess of the place while I quickly left to see Celestia and Luna.

I found the rulers surrounded by scrolls and maps in their throne room.

“Hey Celestia, Luna, what’s up?” I inquired.

"Mike, there you are!" Celestia said, relief in her voice. "We've been getting reports of creatures appearing across Equestria. Some even seem to be appearing in lands our foreign agents are patrolling."

“Would these creatures be made out of corpses, bones and Darkness that I’m…now remembering fits the theme of Nightmare?” I asked carefully, as I was now remembering…just how long it’s been since I last saw the bastard.

"Yes." Luna nodded. "So far there are thirty sightings across Equestria and four we've received from foreign agents."

"Shit…" I growled. "I need to get moving fast, these sightings must mean Nightmare is doing some bullshit."

"Be careful. According to reports they're doing something to the magic in the areas, but what we don't know." Celestia said.

“Hmm…question, what is this ‘dark goo’ that Azule talked about when she mentioned a Story from two…million years ago.” I brought up. “She said it formed and collected around burial grounds and the like.”

The two sisters shared a look then looked at me flatly. "Mike, we may be old, but we are not that old." Luna said.

“It’s not like I could ask that question in casual conversation.” I admitted sheepishly. “Plus I’ve been really busy with stuff, but does a weird black goo stealing corpses ring any bells?”

"Hmm…" Celestia hummed. "Well, in old legends about the birthplace of life on Equis, it says that an evil force appeared, creating monsters that drove it's population away and spread us out across the continents of Equis." Celestia stated. "There isn't much detail but shortly after, the land was frozen by Wendigo ice magic."

“Yeah, Azule mentioned that was happening which was why her family moved to that island.” I admitted, scratching my chin. “Crap…we have to work fast before these numbers get out of control.”

"We have the locations already marked on this map." Luna said, levitating the map over to me.

I nodded and took the map, looking around for where I needed to rush to and murder these monsters. “Maybe I should bring Claire…getting some actual combat experience would be good for her…” I muttered, thinking her getting into an actual fight would help out with her wanting to get revenge on Leaf.

To be continued...